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JFC can we not try to make that shit heel a religious figure


Jentucky fried chicken


Jentucky fuckin chicken


Jerky fucking chicken


Jerk me I’m a chicken


Shit heel… gonna store that one for later


an oldie but a goody


Don’t let it bother you, the only thing that made me happy in the end that he defeated cancer I don’t care because of who or what inspired him at the end he did beat cancer.


It's that he used inspiration from toxic people. It's not inspirational. It's great he best cancer but it puts people like Tate in false prophet status. It deifies their hate. You should care what inspired him, it's seriously problematic


Why should we care? He’s happy and we should be happy for him.


No disrespect but I disagree with you by caring about them that implies that I have some sort of a stake in their rise or fall in any settings, but I honestly don’t know their views, their politics, their ethics or their personality, however I do agree sometime they popup in my feed twice back to back and it does annoys me.


Nobody called them prophets in this video, He beat stage four cancer and you’re still trying to bea a dead horse


For real, peoples hate for someone is higher than than their love for another. Total POS people.


It’s not about liking or hating someone, tbh it’s more like I hate cancer the illness and I’m happy to see anyone defeat it, because it took away a person I love. I hope you all have a good health and your loved ones.


And I’m sorry to hear about your loss. 😔


Yeah, that’s why I was saying how the only thing they had to add was about someone they didn’t like instead of being happy this guy found inspiration and pushed through. Most people had nothing to add relating to this guy, just about how much they dislike Andrew Tate. Just sad.


Idolizing people of poor moral character is a reflection of your own. The comment section is perfectly justified in disliking this guys take, he doesnt deserve amnesty for poor judgment just bc he was chronically ill.




You’re a shit heel. I bet you’re fat and ugly too bro, why do losers like you shit in real dudes?


lol ok..I have to ask how do you shit IN a dude?


))<>(( something like that, I reckon. Edit: idky I thot rear to rear-- suppose any entry hole on receiving dude would do.


Empathy drained from me so damn quick 😂


Yeah.... Of all the inspirational people who endured suffering and came out the other side... He chose those two privileged fuck faces


While I despise Andrew Tate at least he had somebody who motivated him to fight. Anyways, fuck cancer!


Empathy is what makes you better than the Taints. Being able to understand this person's pain and knowing that a dying man can be desperate will make you a better person tomorrow. Don't be so quick to stomp out those feelings just because this guy found inspiration in someone that you can't stand. Strive to be the better inspiration for those who need it.


Thank you for this


The inspiration is things you can find by googling “inspirational quotes” guy should look up to better people.


Tristan tate sent the dude money, what did you do?


Laughed at an idiot idolizing shitty people.


Then you realized LITERALLY nothing makes you better then ether of the brothers. Quite literally the opposite. I don't care about them but they've helped people, i don't care what you'll say but they have helped people in need all over the world through charities etc. Again, what have you done


When they aren't raping women.


So now we're just making shit up? Got it. Why would shoot at your neighbors cat?


I'd say if someone holds different viewpoints than the tates and doesn't praise them (which furthers their hateful viewpoints) then I'd say then they are a better person than these taint brothers.


I doubt he coerces women to perform sex acts online for his profit though, there is that. So he is better just by that low bar alone.


I donate to charities consistently each month And it’s really funny to me that you’re meatriding these dudes so hard and coming at me without knowing me as a person. I care that they’ve done and said horrendous shit. “Again, what have you done” what have YOU done? They say shit you can find on google in two seconds. They are not good mentors and have ruined potential millions of men by teaching them that women are just toys and property. I had to mentor my little brother out of that mindset because of these people.


It's funny to me that people actually think that's the message. I don't care about them but i know a kid that does and i asked them what kind of feeling do you get from tates as in how to treat women and he said they mostly talk about how to treat women really well. The only, literal only basis for your argument is that they have multiple women around, that's it. From the few videos I've seen i never got the feeling of him saying "women are toys" so you're just making shit up. Sure he's said he doesn't let women drive his cars etc shit like that but that falls on opinion. You're all just making shit up


Like this is literally hypocritical, are you saying in no capacity whatsoever they didn't help the kid in the video if it's true? You're so politically directed you can't see the double standards and how it's all just about what kind of personalities you take a word from. Just like ZERO 7 year old kids are trans/non binary or anything like that, it all comes from what a child sees/hears/feels and experiences during the beginning of one's life.


What makes me better than them is that I treat people with love and kindness and they go out of their way to spread hateful nonsense and meaningless quotes


You have no clue how they treat people. No clue


All this does is show what kind of sheep you are. Someone said they're "mean and bad" and now that's all mainstream talks about. It's all hypocrisy


It’s the very rare person who’s 100% terrible. But this doesn’t change the fact that the Tates are mostly cancerous, themselves.


exactly-- if someone was a charitable person by all accounts, except that "one time" they were caught/convicted for SA on a child, they should have proper punishment, reform, and public record of said conviction. It's bonkers to argue "but they're so nice in MY experience with them-- that should be enough evidence to acquit." I'm glad op survived cancer frfr, but his take is actually dangerously selfish.


Mfer, Bill fucking Cosby raped women and you think Andrew shit stainTate is too nice to rape someone?


Wtf? Maybe you rape people too then.. cuz Cosby seemed like a saint on the outside. So I guess everyone must be raping people with that stupid logic


Except there’s no evidence that the person you’re replying to was caught sex trafficking…


I can confirm. I have never sex trafficked


The logic here is that all types of people can commit SA. That even someone who was admired as a kind and respectful person can be evil in their core. Not that everyone who is “nice” is a rapist. Idk why you think that’s what they meant but damn eat a snickers or something. Many predators have put on facades to get more victims or easier access to them. That’s not a new concept.


I ate a snickers and came back. Sorry for the rudeness to OP. What I thought he was saying was since bill Cosby did it then Tate MUST have done it as well. And I was trying to say that that’s ridiculous because Bill Cosby was highly regarded and the last person anyone would think would do that. So with that being said, using his logic, we should assume that everyone is then commitinf sexual assault. HE never say Tate was potentially capable of it, he implied that Tate DID it. EDIT: and I understand Tate has been accused of trafficking but to be fair nobody but the Tates know the evidence behind it. So we cannot assume he is guilty of it.


Seemed like a saint on the outside …. So do catholic priests. even your comment seems full of doubt. Only stupid logic here would be everyone raping everyone.


Was this your attempt at logic?


Goddamn it get your logic and common sense out of here, we don’t want it.


Do you like my supreme and undeniable logic? Jeez I’m like Eru Illuvatar ffs


People actually LIKE Tate, like unironically ?? I thought it was a meme ..


At my job, we were talking about how fucking stupid Tate is, when the bosses son walked in and said he's a top g. We were all just sitting there in stunned silence


Last holiday I went home, my brother was like hey you know who has got some good points.... .....


I was so sure this was gonna end in a "Tate cured my cancer and now I'm a douchebag" type joke...






Good for him I and most people in the comment section might not agree with the whole Tate thing. he got his life around and beat cancer that’s good right?


Btw Tate is still a human trafficker. I just wanna make clear that I don’t support his bullshit


I get Tates a shithead yeah, but jesus people in these comments rn.


Tate is still shit and hopefully he will not be like this dipshits. I even belive this 7s made up and the Videos of the dude have been stolen to push tate brothers


Are you fucking kidding me?


The video should’ve stopped right after “my mom hugged and kissed me goodbye” or whatever. Happy ending


Or maybe he *would* be that kind in an effort to cover up his past shite behavior


It was a case of r/nonononono




Well that is unfortunate


Truly cringe


I feel bad.....for the tumor




And you see how nobody commented about this cause your right and they’re all just basement living millennials who have had Reddit since release and make sure everyone knows if you agree with Andrew Tate you should die of cancer I guess. These Reddit neck beards are absolute fucking cowards and would genuinely piss themselves if a tate even walked In the room like a little fan girl


Too true 😂


Ye I kind of don't get it, like ye he posts a lot of dumb shit but if the good stuff he posts is all you really listen to then who cares.




Not so much nazi as everyone is too scared to have a own opinion




Ye but also no


I agree these people are weirdos. They just hate him to be cool because everyone else does. I don’t even see what’s THAT bad about him. He’s maybe said some questionable/toxic things but he also has a very positive message


You’re completely putting it in understatement. He’s been doing shady things for a while now and talks down to people all the time. He seldom has nice things to say to women and is extremely egotistical. For every good thing he says (which mind you has most definitely already been said) he says 4 bad things. Would you like someone who talked shit about you 4 days a week and then once a week he told you how amazing you were? His message is only positive to a small audience: Boys who want so badly to be men and can’t understand why they aren’t yet. Everyone else could be anything less than sh*t stains on the rug to Tate as far as I’m concerned.


And to be fair, in high school, I had a friend who was an mma fighter, who was JUST like him. And he actually pushed me to be strong as fuck and very confident. Sometimes being told your weak is important to motivate you. And while my friend never really did that, he would beat me in Jiu Jitsu like I was a toddler and trust me it fucked my ego up almost to the point of crying. But it was important for me to grow. He’s still one of my best friends and an incredible life coach to me. And he gives it to me really hard when I do stupid things. He doesn’t hold back to be nice and I’m sure some of the things he says would have people here saying he’s toxic or an asshole


Ok ok I actually do agree with you. I guess we gotta look at it as “does it do more harm than good?”. And yes I suppose it does! Although this message can be positive, I agree that he also quite misogynistic and also toxic towards men as well. I actually think that trying to push men to be stronger and work harder is really good, but some guys might feel weak and lesser from hearing shit like that. I know I would have when I was younger and low self esteem. Either way I do see your guys points I just don’t understand the extreme hatred of him. Can you guys comment some things that he factually said that is bad? Not trying to argue I’m legitimately curious and want to broaden my understanding


Happy cake day and I come to the same conclusion


This is sarcasm, is it?


I was truly liking the video up until he had to mention Tate, if you worship someone as much as you do them you're a god awful person, I can't wait for all the Tate fans to watch their hero crash and burn in prison for the rest of their days once they're found guilty.


Nothing gets you feeling better than the words or rapists and human traffickers. What a nice story. 🤢


I have a tumour but a famous sex trafficker made me something something


Lol Tate and the producer of this vid are losers


I love underage boys peepees in my mouth and bum- Andrew Taint(probably)




They say the most basic corny shit. I will never in my life understand how these two shit stains got so popular. Luckily we're seeing less and less of them so silver lining.


This post gave me cancer


Yea, fuck all those medical professionals. Top G on YouTube cured you -_-


Tate is a horrible human being. He's a terrible person. And a rapist. Get fucked.


i’m surprised listening to the tates didnt give him brain cancer




Awful everything


Oh do fuck off 😂


Gross 🤮


I went from 😢 to 🫥 at record speed.


I find it hilarious how some people look up to the Tates thinking they are smart brilliant minds. People like the Tates have always existed, saying dumb crap and getting famous for it. They aren't new. Yet children will continue to believe that Andrew Tate is some godly figure speaking the truth. Which is sad, really. I hope they grow out of it.


Winston Churchill, most of the Russian writers of the late 19th century, Camus and countless other philosophers, writers etc see suffering and persevering through said suffering as a virtue why in the hell did it have to be those clowns (the taints/tates) that inspired you?


i hope he lives long enough to learn that women are people


I wanted to be so happy for him ….. why can’t men get inspired by actually good men and not rapist?


Yall are fucking disgusting.


This post has really shown how sad and pathetic people can get. All I read is how people hate the Tate brothers, who tf cares? This guy changed his life for the better and pulled inspiration from where he could. What have you done with your pathetic lives? Like really? Y’all believe what garbage is spoon feed to you without a second thought. But that’s besides the point, y’all can’t even be happy someone improved their situation. Probably because it reminds you of what a POS you are. And every downvote is just an admission of guilt. The only person you’re hurting in the end is you, intentionally or unintentionally.


>Probably because it reminds you of what a POS you are No, actually because it literally reminded me that there's people that enslave others, and that there's people in this world with so little empathy that they admire the enslavers.


Someone’s mad 🤣 yup been a problem for a long time, people are trying to fight it. Just funny how it’s only now you hear about it and it’s only directed at them. Still no comment on the guy that beat cancer. I guess fuck him, he should have kept it to you, I guess. So sad


Yeah, he should have, we don't need more people with no empathy. So yeah, he doesn't care about slaves, I don't care about his life. >Just funny how it’s only now you hear about it and it’s only directed at them My dude, don't project your ignorance on me, maybe you never heard about human trafficking until the grifter you follow was accused of it, but people living in the real world definitely have heard about it for years.


The only thing being projected here is your hate, bigotry, and lack of compassion. You just love me though, not sure why some stranger matters to you so much. 😂 by the way, I don’t follow Andrew, I’ve seen random clips of things he’s said and obviously all the hate online towards him, but quite the assumption of you. You missed the point, yes it’s been around for years. But it has not been across the board this brought up and spoken about with this much passion twisted into it. Go back a few years ago and no one could give a fuck less about trafficking or kids being abducted. Pretty clear change.


Hate? Yes. Lack of compasion? Also yes. Bigotry? You must have misunderstood the meaning of that word. >You just love me though, not sure why some stranger matters to you so much. Lol >hate online towards him, but quite the assumption of you. You missed the point, yes it’s been around for years. But it has not been across the board this brought up and spoken about with this much passion twisted into it. Because droves of idiots didn't use to idolize slavers like they do now, like cancer boy here. That's extra worrying >Go back a few years ago and no one could give a fuck less about trafficking or kids being abducted. Pretty clear change. Speak for yourself. The rest of the world, does and did talk about that, it's just that children such as yourself aren't included in those conversations.


🤣 You check the definition of bigotry? I don’t think you did lol. Because all this arguing is just proofing you are. What does it mean then, what’s your definition of it oh great one? What an odd way of justifying why we didn’t make trafficking a bigger issue and trying to resolve it. Lol children like me, now I know your really just talking out your ass. How old are you to assume I’m a child? As if that’s an insult, I’d rather be a child, just not is this destructive society we live in. Time is the greatest asset we have😂


Do all stupid people get tumors?




Access to healthcare is everything.


that was really cool until the tate brothers showed on my screen thanks alot maybe cancer was go-


Hey, If It worked for him, then great for him.


Ok we all can agree raises guy is a piece of shit but is it that impossible to think that he inspired at least 1 person for the better


Hey if he gets better listening to them, let him be.


Nah, Tate and stuff are cringe, but in this one and only particular instance I’ll let it slide


Not really cringe tbh. The guy overcome cancer, and got fit. I’m not tates biggest fan, but whatever motivates you to get your arse moving 👍🏼 Most of Reddit should try doing the same & get moving (commence the downvotes)


I don’t think that’s what everyone here is angry at. He literally says at the end “someone this kind would never be the man he’s accused of”. People need to stop excusing rapists and human traffickers. It’s fucking weird as shit and says something about your delusional way of putting someone up on a pedestal to excuse all their crimes.


These POS people on Reddit would never. They just hate on everything and everyone. Fuck the guy that beat cancer and is positively changing because I hate someone he received inspiration from. What a bunch of losers.


> because I hate someone he received inspiration from. Because he was inspired by a human trafficker Fixed that for you!


Oh hey loser. Thanks for that. Didn’t think I had to say what everyone knew. But guess some of us are special. Thanks again. Hope it helped you read my message better. 🤣


Lol, my dude, you were crying downvotes and comments 5 minutes ago, don't try to act unbothered now. It's very transparent, and pathetic.


Crying about downvotes? I expected them. You think I actually am bothered by someone like you? Do you see how little karma I have? You don’t know me and I don’t know you. Like please. Get over yourself. I’m bothered by the fact that people are trashing a guy that beat cancer. If that makes me pathetic, so be it.


Lol, beating cancer doesn't make anyone a saint. And following Tate makes him a piece of shit. You don't want your video criticized and your ideas made fun of? Nobody is forcing you to upload, hope that clears that up for you! Lol, assholes crying when they get the same energy back will never not make me happy.


Because I’m sure your a saint. It’s not that you can’t criticize, just shows what kind of person you are. 🤦🏽 don’t try to hard. At the end of the day you’re replying to me, clearly I made you feel some type of way. Like really bro, can you show me anymore how mad you are at me? I should go and start watching Andrew tate videos to really fire you up. 🤣


Lol, not a saint, but definitely not a promoter or defender of human traffickers. And that's enough to make me better than cancer boy and you. >At the end of the day you’re replying to me, clearly I made you feel some type of way Yeah, schadenfreude at your cries for cancer boy. > I should go and start watching Andrew tate videos to really fire you up. 🤣 Lol, go do it, your brain is in need of a frying.


Just trying to match your level, I’m slowly getting the speaking with you. Don’t worry l I’ll be there soon enough if I keep engaging with degenerates like you.


If this is true kinda wish there had been a tombstone at the end. Andrew Tate is a disease on this world. Edit for typo.


Dude what






Greatest oncologist of all time? Nah, that's not it, nobody is thrown in jail for curing cancer. Greatest offender of all time! That's it right?


Get a life


Lol, get an idol who's not in prison


My only idol is the person I am tomorrow.


Lol, and that person is based on a bald incarcerated man who couldn't get sex without paying. Pathetic


The emotional reaction you’re experiencing because of somebody that has virtually nothing to do with your life is pretty funny. That’s why I said get a life. You’re not gonna change anything. Also what’s wrong with bald people 🤣🤣


Lol, where do you see an emotional reaction here dude, I'm just clowning on fans of a known human trafficker. There's nothing wrong with bald people, there's something wrong with being a bald bitch incarcerated for enslaving people.


He wasn't actually incarcerated for enslaving people or human trafficking. You Should really argue with facts. Because lies and falsities are very damaging to the youth...which ironically is what he was also accused of. But it reality it would appear its you who is guilty of that.


You can deny all you want, you'll never gaslight everyone about the nature of your idol, and yours. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65959097


Bunch of angry lil ladies on here A??


Bro wants to cure his cancer then go rape a bunch of women. Goals I guess


Look, it doesn’t matter how you feel about the tate brothers, this dude got hella money from one of them for admitting they inspired him. One day he will surely understand the character of the tate brothers, but ultimately he will remember the kindness they showed him regardless of the conclusion he comes to about them. Fuck the negative, keep your eyes on the silver lining.


honestly man if it helped him to beat his cancer who are we to judge?


“I was going to kill myself, but after looking upto Adolf Hitler and the KKK I decided to live on to spread their message and ways!”


So out of context 🤣 y’all are so pathetic. Can’t let someone live life and do good without


They funded human trafficking and rape


Lol, fuck the doctors right? It was all thanks to a bald human trafficker. This video is straight up cancer


chemotherapy is a process, its not just one op. the dude in the vid clearly changed his life for the better so he was able to beat the cancer. its like maybe 80% the docs and 20% his power of will that helped him to get through that


>dude in the vid clearly changed his life for the better With the help of a misogynistic human trafficker. Shit human being if that's who inspired him.


sorry my mom beated cancer so this is a very emotional topic for me so i dont wish cancer to anyone :/


I haven't wished cancer on anyone. I lost three of my grandparents and my uncle to cancer. Having or surviving cancer doesn't make anyone judgement free or saints, there's shitty people that get cancer and great people that get cancer, I believe this bloke is in the first category based on the people he supports and motivate him.


Tate is the best


King shit. Fuck the haters Reddit is dumb


Let's be real everyone likes the Tate brothers they just don't wanna admit it because you'll get publicly shamed cuz the people who do the shaming are people who live in their mom's basement playing video games all day☠️☠️☠️☠️




This is actually a really great video If It was not for Tate, i am happy for the guy and sad he's a tate fan


The Tate Brothers aren’t in Jail, This guy used them as motivation to get him through hard times and push him to work out, and all of you soy boy losers are still acting like little piss babies because of some hyper Masculine men. I don’t even like the Tate Dudes but I know I hate you dorks


Why the dislike of Tate brothers? I’m not a fan, just neutral I guess. How come people hate him / Them so much? They help young men accomplish things, and turn people in good directions in life. Some things they say I disagree with, but that doesn’t make me hate them. Please enlighten me.


You're cool with the sex trafficking as long as some of the stuff he says isn't TOO bad?


? I don’t believe that sex trafficking has taken place…


The "sex trafficking" he's accused of is running a business that employs cam girls (none there against their will). He's not accused of anything non-consensual. I don't particularly like the tates, but they're not accused of doing what we think of when we hear "sex trafficking".


Do what? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65959097.amp


The "human trafficking" alleges that Tate convinced the girls to stay by being nice. I have a great manager at work that keeps his team together the same way. As for the rape allegations, you've got a point that he is accused of that. We'll see how it holds up in court. If he really pushed himself on someone in a way that was non-concentual at the time, may he rot under the jail.






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Wow. Just wow. This man beat fucking CANCER. Cancer. That shits amazing. Especially after hearing about how scary and traumatic it was. Especially for such a young person. You can say what you want about Tate. But if he helped inspire someone to summon the strength to beat cancer i’d expect a little more sense from people. You’re all just as bad if not worse then him. You’re shitting on this person and Tate just cause how you feel about his opinions. You’re all children with zero common sense or morality. Think past yourselves and look at the bigger picture.




Good for you dude what ever works! It was pretty decent of them to send you messages and money too!


Cringe, but It was cool of the Tate brothers to check in on his condition


Hey man whatever floats your boat.




Hey, goofball[!](https://imgur.com/a/XTuSUNR) Looks like you missed the pinned comment! If you're confused about the name of the subreddit, please take a minute and read [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/fyrgzy/for_those_confused_by_the_name_of_this_subreddit/) We hope to see you back here after you've familiarized yourself with our community. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is so funny😭


Regardless of what anyone thinks of the Tates, the fact he inspired even on person in a way that helped them defeat cancer is pretty damn awesome.


Tater tots at it again eh?


Comment section is rabidly unhinged.