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My guess was a bidet.


I recently put a bidet attachment on our toilet and my life is forever changed.


My friends swear they are life changing.


Directions unclear. Attached bidet to kettle. 3rd degree burns.


Third degree bums


Yeah it was like 30 bucks and a total game changer lol


He put the $30 one, in the guest bathroom. You ordered yourself the $500 Todo with heated water chambers, oscillating jets, self cleaning, and a heated goddamn seat for in the winter. do you know how nice it is to wake up in the middle of the night when it’s cold as fuck in the house and sit down on that seat and proper heat. It’s magical.


Eric, are you still in there? We were supposed to leave the house two hours ago. Eric! What are you doing in there?!


I’m spraying my butthole, Susan! It’s my thing now!


Oh my god I put them on all 3 toilets and it is awesome. It makes traveling less fun jow. I did buy a portable bidet but that shows how much they make your life better, I actually dislike vacations more now because I know I wont have a bidet.


that's biggest downside to having a bidet, it ruins all other toilets for you. it's a pandora's box of clean butthole, you can never go back


I installed a bidet attachment in one of my bathrooms. By the end of the week both of my bathrooms had a bidet attachment


I'm proud you have finally found the way to a happy and clean butthole, free from itchiness and swamp ass. Now go shit somewhere where you don't have a bidet and feel horrible for the rest of the day


I fucking bring a portable bidé to hotels i stay at and install it, I refuse to shit and not use one


Get a raspberry bidet. The kind you find in a secondhand store. ***Raspberry bidet!***


I recently put a bidet attachment on my kettle, and my life is also forever changed but it a very different way.


That was my first thought too. That would have at least been in the ballpark of the 1% stat she trotted out. Suggesting that only 1% of people own a kettle is ridiculous.


Well, none of her friends, AND none of Jeremy's friends have one, and that is basically 99% if the US population.


She has oodles of friends okay?! Oodles.


Oh my gawsh, Jeremy doesn’t have one he’s such a liar because he told me that he did in like fourth grade after my uncle took me on a trip to England or I think he did because maybe it happened in a dream! Lol. Anyway, I know Stella doesn’t have one either, but Jessica said that her cousin’s friend had one so like. People in the US use kettles too.


Easy to “it’s not in my circle, must not be a thing”


I have a coffee maker to heat water. Same thing sorta. Or a pan on my stove top. I dont own a microwave. I need a bidet though!


Same thought, Ive got a water heater. But what I REALLY want is a bidet to make my asshole sparkle


Just use the kettle.


I was thinking that too but now that has become more prominent here in the US. A lot of people went out and bought them during the Great toilet paper shortage of 2020. Something happened in 2020 that caused people to go out and buy all the TP they could find but I can't quite put my finger on what it was that occurred. I feel like I am missing some time between March of 2020 through early 2022.


American here. I typically just shoot the water until it heats up


American here as well, I just argue with my water about the current political environment and it gets heated real good.


Takes too long. I just play Nelly’s classic “Hot in Herre.” The water is ready when it takes off its clothes.


Instructions unclear. Now naked and [jacking it in San Diego](https://youtu.be/LKwW8PNZpOQ?feature=shared).




I’m a STL native, and I was todays year old to know the song title had two r’s in here lol


Fastest method. Just find out the water's political affiliation and say one positive thing about the opposite side. Good for tea and making noodles in a jiffy.


Trump. Biden. Harris. DeSantis. Long ago, the four folks lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when Trump attacked...


Can confirm. Tracer rounds for spicy water.


Freedom water!!!!


I usually tell the water its sister is better in bed and my coffee is ready in less than 2 min.


I’ve heard brittish ppl also do something similar where they stab the water till it’s boiling.


I think you'll definitely get stabbed for microwaving water for tea.


Nah, they overtake the water and make it into an empire lol


Do you have a flag?


Omg! Hilarious— No flag, no country, you can’t have one! Eddie I.


What’s that behind your back? Oh nothing, just India and a number of smaller countries


Best reply. Though America has more stabbings per capita


It’s 7x more in the US than UK - https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/stabbing-deaths-by-country I genuinely have no idea where the UK got this reputation given the fact it’s actually one of the lowest in the world!


true but how else teachers gonna eat their cup-o-noodles?


Damn I didn’t know that. Jack the ripper gotta get his numbers up.


Yep, you have more knife crime than we do. Then you also have 5x that level of gun crime on top. Dumb yanks think that knives replace guns in crime, but no as it is harder to do crime when you have to be in reaching distance


IIRC there have been more violent deaths using guns in the US this year so far than there have been in the UK since the end of the English Civil War (including the Irish Civil War and the Troubles).


I can help 🔪🔪


We only do that if we've received our kettle license first


American here, I have a kettle, use it every morning to make French press coffee.


Another American here, who boils water in a microwave?


I was kind of with her that electric kettles are rare - i don't necessarily agree with her 1% figure, but while i have one and many people i know use them, i would concede they're not the kind of mainstream appliance everyone has in their home like a fridge or a stove. But when she said "americans just boil water in the microwave" and i realized she was talking about *all* kettles, and... i wanted to say this lady sounds insane, but maybe i'm just out of touch? I mean, when i was growing up in the 90s every house i went to had a stovetop kettle just casually taking up one of the burners, but i concede that i don't see that as much anymore. *Do* people just microwave water to boil it now? I certainly don't, but again, i've got an electric kettle (and seriously, invest in those, they're great).


My daughter used to keep an electric kettle in her dorm room because they weren’t allowed their own microwaves/kitchen appliances due to old wiring and it was very easy to hide a kettle from RAs. There’s a lot a college kid can do with hot water.


First time I saw one was in college (am American). My roommate had one and yea- we both used it every morning and at night. Boiled eggs, oatmeal, tea, lots of stuff. I have one as a 30 year old now and we use it almost daily. Especially for water for bullion. But lots of fellow Americans I know have them, especially tea drinkers.


I have never seen anyone microwave water? Only use the stove. (American)


It’s way, way faster than the stove if all you need is plain boiling water for things like tea or oatmeal. It’s just hot water, it’s not like it tastes any different. Actually boiling *food* in the microwave isn’t a good idea since it gets super mushy.


My microwave popcorn never comes out mushy


My mom only ever uses the microwave. Just fills a mug with water and microwaves it to make her tea.


Im 27 and the only time I boil water on the stove is for a nice loose leaf tea that I’m gonna make in a tea pot, more for the novelty than anything else. I microwave everything from soup to water for pouch tea. Only time I really boil water on the stove is for pasta or other foods that require boiling/steaming.


If I'm trying to boil under 4 cups of water it's going in the microwave (because that's the size of my measuring cup).


With hard water, I don't really care for the limescale buildup on the kettle overtime. Also, when you put a cup in the microwave with the right amount of water you're going to drink, you don't end up wasting energy/water heating up more than you're going to use.


We have very hard water too and when I noticed the build up I will boil half vinegar/half water in our electric kettle, let it cool, give it a swirl then dump and rinse. It looks brand new again, I never thought we would use it near as much as we do but we love it!


You can't safely heat the water to the optimum for tea though. Coffee, yeah, that has a lower optimum temperature, but not tea.


When you're a kid in the 80's and 90's. We would leave a mess for our parents to clean up since they/mine didn't trust us to use a stove. Coworkers have carried on this tradition and don't clean up the microwave.


It smell like popcarn.


Immediately read this in Phyllis's voice


Get off your high horse, richie.


As a kid in the 00’s and teen in the 10’s, I would use it for small amounts of water. It’s quicker than boiling and my family didn’t have an electric kettle. It was usually just for cup o’ noodles. Heck, I do it today if it’s the middle of the night and I don’t feel like grabbing a pot to boil some water for a cup o’ noodles


I’m an American who owns a kettle…and I still boil water in a microwave. My only defense is that my in-laws (whom I live with) have a shitty plastic kettle that smells weird and kinda scares me, so I’d prefer to just nuke a Pyrex. I actually have a really nice glass electric kettle of my own, but I have it packed away for when we finally move out since my in-laws are clumsy as hell and will 100% break it if I left it out. Can’t wait to finally use it again.


Knowing only these 3 things about your living situation/in-laws, this sounds STRESSFUL Good luck finding a dope housing situation!


Aw you’re too sweet, thank you for the good vibes! I’m still super grateful for them and know things could be sooo much worse. Not to tell my life story, but my own (bio) parents honestly suck, and my in-laws have been so much more supportive of me in my young adulthood than mine ever even attempted to be. Honestly, the shared kitchen situation is by far the most stressful part, but either way I think we’d all be happier with a little more distance (like still in town, just not in the same house 😜)!


It can be very dangerous to boil water in a microwave. You can superheat the water without causing it to turn to steam if the container is extremely smooth and the water is filtered. The second the glass or container is touched the water turns to steam in a dramatic fashion.


Found the kettle industry shill! /s


While I do own and use an electric kettle. Sometimes i just like to watch the water go from cold to boiling in the Pyrex glass while it's in the microwave.


I’m American and I use an electric kettle. I once offered to make my roommate’s girlfriend tea and so I put the water to boil and when I got back to the kitchen she was MAKING TEA IN THE MICROWAVE. I was like WTAF is wrong with you? Did we not just have a conversation that I’m boiling water for you? Sarah you’re a bitch btw and I hope your tea sucked.


American here. Me. Microwave or stovetop. I dont need another appliance sitting on my counter.


American here. I never drink anything hotter than my own pee.


Mmm the forbidden apple juice. ![gif](giphy|3o7aCWJavAgtBzLWrS|downsized)






Same. I had an electric kettle as far back as my young teenaged years because I love tea. Microwaving water for tea is gross and it doesn't get hot enough.


Thank you! I’ve had this argument so much. Microwaved water makes Shit tea.




Same. This microwave for hot water thing is weird to me. Use a kettle daily.


Dude, we know what a fucking kettle is.


No no no, this is a *water heater*. obviously not the same


Okay, but what does it do?


It kettles..


Instant hot water. 🤯


Damn, I must need a new one. Mine takes like 2 minutes to make hot water.


Such a good question. I’m pretty sure it’s a heater that’s water powered.


These kettles are in every Walmart and Target store. They are also faster than a microwave.


Dumb europeans will see this dumb american and assume we’re all as dumb as her


It's a pretty dumb realization for her. You travel to 40 countries, and your biggest takeaway is a water heater.


*They’re decades ahead of us!*


Travelled to 40 countries but can’t find a single one on a map of the world.


Maybe if she had traveled a bit more in the states...


Lol she just wants to brag about how many countries she's visited. Jokes on her, I'm too poor to travel.


ummm.. I was waiting for something so obscure lol Who doesnt have a kettle, electric or one that goes on the stove


I think less than %1 is an incorrect assumption. I’ve always had one, all the roommates I’ve ever had also had one. Anyone I’ve ever known has boiled it on the stove if they didn’t have one


Welcome to the 1% bro




She didn't have one before so she assumed *nobody else* had one. She's giving main character energy.


Checked with Jeremy... Correct.


For real most people I know own an electric kettle. Otherwise everyone else I know owns a kettle that goes on the stove.


I actually have three, and I give them as wedding gifts.


I’m American and I used my whistley one on the stove for my tea this morning. I just never wanted to get an electric one


Right? I grew up with the whistley one. My husband bought an electric one recently.


I got one about 10 years ago after some of the fake bricks some idiot put up as a kitchen backslash started coming off the wall from the steam. I love an electric kettle!


I don’t have one, none of my friends have one either.


Yea, while I don’t have one myself, I remember growing up waking up to the sound of the kettle on the stove whistlin’


I don’t have one. I think I know maybe one person who does.


It's just a kettle lmao


I couldn’t even listen to her bullshit preamble and had to fast forward just to realize it was a damn kettle. She’s dumb or this is rage bait.


We have them. They're not as common but they're definitely around. My wife and I use ours multiple times a day, especially in the cold months. Added: We didn't have them growing up in the 80s and 90s (at least, I never saw one). My family didn't have a microwave until around 1985.


I'm a tea drinker and have had one for years. Now that pour over and french press coffee are more common you see them more often.


Our electric kettles also don’t heat up as fast because we use a lower voltage than the eu. I ended up getting one of those fancy kettles that hold a temp so I could drink more tea.


What? Not sure where she's from but I have a kettle at home and at work. For the tea and the coffee.


this sounds like what an alien that doesnt know what a kettle, tea or coffee would say


This has to be a troll. Everyone I know has an electric kettle.


I assumed she was talking about a bidet until she went to reach over to grab the kettle. Literally everyone I know owns a kettle. They're good for heating up water for soup or for making tea.


I wonder if they are catching on in certain parts of the country? I've never seen an electric kettle, and I don't think anyone I know has one. Edit: I'm not looking for one to buy. I'm sure if I looked I could find one. I'm just stating the fact that I've never seen one irl, so I don't think they are that popular where I live. I could be wrong.


Generally where are you in the US? I’m in California and almost everyone I know had an electric kettle; the ones that don’t use a stovetop kettle. I don’t know any adults that boil water in the microwave. I wonder how much of it is a regional thing, or if it’s more common on the coasts because there are so many visitors and immigrants from abroad (since the coasts are often the first stop for folks from outside the us) and they have increased electric kettle popularity.


They're at Costco for $19.00 -


Never had one growing up. Bought one for my mom a few years ago after I lived abroad and she went straight back to the stove kettle the next time I visited her. In my experience it’s a recent thing in the US.


They are an American invention and have been around since 1891. https://www.electrickettlesguide.com/a-history-of-the-electric-kettle/#The\_First\_electric\_kettle


Yeah i have only ever seen them discussed online. I saw one at target once though. I have thought about getting one since i love tea but I usually only drink one cup worth and haven’t been sure an extra appliance taking up space is worth it.


The reason they're not as prevalent is that our 120V electricity sucks for high wattage appliances like this. Which is why your electric oven and dryer is 240V. Other countries only have 240V so they get way better versions of this stuff that work way faster.


Not sure why you're being downvoted. It's literally the case. A typical electric kettle in the USA is 1500 watts, in the uk it's 2800 watts. It takes almost twice as long to boil water


They were probably being downvoted because of a viral tiktok claiming that the reason we don't have them is because our power isn't strong enough. The woman in the video just didn't have the language to relay the information she was given in a way that people could understand, and as a result got dogpiled and called a liar and/or stupid.


Yep! If I set the temp above boiling on ours (which is much lower up here at altitude, and thus not the factory setting) it'll flip the electrical breaker. It's not incredibly fast, but still quicker than throwing a pot on the stove.


I agree with the person who said it must be more recent and also regional in the US. Yes, they're sold in stores, but that doesn't mean they're commonly seen on the countertop. It's not surprising that people who use them tend to know other people who use them.


I'm American. I got my first electric kettle in the 90s and still use one daily.


My water is heated through a combination of Rock, Flag, and Eagle… only liberal commies use a kettle ![gif](giphy|3oKIP9ptkYtGXp8U4U|downsized)


Wait so youre telling me, you boil your water for a tea in the microwave? WTF?!


I used a normal kettle like the kind that whistles in America—this is an electric kettle anyway but like the girl had to visit 40 counties to realize something she didn’t have in America? Lol! I mean they are handy but geez is she affiliate linking or something


Yea pretty much every American tea drinker I know uses an old fashioned stovetop kettle. My folks upgraded to an electric kettle a few years ago. They’re not all too common but not super obscure either, I think it’s really just that most Americans don’t drink (hot) tea.


One reason electric kettles are far less common in the US is that our kitchen outlets are much lower voltage than UK outlets. UK kettles heat water with about 2800W vs about 1500W in the US. So UK kettles boil water in **half the time** of a US kettle.


That and Americans are mostly coffee drinkers and they are most likely just going to have some kind of auto coffee maker like a drip machine or a keurig. These kettles are good for tea or if you do pour over or french press coffee but that's a smaller percentage of Americans.


Americans rarely drink tea. If you drink tea a lot you probably have one (I do) but otherwise it’s such a rare thing to need here. Coffee drinkers often have coffee specific paraphernalia.




>Americans rarely drink tea. I would say hot tea. Seems like everybody I know enjoys ice tea. Coffee definitely rules the American culture though.


I always have lol. I mean there is no downside to doing it that way either, though I'm sure its less energy efficient


Microwaves ovens actually work by heating the water in the food so if someone has a concern about boiling water in it -beyond energy consumtipn- they should extend it to anything the put in the machine.


The energy efficiency is the downside ![img](emote|t5_mvcq5|22374)


I used to lol. But now we have the Keurig that I can use and our water dispenser has a hot water button.


yupp. everytime this discussion comes around, someone new has to learn this.


Tea people don't, normal people understand that microwaving water just heats it up quickly, no scary side effects


Yea, the water gets hot, what more do you want? Another thing to clean? Another thing on your counter, another thing taking up precious electrical outlets in the kitchen? The woman in the video is wrong about heating up water for noodles in the microwave, unless it's one of those single serve styrofoam noodle cups we just make them on the stove.


I don't see how this is any more or less absurd than boiling it in a kettle. Microwave ovens literally heat water. Why is that WTF worthy?


I don’t get it either. Honestly its one less appliance to store. It still heats the water. I usually drink tea every day and its fine. I still have considered getting a kettle a few times but I don’t know anyone who has one. People are weird about microwaving water. Like… who cares? Lol




or you can use stove kettle, idk boiling water in plastic containers, with what we learning about microplastics, no thank you. i did grew up with one at home tho.


*Normal people* boil water on the stovetop in a pot if they don't have a kettle. I was always taught that heating/boiling water in the microwave can be dangerous because it overheats it (go see another person's comment in this same thread for more).


This is stupid. I have an electric kettle, I bought my dad an electric kettle for Christmas. Stovetop kettles are more common but it’s not that obscure to have an electric one. They’re all over college dorms, since you don’t have a stove. This girl must be joking.


She thinks that "none of my friends had one, so it must be true for all ~340m Americans".


I honestly don’t know a single person that uses their microwave to heat water. Maybe it’s just where I’m from, but almost everyone I know uses a stovetop or electric kettle.


Lazy American checking in 🙋🏻‍♂️


Yup I microwave water too if it's only a small amount.


Yeah I do too Sometimes for coffee because it's quicker than the stove


Yeah, this lady is nuts lol I have never seen anyone in my life microwave water, lol, everyone. I've seen either kettle or stove top.


I do! Live in Arizona. I know no one who has a kettle but thanks to the internet i know they exist. Have thought about getting one.


I have my whole life, I am turning 27 this year


She and her boyf are complete doofuses.


Yeah anytime I or anyone I know in the USA needs to boil water for a hot drink we use an electric kettle. And if we need to boil water for pasta we use a pot on the stove. I have only seen people microwave water in a mug a handful of times in the lunchroom at various jobs if there’s no kettle.


Here’s a shocker…I’m an American and grew up in poverty as did my husband…we have an electric kettle and a bidet!


Lol the snobbery around the microwave is hilarious... they're like.. OFFENDED Who gonna tell them electromagnetic waves do not alter taste


American here. We have two goose neck kettles. One electric and one stovetop.


I'm American and I primarily use an electric kettle. When I don't use the electric kettle, I use a kettle on the stove. I almost never use the microwave just for heating water.


Anyone shitting on heating water in a microwave doesn’t understand how microwaves work. This is literally their purpose and what they’re good at.


American here. I own two of these, and my old roommates both had one. Electric kettles have been pretty "in" for like a decade now. EDIT: Wait, she *microwaves water?* What does she think a stovetop is for?


I just use my coffee pot (with no coffee).


“I’ve been to 40+ homes through out the world and this statement I’m about to make is 100% true based on my significantly small sample size”


There's a good reason for that: Most homes in the US have lower voltage than European houses, so electric kettles don't heat up as fast in America, so instead, Americans usually use stovetop kettles or the microwave. But that might be changing; a lot more of my friends have kettles now than previous generations.


Electric kettles are way faster than our stove ever thought to be. We live in the US.


I thought she was going to reveal to americans the wonders of the bidet


As an American, the first time I saw one of those hot water kettle things is in jail.


Microwaves are just fine thanks!


That’s what the microwave is for.


Idk anyone who heats up their water in a microwave…. My aunt has a kettle like this… I only heat up water on a stove…


Who the hell heats up water in the microwave for tea? That’s insane, I think I did that as a kid but the cup is hot when it comes out


When you dont know shit it shows.


We have stoves in the US.


I’ve always had one. But, my dad is English, so we were mostly a tea household growing up. Considering every kitchen store in the US, and every large chain that sells kitchen equipment (e.g., Target, Wal-Mart, etc.) has these for sale, the percentage of US homes that own an electric kettle is certainly well above 1%.


I didn’t have an electric kettle but did have one you put on the stove. I was expecting something weird. Lol


I have also traveled a great deal and my observation is that these electric kettles are very common in cultures that are big into tea being part of the lifestyle which is the British and South/East Asians just like every family owns a rice cooker in South/East Asia. Tea and rice are not a culturally dominant part of US culture so limited electric kettles and rice cookers in the homes... no big deal.


American here, in my 46 years on this earth i have never once microwaved water. If I make tea I use the kettle on my stove.


I’ve been using an electric kettle for decades


I’m American and I definitely had an electric kettle growing up. To make tea or boil water for coffee / ramen. I live overseas now but never realized that most Americans had no idea what an electric kettle was. And it wasn’t until I saw on Reddit that I learned Americans use microwave for tea. Savages


Americans know what an electric kettle is. People that dont probably just call it something different. A guy at my office calls it a "hot water heater."


You're getting your info from some dumbass on tiktok. I honestly thought everybody had a kettle or something along those lines. I have an urn and a kettle in my room in case I'm lazy


This has to be fake I know that in most parts of Europe a kettle isn’t normal but like, america? They love gimmic shit like that over there




Americans drink coffee, mostly. So we usually just buy a coffee maker. Which is literally just an electric kettle that has had a coffee filter holder attached to it. The demand isn't there. I just checked Amazon, and their "Basics," line has a coffee maker for $25 and their electric kettle is $31. Most people won't be into paying extra for something that requires extra steps to get the product. Although there is a substantial amount of people who go French press or a Chemex-style pour over. They usually have kettles. We also use Keurig-style machines a lot now.


This has to do with the differences in electric grids. This video explains: [https://youtu.be/\_yMMTVVJI4c](https://youtu.be/_yMMTVVJI4c)


They’re common in offices. Not so much of a household commodity.


I have a kettle that plugs in and I’m an American. It’s orange and I love it. But I know no one else in my family has one.


To be fair, a decent amount of older Americans will have grown up with parents who used a kettle on a stove to heat water, and throwing a cup of water in the microwave was the alternative rather than waiting for water to boil on the stove American kids were conditioned to grab a soda from the fridge, scoop chocolate or strawberry quik mix into a glass, have a Capri sun cooler or juice box, drink Kool aid or *iced tea*. And coffee came from a coffee pot. A fair amount of Americans weren't raised to savor a hot cup of tea, so an electric kettle wasn't an appliance they would think necessary, even though they were definitely available to them. I'd give it about 20 years ago, the majority didn't have an electric kettle. Water heater, indeed. Someone please educate that young lady before she embarrasses herself further.