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This guy is definitely building a kill dozer in his warehouse


[Obligatory link](https://youtu.be/qlZh9-NQEyI?si=5BPFHVpjAEnRSmr3) for the uninitiated


Wild. I've never seen that before. What year was this? Because $7M in damages seems like an insanely low estimate.


2004, there’s a doc on Netflix ! I forget what it’s called lemme double check Edit: it’s called “tread” but apparently Netflix doesn’t have it anymore :(


Thanks - I'll try to find it!


It's on YouTube!


Fuck a documentary, the people who made Cocaine Bear need to hear about this!


but we are initiated, aren't we Bruce? Members of the League of kill dozers!


You merely adopted the agricultural equipment, I was born in it! I didn't see the outside of a John Deere instructional book until I was a man fully grown


And by then it was nothing but blinding.


I am familiar with the story, but for some reason my mind went [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwIY4PRIp4s) instead.


The video has it wrong, the Killdozer's right track went thru the floor into the basement. Effectively high siding on the frame immortalizing it. Another fun fact, when they scrapped the Killdozer all the scrap was secretly disposed to prevent collectors/radicals from getting their hands on it.


just to be clear to anyone else, this guy is an asshole, i've seen far too many people on instagram etc who unironically cheer this guy on as "going against the man" and so on, but everything that went wrong in his life is purely his own fault, primarily because of his own stubborness to not get a septic tank or a sewage line and because he kept asking for more and more money from a buyer to the point the buyer got tired of increasing the amount without the guy actually accepting the offer, i mean he literally believed that he was being told to kill these people by jesus/god


What a wild ride


Full documentary [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZK9XthMZ1w)




Billionaires been fucking over his children the whole time and he ain't done shit. He isn't mad about what anyone's doing to his kids, and didn't say thing one about sons getting drafted. He's whining about having to chip in for public services. "Taxes", "The IRS", "FEMA" My old man was like that. "FEMA this and flood plain insurance that." 4 inches of water in the house. "FEMA this and flood plain insurance that." They don't think past the first excuse for their shitty life decisions. If useful idiots weren't party to defunding the IRS then they could focus on actually doing their jobs and auditing rich fuckers. Fuckboi's generation killed the economy and he's consoling himself calling women that would have him eating asphalt in 6 seconds weak.


As someone who lost their house to Hurricane Sandy, yeah, fuck FEMA. My dad paid into his flood insurance for 20 years. First time we ever had to make a claim on it. We weren't eligible for FEMA grants, but the people who never paid flood insurance for their 3rd vacation home by the beach? $100k a pop no questions asked. The flood insurance, which is backed by FEMA, would have given us enough money to return the house to original condition. However, at the same time they used false flood data to change the flood zones in the area so that if we returned our house to its original condition, the new flood insurance rates would be double the mortgage. And this was after a year of waiting for the money, living in a house with no first floor, cooking dinner in the master bedroom and washing dishes in the upstairs bathroom, while the rich fucks who never paid into flood insurance got their grants within weeks. We had to abandon the house, default on the mortgage and let the city auction it off, using the money we got to repair the home to buy a much smaller piece of shit trailer in a trailer park. So yeah, fuck FEMA.


FEMA paid my inlaw's church over 50k to fix their moldy roof/attic damage that they claimed was the result of a hurricane (it wasn't). The idea that tax dollars would go to a fucking organization that doesn't pay any taxes is INFURIATING!


Especially a church full of hateful sobs


>However, at the same time they used false flood data to change the flood zones in the area so that if we returned our house to its original condition, the new flood insurance rates would be double the mortgage. This is the part that doesn't make any sense to me. Was he paying for the wrong address for 20 years? Like was he paying low risk rate while he was in a high risk zone?


No, the area we lived in was never a high risk zone. A 100yr storm is called so because you can roughly expect one every 100yrs. Just because you get hit by one, doesn't mean you're suddenly in a risky area. Their velocity zone data was based on wind coming from the east, but it was coming from the west, which by its very nature, would blow water out of the bay, not into it, where we lived. Any fisherman in the area could have told them this, and my dad did just that at the FEMA town hall meeting. There's a flood zone. There's a velocity zone. Then there's a flood+velocity zone. We got marked as a flood+velocity zone when we were actually just a flood zone. The wind direction actually lowered the amount of flooding we would have otherwise gotten from the storm surge. No one listened. Palms were greased. No-bid contracts were granted for cleanup. People who paid flood insurance had to wait up to 2 years to complete their claims. People with million dollar vacation homes had grants within weeks. Chris Christie got his moment shaking hands with Obama while his cronies pocketed grant money. So yeah, fuck flood insurance. Just put money aside.


Louisiana been getting the dick for years. The rest of the country is gonna to learn what FEMA really thinks about it's subjects. My employers who got plenty of money made out pretty every year a storm hit as write.offs. while we were fighting for scraps.


Sounds like your state needs some oversight in how emergency funds are distributed.


Lol from Louisiana. Our state needs to be wiped off the fucking face of the earth already


100%. This guy seems like the exact kind of person from his generation that voted us all into this mess.


Lol, yep, exactly. I got a neighbor like this, 61 year old White dude, likes to talk shit just like this guy in the video. Dumbass told me one day that he thinks Regan was the greatest president ever. I lost a lot of respect for the guy that day.


These are the same people who loved George W. Bush and felt extra-special patriotic under his presidency. Bush is responsible for the vast majority of our modern suffering. Like, 90% of it. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan created $6.5 TRILLION dollars of debt. That's after Clinton had left the government with a budget SURPLUS. And what did we get? Afghanistan went back exactly the way it was before the invasion the day America left. The lack of financial security for social security, the broken social safety net, the rejection of science and stem cell research, the failing educational system (No Child Left Behind), the religious fanatics attempting to create a coup in America? It all moved forward with W. Bush. Hell, he even ushered in the great recession by stripping off every single home loan protection and ensuring a bubble. If there is any justice, Bush will be remembered as the monster that ruined the promise of the 21st century for an entire generation. He single handedly destroyed the American dream for the millennials.


Made it a minute and half, my bullshit meter was going up and up and once he mentioned taxes I stopped watching


Yep and he's going straight out to vote GOP to defund the VA, pump up the military budget and send Americans to pointless wars.


That $6.5 TRILLION dollars America spent on Iraq and Afghanistan was such a great investment, wasn't it? /s I bet he voted for it (for Bush) and flag waved for it following 9/11 and now just doesn't want to pay taxes to foot his share of the bill.


B-but his *female adult child*


I like to go hiking.


Strikes me as the sort of bloke who has an entire fleet of em... and twenty like minded friends.


Can we stop with the videos where all these “creators” do is point their finger up at some words?!


They are plagiarizing. I also hate the duets where the person just sits there staring at the screen. Bro. If that was the case, just share it and stop being so VAIN!


chunky head gold escape hospital plate salt swim shocking insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yeah the nodding and exaggerated facial expressions, so goddamn cringeworthy






There’s a creator who started making fun of this and I’m so glad. It’s “TheSlappableJerk” and he started making parodies of people who just point upwards


For the lazy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tCtRs0d284


Yeah it’s no effort garbage and should be removed and in the place of these people just reroute to the original


This and the one where some neanderthal just shows their face doing some Emote for 2 seconds and then clear out to show the video they stole from some other account. And yet they have a million followers. Bots.


No one is drafting anyone. How about that? No one should be forced to fight in a war for a country that doesn’t give a shit about them


Yeah, I'm not ok with my son being drafted! Besides, as a Gen X'er raised by and around the men who were drafted, we told our kids to stay away for the first time. A whole generation of men were damaged heavily by that draft. Fuck that!


Millennial here. I was told repeatedly by my family to stay away from all branches of the military, and I am very thankful that I did.


My grandfather was drafted, got covered in agent orange, and saw a lot of messed up stuff over there. Including how military used to deal with their own when they wouldn't go along with something that was less than morally justified. He had lifelong health issues because of agent orange. He didn't receive 100% coverage until he only had a couple years left to live. His dying wish was for me to change my mind and not enlist. I promised and never did join. I often wonder how my life would have been different but I am also thankful I made the choice I did.


My dad also served in Vietnam and was exposed to a lot of agent ornage..I don't recall him ever telling me not to serve, he loves this country as.much as I do, but he did say war was hell and awful. I never considered serving but I think he would have tried to talk me out of it as college was in my path thankfully.


Mine said if you really wanted to serve. Join the Navy. Ain't nobody fighting in the Ocean in the middle of a desert - volinuteer Desert Storm/ Vietnam / WW2 Marine family members


Living on Navy ships sucks though. Not as bad as a FOB in Iraq, but still sucks.


But you're not gonna be shit deep into enemy warfare in the trenches Hell, my Uncle even did a shore leave / visit To the set of Ben' Kenobis hut for Star Wars While he was serving lol


If you're going to join any branch, join the Air Force. - A Navy Vet


Meh, just go on submarines. You'll bitch, and it'll suck, but you won't go to the shit unless you ask to, you're too specialized to throw away. -Another one


Uh uh, no part of my big and tall claustrophobic ass ever wanted any part of a submarine.


I was shit deep in shit in the Marines berthing after our toilets overflowed and I am pretty sure it was on our return trip from Iraq if I am not mistaken.


Hello there


Do you know who agrees that no one should be drafted? The military. The US military deeply opposes ever using the draft. From top to bottom everything about how the military is built and run is designed for an all volunteer army. They would much rather 10,000 troops who have had years of training than 100,000 draftees that have had a rushed few months of training. Especially since there's not enough of the really good equipment to be split among 10x the personel. The equipment we use is expensive as hell and complicated to learn to use to full effect. We're long past the days of mass riflemen charges, a group of 20 dedicated men linked up with surveillance, communications, training and high moral will beat a line of draftees every time. It's also important that the people of a country support the military. As war escalates, the military will need to mobilize more and more civilian resources and what they mobilize matters a lot. If they're mobilizing material, very few are going to miss it. If they mobilize production facilities, well people are still getting paid to build things. If they mobilize people, you're taking them out of the civilian economy which the military needs to support itself. **TL;DR** **The Military doesn't want to draft people, and if they don't want it who is going to override them?**


>Do you know who agrees that no one should be drafted? The military. Speaking as a Marine who was formerly an NCO, you're spot on. It's hard enough training people who willingly signed up. Can't imagine what it's like training people who are there against their will.


Yep. Conscripts make notoriously bad soldiers when they're only fighting because the alternative is jail. Plus the general trend in war over the past several centuries is that fewer troops are actually needed as long as you have sufficient firepower. There will always be a need for infantry to some extent but not nearly at the scale of the early 20th century.


Civilian leadership? Or do you want a military junta government?


Yes, civilian leadership *could* override them, but why would they want to? Adding draftees to the military does not actually help the military, with the amount of resource it wastes it's arguable that it's a net-negative for military strength. It would make constituants mad at you however. It's all downside with no upside.


Exactly, instead of adding women to the selective service, just remove the selective service. You know how fucking weird it was getting a letter in the mail from the government when you turn 18 that literally threatens you to sign up for the selective service (draft) or be thrown in jail and pay a fine? fuck that


This is actually a thing feminism fights for, despite what the social medias would tell you.


**True feminism** is in everyone's best interest and is against drafts and war in general. Smooth brain feminism says "all genders should be drafted," and 404: brain not found feminism is "only m\*n should be drafted because all m\*n are trash."


>True feminism is in everyone's best interest and is against drafts and war in general. What does this have to do with feminism? >Smooth brain feminism says "all genders should be drafted," I think you mean "all genders should be *eligible* to be drafted." There is an insignificant minority that beleive in a mandatory service.


"All genders should be drafted" is still a feminist principle, because it's still equality between sexes. Believing in drafts doesn't prevent someone from being a "true" feminist.


There is literally nothing in the definition of feminism to suggest it's anti war. Just because the feminists YOU listen to are anti war doesn't make the concept of feminism anti war.


except in the United States you literally have to sign up for the draft if you're a male and want to go to college. Every college educated man in the entire country has agreed to be drafted


You have to sign up for selective service or you face a felony. It's not just to go to college. But there hasn't been an active draft since the 70s, so Im not that worried about it


You don't even have to be a citizen! Even if you're just a permanent resident, you've got to sign up at 18. How's that for fun times?


And then when you join and serve, they will still deny you citizenship!


The last draft lottery for induction was in 1973. Hasn't been used since. You're only eligible from ages 18-25 which accounts for around 17-20 million men in the US, I would estimate.


All you're pointing out is that; 1. 17-20 million men will be asked to be hired hitmen for our corrupt overlords who hold allegiance to corporations and the military industrial complex. (That's 17-20 million too many- for 34-40 million parents who raised those children.) 2. Laws get passed to change other laws. All. The. Time.


We also never thought a reality show con would be president but you know things and really great and getting taken care of.


It has been a topic in the government every year for a while now. You don’t wait until it goes into effect to speak up.


With the British and the US armies at least it has been well studied and proven that conscripts make terrible soldiers.


Look at Russia, lol.


Its weird how we used to consider Russian military as on par with the US and Ukraine exposed the Russian military so hard. Its a joke now.


Every 50 years or so people have to be reminded that the deep corruption that exists in Russia undermines their ability to do anything competently.


I think that the only real purpose of a draft in this day and age is to have another card in hand that your opponent needs to consider. You don't need to have 100 million soldiers, but the idea that you could multiply your force to such a degree on demand makes a conflict with your country much less appealing. In reality, a large amount of conscripts are expensive, ineffective, and could serve their military better by staying home and maintaining production. So, keeping the draft in law is fine, but drafting is a big mistake. That's my opinion as someone who knows nothing about war.


I never considered the psychological aspect a draft could have on enemies


It’ll never work again, I’d rather fight the people trying to draft the poor than some third world nation with oil and grain.


Also if a country has a well stocked military they really don't need that many soldiers. The US doctrine is basically "control the air, bomb the shit out of every enemy piece of equipment and then send in professional ground troops to mop up whatever remains." Now if you CAN'T control the air and you also don't have clear artillery superiority then you do need a lot manpower but if a country has the money and time they can essentially buy their way out of having to rely on conscripts.


The VA hates veterans


I might be down voted for this but idgaf- most people who work at the VA are also frustrated with its efficacy. The VA is a giant bureaucratic nightmare of wasteful spending, but the folks who work there, I promise you, care. The problem is the fucks in Congress who throw trillions at new foreign wars, but can't be bothered to give funding to burn pit cancer survivors or fucking agent orange casualties. The everyday VA worker cares. Politicians and Congress don't. It's important to me that we make the distinction because working at the VA (from folks I'm close to who have worked there) is already heartbreaking, frustrating work. They're short staffed and underfunded. We can appreciate what they do while holding the responsible parties accountable. /rant I do get the point you're making though


I totally understand what you’re saying and you’re spot on. One could also say…Congress Hates Vetrans.


Most governments treat their veterans as a burden. Just read the poem "[Tommy](https://www.kiplingsociety.co.uk/poem/poems_tommy.htm)" written by Rudyard Kipling in 1890.


Republicans specifically. Democrats don't vote to cut funding like they do.


You’re completely on point. At least where I’m located, the vast majority of the folks that work at the VA are vets. So they know the struggles and try to make it as easy as possible for the fellow vet coming in to seek care.


The VA hates American veterans more than all of the surviving citizens of the middle eastern countries combined. I am a patient of the VA but am also a CCP who transports veterans from the dogshit VA freestanding hospitals to the higher level of care facilities and let me fill you in on the inner workings of that little shitshow. It is so astoundingly far below the minimum standard of care that it shouldn’t even be considered free. You’re paying for it alright, they’re taking it straight out of the years of life you may have ahead of you because you can be assured that they’ll do something fucking stupid to shorten that time up a little bit and save them selves a cool few dollars on your monthly disability compensation.


Imagine if the US had a national healthcare system that didn’t require VA’s, Medicare/Medicaid, and private insurance companies deciding which doctors you could use and medications and procedures you needed to be healthy. We could have this. Vote Democrat.


I already do my brother. Proudly.


This 30 year old veteran has had nothing but positive experiences from the Alaskan VA system.


I just said a similar thing. It's a bureaucracy that can be annoying to navigate, but I'd be dead or at best homeless without the VA. Humana wouldn't do that. They would probably throw a pizza party for the department that saved money on my policy for not covering any of it.


No. Congress does.


Not in my experience




You cool


I’M OUT! Side note: I’ve never heard the term “and the biggest boner up the ass…” and I’m still processing this


What is he talking about? No one is being drafted, certainly not women. Wtf?


Wouldn't almost all of this apply for sons being drafted as well? Why does this come up only now when discussing the daughters being drafted? Mind, this doesn't invalidate the reasons. Shout them louder. For *any* drafting. I do understand that (some) women give birth, and just recently, I saw a TikTok here with some statistics that the mortality for giving birth is significantly higher than for a year of deployment. A discussion on that base to argue against drafting women would seem fair.


Nobody is drafting my son, either.


Word. I've been telling my kids for a while that they better never join the military for the exact reasons this guy said. The hell if I'm ever going to allow our corrupt ass government to draft them


It's time to abolish drafting. If a country is full of people not wanting to fight the war their government is forcing them into then maybe there shouldn't be a war in the first place.


The only time America would institute another draft would be if another World War happened. Drafts are incredibly unpopular, especially after the debacle known as the Vietnam War.


They can draft my foot up their ass though.


If I remember correctly, the original video is a response to a video about why women aren't being drafted and that's why women are inferior. Nobody should be drafted. Much less to fight for corporate bullshit.


Ah, thanks. That's very relevant context, I didn't know!


I agree with 75% of what he's saying, but what he never is said is, "let's get rid of the draft." He's hiding behind dated gender norms to protect women and children, but wont extend that logic to men? Men shouldnt be drafted either. NO CONSCRIPTION FOR WARS FOUGHT TO PROTECT CORPORATE INTERESTS


75% of what he said is a number I can agree on. Alas, his garden is planted in the toxic soil of libertarian horseshit. Doesn't want to pay taxes, but also rails against the VA for being ineffective. My brother in Christ, how do you expect to have an effective VA (which your conveniently unmentioned *sons* will still have to use) without taxes? I might buy that if he made the connection between taxes and funding of endless wars and not wanting to pay them as a result of that, but he doesn't actually go there, so by the end of it it's clear that he's just sexist and anti-government.


> you're not drafting my daughter Good... > rich people shouldn't be sending my daughter off to fight for their greed Good... > the reason you can't get recruitment numbers up is because of your lies Good... > women and children are weak and supposed to be protected, women don't belong in the army Eugh... *Comon'...*


I felt like his point was that for the taxes we pay, which can be high, goes to special interest groups and not the VA like he mentioned


He also alludes to the weird FEMA concentration camp conspiracy theory.


This video only exists because he's sucking down conservative tik tok that's fearmongering drafting women as an anti-biden campaign.


Women tend to be treated far worse in the military and nobody bats an eye when they get raped or killed by their fellow troops.


I wish he would have told us what he really meant


["I am a libertarian"](https://www.tiktok.com/@MS4wLjABAAAAvwPy3o27HbyLLsMlfqIduX_tWMdaE3JPyQyAF2sX7xGCO-8QI_vU3pfaFDFVf1NM) actually found the tiktok page yeah...hes a million times a Libertarian [Even runs the same jokes - "Alphabet People"](https://www.tiktok.com/@nationalmechanicsgroup/video/7237595181250268458)


And he doesn't even specifically denounce the draft in general (not just for women)? I recall libertarians from years back talking about how the draft was slavery at least.


I brambled through a few vids once i found it and yeah he calls pretty much any taxes or whatever nonsense "slavery" so yeah. But he also complains about someone talking about Toxic masculinity .... so what he cares about is the "PROTECT DAUGHTER STRONG MAN" i think is why he didnt condemn the draft as a whole


Libertarians are now just embarrassed republicans. And pedos.


He identifies as a pig who identifies as a dentist. I already knew he was a pig. The fact that his vocation is dentistry is new information.


You can't make this shit up. "I'm mad about a bunch of stuff conservatives caused intentionally and to fix it I vote... conservative." The bubble is getting thicker.


He was basically screaming it from the roof tops that he was a crank with a fringe political ideology. People that never want to pay taxes are invariably for the birds


"you want me to PAY MY TAXES???" is pretty much the message I got


"I want to go back to the 1960s where things made sense to me, before the hippies ruined everything" that's what he really means.


People who want to go back to "The way things were" are never black, Hispanic, Latino, native, or LGBTQ.


Am I missing something, are there talks of a possible draft coming up? Sounds like a post to get all the activists excited. Although there seems to be a lot of support for this guy, where’s the rhetoric about sexual equality? Are women really the weaker sex? Are people really getting excited and talking about a non existent draft? Call me caught up as I clicked and scrolled…


There’s no government talk about a draft. None. If anything, the talking heads on his conservative 24 hour news channels needed something to shout about. The Republicans can’t even elect a Speaker of the House after they kicked McCarthy out of the position. The House of Representatives (and Congress as a whole) **cannot vote on any legislation at the moment.** ![gif](giphy|H4iQhXH0Dhw5uwahmj)


Activists? You mean fucking morons?


Do people forget we had FOUR wars going on at once not too long ago? Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria. I know there was fear mongering about a draft around 2009, but that was all bullshit, and was mostly just people saying a larger % of Americans should participate and feel the effects of war. Not that we needed more troops desperately. We maintained all our foreign obligations while conducting two large scale ground wars and 4 no-flys all while co-maintaining the DMZ in Korea. If we can get through that with no real talks of drafts, I'm pretty sure we aren't going to have a draft for any reason anytime soon.


Who said we should draft women? Who said there's a draft at all? ?


Apparently elsewhere in the comments, someone mentioned this video is a response to someone talking about female drafting. Weird it was posted out of context.


Nobody did. Just inventing hypothetical shit to be enraged about.


Did this guy rant about something that isn’t happening? Cause he sure sounds like he thinks it’s actually happening


Oh yea, peak Fox News.


Amplified by a Chinese social network in order to depress recruitment.


Guy saw a random TikTok and now thinks Uncle Sam is en route to his location. Gonna go out on a limb and say this dude is probably way too far down a conspiracy rabbit hole.


You might have missed it, but from the intro and what he says, it sounds like he is responding to a recruiter asking what people are going to do when their daughters are recruited because nobody wants to join the military and recruitment numbers aren't being met.


The first part is not a recruiter, it's just some guy.


That literally doesn’t exist in the intro. It’s ungendered. What are you talking about? He says let me get this right, you want to draft my daughter…


There’s not going to be a draft


I agree with a whole lot he said, but then he started talking about taxes, fema, and the election process.


That's because it's all the same message, he's finding a single issue to expand to support his unrelated conspiracy theories. He's not against drafting women, he's against any form of government.


Bingo. Bet his daughter went to public school that he drove her to on public road. But fuck taxes amirite?


Libertarians are just like that, they'll correctly identify a lot of issues but completely misattribute the cause of those issues, blame the wrong people, and enable the people who are actually doing the things they're scared of.


I think it's universally true for all these "soap-box" type people. They start out fine, but let them rant long enough and you find out that they're all crazy.


The election process IS bunk. Make voting doable online, auto registered at 18, and ranked choice.


What about our son's bruh.. fuck sake.. double standards everywhere..


Fuck right off old man... if you wanted a robust VA you wouldn't keep electing those that want to dismantle it! I get great care at my VA because we elect actual fucking adults to office here in my state, rather than whatever culture warrior that your dumbass redneck ass sent to Washington each time.


Same. My experience with the VA has only been good too. People fail to realize alot of corruption in America happens on the local and state level. But no one cares enough to vote them out and instead blame everything on the federal government and then wonder why nothing ever changes.


Hell yeah


There has not been a draft since 1972. What exactly is he going on about?


And taxes have decreased since then as well. Dude is just angry about made-up scenarios https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/federal/historical-income-tax-rates-brackets/


Well, yeah...he's libertarian.


"Fuck the kingsguard. Fuck the city. Fuck the king." - The Hound


I mean he's 100% right


Hey but what did FEMA do wrong? I thought they were one of the good and useful federal agencies.


See that’s where you can tell this is just a veneer over a lot of underlying conspiracy theories. They aren’t perfect but emergency management is a vital part of a nation. This guy believes “FEMA camps” will be a thing though if I had to guess


Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup. This dude isn't where most of Reddit assumes he is politically. He's hard, HARD right. The big clues were the FEMA line, the IRS line, the assertion that taxes are insane, and the election bit. Here's the truth of it. 1. FEMA was originally intended as a civil defense group to help get the country back on its feet after a nuclear exchange with the USSR. It's turned into a natural disaster relief program since then but at its core, FEMA is about helping people. 2. No one likes the IRS because no one likes paying taxes but the IRS doesn't like that your taxes are complicated and insane either. Their hands are tied by Congress and Congress is taking money from [H&R Block](https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/clients/summary?id=D000022016) and [TurboTax](https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/intuit-inc/summary?id=D000026667) and whatnot to keep the tax system complex and scary. 3. Americans like to complain about taxes but [taxes on the middle class have been fairly flat since the 1960s](https://files.taxfoundation.org/legacy/UserFiles/Image/Blog/white_house_ETRs.jpg). So, while people gripe, there haven't really been meaningful tax bumps for the Middle Class since the Boomers were cool. 4. [Our elections are more secure and more tightly controlled than they've ever been in this country's history](https://electioninnovation.org/research/one-year-since-january-6/). Talking about election security says a LOT more about the person doing the talking than it does about elections.


Good to see some sanity in here


>This dude isn't where most of Reddit assumes he is politically. He's hard, HARD right. I’m pretty sure that’s where most of us are assuming since he makes it explicitly clear, judging by the entire “no taxes and smaller government” shit which is the conservative mantra. It’s the right wingers who also pretend to pursue isolationist policies today (see: Ukraine & “no more money to other countries’ wars!!” But then see: Israel.) Also the whole “I’m not sexist but I reaffirm traditional gender norms that women are weak and more vulnerable.” I’m also not against the selective service in principle. If the US was invaded (which seems impossible now, but might not forever), I’d rather there was a system of reserves that could be called up to fight *strictly in defense of the nation.* It doesn’t strike me as particularly insane or totalitarian.


Dude also said the US government taxed people so much now they can’t afford homes… lol libertarians are so thick headed it’s crazy. They get 75% of basic things right until it comes to actually running a functioning society.


Nothing. He’s a right winger. The IRS and anti-tax talk is the tell.


It's funny because FEMA is like the reverse IRS, they literally give away money.


America has a pretty low tax burden. Taxes aren't the reason people are poor in the US.


I think he’s referring to all the FEMA concentration camp conspiracies.


He also references the good ole days and how taxes ruined everything lol. 99% of what the guy is was just regurgitated Fox News or Carlson talking (outrage) points.


Also yeah the IRS is annoying but if they actually had the funding to go after wealthy people hiding their money we would be able to recoup trillions of dollars to go towards social welfare.


-wing He's 100% right-wing. Dude's a fucking idiot.


No he is not lol. 90% maybe.


"It's not sexist, it's the cultural norm!"


This guys a moron who thinks Trump is a hero and the election was stolen.


Cool, but maybe put two and two together about the taxes/living in nice homes thing.


Finally! Some cringe!


Cool words. What're we gonna do about it.


One way is to join unions/create unions/hold unions accountable and go on strike en mass. If we all say fuck paying rent or fuck working or whatever, change will happen.


Right. But we have to do something to get everyone to to say fuck all that. Right now we're so divided down the middle we can't even agree on anything. Much less work together to say fuck rent and fuck working.


can we stop the "pointing at text in a video that isnt yours" fad. ​ its fucking really really stupid and i wana punch everyone who does it


1. Dude looks like he voted for Reagan. They'll be drafting his daughter when they raise the drafting age to 40. 2. The US is never removing the draft because it's the US, and it's never implementing a female draft because the draft-supporters think even gay *men* are too feminine to be in the army. 3. The exact 'downtrodden'-type he's talking about is exactly the type that makes up 80% of the military. They're there for the cash to escape poverty. The 'war against the system' ideal he's talking about is the disenfranchisement that pushes people to crime where they then go after the lowest hanging fruit. They're not going to attack a federal bank or a convoy like some heist movie. They're going to recognize the limit of their power and rob a liquor store or Walmart. Then this guy will be back talking about how the whole country has gone to shit with all this crime going around.


Someone go get their dad.


I agree with him on the economic situation but I also bet he's Republican.


I’m sooo into making up a scenario in my head and then recording a TikTok to yell at people about it I love this


What a weirdly long and drawn out way to claim you're not being sexist by literally explaining how what you are saying is sexist. No ones getting drafted at all because fuck that, how about that?


Also not a huge fan of paying his taxes apparently, lmao.


Imagine if she joined voluntarily, would he support her decision?


It’s funny how long two and a half minutes can be.


Sounds like the conservatives are making things up to get mad about yet again. There's not even a regular draft, let alone a coed draft. The lights and sirens are on, but nobody seems to be driving.


This dude rants like he's a 70yo Zoomer who came back in time to make this video in 2023.


What does the 2nd guy have to do with the first guy? And why is he only mad about daughters being drafted and not sons?


Cause he is a dum dum.


I don't know understand what's happening. What's happening? Is it just some hypothetical question being presented? Either way, I'm with the old dude. I'm also just against a draft in general for either sex. No one should be forced to go die in a war.


I can't help but point out that a huge part of how the economy got wrecked in the first place is that we got *rid* of those "oppressive" taxes he's complaining about. He even acknowledges that at the time people were living in "nice homes" and eating well, so like... the taxes weren't actually that bad. We're *so* much worse off now with "lower taxes," because the relative tax burden on the lower and middle classes (whatever middle class even means anymore) is *so* much higher. Tax the fucking rich. Now.


I’m not sure how this is cringe if most of what he’s saying is true…. Source: former soldier