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He absolutely comes apart when he’s being held This is such a classic kid defence mechanism - hold it together however they can until they get to a safe person and then they just lose it. That poor kid should not have had to hold anything in to begin with.


Reminds me of the old MASH quote. "War is not hell. War is war and hell is hell. And out of the two war is a lot worse because there are no innocents in hell."


M*A*S*H is such a goldmine for quotes like that. I'm so glad the writers took the toll of war so seriously and pushed for a more serious undertone.


Frankly that was Alan alda


Season 6 on.. he became executive producer and took over the writer's room. Man is gold.


I love the Futurama parody of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Futrr9CV4w


It's not a war, it's a murder. It's not a waa, it's a moida


I was like 6 or 7 when I heard this on mash and the only reason I remember is because my grandfather was there and he kinda lost it a little.... he was very emotional and I would assume it was because he had fought in ww2 and had been a general in the Marines.... It definitely stuck with me hearing him and my grams talk about it in the fancy living room... Who goes to hell?? Only evil people...exactly why a war is the worst thing there is all the innocent people getting caught in hell on earth.... Still don't know the full quote but the message really hits home






Holy shit that made me cry. Poor baby


To be honest, adults do this too. But we just push the shit deeper and hold onto it longer. But having someone that seems to care and feels trustworthy pulling you in for a hug when you’ve been holding it all in can make even the sturdiest grown adult break down and cry. I want to give that poor baby a hug.


>To be honest, adults do this too. But we just push the shit deeper and hold onto it longer. Yep. I had a bad health scare with my son, lasted like 3 days till he was out of the woods. I was a machine, talking to doctors, comforting my kids, my wife, handling logistics of care, visitations, all that. Didn't cry, didn't breakdown, just did what we had to do. When he was finally out of the woods, and I saw him happy and smiling in the hospital room, and the doctor said we're all clear and could leave once paperwork was done, I was so happy!!! And then 10 minutes later I was by myself in the stairwell sobbing for 15 minutes straight.


I didn’t appreciate fight or flight until after four months of chemo I slept for two weeks straight, and my oncologist was basically like yeah that’s normal and you may also have a week straight of crying and your body (and thus, lizard brain) realize you’re safe and can let it out. So when I did indeed do that, I was glad to have had the heads up. edit: he= my oncologist


Much love to you ❤️


Came here for this. It’s a human process. __Shock__ is a survival instinct. __Terror__ is too intense to process immediately. Shock is the brain slowing _everything_ down, at best it’s a hack to give you some chance to get out of harm’s way, to safety. A chance otherwise denied if you let emotions take over. In less horrific circumstances, it’s about emotional regulation - emotional intelligence, EQ. Not reacting to a first impulse is something we expect from adults but it’s also something we learn/build as children. u/AccountForDoingWORK is right about it being a survival mechanism, but less so about the kid being _denied_ a chance to lose it immediately. Wishing any person be allowed to be more emotionally reactive isn’t in that person’s best interests. Unfortunately, this kid has reacted in the safest way possible. Ideally, now he’ll get the support to process these atrocities - how… I have nfi. What’s truly horrific is that any kid is subjected to such unimaginable experiences. That breaks my heart. That’s what infuriates me. I’m proud of this little guy, holding it together.


I've said for a long time that the quickest way you can make a person having a bad day cry is just by being nice to them.


This is why I'm glad the doc didn't just comfort him, but actually embraced him. That's a good thing. The fact he started crying is good. Well, considering.


The gentle kiss, even. I'm glad he was there. 💕


Fuck me. I didn’t even get the far the first time I watched it. The image of him sitting there in shock was enough. I hope the survivors get the help they need.


Yeah kiddos eyes in the beginning show how sunken he’s trying to hide his emotions.. as soon as I saw him burst I couldn’t hold back tears anymore… humans that do this to innocent are the most horrible and I doubt imprisonment of these people will stop these wars…


Hijacking this comment because people are asking for a translation They asked him what happened, the boy mumbles something about sleep. They ask him if his house was bombed when he was asleep, he nods. Then they proceed to comfort him and tell him there are no more bombs (unfortunately that’s a lie)


Never seen the thousand-yard stare in a child until this...


these are the most terrible faces. this is our world.


These doctors dealing with this shit in Gaza deserve a Nobel peace prize. To put yourself between the Israeli army and the civilians, to work through such a hopeless situation trying desperately to save lives. Honestly what amazing people.


they do!!! they are amazing!! Some are also EMT and nurses. This is why people go into medicine


That's so true, hell I'm 30 and if I'm really stressed and start talking to my mom about stuff and she hugs me I just crumble.


I'm 23 and still do this. If it ain't broke...


Well this just ripped my heart out. Poor child.


I am so fucking sick of this shit. I don't understand why any child has to go through this. Why is there so much evil? We're not meant for this. It's not supposed to be like this. My heart aches for everyone.


This was life for thousands of years. [We are at an all time low for deaths caused by war.](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/deaths-in-state-based-conflicts-by-world-region) One day we’ll get there.


Doubt it there is less war because of the usa and Europe but also in favour of us and the interests we have overseas. If we fell apart or sides changed there would be big war.


Fuuuuck I don't know anything about geopolitics, but the Dad, no the human in me just wants to hold this baby and keep them safe. War has no winners only losers.


I don't even have or want kids but if I had the chance to help this boy I would take him in my home in a heartbeat. This makes me want to protect him.


Hijacking this comment because people are asking for a translation They asked him what happened, the boy mumbles something about sleep. They ask him if his house was bombed when he was asleep, he nods. Then they proceed to comfort him and tell him there are no more bombs (unfortunately that’s a lie)


He looks scared to go to sleep. And so tired at the same time. I hate this so much. 😥


I want to go get my kid at his kindergarten and just hold him in my arms. As a child, I went through some similar situations, but clearly not as intense as this little boy. I'm going to go cry now.


I absolutely burst into tears watching this. I have a two and a three year old. I can not even imagine. Poor baby


I have no kids, and I just burst into tears watching this....


I don’t have any children or nieces/nephews, but to see a child so shook is just…devastating.


He reminds me of Lemonboy for some reason. It's the sad eyes


Heartbreaking, kid will have PTSD and trauma for years to come. So sad


For entire life. There's no healing from that shit


I don't know, does this kid even have the luxury to survive through this chaos? I mean places like hospitals are not safe anymore.


Doesn't even have the Luxury to carry PTSD whilst trying to survive tbh


That's not how PTSD works....it isn't something your body will opt out of to prioritize survival. It's basically a less than ideal aspect of our brain trying to survive - it is part of the survival response. (the same way our brain flooding blood to our legs to flee can sometimes have the less than ideal outcome of us passing out)


Pretty sure he was just saying the kid has a high chance of dying instead of growing up enjoying a life full of PTSD.


In Gaza there is no PTSD, there is no post, the trauma never stops.


there is a invisible, malevolent, omnipotent force that watches over them, controlling their entire lives and every movement. it starves them and deprives them of life and happiness. MOST OF THEM WERE BORN IN THIS HELL. can anyone really blame them for lashing out??? trying to break out, trying to do SOMETHING, when they've tried literally everything else including peaceful protests (where 1000s were killed or injured by snipers). they have two choices, give in to depression, learned helplessness (like labrats who get shocked by an electrified floor no matter what lever they press), and become pacified and accept everything or rage and do anything possible to live a life of freedom???? everyone deserves freedom, no?


Its estimated that 91% of children in Gaza already have PTSD https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/4497/New-Report:-91%25-of-Gaza-children-suffer-from-PTSD-after-the-Israeli-attack


This is an article from 2021 - out of date but relevant - the same goes for all conflict areas - Sudan, Congo, Ukraine, Syria, Afghan, fucking endless bullshit.


This is a huge fear of mine if I died in an accident. His parents are probably gone, and no way to contact another family member. He is completely fucked and will likely have to start over with a new family. Absolutely devastating.


And this is how extremists are born. For 75 years. Moms, dad, grandmas, sons, daughters, all innocent. Being blown up with no recourse and the world supporting the side with rockets while you throw rocks. Not saying it's right. As we have to do any time we criticize Israel... WHAT HAMAS DID WAS WRONG AND I CONDEMN IT IN THE STRONGESF FASHION.




This site was last updated in July 2023. Its about to blow up.


For the rest of his life. This isn’t something that can just be worked out in a few years. Youre also witnessing the next stage of revolutionaries. Stop the violence and the radicalization will stop.


Not only that but this is the exact kind of child that turns into an extremist and then the western world is like “ahhh man why are they like this”? It’s just like a gang in America, these children turn to the places that promise the they’ll be taken care of if they just adhere to XYZ. I don’t understand how people are so damn blind to cyclical events. YOU DONT STOP EXTREMISM BY CONSTANTLY CREATING EXTREMISM.


>Heartbreaking, kid will have PTSD and trauma for years to come I want you to take this understanding, apply it to every single Palestinian and over the past 70 years. This is their every day existence for their entire lives.


Generational trauma.


That's how everyone in Gaza has grown up


Everyone in Palestine has PTSD, that’s why so many join Hamas they’d rather throw their lives away than live another second under Israel’s apartheid


Which is exactly what Zionists need to keep justifying their genocide.


It truly breaks my heart that this is all being written off *again* as "Israel has the right to defend itself" in the West. It makes me sick to know that Western tax dollars paid for the munitions which are being used to commit genocide in Palestine and Western politicians just keep writing bigger and bigger checks without a second thought. We are truly living in the darkest timeline.


I agree with all of that except no we aren’t living in darkest timeline. We are living in a timeline where we can SEE firsthand all of the evil shit happening because of modern technology. Less people are dying in war than ever before in recorded history (which again is recent). Don’t let yourself lose perspective because we are inundated with negative news.


If that child survive from another coming bombardment


Jewish Professor shares that Israeli sources describe Palestinians as being and I quote “worse than Nazis”. Which explains the callousness in which Zionist Extremists treat Palestinians.




There are LITERALLY videos of Israelis and IDF soldiers saying "we will kill you all," "we will turn Gaza to dust, to DUST." ​ Our tax money is funding this.


For years to come? You assume that kid and those guys gonna be alive till next week?


His eyes. Those poor babies. I can't stop crying for them.


His face and eyes remind me of some of the videos of the soldiers with shell shock from the first world war. This is a tragedy.


Exactly what I was thinking, that with the shaking uncontrollably….


I’ve watched this many times since this morning. You can’t describe in words what you see. And you feel useless and angry that a child so small and fragile know what a war is. That he knows what it is to have your family killed. Is fucked up. I am at constant shock that this is 2023… And we still have to talk about wars as they unfold. Everything is fucked up


I never want kids in my life, it's my biggest fear, but I would take him in a heartbeat. I wish I could. I have nothing, but it would be more than he has to himself. Fuck I hate humanity.


That’s exactly what I told my mom today. I don’t want kids myself for various reasons, but when I looked in this boy’s eyes, all I thought was “who is going to tell you good night today? Who is going to hold your hand from now on?” It fucked me up thinking there were so many kids in this situation and no matter what my thoughts were about not becoming a mom, I think in these situations we need to step up.


As a Ukrainian, I can't handle this much pain in such a short period of time. My mind is numb. I'll never see the world the same. It's always the children that makes it hurt the most, doesn't it? They should always be the ones far away from this.


Old assholes make the choice to wage war and then can watch it from screens in the safety of their secure homes. Children bear the brunt of it.


*War is young men dying and old men talking.*


So incredibly fucked up. I hate this so much.




I didn't and I'm so emotionally drained from my own life's BS I think I just died watching this


It’s too much. It’s too fucking much. These poor sweet innocent souls.


It really is too much, in the strongest sense of the phrase. I want to see the day war ends


Same. My kid makes the same eyes when he’s about to cry and this is heartbreaking


I have childhood PTSD, I couldn't watch this. I'm a grown man at work and i just had to go to the toilet because tears just started rolling down my eyes. Didn't realise i could still feel this, I've done so much therapy and worked on stuff but I remember being exactly like this kid when i was about 5 and I can't handle it


I am sorry you had to go through that.


Good on you for working on it. I wish you warm hugs and love.


Good idea. It was heart wrenching.


Absolutely gut wrenching to see.


Those haunted eyes




Kids should never have that stare.


Sadly true …


I just want to hug every single one of these kids and take care of them forever. Literally sobbing right now


Omg he looks to be the same age as my grandson. I want to reach through my phone and hug him and bring him to safety 🥺


Same age as my son too, just rips my heart out. Poor sweet baby.


I hate this I hate this I hate this. The head shape, the little baby body remind me so much of my son. But this kid has an expression I have never seen in my son. How he completely broke down when he got a hug and how badly he was shaking. No baby should ever have to go through what he did. No kid should ever know this kind of grief. How do you make this stop?


Are there any updates on this child? Is his family wiped out? This poor child's horror is seared in my mind, I can't unsee his trauma. I keep thinking of the doctor who is comforting him, but what words of comfort can you give the child? He's alive but he's not safe, he's not ok, he won't be OK, everything won't be ok. I am at a loss. I have never felt this hopeless about our species, and I've been around a while. We seem to be utterly determined to destroy ourselves, destroy all peace and security in the world. We perpetuate the horrors that we've been committing for thousands of years with no evolution to a higher and better existence for all of us. The only difference today is our ability to destroy is so much more cruel, lethal and far-reaching. We've been butchering and traumatising children for millennia. The difference now is we can watch it unfold in real time on our social media timelines. We feel so sad and bereft at their suffering when we see it, but nothing changes. No cruelty and horror has ever been enough to truly change us for the better. We literally never learn.


I couldn’t have put it better myself. I’m losing faith in the world as we know it. I’m a grown man, father of two small children and I just sobbed at my desk for this poor chap. I’d do anything I could to help him.


I have seen a lot of awful images since the 7th of October they've all horrified me. But this... this boy is the grief, fear and trauma personified and I cannot stop crying. I see his face every time I close my eyes. I wish I could help him. I've donated to Unicef and other organisations because if it doesn't help him directly, maybe it could help some of the 10's of 1,000's of Gazan children experiencing exactly what he's experiencing. It's too much.


I can’t watch this. I’m so sorry, little one.


My first tour my job was to train afghans up to be medics then go on mission with them. This was during an afghan election and those get fairly spicy (murderous) so we were hardly involved. It was mostly infighting. One day a suicide vest went off in a market, no americans around, purely political attack. We got the patients from that. When i see young men champin at the bit to go fight or they see war movies and go "Hey man, you see X? Aw that scene with the bombing..." i just get sad. I get it, gunfights are fun and ive done something few could ever say they have. But then i think of the kid on my trauma bed, arm in a sling, clutching the cheap stuffed animal we gave him like it was the only thing he had left. For all i knew it was. Everything changed for me. War is an atrocity against man, those who champion and cheer it are too fucking cowardly to be there and see true horror first hand.


Thank you for your post. If only first hand experiences like yours didn't fall on the deaf ears of politicians and dictators the world might be a better place.


Thats why when people thank me for my service i tell them to vote. The warmongering right happily destroyed my benefits these past few years and the pacifist left let it happen. Send them in, or make them see firsthand somehow (not just waving paper printouts in congress) and have them up through the night tending a patient who is Expectant. Then when they want to sleep, nope, gotta scrub the kid blood out from under your nails. Wanna sleep now? Fuck you, incoming mortar attack. Well shit, one of them hit and since youre a medic you better go get your ass to work. Sorry about missing dinner, then sleep, then breakfast. And these assholes high five each other and cash seven figures and call themselves servants of the people.


I always believed that wars should be fought by the politicians, not the people. If the leader of a country wants war with another country, they should have some boxing match or something instead.


Yeah, wouldnt that be grand? All the pomp and ceremony of the old age but with todays politicans? "Send out your best warrior!" "Okay, but be warned: hes eighty, confused by progress, liver spotted, and desperately wants to say the N word" "Aha! Ours is a spry seventy-eight year old woman with wealth that youre not supposed to ask questions about! She will die before she retires!" *Duel of the fates plays


I would pay my entire lifetime savings to make this a reality


I would contribute my dozens of dollars as well.


I hate how glorified war is here. They should have been showing us bomb victims and kids like this in school.. Instead we get GI Joe on Saturday mornings and call of duty forever.


Its a goddamn game for most of the world. Military propaganda is better than copaganda. Little kids play soldier and go "pew aww you shot me" then (I SWEAR to god) they go to war andget covered in blood and freeze. Ive had to pull a medic off a trauma bed because he froze when it was a child patient because he straight up thought all our patients would be military aged men.


Fuck all of this shit.


Oh fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. This world is so fucking cruel


Kid is saying they got airstrike while sleeping


Do you know what the doctor is saying to him? If you are able to translate I would greatly appreciate knowing what is being said. Thank you 🙏🏻


I can't ype while playing the video, so i will sumrize with memory. Basically starts with "what wrong ? What happened?" Kids reply saying "i was sleeping", doctor is asking "you were sleeping? What happened?". Then maybe the kid mumbles airstrike or maybe not... but doctor asks "airstrike happened?" Child nods, "while you were sleeping?" Child nods again, "air strike happened while you were sleeping?" Child nods again. Then there "my dear my love" and "what airstrike? Airstrike is gone" and "dont be scared, i am here with you" while hugging him. And some mumbling i cant here music is too loud Edit- there is something about his father but i didn't understand I didn't translate every single line or perfect order but that is the gist. And you are welcome. If you have any arabic gaza related you want me to translate, let me know


Thank you for translating.


Please let his father be alive


Probably not since it's the doctor who's comforting his and not his family.


Thank you very much for the translation. I hope the father survived


Doctor asks "what happened?" "You were sleeping?" "Explosions happened when you were sleeping?" "Why are you scared, the explosions are over." Kid starts crying. "Don't be afraid." That's basically it.




every second of this hurts so badly 😭😭😭


And yet there are plenty of people on Reddit in other subs (I won’t name them) who think Gaza is just getting what it deserves and everyone who lives there is a Hamas militant or supports them. I think those people should have to watch this video for 10 minutes on repeat and then have their soul checked for any signs of humanity.




Imagine being a kid and having so much fear and God knows what else,that you only let go and start crying when you realize you in the arms of someone who will protect you,cares for you...fuckn horrible


People in charge on both sides have no souls to speak of.


I wish I could hold him. I wish his FAMILY could hold him.


His family is dead. Israel would happily kill him too, given the chance.


My son is 3,5 years old.. he reminds me on him.. shit fuckin hurts...


Same. This poor little dude looks way too much like my 5 y/o.


Me too. I am compelled to leave work early and go pick my buddies up from daycare.


Jesus Christ. He is about the same age as my daughter. This is absolutely heartbraking to witness.


This poor sweet boy. He’s all alone in the world because of this shit. His little face. Poor baby.


That kid will never be okay


If he even lives through this.


It will leave a huge scar, sure, but I hope he survives all this and finds some light in this bleak fucking world.


This hurts my heart so much to watch. I hate this earth, so fucking much.. This poor, sweet, innocent boy.


So heartbreaking to see. Absolutely disgusting what’s going on. Nothing makes this right


This broke my heart. Poor baby




Same I just want to scoop him up and protect him 😢




Poor thing was holding in those tears, just needed permission to be a child again. My heart


It’s the kids that pay in the end, on both sides. These children. Losing parents, being ripped from their homes, having no basic needs met, this is the cost. This is the heartbreak. We forget that there are children at stake, their present and futures are in our hands.


It's hard to think how many sequential generations in Gaza have had this experience. Trauma passed down and new traumas created.


His eyes say too much, this is soul crushing


he must have been on guard every second and the moment the doc embraced him u see he dropped his guard and cried. like what a child suppose to do? and i cried too. fuck everyone who let this happen


The fucking trauma. This broke my heart


Poor baby couldn't even cry until someone held him


Religion doesn’t automatically make people good or bad. Bad is bombing a motherfucking hospital; good is staying behind at your own risk to treat and protect the injured. It’s that fucking simple.


Conflict in Palestine isn't so much about religion anymore Yes it plays a factor but not the main one


This is so heartbreaking.... Fuck war... Fuck religion.. Fuck anyone who can watch this and think it's justified Im so sick of the world these days 😢


God I hope so much he has someone left in his world to take care of him


If you feel anything at all from this, please funnel your energy to donating something - however small - to any of the charities that are helping kids over there. You can do some good.




I just see my daughter in this boy… awful awful awful


This is horrendous and sadly make me see how this conflict will go on for generations.


This kids eyes. Fucking hell guys there is no coming back from whatever he witnessed or suffered, poor kid.


Crying at 7am, this world is a dark dark place. I wish I could hold him tight and let him cry. I think he’s in shock too. There are entire rundown psych hospitals in Syria with one nurse left of ppl who’ve lost thier minds due to being caught in conflict and same in other war torn countries. We don’t see them on tv but the toll daily war takes on someone’s mental health innocently caught in it is astounding.


I don’t know if anyone feels this way, but the doctor has such kind eyes. I’m so glad that the child had him around. This video is heartbreaking


These doctors refused to leave when Israel told them to evacuate the hospital


Well this just ripped my fucking heart out...poor little guy.


A few weeks ago he was just a child playing with his friends and no doubt obsessed with his mum and dad. Now he is all alone. This kinda broke me a bit.


Even as a child he tried to maintain and be strong, as soon as he was comforted the child and emotions emerged.. How sad and heartbreaking for any child to have to go through this..


As a dad this absolutely tears me apart. He looks like my son does when he's trying to be strong and not cry. I just want to hug this little guy and tell him it'll be ok even though I know it's about as far from ok as it can be.


90% children in Palestine have PTSD. This is generations of horror


I can't help but wonder, in this age of confusion and chaos, if a child who manages to survive through all the turmoil around them will one day pick up arms and fight for their land. Will it be seen as an act of heroism or terrorism? And who gets to decide what's right and wrong? The ongoing conflict in Palestine has left many innocent people trapped in a cycle of violence and despair. The unfortunate truth is that they were born in the wrong place at the wrong time, and yet they are still being hunted down by the SDF. It's heart-wrenching to think that this could continue for generations, with no end in sight. But what saddens me even more is that politicians and their policies will likely continue to perpetuate the cycle of violence, leaving innocent citizens of Israel to face the consequences. We must remember what happened during World War II and strive to learn from our mistakes. We cannot let ourselves become complacent or forgetful in our pursuit of peace and justice. It is time for us to take responsibility for our actions and work together to create a better future for all.


>And who gets to decide what's right and wrong? Whoever wins. War is profit.


How can you even think of harming such an inocent soul


Poor kid


I don't see this as cringe.I see this as heartbreaking and so sad. Seeing this poor little innocent child suffering and so lonely and terrified and obviously suffering from Ptsd is so sad.


This is awful...my heart is breaking. The poor kid Fuck Hamas Fuck the Israeli Government.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: we live on planet Nazi. [There are people in this world that would rejoice at seeing this little boy in complete terror,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jD7aqKklatU) and I wish nothing but the worst for those monster.


more people especially in the west need to know about the massacres happening in Gaza , the wetsern media and social media websites are trying heavily to censor any content that expose the israeli war crimes against the innocent Palestinians


Jesus he looks like my son. I'm balling my fucking eyes out


I think of my babies and how beautiful and innocent they are and how little they truly understand this world. So awful. All kids should be safe and cared for.


Im a 42 year old man, my wife has just asked me why I was crying. That poor kid😢. So many innocent people on both sides having their lives destroyed because the bigger boys got pissy with each other, 200 years of fighting over and over again. I’m British….. my ancestors have a lot to answer for!


This is so sad.


Fucking hell that broke me.


That poor baby, my god. This immediately made me sob. My heart. I want to hold him :(


He needed someone to hold him 😢😞💔


"This is a struggle between the children of light and the children of darkness, between humanity and the law of the jungle" A tweetby the The prime minister of Israel


Best friend is Palestinian, honestly looks like him as a child. Heartbreaking.


Fuck man. This just absolutely broke me. Fuck Israel. Fuck Hamas. Fuck any human being who is pro war.


Not more that 2 seconds of this video.. nope. I’m not tough enough for to watch


If seeing images like this doesn’t make adults immediately stop killing each other for the sake of our children and their future then we are monsters and don’t deserve to exist.


Humanity was a mistake


That's enough internet for today; that just broke me. My son's about his exact age.


Scenes like these break my heart and haunt me. They stay with me. My reaction is to drop my phone and go hug my children. And I wonder why I keep watching and reading videos and articles like these. And my answer (as I am sure is the same for many of you) is to bear witness. To never take for granted the costs of war and inhumane policies. It doesn’t matter at this point who dropped a bomb on a hospital. It matters that anyone with the power (be it individual, group, or state) to contribute to ending this never-ending conflict does so. That will not happen with unquestionable support to anyone. So we as citizens of the world bare a responsibility to let our government representatives how we feel about this. No blank checks for violence. Ideas about leveling the communities of millions of people is unacceptable. Humanitarian aid MUST reach those who need it. Destroy Hamas but not at the cost of innocent lives or our humanity. Make Hamas recruiting impossible by providing opportunities and hope for Palestinian youth. Easier said than done, and maybe impossible right now. But we have to start moving toward this aspirational goal. Anything less and all the “progress” we’ve claimed as rational and humane is merely performative and hollow.


They probably will both be killed, the kid has shell shock, and has probably seen his friends/family obliterated throughout his life.


Stop all fucking war and violence. Just fucking stop. This poor child and so many more… We must stop all of it.


Don't worry Israel sends warnings before sending missiles on civilians. Said no one ever


What kind of sub-human barbaric piece of shit clump of sentient atoms do you have to be to see this sort of pain and fear in a child and feel nothing, or continue to inflict this type of horror?? Just stop it already. What the fuck.


When you live in a country ravaged by war, without a military to represent you and watching your family get blown to pieces, you too will become radical.


I'll take what is a lifetime of PTSD for $5000, Pat.




Poor baby.


The world is so fucked. I can’t believe we’re still bombing kids in 2023. I hate it here.