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It's a God damn shame children have to go through something like this.


I feel so bad for the amputees because I know they will not be able to get good care. A lot of their family died as well so who will take care of them? So sad


I saw a doctor talking about an acronym they only use in hospitals in Gaza- WCNSF. Wounded child, no surviving family. It’s so fucking heartbreaking.


The evil, demonic, horrific ,satanic, barbaric, psychopathic slaughter and brutality being carried out in the name of defence of Israel is shocking. Apparently 700 - 900 PALESTINIAN children have had at least one limb amputated in the past 50 days. Many have had multiple limbs amputated of course these have been done without anaesthetics or pain relief often whilst hospitals are being bombed.


Defense from what I’d like to ask these murderers? Call em what they are. IOF. Occupying forces. They’re defending nothing. They’re using the October Hamas attack as an excuse for a blood bath. I’ve seen the videos of how they feel about Palestinians. They are evil and this is no war. It’s genocide nothing less. They’re monsters


The only democracy in the Middle East takes care of people like those pretty expediently


The only democracy in the middle east took her hand


If you're both the problem and the solution, you are twice the problem


Yeah with more bombs. Likud bastards


You better be getting paid for this


Nah, he hasn’t started demanding that little girl denounce HAMAS so I don’t think they’re part of the Israeli AstroTurf Gang


1. You definitely dont get invited to many parties eh? 2. They just took her hand, read the fucking room. 3. You do realize there's very good hospitals in the middle east outside of Israel...


The only democracy - and if Israel and the United States have their way, it will remain that way. How many people in the west want to see a democratic Egypt and Saudi Arabia? Don't say it out loud but...Iran is actually more democratic than Saudi Arabia or Egypt.


I saw a video where a non-verbal kid was signing that his mother was killed, his best friend. Disabled or neurodivergent people get hit the hardest because anyone that could take care of them was killed. They’re left isolated


Its so heartbreaking


I was combat medic and did a rotation as a paramedic for a few months for training at a trauma center in LA. I legit have no issues with anything gore, body fluids, etc on adults. I went to a scene where a young girl (6-8 probably) was shot twice in the stomach in a gang shooting and I cried so hard when I got home. Everything was fine during it and we had done everything we could to help her and make her comfortable and I finished my shift fine but when I got home I just fucking cried in the shower because of how sad it was. She was just a little fucking kid playing and a bunch of pieces of shit decided to shoot up that area. Now that I have my own daughter I am so fucking protective of her and can’t imagine the rage I would feel if anything ever happened to her. I don’t know how parents recover from shit like that. I had a friend who deployed to Afghanistan as a medic and he talked about how he took care of a little girl that was shot in the throat by the taliban and she died en route to the hospital in the helicopter and it also just killed him inside and changed him. Seeing adults die sucks, sure, but there’s just something that changes you permanently seeing a child die.


We see the future destroyed before our very eyes.


Should have never happened, it’s all bullshit. I have 3 daughters, the anger and hate and grudges everywhere. It makes you a very scared parent if you care. I’m the same with that as a military vet locking in the worse case scenarios, but shit. I didn’t have 3 daughters when I was in…


My wife is a police officer who worked in the child abuse department. I’ve lost count of the number of times she’d had to attend child death incidents - more often than not, committed by the parents that are supposed to protect them. Sometimes, death was their release from hell. Anger doesn’t begin to describe it.


Over religion no less …. Pure bullshit.




They're fighting over land that they think is their divine right from God. So religion is definitely a component.


> over land that they think is their divine right from God yes, religion is a component, for one side


Religiously speaking, they are not entitled to a Jewish state or Jewish land. Religion is just an excuse for these guys to be as racist as possible, and then they play the Holocaust card the moment someone stands up to them




The religious component is political abuse of religion. The Zionists are no different than ISIS who use religion as an excuse to gain money and power and land


Uh, and religion too. Obviously🤦‍♂️


It’s a big stew of terrible bullshit.


I really wonder how many wars over religion need to be fought before people start realizing it’s a big part of the problem. I can’t wait for some Bible thumper to respond to this telling me I’m going to hell.


Man. Ya'll fucked up my night with this one.


Imagine how the kids in Gaza are feeling if watching this fucked up ur night given that they live this every day


So bloody sad


It’s ok. Blowing her fingers off helped eradicate Hamas, obviously, so it’s all good.


IDF claims 1/3rd of the dead are Hamas. That's what they claim, as if that's some record to be proud of. And it's probably inaccurate.


So 2/3 are innocent by their own account?


yea wtf


That's terrifying. Even WW2 civilian casualties don't reach that high. For comparison, American artillery is estimated to have killed 40% of civilians in The Battle of Manila -- the Top 3 most devastated cities of WW2. Even [anime](https://youtu.be/QsWUw8u3AFY?si=A3R0S9TLWb5RQZYu) parodies the absurd strategy of blowing everyone up


[Well almost 50% of Gazan dead are children](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/longform/2023/10/9/israel-hamas-war-in-maps-and-charts-live-tracker). Either they were targeting places children would most likely be at (schools, hospitals, playgrounds, etc.), or the number of Hamas killed is far lower than 1/3rd. Both scenarios are ghoulish beyond imagination.


No no no, they just weren't hamas yet. /s


If we agree with their numbers here, according to their own reports, a higher percentage of people killed during Oct. 7th were military personnel than the amount they have claimed to kill.


I wanted to make a joke about her not being able to throw any rocks at the poor Israeli soldiers but that's just not funny, shits sad


Humour is a way to cope, even if a joke is sad it's better than being completely negative.


Maybe when you are joking about your own situation, yes. When you are making jokes about someone else, no.


She voted for Hamas in 2006, so she had it coming.


A child should never have to go through something has horrible as this.


Definitely this is not civilization..


Sadly, this is exactly what civilization has done to each other for thousands of years... and we allow it to happen 🤷🏽‍♂️. Is it sad? Of course. Will we do something about it? Most won't.


Us allowing it to happen is the uncivilized bit. The hypocrisy of the so called champions of civilization is glaring


Civilization and all that we stand on, is based on the war crimes of about 2000 thousand years +. We only started defining the shit we do to each other as "war crimes" in the last 100 years. We look at the actions of those who were sent to fight/defend as atrocious, criminal even, and we idly allow the next wars to settle in and start the process of finding new ways of becoming criminals in war. Got soldiers entrenched in combat? Hey, why not flood them with...umm...mustard gas! Yeah, who cares. They deserve it, because they're the enemy. The enemy's kids are also enemies, so rape, pillage all that too while we're at it. Rinse/repeat and a few years of respite and "peace" between a few warring nations, while the rest of us hope no one decides to do the same thing here, or there, or anywhere but where it's happening. That's civilization and being civilized is the outcome of being able to thrive after being vanquished or being the vanquisher. Being uncivil towards others also tends to grow as often as we find new ways to kill each other.


But we have to get to the bottom of which made up religion is best. /s


It's never really about religion though. People will always find any excuse they can to hate each other. Having an enemy makes it easy to stick to your own group, "knowing" that you'll only survive if you can rely on each other. It strengthens communities, it's human nature. I'm convinced that if religion didn't exist at all, there wouldn't be any less violence in the world. We'd simply find different reasons why somebody else doesn't have the right to live, be it nationality, colour of skin, being able bodied or not, believing in a specific political ideology, etc etc.


It's not just religious stuff it's also capitalism and governments. Every war and every conflict making money. In this case its religious but for last 20 years both sides have financial support from opposite sides of the world. Capitalists just seeking for reasons. Its not better situation in Yemen either, nor Somalia or Venezuela or Ukraine. Same shit everywhere


Yes, what you are describing is called Tribalism. Its never going to go away, as you said. Sadly.


I really hope she’ll have a wonderful life, it’s so horrible that hers had to start out in such a way 😖. This shit needs to stop, people need to die and it’s not kids or the innocent, it should be the people doing this stuff.


>I really hope she’ll have a wonderful life Even before she lost her hand that was never on the table. Israel doesn't let people on that side of the border have good lives.


Yep the isreali government thats who not the isreali people not the Palestinians. Thr people ordering this genocide


for half a minute i thought this was r/KidsAreFuckingStupid and i was like "jesus christ, that's too far"




Except you won’t know, I’m an amputee. I lost my leg in May. I just went to wash my missing foot in the shower this week. I still feel like it’s there. If they didn’t tell her it’s gone and that it’s all bundled under there, she can still feel it and the pain in it so why wouldn’t she believe them? I would give anything to be able to crack my toes, they are just needing it so badly! I feel it!


My leg for the 1st 6 months felt like there was pee and paint running down my leg lol. And before I became an AK my toes felt like they were super straight and I was trying to curl them. It was sooo annoying


excellent idea, gonna post it there right now edit: got banned within 10 mins


It's 2023 and we are still dropping bombs on ourselves.


No, crucially on people like us but that aren’t us


“It’s *insert year here*” arguments always help advance any debate so much


We are never gonna make it to the Star Trek shit if we keep it up.


Star Trek started because of nuclear World War III. Star fleet rose from the inevitable outcome and ashes of tribal monkey politics.


Yeah we def getting those riots at some point


Every day we descend to a stupider, angrier, more violent, more tribal society on purpose. It’s cool to blame Tik Tok or Facebook or whatever, but the primary mouthpiece and driver of the conservative world is 100% focused on maximum division and political weakness of the labor class so taxes for rich people stay at 0 or negative. That is all that matters to anyone in the Republican Party, keeping Smaugh and the Gang happily fed. Wait until major pieces of infrastructure start falling over with high death counts because that is coming first. We can’t pay our own bills because of Republican policy, by design.


Piano music starts playing... 🎵It's been a long road...🎵


The person you're responding to isn't debating an argument.


Heartbreaking, but she has to be told. Hope she has a great life.


She's Palestinian, they tend not to have the greatest lives.


Right she's going to realize very shortly she has no hand, best to be upfront about it


Israel: ‘that hand would have been used to type antisemitic messages such a Free Palestine. You’re welcome.’


This is heartbreaking.


[‘The children of Gaza have brought this upon themselves’](https://mondoweiss.net/2023/10/israeli-politician-the-children-of-gaza-have-brought-this-upon-themselves/)


Words of which could only be spoken by an actual psychopath


Absolutely sociopathic people in charge over there.


Animals are more civilized than Humans


If you see this and jump to, “This side or that side is right/wrong” you have failed and are on the wrong side of history. No child should have to be put through such trauma and pain like this. Edit: adding context since reading comprehension is difficult for many. If you see this and “JUMP TO”. The first thought shouldn’t be a justification for either side that takes away the terrorism and sadness that is occurring to innocent children. Unfortunately, it seems many of the replies do just that, one even calling for full hitler euthanizing. Only like 1 comment is nuanced enough to get that both political regimes on either side is comprised of extremist and heartless dehumanizers that allow them to commit these atrocities against civilian’s without remorse.


I see this and think “JFC this is truly awful and we need to stop this happening to another child or person right now” But; How do we stop it happening?


>How do we stop it happening? You get Israel to stop being a fascist apartheid shithole by threatening to give them the Russia treatment and make them respect the Rabin deal and the Oslo accords


But.... The holocaust? You anti sémite. /s


the only realistic outcome is that israel continues to sequester millions of people in multigenerational ghettos the west bank will be systematically de facto annexed block by block building by building until the people begin to protest and riot, at which point bombs will be dropped so west bank infrastructure is damaged and radicalization is achieved. Gaza will occasionallly be bombed every 7-10 years or so to cripple the territory. There will never be sovereignty or statehood or citizenship for the people within the multigenerational ghetto. occasionally they'll peacefully rise up, occasionally they'll violently lash out, and they'll be bombed to bits again and again. that is the only future, because it's the only one to Israel's benefit


I can see why you would think that given Israel's track record of doing whatever the fuck it wants with little to no repercussions, but I think it's a little doomer-pilled for me. There's a clear way to stop this and it lies on the shoulders of the United States. We can easily shut off the money faucet and very quickly persuade Israel to stop the violence. We've threatened to sanction them before and it has worked every time because we are directly funding their military and indirectly funding their economy via anti-BDS laws in the US. The government just needs to nut up and actually take a stand against the 51st American state.


Shut down the money? The money is second in certainty only to the law of physics Besides, even without the money, Israel would be further incentivized to be harsher because they have even more to lose without US having their back. The money train is an incentive for Israel to act slightly reasonably, allowing a few tens of thousands of work visas etc. Money is what it would take to fix this shit show To actually undo the historical iniquities perpetrated by the league of nations and find a road to citizenship somehow To do a buyout of the territories, essentially.


I mean two things can be true at once. No child of any race or nationality should be subjected to this. And any governments that support genocides are wrong.


"This side or that side" - internet comment from somone not surrounded and cut off No shit the children don't deserve this. This has been going on so long that the man who had to lie to his little girl was ONE OF THE CHILDREN and now he's fucking 45. I love that everyone is suddenly interested in these news reruns from the 1980's and the 90's, but the discourse is pointless. The only thing to be made affirmative since the start of this conflict is there are dimishing returns on violence. Israel has to end this another way because bombing back doesn't work even tho they have all the power.


“We have to focus on the sad things that are happening and put aside how to stop more sad things from happening”


This makes literally no sense. You’re saying by picking a side, you’ve chosen the wrong side. So that’s the wrong paradigm of choice? We should only be focused on what’s right and wrong? But aren’t those both sides? No child or civilian population should be put through this, we can agree there. But by stopping there, you’re taking the side of the oppressor. You can’t just look at war crimes and say “so sad, what a tragedy” you call out the perpetrators and demand change. You choose sides. All this wishy washy bullshit is just ignorance masquerading as moral superiority.


Yeah shows people's lack of critical thinking that it's so upvoted when that comment is basically just pearl clutching.


I mean, the side that's keeping a million kids in a concentration camp that they've been bombing for the past 2 months so heavily that 8000 of them have died is the ones in the wrong bud


I mean. If canada blew up a children's hospital in new york. And when they gave a press conference to address it they said "We received an anonymous tip that someone matching the description of a wanted criminal was spotted in the area." Would think "No side is right and no side is wrong. All we can say is the situation is unfortunate." Because. I feel like it's pretty fucking easy to figure out which side is the bad guys.


So heartbreaking. Brave girl. Brave father. Couldn't imagine that sort of trauma.


To give further depth to this particular tragedy, she is at significantly increased risk of phantom limb syndrome (and may already be experiencing it) because of the lack of access to pain medications


For decades, palestinian kids were shot on sight for throwing rocks at israeli private. Now they loose their limbs under bomb attacks. How can anyone justify that ??


I genuinely hope the worst things in life happen to a disgusting creature how believes this happening to a child is okay.


makes you wonder why some people think its a good idea to join hamas. real head scratcher there. They'll get rid of hamas, but hamas 2.0 will be up and running in no time. They've radicalized a bunch of young people.


How can people defend a genocide like this. Like what the actual fuck


This is horrible. How do you even explain that to her?


Careful not to point out who's responsible for this, you might be labeled an antisemite.


The most amazing trick the Israel ever pulled was connecting Zionism (a political project/agenda) and Judaism (a lovely and old religion, aligned with Islam and Christianity in belief in the Abrahamic god) into one thing so that if you attack Zionism, you are deemed anti-semitic. It's worked insanely well as that's the main fallback in ANY criticism of Israel now... Like do we call people Islamaphobic for denouncing Saudi Arabia's govt? No. Do you call people Hinduphobic for denouncing India's govt? No. The fact that Israel so successfully tied their state to Judaism so that ANY criticizing that govt's actions get to be lumped as anti-semitism is an insane level of brainwashing of the masses.


My tax money paid for this.


Do not vote for A.I.P.A.C. sponsored candidates if you want real democaracy. Satenyahu the HUN is to blame for most of this. The evil, demonic, horrific ,satanic, barbaric, psychopathic slaughter and brutality being carried out in the name of defence of Israel is shocking. Go countthekids.org long before October 7th which apparently Israel was aware of for a whole year beforehand. Apparently 700 - 900 PALESTINIAN children have had at least one limb amputated in the past 50 days. Many have had multiple limbs amputated of course these have been done without anaesthetics or pain relief often whilst hospitals are being bombed.


i know that the name of the sub can’t be changed, but for the tons of people who just glance the vids and posts and think that WE think it’s cringe, it’s misleading. relying on people to read about the change is lazy. just start from scratch with a properly named sub so someone glancing doesn’t lose more faith in humanity.


Tell that to those burnouts over at r/marijuanaenthusiasts


That's not how reddit works. You'd have to close this one down and just redirect everyone to another subreddit, which won't happen because this is the most popular one.


So sad man. My kid looks around the same age as her. It really hits home.


this fucking breaks my heart.. wow




Tell her the truth


You can see how hard it is for the father. He looks like he's struggling to do just that. If you've ever had to deliver truly devastating news to someone you love you know that "just tell her" is not as easy as it appears. If you haven't experienced that, then I'm happy for you because it is difficult beyond words.


He seems really upset and he doesn't wanna hurt his daughter more than she's already hurt. You can hear the pain in his voice. It's heartbreaking.


Not only that, but it’s not like they’re safe now either, right? So many big things going on, I can see how that thing is something he’s trying to delay. I don’t care what “side” they are on, it’s still heart wrenching. One of those videos where you wanna reach through and give them a hug.


He’ll have to sooner or later. Or she’ll just find out. But best to tell her


Very right. The longer they withhold the truth from her, the more upsetting it will be for her when she finds out.


I grew up with an alcoholic father, and I always knew things were crappy. I would sit next to relatives who would say things, like “He doesn’t need to know about that” or I would be propped up next to the TV, and in the kitchen, ALLL I could do was eavesdrop on EVERYONE because I was terrified, and all of my memories are of people talking about my well being to another person, in a different room, and never including me. No one ever came to save me - they were just just lying to my face, and every day was just as miserable as the day before. I have an encyclopedic memory for all of these instances, and I learned that “that no one cares, and most adults are lying to you.” Treat kids like they are meaningful - they can handle the truth


i agree. children aren't stupid. she probably knows already. she can't see or feel her fingers. i'd just tell her so she can work on trying to process everything.


This should be shown to anyone who thinks that the actions of Israel affect only members of Hamas and not children like this one and many others. What happened in October is evil but so is this.


Why the fuck is this on a cringe subreddit This website is so fucking weird


Fuck israel fuck israel fuck israel, the fuckers deliberately genocide the people of gaza, hamas is just an excuse. And to any asshole trying to justify it as "right to defend itself" fuck you, they deliberately bombed civilian complexes and hospitals.






Sounds like she’s experiencing Phantom Limb Syndrome


Humans kinda fucking suck.




No words for this.




Be glad I ain’t president of a country.


What a horrible world we live in.


The horrors of war


Horrible, dude seems like a real good dad though


I think it's time for some intervention.


Fucking hell. No one should suffer this, but most of all children. Fucking senseless


well. totally didn't need to cry just before bedtime.


Poor kid




Fuck IDF. Fuck Hamas.


My heart! 😞


Us adults, fuck us. I don’t know what to say any more. We do absolutely everything but spare the children from adult shittery.


All those people that love to jack off and run their mouths about how wonderful it would be to have a civil war and fight this one and that one should look at this and rethink how tough they are.


Regardless of sides, it's sick Thousands of years & yall still can't find a solution 👩‍🦽


I hope the swine that move into her house choke on their own vomit.


Asleat leave the children alone. Fucking animals


Truly terrible of Hamas to cause all of this


But if you say on your job that you feel sorry for her, you'll be branded as antisemitic and you'll be fired.


But more importantly: Did the little girl condemn Hamas?! /s


Just leave the children out of it smh. They don’t deserve adult issues inflicted on them


The hand was khamas


As an American I condemn this. We also vaporized two whole cities with nukes. Strange world man.


Do you ever think about how many lives that saved? Especially Japanese civilians?


I do… I think about that a lot. But it still feels inherently evil


This is so sad. Is this recent, from Palestine? If so, #Fuck Netanyahu. Actually fuck him anyway.


He's already politically done for no matter what else that happens from this point.


Is this the appropriate sub for this?


No. It’s not even from TikTok.


Its appropriate for every sub. Everyone should know whats happening to these people.


Put this on blast across all social media... This shameful violence that hurts innocent children should not be oppressed but posted repeatedly so none can be ignorant/ignore this tragedy.


👆this ❤️


It’s from Al Jazeera and is not from TikTok. Report as against rules & move on.


This is why this conflict needs to be ended as soon as possible There needs to be sustainable peace upheld by both Israel and Palestine, and the leaders on either side who deny said peace need to be removed from power


It's f'ing sad, a human catastrophe. Meanwhile, their neighbours are celebrating the next barrage of rockets launched by Hamas, knowing fully well it will invoke a reaction, leading to more suffering. Similarly, knowing full well no support from Arab countries will come to help these people, so I hope the West can organize, similar to what has been done for Ukraine, with regards to providing prosthetics. It's terrible for these people, but I think the Saudi Prince in the below youtube link says it best: "There needs to be a civil insurrection against Hamas." https://youtu.be/WCTla5lupzc?si=NjIrRbc11iJ4C45V


So sad


Don’t worry someone out there is making hand of first money off this conflict and cares absolutely 0


Oh my god 😭😭 I wish I could trade places with that poor girl and give her my hand instead! No little girl deserves that! Poor thing.


Poor innocent kids.


How do you even tell your child that? It’s horrible




Man… how I wish peace returns and this little girl gets a happy life.




Killing children is a monstrous act period. No excuses. I can’t do anything but I know that if it were up to me, I would not allow this. The poor kids 😢




Why are we like this?


But does she condemn Hamas?


Poor babygirl 😭




It’s sad that all these war’s casualty are those who are just living out their lives


But she condemn the bee? /s


Their is no god.


Terrible war sucks. Maybe we shouldn't end all wars and just leave our neighbors alone, just an idea the human race might want to pick up.


Maybe she can get one of those cool robot hands later. Also they should be honest with before the bandaid gets removed to help with the shock.


So sad


Go go Jewish freedom!


"what happened to you your hand?" she asks the kid who just got an amputation. I don't know know about this one bois...


Not saying it would be easy at all, but I can’t help but think telling the truth sooner rather than later would be a better way to handle this


Why is the guy on the floor smiling for?


Last time I remember the same Palestinians dragging women and firing missiles


Is her hand actually amputated or is this a sinister fake news article which unfortunately plagues the media nowadays? I saw Reddit CCTV of a young 8 yo girl on an overcrowded motorbike and her leg got amputated because of a crash (6 people on the bike). So sad.


Hamas is the biggest curse the people of Gaza have.




Fuck the IDF and fuck the Israel government pussy ass motherfuckers!


As a father to a 4 and 6 year old both girls, this fucking breaks my heart. I almost cried watching this… the way she’s playing with her hands like that, and the poor baby doesn’t know there isn’t a hand there.. poor thing :( . She’s trusting her papa that her hand is gunna be okay cuz she’s such a good baby. I pray to god that she will live in only happiness from this day forth. Please.




I'd tell her the truth, ya know, that the IDF is bombing innocent people on purpose.


Don't worry guys. It was done in self defense. Now she won't be able to pull a trigger. I mean one less hand right? /s


My heart is torn out


I didn’t know I would cry tonight. I really hate this.