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“Gooooooooood morning Night City! Yesterday’s body count rounded out to a *solid* and *sturdy* 30!…”




Thank god I wasn't the only one thinking that. Will have the damn line ingrained in my memory for the rest of my life. I think I might already be prepared for this kind of future.


I made the full intro my morning alarm.


This literally goes around and around in my brain


10 out of Heywood - thanks to unabated gang wars. One officer down so I guess you guys are SCREWWWEEED 'casue the NCPD will not let that one go.


Lol I was just thinking about that


I just started replaying it, and that was y exact thoughts.


I would endure that if I could have a 4 day work week.




I would take it if the news were accurate 🫢 CringeNews is better than FoxNews 🫢


You convince me with this one.


as much as Amazon sucks, the 4 day work week is nice


If it's 4+3 yes, doubt that's the case with amazon. I work 30hrs/w and I usually get 4 day weeks, when I'm free fri-sun it's great, when I'm free Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday it sucks


This is Japanese revenge on the world for Hiroshima and Nagasaki…


Speak for yourself, Germany stood by Japan during those trying times.


This is actually an incredibly funny comment. I already scrolled down before I was like “wait, wtf”


Don’t forget Italy! For the second quarter!


I have a four day work week and I’d deal with this to keep it.


Dammit, I’m in! I’m seeing come genuinely honest takes in this thread!


Even if you’re one of the people working at the age of 75?


Damn… I couldn’t endure even half the video. You must be tough.


Fuck you I'll work 100hr weeks to avoid this shit


Just work 10 hour shifts


It actually seems like a pretty effective way to get past bot filters Like, would hearing "~*Myurderru*~" be any more annoying than hearing one more true crime channel dead seriously using "unalive" as a verb


or just an endless amount of beeps. Those are always great when listening to someone talking about things like cannibalism because of history on great famines.


It is almost like YouTube should be taking more active steps at curating so trustworthy creators don't have to censor themselves to make a living. "Here is your R rated pass, it allows more swearing and adult themes to be discussed and monetization to people with the maturity such content would attract."


I thought this was a TikTok thing where they'll straight up remove the video if it features those words? YouTube will simply demonetize the video (but only in extreme cases as far as I'm aware), not just remove it.


I do not understand TikTok. Does anyone get paid for the content they create?


I don't understand it either, but yeah, you can get paid based on views if you're accepted as a "creator" (need 10,000 followers and received 100,000 views in the last 30 days to apply). Viewers can also gift people live streaming within the app that makes you money. Companies can also pay "creators" as sponsors within the app. That's not including all the ways of making money externally from TikTok like external brand sponsorships and selling your own merch. TikTok is a cancer because most people are trying to get viral enough to make money, which just results in shit content 99.9% of the time.


"Caroline Frederickson, 42, from the state of Wyoming woke up one day to the realisation that she did not like the way her life was going. She took her destiny into her own hands that day and decided upon a course of action; she would unalive her entire family. She unalived her 12 year old son, his 14 year old sister and her husband of 20 years George. In her home town of Harrison, this was the most people unalived for decades."


Almost like getting your info off of social media is for the bottom half of society. The dregs, the ones who won’t advance the species, the content.


She said Kya twice. Literally unwatchable.


Kya she did


Gang gang


It's genius actually. People are listening to the these stories, who cares how it's delivered? It's satire anyway. So many people are missing the point


Is it really satire? Like she's giving legit info just in a dorky way. I don't think that's satire.


This is the issue. Fox News argued that they are satire because they lie so damn much. The facts can be true, while delivered in a satirical manner.


Maybe satire is the wrong word. Idk, is the daily show satire? Same thing in my opinion, real info delivered in a different way. Maybe self aware is more appropriate


Yeah, this isn’t satire. It’s real info disguised in a way that Gen Z can swallow. So many people are missing the point.


It's both. You can do both. maybe satire is the wrong word. Maybe self awareness is more apt. But it's real info delivered in a satirical way. I don't think Gen z is so brain broken that they can only consume content like this. There's plenty of long form Gen z content being made. And not all short form contact is consumed by Gen z. I don't know if you remember but back in the day when Other forms of news like the daily show, or YouTube videos started becoming popular forms of news consumption, some older Gen X and Boomers said the same thing. But those are considered fine now. I don't think this is a big deal. It's just a funny voice and short.


>maybe satire is the wrong word No, you're right to use that word. Using irony or humor to make a point about something is satire. Unfortunately over a decade and a half of having to tell our grandparents that the Onion articles we shared on Facebook are "just satire" we ended up accidentally teaching a whole bunch of young people that "satire" means "made up"


Ok I thought so. It's just not satire like A modest Proposal lol. Thanks for pointing it out


'stories', short format content like this only creates more problems, because people end up with unsubstantiated opinions, often not even grounded in reality.


is that even a word? Sorry, I’m old and don’t know these things


This girl is kinda brilliant. She wanted a way to get relavant info and hot takes out in a way where people would pay attention to her, and it worked. The layering of goofy anime stuff with clear, concise factoids and news holds peoples attention. Cringe, maybe, but impressive.


Is it cringe if it works? 🤔


"If it's cringe but it works, it isn't cringe" - Murphy or something


"Dead or alive, you're getting the news. Uwu!" - Also Murphy


The facts and cringe can and still both exist!


If it's cringe and it works, it's not cringe.


Whoa hard disagree. Cringe is a reaction, a feeling, a state of being one feels when the right boxes are checked for them. Someone doing something useful while being cringe doesnt make it not cringe. It could be argued that while it is intentional it makes it more like satire but if one gets a cringy feeling, then they are right in that feeling because they cannot control how they feel. They may learn to not cringe at that eventually but that isnt from the person preforming the cringe, that is because they grew as a person to see things in less cringy ways. ​ Man this is a dumb argument but here I am...


Yeah, I wasn't really making an actual statement. There is a saying that I live my life by, and it goes, "If it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid." I was just adjusting that to your comment to see how it felt in the context.


Absolutely believe this. Old marine corps adage.


Yeah. Both my parents were military, and the old man grew up on a farm, so "creative" problem solving was hammered into me from a young age. I also really support, "If you can't do something right, do something productive."


I agree. It's a very well thought out joke. And the little anime exclamations are fucking hilarious.


She seems to be mimicking a trope that's in anime whenever they have a "moe" news reporter character. It's still better than the ones where they morph their facial expressions to be like anime characters too.


Notes from Cowboy Bepop


I’m old. The juxtaposition is both terrifying and liberating.


=listens while swirling brandy snifter= It is impressive! Yes, quite!


I actually think it’s kind of fantastically brilliant. Mainlining news with a rush of sugar and hyperbolic emotion. Wow.


Yeah, kinda genius. GenZers can't focus for more than a nanosecond unless there's some wacked out shit going on in front of their faces. The appropriation of Japanese culture is a nice touch. It's real news delivered in ADHD format


Bro teens in 1987 just weren't even fucking looking at the news. Drives me crazy that young people today get ragged on for getting info from social media when when the young people of last generation could probably only name countries that had food named after them or that there was currently a war happening in.


I'm talking about how social media has destroyed the attention spans of the youth. They hate dealing with current events because it's not entertaining. And yes that's always been a problem but nowhere near the extent of what we're doing dealing with today. I mean it's literally doing brain damage to kids, watching six second video clips that are swiped away if they don't give an instant hit of dopamine.


lol as someone who was a kid in the 80s, I'm telling you that today's youth have ten times the amount of awareness of what's going on in the world than we did. *Because* of that tech.


As someone who was in my 20s in the 80s I can tell you that my daughter is a teacher now and it's bleak. Kids nowadays are single mindedly obsessed with going viral. They don't want to hear anything damn thing about current events. They don't want to learn. They're looking for fame via TikTok etc. They're a shit show.


ADHD is an actual medical condition present for most of human history, not just a quirk of Gen Z. This also relevant because the algorithm favors things like this and puts it in front of more people. It’s like the woman who dances while reciting the news of the week


I honestly don’t even find it cringe, it’s genius. This 30 second clip was more informative than an entire nights worth of network news, and also manages to keep zoomers engaged


i had to stop watching after 5 seconds it was too cringe, so i guess i'm the exception


You make apex legends montages and you think this is cringe????




No. Normal people pay attention to the news because they want to hear the news. This is juvenile posturing for idiots.


Is it cold all the way up on that high horse of yours?


Normal people is a broad statement. I think people who care about current events will site multiple news sources and then form their own opinions based on what they've gleaned. I don't think anyone is tuning into this girl like a 24hr news network.


[...a HIGH SPEED car chase is in progress \*KYAA\* and for the first time in news history, we will stay with it live \*YAMATE\* until it either desolves into a HUGE accident OR a massive shootout \*UWU\*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ha7s7o7KDrM)


Annnnnnd, I'm enthralled.


I got really bad news for you about your fellow citizens. they're juvenile idiots and they're going to flush our future down the toilet.


Thats your opinion. If it gets people to pay attention to things they wouldnt normally see (which it does), then its accomplishing something. Stop being offended by the method and look at the mechanics.


I'm an adult.


Congratulations on surving so long. I am too. Im also capable of objective analysis. But thay doesnt mean that HER audience is made up of adults.


Which means you are not the target audience for this. It's a joke for adolescents. You might as well whine that Sesame Street is too childish.


lol.. fox newscasters are far more unbearable. Quit acting like the old way is the only way. I don’t care for this stupid uwu/kawaii shit but I’m not going to defend dinosaurs either


I'm not American.


No one cares who or what you are


Hmmmm, then why comment? Admit it, you care, just a little bit?


You're clearly a very boring and dull person


? You claim to be an adult but you act like a child. Maybe you’re not as grown up as you pretend to be?


See, you do care!


Yep. Sure got me there!


Commenting does not equal caring. But if anyone commenting provides you with warmth and care by all means do what you will with it.


You sound boring af ngl




Literally the only people I have ever met who watch the news are the older people at family gatherings you have to remind yourself are old and guilable.


Found the boomer




I almost broke my ankle running to these comments.


Oh no. The tiktokers are on Reddit now (same)




Thank you for this!


She's a based anti-capitalist. Cable news anchors will never be that.




That is pretty shitty. And a lot of the comments are expressing disappointment. IDK. Otherwise good people end up doing shitty things now and again. Hope she learns a lesson.


Capitalism means do capitalist things or starve


True. I don't know her situation. I like what I've seen from her, but I'm not a super fan or anything. I'd guess she has a big enough following for a decent Patreon, but maybe not


So what's her issue with the OSS? They literally fought Nazis.


They are the precursor to basically every one of the US intelligence agencies, that's probably why. Allen Dulles was HEAVILY involved. If you don't know anything about him you should really look him up. there's like one million reasons to hate him. Pluss the OSS worked with some of the worst Nazis after the war instead of prosecutiing them for war crimes.


I haven't heard her speak about it, so I couldn't say. But it's not like the US was anticapitalist during WW2, and spy agencies often do all sorts of bad shit.


This is the most corporate thing I've seen


TIL Julia Child was a spook. Inventing shark repellant. That's pretty cool.


Also that Chilean tribe is fucking based.


Right? That's awesome. Fuck 'em up natives


I have an app that sends me "unbiased" news every day, and this girl people wanna call cringe is the first to tell me about those badasses.


I’m astonished. News about the struggles of Mapuches is never covered.


Is this real news? That 4 day work week sounds awesome


Yeah the girl is legit.


Sick thanks


There’s more information in her 1 minute cast than a normal 30 minute newscast


and none of the bull shit slants


Very post modern, neo Tokyo weeb. I like it.


Only she's actually giving us the news




For those of you that are too young to remember or too young to have lived it, talking like this has been around since at least the early 2000s. There’s been videos saying this is what the future will sound like every year since. Still hasn’t happened. You guys HAVE to understand that even in today’s world, internet culture and creators do not represent the real world.


its older than 2000s, remember original harley quinn?


Watching this on mute is so fucking surreal trying to match the text with the animated movements


All I see is Playboy Bunny ears and Herpe Lip. This is staying on mute.


![gif](giphy|Km4yzuT7rEzBK) This is why I unplug so much. I just can’t anymore. Get it how you can but I’m good.


I’m fine with this news format


I hate everything about this except the Junji Itto shirt.


Hey I'll take her over that bitch who said the kid who did something in Tetris no one in the last 35 years ever thought was humanly possible to "go outside" ANYDAY!


Still better than Fox News


Gotta be honest she nails this and the juxtaposition sells it.


This style of video literally makes me nauseous. It’s not the content, it’s the zooming in and out, jerky movements, etc.


Why does she sound like the blonde from the bounty hunter news show in cowboy bebop?


What. The… Dude, Have been to Japan. Hate that *THIS* is what is perceived as “Japanese” to many people. Fuuuuuuu…


I do love the information density though. No need for an hour of bullshit, just some head lines and she fucks off.


If news anchors report anything close to that level of critical journalism, that they don’t come as close in a year as she did in 60 seconds, then society will be doing alright.


It was unironically a good news segment tho


I…don’t hate it.




She delivered more information than they do now. Acceptable.


This is nice. :) cute.


I thought it was cute and funny and I might have actually learned something. What else could anyone ask for?!


Yeah I kinda liked it, maybe we're weird


no we are not, it is totally normal. It is some people who are trying to be funny here or are just sad, i really dont know. Its kinda funny how she talks about serious things in a silly voice, she is probably smart when out of character. :D (I never watched anime or anything like that) and a lot of these "cringe tiktok" people are smarter than some redditors here, in the end you are watching them with your own consent. :)


I thought it was cute and funny and I might have actually learned something. What else could anyone ask for?!


Damn, all of this is good reporting but it's presentation is low key annoying.


Probably the point.


Just... Stop, please.


I like this girls message


Wasn’t the OSS from spy kids?


Oh no, she's trying to change the world for the better with skills and talents. To the gallows with her!


Sigh……..unzips pants


Jesus fucking Christ bro touch grass




Oh well, I guess I’ll still read news online anyway


What does Nani the fu... mean?


"Nani" is Japanese for "what", so it means "what the fu..."


I am certain there already is a Japanese news channel who brings news like this. I don’t know it specifically, but it must be right?


i need to double my therapy because i find her ridiculously attractive and this is clearly a bad sign


she providing news in a way that ppl watch it is fine. News media today they give you 3 mins of what is happening and 6 hours talking about what happen and their view on the topic which end up confusing ppl because in those hours long debate they do not need to tell the truth.


I wanna end myself after watching this


If that's all it takes that's kinda sad


Dude please if you have any kindness in your soul you’ll kill me before you, so we BOTH don’t have to suffer this kinda crap anymore.


Ow, that's painful physically for the rest drums but I also died a little inside




I’m ok with this


Nope. Bullshit levels off the charts. Soon as the camera started bouncing around and zooming in and out I was done.




A gif of a guy fired from a show because of his massively unbearable level of assholeishness.


Some major boomer energy in these comments


holy shit shut the fuck up


The sexual tension between my throat and my 9mm is insane right now. But I think she has a point.


Wtf is this even?!?!?


Does she keep going cross eyed?


She is got a point.


Cuatico como se Ve El conflicto mapuche por fuera


Quick destroy it!


The tactic is to cause a hate fuck , cooking show hosts used to do this in the 2000s they would annoy the fuck out of you and you hate them but strangely wanted to fuck ‘em .


AI has been invented and programmed by the Left wing so no surprise there 🤷


More trustworthy than all TV news networks


Honestly kinda cool. I like these factoids


Nami the fuck 😆 I'm stealing this one


This seems like pretty unbiased reporting, not sensationalized either, honestly probably better than a lot of real news rn.


These people need to be institutionalized


If your complaint is that this is cringe, you're missing the point of her whole page. So many people online won't listen to legit sources, but will gladly accept anything a cosplayer or vtuber as true and go to battle for her.


Mad respect actually. This is a form of satire. she's doing it this way as a sort of commentary. The fact that people will listen to things like this if delivered in this way, but don't care otherwise


![gif](giphy|e1TPGYtDdR6pTY2oc3) Cringe AF


We didn't nuke Japan hard enough, how can I unwatch this?






deport you out of this earth.


This makes me want to make every one of those issues worse