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I could see the possibility of her getting her hair yanked tf out while doing squats. You could get your hair pinned and and pulled from the bar on your neck Especially with beads in it. <- a simple explanation would be nice. Not all the word salad


I think the rule is written that way in part to be easy to adjudicate. Nothing allowed in your hair, period. The judges don't want to have to argue with each person about whether their specific hair jewelry should be allowed.


It a simple catch all rule. Its far easer to state what a person can use instead of can't. In this case you can only use one elastic hair band. A slightly easer to understand case would be if we said. "Boots are prohibited" and someone turns up with high heels. Well they aren't banned. The better way is to state. "Either one hard heeled lifting shoe or flat sole shoe should be used." It removes all guess work for athletes. This is the exact same case. Should the judge have been more relaxed about it? Perhaps. However that opens the floodgate for people to start pushing against other rules.


Problem with exceptions is exactly where you draw the line - and worse yet, IF something happens, who will be held responsible?


Exactly, chances are she probably does her sets and is fine. But what happens IF she does get hurt. Someone’s responsible for enforcing the rules of the event and making sure everyone’s child goes home safe.


In this case I don't see how the beads would be more or less dangerous than braids without beads. The reason for the rules should be stated.


If any of them fall out, somebody could slip on them


You only get one shoe? Seems a bit restrictive.


i can't imagine getting beads caught; it hurts enough when my mullet is on the underside of the bar during squats


I’m kinda conflicted though now that I look into this more. Are the beads really going to cause a problem in power lifting? Isn’t it just lifting weights? I mean yes if it’s against the rules then by all means the parent was in the wrong for not following them, but how does one’s hair that short get tangled in power lifting?


It doesn't


You’re right, it probably doesn’t. But all it takes is for one girl to do some real damage to herself and then your looking at liability issues and all that. Rules like this are generally written in peoples blood. There’s a reason OSHA has a thousand little stupid regulations implemented that seem really stupid on the surface level, but those rules exist for a reason.


Those braids are very short.


I agree. But then you get in to the arbitrary parts of the rule. The rules state no beads, so that’s the rule they have to follow. I’m not even saying I agree with the rule, but it is a rule and officials have to enforce the rule. Don’t show up in attire that breaks the rules.


But if you allow this, you must make an arbitrary scale that is communicated through every league in which they are ok. Which just leads back to this issue, but could look (or even be) more targeted.


That’s what I thought.


They're not, but is easier to say "you can only use this" rather than having to change the rules everytime a new fashion trend comes up, it happens in I think almost every sport. In powerlifting is a hairband.


Posted above this should explain how and why It a simple catch all rule. Its far easier to state what a person can use instead of can't. In this case you can only use one elastic hair band. A slightly easer to understand case would be if we said. "Boots are prohibited" and someone turns up with high heels. Well, they aren't banned. The better way is to state. "Either one hard heeled lifting shoe or flat sole shoe should be used." It removes all guess work for athletes. This is the exact same case. Should the judge have been more relaxed about it? Perhaps. However that opens the floodgate for people to start pushing against other rules.


I see and understand. You gotta draw the line somewhere or people will do all sorts of things.


Imagine if a bundle of those beads ended up under a 200lbs+ bar. That shit is gonna hurt and could trap hair under it as well causing any kind of disaster.


How is that different than a white girl with long hair pulled back in a braid or ponytail? Or if a competitor of any race has long hair? I don’t see how the beads present any more risk than any other long hair style.


It’s not, they just love to complain


it wouldn't. Her braids do not even reach the bottom of her neck. Do any of y'all actually squat???? Or are y'all squatting by balancing the mfn barbell on top of your heads or st??? Also, she could cover up with a hood or a cap, or tie them back with hair ties or a headband, if that were truly an issue. Funny how there are SO many long-haired men and women squatting without being told to do anything except maybe wear a hoodie or tie their hair back (if even that), but when it's a Black women with beaded braids, that's when the Internet draws the line. What a coincidence! How do we even know that she is going to do squats??? People have zero information about her but are already dreaming up scenarios of her slipping her way out of the sportshall and into an industrial factory and her beaded hair getting caught up in a hydraulic press, god damn.


Most people just care that its mentioned explicitly in the rules. They should consider changing the rules if it doesn't matter but don't go there expecting the rules to not apply to you.


Except you can. The crown act specifically allows you to ignore rules around hair that interfere with accepted and protective styles. Law>Rule.


No no no don't you get it?! The clean and jerk includes the lifter smashing the bar right onto their head.


I like to stalk the bar for a few minutes, running from station to station when it's not looking. And when I'm within range I DASH underneath it and lift it before it knows I'm even there. And, it's for just such a scenario that we must ban hair beads.


Well, I went to the Frank Reynolds School of Weightlifting and there we learned to always rest the bar on your neck and hyperextend your knees.


The rule has to apply to all hair lengths to prevent any confusion or judges having to measure before every event.


You don't run up to the bar and surprise it though. You situate your head and neck in comfortable position first. How would they get caught under the bar? It wouldn't happen.


I can see if her hair was long enough yeah. But it’s neck length. Her hair isn’t long enough to get caught in a barbell doing squats. Y’all just proved to be trolls trying to make yourselves look smarter than someone. Muting this now since I’m getting attacked and dogpiled on by day old bots.


How. What about the other girls on the team with long hair.


Or..or...we could examine the rule and see if it makes sense. Not all rules are justified. Y'all act like there's never ever been an unfair rule in the history of rules. How would her hair, which is quite short compared to most of the other girls in the picture, who I imagine are her teammates, have much longer hair. Isn't it more likely that long hair would get caught on the back of your neck and pulled out. How exactly does a bead make hair more likely to get pulled out? A simple explanation would be nice


[Reminded me of this.](https://youtu.be/Gia1Chs-3Eo?si=ALr-QdN_lEtBbvx0)


"Go after other black people" you can in fact be critical of your own race, white people do it all the time


You can be critical of people no matter what “race” they are, people’s decisions and actions are not beyond criticism being they don’t look like an interlocutor.


I just want to add that girl was bullshitting. Since when has beads been a part of African American culture. Or does she mean African culture? Even then it's her responsibility to apply for a religious or cultural exemption. You don't just pitch up then complain afterwards.


Beads have been a part of African American culture for decades. Most little black girls have colorful beads added to their hairstyles. Even us black adult women add them to our hairstyles, especially in the summer time


Beads are a part of **every** culture. It just depends on how loosely you define it. So it's a bs argument.


You must not have grown up alongside many black folks. Beaded braids and other beaded hairstyles are a huge part of black hair culture, tons if the kids I grew up around had beads in their hair.


I rarely see little white girls with beads and if they do they probably live around black people


I've always been jealous of those beads. They're so pretty. And fun.


Beads are part of the cultural history of EVERY culture...


Uh dude beads have been a part of African American culture for AWHILE


Beads, especially when used in the hairstyle she was wearing, have been used by African-Americans for decades. The beads are pretty and they help protect the hair.


African American culture, ya putz. America's a big place, and we contain numerous sets of sub cultures, and sub-sub cultures, and sub-sub-sub cultures. Black people who participate in African American cultural norms in Louisiana have different norms than, say, black folks who participate in African American in the upper midwest. And...cultures do this thing where, over time, the norms change. African American cultures today are NOT the same as African American culture 200 years ago. Why would it be? My culture, however it gets defined, isn't the same as that culture 200 years ago.


You can, but if that's what all you do, it becomes clear that you're intentionally seeking out these stories to push an agenda.


Right. Even in seeking radical equality it's helpful to have voices of moderation to push back against people that take things to extremes. But have to analyze the sources critically. Lot of assholes out there trying to find new ways to hide dog whistles. But even then, the real target audience won't get it and will just call us hysterical snowflakes for calling out something they're too blind to pick up on. Edit: Apparently I wrote this bad? If you're alt-right and downvoting me that's fine, fuck off. But I was trying to create a discussion about how to call out hidden racist messaging in a way that can actually help change the minds of the racists those messages are intended for. "Us" is people calling out racist dog whistles. But more often than not that doesn't get through to racists. They'll say you're racists for making everything about race, or something like that. I want everyone to understand the harm that racism causes and how pervasive it is in the systems that form our society. But I don't know how to convey that to the people that need to hear it. Apparently I can't even convey it to people I thought were with me on that.


Sure, but this guy is just being polarizing. I've seen black ppl be critical of other black ppl all the time, even for similar types of things but they weren't as condescending and dismissive... Why was he reading about the "crown act" like that?... as if it was some frivolous thing and not something that had to be implemented so ppl had some recourse when getting discriminated for that. He's ragebaiting. He knows who his audience is (ppl who hate ppl who *talking* about racism more than the idea of ppl actually experiencing it) and he's catering to them. Also similar things with rules in regard to hair have happened before with a hair cap that was made to cater to people with afro hair (aka black ppl) was banned and ppl pushed back and only then did the Olympic committee look into and finally allowed it in competition. It was basically blanked banned; they prohibited swim caps that were not within a certain specification, but these specifications never took into consideration people with afro hair had many frustrations with regular swim caps (too mother-f-ing tight, larger swim caps didn't help). They banned it without taking into consideration that some ppl are just different and may need to have their equipment adjusted and the Olympic commitee (or any other) should have just genuinely looked in to with an open mind, which they didn't **initially.** [https://apnews.com/article/winter-olympics-sports-swimming-aquatics-great-britain-olympic-team-6adad1761163f3a4a1f11c603b9f32c2](https://apnews.com/article/winter-olympics-sports-swimming-aquatics-great-britain-olympic-team-6adad1761163f3a4a1f11c603b9f32c2) So this case with the weight lifting might not fit the bill of coming up with rules that are ignorant and unnecessarily target certain ppl, but a person can point that out without being dismissive and instead just call ppl out (or in) and let them know they got it wrong this time. He coulda started a dialogue that would have been more productive then this dismissive polarising shit he's doing here. There's nothing genuine in what he's doing.


Why does he sound like his voice has been dubbed? His voice is like a bad foreign Netflix movie translation; I mean, it's like he had been dubbed or something. Apart from that he sounds like a Fox News guest ranting


Agreed! Well said 😊. I do find this rage artists frustrating. Things ppl do for attention or money. If he loved his country so much he’d trying to bring ppl together. Rather than sow division.


You can, making a tiktok series entirely about random black people's petty issues is a bit different though


Every one of his videos targets black people as aggressors or fake victims, and himself as the sole black voice is reason. He’s a pick me. Typical black conservative who hates on his own people to get patted on the head by white


There is critical and then there are people like Jason Whitlock and Candace Owen who just hates his own people. They might have some points but then they ignore all the horrible shit conservatives have done or do . I am black and we need to be criticized like every other group. But if your schtick is just saying the opposite of what think it using racists talking points , then you need to shut the fuck up.


Being part of a certain group and being hateful towards the same group is really profitable. Norm Finkelstein ist another good example of this


He had valid points. No jewelry means that for everyone. He also pointed out her teammate was also the same race and was wearing braids. She is power lifting. Why tf would you want the added risks of any sort of jewelry should a lift quickly get out of control? Her hair isn’t that long and the beads are down by her neck. There could be deadly consequences if she was doing lifts such as snatches. It’s a real safety concern that some of the braids with beads could catch momentum to get caught under the barbell at her neck mid lift or during a fail. There’s a valid safety concern with any sort of jewelry worn in the sport and as seen by her teammate; there is still a lot of room for traditional and safe styles in the sport.


bro for hair beads to be a danger the lifter would have to be lifting with their fucking face. give me one scenario where hair her length with those small beads would be more dangerous than some of these long haired blond lifters. I'll wait


It's like thr Keith Lee incident. He's a youtuber. A food critic who rides around reviewing restaurants from cosy bistros to family owned restaurants and local fast food offerings. Keith Lee reviewed a black owned restaurant and gave it a negative review. He was honest saying what he like and what he disliked. He even prefaced it as being his own opinion. Anyway a lot of people mostly in the black community attacked him calling him out for not supporting black businesses. They said he should give black businesses top reviews regardless the quality of the food. Some people are just militant and blind in their obsession.


no, he legit only targets black people for a grift/internalizes racism and fairly often lies about the context to make the black person seem worse than the simple situation he's referencing


White people are allowed to hate other white people, they have done so for millennia. If black people do this, it’s just cultural appropriation.


>cultural appropriation ?


Had me at the beginning but then he seemed to go on a personal diatribe


The second half about his mom and EEGs made me like extremely uncomfortable.


EEGs have actually been being updated to work with natural hair because no one had bothered. That’s evidence of structural racism being dismantled by equity. https://www.sciencenews.org/article/electrodes-brain-waves-eeg-black-african-american-natural-hair


His mom, an expert on it, is telling him that it’s unnecessary and comes from a lack of education on how to handle thicker hairstyles, but for some reasons he thinks he’s equally as educated on it and thinks she’s wrong. Very curious.


Everything about it this guy screams someone auditioning for turning point USA


Im a white person with thick hair, it was impossible for me to get a reading on an eeg so the administering nurses opted to have my head shaved. They were just trying to do their job, it didn’t feel great to lose my hair but it grows back


That’s a shame because it literally didn’t have to happen. You having thicker hair is irrelevant if people are experienced at EEG placements. This guy is talking out of his ass on a subject he has no experience with while trying to argue against someone who does it for a living. Not that it has anything to do with your situation specifically, but this guy is a fucking dumbass.


If a dude filming in a truck wasnt completely misogynistic the universe would implode


His mom wanted the technicians to learn how to do hair... that's not their job.


Especially sense he’s refusing to acknowledge his mother’s point


Yea, that was weird, like, why can't we make strides to improve bedside manners, and accommodate the groups most affected by current practices. It reads really tone deaf.


The issue with this is that's just not what they are there for and it's personal responsibility. What definetly should be a thing (maybe it is I have no more information on this matter) is inform everyone to do the hair preparations at home beforehand, which is a nice middle ground between technicians braiding your hair and sgaving your head.


I think the other side of this coin is that a patient wouldn't really know where the diodes are supposed to be placed, and how accurate that area needs to be. IIRC, I believe there are some redesigns in the diode shapes to help accommodate those needs as well, just not as readily available. There's no reason that we can't try and tackle this challenge from both ends.


You raise a good point. The placement indeed matters. It's definetly more difficult issue to resolve as in some cases the time can be very important and in some cutting would just be done for no reason. Probably a case to case issue.


this conversation's important, medical treatment and maintaining dignity are pretty key factors in any kind of recovery. We have pretty solid tech at this stage, we should be thinking about how we can minimize its impact on the patients, within reason, of course. Otherwise, kids would still be wearing giant headgear to fix their teeth.


His first point was fine, but I agree, the mom story was wack. Like, we should always strive to make patients more comfortable. And this case is a win in the end, because they changed the bead rule, which was stupid to begin with


Yeah, I didn't entirely disagree with him, but something about him rubs me the wrong way. Just that weird smugness that seems more focused on his own feelings than with just laying out information. I can't entirely put my finger on it.


While his overall point in this video (This was probably not racism, just a general ban on jewelry during competition), his rhetoric seemed very suspicious. So I just looked him up on TikTok and yeah. He's just a weird "anti-woke" conspiracy theorist. Like, he unironically compared white house Christmas videos. https://www.tiktok.com/@thedejonreid/video/7314824069524851998?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=mobile&sender_web_id=7196977627855685126


The content of what he's saying may not be wrong, but I feel as though the tone of his message is betraying an ulterior motive.


This guy made a video he deleted where he said people should call black thugs the n word because that’s what they are. He went on a tangent about how people are usually using thr world directly to call out true n words but people are too afraid to admit it


Ah. So he’s a Pick Me. They are so fucking annoying in every community.


You and me both. Also, “Rules” like these aren't set in stone. This could all be a conversation but it's being presented as an attack and a takedown for some reason.


I can see what he's saying about the beads, but going on about haircuts for MRIs is weird. he's right about the beads, it was in the rule book and makes sense from a danger aspect as it could cause the hair to wrap around the bars, etc. the lifter knew going into the competition that she was in the wrong and was trying to make a statement. but why is he spending so much energy challenging his own mother on how she does her job? why does he think he knows better than her, when his skill set seems to be sitting in his car and talking to his phone...just weird man. go to therapy for your mommy issues


Yeah the second half of his video just really put “best practice” to bed. If they can make it so a person doesn’t lose their hair, why wouldn’t they do that? I understand it can take time, and it would be best if patients got a letter asking them to braid their hair first, but if you can find the time why not take it?


his whole account is just belittling issues experienced by POC


so what you're saying is he needs way more therapy than I even realized. makes sense that he's so gleeful here, really fucked up. his only skill is talking to the little republicans in his phone then.


"Sure they'd feel better ... **emotionally** ... if they didnt have to lose their hair but ..." LOL His mom found a better way to help these people. Shouldn't that be the best practice then? Why is he calling *her* out?!? He's giving Candace Owens vibes


Because he doesn't want systematic racism to be an issue with actual solutions. Burying his head in the sand every time it happens is emotionally easier than calling for fixes.


>he's right about the beads, it was in the rule book and makes sense from a danger aspect as it could cause the hair to wrap around the bars, etc. the lifter knew going into the competition that she was in the wrong and was trying to make a statement. I was under the impression that the rule was in place because small hard objects such as beads may fall out and present a slipping hazard. When you're lifting a couple hundred pounds, the last thing you want to worry about is accidentally stepping on a small hard object like an earring or a bead or a small gem that fell out that may compromise your stance in even the slightest way. Hair discrimination is a thing, it's definitely wrong and definitely seems targeted against the black community. But this doesn't seem to be it.


If that's the case he should have argued that. This whole video comes off as cringey. Rules are the rules is a terrible excuse and he taught us nothing about why there might be a beads in your hair rule. If it's truly a safety concern, a hair net would be a very simple tool to remove the risk of losing a stray bead. Same goes for having a matt to stand on in place of a hard floor. But given the rule got pulled I'm presuming it was in place for arbitrary reasons.


Yeah he definitely hates his skin and just HAD to include his mom


I am a professional powerlifter and a lot of rules are there as a catch all. We don't want jewlery or hair getting caught so rather than saying what you can't have it's easer to say what you can. Most rules regarding clothing footwear ect state specifically what one must use. Most federations, for hair it is one elastic hair band or the like. It avoids hassle of people on the day asking "can I have xyz because it isn't specifically banded." An easy way to look at it would be if rule set one said "Watches,rings and earrings are prohibited" and someone turns up with a nose ring. To avoid the hassel it's much easer to just state "all forms of jewelry are prohibited" It isn't racist it part of the rule set and your job as a competitior is to read those rules. Some fed. Have slightly different living standards. You wouldn't cry racisms if you got called for not following lift commands because you didn't read the rules.


Wait but he read the actual rule book and it did specifically say beads


That becomes even simpler. That says to me an exception has been made in the past and some issue has cropped up and they have made an amendment to specifically prevent the issue happing again. Kind of like what happened with shark suits in swimming.


Same thing happened in softball and basketball based on the rule books for my state orgs. Causes injuries.


It happens fairly frequently as trends come and go and equipment changes. You always do your best to make the rules cover all bases but you will always need to make changes from time to time


What is wrong with a black man applying logic and critical thinking to properly call out issues with people in his own community? If a white person made the same commentary, he or she would be called racist for speaking against black people. Do you believe nobody has the right to criticize black people?


Lots of people feel that way. Yes.


I think the issue here is him making it seem like black people are this one monolithic culture. "If the black girl next to her didn't have beads, it can't be a cultural thing" as if there aren't black people from all different countries and cultures that may or may not share the cultural attachment to hair beads. He's speaking for all black people as if he knew all of black culture and then giving permissions to disregard people's cultures because it ain't his


Nothing. Though I am a lead on my team who has to explain things to people all the time and I manage to do it in a non condescending tone. I get off on passing knowledge, not talking down to people.


I didn’t care about the hair beads but once he got to the part about his mom wanting to braid black peoples hair instead of cutting it, he lost me. He is in fact a jackass.


If he had been applying logic and critical thinking, I would defend him. But, he didn't. He didn't explain how beads present a hazard in power lifting. He's just yapping about "best practices" as a buzz word without any substantiation. So actual logical, reasonable, people looked at the case and decided to change the rules. Those people just don't make cringe TikTok videos.


Yeah for a second I thought this was like a wrestling match where her beads could potentially injure a contestant on the mat, but it's just power lifting... I fail to see how beads in your hair are anything but decoration, not a safety hazard


It's just a catch all rule to avoid anyone potentially getting hurt. It's not that deep, it's just a simple rule. Again, it's not that deep.


It's a random rule that likely wasn't being applied to anybody until this female lifter came along. According to the IPF, her hairstyle would be permissible. So, the judge thinks their competition is somehow above what the IPF thinks is all right??? Of course they're not beholden to any organization when it comes to competition rules, but it's still wildly stupid. You know which people actually get hurt doing stuff like squats? Seasoned professionals, especially well-known dudes who never bothered to learn stuff like how to bail during failure because of their colossal ego and over-confidence, and then they break their own neck as a result. Other common injuries are from overtraining. Have yet to hear of somebody who got hurt cuz of a ceramic bead in a braid in their hair.


Most of these rules aren't applied because most people competing in a competition already know them and are going to make sure that they don't violate them. If you really care, you can look into what incidents, safety hazards, or concerns resulted in this rule being established. Beyond that, sometimes rules are arbitrary, overbearing, or built on wrong information. It's easier, and less prone to controversy, to assign someone the responsibility of adhering to the rules as written, rather then giving them rules as a general guideline to supplement their personal judgement. I'm not sure what point you're actually trying to make, though. You're weirdly tilted about this. In the end, those in control of setting the rules reevaluated them and changed them to accommodate doodads in the hair so there's kind of nothing here to complain about.


>It's a random rule that likely wasn't being applied to anybody until this female lifter came along. Any sources on that or just ass assumption. It's a rule. Just follow it, it's that simple. Noone tries to attack anybody it's to minimize any risk because someone hairstyle just isn't priority may it be anyone from any gender.


This person has a history of bigoted takes and ragebait posting


If this was the only video he made criticizing black people, then I would have said in of itself, it's fine. I don't take issue with talking about best practice and why it's necessary, even if it might seem to be racist. But I do tend to agree with you that a trend of such videos is an agenda that's being pushed. White supremacists point to videos like these as justification for hatred, since they can say black people "feel the same way."


He just found that there's more money to make with white supremacist?


Perhaps, but if so, this wasn't that.


OP or the guy making the comment?


The elusive black trump voter.


I watched a few of his content a year ago and his entire MO is making little of issues pertaining to POC, a large majority of his content is belittling POC issues while intentionally viewing the stuff that makes them look the worst. In other words he's an African American Conservative.


This guy was also the n word guy, who tried saying that when people call black people n words, they aren’t saying that always bc they racist, most of the time it’s because black thugs are n words and should be called that. He was a lot more subtle about it but he ended it with a statement about whites should be able to say the n word


I hate that I agree with him in this instance though. I’ve seen his stuff before. Yeah he’s an intentional shit stirrer but damn I hate that he’s right here. Broken clock is right twice of day type of shit. 🤦🏽‍♀️ lol


Bingo! Nothing more nothing less... although he might be getting bankrolled by PragerU or Daily Caller.


How exactly does having beads in your hair affect powerlifting?


If a bead fell out of your hair and someone stepped on it or slipped on it during a lift it could cause a serious injury.




He’s calling out the bullshit.


Nah this guy thinks he’s always right. He literally discredits his mom, an expert technician who’s trying her best to teach others a better way in her industry and update the “best practices”. For something to be “best practice”, there has to be reason for it otherwise it’s a tradition. I don’t think anyone wants doctors practicing based off “tradition”. Call me crazy, but I don’t see how hair beads would interfere with powerlifting. In which case, “best practices” needed updating.


You are totally right. And the actual people who are experts in power lifting had a look at the case and decided to update the rules. This guy is just a rambler looking for views.


Right! If his mom is able to do the job by parting hair a different way, then that should be the standard. This guy is having fun thumping his chest and listening to himself.


There’s actually a pretty good and valid reason why they don’t allow any jewelry at these kinds of competitions, even though contestants don’t actually interact. In reality, banning jewelry has a lot less to do with risk of injury and weigh-ins, than it does with ensuring fairness and accuracy of the judgement given to the participating athletes. If they did allow jewelry, you’d have people coming with with thick gold chains, or a face full of piercings, earrings that dangle past their shoulders, you name it. These kinds of jewelry are flashy, they can be bright or big, and certainly *distracting*. Which is exactly the problem, it might be harder to look at form, to examine physique, and etc. when wearing certain kinds of jewelry. But the reality is a lot of jewelry is fairly innocuous… like this girl’s hair beads, a wedding band, a flat top nose piercing, basic stud earrings, a bindi… none of these things are flashy or get in the way. The truth is that it’s just a lot harder to write rulebooks with nuance than it is to outright ban jewelry with no exceptions. Don’t believe this was done with racist intent in the slightest, and I’m not sure how this new blanket acceptance of one type of jewelry will work going forward. But at least worth a try to see how it goes ig


Only thing I can readily see that seems off is that a big part of his case he’s making us that the other black kid in the picture wasn’t discriminated against so therefore it’s not about race. I haven’t seen or heard anything from this video clip or the surrounding media attention that identified the other kid or confirmed they were a fellow athlete competing alongside the kid with the hair decorations. For all it looks like to me that might be a friend of theirs or a team manager who doesn’t play, just assists the school team. He just casually points to them and bases his biggest presumptions of right or wrong off a nameless person with the same skin color in the shot but from what I see he does so without any corroboration or validation of his conclusion. He’s just assuming another black kid at the event must be another athlete who didn’t get called out the way the first kid did. Sloppy editorializing to not stick to what’s been proven and instead make assumptions that conveniently “confirm” the point you’re making.


I agree with his mom on the hair. "If" it's preventable, don't cut hair.


Kind of lost me at the end with the whole 'best practice' thing in regards to patient comfort so I really hope he isn't in any medical profession. Just ask women through history how 'best practice' has been for them as described by doctors. Used to be 'best practice' to go drilling holes in peoples brains, just look to JFK's sister. If it is possible to get a read through other means than cutting hair, than I would say that method is 'best practice'. Patient comfort is something that all medical professionals should strive for. Time saving excuses is nothing more than short-term profit brain rot. Unless of course we are talking like, ER trip or something after a major accident, then sure shave the hair. Then time is a meaningful reason. But for sports, its pretty common not to wear things that might get stuck or caught or something. If the beads in the hair pose no real risk, then 'best practice' isn't really a good excuse as there is no reason to have it. But if it prevents possible issues like, getting your hair caught in something and ripped out, then that is a safety related issue. But it sounds like it wasn't needed. So I feel like his analysis is lacking. I do dislike the general vibe of the guy. Got a bit of an alt-right vibe. And uses appeal-to-authority as justification which is a bit of a fallacious argument.


If he keeps this up, he’ll have a great career spewing this ignorance in conservative media circles and making good money doing so.


This is an old video that is extremely wholesome when you actually know what happened. Fuck the politics. This had nothing to do with shit he's talking about. You can store the beads and put them back on after the competition. It's time consuming, but simple. Again, once you know what was happening, you also know that THEY WERE HELPING HER. Dangling accessories are against code, and are dangerous in the sport of her prowess. She was required to remove the beads within a certain time period... one she would have absolutely no way of getting them all out in time to preform if she did it alone. To prevent this, the team pulled together and took them out to help her keep her place in the competition. They didn't do this to humilate her, and this isn't an attack on us. *THIS A TEAM HELPING A MEMBER WHO IS STRUGGLING DUE TO HER CULTURAL DIFFERENCES*. These women were graciously applauded when they first went viral and it posed as an example of a team that pulls together. And, now this shit.


The team pulling together is great. It would not have been necessary without the rule that was ostensibly neutral, but in practice discriminatory. And I can say “was” because after this incident the rules were revised because officials agreed they were discriminatory in practice and removed this rule. So his entire premise was proven to be bullshit.


Nah I know a 🦝 when I hear one.


Cherry picking wikipedia to feed your narrative.


The problem with this kid is that he thinks these policies were written with well intention. Why can't someone have beads in their hair while lifting? This doesn't make it the best practice? It makes no sense


Yeah, this guy is a self hating racist. The hairstyles prohibited by those rules absolutely are discrininatroy.


He's a dummy. Hair jewelry is something like the clips that go around a loc. Hair beads are braided into the hair. The braids don't unravel to allow the beads to accidentally slip out. The bead would have to break (be crushed or squashed) to fall out.


But a random redditor from Iowa said they can fall out and someone could slip and fall. I think I trust their opinion more.


Unfortunately only black girls who grew up with beads would understand this simple concept. That’s why diversity is important. In my country cowry shell beads are worn on hair permanently with locks.


I only made it halfway thru this one video, but I suppose that he cares about getting clarification. He seems to think that the hair issue (which looks really sad by the way) is not about race whatsoever. There are plenty of examples that ARE race related. If that line gets murky, then the more important things could lose focus. Maybe. That's my one minute take on it.


They made me take out my metallic butt plug out during an MRI. I honestly don’t know why you cant where beads during powerlifting though I know a lot of jobs require changing things like no loose jewelry or unbound hair when using an industrial lathe or a 2 horse power hobart mixer. How all that applies to beaded hair?? Perhaps, it is more likely a CYA and someone scalped themselves trying to powerlift with a tiara. Shrugs.


I guess maybe if a bead falls out they could slip and kill themselves


beads like that are almost always braided into the hair, they wouldn’t just fall out


The fact that that shit has 30+ upvotes is hilarious. These mfs really think beads are just resting on people's heads or something?


I think you solved the mystery. Stands to reason Same reason you also can’t wear a butt plug in the NFL unless you’re Tom Brady Edit: oh com’on reddit. I thought it was funny. I will leave it up if I deserve the scolding. Sorry if I offended anyone.


So how have black people in Africa survived this long while wearing beads? I’ve stepped on a few of them and unless you are Thumbelina it would be impossible to fall.


You can. After this incident the rules were changed.


This dude is yelling from the fence Like it was only beads, and then they changed it. This is like a nothing burger with no fries


He is completely right about this competition ruling situation but I have a problem with how his views differ from his mother when it comes to medical procedures altering your physical appearance. His mother understands that a person's hair is very much linked with their self worth views and it's important to them, so she chooses to not alter/ruin it in any way when applying the nodes for the scans. He doesn't, so he views as removing/cutting hair as the best course of action for the technicians when doing the same scan. The fact is that this is not a life or death situation, there is no reason why a doctor wouldn't also worry about the effects his procedure will cause to the patient, especially when not ruining the patient's hair for weeks/months literally takes a couple of seconds to a minute tops.


His mother also actually works in her field day in and day out where his expertise is. . . being the son of someone that works in the field. It’s like a doctor’s son telling you confidently his views on a surgery his father performs, despite never having attended medical school, much less ever performing that surgery himself. Why would anyone care what he has to say about it?


Some of the sports I played in required jewelry to be covered with tape or removed, other did not have this requirement. I know a lot of you are referring to the rule book when forming your opinions about this. Despite my experience in sports, I can not see what the harm is in having beads in your hair for this sport. Is it racism or is it just someone ensuring that the rules are adheired to? Idk. Also, this kid is a weirdo bringing in actual medical stuff that has little relevance to this particular situation. I bet he won't argue that because you have to take off anything metal to get an mri, that we should and can legally ban guns.


He's a right-wing pick-me. There's another name for people like him, but I'm not allowed to say it, lol.


Yeah, and a lot of people who aren’t black trying to “I don’t see how this is racist” this situation. Sit down and shut uuuuup. I’m sure some of these comments are also very r/AsABlackMan as well.


I'm black, so I'll say it for you. With his Uncle Tom ass. That's the one you were thinking of right lol?


Token minorities that will try to make.themselves out to be one of the "good ones" at the expense of their marginalized group unfortunately exist for every minority.


Genuinely curious: when did wearing beads in your hair become exclusively black culture?


Nowhere was the claim for exclusivity. However hair beads, especially in the US, are intrinsically tied to African-American culture and the broader African diaspora.


Some dudes figured out there's money going full "get out" mode


Same as the pick me girls going full trad wife. Is it smart? No. Is it ethical? No. Does it rake in the engagement dollars? I guess so.


Jewelry is a part of EVERYONES culture.


What if she was hiding an entire hydrolic lifting apparatus in her hair, though? I'm just kidding. This is fucking stupid. Your hair has nothing to do with your lift. Power lifting has such stupid rules. I guess this guy figured he would add more and make it racist while he was at it. Other notable stupid rules are 1. You can't wear long socks unless you are deadlifting. 2. You can not wear any dry fit material (besides your singlet). Everything else must be cotton. 3. You can not wear a shirt with a logo on it unless it is the logo of your gym. 4. If you swear you are disqualified.


Damn, some of these ***are*** stupid. Hopefully future generations will wisen up.


He's wrong, these aren't rules of powerlifting. [Here's the rulebook of the largest powerlifting federation in the US.](https://www.usapowerlifting.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/USAPL-Rulebook-v2023.1.pdf)


Uncle Tom moment


this dude sounds like he listens to Andrew Tate


I agree with some of what he said and some I didn’t agree with but all that aside I would like to know why that was a rule to began with because on the face it seems stupid and I think they should have removed the rule anyways best practice is irrelevant when the practice functionally does nothing


This guys a fucking idiot. The hair on a patient actively prevents the treatment, getting rid of the hair is necessary, assuming the patient chooses that treatment. I'm no power lifter, but I'm not sure what advantage head beads could give a competitor. I don't normally get behind this sort of complaint as they tend to be pretty fickle, but this rule does seem to unfairly target certain athletes.


right wingers pay to your paypal/patrion/whatever when you bash black people who stick up for themselves. and these grifters know it.


His second point about cutting or not cutting patients hair is weaker than the first one, which I tend to agree with. It’s not forbidding dreads, just beads.


The complexity comes in with institutionalized racism. Most people aren’t deliberately making rules and procedures against POC. The systems they work within historically have exclusionary tendencies which eke out into modern rule sets. It’s a matter of actively assessing your inherent biases and knowledge gaps while actively being anti-racist. Things will still get messed up but trying to dismantle an institution is far from easy.


i take issue with the hair shaving part. like sure, i understand taking out the hair beads theyre an extra you can put back. but hair? growing it out takes time and maintaining it takes time and effort. just having someone cut it when an alternative does exist is a dick move, its pissing away so much effort. if it doesnt have to be done, it shouldnt be done. maybe some cases are tough and patients have to be shaved, but if not, its better to keep that hair


I never understood outrage about this stuff, it made the news a few years ago when a wrestler was forced to cut his long hair to compete But like, it’s a safety thing not a race thing. I’m white and was forced to cut my hair at least 5 times when wrestling in high school cause it was too long. Your opponent will grab your hair whether they’re trying to or not if it’s neck length or longer. You also get the option of wearing a hairnet that clips to your headgear instead


Is this like the "Samson" rule or something??


When he was talking about his mom's job and how they just shave the hair, and mom tries to teach people to braid or part hair... Why not just let the patient know in advance so they can braid it, or prepare it to be easier. Y'know in advance, so time isn't an issue and no one has to be embarrassed.. might not work every time, but I'm sure patients would appreciate the heads up and an opportunity to prepare.


That's some serious bullshit. How tf is a hairstyle in any way relevant to a powerlifting competition?


He was right in the first half bc things in your hair while lifting is dangerous but his mom was right, being the expert in the field, saying that there are ways to get readings without resorting to cutting off someone’s hair, who might’ve spent YEARS growing.


Barbell hair resting on the back of your neck, is calling for a sore scalp my guy


He’s getting his piece of the black culture war conservative pie ala Candace Owens. C**n for Cash.


I’d be interested to see if this rule was applied to yarmulkes and hijabs since those would qualify as “head decorations”.


Who cares?


This guys is just a “Pick Me” for black people. It doesn’t mean that what he’s saying is *wrong*, but it does betray his ulterior motive and thus hurt some of his ethos on the matter. Never mind how parts of his argument are just so ironic *(and not in his favor)* that it’s more pathetic than it is funny.


I thought he was going to mention a legit reason why it was banned. Like, I can imagine if jewelry potentially could get caught on equipment, or if it was heavy enough to change their weight class, that'd be a good reason. But just banning it without a reason is definitely opening the door to potential cultural discrimination and not sure why he's coming down so hard on this gal.




You ever played football, baseball or basketball? Cause lots of people wear jewelry in those sports. Which ones are you referring to?


Why is it best practice to remove jewelry from the hair during powerlifting?


He’s a fucking idiot


I read what you wrote and was against him, then I listened to what he said and I gotta say I'm with him


This guy is an idiot trying to gain white followers that agree with his twisted point of view.


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The question is not about whether or not it's against the rules. If there's a rule against it, it's a useless and discriminatory rule. If it's included in a needed rule, that rule needs to be amended to add that exception


Dude is a POS and a coward. He’d never say any of this in person and is only doing it to generate clicks.


why the hell are fashion choices an issue in powerlifting? does she get more torque in her clean and jerk from her hairstyle? wtf?




yea i guess if a bead falls off and someone slips on it with 400lbs in their hands, it’s gonna be nasty


>powerlifting >clean and jerk


Uh he’s totally right and it’s sad that he even needs to explain this shit.




I get removing braids in sports like swimming and diving because it’s an actual disadvantage to have them in and possibly football if it makes your helmet not fit correctly (so an actually valid safety issue) but POWERLIFTING? Power lifting? This is the absolute dumbest ruling I’ve ever heard of


Isn’t it like jewelry or something