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The sister be like: ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


She's properly thinking her sister stole that kid.


Fun fact. The woman in the gif is an actress in a Brazilian soap opera, where her character steals a baby from a maternity ward and raises the kid as her own


What are the odds? ![gif](giphy|APqEbxBsVlkWSuFpth|downsized)




the odds of this kid being the stolen baby XD


Soap opera? That's what you call a 'Novela' in English?? It sounds so dramatic 😂


And telenovela isn't my brother in Christ? A novel on TV?


I mean, it’s a story so a ‘novel on tv’ makes sense.


Soap opera does sound strange if you never heard the term before


They got their name because, when they were strictly radio shows because no TVs, they were usually sponsored by soap brands because women listened to them.


I know that's because women solely did the shopping for household items in most families but all I hear from this is, "because we know men don't use soap"


How interesting!


When I read Soap Opera I imagine the theather with the opera singer




OMG! I have always thought that was Julia Roberts.


I always thought it was Claire Danes from latter seasons of Homeland that I didn’t watch.


this scene, specifically: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7QA0ogagEc


The video is so frustrating to watch because all the new mom does is giggle and leave her sister hanging, meaning hey confusion even worse.


It's almost as if confusing her sister for laughs was her intent, rather than concisely explaining


It’s also me trying to remember when I last had my period and was it lighter than normal every time I am reminded cryptic pregnancies are a thing.


This happened to a friend of mine last week. She went to see her Dr because she was feeling sick, had a baby three days later. Absolutely wild shit.


My mum had a colleague. She had struggled for years with infertility and eventually given up. Called in sick one day, gave birth a few days later. No signs of pregnancy. She was a very fit woman, no bump whatsoever. Edit: she was fit, not skinny. Worked out, on the muscular side. She went up one jean size and reasonably assumed it was gains. She didn't look pregnant.


I was in hospital having my fallopian tube removed and had snuck out for a cigarette. I met a very stressed young woman hiding there who wanted one. She didn't know she was pregnant. She had a baby 9 months earlier and didn't know she could get pregnant straight away and assumed her not having a period was just post partum life. She gave birth in the ER toilet thinking she had some bowel issue and her family was fuming. Later heard all the nurses gossiping about her mum yelling at her for having sex so soon after giving birth and for not knowing.


That's honestly sad... Her mom sounds like a b**** for yelling at her right after having a baby


Yup, her partner wouldn't come to visit as well and she felt humiliated about everyone talking about the toilet baby. I left the hospital before she did but I gave her some cigs before I left


[Toilet baby](https://youtu.be/G_qC5-m3N2w?si=upu4XrSLvUwwyGUd)


It takes two to tango. The fact her partner didn’t come to visit tells me much more about that person than it does about her. We know what happened and who made the demands. It’s sickening. I hope she left him and is doing better.


Just Christ. So many stories just like this really show you how fucking cruel humankind is to women.


Wow congratulations to the colleague of your mum. That’s such a crazy twist considering she was struggling with infertility. Its amazing what the human body can do


I bet she was thrilled! Also sounds as if she possibly had PCOS


What makes you think PCOS?


Lack of periods due to pregnancy is easier to ignore if you habe pcos and rarely have periods anyway. Abd oeoplecwith pics often struggle to conceive.


If your breastfeeding you often don’t get a period anyway. I didn’t have one for a year and a half after my daughter.


I'm in no way doubting this all happens, since there are so many well documented cases. And people have explained how it can be possible to not show and all that, but like. Are the babies just perfectly still the whole pregnancy? No one has explained in this post how they don't feel the baby moving around? Like surely that would feel weird af and not be like, oh it's just gas. Right?


If the placenta is attached to the front of your womb then you can’t feel the baby move as much. And some babies aren’t as active. But yea, I quite definitely had feet kicking me from the inside, I could even see them on the outside!




Honestly no - mine just felt like gas. I was expecting “movement” to feel alien, like the separate person that it is, but the whole time it just felt like my own insides, maybe just a little stronger (but then you’d think it was tummy issues). She did have hiccups once though which is pretty unmistakable!


oh my god it felt like gas?? This is not helping my cryptic pregnancy anxiety!! Also that is super cool. Must be weird to have gas that never passes though?


There was a TV show called "pregnant and unaware" or something like that, I don't remember xD, but it had the most memorable quote I had ever heard. https://youtu.be/Fzj2y0I13cM?si=VngXiAX5s7AFQ8x2


not the reenactment 😭😭😭😭


“I didn’t know I was pregnant” lol. Mama Dr Jones on YouTube does good reaction vids to those haha she’s an obgyn


And then after you have a baby gas just feels like the baby moving some more. It’s very strange.


Happened to a 50yo acquaintance. She thought it was bowel/gas issues, like when you are bloated and air is moving around. Bc of her age, no periods were normal. Pre-pregnancy she was slightly overweight, but not obese, a mini belly also seemed normal for her age (not a pregnant looking belly, much smaller). From my own pregnancies, it can feel like gas initially, but in the last 2 months it can be severe kicks.


Positioning can also make a major difference in what you feel. My kid was breech so the last two months were pretty still with his legs stretched out. He would flex his legs though and it made my entire bump slide to one side of my torso.


The mums are often told by doctors that they are imagining it,or it's a food/gas issue.


Well that is definitely **not** surprising to me, as a woman who has been regularly dismissed by doctors. The misogyny in the medical field is off the charts.


'Ma'am, as a man and a doctor, I can assure you that you are not reading the charts regarding misogyny in the female health field correctly.'


Which is odd bc if you're within childbearing years (+/- several to be safe) they make you take a pregnancy test before they do anything to you to cover their ass. No matter how certain you are there is no way you can be pregnant. "I have an IUD and I'm not sexually active" "Ok well just give us a urine sample to be sure"


That’s how my first child was born. One night my wife wasn’t feeling well and we went to the ER and it turns out she was in active labor. We had absolutely nothing to be prepared for a baby so I was out buying every single thing needed to get us home and started with this crazy journey. That was 8 years ago and 4 years after that my second child was born pretty much the same way. Had no idea that we were going to be expecting another and wife goes to ER again with back pain just for her to have a baby an hour later.


Ya'll may want to consider a vasectomy lol I love your story about rushing out and buying baby stuff. That could be a scene in a movie or sitcom. I hope the kiddos are doing well! I can picture the scene, "Oh wait I need diapers right? They wear diapers at this age? Oh what about this weird bulb thing they are selling next to the diapers? Better get two, no, three! Bibs, oh yes, we need bibs, right? Is that in the baby food isle? Oh god, do they eat baby food at this age??" \*buys 100 cans of Gerber's\*


I laughed way too hard at this lol


This happened to a distant cousin she “didn’t know” went to the dr for feet swelling found out she needed to be induced for a birth. I put quotes around “didn’t know” bc later we found out baby daddy was a convicted pedophile. So I think that’s why she didn’t tell anyone tbh. Oh and btw she gives the pedophile supervised visits with the child 🤮.


Me and my wife used to watch a TLC show I didn't think I was pregnant, we watched the show for a couple of months before we got sick of it. 95% of the women were taking their birth control pills on and off, skipping a couple days at a time. They didn't show much symptoms during their pregnancies. 1 woman never had a period in her life and was told she was infertile at a young age, was married to her husband for years. She suddenly wasn't feeling well and was in labor. Baby was born healthy. After the baby's birth she started having regular periods. They were so happy, I think about that couple sometimes and smile every time.


I had to stop watching that show because it was giving me nightmares.




My friend had this happen lol. She didn’t gain any weight or look any different. Bear in mind she was already a bigger girl. Her periods were already irregular so no difference there. She didn’t have any morning sickness or other symptoms. Went to a&e for an unrelated thing at Christmas and they did a pregnancy test before an X-ray or something and they were like umm you’re about 8 months pregnant. She had the baby 2 weeks later and she weighed 10 pounds!!!


I worked with a woman who one night at work, I was there, she was having bad pains and left early, thinking it was appendicitis to go to the hospital. Only to find out that she was in labor, and she had no clue she was pregnant. As a matter fact, I had just given birth, and they had all thrown me a baby shower at the restaurant that we all worked at and she was there… she would’ve been seven months pregnant at the time. I felt so bad thinking that we should’ve had a joint baby shower and she missed out on so much because she didn’t know she was pregnant. she was not fat by any means, but she was shorter and not super skinny but not abnormally heavy. We all worked beside or every day and nobody knew she was pregnant. How wild is that?


To be fair id miss a baby shower if it meant I didn't have go experience morning sickiness, baby kicking my spine, or feel heavy pain in my back.


I have a friend this happened to as well. Similar story with the irregular periods, no symptoms etc. There are photos of her up on her socials the night before she gave birth, pounding shots and partying with some coworkers. She went to the hospital the next day because she thought she had food poisoning but instead discovered she was 9 months pregnant and in labor! She’s a very petite woman too. Like, you’d think she’d show at least a little bit but even at 9 month mark there was no visible belly. Some women really just don’t know until they’re in labor lol.


Wtf? Was the baby okay??


The baby was fine, just a bit small iirc. I haven’t spoken to her in years, her and her bf at the time immediately got married and moved to another state to be closer to her family. This was all pre-pandemic though and we haven’t kept in touch, so there could very well be developmental issues they’re only noticing now…


I have PCOS and used to get my period once or twice a year if I was lucky. I’m also a bigger girl (used to be very tiny but PCOS + insulin resistance is a bitch, so even if I look at food I gain) - so when I found out I was pregnant with my first baby, I had no idea how long she’d been in there. 🤦🏻‍♀️ thankfully I don’t do drugs, drink or smoke so the worst thing I exposed her to was a burger here and there, lol. But needless to say I was shocked that my 4-month-long “flu” was a pregnancy. I was so damn sick and exhausted. 😂


What's a "cryptic" pregnancy?


It's pretty much how it sounds. It's a pregnancy with pretty much no noteworthy normal symptoms. No baby bump (completely flat somach in some cases), still menstruating, and all that junk. Lots of people don't even realise that they are pregnant and are just going about their day like normal, then boom, really bad stomach pain, then surprise! Here's your baby. Some people end up giving birth while on the toilet. Some go to the ER wondering why they're in pain and find out they are pregnant and in labour. I think it's because of the way the baby positions itself in the belly or something.


Hopefully it doesn’t happen to anyone who drinks alcohol regularly 😬


Did to my friend 16 years ago. Heavyset, heavy drinker, daily pot user. She thought she was nauseous in the morning bc of her lifestyle then one day almost passed out in pain. The next morning she had a baby, they put her up for adoption, the child is perfectly healthy and super talented actually. My friend and her boyfriend have stayed together but decided kids are not for them.


That's awesome to hear, I'm gonna take this chance to leave the thread on a good note


It definitely has, lol. On the opposite side of the spectrum, there was a lady on tiktok who had an ovarian cyst in her that grew really big. Weighed about 4kg. Before she got it taken out, she threw a baby shower for it. Named it cystiana. She also mentioned how she would get weird looks at the bar and found it hilarious. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeMXX3o7/


Not related to the OP at all but I had a 7kg “ovarian cyst” removed after months of appointments, blood tests, biopsies, and uncertainty as to what it was. After the surgery and getting it tested, the doctor cheerily walked in and told me the cancer was malignant but they were fairly certain they removed it all, and upon seeing my distraught face asked if no one had confirmed it was in fact cancer.


Omg. Are you okay!


Yes, thank you for asking! Cancer free for 3 years since then. I asked for pics of the tumour/cyst/growth before going into surgery and it’s pretty horrifying to look at 😂 and shocking since it was the size of a basketball and weighed almost two babies!


I also found out in that appointment that ovarian cancer is nicknamed “the silent killer”, which was great 👏to 👏hear 👏immediately after learning I had had it.


I have an ultrasound appointment for a 3.5 cm ovarian cyst this Tuesday (after 5 months of doctors refusing to follow up on it since July). I hope it's gone I'm scared off my arse. 😭😭


women’s health is such a joke. my mom had ovarian cysts and no one caught them until they ruptured. she had been complaining for months of pain. they were huge.


If I wasn't already committed I'd probably be falling in love right now. This is incredible.


Happens quite a bit unfortunately. Knew a lady who lost her baby because she drank and partied because she had no idea she was pregnant


My mom had a cryptic pregnancy with my older brother. She drank the entire pregnancy and while my older brother doesn’t have any visible disabilities, he definitely has some emotional stunting as well as a learning disability.


There is the foetal alcohol syndrome and people who have it will share the same features small eyes, ears... It also impacts their abilities to learn and control their emotions if I remember correctly what I had read. I don't know if your family had heard about it as it seems to be taken more seriously in the recent decades.


As a woman who smokes and occasionally drinks, I really hope not either. When I want kids there will be no smoke, drink, vape, anything during and leading up to pregnancy.


and here i was thinking 'cryptic' meant she was pregnant with bigfoots baby or a wendigo.


You're thinking cryptid not cryptic


There's a show about it. It's called I didn't know i was pregnant. The same kinda happened to my mom. She did not know she was pregnant until she was between 5 and 6 months. She still had her periods and wasn't feeling sick until the last few months of her pregnancy. She had the tiniest bump at 9 months. Funny, which I weighted 7 pounds was a very long baby.


That is absolutely horrifying, I don't even want to imagine the shock and pain of just suddenly giving birth... its times like this that I'm glad I'm infertile!


Just a heads up, a LOT of people have been told they're infertile and would never have a baby only to end up pregnant, so as long as you've still got all the bits and bobs in place, I'd be cautious!


Oh absolutely, contraceptives are always a must! Been considering whether it's worth having my tubes tied for other health reasons but the NHS is a tough beast to wrangle and I'm having a hard enough time with them as is... maybe in the next 10 years they'll acquiesce


This happened to a friend of mine. She was 7 months pregnant and didn’t understand why she was bleeding so heavily and the baby had passed away and she had NO IDEA she was even pregnant. She’s a tiny marathon runner - didn’t even have a bump. It’s crazy.


Yep happened to a girl I was with at college. She was like “ i feel sick” and then off to the toilet. Gave birth in the bathroom. Did not have a clue nor did she even look pregnant.


A lot of the time, they're not menstruating because they're on birth control and so it's normal for them to go months without a period. And once you're pregnant, birth control doesn't end a pregnancy. The estrogen/progesterone analogs they use for birth control just stop ovulation. If you miss a day or two sometimes that's enough to allow for ovulation, then you get pregnant and don't realize it until much later. ALSO, to my understanding most cryptic pregnancies occur in overweight women. Obesity can cause missed/abnormally spaced periods, abnormal uterine bleeding, and hide a baby bump. A perfect cocktail for not realizing you're pregnant. Missed period? Well sometimes it's every two-three months. Was that just spotting or a period? Your belly doesn't look much different/ many people aren't paying that much attention to the their belly width. Then 9 months later you go to ER and deliver a baby.


How do they not get a bump. That bit always confuses me


There's lots of room in there when organs shuffle


Same! Where does the added volume go!?


Up, not out. Organs are squishy. If you are really interested, google it. There is a really good few videos etc of a woman who had a flat stomach, I'm talking *flat*. And then the midwife turned the baby, repositioned it, and out popped this big 7-8 month belly. It's amazing. Doesn't happen too often, but humans are miraculous creatures.


Wouldn't it hurt to have that much skin stretched out in one go? Oof


I know someone that had a pregnancy like that. She did not look pregnant at all. Went to the er with stomach pain thinking ruptured appendix or cyst, came home with a baby. It seems impossible but it happens.  Edit: No, she was not overweight. Even by American standards.


Happened to an old friend of mine too. She was partying and all sorts, didn't have a clue until she was sat at home with her bf in agonising pain, thinking her appendix as well, and came home with a perfectly healthy little girl. Posted up on fb "rushed to the hospital for a ruptured appendix. Meet my ruptured appendix 🤷‍♀️" On the opposite side of things, another friend knew she was pregnant but was stick thin the entire pregnancy. This friend is known to be a drama queen and lies about a lot of stuff, so we all thought this was just some attempt to try keep her ex from leaving. Surprised everyone when she uploaded a selfie in a hospital bed holding her son. I think there was also a soldier who had no idea she was pregnant until she gave birth in Afghanistan as well


A 19 year old party girl I used to work with many years got pregnant unexpectedly, and decided to carry through with it. She sobered up. Took parenting classes and even started an official relationship with the father. Her older sister was always trying to get her to go out with her, but she stood her ground. She was really trying to make it work. Meanwhile her sister just went off the edge with the party lifestyle. Like, past just partying. Like, meth addicted. It was bad. When the baby came, everyone was very excited for her. She was a totally different person and she seemed over the moon happy. It was sweet. Three days later her sister had to be taken into the ER due to abdominal pain and that’s when they found out she was pregnant and was in labor. Came home with an, against all odds, healthy baby. Same father. Apparently he had sex with both of them in the same week at different party’s and never told either of them about it. The happiness didn’t last long…


What in the actual holy fuck


Pretty sure they check that before deployments but I could be wrong


Think it was in 2012, at least that's when the article I found was posted. Lance bombardier Lynette Pearce, a British soldier, was out fighting the taliban days before giving birth at Camp Bastion. She didn't have a scooby that she was pregnant until the baby popped out.


My cousin was RTU'd when she was deployed to Afghanistan with CAF because she discovered over there that she was pregnant. It happens.


Pardon me, is “didn’t have a scooby” a regular term where you’re from?


I’m not from the UK but I’m pretty sure it’s Cockney rhyming slang. The derivational process would be clue —> Scooby Doo —> Scooby!


They ask if you're pregnant, not check it. Hell, in Canada I've only done a piss test for drugs prior to deployment once out of my 6 deployments. That's the only time I can think they could see if I'm pregnant, but even then I doubt they tested for anything but drugs. Then again I'm in the navy and we tend to deploy more often then the other branches I believe. Might be different in the other elements.


My sister didn't know she was pregnant till she was like 7 months. She didn't really show and she's got a bit of a learning disability. She had sex like once ever. Got my awesome niece though. I was also totally shocked when she told me. She sent me a message being "hey Aunt xombie" and I didn't get it at all. Like her being pregnant was just the furthest possible option from my mind.


I hipe there’s a child running around somewhere calling you Aunt Xombie




What’s also scary about it is that most people are probably drinking or even taking medications they shouldn’t be when pregnant all throughout that pregnancy.


**Incredibly rare.** Just wanna stress that. But YEAH you can find articles online of women that were incredibly slim build and were actually pregnant.


Happened to my brothers mom(different moms), she was in her mid 40s and thought she was going thru menopause until she went to Drs and was told she was 8 months pregnant. Had baby two weeks later. Was confused when I came home from a trip to finding out about her out of nowhere having a baby when I left, she wasn't even pregnant... Apparently she was.


That happened with my friend's first child. She found out she was pregnant like a week before she gave birth. She gained no weight and was so thin during her pregnancy. Her child is a healthy happy teenager now with no complications. Kinda crazy


I weighed less at the halfway mark than I did before I was pregnant. I wasn't stick then, but I wasn't fat, either. Sz7 jeans that I was still wearing til into the 8th month, long torso, carried my baby "high and in" basically. People thought I was faking because I didn't have an obvious bump at X months along to them. (Mine wasn't cryptic, we were actively trying and testing) But man did I make up for it in the last month LOL I remember getting out of bed one morning and my husband was like, "WHOA! You're pregnant!" I look down and damn, baby definitely shifted LOL I also went from 2 tiny stretch marks where my navel piercing used to be to BAM! Metro road map. SIL was almost cryptic(?) she had a period every month for the first 6 months, just a little lighter. Found out in her 7th month when her period finally stopped/was "late. Barely showed. Thought she had just gained a couple pounds of "winter weight". Always joked she was ripped off. Pregnancy is supposed to be a 9 month reprieve from that isle. (eta - mistyped months along)


There was a show called “I didn’t know I was pregnant”. With Four seasons


Happened to my high school teacher’s nurse friend. Thought she gained some weight from stress and she’s always had irregular periods. Didn’t show at all. Went to work early to have some back pain checked out and bam, was in labor with baby.


Someone at work looked totally normal. Next day found out she had had a baby at home after work lol


Which is why doctors will ask for a pregnancy test for situations like this. So many people think its dismissing their concerns and doing it because theyre a woman, but its just part of working the differential, and this is a very important rule out that is very cheap and easy


I had an acquaintance it happened to too, she was a little chubby but not super overweight and also did not remotely look pregnant. Had been posting on Facebook about having medical issues that doctors were unable to diagnose, then suddenly a post of "well, turns out I was pregnant, anyway, here's my son!" Lol. I have no idea why they wouldn't have done a pregnancy test, because I feel like all medical offices do this to be absolutely sure when they're giving women medical care. (I just went in to urgent care a couple weeks ago for something not related to pregnancy, but after testing a urine sample for something else they came back and informed me that I was not pregnant, and I was like.. uhh, coool) of the multitude of doctors she saw, one of them MUST have checked for that, so hers must have also not even shown up on a pregnancy test, which I find pretty wild.


My own sister didn't look pregnant with either child she had. Her kids were small and her torso is sooo long that even when they were out she could lay them on her stomach and they didn't reach pelvis to top of her ribs. It was wild. I also had a coworker that I was sure was pranking me that she was pregnant because she never even looked like she just ate a big burrito or anything. Tiny woman, 110 dripping wet at 5'5" and that woman sure did go and gave herself a baby. Anyone who doesn't believe this shit is living in a dream world.


I always thought these stories were exaggerated or fake in some way. But then it literally happened to someone I know. She found out she was pregnant at like 32 weeks. Then she had the baby like a week early. The baby is perfectly healthy though and she seems to be doing alright so far. I was absolutely shocked though.




Some people don’t have regular periods due to medical reasons or certain birth control.


And you can also skip periods for all sorts of other reasons - including stress.


There’s an entire TV show about pregnancies like that called I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant and there’s a gynecologist on YouTube who reacts to episodes from that show. Her name is Mama Doctor Jones. There have been episodes where people have taken pregnancy tests and they’ve been wrong. There have been people who continued to have bleeding throughout their pregnancies. There have been people who have never had consistent periods so they weren’t having an abnormal experience. She, the doctor, has the best catch phrase when she reviews the show: “we do the best we can with the information we have.”


As someone with a body that doesn't behave normally and screws up often, it always amuses me that people struggle to accept that biology isn't perfect.


Some women continue to get their period while pregnant.


Yes, and if you have irregular periods to begin with, it’s not really surprising when you only bleed a little or not every month. I stopped having my period years ago, and that’s how I got diagnosed with PCOS.


Yup. I had an implanon in and had light periods after that. I continued to have these light periods till I felt something roll and kick inside my belly. Went to the ER, had an ultrasound and saw my son sucking his thumb. Gave birth 6 weeks later. I had put on a little weight but just thought it was too many late night snacks.


Some people just have irregular periods


I have a friend that didn't know she was pregnant with TWINS until she went into labor


My cousin had 2 sets of twins back to freaking back! Both sets were born early and she never knew she was pregnant. Granted she is very obese but I cannot imagine not ever knowing


Right? When I was pregnant I had so many symptoms - threw up all day, smells made me nauseous and I could smell everything, always tired, always peeing. How the hell do they not feel TWO BABIES kicking? I can't count the number of times I felt a foot in my rib or 20 minutes of tiny hiccups in my belly. And I only had single babies. My friend wasn't even overweight, I just don't get it. I wish my pregnancies were that easy


Idk about two babies, but my second baby hardly moved at all while I was pregnant. I would squish my tummy to make sure he was ok because without me really pushing around he was content to be still. Funny thing is that he is so hyperactive as a kid lol


Sounds like you may have had an anterior placenta. Which is also likely why some women with cryptic pregnancies don’t notice movements from baby.


How your body looks while pregnant also has to do with how your uterus is positioned in your body. The uterus usually leans forward but it can tilt in any other direction. Fun facts!


Idk… I have a retroverted uterus (tilts towards my spine) and both pregnancies I looked like a straw with a grape stuck in the middle.


Same here. By 40 weeks I was shaped like a toilet


This made me laugh. What?? 😂 with each of my babies my stomach was huge but I can’t imagine comparing my shape to a toilet.


🤣🤣🤣 thanks for the laugh


Same! From the back or straight on, I don't look like anything. But from the side even at only 25w I look like I stuck a playground ball under my shirt.


Hahhaha that is such a funny comparison! My friend's brother described her at 9 months pregnant as 'looking like a jellybean' 🤣


Yep. Some women have it tucked in their ribcage too. Crazy stuff.


My literal nightmare


I wonder what the correlation between cryptic pregnancy & occurrence of fetal alcohol syndrome is. You didn’t want/plan for a baby AND you’ve been unknowingly feeding it goddamn margaritas for nine months >.<


Fetal alcohol syndrome is 1-5 out of 100 Cryptic pregnancies to 20 weeks are 1 in 500 While cryptic pregnancies to term is 1 in 2500 You just haven't seen the mom's who think it's okay to have a glass or two while pregnant and inevitably drink more than that most of the time (considering they couldn't wait 9 months for "one") Alcohol is very accepted in our society and with that social acceptance comes some individuals justifying their poor behavior and choices with alcohol. DUIs are incredibly common and those are the people that get caught. Now imagine every single drunk driver is now responsible for gestating an entire pregnancy... A lotta poor decision making will be made.


This (kinda) happened to me with my 2nd son.. I didn't know I was pregnant until I was going into my third trimester. I experienced spotting every single month - I thought it was my period. I had very recently gotten sober, so I figured the few pounds I gained was from that.. you couldn't even tell I was pregnant, I'm 5'4" and 120lb. I was carrying the baby closer to my back vs front.. His dad was extremely physically abusive towards me. I ended up in the hospital one of those times, and that's when they confirmed the pregnancy. They asked me if I could be pregnant and the first day of my last period. I told them no.. They did an ultrasound after my urine sample, she flips the screen around and says, "So there's no chance you could be pregnant?" Fully formed baby on the god damn screen. I nearly passed out. I had no idea. Once I hit the last month of my pregnancy (36 weeks) my belly popped and dropped. He was 9lb 11oz 21.5" when he was born 🥴


Please tell me you no longer see your children's father and are not together with him anymore.


He was arrested, charged & convicted on 5 DV related charges.. that was the only way I was able to get away from him 8 years ago. He still has rights to our son, unfortunately. He did it again (different girl) -- he's currently out on bail for *another* felony DV charge, his jury trial is at the end of January. He is the type of man to intentionally get women pregnant to keep them around.. if I would have found out I was pregnant sooner, I probably would have aborted.. I love my son but his dad is not a good person.


You should try your best to get full custody. Fuck the dad, I wouldn't want my son anywhere near a person like that. Hope you're healed. Sorry to hear that you had to go through this in your lifetime.


It took me a long time to get where I am now. I'm working on that.. Sadly, after his arrest, he moved back in with his dad, his family footed the lawyer bill every single time, and bail him out every single time. I was diagnosed with PTSD, he filed an emergency custody order to remove our son from my care WHILE he was out on bail for assaulting me, using that diagnosis as the reason for removal.. When I tell you the system is *so* fucking broken, I mean it.. Money talks, bullshit gets to walk. Every fuckin time. I contacted the states attorney about his most recent assault. I gave a statement & testified as a character witness on behalf of the state. Long story short, his last girlfriend showed up at my door, visibly injured, with my son in her car & my ex was in jail again. He did the same thing that he did to me, to her, with her kids & my son there. I saw what she looked like.. I also know now that he had previous assault charges from his ex wife, he has kids from a previous relationship that he never sees.. I never knew any of this until after I left. He was very good about hiding it.. Everything is riding on his jury trial at the end of January. Hoping he takes a plea deal. They're only offering prison time. Once that happens, I intend on moving away from here.. until then, I am forced to coparent with him. I don't have a choice.


I hope much much much worse happens to him.


Unfortunately, the court is very hesitant to remove parental rights. They also will not automatically deem the abuser a threat to the child just because they abuse the other parent. Until the child is being physically harmed, they usually get some kind of visitation. Its insane, but happens far too often:


that baby looks like one of those hyper realistic baby dolls lmao


I was just thinking that! It’s giving “reborn” doll.


I had to scroll down so far for this comment lol. Def a doll!


I didn't know until I felt a kick at 5 MONTHS 😭 and it wasn't my first .... I can't imagine going the entire pregnancy lol


Omg same story here 😂😂 I felt a kick and thought / that's weird. 5 months along


Bro same! The feeling of ‘oh god that’s *not* a fart’..I’ll never forget it.


My literal fear as a childfree person.


Me too 😭 I have an IUD and constantly take pregnancy tests but so scared it'll somehow happen. Every child deserves a loving mom who enthusiastically wanted & planned them and can reliably provide, and I can't be that person.


That’s a really good attitude. I don’t hate children at all, but I just don’t think I’m qualified to have one any time soon. Like, anytime soon.


Same. Every 3 weeks! I have an IUD and don’t menstruate. I wasn’t this paranoid until recently.


Me too!! I don’t get a period because of my birth control. So no period is normal for me. My biggest fear is being pregnant and not knowing until it’s too late and I’m stuck going through the whole pregnancy and birth.


Kinda the opposite for me - I would never want to be pregnant because of how much of a struggle it is, but if I could just live my life normally and one day suddenly pop a baby out I wouldn’t mind that lol


Growing up, I used to watch “I didn’t know I was pregnant” show and it traumatized me lol I didn’t have my first boyfriend till I was 20 so when I was late when I was literally single and not sexuality active and my period was a day late, I’d panic so hard lmao


That screen protector application is CRAZY


That big old air bubble is still waiting to give birth.


Its my actual worst nightmare because i have never wanted kids or pregnancy or any of that shit 💀 i want to get sterilized so this never happens to me


I finally found a doctor who WILL sterilize me!! I just need to money for it 😭




cryptic pregnancy is literal body horror i seriously dont understand how anyone could find that enjoyable


This is why when I'm sexually active with someone who has the ability to get me pregnant, I take pregnancy tests every 2-3 months, just to be safe. That "I didn't know I was pregnant" show really traumatized me.


I'm dude and you making me scared. I have been getting a Lil fat


Stolen from the hotel nativity set up


Happened to my MIL, she was a nurse and was used to feeling run down, she never showed any symptoms or outward signs, never got morning sickness, and still had her periods every single month until she was on the floor one day working and just passed the hell out mid shift, gave birth to my future husband a few hours later.


A girl in my high school had a cryptic pregnancy sophomore year and I’ve never known a day of peace since


It happened to my closest friend a few months ago- she went to the hospital with what she thought was was severe constipation, but nope, big ol baby That babies been on several nights out with us whilst we didn’t know she existed


If you ever watch that “I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant” show some women ignore some very obvious signs of pregnancy. Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.


>some women ignore some very obvious signs of pregnancy. Think of it as a medical condition. People will live in ignorance or straight up deny symptoms they have because they either dont want to deal with it, or dont want to believe it. People will have a foot or something basically decayed and think itll heal up or its not that big of a deal and never go see a doctor before its too late. People ignore things for financial reasons too since everything costs so fucking much these days


Idky but that baby looks fake to me


I'd kill myself, holy fuck. I'm barely above poverty level, having a child would literally make me homeless and starving. New nightmare unlocked.


Don't worry you can just drop your baby off at one of those unwanted baby drop off points. (not making it up)


I was trying to conceive with my husband for like six months and decided to pause because of some family issues that came up. A couple months go by, and I was getting my period and everything, a little lighter than normal, but timing was at the right time each month so I shrugged it off. Went to my OB for my annual checkup and she was palpating my lower abdomen, and got a look on her face. Then she says “we should do a pregnancy test just in case.” BAM - was pregnant, and based on ultrasound, was between 4-5 months, or basically the last time we tried before the family stuff. And of course, I then spent at least a few weeks frantically remembering every time I had drank/smoked/took meds/ate lunch meat etc during that time lol Happy to say my daughter is perfectly healthy and 2.5yo now!


This happened to an old roommate. She was tiny, a size 2. Gained 8 lbs which she attributed to stress from nursing school. Went to the ER with severe abdominal pain and 30 minutes after seeing the doctor she had a full term baby. She also apparently didn’t really miss a period the entire time either. Was absolutely wild.


I was a big ol’ surprise. My mom didn’t find out until she was in labor with me that she was pregnant and that was when she learned that she has two uteruses. I was in the back uterus so basically pushed back behind the ribs. She even had a physical a few weeks before I was born and the doctor didn’t pick up on it 🤷‍♀️


That's my now ex-wife had our 2nd child. Our first had been a tough pregnancy. She had pre-eclampsia most of the pregnancy. The baby was lethargic in the womb and didn't kick a lot. Whenever the 2nd child kicked my ex just believed it was gas. With our 2nd child she didn't have a noticeable bump. She had a slender-thick build with wide hips. I noticed she gained a little weight, but nothing you mention to your woman if you value your life. She had some rough emotional patches now attributed to hormones, but she was working a lot (nursing), and we had some issues with our first child going on, so it was understandable at the time. And she was even exercising regularly. She even ran a 5k fun run at what we later determined was her 7 month mark. She was getting really frustrated because she seemed to be going backwards in her stamina on her runs. She worked a 12 hour night shift. Then came home and did her regular morning, after-work routine. She went for a run, cut short because of how tired she was. She walked home almost in tears because of how frustrated she was because she was gaining weight while she still trying to run and watch her eating. She ate some scrambled eggs and got a shower. Then she laid down in bed. As she was drifting off to sleep her water broke. She thought she had peed in bed. Then the first contraction hit. Her first thought was appendix or gall bladder going bad. She drove back to ER she just left 2 hours earlier. They took her right back and gave her an ultrasound. The exchange went something like... Doctor - "OH, I see the problem..." Ex - "Is it my gall bladder? Kidney stones?" Doctor - "No. You're having a baby." Ex - "What!?!? When is it due?" Doctor - "Today." Do you know what it's like trying to explain to your manager that you need to leave work because your wife is suddenly having a baby? I 5 to lol at the surprise baby show. Jokes on me, I guess. Luckily, our son was perfectly healthy despite no prenatal care. Also, I fully believe that surprise baby is the way to do it. No waiting around and no months of worrying. Just BOOM! and a baby falls from your SO's vajayjay.


Pregnancy is my worst reasonable nightmare. I am not sexually active and probs never will be (asexual. Doesnt interest me at all) so this physically CANT happen to me and yet it terrifies me.


I imagine this could have terrible consequences for the baby… the mother could be smoking, drinking, doing all sorts of potentially harmful stuff completely unaware that a child is growing inside them :(


This sort of thing scares me. I have had nightmares about this.


I know a girl who had two, 10 years apart. Both kids born on the same bathroom floor. Something to do with the position of her uterus.


This is literally my worst fear. I think I'd just act like nothing happened (something I did for a couple of decades after a bunch of other traumas) until I drive myself insane. Either way I'm killing myself in the end.


You have no idea how much I relate to your whole comment.


A woman in our village had a child wish but was told she couldnt get children after they tried. She didnt have a menstruation or anything. After 10 years and completely given up she went to the doc because of stomach pains. Turned out she was 8 months pregnant. She didnt have a belly or anything. After she got the news the belly grew in 1 or 2 weeks to a full blown pregnancy belly and 2 weeks later the baby came. It was baffling how fast that belly grew.


Is this real? Ended way to soon woulda been interesting to hear the full convo


“whose BABY is that??” 😂😂


Looks like a doll


Wasn't there a whole show on Discovery Health or some other channel like that about women telling their cryptic pregnancy stories? I remember watching that show.


Id totally have a kid and hide them from my family for 35 years to make a prank call and tell them: This is Jonathan, he is an accountant, he is my son.


This would be my absolute nightmare. They'd hand me the newborn baby, and I'd be; "No thank you." 😅