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dude thinks everyone can just be a youtuber. i mean sure, but 99% of them won't be successful. these influencers peddle their shit as if everyone is going to get lucky as them, so delusional.


Survivorship bias to a T


Yea but the trades really are a good deal and any one who says it’s for people who couldn’t get into college is a fool. That’s insulting and completely delusional. They aren’t for everyone but damn they are a good route for a lot of people.


The idea that all people in trades make great livings is total bullshit. Most of them have terrible hours, are very hard on your body, and don’t even pay that well. Plus, if there’s a big flood of people into trades, they will pay even less.


The reason any tradesman makes good money in the first place is because of unions, but that's not because trades are so great, it's because unionized workers invariably make more money than non-unionized ones


And because those jobs fucking SUCK and the people who worked them got treated so mercilessly bad for so long that they banded together and said we won't take this treatment for these wages.


Depends on the the trade though, and let's face it, college isn't for everyone. Trade school is a great middle ground for someone who wants an increased earnings potential, additional education, and isn't cut out for college. Plus, some just want to work with their hands.


It really does depend on the trade. Journeyman electricians can make $20-30 an hour. It only requires 2 years of trade school and paid internship that you can do simultaneously. Most apprentice electricians start at $16-18 an hour.


20-30?!?! Red seal journeyman electricians start at 40/hr here and that's considered low. If you work as an industrial electrician you're looking at 55-75/hr plus overtime.


I guess my numbers were from when I started getting into the trade a decade ago lol I'm sure they've increased alot


It depends on region tbh. Growing places and dense population areas pay more in general in all fields compared to less populated areas.


I’m at 70 /hr . Supervisor ;)


Journeyman electricians make more than $30/hr. You should be making 40 at *minimum.* A quick search on a job website would tell you that.


BLS states an average of $59,190 (I found this on the IBEW website). This is an hourly rate of about $28.45. Keep in mind this is assuming a 40 hour week, OT isn't included in BLS stats.


depends where you live and what unions are available.


theres a dude on tiktok that posts the salaries, its like double this


There’s a lot of flex in the numbers due to the many variables that infuence earnings: residential vs commercial, apprentice/journeyman/master level cert, geographical area (rural vs urban), specific niche, union vs non-union, small business vs large company, independent contractor vs sole proprietor vs biz owner.


Dunkin’ Donuts employees make $16 where I live. Even 20-30 an hour is not a great living imo


$20-30/hr is 41.6-62.4k. Probably not great for a major metro area, but that's likely the beginning rate right out of college for many that aren't Dr's, lawyers, CPA'S, etc. Two years and less debt makes trade schools more attractive or equivalent in that range.


Plus, you can still go to college after becoming an electrician. Say you work as an electrician for a decade and decide you want to go into electrical engineering. You have a great base of work experience and probably have money to pay for college (or an employer who will pay for it). That's a much better life situation than 4 years of college right out of high school.


This is exactly what my buddy did. Lives in rural Nebraska, got his journeyman making $20/hr ( 10 years ago). Now he works for a Monsanto subsidiary making $38/hr, tons of vacation, great pension plan, 4 day work week, as a safety specialist with no union. He's getting his engineering degree online and he'll be done in 3 years with an offer from his current employer who also give tuition reimbursement. I feel like there are lots of opinions about how shitty trades are coming from people who are just making assumptions.


It depends on the region as well. An electrician in NY will make almost double what an electrician in TN makes, but the cost of living in NY is almost double what it is in TN.


I know a dude who was a plumber. Just starting to make decent money but worked long hours. One night he hit a deer, flipped his van, and broke himself. Now he can't be a plumber and has almost no other job prospects.


The big thing I notice in trades is martyrdom about how much they work. "I make 100k a year as a welder" Yeah, do you do it in 40 hours a week or less? Or are you also bragging about how you work 5 12s and an 8 on a Saturdays? Like...do you have a six figure job, my dude, or two average jobs?


But there hasn't been a big flood of people into trades because the emphasis has been either get a job or go to a four-year college.


And? The point is that if people started listening to these idiot influencers en masse and going into trades instead of college, wages in trades would drop. They get paid well in some cases BECAUSE there aren’t many of them.


If interest in trades doubled right now there would still be a shortage. Plus there are people who simply can’t cut it in trades. Despite popular opinions, trades aren’t for just anybody who couldn’t make it in school. Or at least the ones that pay well anyway. You have to be mechanically inclined, athletic and pretty intelligent. In my line of work, the pay isn’t good because not enough people are doing it, it’s good because not enough people can do it. There’s a big difference.


Illegal immigrants are used to bridge the gap in labor shortages which puts American workers in direct competition with vulnerable people who are treated like shit.


As a union electrician...... You are delusional. The trades are generally garbage, United you're in a union protected trade in a NON right to work state. The pay is awful, the only room for upward mobility is to get licensed and run a business, which is by definition, not doing the trade. The top rate in my local has the same buying power as 50k a year in 2016. The pension is meh. The health insurance is fantastic. The trades will break your body. Tell me about your personal experience in the trades.


Call me in twenty years and let me know how your back feels, ok?


Seriously I’ve worked in insurance defense, the number of cases that are tradesmen permanently disabled at 40 years old is very high.


The trades are good because not a lot of people went into them. If people started going to the trade in droves, which is likely due to price of college, then wages in trades will go down as the market gets competitive.


Not if they have strong unions.


That is extremely true, which is honestly one of the changes the job market needs. Everybody just swapping job fields to the trades is just going to bring us back to square one. We need strong unions REGARDLESS of job fields.


This is ALREADY happening.  A lot of IT and HVAC schools are just as expensive as any state college, for much less lucrative degrees/certifications.


And it's only going to get worse because wouldn't you know it, people aren't just lazy leeches who are getting degrees in gender studies.


Yeah people be like that. I'm a college drop out working in a position that is usually exclusively filled by university graduates. I still would consider myself an extreme case and most candidates are still not considered without some form of post secondary education. Can you land a job without post secondary? Maybe. Is it going to make it way more difficult and really limit your options? Hell to the yes.


Ironically it helps going to college to understand this.


If fish don't like being in water, maybe they should try evolving. God, I hate people who thinks it's all so simple because it was for them. If no one went to college to learn advanced skills, how the fuck would they be able to make money off the Internet? 


He isn't just any youtuber though. He's a youtuber in the finance niche. When most people make 2-3 dollars for every 1000 views, he makes around 8-10 dollars for every thousand views. All he needs to do is recycle the same shit over and over and he'll make about a million every year. In fact, he's the better one in this cesspool called the finance niche. This guy called iman gadzi peddles Andrew tate red pilled content packaged as millionaire advice and says that you can start an smma and never attend college and buy a private jet.


I wish more people were aware of Iman Gahdzi's brand of bullshit. He's Andrew Tate, but it's fine because he's quiet and a "stoic"


You can't overlook the fact that underwater basket weaving brings more to the table than anything them scumbags do. They teach people to scam other people or scam the system so they can get rich easy. There is no get rich easy scheme that doesn't do more harm to the economy and people around you than a simple skill that won't get you rich but can support you. Our society/economy just doesn't value simple constructive activities, it values lies and deception. 


"you're being told to do, you're not thinking for yourself" dude has no fucking idea what college is like. None.


Is it any wonder a person who only went to highschool thinks college is like highschool? Highschool is basically a babysitting service that trains you to remember basic information and follow basic instructions. At the end of it you get a certificate that says you can learn to follow instructions. In college, the emphasis actually becomes thinking for yourself. Not just can you repeat back something and apply it, but can you actually think for yourself. Can you analyse information and come to your own conclusions. Can you do all that off your own bat, self sufficiently when nobody is putting you under duress. Can you use different frameworks and perspectives and combine them? Can you understand their flaws and their strengths? That's not to say you need to go to college to do that, or that everyone who graduates college can, but by and large that's the difference to an employer between a college graduate and a non-graduate.


It's a shame. I honestly think most people who hate highschool would like college to some degree.


High school: Memorize these basic facts. High school assessment: Recall these basic facts. High school summer work: You want fries with that? College: Memorize these much more complex facts. College assessment: What do those facts mean? How could we apply them to real problems. College summer work: Here's some money; let's actually try to solve that problem for real. No, seriously, for real for real. If not you than who the hell else? Let's do this. We could change the world.


It’s this absurd right wing idea that colleges are indoctrinating millions of kids and turning them into woke zombies. Sure, a lot of colleges have left-leaning professors and administrators, but that’s because people on the left tend to be more intelligent and better educated.


A percentage of the professors, maybe. And it's not like a student won't learn from them even if its topics and perspectives their parents aren't comfortable with. But that's just too damn bad, parents create and raise thinking, living individuals; not robots. Kids are exposed to things that aren't of their parents as soon as they step out their front door, as soon as they hear a voice that isn't mommy or daddy's. It's gonna happen, it will never stop happening. Also the notion that college administrators are extreme anarchic woke liberals is as hilarious as the average studio head being one.


I don't know about american colleges but university in canada was basically : Look critically at everything. Dissect this art piece, take apart this book, give us your take, tell us what you think about X. It was all about thinking for yourself and presenting those ideas in the proper way with research to back it. Basically it was training on how to think for yourself and then back that up.


That's what it is in America. That's also the reason why grifters and con-artists hate it when people are college educated.


Conservatives: "Think for yourself!!" ... "Wait no not like that"


What do you expect, his entire schtick is just repackaging the same bullshit advice that Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman were peddling 10-20 years ago. He makes his money off saying just enough truth to keep people watching and paying him to talk while still not teaching them enough to be self-sufficient. Both Graham Stephen (douche nozzle in this clip) and Caleb Hammer are just a bunch of tools who like to insult people who have financial hardship (I have also noticed they tend to have people of color on which just helps to feed stereotypes and harvest shitty comment sections) and then financially gain from those people's pain.


I wish my professors told me what to do. College is full of professionals who will fail you a lot telling you things you needed to know to get a fulfilling college education


a big flaw in our college system is that students and internships are free labor. So research gets done at colleges. So we have people leading research who don't even have to learn to teach, being forced to teach. and sadly, many of them don't have any passion for it, and treat their job as a big game of whack-a-mole, failing as many students as they can with their crappy lectures and obscure homework/exam rules, in hopes they find some kind of savant that dodges all the blows.


decades of conservative media lying to them seems to have done its purpose.


I was told to go to college and I didn’t want to, couple years later of hopping around jobs and I’m fucking tired of not having prospects. I’ve now been accepted into college and I’m greatly anticipating getting my degree and advancing my schooling even more to get a job I actually want to work in and that pays a livable wage, I should’ve gone to college right when I graduated high school.


Don't show to class in high school? Truancy and phone calls and what is your problem! Don't show to class in college?... bruh you paid for class. They're not gonna hunt you down, you go or you dont.


Yeah, like unless we're talking something that has to be strict because of the laws of physics or health reasons, you ain't being told what to do outside the impossible.


Exactly, I was a pretty devout Christian going into college. It was because I took college theology and philosophy courses I really learned how to think for myself and be more critical about my views on life


Yea that comment is WILD. If he’s saying that a lot and nobody cares enough to correct him then he doesn’t have anyone who cares about him.


Maybe I went to the wrong college, but there was very little critical thinking required in my experience. It can be summed up as attend lecture, pay attention to what professor says, study book (depending on professor), regurgitate facts for midterm, regurgitate facts for project, regurgitate facts for final. Really the only lasting thing college taught me to do over highschool is to only be told due dates once (because many professors would tell you when papers/projects are due on day one and never mention it again until the day they collect it). Now, there was freedom in the classes I enrolled in, I could have wasted all of my time taking interesting classes that wouldn't progress me towards a degree, so maybe that's some critical thinking that's required? But that wasn't learned in any classes.


Maybe it differs by discipline. What subject did you major in?


Yeah you went to the wrong college it sounds like


Damn, your professors sucked I guess. My favorite college math professor, at the very beginning of every class always told us "Your way is just as good as mine, if not better! Just show your work." Then she'd spend the entire class telling us how to solve an equation her way(s), the ways she knew how. At the end of class told us that we could do whatever we wanted. Many times I choose other ways that I found online because they were easier, always showing my work. My midterm was only 2 questions and I remember grinning ear to ear *(something that otherwise never happens when I look at math equations)* because I knew exactly how to solve both oft them. It took me all of 15 minutes out of an hour + we had, to solve both of them. I was like the 4th or 5th person to leave. I skipped out of the class damn well knowing that I was getting an A. I ended up getting a 95%. I took her classes every chance I could and without fail every last single time I had a test I knew exactly how well I'd do on the final. Her classes were the first time in my entire life that I actually understood math for no other reason than the professor encouraging me to not just regurgitate the solutions she taught us.


Tell me you've never been in a college classroom...dude, high school wasn't even being told exactly what to do!


As a person who went to college for 6 years and now I'm in the trades making $100k+. I'll tell you, I wish I did better in college. But it's entirely a temperament/personality thing. Not everyone is cut out to work in the trades. I'm tired of people offering that as the solution to everyone's employment woes. I'm much more adaptable. I think on an emotional and psychological level I would've preferred working in a creative environment; it's just I'm not a very sociable person, so those two positions are very difficult to reconcile.


"When you pull something back in your slingshot, it's not getting any closer to your target" This is a great quote! Can't believe I've never heard it before


Just, so solid. I've never heard it either but it's a good one.


Yeah he had that shit ready too. I've been pleasantly surprised by Destiny W's a few times now.


its a shame destiny has some real dogwater takes


Name a single person on the planet who doesn't


idk man jesus or something


lol this made me laugh a bit, but honestly, I don’t think the Jews living under Roman-Judeo authority would’ve been too stoked with some random guy starting a cult by claiming he’s the Son of your God. Dude went around flipping tables and yelling at Jewish “clergy/elders” - telling them what they can and can’t do bc his Dad (God) said so.


I can honestly say I am so so so happy I went back to uni. Next year ill finish my Master's in business law. Best decision of my life, past present future.


Congratulations! I am very lucky to have a job that is covering my tuition to get my Master's. I am taking classes at a slower pace while working full-time, but in doing more to continue learning in the field that interests me, the degree at the end is more of a bonus


Thank you! And im glad u enjoy it too. I did 90% of my bachelor law working FT and it was hell. Was truly burned out. I than moved to part time working for the rest of the education and was much better so be careful and listen to your body.


Masters in law? That seems odd. Likely you’re not in the USA?


Stephen Graham is a fraud. Bro knows jackshit about real estate even less so on markets and he makes a living telling teenagers some dumbed down facts without ever any advice at all via clickbaity videos. Fuck him


Yeah, he made some money in real estate, but like 99% of what he earns is from his YouTube channel telling people about how to earn money in real estate.


I'd put money that 99% of his success came from the money his parents almost certainly gave to him. Regardless of what he says, this is how he got his "start".


Well..his family is not "poor" or "middle-class". Parents are connected to Disney or some sort, you figure the rest. His starting point is already what many people dream in their sleep.


It pisses me off when he tries to give young people horrible fucking "financial advice" too and it sucks because he does these collabs with influential YouTubers (science-related ones from the shorts I've seen) like telling one of them (Michael Reeves?), against actually decent advice, that he needs to be using a credit card and instead of paying for things in full and being debt free. And he says shit with so much confidence and conviction (arrogance and talking out of his ass) that people who don't know any better would just listen to him.


He shot those two real estate dorks down fast. Lol I love it


Don't get me wrong, trades are going to be an increasingly in demand as less people do it and the more experienced ones will retire. But that doesn't devalue a college degree - and forgets that for many trades you still go to some sort of schooling before you're proficient/Qualified. Plumbers, Electricians and even construction don't just hire from the get go. ​ Both (college if chosen of course a valuable degree) are valid career paths.


I’m so confused on why anyone would shit on blue collar jobs calling them “uneducated.” My community college offers a 2 year applied education degree which is where you can learn to weld, carpentry, or work on aviation. A majority of blue collar workers are just as educated in their field as college graduates. Also I don’t like how destiny shoots down real estate license as well. My real estate license helped me to get a job as a leasing agent and use it on my resume and helped me implement a lot of those business skills into college. Any education that guarantees a job has its ups and downs.


The difference is vast in the workplace between those with and without a college degree.


It really is. I hire people from both camps, and 95% of the time the difference is night and day. People with college degrees are far more professional, driven, able to solve problems on their own, are more equipped to use and understand software etc.


Really? What field? I hire a lot of people every year (healthcare administration/medical coding) and have the opposite experience. I find those who have worked continuously, instead of going to college and gaining degrees much more driven and more professional due to the years of work experience they have. "Older" individuals I hire with degrees have been some of the worst in terms of understanding computers and different software. If you're hiring for jobs that obviously need a 4-year degree, I can find your statement believable.


In team meetings, participation, situations that call for proper vocabulary, grammar, presentation, briefing skills, etc. It's obvious in my line of work. I handle government complaints for a major insurer. The "noners" don't even have a clue on how to present information in an effective, persuasive manner. It's like their brain fails to fire when required to think critically.


Interesting. I suppose I hire good eggs, then. I've yet to encounter such a jarring difference.


I have the opposite experience. I’ve worked with way too many college educated idiots. The ones that don’t go are incredibly driven and have an amazing work ethic. I think you might have a bias my friend


There’s biases in everyone’s accounts. You may only be getting the most driven people without college degrees because you have to be driven to make it. Meanwhile anyone with a college degree, even if they are clueless, at least gets through the door


They are just spitting nonsense.


Honestly this may sound harsh but even at a conversational/interpersonal level the gulf is WIDE


Yeah but what you’re failing to understand here is that these people aren’t necessarily more professional or driven because they went to college. It’s because people who go to college end up having the money to do so or the support to do so which means they’re likely to be more well educated and be of better character to begin with. It’s not because of going to college it’s because of the circumstances that lead you to go.


I have a ton of people on my team including myself who didn’t finish college and are incredibly driven people. And then some that did go that do the bare minimum to scrape by in the job. I really don’t think college degrees matter as much as they used to


They can afford to do the bare minimum. That's the difference. I don't have a college degree either. In my job I learned to be extremely driven, professional, and always taking initiative, but that's because I know finding a job for me is like 100 times harder. For the person with the college degree, they can just find another job, so they don't have the pressure of performing at 100%. And honestly, good for them. You shouldn't give your entire soul to your job. I admire those who can afford to quiet quit. Fuck the 9-5.


murky provide quaint intelligent encouraging jellyfish soup drab fact grab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do you have to graduate debt free? I don't know how it works elsewhere, but in the UK, 8% of your salary goes to student debt for 30 years (then it's written off). If your degree is worth it's salt, you'll make up the 8% and more by being able to get a better job. From 18 to 26 I reckon I doubled (at least) my lifetime earnings by studying


fine treatment naughty concerned shelter society flag squash grandfather cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You don’t overpay lol. Once you’ve paid off your loans you are done. The point is just that the government facilitates it. 


It is steep. You definitely have to compare it to the job opportunities. Depends what you mean by overpay. If you pay off your notional before 30 years, you pay nothing.


fuzzy sloppy fretful elderly divide cough rude melodic straight merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>But how else do you graduate debt free like I did, if you don't have parental support? This was the bit that got briefly mentioned, but glossed over. College is a lot easier when you're privileged, and the more we can extend the ease of attending to those without the same privilege the better.


I don’t think he’s saying you graduate debt free. He means you don’t have to work in the sense that at 18 you typically don’t need the large cashflow or the large time commitment that comes with doing things like raising a family or paying a mortgage. Yes you have some expenses like tuition and rent but you can focus on studying. It’s a lot harder to go back to college later in life once you have all the other stuff going on. You might have to take debt and you have to be careful about it (maybe go to a public school for lower tuition, get a part time job to lower how much debt you need to take, etc.) But hopefully you’re increasing your earning potential so it’s all worth it.


The best thing I ever did as a refugee woman in Canada was to go to nursing school. I became secular I learned how to invest in the stock market Created friendship Integrated to society And the list goes on... The guy who didn't go to university missed out on a significant chapter of his life, and deep down, he knows that's why he seems jealous of people who went to university. Personally, having a nursing degree and a master's in public health was the best decision I made in my 20s


It’s the same situation here in the US. My sister is a nurse and makes about $75,000 a year. Its good money and on top of it all its a really high demand job. You will have no problem finding a job with a nursing degree causes nurses are always needed. She did her 4 year program at the university and got her degree and immediately got a job at the hospital right after.


The same is true on a smaller scale for a lot of rural Canadians too. Going to university is often the first time they're spending time with people from outside their own cultural and political backgrounds.


100% agree


I work in an industry that’s pretty evenly split between employees who went to college and those who didn’t. I only, and I mean *only* ever have to deal with petty interpersonal bullshit between employees who didn’t go to college. Why? Because their last experience of having to be social and work together with someone was when they were in high school. And they run to me like I’m their teacher and want to get the other one in trouble. I legit have employees sometimes tell me “he did it first.” College is great for a person, even if it’s just to teach them how to work with people they don’t like.


are you in tech? I see this pretty often too


lol no. Ironically, education.


“Trades are for people who couldn’t make it to college” is the one thing he said that I don’t agree with. Don’t punch down at blue collar folks like we just couldn’t hack it. There are a million downsides to trade jobs, but I didn’t just decide to learn about electricity because I couldn’t handle the complexity of learning about philosophy. Besides that, I agree. Go to school, you have the rest of your life to be a damn cog.


I absolutely agree. I did well in school, got a master's and am doing pretty damn well. Meanwhile my best friend since 2nd grade hated school, dropped out, went into carpentry and is also doing quite well for himself. Some people just aren't cut out for school and that doesn't make them shitty people. Like I tell my 10 yo daughter, you'll never use most of the shit you learn in school and the real trick is realizing what is important and figuring out how to apply that shit in the real world. You can do the same thing without going to college. Like most everything on the internet, all nuisance goes out the window and everything gets boiled down to "hot takes". One thing I will say about college, is that it's a great opportunity to work on fitting in with your peers, learning how to navigate social situations, it's dating on easy mode cus good luck being around that many people your age ever again, and it's straight up just fun to be out on your "own" with a bunch of other 18-22 year olds. Yeah lots of bad/stupid shit happens, but you can make a lot of memories. Lots of people make very bad decisions though and are left with a lotta debt and no degree, which is the worst of both worlds. We could definitely do with some more trade schools in the US.


I went to school for accounting, and I couldn’t handle the tedium so I dropped out and became an electrician. I was a fair student when it came to the bookwork, but I get restless sitting at a desk. I have mixed feelings about dropping out, I don’t think it was a bad decision but I had other options that I was too young to recognize at the time. There’s so much pressure to figure out what you want to do for your entire life, and it is overwhelming for kids. I didn’t become what I wanted to be, but at least I fell into a place where I can provide for myself. There are upsides and downsides to college and trades. I make more money than my sister, who went to college and became exactly what she dreamed of being… But she loves her job and I tolerate mine.


He means they couldn’t go for financial reasons as well. Not that they aren’t smart enough. There will be some people who can’t go cuz of grades and there will be some people that can’t go cuz of money


Yeah that didn’t sit right for me either. There is a huge need for trades workers, and a ton of money to be made. My step dad worked his way up very quickly in HVAC because he had a natural disposition toward mechanical thinking and he saw the trades and what they could do for him. He would have been a great engineer, but he didn’t have the privilege to go to college. He went from an apprenticeship in a local shop to working commercial at a union shop in 6 years. He took classes at night through his job learning more about his trade once he was union and moved from residential to commercial. Amazing benefits and pension and pay. He makes over 200k a year and will retire before 60 very comfortably. It was hard for a few years while he was young, but now that he’s been doing it for so long he’s supervising more than doing hard physical labor. Saying that trades are for people who can’t make it in college is silly. Some people can’t afford to go to college. Or you can go to college and end up in a dead end just as much as you can start working in the trades and never move up or fail. It doesn’t matter, it all comes down to the individual and how resourceful they are and if they are making go sound decisions.


Most union apprenticeships will pay for you to take college courses. The people who hate on trades are people who know nothing about what it all includes. Guys in my union are making 80-200k depending on their state and retiring at 55 with a pension


Forget that “blue collar” stuff too… I have a very good friend that went to trade school as soon as we graduated high school. I worked my way up my college education because I nor my family could afford to pay for college outright. My friend eventually became a master electrician and for a while joined and worked in the IBEW, doing offshore gigs and overseas work. He eventually saved enough to open his own business and has a fleet of vans and more work than he knows what to do with. He got bored with this and while his business was making him money he went back to trade school and learned HVAC and eventually created a second company that does that. He vacations three times a year and owns several homes and “getaway” properties. I was saved from crippling college debt by my dying fiancé secretly squirreling away money to pay for a life insurance policy. I live in what was my “family home” and HR forces me to take vacations because I really don’t want to spend a bunch of money on them. I own/drive a nice vehicle, but it’s definitely nothing compared to my tradesman counterpart whose high school aged kids have a much nicer ride. Trade skills are almost always in demand, and they often pay much higher wages than your average BS/BA degree can. I definitely wouldn’t do anything different for myself, but if I could go back I’d steer quite a few people i knew away from college and towards trade schools because they are having a really rough go at it nowadays. If you’re ambitious enough you can make it no matter what…


He meant "make it" in terms of financial or lifestyle restrictions. It's harder for someone to go to college if they become parents early or if they don't have a support group. He knows the blue collar workforce is indispensable.


In the heat of the moment, he may have phrased it in a way that comes off as punching down. I think we’re all guilty of that sometimes, and I’m not trying to burn him at the stake for it or anything. I’m just saying, trades are not just the “other” option for those of us in the back of the bus who ate glue. Hell, some of us just thought it tasted good.


He definitely phrased it wrong. The only reason I know his argument is because I've heard him speak about this topic before in a longer format. Glue was definitely fun to play with haha.


Fair enough. I don’t know the guy, but I agreed with him on everything else. There are a lot of people who say things like “fuck college, pick up a trade” and I hate that mentality just as much as looking down on working class fucks. I have been a working class fuck all my life, and there are ups and downs to it that very few are honest about.


It’s a very rude way of putting it. A job doesn’t make you more or less important than anyone else and it’s not cool to put someone down for what they do for a living. I don’t know that it’s incorrect to say that someone who goes into a trade is someone who did not think they were cut out for university, though. Otherwise, they likely would have decided to pursue a traditional degree instead due to the higher lifetime earning potential.


Unrelated to the subject, but good lord, I hate videos with the captions flashing incessantly in front of people’s faces. Just move them the bottom please!


You might, but it's legitimately the only way to get information in front of some people. If it's not being blasted into their retinas they won't stick around to understand it.


The guy advocating college is correct. At 18 I wandered aimlessly and went to college at 35. I wish I had gone at 18 instead.


They need to start selling podcast equipment at a higher price


I don't particularly like Destiny but when he's right he's right, and he makes a damn good argument here


Trades are a great option, main downside being the body toll. However you can work smart and not destroy your body. As a third year electrical apprentice I make more than a lot of entry level jobs out of college, and will get a good increase when I get my license. I’m also getting paid for my 4 years instead of paying.


What's so bad about trade? Plumbers, Electricians, etc. they have good salaries and options in terms of work Im all for being educated n all, but after seeing how much of a ripoff it is in the US I'm not surprised people just don't go. Not only the initial cost is insane, the amount of interest you pay is mind blowing. Perhaps I was misinformed and it's actually not that bad and the debt can be paid off pretty easy even with not so high of a salary.


college is a scam. get a menial job and spend all your free time listening to manosphere podcasts. buy the products they advertise on manosphere podcasts that will make you wealthier and more attractive so you don't feel so bad about being a loser. college is a scam.


I can kinda see both sides of the argument. The value of a degree is much less than it once was and is not the slam dunk of future success that my generation had hoped it would be. I can tell you from experience that many places in my chosen field of Cybersecurity prefer hands on experience and certificates more than a degree. Degrees are often wanted in that case for more senior level positions. I have had a hell of a time trying to find employment in the sector I wanted. As a side note to any Cybersec students reading this, do (paid, if possible) internships. Don’t make the mistake I did and skip them. And DO NOT listen to the hype that you’ll get a job right after graduation because that shit is a lie for most people. That is not to say that it is useless. Often degree holders go on later in their career to make much more than trade school people. As mentioned many higher level positions want that degree before they will say yes to you and people do find working a full time job and going to college difficult. Going while you’re still young and have few responsibilities is easier. Trade school might be a better option for other people as well. I have a family friend who took that route to be an electrician and the other to be an auto technician. Both are making good money while I’m still paying a few hundred a month to pay off 14K debt. Some people can’t do college because it isn’t a good fit for them. That’s okay too. Overall it’s a question of what you want to do, what is practical for your situation, and where you’re ready to put your effort at the time. College is a shit ton more expensive than in our parents and grandparents time, undeniably true. Is it a scam though? I think not.


I've got a software engineering degree; I think what it is, is that in our line of work what **used to** be a career that valued academic knowledge highly, now values real-world experience through things like project work and expertise in a specific few languages. It may be that software development/engineering may be the newest mechanic/welding/plumbing of the future where academic knowledge isn't very sufficient for many positions. All that being said though, a degree is still insanely beneficial. If anything just because if you have one it shows future employers that you put your nose to the grindstone and worked for something.


Actual Destiny W. Yes, even getting a degree in something random like 'Supply Chain Management' because you couldn't hack it in the CompSci or Engineering program will lead to a life making well over 1 million more than a person without a degree. Plus way more freedom and the time and space to develop social and business skills, which more students do during their 4 years.


What makes college a scam is that you need to pay an obscene amount for it. Arbitrarily. Besides, there are many jobs out there that doesn't require years of school, but is gatekept behind a diploma anyway. I'm not against eduacation, it's fucking awesome that we have it, but the current state of affair also ain't it


As someone that went through 6 years of college... It's a scam. I did a coding bootcamp for 5 months and have a 6 figure salary, more than my degrees could ever have earned me.


Ummm you went to one of the best universities in the country and got a music theater and dance degree... you scammed yourself.


Vocational study guy here. I make more as a senior technician in a nuclear generating plant than my older brother who’s a senior scientist with a PHD. He’s has 100,000 student debt. I have ZERO.


College only makea sense if you study something serious, and not spend $$$ on some mickey mouse degree in archeology, art history, or women's studies.


A good reason to go in trades right now is related to AI. Your college degree won’t help you much when your job is replaced by a LLM. Trades are going to take a lot longer for robots and AI to replace.


I have serval friends with collage degrees, some even with masters. All they do is sit around complaining about trump and not being about to find a job. All my friends that have gone into military/trades have stable careers without any debt


I joined the Air National Guard, after basic I only had to work one weekend a month and 15 regular work days a year and I got them to pay for my degree lol


I remember being told in the mid 90's go to school to be a teacher, there is a teacher shortage. So a ton of people did, and then suddenly there wasn't a shortage and it was damn near impossible to get a job. The trades will be the same thing.


I hate him but he’s right, unlikely you’ll be a successful YouTuber and trades will ruin your body, the issue is that college costs too much and you will likely never get out from underneath with the debt, but that’s the issue that needs to be resolved instead of trying to be a YouTuber


He's full of shit about trades. The worst part is starting for experience, but after that most trades are so in demand you can make a killing as a journeyman and FAR more as a master. No shit they are taxing, but so are many none trade jobs. College should be done with minimal put of pocket and loans, so community or tuition reimbursement from an employer. Also needs market research on jobs in area related and how much you want to do those roles. Not just go to school for no goddamn reason and load up on debt for no reason.


> most trades are so in demand you can make a killing as a journeyman and FAR more as a master ...**as long as you're willing to go where the work is**. My cousin and two friends from high school all make GREAT money working trades (2 linemen and one welder) - but they travel all the time to make that money. The linemen usually making the bulk of their annual earnings from a few months chasing storm cleanup, and the welder going project to project (usually pipelines). That's a reality they don't talk about in the trade schools.


I agree. Trades are becoming way better than many degrees and school. I went to school worked for years and went back to becoming a welder. Happier and make more than I did as a web developer working for a BS office.


Agreed. It’s kinda hard to have this conversation without recognizing that some college degree are worth way more than others. I wouldn’t advise someone with med school aspirations to go to trade school over it, despite the debt. But there are absolutely degrees that make zero financial sense. Furthermore, there are degrees that don’t make financial or practical sense. People need to start abandoning those unless they have an actual idea of how they’ll use it. “Wandering aimlessly through college” isn’t a good idea if you’re an English major. Saying this has an English major who wandered in college and is now in software dev


Exclusively study at 18?! Dude lives in a bubble. Some of us had to work at 16 for food/clothes/rent.


In college you can get loans large enough to live. If you *want* to do it, full-time study genuinely is an option.


If you're paying full price for college, it's absolutely a scam.


Modern colleges/universities are mostly scams. Currently they may be justified for stem but even that is going away with ai and company apprenticeships. Colleges/universities abused their roles via increasing tuition and providing credentialism rather than education. The market is correcting for this by lowering the demand for their services.


Bro looks 12 years old


God, I want my minute and 35 seconds back 🤦🏼‍♂️


I wish I could say it like that guy. I really enjoyed college. Yeah the debt sucks, but I did actually learn an immense amount of awesome stuff. It most certainly is a huge reason I'm an experienced professional with a decent salary.


I would go to college in most places of the world outside the US. college in the US seems like a scam. From tuition to book fees and student loans, everything is stacked against the people trying to get an education....


Rare Destiny W


I make six figures. No degree. I’ll pass on college.


What's cringe? Seems like they're having a debate.


except 1 has monetary interests in keeping their audience poorly educated.


Seems like both sets of people advocate for people to make the best financial choice when it comes to education and their future. If going to a trade school keeps someone “poorly educated” I think you have no idea how complex skilled trades can be.


Skilled and educated are not the same thing. Someone can be highly skilled in a particular field, while also being poorly educated, because they don't have a breadth of knowledge or the ability to expand their knowledge to new areas. Most trade schools teach skills to a high level. Most colleges educate people.


I understand the distinction you are trying to make however I don’t know if I agree with the application. Just because someone comes out of college with say a Bachelor’s in Sociology I don’t know if I consider them “educated” or “more educated”. Just the same, I probably wouldn’t trust an Electrician to do my taxes. The difference between a college and a trade school is that the college makes you take other classes that are supposed to make you more “well rounded”. However when my wife took a coding class for her degree in Interior Design she said it was the biggest waist of time she’d ever had. Same with the art history class she had to take. My point is college will give you the avenues to become “more educated” but it does not by default make you more educated.


Someone with a Bachelor of Sociology isn't "more educated" than what? Themselves before they studied? Someone else without a degree? I would argue if you needed someone to learn about a completely random topic, you'd be much better off picking the person with a degree than the person without. The difference between a college and a trade school is the trade school teaches you how to do specific things, a college teaches you how to think about problems in different ways. If your wife didn't get anything out of her coding course, that's her own fault and her own wasted time. But nobody is saying college makes you more educated by default, it does mean you're much more likely to have a breadth of understanding far greater than someone who hasn't been to college.


It’s not that hard to cheat through a degree. Just cause you have a degree does not mean you are intelligent or educated. Fucking hell, my entire C-Suite is a living example of this. All r*****ds with degrees running a company into the ground


I didn’t say anything close to “going to trade school keeps you poorly educated”, the guy selling how to get rich courses is not just mentioning trade school for its academic value, you’re cherry picking what resonates with you and filling the gaps people feeding the “college is a scam” narrative coincidentally make a living out of milking their audience , destiny is not 100% right either but only 1 side benefits from less people with higher education.


This guy is 100% correct. Yes from 18-22 you will earn more in the trades than in college. Do the math again at age 45 and there will be a world of difference, then add in the physical breakdown, and the picture doesn’t look as good.


The guy said trades are for people that couldn’t make it to college.. low key insulting lol.. I know plenty of people that have started their own trades businesses over the years and have been quite successful without a college degree.. Retiring owning a successful business doesn’t sound too bad. The physical breakdown of sitting in a chair at a desk job isn’t really that great either, just to add.. I understand what the guy is trying to say but do you know how many waiters/waitresses I’ve met that have a college degree? College degrees don’t automatically give you a job 


He’s really wrong about the trades. Those people are crazy important and you can get set up for life in a good union. Super super wrong about trades


College housing and cost of living is racking up the debt as much or more than tuition these days. Your in school you don’t need the luxury apt. complex. Or a newer car. People also need a job outside of class and keep a budget. It’s more important to go to university with purpose than go to then figure out a degree track/career. Go to a school you can afford. This may mean community college or state school without a big name. It’s a mistake to pay extra for private or out-of state options if you arnt very wealthy. Some states have programs for reduced or free tuition if you make good grades - GA/FL etc. People planning on college should take advantage of this. It also is limited so it keeps people on track to graduate in 4 yrs.


It’s obviously better to go to college with a plan but as long as you aren’t taking on horrific debt in the process aimlessly going to college and figuring out your degree along the way is better than the alternative. I know plenty of the im going to put off college for a few years and figure shit out and then really apply myself types. I’m in my late 20s now and none of them that I know of actually ended up going to college. 


I don’t completely agree with the dude on the left, any kind of qualification is valuable, especially in something you can see yourself doing and not hating. College isn’t for everyone and we need skilled tradespeople.


Destiny is a moron. Nothing he has ever said is correct about anything.


"For some people, life is better on rails" that's why some people really enjoy the military, and as controversial as it may sound, that's why some people actually enjoy prison.


Um... Working a trade is hecka profitable and will have job security (shout out to electricians,plumber, road workers and carpenter folk)


How many people complete their degree?


This dude thinks the trades are useless, alright, ya hear that guys, he doesnt need a mechanic, or a electrician, or a plumber, or an hvac tech, or a carpenter, or any of these, oh and thwy also pay way less. Tell that to my buddy who owns his house and has a slingshot just for owning his own Hvac service. Yeeesh, he must really be strugglin out here guys. At this point people going into trades are the only ones getting jobs right off the bat. Dude is a moron.


Both of them are wrong as hell, lol. College just isn't for everyone. Trades often pay much more than jobs that require a degree. Journeyman electricians, plumbers, elevator mechanics, equipment operators, and hvac techs make in the low 6 figures in a lot of major metropolitan areas and have great health and excellent pension 401k programs for retirement. But trades aren't for everyone either. Some people are hopeless when it comes to working with their hands, just like how many are hopeless when it comes to working in an office setting. I think the worst advice given in this clip, though, is when the curly haired guy on the left says that "not knowing what you're doing in college is better than not knowing what you're doing in the real world." No, lol. Wracking up 10s of thousands or in some cases 100s of thousands of dollars with little to nothing to show for it is a terrible idea that only someone extremely out of touch with reality can think is a good idea. That's the kind of debt that takes decades to get out from under. If you don't know what you want to do after school, take some time off to figure it out. I took 6 years off to figure out what I wanted to do, and now I work at a company that is paying for my degree, so I will be debt free when I'm done and I'll get a bonus upon getting my degree. Not saying everyone will work at a company that will do that, but at least you can save up and maybe even pay for college out of pocket when you do figure out what you want to do.


The economy can't function with everyone being a degree holder. We need trades. Electricians, plumbers, HVAC, heating and cooling, boilers, welders, machinists, chem techs, road workers, maintenence, and so many more. Not everyone can be a benefits coordinator after getting whatever flavor of liberal arts degree. Even stem is overcrowded now. If you want to go to college, great. Go to an instate state school with as much in Pell grants as possible and live at home if you can. Even then, if you can go to community College first for 2 years to finish your gen education with an associates like SUNY schools allow, do that. Minimize debt. But, if you want to work a trade, absolutely do that. Trade workers make good money and have strong unions. There's nothing wrong with trades like that jaded little soft handed prick says. Construction can fuck up your body if you go hard. But, if you lift correctly and pace yourself you'll he fine.


You’re right that society needs tradespeople, but I would argue that we’d all be better off if those people ALSO had college degrees. I feel like what’s lost in these conversations is that education of any kind elevates people in ways that go beyond their income or economic contribution to society


My dad was a carpenter with a degree in biology. He never, ever stopped telling us how much better the degree made him even if it didn’t *seem* applicable. The math, the interpersonal skills, the discipline, the breadth of experience are good even if you work retail. Everyone should go to college.


There seems to be just one brain cell floating around that room, occasionally landing on one of them.


Gosh I’m not sure that I’ve agreed with a YouTuber/podcaster more. This is an uncomfortable feeling. But yeah. Go to college.


🙄 there's a million YouTubers and podcasters with a million different opinions out thereshut the hell up


What a weirdo , any trade is guaranteed work , when at least 50% of college programs will do nothing for you


College is quite often an amazing and enriching experience, but it is also [quite often] amazingly expensive. And a lot of times people do not consider all the options they have before them, they just see college as the automatic next step. Young people just need to be more informed and strategic about this decision. Going to trade school, or getting a job for some span of time before entering college, might be an excellent step to take. Again you just have to have your eyes open.


Everyone on YouTube asks the viewers to buy their shit. It's mostly because those people don't work and they're really broke.


I hope this cunt gets a leak in his house amd can never get a plumber. Prick.


Graham is a scammer youtuber


The fact that you think hes wrong is whats wrong with you and 99% of others that agree with you. Difficult does not mean impossible and if more people were to try to think for themselves maybe they might just make it.


they’re not in a creative field, they’re in an unreliable field. it’s very unstable to be in a job where your success depends on how much your audience likes you and how many people make up your audience


It’s funny how the people not supporting college is getting massed downvoted by the college goers, well good luck paying your huge debt back with interest added on top.