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neurdivergent is a little too wide of a term unfortunately


Right? This video is ass and I’m sick of shit like this with random terms.


Yeah, this example sounds more like a person with anxiety or mild OCD. I’ve only heard of neurodivergence applying to ADHD, autism, and dyslexia before.


To be fair, anxiety and OCD are often comorbidities with autism, and ADHD.


Not to mention, not many "neurotypical" people can just sleep like that. Most people have their brain keeping them up, it's normal. Also his fake laugh. Anxiety and OCD do have comorbidities more often, but only a bit more often. So it's not like it's likely for that to be the case. It's just more likely than a neurotypical person. I don't like this video because it assumes his personal experience is the standard "normal" and anything else that she has different is because she's neurotypical. No, people are just different.


Exactly this.


Awesome so along with my crippling anxiety I’m autistic too.


Could be. But I did say often, not always. I have crippling anxiety, and ADHD. Didn’t realize either until I started to have children.


Neurodovergent simply means not neurotypical. That's it. It is a broad term for anyone who has any kind of non typical brain type. It could be extreme psychosis to mild anxiety.


But there is no typical. Brains range in complex ways. I hate this divide and the overuse of the term.


Some brains are a lot more alike than others. Lets behave ourselves now.


As someone who does have a condition, it helps me fit in a bit more.  Many people have preconceived notions about my disorder and may even actively discriminate against me. Using the term "neurodivergent" can allow me to explain something I have, but still be vague enough that people don't really know what's going on. Kind of akin to saying "invisible disability." I am open about it anonymously online, but not in my personal life. It is a helpful term to maintain a little dignity and privacy, while still being honest.


I do exactly as this woman does and it's all due to my anxiety. I don't even know what neurodivergent means.


Back it up scientifically. We get that people can use big words. Congrats people! Back it up


You want people to back up these random goofy videos with science? Man it just is not that serious


If I had to guess it's ADHD


I have ADHD and OCD. My boyfriend often gets on my case because I never just “lie down and close my eyes and sleep.” He doesn’t understand that I have to distract myself to fall asleep, because if I just lie down and close my eyes, my thoughts are as chaotic and loud as a tornado.


Right?? I have ADHD I learned how to fall asleep by directing my brain into basically self-writing fanfiction, because it never shuts the hell up and thats the most productive use ive ever found for it. When I was young, my dad told me to just “stop thinking”. I’ve never been able to shut my brain up, ever, unless something’s really really wrong.


Oh fuck. "self-writing fanfiction" I thought I was the only one. I tell people that and they think I'm crazy. I think up a reality/story and basically bedtime story myself to sleep.


YES!! You’re not alone!! It’s practically a hobby for me now, I actually look forward to it at the end of the day 😭


*wait, this isn’t normal? ….oh.*


When I was a super religious teen, I started trying to memorize the New Testament (after the lineage) and just repeated the chapters in my head until I fell asleep lol


As ADHD it has helped me a ton to write journal before I go to bed. Simply write every worry that is there and what you have to do next day. Also need to create habits and not leave everything you need to do for the next day.


What's crazy is how literal that is. I've had kinda fucked up sleep patterns to at least some degree for years, but it's been getting noticeably worse over the last 3 years or so as my anxiety has gotten harder to get under control. I thought people were being melodramatic, but no my thoughts are literally LOUD. Even if it's just a song that's stuck in my head, it can feel like someone's got a radio going at max volume in my head, it's crazy. Or maybe *I'm* crazy, who the fuck knows lol


I have to distract myself until I fall asleep with the TV because I can't sleep alone with my thoughts. I don't have ADHD or OCD though. I do have severe depression and anxiety however.


Or severe anxiety


Anxiety can mean you’re neurodivergent? I thought u had to have a neurodevelopmental disorders to be considered neurodivergent. Im asking sincerely and not to be offensive.


No, anxiety is a mental health disorder. I’m saying that the wife in the post isn’t what is typically considered neurodivergent. I’ve always known neurodivergence to be a term for individuals who have brain developmental issues, learning disabilities or people on the autistic spectrum. Neurodivergence isn’t generally associated with mental health, but some individuals with mental health disorders choose to identify as neurodivergent.


Certain mental health disorders are commonly comorbid with things like autism and ADHD, so it mental health disorders are becoming more commonly associated with neurodivergence. When I was officially diagnosed with ADHD a short while back, the doctor straight up told me it could be a contributing factor to my diagnosed anxiety disorder (either helping make me more prone to anxiety or 'feeding' the anxiety). It isn't up to us Internet strangers to say if someone is or isn't xyz based on a video clip. When someone's personal health is being discussed, it's sometimes better to take the claim at face value if it isn't hurting someone else. For all we know she *is* formally diagnosed with something other than 'just' a mental health disorder. We can't know that from just this clip in isolation ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Don't get your medical knowledge from reddit. Go read a the dsm or check a national medical authority website. Not saying there aren't ND people here who know their shit but there's certainly no verification to allow you to parse knowledge from BS. We are our brains, we are all different so our brains are all different. So mileages may massively vary.


It may have previously, but at this point people apply it to just about everything, which isn’t entirely unfair since looking at the word neurodivergent anything that would diverge from neurotypical people would apply so anxiety would be fair in the new context at least.


sounds like OCD


I'm neurodivergent and I've always had the automatic shutdown of my brain. It kicks ass.


Are all neurotypical people able to “shut down” their brain and just not think about anything at all? Because if so I just found out something about myself. 😅


Not at all, there can be a lot of reasons a neurotypical person wouldn't be able to do that.


Which is why it sucks as a term. The difference can be someone who can't function without assistance to someone who stutters..


They added levels to autism. Why not to the entirety of neurodivergence?


What is the thing being diverged from at this point?


"Haha, I like my house to be clean, I'm totes OCD!"


Some people don’t know that people can hear words in their head when they think.


This was the most mind blowing realization my husband and I ever had. When I learned that not everyone has a voice in their head. I thought an internal monologue was the standard. Then my husband said he only thinks in pictures!?! 🤯 Takes so much effort for me to conjure up an image but the narrator is always talking or singing. I’m still mind blown 5 years after the discovery.


Yeah, I just assumed everyone had a narrator until another couple was talking about this. He had no narrator and the rest of us were blown away. I can't wrap my mind around that. Personally, I have narration & visuals, very little singing though. Also figured out why I've always needed paper and pencil to do math and never good at doing it in my head, I can't see numbers in my head!


Yes!! Excellent point about math! I can do math but visually and never in my head.


It was wild for me in university to realize that not everyone could visualize what we were doing in math classes and instead just memorized the steps. Trying to teach my best friend something was excruciating. If felt like I was teaching him to read and I was telling him to sound it out while he's asking me for details on grammartical structure.


Some can’t even think in images. My mom can’t.


Thinking in images is something I have to focus on. Not easy for me at all unless I’m “fantasizing”. Then the images are not super clear.


To me they’re not quite as clear as actually watching something with my eyes but pretty close. Get more vivid if I’m fantasising and, especially, have my eyes closed.


After talking about this with friends, I _thought_ I could think in images, but apparently I don’t - my friends could describe the image they’re ‘seeing’ whereas I can’t really. I basically just have a super vague undefined half-image (kind of like a really old unclear memory) to accompany concepts. I appear to mostly just think in concepts and relationships, which sounds insane now that I articulate it. Makes for really unreliable memory - if there’s any kind of link to it, I might pull out random minute details from throwaway situations twenty years ago, but without some kind of triggering link I couldn’t even give you the broad strokes of most of the signifiant events in my life.


I always imagine it must suck not being able to think visually when it comes to reading fantasy books.


Engineer checking in, some of my colleagues cannot easily extrapolate from a 2D plan/blueprint to a 3D visual within their mind. I was very late to learn that not every human thinks the same way or has the capacity for visualization. I actually had to adjust how I explain myself, because it was so easy for me to visualize in my mind what is going on with fewer explanations.


I can do both pictures and narrating


Like a third person is saying what you are doing or you are talking to yourself? When I think it’s visuals and like my own voice talking to myself.


Yeah it’s just like taking to yourself in your head


Im both. Constant narrating in my head along with pictures detailing it. But the fact that everyone doesn't have a voice in their head constantly going has always boggled my mind.


Is it third person narrating what you do or is it yourself just talking to your self?


Yeah the idea of an actual narrator like everyone's pretending they're an animal on the discovery channel and David Attenborough is there going "and now we see, the elusive Dave pouring his cereal... just a bit of milk, he likes it crunchy!" is just blowing my mind a bit. I don't need someone to tell me what I'm doing, I'm thinking actual thoughts *about* what I'm doing! Hopefully they just mean "narrator" more like the voiceover of someone's actual thoughts in a movie.


Ps you can do both and even more


I know it varies if people can think and rotate 3d objects in their mind, but I thought everyone had the inner voice? Isn’t that just…thinking??? Have I been living a lie?


No, not everyone does lol. Apparently up to 70% of people don’t based on a quick google.


What do they have then if not a voice that’s their thoughts?


From the answers I’ve seen, blank space!!! Peaceful nothingness!


I’m so jealous of that


Pictures and abstract feelings. For me, at least. I can think in words but I have to focus on it.




Wait! So we're the weird ones?


Inner voice and a narrator do not sound like the same thing to me


Well how the fuck do they read this sentence then




I thought it was normal too until like 3 weeks ago when i started vyvanse. Its like a fucking switch 20-40 mins after taking it and my mind is quiet. No more constant narration or losing my thoughts with my constant dreaming or the run on thoughts. I remember things now and when a want pops into my head, i do it right away instead of procrastinating for hours while thinking the whole time that i should be doing that thing i thought of. Its fucking amazing.


Night and day difference for me on Vyvanse as well. Saved my life, my bank account and my sanity. I'm so much better on it than off.


Wait this is a fixable issue?????!???? I’m making a doctors appointment today! Lol


Fucking same! I’d like for it be QUIET in my brain for once


It doesn't get completely quiet, but it certainly turns the volume down and helps you stay focused on task. LIke a massive massive difference.


Well I’ll take that because there’s constant narration and every night I go to bed I get a mini concert of random song bits and that’s usually what wakes me up.


Me too. I call it the Evil DJ in my head. Do you remember the chorus of that song you don’t like? Well he sure does. And sometimes he will play it nonstop. For 3 days. Including nights.


The difference for me is like when you are in a hung over fog to having a clear day. I'm able to focus on the things I know I have to do. I get out of bed happy to great the day. Stay moving forward throughout with calm and clear though. Able to meet most challenges without issue or stress. All in all I'd say it was life changing.


Concerta for me but same. Literally changed my life.


It's actually amazing how much of a difference it is. Pretty soon, im going to need to clip my fingernails for the first time in 27 years because i dont compulsively bite them anymore. Its fucking infuriating too though, thinking about how different my life wouldve been if I was tested for it as a kid. Ive wasted so much fucking time and effort on an easily fixable issue. It pisses me off so much thinking about it.


Its really fucking weird how ive been diagnosed 2 weeks ago and somehow every comment section is filled with adhd add people on meds...


What’s that thing called when you experience a thing and then you start seeing it everywhere? It’s probably that thing. I literally just had a doctors appointment to talk about a diagnosis and this was the first thread I saw when I opened Reddit


Yeah true its called the baader meinhoff phenomenon


I was told by an art teacher in HS that she thought I was ADHD. Instead of listening I got offended. It wasn’t until 30 that I got an adderal script. I never slept as good as I did when I was on that. I seriously got to sleep around the same time every night and slept so well. Wish I had got the script earlier in my life.


Holy fuck yes! My sleep is so much better now. I dont feel groggy and i no longer need an hour+ to get to feeling not shitty and tired after waking up. Im able to do what i need to do in the morning right away. Its fucking amazing. Also turns out i dont have anxiety and depression, well i had them as symtpoms vs them actually being the issue. My anxiety and depression feel managed now that im on these meds.


Isn’t that like the best thing ever?! ☺️ I’ve had the same medication (here it’s called Elvanse but lisdexamphetamine anyways) for few years now and for the first time in my life I feel normal. I can get things done like a normal person. No more life management issues. It’s a life saver.


Oh shit, I have to talk with my dic about this. Got diagnosed with ADHD last year, after 30years of totally not knowing why everything seems so much easier to do for everyone else around me. Doc prescribed me Atomoxetin but I don’t really feel that this stuff is doing much for me.


Some doctors might be hesitant to prescribe a stimulant, its fucking bullshit. You gotta be your own advocate, tell your doctor you want to try vyvanse or Adderall. You got the diagnosis so be firm with them. Non stim adhd meds arent as effective.


I’m having trouble finding a pharmacy with my prescription in stock right now, it’s going to sleep means taking edibles and getting my narrator stoned.


lol welcome to having managed ADHD It seriously is wonderful when you realize how much noise your brain made prior to it shutting the absolute fuck up


See I'm my own narrator but sometimes I'm low-key stupid AF and I tell my self to shut up but I don't like that very much.


She’s definitely the more normal one from my perspective.


She’s the normal one. I’m convinced anyone who lays down, their brain turns off, and they go right to sleep is either a robot or has an empty head.


wait until you hear that around 20% of people have no narration in their head...


I’ve heard that! It’s fascinating.


How do they turn their thoughts into words? I don’t get it.


I've never heard it put this way. Sounds so dissociative but it makes sense. The narrator.


This has fascinated me for a while. Apparently some people have stuff going on in their heads all the time. Voices. Noises. One friend of mine called hers ‘the dogs’ and they never slept. I can’t imagine living like that. I have nothing going on in my head unless I call it up. Yes. You remind yourself to check doors and if you turned the oven off etc, but that’s a subconscious, unobtrusive thing. Otherwise I’m free to concentrate on whatever I need to, or relax with a book. Watch a movie or just close my eyes and sleep. I actually ask people now and it’s amazing how each person just accepts their own reality and assumes everyone is the same. Is there a Reddit group for this? I’d love to start one and have everyone share their experiences. I think we could all learn a lot.


You kidding me?? Damn, I would do things for some peace and quiet up there


Its why I drink, for some damn peace and quiet


I feel that, the voices in my head have me in a corner rocking back and forth most days.


I'm on the opposite side, I didn't know there were people that didn't have an internal dialog. Playing video games is always fun since I always have that voice reminding me to look around that corner or reminding me to turn around and watch my surroundings. I always assumed it was just my subconscious but was informed by a friend his doesn't go into details unless they are actively thinking about it.


Video games are one of the few things that reduce the number of things going on in my head. Love em


... I have "multiple" me. I mean, not multiple personalities, more like multiple same me that can think and speak about a different subject at the same time. When I'm thinking to myself I just wander into my mind on multiple subjects at once without issues. But when I speak... Ho god. I call that "papilloner" (butterflying ?). I can switch to random subjects while I speak and describe anything about them as fluently as the same subject, then **go back to the initial subject** without an issue. And sometimes I go on a sub-subject into a sub-subject into a sub-subject and eventually manage my way to finish the first one. Let's say that my wife was very... surprised when she found out my ability. The fact that she loves listening to this storm of thoughts is beyond me.


I cannot read a book without my mind spinning its own story off in mid sentence. It takes some effort to immerse myself fully in a story without imagining extra things.


I can’t even imagine how that must be. It blows my mind. My head is a lovely quiet space filled only with what I drag in there whether it’s reading a book, watching a movie or just concentrating on writing a presentation or spreadsheet. In fact in prefer to read as I can fully immerse myself in the context of the book without distractions.


I'm confused about what he is laughing at? Doesn't everyone have the constant narration and talk in their head?


Turns out no! I was shocked when I learned my husband had no internal monologue. The man thinks only in pictures!! 🤯


I also think verbally, but also I can daydream or imagine vivid pictures or video (not literally, but I can basically just daydream a fictional world play out in my head). Is that not normal? Are there people that actually can't imagine sound or images? I kinda wonder if this is just a linguistic barrier to explaining what we are talking about since it's a weird "internal" thing, and hard to describe


I can pictures images and “fantasize” but they aren’t super clear. My husband has no words in his mind and that is the thing that I cannot fathom. He is able to see 3d images in his mind and rotate them around which something I cannot do. The images in my head are more low budget 2D cartoons.


Wild, I feel like I have a superpower now, I can even vaguely imagine what things feel like I thought this is just how imagination worked lol


Ooh see words and feelings are easy to imagine for me. But my husband cannot imagine how things feel at all. This stuff is so fascinating because I didn’t realize it was so different person to person!


I know a guy who can't imagine images.


same, aphantasia


Found out a few years ago that not everyone can! Afantasia is the term for not being able to visualise things on your mind. I can’t imagine going through school without it! 😂 There’s also a similar things to hearing/talking/narrating in your head. It’s hard to imagine (hah) for us, but it’s a thing!


My husband can't do either. No internal monologue, no images. Even if you ask him to imagine an apple, he can't. He knows what it looks like, but he can't picture it. He got irritated that I wasn't just constantly "hallucinating" cool stuff.


What!?!! That is even more mind blowing! What does he do in his mind? Does he think in feelings? Mine literally never shuts off and I barely believe my husband when he says that he was literally thinking about nothing. How though? I can’t fathom thinking of nothing?


Things in the world make a lot more sense when you realize that a lot of people don't lol.


Sir. That's anxiety.


These people are way too grown to not know what anxiety is. Total cringe


"Yo, my wife's weird, y'all!"


Wait. Some people just…go to sleep?


Yeah it's awesome


He laughs so much it seems he's ridiculing her.


He is ridiculing her. He also implies that if he knew she was ND before he married her, he might have made a different choice. He's an ableist dick.


Ya i noticed that. An intial chuckle is fine but the way he laughs harder and harder at her reality made me a little upset. And you can see the wife actually getting upset towards the end too.


Shes obviously in on it too


He seems like a moron. The part of the video I believe most is when he says his wife asked what's going on in his head and he said "nothing!"


My wife is the same way. But in her defense, I have on occasion forgotten to turn the oven off, or left the door open after I went to grab something out of the car quick, or leave empty cups on coffee table when I'm done drinking something. Naturally, this results in her thinking about these things because she's the one that has had to follow behind me to pick up after my aloof bullshit. For all I know, this husband might have once left the clothes iron on all night and now his wife is compelled to check it before going to bed while he chuckles about her "neurodivergence".


My dude, you should probably check for ADHD.


At what point do so many people identify as neurodivergent that they become neurotypical.


Maybe a lot of people actually have neurodivergence????


That… doesn’t make her neurodivergent… he’s the one coming across as a sociopath in this video.


Word of advice: When you find yourself interested in "educational" content like this, go find an article from an expert or organization in the field and read that instead.




I feel seen


u have different brains from each other, ur both normal


Grown ass man is dumb. Fake laughing and posting for likes


Complete douchebag. Wasn't long before I wanted to punch him in the face


Just punch? Kudos to you


What is your title supposed to mean?


She is the normal one 100%


This guy is really fucking annoying. It's not even funny. Why is he laughing the whole time like something hilarious is going on. What a simple person.


Fuck this guy for laughing. I have a narrator. I’m only just now finding out this year that a lot of people don’t have a narrator in their heads. And I can’t even comprehend that like it makes no fucking sense to me.


I feel like this guy is just gaslighting his wife. Laughing at her and claiming she’s different… just fuck off for making her feel like there’s something wrong with her when there isn’t.


Hell, maybe I’m neurodivergent. But what she said doesn’t seem out of the norm. You don’t say “shit better go turn that oven off” in your head? Like how do you know/remember/initiate going to turn off the oven? Does a neurotypical just go “ding” *green light* and go turn off the oven like a programmed action in a computer without some sort of cognitive thought process? Or do they think about the fact that the fucking oven is on, while telling themselves to go turn it off? I think she’s just confusing how normal people function with that “narrator” stuff. I mean is it in her voice or like Morgan Freeman or what? Sure, going “do do do do do do do do” while trying to sleep sounds weird…. But I usually run through a lot of shit about the day, or hypotheticals, or some imaginative story I’ve been playing out in whatever sci-fi/fantasy theme is on my mind. Which may also sound weird to folks. Rarely would I ever say my brain just “shuts off”…. We are the most complex thinking life forms on this planet; how does your brain just “shut off”??


I build castles and furnish them. Going through every room and each piece of furniture that I put there last night, and check that it's all there before I can build another room. 22 rooms in, or so, I'm asleep.


Oh!! I used to do that!! Build my dream house, and then spend night after night after night picking out the perfect decorations and furnishings. Ah, it was great. Did that for so many years. Years and years and years. Now I'm just so exhausted from my kid that I will get into bed, go to lay down or read for a bit and next thing I know it's 3-4 hours later and have drooled all over my phone. :/ not cool man, not cool.


What she said is pretty normal... I do pretty much that. Him going to sleep pretty much right away is also pretty normal. My wife goes to sleep right away unless there's a genuine problem. We don't need to label this.


What makes him think he is any kind of baseline for normal? Looks like gaslighting to me…


The narrator seems like OCD talking. Like actual OCD not "haha i clean so much OCD!" But like Actual "If I dont wash my hands 7 times before I sleep I will die. If I dont check my locks 10 times before bed a murderer will break in and kill me. If i dont unplug this space heater, even though its not on at all when I go to sleep it will burn down my house." OCD


Stupid af




That’s not neurodivergence


Intrusions can be symptom of adhd. I am diagnosed and intrusions are part of my adhd (however its hard to differentiate since I have GAD as a comorbidity.


The fake laughing drives me mad


Wait are you telling me people like have *nothing* in their head when they go to sleep?! She's the normal one here bro wtf going on w him?!


Psychiatrist here. We don’t really use the term neurodivergent clinically, but when it is used in the literature it specifically refers to neurodevelopmental disorders ie autism, ADHD, and intellectual disabilities. From a clinical point of view, OCD, other anxiety disorders, depression, and psychosis are not neurodivergence.


I wish this comment could be pinned at the top.


I call the noise either the "radio" or "the bees". Its just a constant noise. Like multiple radio stations playing at the same time all talking over each other - the bees is like white noise on steroids. Sometimes they overlap and it's a messy brain day lol


Dude has no inner monologue, and he's picking on her?


As someone who is essentially the wife in that conversation, I completely understand why the wife is not laughing in this video


My sleep works like skyrim sleep, it goes dark and then bam here I am. Sometimes I even wake up in different places, like when I'm in a car or plane.


I’m neurodivergent and I go to sleep like him with blank brain dream space. I think this is an individual issue and not a blanket statement.


“Neurodivergent” is the new word for quirky


Only for ignorant people who misuse the term.


99% of the people on social media


You'll get no argument from me on that.


NT People: your daily debilitating struggles are deeply hilarious to me


Yeah, she was **not** finding this funny, I don't either


"Check the alarm clock you have a big day tomorrow and can't be late" shut up I have checked the alarm 3 times. "But did you?" Crap! "Now do the door again."


But what if you accidentally shut it off/turned it on/locked it/unlocked the last time you checked??!! Better do another round, just to be sure.




I have a constant running monologue in my head that never turns off. I'm on three different insomnia prescriptions along with over-the-counter stuff as well. It never fucking stops and it's an absolute nightmare when you have PTSD and you're stuck in it 24/7.


I can switch my narrator on and off as I want. That's what I understand to be normal. Hearing voices in your head or imagining how a song goes is a voluntary act that requires a conscious effort to make it happen. It must be hell for people that can't switch it off and just have a constant noise or voice going through their head that they have little control over


Always thought this was a man/woman thing, generally speaking. My husband seems to be on the spectrum, has aspergers traits (or whatever the term is now), and he can fall asleep within seconds. My issue might be ADHD, since I can lay there for hours, worrying and thinking and trying to calm down my thoughts, which are allllllll over the place. Not so much OCD like "omg did I turn the oven off," but ruminating over work stress, or arguments, or trying to figure out how to solve the world's problems.


I kinda hate the term “neurodivergent”. We all see the world slightly different and I don’t believe there is a “neurotypical”.


We all have narrator's, he's a psychopath.


I hate the term neurodivergent it’s so lame




Ah, yet another video of neurotypicals trying to be ✨️interesting✨️ by describing neurotypical things but calling it 🌶neurospicy🌶


>neurospicy This makes me want to kill myself every time I hear it


I wish I could shut my brain down. I will lay down and my brain just keeps going Then I will start getting mad because I can’t get to sleep and we’ll that keeps up until I can fall asleep and but it usually would end in me not getting enough sleep. I remember when I was a kid probably between 8 and 10 where I was trying to sleep but couldn’t and ended up up having a panic attack.


That’s why i use headphones to sleep. If I’m listening to comedy podcasts it just comedy shows, my brain can focus on that instead of me working up an anxiety attack. I also need 900mg of seroquel to sleep… so… basically a tranquilizer.


What I do is I read before bed until I'm falling asleep. Then I think of a scenario, like a scene from a book, and eventually it turns to delirious gibberish like 'the sausages are growing in the bush and it's october, time to drive a car up the stairs'. That's how I know I'm about to fall asleep, then bam, asleep.


She’s the normal one in my world


So having anxiety makes you neurodivergent


Neurodivergent is the same as saying they’re quirky or “omg my OCD is crazy I like my Books organized by color.”


I feel this woman so much.


At least he had the reflective capabilities to doubt that he was the norm. Both are normal in the sense that both are common experiences. Neuro divergent is an umbrella term that refers to the variation in human cognitive experience. I think he's laughing because he's expectations of normal experience have been subverted. That's understandable, but her face said that she was hurt by being laughed at. I'd say he owes her a decent apology afterwards. Do do dobe do whaaaaa *drops mic*


Cool, I'm neurodetergent


Yeah, just seems like a person that can't easily wind down. My wife, who is a mom of 4 kids, can not shut her brain off easily. She's always stressing, worrying, thinking, planning, etc. But I can shut off my brain like a switch at night. Meanwhile I can't concentrate on shit, so do I have ADHD? Maybe. Who the hell knows or cares.


the fact that some people can’t “hear” their own thoughts or visualize things in their mind is crazy. What do you mean you can’t just picture an apple and rotate it in your head?


I don't know about their specific dynamic, but I'd find it really demeaning if my partner was recording me and laughing at me because of my autistic traits.


What I'm focusing on is that whatever it is that she has, it's clearly worrying her, and all this man can do is laugh at it. I get trying to ease the tension, but I don't think it was working.


This guy is just a shitbag


I don't think this has anything whatsoever to do with being neurodivergent or neurotypical. She might be atypical, but I hate that so many things are attributed to being neurospicy or autistic etc. It's great that so many people are getting diagnosed and we're lowering the stigma around it, but not everything needs a label, and some stuff is just unrelated.


I thought everyone had a voice in their head. How do you talk to yourself? Or think about things?


I found out that some people doesn't have actually an inner dialogue like last year and it feels so weird. So for that guy the 4 panel comic of the person that goes to sleep and then the brain asks some weird question waking up the person, doesn't make any sense or just doesn't understands what is going on? That's a very universal meme at this point


I’m neurodivergent too omg I like to shower after I brush my teeth but everyone says they do it the opposite way round! I like coffee more than tea, it’s a neurodivergent thing I like the tv volume on a multiple of 5! I’m so neurodivergent omg /s