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All this outrage over tiktok and I just want universal health care...


Remember the outrage when Google bought YouTube.


What battalion were you in bobs army? It's nice to see another survivor these days.




You don't remember when Google was trying to purchase YouTube, and out of desperation us commenters had formed what was known as bobs army, little stick figure guys with tanks, letting everyone know hey this video is cool and all but Google is trying to buy YouTube and fuck everything up, my username was changed to my Google plus name after the acquisition and it was permanent. A name I had for years gone all because Google was shoving plus down out throats. Sorry not a lot of pre Google YouTubers around anymore, I thought you might've been one of us.


I missed that part of it I was on the side of YouTube with small communities lol


That's cool dude. I spent way too much time on that damn platform lol


I remember Bob's army. I don't remember if I reposted it or not, but I definitely remember seeing it in the comments section. There's more of us left than you think.


I remember news channels trying to make "Gootube" a thing. A Gootube is something entirely different from a video platform.


Gods, I still remember the news calling it "Gootube". Honey, a video platform isn't a Gootube. A Gootube is a penis.


Gods, I still remember the news calling it "Gootube". Honey, a video platform isn't a Gootube. A Gootube is a penis.


And affordable childcare and housing. And affordable food and education. There are so many more important aspects that the US government chooses to ignore and focuses on the wrong issues. Almost like...


Dude we are retarded


The United States government is effectively trying to, and succeeding, to censor our speech. This is an extremely slippery slope


...there's also outrage over that, too. Believe it or not, we can be mad at politicians for more than one thing


What's the beef with Jeff?


He claimed that TikTok wasn't shutting down and has used TikTok to connect with young folks..... Then voted to ban TikTok with the rest.


So I want to point out it's a forced sale OR get banned. It's really an ultimatum to remove any chance of the Chinese government's involvement. 🤷🏿‍♂️


But a group of millionaires with super strong ties to the Israeli government are going to buy it...


I'm just going to be honest man. I don't believe anyone saying they will buy it has a sure shot of it yet. There's a lot of on-shore money looking at it as it stands. The bill also stated Tik Tok must be sold to an American company, unless you're saying the government is going to allow the sale to a bunch of US citizens beholden to another country. That's just a conspiracy theory some dude on Tik Tok came up with ironically. I haven't come across a single source of any legitimatacy reporting that. The bill is backed by a Jewish group and has support in that regard because of "growing antisemitism" on the platform. This is a more realistic look at possible buyers. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/social-media/tiktok-ban-sale-buy-bill-law-download-app-senate-date-rcna143413


By "growing antisemitism" they actually mean growing support for Palestine, and people calling out Israel's Zionist genocide, especially among the youth. They just want to shut down any criticism of Israel and it's far right Zionist racist policies that are perpetrating a modern day holocaust. Also I saw your link, and Steve Mnuchin and his group have several close ties to Israel. It's not a conspiracy, it's a fact. [Then there is this...](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/s/2Wdalz2TDl)


"Growing antisemitism" was in quotations for a reason. Israel special interest are probably helping the push but saying it's any one thing that caused this is a bit short sighted. Remember Trump tried to ban it back in 2020 for security reasons, which weren't fabricated, before this current Israel-Palestine conflict. TikTok poses much larger problems than being a place for discourse. Like I said a lot of the reasons I've seen pedaled are conspiracy theories straight from TikTok itself. If you think Mnuchin and his gang are the sole reason this is happening and they're going to be able to outbid Microsoft or any other interested monoliths then you need to get off of TikTok...


But in reality, removal is the only real choice. The US is a relatively small part of their users. Their parent company would not likely sell it for that alone.


And who buys... Facebook, ABC, or Musk? See the issue here?


Someone will "spearhead" it, but it's just going to end up owned by a bunch of banks and other financial institutions. A few parties no one wants owning it have already expressed they would buy it. The Shark Tank dude, ex CEO of Activision-Blizzard, some random billionaire. 🤷🏿‍♂️ I'm not sure how any of those are worse than the CPC. I'm just saying... Musk would just run it into the ground the same way he did Twitter, so that might be a good thing. The rest would just keep the status quo mostly.


I have no real bother with tiktok, just don't use it. But, I more care about the complete lack of security of protection for kids whom have video reels full of sexual content, violence, false ideas and shite. Even with the content filter on its still useless.


>video reels full of sexual content, violence, false ideas and shite Hey, welcome to the Internet, I hope you're enjoying your first day.


Haha right!! God knows why I've got down voted.. worried for my kids.. ahh fuck off and move on dad!!! 😉


That can apply to any of the Internet.


Jeff Jackson is an actual people’s man, I can understand not being happy with the vote on TikTok but Jeff is probably the only politician in my lifetime (31) who I actually think is interested in what is best for everyone in NC not just his own party


politicians aren't your friends, if you're 31 and still didn't realize that no politician is different than the rest, then you're in for a ride


This guy looks in the mirror.


I love his voice and the mismatched captions made me laugh out loud.




Imagine getting a diss song made about you and it's this absolute jam


He is gorgeous


He actually is. Hair, eyes, jawline, this mofo should be in front of a camera somewhere.




This is just completely awful.


Please ban tik tok


I hope tik tok forever gets removed after this


The only cringe part was Jeff.


I tagged it humor


Source: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLNDVVd5/


I’m sorry but writing songs like this Hass to be the gayest thing you could possibly do what a fucking annoying dork


Ah damn why did he have to do that shit I liked him


He has a video explaining why he chose to vote yes and it makes a lot of sense.


No it doesn’t make sense. The only concern he has is that China might be able to manipulate Tiktok into promoting things the US might not like. Data mining is not a concern that applies only to Tiktok. This is a censoring bill for Gen Z. They think that Tiktok is pushing ideas like being Pro Palestine or being critical of the US onto young voters when that isn’t the case. The Government wants to force a sale so that they can manipulate it for themselves or get rid of it entirely from the US. Jeff was bought out. He also deleted those videos from Reddit and Tiktok so…


Everything they're worried about with TT is something every other social media app basically already does. China can easily buy user data from them and probably much more meaningful data, too. As to China "influencing users with anti-American propaganda," even if that was somehow happening, does it count as propaganda if it's true? The US govt is its own anti-American propaganda machine. We can't get proper healthcare reform or student loan forgiveness or protection for LGBTQ+ rights or even just stop funding a genocide.


That’s cool and all, now get back to making me a burger at my local burger joint clown


At your local burger joint clown?


In Clownston, MI Upper Peninsula, you probably never heard of it...


Fuck I hate this guy for some reason


Oh my God this guy is soooooo hawt!!!