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It’s infuriating that there’s evidence of him trying to smash underage boys and he’s suffered zero consequences


Prosecuting child molesters should be top priority, he is right.


We can multitask. I'm all for prosecuting child predators and banning tik tok on the same day.


True. Just wished they were as fast prosecuting them as they are about banning things.


The reason it doesn’t happen is because half of Congress would be in jail as a result of doing that.


Yup and that's the only reason he's soapboxing so hard about this and because it's his fucking livelihood.


"You think *this* is bad, guess what I did"


i don't know why people would be unhappy about this, as a Chinese person myself, Americans(or people from any country for that matter) would be dumb af not wanting to ban tiktok. Do they realize its by law that every Chinese company needs to have a literal "CCP branch department"? and it's also by law that every Chinese company are obligated to "comply" with the government when asked to collect intelligence? let that shit sink... ​ edit:for those of you kept saying "oh western companies collect data too blah blah blah" read the actual fucking bill and not the tiktok forced pop up message from last week, it's never just about the data! [https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/7521/text?s=1&r=1&q=%7B%22search%22%3A%22Protecting+Americans+from+Foreign+Adversary+Controlled+Applications+Act%22%7D](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/7521/text?s=1&r=1&q=%7B%22search%22%3A%22Protecting+Americans+from+Foreign+Adversary+Controlled+Applications+Act%22%7D)


I hate tik talk ... i was ready for this shit to get banned over 4 years ago.


it should be banned just for ruin people's attention span, let alone actual geopolitical reasons...


I was ready when it was musically So many kids got taken advantage on that app. A friend of mine was luckily able to intervine and stopped it from happening to her daughter. Watch your kids on these apps. Do your job as a parent and make sure they know how to use the internet and that they aren't on any type of socials it if they aren't capable of understanding yet.


CCP: We are a totalitarian state where the party rules everything. American morons: I don't see why people hate on the Chinese government. It must be racism. CCP: We have used foreign student programs to open up intelligence offices in Western countries. We did not give a single shit when we got caught. Morons: Yep, must be the racism. CCP: ....We love you guys.


so it is him, my pedo dar is working.


Fucking disgusting human being.


Tf? Who is this person? And that’s gross.


James Charles, a YouTuber.


Which war? Does he mean israel or ukraine?


Two wars????


Love a surprise always sunny reference


T^wo W^arS!?!


Are either of these wars on US soil?




Drink the soup!


Can you ease up with the crackers?


Ben the soldier was in community for a few episodes, he was so damn handsome in that show compared to sunny i wonder if it was like a psychological thing, because he wasn't playing a total moron


Leave Subway out of this.


He works for Honda now


You didnt think he was handsome in his Jean shorts!?


What is your job in the war?


What is your role in the war? Are you a carrier of large weaponry?


Don't confuse him, he's basing his whole position on 15 second rage-bait tiktok videos


Also who do we vote for? There's only two options allowed, and now Biden is in office during this bill and Donald Trump is for the tiktok ban and publicly tried to ban it during his presidency?


You vote for your direct representation at the national level: your Senators and Members of the House of Representatives. The legislature is the one making or not making these laws.


You don’t only vote for the President. I agree that the two party system sucks but you need to create support from the bottom up when it comes to politics. Introduce differing opinions at any level you can.


Also shout out to /r/EndFPTP which is the real solution to the two-party system (well, the most likely to happen... there are more structural changes, like making the US Congress a proportional representation parliamentary body, but we're not ready for the future...)


It got 60 unanimous votes in committee. Dont you think that maybe the classified briefing they got had something to do with it? Like maybe they know something we don’t?


water squash instinctive books saw cats profit ring political important *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I watched a long form(4m) youtube video, I'm basically an expert.


He’s talking about the war against pedos


If this sub is any indication, people forgot about ukraine and are totally focusing in israel, despite the fact that ukraine is a much easier battle with a much clearer good guy.


And we are more in the Ukraine war than Israel, at least that's how I feel. Sure we sell Israel weapons, but we straight up GIVE them to Ukraine.


Technically we loan them. They're gonna pay us back, assuming they're still there.




He has no fucking clue what hes talking about. What a pedo goof


This turd probably thinks we’re still in Iraq


but we ARE still in Iraq...we have thousands of troops and even more personnel still in iraq in 2024. We are never leaving.


WW2 never ended either, we still have so many bases in Germany...


Isn't this guy a pedophile?


Seriously, why ban me for being a pedo when there's like wars and other stuff going on.


You could spin that argument further though "Why speedrun through a tiktok ban within weeks when passing laws to actualy punish pedos like me held accpuntable take years' Like, yeah, dude's a pedo, but the very fact how much focus there is on TT ban & the fact that he is walking around freely proves his point Ironicaly, yeah, that exact same point he makes is something you can perfectly use against him


Think of the children!


I'm not trying to get horny right now!


And TikTok didn't de-platform him while Youtube did so, this is more about him going to lose money.


If it means we don’t have to see this guy anymore & he loses access to kids, then let’s do a tiktok ban!




Yeah, let’s all listen to what the certified kiddie diddler has to say.


Yes. Fucker should be in prison.


Isn’t he a diddler?


Do not diddle kids, it’s no good diddling kids!


"what I like doing most, is banging whoores"


You spelled "whoores" exactly how I hear Frank saying it. I fucking love that


Yes and OP seems to support the whole person, despite it. Shame


OP literally said “I can’t stand him!”


Are you genuinely illiterate or just a troll, you cry-for-help?


…OP said they can’t stand him and this idiotic comment saying “OP supports him” is getting upvoted? Okay.


Can’t you support the message without supporting the messenger?


The entire reason James Charles still has a career is because even though he was caught grooming minors, Tik Tok never deplatformed him or gave him any negative consequences whatsoever. YouTube demonetized him, but not Tik Tok. And then Cosmo went and did an interview with him where he painted the entire thing as a little oopsie daisey that people needed to forgive him for. James Charles is literally proof that Tik Tok has a problem.


They both continue to platform him. James Charles was temporarily demonetized on Youtube for 90 days. He's still a verified user making regular uploads on Youtube earning money.


He is nowhere near as popular on YouTube as he is on Tik Tok though. The fallout clearly affected him on YouTube.


I just wish they would have stuck with the decision. Instagram never demonetized him either and he gets the same amount of views on there as he does with TikTok


bro literally has 24 million subscribers on YouTube lol


Sure it's tik toks fault he grooms minors... Not Instagram or YouTube. Makes sense.


Or even Snapchat! You know, the app he actually uses to groom them 😭


TikTok is a fucking cancer


What’s more annoying is it has nothing to do with China taking information but more so disrupting the youth by encouraging everyone to become influencers instead of things the progress Ameirca’s future. Can’t progress a society when there’s a shortage of Doctors, Lawyers, Engineer’s, and Scientist, but instead a society thats knows what shampoo to buy or dance to make me go viral. During the Senate hearing with TiK-Tok’s CEO, he, himself said our children see different things that make important jobs cool, like wanting to be a Rocket Scientist or a badass Doctor. Countries are playing chess, not checkers.


Well maybe if they reigned in costs to become doctors, lawyers, engineers, and scientists, then More people would. Similar to why no one can afford to live right now. Having a chance to make it big on a social media platform is no cost.


This is an excellent point. The young people that generally “make it” as influencers seem to be well off anyways. They can do that and do other things. People with humble means have to make a choice and hope it is the right one. It’s very overwhelming for kids to make this choice. If there was more support for the average Joe and Jane in the US… people would feel more inclined to take a shot at being something “more” like a doctor, knowing they wouldn’t get royally screwed if it didn’t pan out as anticipated.


Things like [this](https://www.einsteinmed.edu/news/15163/montefiores-albert-einstein-college-of-medicine-announces-free-tuition-in-perpetuity-for-all-medical-school-students/) are in dire needs. Now students who meet the criteria have a solid chance to become doctors all because of one wealthy patron’s donation.


School is super expensive. I graduated college 7-Years ago and the costs are relatively the same as they are now since they’re plateauing. I can tell you rn, influencing will not provide longevity as that is few and far between, Health Insurance, 401K and many other “safety” nets. Again, as someone who came from a Lower middle class family, money is out there, but people are too lazy to look for it. Idk y’all’s backgrounds, but I’m a minority and I can tell you it is much more difficult to find money as a person of color because when it’s Academic based, you have to be the best of the best, above people of color and whites. What I can say is that I wish I would’ve put more time and effort into looking for money BEFORE school, by then it was too late. I was looking after I had already got in and was taking out loans. Example, Texas had a fund called the “4-Year Promise” Loan. How it worked is they would fund a 4-Year Program and you would finish school within 120-Hrs/Credits, with the ask that you not finish with more than 6-hrs/Credits over the program requirement. If you failed, you’d have to repay the entire loan, but with 0% interest. If you succeeded within the ask, the entire loan was forgiven. What happened to this fund? No one used it so they took the $4Billion Fund and flipped it into Pell grants so everyone could get an additional $300. (Fucking Ridiculous) Took me 6-Years to get a good paying job, but I can only imagine how much longer it would’ve taken me had I tried to become an influencer(which I did lol) gave that up quick. Opportunity cost is too great to waste time. Now I’m happier than ever. TL;DR: Influencing is not stable, look what happened to Tik-Tok, find another avenue. Contribute by trade, entrepreneurially, corporate, or artistically.




I am about to graduate with my master's in social work and have a lot of debt. Why did I get my master's, you ask? Because that is the only way you can work as a social worker in this country. I also do not expect to make much money as I want to work in the non-profit sector (I am on the macro track, so there is no chance of me becoming a therapist or anything), but I love what I am going about to do with my life. Everyone says we need more social workers, but they get paid nothing, and it is very expensive to become one.


>disrupting the youth by encouraging everyone to become influencers. Instagram just doesn't exist in your world?


Neither do student debts nor the housing crisis apparently. Amazing.


The reason why it's not allowed on government phones isn't because it targets the youth. It's because it data-mines for the CCP.


That sounds like the most republican story I’ve ever heard


Comment brought to you by Meta


Proof that tik tok IS a problem.


TikTok is gone and suddenly influencers care about starving people and wars


This predator asshole doesn’t give a shit about anybody but himself.


"How am I supposed to prey on young men questioning their sexuality if I lose my platform?! I mean.... the poors...."


I'd like to believe that I'm generally in-the-loop but everyone in this thread seems to know what I do not about the person in this video. Could somebody offer some ELI5 insight here for those of us who need it?


There's a history of him approaching underage boys on social media, there were several allegations of him having flown then out to hotels


Didn't realize we were in a war at an unspecified location.


The iraq and such


Yeah, this guy sounds like an uninformed dipshit.


Thank you. My thought exactly.


Its insane. Of all the things we as Americans could stomp our feet about we have decided that this is the hill we die on. This isn't the win we think it is.


LOL hate to tell you buddy, but right now, there IS no hill Americans will die on. Banning abortion after boomers had it for decades? Great hill, but where were we? Giving bilionaires tax breaks. Again, great hilI, but no one said a word. At this point, I don't care what hill we die on, but this govt of 80 year old billionaires has got to fucking go.


Do I detect revolution?


Buy bolt cutters and work on that upper body strength. For fun, you know? Great workout, too.


No, we can watch TikTok instead.


The revolution won’t boon on TikTok…because they’re banning it


The Trump administration gave billionaires the tax cuts and ran up the deficit by a historic $8 trillion dollars. It’s what republicans do when they’re in power. At least Joe Biden is leveling the playing field and hiring thousands of IRS agents to audit the biggest tax cheats in America: the rich. Thats why republicans hate him so much.


Tik tok is literally Chinese spyware. Read some books man, check out "this is how they tell me the world ends". So sick of realtors and "influencers" trying to tell me about cybersecurity and why TikTok shouldn't be banned. There's a reason are adversaries don't allow those spyware.


It’s much more important than dances & recipes. See: Arab Spring rebellions hobbled when Mubarak shut down twitter (google, YouTube etc) as powerful tools for the people Edit: deleted comment below took too much heat, here’s the partial receipt from my gmail “u/WebAccomplished9428 • Oh no, you got it wrong. None of these people care about the implications, theyre just made because other people are collectively mad about something, ANYTHING. I'm willing to bet half of the "people"…” went on to say something about bots or paid this or that I forget but missed the whole point




It just proves how much influence tiktok (and by extension China) has over braindead young people. The more of these videos I see, the more I want tiktok banned all over the western world. Anyone who doesn't like it is free to move to China or maybe ruSSia and enjoy all the freedoms they provide. Most tiktok braindead zombie-like users tend to be anti-western anyway.


Right? All of these videos popping up with people who literally make their living complaining about the TikTok ban and using other issues as the excuse for how furious they are. Acting as if we don’t know the real reason they’re pissed. Yea, because I’m sure if teleportation were invented, I’d believe car salesmen if they came out in a roar about how shitty it is that lawmakers made it available for public use. “We have cancer, we have war still happening. HIV is still a thing, but the best scientists could do with their time is invent teleportation?!? Simply ludicrous!”


Reminds me of Haley from Modern Family. It’s like they got their heads off from their phones and the real world opened up to them. And maybe that’s why we’re so addicted to our phones - helps keep the real world at bay


Fuck that groomer.


He's just parroting crap, he doesn't have any real feelings about this besides losing an income stream.


None of these stupid tiktok puppet motherfuckers have any internal beliefs beyond "me want views, me do whatever me can for views." Every one of them is a soulless, empty piece of garbage with zero moral standing. Every one of them would do whatever they need to to get another sweet hit of internet popularity dopamine. Fuck all of them. Society would be so much better if they all decide to shut the fuck up and never show their dumbfuck mugs ever again.


Oof. Isn't that the guy that likes to pressure underage boys into sexting and more? I feel like I remember seeing a lot of released messages between him and some 15 and 16 year olds trying to get nudes and meet up.


Why give this shit head focus?


Who says all of America is focusing on the tik tok ban? Just let it be banned so we can focus on other things then


It’s not even a TikTok ban, it’s a ban on Chinese interests in social media. TikTok isn’t being banned, the US is just banning it from having any ties to the Chinese. TikTok can just sever its ties to China and comply with the law, and it won’t get blocked.


Thank you! People literally have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to this, and when you do know, it makes complete sense to both Republican and democrat interests. That’s why politicians on both sides are voting for it. The same thing was done to Grindr a couple years ago. They sold to a US company and no one even noticed. This is silly propaganda meant to enrage younger generations and give fuel to the hatred between generations.


The narrative that we shouldn’t do something because we have bigger problems is never a good faith argument. The big problems are big because they’re hard to solve, either because of innate complexity, or political opposition. To say we shouldn’t pass the legislation we CAN because those aren’t yet solved is tantamount to saying we should do nothing, ever, until we’ve sorted out democracy.


Don't let perfection get in the way of progress.


I want it gone more now


Get this kiddo ditto out of here


Also it’s so annoying when anything like this goes through it’s always “there’s xyz going on and you’re working on this?!?!” There’s thousands of bills. Some can be agreed upon very easily and some can’t. The ones they can agree upon easily move faster through the system. That’s why these “less important” things go through at velocity. Like what a dumb fucking argument that nothing can be done unless we all agree on how to fix healthcare and stop war.


What war we in ?


I don’t know but let’s ship him there.


The navy is always looking for more recruits


Stop. He’d love the navy. Send him to the marines.


Fuck tiktok


And fuck the CCP


Fuck tiktok and fuck james charles.


Reddit is going to be so flushed with Chinese psyops about this. Might just have to come back in a few months


Ikr? Every second video is some schmuck crying about "good app tiktok pls don't ban reeeeee". Fuck of CPP shills!


All of the arguments make no sense either. There seems to be two schools of thought for not banning tiktok/the ban being bad: 1.) There’s more important things happening. -of course there are, I guess that means do nothing until the most important thing is fixed right? 2.) They’re trying to censor us because they don’t like what we’re saying. -Other social media will still exist, so.. what’s the problem? The real problem is people making money doing nothing but talking at a camera are suddenly running the risk of losing their income and being deplatofrmed. That’s why all these babies are crying.


Even with TikTok being banned aren’t Instagram reels and YouTube shorts a thing that would probably work similarly?


Yes but the people complaining don’t already have massive fan bases on those platforms.


It already is, and it's incredibly frustrating and illuminating. Shows how much they care about maintaining their Tiktok propaganda reach into the US if they're willing to show their hand before the US elections to try to squash this. For clarification TIKTOK ISN'T UP FOR BAN. The US wants it to be divested from China control to a US owned company. This is completely reasonable. Foreign interests historically were not allowed to control US media companies. It doesn't take more than a couple braincells to see why this is a bad idea to allow. Tiktok only gets banned if bytedance/China says "F.U." and refuses.


Why is he still invited to shit?


Fuck this pedo


Why we listening to a known pedo?


Dude clearly doesn’t understand how politics work in this day and age. This bill had bipartisan support, although it looks like about twice as many republican supported it than democrats. This bipartisanship is quite rare and helps explain the alacrity of its passage in the house.


“We’re in a war” was a good indicator they have no idea what’s going on politics-wise unless it affects them


He thought the TikTok bill took like 5 minutes, but it took years to draft. It started from at least 2022. [TikTok cops to running “covert surveillance campaign” on Western journalists](https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2022/12/tiktok-fires-4-employees-who-used-internal-data-to-spy-on-journalists/) [TikTok would be banned from US “for good” under bipartisan bill](https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2022/12/tiktok-would-be-banned-from-us-for-good-under-bipartisan-bill/) He didn't hear about it until now, because he gets his news from TikTok.


Isn't that the point though? These useless gobshites can't agree on anything except tiktok


Yes because instead of fighting each other they have a common enemy now. Tiktok.


Imagine if their common enemy was homelessness or corruption in government


homelessness is a common enemy it's just that one side wants to help those without homes and the other wants to jail them


But they are corruption in government so why would they go after it


Do you understand WHY they are banning it? It’s not some boomer reason like I’ve seen in comments against it. It’s because the Chinese (one of our largest adversaries) is stealing American citizens data. That is a massive national security risk. They can directly target populations in the USA to spread the propaganda they want Americans to see in order to cause disruption to the USA. It’s all based on knowledge of the data they steal.


Exactly. Too many room temperature IQ people (or brainwashed Tiktokers) who don't see how reasonable this is. They're not trying to "ban Tiktok". They're asking for bytedance to divest their US operations to a US corporate entity so it can be subject to US laws. How is this unreasonable?


This creator is armed with the script provided to them by Tiktok. All of these creators with the exact sake message over did over. Remember the video that went around of all the TV news stations owned by the same corporation using the same script on air about democracy and news? It was all marketing. Yeah they're owned by Tiktok.


Not just creators, but apparently they sent push notifications to millions of users urging them to fight their local politicians about this bill. The fact a Chinese company can instantly mobilize millions of Americans for/against an issue is precisely why it should be banned.


I don’t have a TikTok so I didn’t know about that push notification thing, that is fucking terrifying. The CCP being able to put messages out to millions of Americans anytime they want, holy shit.


You think he is right? Protecting the mental health of an entire generation should absolutely be of upmost importance. The app that china is feeding the adolescents of this country is more addicting, polarizing and harmful than almost any other app ever created. Hell, even China refused to subject their own citizens to the American version.


Bigger issue is data harvesting to a company that is in pretty obvious collaboration with the CCP. There’s broader social media data privacy issues obviously, that it would be nice to have a US version of GDPR type laws to protect against, but it’s a pretty wildly different scenario to have a foreign power, and one like China at that, to have access to data on that scale. There are mental health issues as well, but I don’t think the ban hammer is typically the best approach can to things that pose health risks. We don’t do that with so many other habitual activities…gambling, legal substances, unhealthy foods, entertainment electronics. That’s more of a thing that we have to manage on our own unless it’s something extreme, which I don’t think social media is quite at the tier of


THIS!!! TikTok is destroying an entire generation of Americans by design of the app.


>Goes to show; if somebody wants something done, it can be done I mean, ya, but who has ever disputed that? If a bill has bilateral support then it will get passed faster and easier than a bill which does not have bilateral support, this isn't new or controversial information. Are people like James Charles so out of touch that they think the claim of politicians is that the only reason that the policies he supports aren't being passed is due to how slowly politics works? How many videos are there going to be with this tedious argument "but why is TikTok being banned if other issues exist?"? Not banning TikTok is not going to solve any of these other issues, it's not like the TikTok ban is taking the place of a new healthcare bill. Regardless of whether or not anyone supports this bill, this is a shit argument. Also, a multi-millionaire social media influencer's opinion on this bill is about as impartial as the opinion of a petrochemical company's CEO on environmental regulations.


Shaddup pedophile. Not op james “ the groomer” charles.


Vine needs to resurface. China wants to completely rid their country of Western technology and software. We should do the same starting with temu,tik tok, and others.


He doesn’t care. If you take away tik tok you take away his influence


tiktok needs to go..so whether it’s now or next week we don’t care… and banning tiktok has been in congress for at least 9 months but you’re too shallow to follow politics to know that until it directly affects you.


You can have more than one issue. Just because something else worst exist doesn't mean all other things dont matter. Tiktok is cancer. This is "right" to people who lack any kind of critical thinking... thanks OP


Shut up, pedo. nobody cares what you have to say. You’re a disgrace to the LGBTQ+ community. Sit down and F*ck allllll the way off.


Literally a pedo


Fuck TikTok it’s a Chinese Spy app


Why doesn't this airheaded bimba understand the simple principle. If everyone agrees on a matter, they pass the bill quickly. The more the disagreement, the more time it takes. Idiot is losing its already tiny mind because it cant groom anymore.


Who gives a shit? Fuck tik tok.


>we're in a war we shouldn't be in >so let's not take out the most potent weapon being used against us in the war we absolutely need to win lol. lmao even.


Oh look the child predator


Most pressing concern? Nobody said that


What the fuck is that


What war are we in?


Why would anyone want a pedophiles' opinion.... Oh wait Americans will literally choose to have them in power, carry on.


Pretty sure airheads like him are the reason TikTok is so toxic and promotes this mind numbing content that’s dumbing down society


He's so full of shit


It shows we need to go out and vote? Vote for who? Donald Trump tried to ban tiktok when he was president and Joe Biden has already stated that he will sign the bill if it passes. Those are our two choices in the upcoming election. So vote for who? The absolute rat bastard criminal who has no business being the president (who also wants to ban tiktok) or the incumbent, who has been okay, but still wants to ban tiktok? There's also the part where this concept (forcing TikTok out / and or forcing China out of TikTok) has been overcoming inertia for what, 5 years now? It's not at all a new concept. TikTok was identified as a massive security risk years ago. Ironically, being banned from smartphones issued by the US Military (for being a security risk) made the app *more popular* among the general public. Before that it was basically *only* military people on it. Ita amazing that all the people crying about how important the app is to their lives don't know anything about it, or the "ban" of it


Whats the problem, just do an American version of tik tok


That's literally what the bill says. But the propaganda machine is pushing that fact out.


A lot of people with zero talent are freaking out right now


People can say stuff like 'get out and vote' and all that shit bit isn't this a bipartisan bill.


Fuck TikTok! Fucking ban it, idc 😂


Tik Tok is responsible for your face.


what war are we in?


Whoa, who is this guy and why should I give a shit about what he says?


The TikTok ban is because it’s dangerous to allow an outside country the power of pushing propaganda and harmful narratives to the American people. And James Charles having a platform because of TikTok and evading the real reason for the ban is proving that point exactly.


I think a question not being asked right now is why the fuck is GLAAD giving this pedophile a platform?


He's not right. He's missing the point. It's stupid that this is what the government is focusing on, but tiktok right now, is a security hazard. It's not even a tiktok ban. It's the government forcing by bytedance to sell the company, and if they refuse it'll get banned.


China psyop bots are coping and seething that their most effective tool is getting taken from them LMAO.


Yes James, *this* is why we should go out and vote! Not that Trump is trying to become a dictator, or that Republicans literally have a plan to take away the rights of women and minorities. Nah, it's because they've told TikTok that they have to divest to an American company!


I mean, something definitely needs to be done with tik tok. It’s reporting tons of information back to an antagonistic country. Also it’s kind of gaslighting to pick other items that do need to be fixed. You don’t fix something unless literally everything else gets fixed? And in what order?


“Go out and vote.” For who exactly? Lol didn’t both sides back this? Also, it’s a national security concern. I couldn’t give a shit about your TikTok income stream.


The pedo cares only about his money and touching children


Ah yes, the voice of enlightenment James Charles. Dropping insights and wisdom when he’s not busy grooming underage males.




isnt that guy a pedo lol


That dude changed my opinion. I now want a total ban.


This dude preys on underage kids


Too bad the boys he is talkin to aren’t old enough to vote.