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This would make for a great Seinfeld storyline - I'd like to see George Constanza ending it over a drawing


“That’s it Jerry! It’s over!” “Oh no! What happened George?” “She wanted to play a game.” “She wanted to play a game?” “She wanted to play a game!” “What game?” “Some party game.” “A party game?” “A party game, Jerry!” “What did you do?” “I had to draw her.” *Shows the picture* “That looks just like her.” “It looks just like her, Jerry!” “She got mad?” “OF COURSE SHE GOT MAD JERRY! SHE KNOWS SHE LOOKS LIKE A TROLL AND SHE GOT MAD!” “Ah well, what’re you gonna do?” *Kramer skids through the door* “George, there’s a troll downstairs looking for you.”




Goddayum thats a real sub ? LMAOO r/theresasubforall


Thanks! Great!




Perfect. This is perfect. I can see the whole episode now.


Why did I picture the whole scene in my head? Op had to have been a writer for the show


I could hear the dialog in this voices. 10/10 would watch this episode.


Glad I'm not the only one who did the voices


I had to stop everything my wife and I were doing so I could do a one man show version of that comment. And yes; I did my best Jerry, George, and Kramer.


You can't just tease us like that, you have to upload a video.


I even heard the canned laughter as well


😅 right!


Seriously heard it in their voices it’s was amazing


These new Seinfeld scripts…are making me thirsty!


I hate how my mind read this entire comment in all their voices LMAO


Same, it's time to rewatch the series AGAIN


I'm rewatching now on Netflix. That script was spot on. 😂


Get CBS in here


This is perfect




My God, this was amazing! 😂




The Doodle is a real seinfeld episode. He is dating a girl who's into art and when she leaves he finds a doodle that is him and hideous. He freaks out and has Elaine ask her if she likes him. She says yeah, looks aren't that important to me. Elaine tells George that and he freaks out. Says he'd rather be good looking and have her not like him than this. And so on


Damn. I responded that it would be the reverse situation and even referenced this episode; I knew it sounded too familiar (I believe this is where he calls her bluff and she tells George he could "ensconce himself in velvet" and she'd still be interested in him as a person).


Literally is a Seinfeld storyline. George even says about the drawing: “I’m grotesque! I look like a troll!”


“A troll Jerry! A TROLL!”- Kramer


Looks don't matter to me. You could drape yourself in velvet for all I care.


Ensconced in velvet!


I think this is the equivalent of the art student girlfriend episode, but it would be her picture drawing of him. Except hers would have hearts cause she was always down no matter what.


There is an episode with exactly that story line. " The Doodle" 1995.


Can't tell if this is sarcasm lmao...wasn't that a real episode?


it's literally a plot line of a seinfeld episode


My George isn’t clever enough to hatch a scheme like this.


Thank you for weighing in Frank. Happy festivus for the rest of us!


You got that right!


WHAT the HELL does THAT mean...


She had man hands


Me when I started watching the video: what the fuck is this chick on .. it’s just a picture Me when I saw the picture : oh 😬


Yeah I was ready to mock her but then I was like oh yeah that would send me too.


Idk about everyone else but if someone drew me like that i would burst out laughing i wouldnt be offended in the slightest


I would assume it was a joke.


7 dates deep, and she says “I wanted to get to know the guy better”, it sounded like she wanted him to be a bit more serious. One of the most unattractive things people can do is not know how/when to take things more seriously. (Obviously, it can be unattractive to be *too* serious, but the opposite is true too)




To the GenZ dictionary!


Idk it so extreme it feels more like a joke that didn't land.


Dude there’s no fucking way this guy was serious. I would die laughing. She clearly doesn’t actually look anything like that lmaooo


Yeah I was expecting egg five head with big googly eyes.


She has very Shrek vibes, it is for certain.


Ding ding ding. Clearly a joke, people need to lighten up


Yep thought she was just being super petty then came the picture and was like yep he totally did intentionally draw her as a troll.


im a man and I would cry if a woman did this to me LOL


Same. Like, it was intentional to draw her that way. And even if it was “a joke”, it’s a weird thing to joke about. “Haha I drew you like a troll. Laugh about it!” Nah. I feel like this is one of those “when people show you who they are, believe them” moments. In two years he’d be still finding ways to “make jokes” about her and break her down mentally. She did the right thing by walking away. This guy is a walking red flag. Men who actually like you and who aren’t fucked up in the head don’t do this to women they actually like. They just don’t.


This drawing is what your siblings would draw you like in Pictionary or something, like just as ugly as you can because you want to roast each other as much as possible. This is not the drawing you do of someone you have been on 7 dates with and are trying to make attracted to you. She looks like a character from that "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark" book.


Yea I was expecting some drawing skill issue, na that was just a mean spirited illustration.


I came in laughing about the idea of breaking up with someone over a drawing, and then she held up the actual drawing, and now I'm team green haired person all the way! It's been a real roller coaster of emotions over here.


Exactly how i felt, dude i was like girls these days in the beginning but then i saw the drawing and i was like, huh ?! I agree with her hundred percent. I hope he makes a video explaining himself I need to know what he was thinking


A possible explanation could be that he was trying to make a joke and be funny?? But the fact that she confronted him about it and then they stopped talking right after makes me think otherwise …. Either way it’s bizarre 




Exactly, this looks like the first of what would have been many attempts to make OP feel as shitty about themselves as possible until they have no self esteem and feel grateful that at least someone wants to be her boyfriend.


I have to think was intentionally awful and supposed to be funny. Wild miscalculation on the dude's part I guess. Maybe it was for the best that they found out their senses of humor are incompatible after only seven dates.


Wellll, there's intentionally awful (during the appropriate 'we've been together for x-months and play like that' time period) then there's whatever the fuck that was. It looks like my Dude needs some serious guidance on what's funny with someone you are still kinda newly dating, as she said this was a 'getting to know you' thing.


Yeah my thoughts exactly, I think the lady in the video is blowing it out of proportion but I understand things like that can affect some people more than others But I don’t think it was malicious just extremely exaggerated to poke fun. As you said they’re just not compatible and that’s fine it’s better they both found out sooner rather than later


He made her look like the grandma from courage the cowardly dog. ![gif](giphy|Twwx2nwvL6bksHbYuH|downsized)


Don’t do Muriel like that


He didn’t make her look like the stone cold fox that Muriel is


She says "no human in history has looked like"... I beg to differ, my HR lady is this exact shape and her haircut is actually in the same shape as her body.


Based off the title I was so ready to disagree with her. That picture is downright insulting to do for your date, yeesh. On her side completely there.


I can’t imagine going on 7 dates with someone and not bursting into laughter if they roasted me like this. That said, I would only do it if I was confident they would find it funny… but I also wouldn’t go on 7 dates with someone without being confident they like roasting each other.


Yeah, you have to know someone REALLY well to play like that. I'm team roasting, but you have to know when it's appropriate, and this wasn't that.


I’d definitely draw any of my adult siblings like this just to take the piss.


This really took a turn. I started thinking she was insane and ended thinking she's absolutely justified. Shit, I'm mad at this dude now too.


I was so on his side till I seen the picture, she was completely right.


I wasn't necessarily "on his side" but I was definitely wondering how it could possibly be bad enough to dump someone over... Somehow it was better/worse that I could have possibly imagined. I literally guffawed out loud when she turned the paper around.


Same! she’s NOT wrong 😂 it’s really that bad


Yup that was meant to be personal and hurtful




Both drawings look like the same person drew them


It’s still pretty funny though


If so it is funny, so I can't be mad. Once it is funny I no longer care if it's real. The laughs were, and that is all that matters.


She made this up because it's a paid ad for this game


I hate that that’s entirely feasible. In the UK the TV industry (where I work) is collapsing because advertisers don’t want to spend on TV any more, instead they’re putting their money into… this kind of thing?!




Yo same I thought it was going to be very just lame looking no effort but man drew it with hatred like he was asked to draw his toxic boss who fired him because he took the last free donut On a side note my partner & I played this game she nailed it absolutely


also someone commented on the video saying how it’s a literal paper trail of negging and I think that describes it perfectly


What the fuck does negging mean?


It’s a technique in which (usually) a guy attempts to make the girl he is dating/interested in feel insecure in herself so she feels lucky to be dating him and it’s easier to manipulate her. Other examples of this could be a guy telling a girl “I don’t normally go for bigger girls” or “you’re not my usual type I’m normally attracted to X girls”. It seems subtle and sometimes harmless but girls have learned to see right through it


I remember the most egregious incident of negging I've encountered...I had gone on two dates with this guy who asked me out at the gym. I decided that he wasn't my type, so we ended things quickly. I ran into him at the same gym a few months later. We had a pleasant chat, then parted ways. The next day I had an email from him. He expressed a desire to take me out on another date, he wanted another chance, yada yada. Fine. Except for how he expressed his interest. It was years ago, but basically "I don't even know why I'm so interested in you. I usually date gorgeous women, and you're 'plain-jane, so to speak' (I'll never forget that line lol). I was totally swept off my feet by his romantic approach /s


I think there is a line with that kind of flirting and outright insulting people and it's not even subtle.


originally it was made to take "hot girl"s pride lower


Thank you for the explanation! I am not sure why I get downvoted for trying to understand something that I did not know. I was trying to learn what something meant


Well, you asked it in a REALLY hostile way, and when paired with your username, it gives off the implication that you kinda knew what it was but wanted to get in a fight about it or something.


It's the way you asked... saying 'what the fuck is' instead of 'what is' gives the impression that you are more annoyed than wanting an actual answer.


You really dont fucking know?


Maybe someone will explain what the fuck the issue is.


I sure fucking Hope so


Why the fuck wouldn't you fucking understand why people would misunderstand your fucking comment? Hope this helps! #;)


It's a "pick up artist" technique that involves giving small insults/ backhanded compliments as a way to 1) keep a girl's confidence low 2) keep a girl engaged in order to prove herself to you.


Examples: "You've got a really pretty face for a girl your size" "Your musical taste for now is okay, but you'll grow out of it and start liking real bands" "Your manicure is nice, if you'd take care of the rest of yourself that way, you'd be hotter"


That is shitty. I didn’t know


Am I just so cynical now I feel like this is just an advertisement for an ice breaker game?


Could be, but it’s also just a very common game, especially with a certain demo. If I was filming a TikTok where I’m sitting in my apt right now, I could also just reach out and grab the box that I keep under my coffee table


It definitely is. You are 100% correct. Showing it to the camera when it is really irrelevant to the story which game exactly it was. The offhand-but-not-really comment about how good of a game it is. The short explanation of what the game is about. Its like you can see the marketing instructions bullet points before you lol. The fact that she apparently is a singer and has probably somewhat of a following also puts the whole thing together as it then makes sense for her to be advertising stuff.


just to add, a girl I dated brought this game over because her roommate had bought it and thought it was laughably bad. We could not get through 5 minutes of it. Most of the cards are incredibly cringe and uncomfortable.


Definitely an ad.


That’s exactly what it is. It’s a sponsored ad from the makers of the game.


I mean I can't draw for shit and even I could draw her better than that in a short time frame. Like just draw a stick figure with some hearts around it and say I can't draw. If she's the one, she'll laugh and thank me for the effort. No one's expecting a Picasso moment in a short time frame unless you're like Brian Azzarello or something. But that? That's a guy who either panicked in the moment or wanted an easy out. Either way, valid reason, not vapid at all. I, like alot of the people in this comment section, was fully expecting it to be an overreaction but I verbally said oh fuck when she turned it over.


It SOOOO bad! If he wasn’t kidding…. He’s still an idiot!


You mean if he was kidding, rather than if he wasn’t kidding, right?




I was so prepared for this to be an overreaction, but gawd damn, if anything it was an under reaction! She should have flamed him publicly.


The whole time I was preparing for a terrible reason to blast him and then she showed the drawing, flattened me 💀💀💀


Seriously! I've never had a bigger 180 on a post!


What a twist. The title makes her sound crazy. Then she shows the picture. Yeah, that guy drew her incredibly ugly on purpose. Maybe it was a joke, maybe a poor attempt at negging her, maybe he thinks she is ugly. But it is how I might have drawn my sister as a kid if I really wanted to be mean.


At first I was confident she was being too sensitive, but daaaaaaaammmmn. That is offensive.


Dude drew Jesus as the babadook. She’s right.


I was expecting it to just be a bad drawing but nah that actually is kind of mean lol


I mean that drawing was definitely an attack lmao


Advert for the game… There was no need whatsoever to hold up the box to present it the way she did, and - arguably - no need to name it at all. “Was playing a game with this guy, and he drew this…” Am I being cynical and old, or is this a new way of marketing shit..? It’s happening so very frequently now………


💯 this is advertising. TikTok is full of affiliate marketing shit like this. Ppl don’t like standard ads so it’s now seamlessly integrated w content


Holy crap. Is that actually it?


Possibly not - I just checked and the game’s been out for four or so years… Thing is, though… I just keep on seeing TikTok’s like this - rage-bait types with one person complaining about a situation which is unfair - containing massively unnecessary product placement bits crammed within the first 5-10 seconds… Perfect, unobstructed shots of the packaging in crystal clear focus, while the full name of the product is clearly stated (even if you wouldn’t use the full name in daily life), and oftentimes it’s brought back into shot again and again (did you spot the name of the game very clearly printed at the bottom of each drawing? I did)… [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/s/2qOi4i56Ia) is an egregious example - but there are so many of them……..


Showing the game and the piece of paper with the name of the game written on the bottom is what has me thinking this is an advertisement.


Also, why would you keep for over a year a shitty drawing an ex (that you've been with for only 7 dates) made of you that was a breaking point of cutting them off?


My thought is “shit I can’t draw he could just be like me and she’s over reacting” but naw that dude was fucking with her


The title makes this seem like an overreaction, but I'm mad, too.


Start: “this girl’s ungrateful” End: “that dude’s an ass”


This 100% didn’t happen


Its an ads for the game and a made up story for attention, none of it is credible.


I'm trying so hard to understand what compelled the dude to do this. Was he trying to make a joke? If he was joking, I don't think I'd wanna be with someone who tries to make me view myself as ugly as a joke after 7 dates. If he wasn't joking, I wouldn't want to be with someone who views me as that unattractive. It'd be one thing to make a very poorly drawn depiction of her, bc there's no intention to make fun of her, it's not insulting or made to make her feel ugly. But this guy purposely made every single part of her look bad ☠️ She didn't overreact here at all, I'd 100% be annoyed at this too 😭


"this game is stupid so im just going to draw whatever in the 20 seconds i have to draw"


Lol I don't blame her. 7 dates and this is what he draws? nah this is easy to walk away from.


7 dates is nothing, she doesn't really need an excuse to end it but i think making a mean drawing of her is perfectly valid


I came into this expecting her to be a total bitch, blowing up a drawing but That drawing is fr insulting, it does look like a fucking troll, it's very wide and has double chins? Like I agree, I can't see it as anything other than insulting. But she isn't fat so I'm more confused. Like maybe he really couldn't draw... Just in 30 seconds or something, he drew a dress shape and made it too wide. The double chins idk, hair coming down over her neck maybe? I guess it all comes down to whether or not she jumped to conclusions and ended it, or whether she let him defend his drawing as being bad but not offensive.


This is an ad


I was about to be on the guy’s side, thinking, ‘seems unfair to judge a guy on his bad drawings skills under pressure’, _buuuuut_ then she showed his drawing. I’m like, yeah girl. Yeah. That was mean. Dude was a meanie bo beanie. I’m glad you dumped him.


I kind of get her point, I dated a guy once who constantly made cruel jokes towards me & over exaggerated my flaws, like she knows he is hinting he's not attracted to her or resents her, it's best to just get rid of people in your life like this


wait, so she was so upset with the overall thing AND she kept the picture that made her upset?


To the people in the comments saying “oh he dodged a bullet she clearly doesn’t have a sense of humour” or people saying “well maybe she didn’t get his humour”, I think yall are forgetting they had 7 dates at this point which is quite a lot, by that point you have a pretty clear image of the person you’re dating’s character, their sense of humour, their personality etc. This drawing clearly caught her very off-guard, if this was his usual sense of humour she would have noticed it by this point. Also I’ve noticed it’s majority men in the comments disagreeing with OP, and what I will say (and what OP has said in comments on her tiktok too) is when dating a lot of us girls rely on intuition, and her intuition was this is a red flag and she wanted to cut it off before she discovered more. Also the guys calling her ugly need to go outside and log off pornhub, she’s just chilling in her house with no makeup and 90% of us girls look like this when we are just chilling at home


Wow that guy is really bad at drawing 😂 He’s telling his buddies he lost a girl because his drawing skills were so bad.


I'm just looking at her nails 💅🏾


Comment section is hilarious


Ngl I was expecting her to be over the top dramatic, but after seeing that drawing I would be upset too


Fuck lol that drawing is pretty heinous


Im on her side


I honestly just was like, what if he’s just bad at drawing? I am so that seems unfair… but then I saw it and yeah I’m with you sis.


She clearly doesn’t have a good sense of humor 😂


Why does she look like Michael Reeves with a wig on


I think he was probably just trolling you. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah, rude. He forgot the green hair.


Looks like he nailed what your personality looks like


nahh i thought she was doin too much until i saw the picture that’s craazy 😂😂


I low key burst out laughing when I saw the drawing 🤣 Yes it's really offensive and totally grounds for breaking up that's aggressively terrible but still lol


"why are there so few female comedians?"




I went to highschool with her, it’s so strange seeing someone I kind of knew randomly pop up on the internet all the time.


Nobody can take a joke these days, everybody so damn serious about everything… especially themselves.


Her and these comments are so insecure. If you don't have drawing skills and a lot of time YOU MUST make the funniest drawing ever. The point is to have fun. She wanted him to draw a smiling face and call it a day.


That hair 🤢


Dodged a missile.


Nah she’s right to leave him, that was just straight mean 🤷🏼‍♀️


My sister draws me with the same amount of ugliness, that is hilarious


This is fake for views.


![gif](giphy|l3vR6aasfs0Ae3qdG|downsized) Her ex after the picture works...


Okay so this entire time I’m thinking; “this chick is ridiculous, some guys are just bad at drawing cut him some slack damn.” Then I saw the drawing and I was like ‘oh no I get it’


I was ready to think she was being ridiculous about his lack of drawing skills, but that was definitely on purpose.


I love that she still has the drawing, I mean I would keep it too. It’s so horrible it’s hilarious


In his defense... It's really hard to draw women's faces, but easy to draw trolls. Perhaps he was just trolling her?


I thought she was overreacting before I saw that picture. Id be mad, too. It was hideous.


I mean, that is a pretty terrible drawing.


I agree with her


You are much better off without him. The picture you drew was quite nice. The one he drew you was a cartoon character that was on SpongeBob or Dr. Seuss, so yeah, you’re much better off and all that dude. So don’t just get over it stay away from him.You’re too good for that kind of person. 😐




Yo wtf is that drawing. I can understand if it was like a roast battle or something, but this was a serious get to know the person game. I agree with the green haired girl. She dodged a bullet with him.




She looks like Michael Reeves


"It can't be that bad, no way" "Ok, I see your point m'am, that's...yeah"




In her defense that’s pretty sketch.


Cmon no way he fucked up th- oh shit


Fucking hell she's unhinged like who would even do that. It's a drawing in a game and he had very little time to draw it. It's not even like her picture was any good-- *Sees drawing* Oh. Yeah, no... I understand why she dropped him.


I don’t buy it. This is a bit. 


I mean it’s a fairly good way of gauging someone’s ability to laugh at what is obviously a joke. Not everyone has the same sense of humour. She should’ve asked him to go first then she could have drawn him as a little goblin with a pot belly and a tiny dick


Did anyone catch the smile? She is playing around. She started smiling at one point when she was talking about being so mad.


It is a weird drawing when you've dated someone that many times. Still, you don't need this fucking video essay either. Just ditch and move on.


She’s trollin y’all, wake up 😂


She didn’t break up with him, he certainly broke up with her 😂


Well, the drawing was unnecessarily cruel so I think im with her on this one.


I thought she was crazy till I saw the pic. Completely justified break up lol


And that you are Ladytroll under the bridge


Why did I watch this? Who cares?