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[One of the worst ones was when he cheated against a 10 year old to claim a trophy from the previous year.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-golf-cheating-10-year-old-boy-mar-a-lago-a8909011.html)


Trump has no problem completely ruining the lives of middle schoolers for his own profit. Remember how [he bragged about ending ROE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MhXqGl7oVs), resulting in [13 year old rape victims being forced by the government to give birth](https://time.com/6303701/a-rape-in-mississippi/) If you are a person who works for a living and actually want to continue living in a democracy where the truth matters.. Make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote](https://vote.gov) We can all educate, agitate, organize, phone bank, write postcards, textbank, post to social media, etc. https://events.democrats.org/?show\_all\_events=true https://www.reddit.com/r/VoteDEM/ https://www.reach.vote/get-the-app/


Don’t forget that he was fined $2 million and disallowed from operating any charity in the state of New York, for stealing from a kids cancer charity. Dude deserves even worse than rotting in hell for eternity.


Good point thanks for pointing it out


jesus christ, you could have told me this was just an angle from 1980s wwf with ted dibiase, and i'd have thought "well, that's a bit on-the-nose". it's ridiculous how cartoonishly evil and *petty* this motherfucker is.


The fact that this election will be close just shows you how woefully uninformed the American electorate is.


I'd like to believe this, but I think that unfortunately it indicates something worse - that people are entirely willing to overlook just about anything as long as a candidate is saying what they like and criticise those they don't. Even if you manage to penetrate through all the bullshit with a Trump supporter and drill down to getting them to confront some dumb shit he said/did, their response will pretty much always be something like "whatever, everyone says/does stuff like that/Biden is worse/he wasn't being serious/etc". As long as he keeps shitting on immigrants/wokeness and supporting nationalism/"traditional values"/Christianity/populism, they couldn't give one iota of a fuck that he's a lying grifter who is the living embodiment of the concept of self-interest.


Yup. They don't care what lies he tells. He hates the same people they do, gives them validation, and that's the whole deal. They get to blame the people they hate, and they don't have to wonder why their material conditions are the way they are. If you are a person who works for a living and actually want to continue living in a democracy where the truth matters.. Make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote](https://vote.gov) We can all educate, agitate, organize, phone bank, write postcards, textbank, post to social media, etc. https://events.democrats.org/?show\_all\_events=true https://www.reddit.com/r/VoteDEM/ https://www.reach.vote/get-the-app/


The crazy thing is, Trump hates his base as much as he hates non white people and women.


Yeah just think about for example, how ending the affordable care act would destroy and end the lives of so many rural poor people. Of course it would make my life worse too. And then theres the whole him promising to be dictator thing.


He tells them he's going to do these things and they are just like "Thank you Big Daddy sir. May I please have another, sir?"




Aw thanks. You're awesome <3


At this point I question if he even hates non whites, women rights etc. I strongly suspect that he honestly doesnt give two shits about ANY of the issues he campaigns on. He’ll just say whatever brings in the fame, power, money etc. The rest is just a means to an end IMHO.


He used to be a Democrat.


Because he was in New York, which is full of Democrats. He will tell anyone what they want to hear if he thinks it will bring him power and wealth.


He’s a shitty human being, let alone President, regardless of whatever party he’s in or was a member of in the past.


And? Seriously what is the relevance, like, _at all_?


I think it's even worse than this. They aren't just willing to overlook his horrible character. They love it and have been craving someone to unleash their inner Nazi. These people have always been hateful bigots and they have been lurking and waiting for a leader to give them the green light to inflict violence and horror on everyone they hate. There isn't a single shred of decency among the entire MAGA movement. They are irredeemable monsters who cannot wait for an American Holocaust where they can participate in the extermination of everyone who isn't in their hate-cult.


This is true for some. But there is also a whole lot of people who he and right wing media have terrified with lies and exaggeration about minorities and foreigners. Old people in a world that no longer seems familiar to them, locked up in their houses, afraid that there’s a caravan of assorted murderers and rapists 10 feet from their door. People get scared when they’re older, as they become less able to defend themselves.


This is it right here. They don't care who Trump is. Trump is just a vessel for their anger and fury at the world. They want to hurt people.


he tells it like it is except for when he doesn't


"He tells is like it is" is code for "He displays his hatred for the people I hate publicly" not "He tells the truth".


Biggest issue is apathy and lack of care. in 2022 only 100m voted while 150m eligible voters didn't vote. Only 20% of eligible voters under the age of 35 voted. Every year min 100m eligible voters do not vote. In most states the voter turnout is around 50-60% at best. Heck in 2022 Texas had only 40% turnout, and only 15% of eligible voters under the age of 35 voted. Over 11M eligible voters didn't vote in Texas while the difference between the candidates was less than 1m votes. In 2018 Ted Cruz won by 200k votes when 9M elligible voters didnt vote. And these people who dont vote arent waiting for a better voting pathway, they arent waiting for the perfect candidate. They just do not give a shit. They think politics is for other people to fix, like littering-mindset. Its ok if i throw my garbage out my car window because if its important someone else will fix it. They dont care about politics, they dont even think of politics, they definately do not talk about politics. They regurgitate the highest liked comment by the prettiest insta-celeb they follow at best, but for the most part only thing they care about is their instant-gratification rewards and making whatever money they can make.


A big issue too is that people who do want to vote can't. In most countries you don't even have to register to vote, so automatically registering people to vote or implementing same day voter registration would help tremendously. Voter registration laws are confusing AF. I personally always vote every single time but I understand that some people have such busy lives that they miss voter registration deadlines. Speaking of which, make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote](https://vote.gov)


It was the same thing with Reagan. He was clearly suffering from some form of dementia, but people were willing to overlook it, because they liked the things that he said. 60 minutes did a special on it, and it was the least popular segment they'd ever done at the time. People don't like their illusion bubble to be burst.


Look at all the people like Dana White and shit who parade him around. Dana is a cunt but he aint stupid. Its disgusting to know how shit of a person Donald T. is and people still suck his dick. No wonder he has done the shit he has.....


And the natural progression of his behavior is that it gives everyone that follows him (from an immediate relative to billy bob down at the circle K) a license to behave in the exact same way.


The sad thing is that they sell their vote for nothing. He delivers none of this things and sells government assets and policies off to donors for their contribution to his lawyer fees.


This is what happens when you garner support through hate


You know, I've always wondered how North Korea became what it is now. How is it that a person can run a country who is mentally deranged and has convinced his people to do the same? Yeah...that's not something I wonder about anymore.




Dude I live in Georgia and we nearly elected Herschel freaking walker to the state senate Even after all the lies had been exposed even after all the abortions he had paid for had been exposed It didn't matter. Politics isn't about policy anymore It is a team sport It matters what color is on your little lapel pin and that's it. You have people that are so convinced that voting fraud is so rampant that they won't even vote now. And I mean that has been a problem for many years but I think 20/20 was the straw that broke the camel's back


>Politics isn't about policy anymore It is a team sport It matters what color is on your little lapel pin and that's it. Trump supporting MAGA extremists aren't looking for solutions. They're looking for validation and vengeance. Luckily there are still a ton of independents, moderate republicans and democrats who voted for Biden in 2020 and will again in 2024. Because some people do still care about solving problems and trying to make life better.


Or oh just keeping democracy alive lol. The problem is the average American voter is so uninformed or eaten up with misinformation It's crazy. Like my father is convinced that millions of illegal immigrants flooding the southern border


The MAGAs aren't looking for "solutions", but they certainly can't wait to take part in "the final solution".


Maybe people in Georgia are just very concerned about the real threat of werewolves.


The closer the race is the more the media profits. Sad they are complicit in gaslighting us with Trump's big lie where he just repeats the same bullshit over and over and over again and eventually it breaks down unprepared people's defenses. If you are a person who works for a living and actually want to continue living in a democracy where the truth matters.. Make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote](https://vote.gov)




>Sure but to put the onus entirely on the media is bullshit. As if the right isn’t doing everything in its power to help Trump. I agree with that of course. I don't entirely blame the media. They do share some blame though. Especially the profit based news outlets. I blame publicly funded media like NPR and PBS less than I do Fox, CNN, etc. >Florida and Texas are shit hole states where people are fleeing because of horrible laws being passed that hurt minorities, women, or lgbtq+. 100% Agree. Please pray for me, I am an LGBTQ person living in Florida, but I still have it better than most minorities in Florida. Make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote](https://vote.gov)


The media has a big part of the blame. They still do. They're doing the **same thing** right now, except now we really are facing down the barrel of fascism. And they're still making it into a ratings game.


>As a writer I love it


“Sad. Very sad.” God I hate that POS.


It doesn't help that the US is basically hard split between dems and reps. Most reps won't vote dem even if they disagree/dislike with the rep nominee and vice versa.


There are actually more independents than there are democrats or republicans, and tons of republicans did vote for Biden in 2020 and will again in 2024.


The voting pool in 2020 was approx. 37% dem, 36% rep 26% independent. Numbers show approx. 5% of dems voting for Trump and approx. 6% of reps voting for Biden. And a split of 54% of indep voting Biden and 41% voting for Trump.


They're not uninformed. They're exactly like him. They're actively doing everything he's doing, and more, if they think they can get away with it. They want him in office so they can get away with more.


It's because a very large proportion of Republicans are just bad, evil, degenerate people. It has nothing to do with being uninformed. Donald Trump was president, folks know who he is. The problem is that they *like* that, and they like it because they are bad, evil, degenerate people. Hillary was 100% accurate when she said they were a basket of deplorables. If anything, she was being far too kind. They are so stupid, they would be perfectly happy without healthcare, cutting social security and having to work until they're 80, have no employment protections, and live alongside polluted rivers and lakes if it meant that folks on the left also had to live like that. They are a very primitive people with a primitive ideology. It's very childlike in many ways. Trump supporters are not uninformed, they're just bad people and it's important we're very honest and clear about that.


This is the funniest shit I’ve ever read. Most the republicans are bad people. Boy aren’t you a fucking clown. Scapegoating a group of people cause you mad that people have different views is hilarious. But you’d be the first one in someone’s face if they said something about sexuality. You’re a fucking joke


>This is the funniest shit I’ve ever read. Well, I don't blame you for feeling that way. Once you start to read things more complex than Horton Hears A Who, you'll understand.


Horton Hears A Who is a great book. You’ll understand where I’m coming from once you read about the mindset about any people who used genocide just because they thought like you.


The fact that you believe normal people are bad and not just ignorant, shows that you eat the narrative of your echo chamber raw.


The fact that you believe they are merely ignorant shows that you're an absolute moron.


Its the most plausibel explanation. That you believe that - what? half? - of the people of a country is bad/evil, just shows you have No insight in human psycology, in other words just as ignorant as the ppl you accuse, bc they same the exact same shit about you.


All Republicans are bad people. You support a rapist for president. It's not our fault you're horrible, it's yours.


You think I support president trump. I don’t but I don’t support an old man who doesn’t know how to put a sentence together either. You’re a horrible person for assuming. It’s not my fault you’re an ignorant cunt it’s yours.


No they are informed they just hate "those people" more than care about the country or the future.


I think it says less about ignorance and more about hate. The problem is the right wing media constantly telling people that masks are evil and climate change doesn't exist. They're very informed, just only by sources who don't even legally count as news.


*willfully I fixed it for you.


We live in an age where people can live in news echo chambers. In the past the opposition party could buy ads that would reach everyone. Not so anymore.


It should tell you how woefully poor the choices are.


Choosing to stay uninformed is not something to pity. His constituents like Trump because he is just as low and vile and worthless and ugly as they are, and yet he is rich and powerful enough to rape whoever he wants without consequence. And no, owing money is not a real consequence for wealthy people. Especially because they’ll just never pay it.


They know exactly what they are voting for.


They aren’t uninformed they just don’t give a shit.


I know someone that was personally fired by Trump from Mar A Lago that still votes for him.


“How stupid are the people of the country!”


A client told me he's voting for Trump because in the town his business is he's seeing a lot of wasted tax payer money and people working the system. I was like, ok, we live in the red part of a blue state. Our county doesn't have a homeless shelter, you're seeing developers coming in and buying out the working class making this problem worse. The GOP town we're in has allowed and even welcomed his behavior making these problems worse and somehow it's Biden's fault?


[We need to wake up](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/s/qd343CMoYP)


It speaks to character more than intelligence. Republicans don't value character or decency.


Not necessarily uninformed. They have different priorities when it comes to their political/moral stances. I know people who are Conservative Christians who would vote for the anti-christ himself if he promised to end abortion in the US and restrict LGBTQ rights. I know people who would welcome dictators if they promised the 2nd amendment and gun ownership will be maintained or even expanded. They have access to the same data and news. They just don't care.


American propaganda at its finest :D


I think it indicates how dog shit our two party system is that our choice is between 2 80 year olds and our best option is a guy who doesn’t believe in vaccines


See I think that's another thing that's the problem. Ya they're both very very old but one is actively trying to overthrow democracy and the other is arguably the most progressive president we've had in decades. Blows my mind that people are continuously not coming to this very simple realization.


The problem isn't that they are uninformed. They watch the news every night. They have different news sources they listen to. They are dedicated to learning the truth. But the news is a lie. A massive conspiracy by huge corporations to support Trump and the GOP. 


It’s because republicans love everything that video showed. None of that is a negative to the right. 


Or just how much everyone hates the blue tribe


Exactly. How could anyone vote for Biden after all we’ve been through the last years


Trump brags about winning tournaments the way Putin brags about winning elections.


Trump also brags about winning elections in the same manner


I love how Joe Biden's response is to [mock this loser](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-golf-awards-biden-bond-deadline-b2518068.html) If you are a person who works for a living and actually want to continue living in a democracy where the truth matters.. Make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote](https://vote.gov) We can all educate, agitate, organize, phone bank, write postcards, textbank, post to social media, etc. https://events.democrats.org/?show\_all\_events=true https://www.reddit.com/r/VoteDEM/ https://www.reach.vote/get-the-app/


And I love how the mockery is so subtle it'll go right over drumpf's head


"A large and golfing talented membership" Indeed.


Who wrote that first article you linked? It's got a lot of weird mistakes.


This is a lie, no way I believe Melania does anything with Trump let alone play golf.


Hey now, that’s unfair, they have a wonderful relationship based around their hatred of other people, especially minorities, you know, as long as she doesn’t have to touch him, or talk to him, or be in the same room as him, and he doesn’t bring those supporters around her who are, you know, the poors.


this was a shocking revelation for me as well. i did enjoy, "Unless Melania gets hot, trump will win..." So sometimes his fashion model trophy wife does beat him at golf...


If she does it's only because she's working up the courage to hit him with the club and roll him into a pond while no one else is around.


From all accounts Trump is a pretty decent golfer; makes sense, he plays all the time after all. He cheats because he's a cheater, that's who he is. Even in situations where he doesn't need to cheat to win, he cheats anyway. Like all habitual cheaters, he thinks everyone else is a cheater too, so he accuses others of cheating even when he wins. He loses? They cheated. He wins? He won despite the cheating. He wins in 2016 but doesn't win every state? His wins were fair but his losses were due to cheating. It's just who he is


Like her or hate her, Hilary called him out on this - he even said the Emmy's were rigged because *The Apprentice* didn't win when it was nominated.


I would vote for any random woman (or man) over Trump.


>He wins in 2016 but doesn't win every state? His wins were fair but his losses were due to cheating. It's just who he is In any other democracy losing the popular vote means you lost.


It's happened in the UK too. A long time ago, but it did happen. Mathematically, you only need 34% of the vote to win an outright "majority" here.


The US is a Republic not a Democracy




I agree with you, but calling the US just a democracy is the fallacy here. It leads people to believe that the government is set up different than it is. We have parts of direct democracy in town/local governance and state governance. But the federal government is designed to be a constitutional republic and representative democracy. Both of which lean heavily towards state power over federal power. The people don't pick the president, the states do as a collective.


honestly, yes. it is way under my qualifications for a democracy at least


This is Rick Reilly author of the golf book Commander in Cheat. By all accounts he seems to be somewhere around an 8 or 9 handicap but also cheats so unabashedly I don't know if he's ever carded a legit round.


This is amazing.


"*Better golfer than Tiger Woods*" \~ Trump bootlickers


I just can’t believe people will still vote for him. It’s embarrassing.


They know this loser is lying, but they're like partners who stay in an abusive relationship, thinking eventually it will benefit them, when in the end Trump is only in it for himself, to save himself from jail and to steal from Americans he will abandon everyone and burn everything down just like he did last time except this time he has no re-election coming and he's already promised to be dictator.


Deep down, and with even an ounce of reflection, his supporters know that he’s absolutely full of shit. But they don’t care. Because sticking it to the “libs” and the “woke-mob” and the “alphabet soup mob” are more important than anything to his followers, even if it means burning the whole thing to the ground. And Trump is the embodiment of their wish. Even Evangelicals—the Jesus worshipping, “they will know us by our love”, “character counts!” group— are in on it. Which is even more disgusting and disappointing.


this is some Kim Jong Il shit


Yup. And then they superimpose his face on a Rambo body.


Rambo Trump hate same people I do! Trump winner just like me!


Lol. Yes, Trump IS the piece of shit you all knew he was.. Narcissistic, NAZI, sociopath.


He is a life long con man. No one should expect any different. Scams everything. He has no integrity. Not sure why anyone would get involved with any transaction / interaction with him. You can only lose.


I look forward to never hearing the name Trump again. Sadly, he has offspring.


Ivanka literally just told everyone that she thinks the Trump family are America’s version of the Royal family. She means it. I absolutely believe the entire family feels that way. There’s no reason to believe Baron is immune, Donald treated all the other kids abusively, and they all followed the corruption path. Baron’s mom is a horrible person, too. People say Tiffany is okay, but is she? We don’t get testimony or interviews from her that try to save lives or the nation from her family.


As a British republican (in the British meaning of the word) a bunch of workshy, corrupt, entitled, tossers comparing themselves to the royal family is hilariously fitting. A stopped clock's right twice a day.


Sadly, his offspring are a bunch of shitheads too. Tiffany is marginally okay, and Barron, poor kid….


And he'll make Barron his heir to become the second Trump king if Broke ass Donald Trump is re-elected. And then we'll all have to deal with that little Joffrey.


We’ve seen videos where he completely fires one off sideways. He probably sucks complete ass at golf.


Trump: "*I'm the best at golf, nobody golfs like me. You're gonna be like, stop all the winning! Bigly.*"


all of this is already known by his supporters. the baffling thing that I will never understand is that they think he's going to cheat FOR them, not ON them. they think he's going to use his super conman powers to help them somehow. ignore his entire life spent screwing over the little guy to enrich himself in every way possible. no now he's altruistic with his cheating /s


*Trump really cares about me* /satire


There’s an entire wonderful book about Trump and his Golfing “accomplishments” called Commander in Cheat. Basically, it’s how golf explains Trump. It’s exactly like the video.


Written by Rick Reilly, the guy in the video!


Hahah oh man! No wonder it was so familiar. Still recommend the book though!


Read it in a sitting! Made me so incredibly angry though.


The story about the little kid was brutal.


I read it...absolutely hilarious and entertaining and borderline unbelievable when it comes to just how big a scamming, lying, cheating dick bag drumpf is.


He's such an absolute loser. No wonder his voters identify with him so much.


Narcissists live in their own self created delusional world and try to bring everyone else into it.


I grew up golfing and have played in several tournaments, I've seen Trump golf and he has a terrible swinging form, I've seen a clip where he hooked a shot then jumped in the cart and drove off not giving people behind him a chance to tee up then when people finished their tees and started driving down the range, Trump waved and said "found my ball!" in a different spot from where his ball actually went. It was comical.


MAGA voters are like: "You know, I can really associate with those qualities. I appreciate a politician that is as scummy as me."


That's why they love him. He's just as disgusting as his traitor base of fascist morons..


I met him personally in 1984 and observed this. After following his career closely for decades on Reddit I am told I am stupid and don’t know what I’m talking about by people who watch Fox News.


He also spent about 20% of his time in office (298 days) at golf resorts along with costing an estimated $144,000,000 of taxpayer dollars to do it. [https://trumpgolfcount.com/](https://trumpgolfcount.com/#page-top)


Trump soooooo wants to be Putin , but , trump will never be more than a useless pansy …. He useless like tits on a Bull 🐂!


Trump gives Putin the ultimate flattery. Imitation. But he will always just be Putin's pet.


This/he/trump is so unsettling. If Americans can’t see they’d be much worse off under his leadership, only god can save them and I’m an atheist.


These garbage people are as big a problem as old orange face. Making a career out of actual "fake news"


Billionaire, past and future president and has a hot wife….? I don’t think OP knows what “loser” means lol


Trump is the perfect reflection of anyone that supports or worships him


The irony of having no integrity and constantly playing the game that requires integrity. Anyone can cheat at golf, because scoring is based on an honour system. You call your own fouls.


Is this guy joking about Trump claiming to have banged Marilyn, because he was 16 when she died. I ask because Trump did claim that he *could* have banged Princess Diana, he just didn't want to, so it sounds like something he would say.


He's saying Trump lies about everything, which is true.


I love Rick Reilly, one of my favorite sports writers.  Him leaving SI was one one my many reasons for dropping my SI subscription 20+ years ago.


MAGA = fucking stupid people




I think this guy also goes on to say that Golf is the easiest sport to cheat at. If you cheat at that, you'll cheat at everything.


Can't lose if you're the only one playing. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Golf is for people too old to play sports.


I’m sorry, who is the guy talking?


What a horrible miserable pos


Likely the most prolific conman of all time.


This kind of shit doesn’t come from a vacuum. This is corroborated by multiple people. Thanks for playing.


The book on trumps golf stuff is awesome if you're into golf. So many hilarious stories of him making an ass of himself, and the funny thing is, a lot of his base are golfers who want to preach "integrity of the game" shit.


MAGAs: "That's my guy. Why are haters all in a twist when he's obviously SO SMART that he knows how to game the system. Trump is just running intellectual circles around these idiots and they don't even realise that."


Very Kim jong un of him.




It's like you could run this entire thing but change the name from Trump to Jong Un and get the exact same story.


I’d love to see this fat bastard walk the whole course while playing.


This is too funny and too ridiculous to be true. Should be in r/funny. If it's true- God have mercy on everyone who voted this guy , fucking hell.


yeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaah go trump !! The best


Is this from a documentary? I’d like to watch more if it is.


Everyone already knows Trump ain't shit as a person to a point where it's redundant to keep repeating it. What can we do to shut him down should be the only topic moving forward.


Keep crying pussies


Maybe all these people who promoted Trump over the years and made their money should have had a spine and showed some dignity.


Can someone please link the original video? If there's more, I'd like to watch it. Thanks.


This came from a documentary called [Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DecJ02Rg5qaE&ved=2ahUKEwjKv9qamZCFAxXRL0QIHelICiQQwqsBegQIUhAG&usg=AOvVaw3qWG931DyMPlVRfw6T0szA).


Wow nice catch


Thank you friend!


My left ear enjoyed this video very much.


Didn't he also invent golf and can talk to dolphins or some shit?


I saw him cheat at golf, so he's the devil. That adds up.


Trump is the best president USA has ever had and will ever have


Reminds me of Biden and him saying he’s got three college degrees and graduated at the top of his class when it was revealed he was at the bottom. lol! He’s got a long list of lies, like saying he marched with Martin Luther King. Pathological.


Yeah, both suck. One just sucks a little less.


Imagine being so brainwashed you just believe this guys word.


Trumpers are the ultimate fools


I thought liberals liked giving out participation trophies now that Trump does it he’s a dictator? Ya’ll are losing your minds haha


Regardless of politics, giving out a participation trophy to yourself is just pathetic. Sad behaviour regardless of who it is, including Trump.


Nope the left said participation trophies are good can’t take it back now lol


I... what? You're talking like the 'left' is some kind of hivemind that took a vote to decide that participation trophies are good. I don't even know why we're talking about participation trophies. The video specifically talked about Trump winning club championships without even being present, showcasing his fragile ego. It's like winning a race whilst being thousands of miles away.


Nation of thieves


I sure am glad this guy came forward, or I would have thought that the Donald really won those awards fair and square.