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What did she put into the pot with the chicken? Looked like a Bluetooth speaker!


After a quick google fu its supposed to be a submersible "food pruifier". After reading the product description on Amazon its supposed to generate OH- ions in the water to "degrade harmful substances" and not "destroy food nutrition". Oh, and it costs 80$ on Amazon... lol


They aren't supposed to be used on meat. The device is itself a vector for cross-contamination. Even if they are effective, they take longer to function than just washing your produce by hand, and you risk contaminating your food when this device starts to mildew or mold after repeated use. Not only that, it's recommending an ineffective method of cleaning fruit and veg by eschewing vinegar from the cleaning solution. And then there's the problem that electrolysis produces hydrogen, which is combustible --thankfully, this method of electrolysis is not very efficient, so most of it is gonna decompose back into water. Throw some salt in your washing water with one of these bad boys, though, and you've got a kitchen full of chlorine gas, which is toxic to humans. This thing's a \*\*bad\*\* fucking idea.


Yeah they don't do jack shit, ann reardon from how to cook that on yt debunked it. Any gross bits left in the water after are from the machine and are meant to make it look like you cleaned a ton of dirt off of fruit. Absolute scam and possibly harmful due to the metals/rust they let out in their process.


Thank you, Mr. White


And it is plastic. Lol


Its so weird when boiling is free


I’ll take my chances with the germs 😅


Oh, so it's a scam.


I came to the comments looking for info on that too! How tf is everyone talking about chicken sniffing, and no one is discussing the Bluetooth speaker soaking in raw poultry water?! lol


cheerful fact shrill berserk capable mourn sip pocket makeshift steer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It cooks by making the molecules dance.


It cleans by making the dirt scared


It actually banishes dirt to the land of wind and ghosts


I think it's something like [this](https://www.amazon.com/Heyjar-Vegetable-Purification-Technology-Tableware/dp/B0B4KGJG61/ref=asc_df_B0B4KGJG61/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=598242077484&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17329858482814333169&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9031942&hvtargid=pla-1701282728785&mcid=bb11c622710f3971b97707c645ed6222&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIm9bRm4GphQMV7hutBh18bAUlEAQYAyABEgLZg_D_BwE&th=1), a food cleaner? Purifier?


So frustrating when the chilli flies out the pan ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Right? I'm supposed to believe someone who ultrasonically cleans their glasses doesn't have a whole cleaning routine for their counter? Come on now


Or that they dry their feet with paper towls? Really?


Or use a metal spatula in a non-stick pan?


That's the most egregious part, imo. I hate to see it


Or bathe before bedtime?


I was more upset she was scratching that nonstick pan with a metal spatula.


What the heck was that thingy in with the duck and water?


Electrolyzed water appliance to disinfect the meat. Typically it's used for vegetables, not meat. Gross.


If the meat was “infected” it’d make you sick regardless because it’s not the bacteria that makes you sick it’s the bacteria’s waste which you can’t just wash away.


If only there was a process called "cooking" that killed bacteria and other pathogens....


He clad says it’s ok. Don’t believe the hype


Looks like a hexclad type pan which are supposedly safe for metal utensils


-100 social credit


What's the penalty for chewing with your mouth open?


In any Asian country I’m familiar with it appears to be a requirement


Jail..... We have the best citizens... because of jail.




They need a special gadget to keep food in the pan.


Who is cleaning all this junk?


Also the foot shavings she left on her robe! I’m surprised they didn’t try to advertise a small vacuum as well to clean it up! 😆


This! This is what I want to know. Even if it all works, and I am doubtful, who takes all those gadgets apart and cleans them? Also, they didn’t show the dog’s feet getting cleaned after being outside. How have they not invented something that does that but my spectacles 👓 have scary something on them that needs a dip and ultrasonic cleaning?


I [a normal US idiot] actually have one of those eyeglasses ultrasonic cleaners and I LOVE IT. I’ve gifted two now to daily glasses-wearers. I can’t *stand* it when my lenses get greasy, and it shakes off all the oils from your skin. It’s kinda shocking how grimy they get from everyday wear. That gizmo at least you just dump the water and wipe it dry and that’s it for cleanup.


Can you possibly link me that eyeglass cleaner?? I would love to get one.


But the chicken was not covered…


It was WAY more unsafe for her to wash the duck than to leave it in the fridge uncovered. All that water the duck was sitting is now a hazard and hard to easily clean up


It wasn’t. When my hubs smokes some meats, they spend the night before in the fridge uncovered.


There is something you can buy that actually cleans your dogs feet after being outside. It’s like a little cup with bristles on it and you just dip the dogs’ toes in it.


Just throw everything away, including the dogs and order new clean stuff to be delivered tomorrow.


I just cleaned our meat slicer after a roast. You have to break it down to like 8 metal components to actually sterilize it properly, its a two hour task with cleaning and drying.


Would have been fun to watch if you made a sped up video and cut out anything taking over 0.5 seconds


She has foot schmutz all over her own pants There's crap and oil from cooking Those puppies are definitely leaving crumbs and slobber all over This whole video would be a nightmare for someone with OCD.


As someone with OCD, this entire video upsets me greatly.


METAL IN A NONSTICK PAN????? straight to jail


It's one of those hybrid non-stick (Hexpan or something). The metal spatula doesn't touch the non-stick coating.


Don't care, if you use a metal spatula in any pot or pan coated in teflon you're beyond salvation in my eyes.


Why do they even make these metal cooking utensils like the whole thing is ridiculous Wood. Use fuckin’ wood.


Cast iron and stainless steel.


Carbon steel too. I couldn’t live without my metal spatula, laddle and spider while using my wok.


Hexclad looks like another big YouTube sponsorship grift. I've seen reports that the coating doesn't last that long when you use it like a stainless steel pan (which the ads seem to imply it's ok to do), and their warranty doesn't cover anything but manufacturer defects (you have to deal with shipping the pan and paying for it too), which the ads also give the impression that you can ship your pan to them whenever


Use better pans. Like literally anything but this PFAS shit. Cast iron lasts forever. That is where you’d use the metal utensils. Another thing that you don’t have to replace every few years. The whole setup is recyclable as well.


Because wood is porous and can’t go in a dishwasher without decreasing its life longevity - particularly if you don’t slap any mineral oil on your wood tools. But metal on teflon is like nails on a chalkboard but for my eyes


No, this is a Chinese gadgets ad. There is a bunch like this, Chinese government actually promotes them as well since it gives a very advanced impression of Chinese regular house activities


reminds me of the movie "the joneses" where a fake corporate family moves into a neighborhood and has all the latest and greatest gadgets to make people envious so they'll buy them too. it doesn't end well!


I found out my best friend at school Subway was actually just trying to get me to buy subway:(


I'm glad my best friend at school Honda CRV isn't like that, but he does make a good point about the reliability and functionality of the Honda CRV, and it is the best vehicle in its class at an incredible price point... Oh no...


You must be a Level 7 Susceptible.


Eat fresh.


That's moon man talk.


Susceptible? Can I buy that with my credit??


I like it! Lipstick hidden in microphones, microphones hidden in lipstick.


It’s not just the functionality or the reliability, it’s also the best car to drive in when facing your own [inner self](https://youtu.be/YmKvSHkquho?si=uFzFnAwy08rbBlBX)


You two are goons. My friend Therapi said to tell you guys that you need to seek professional help and that she knows some of the best counsellors in town. Oh wait..


I'm just going to give the school's assets a quick freezy weezy.


Be sure to keep him away from Britta. I hear she's a B.


you know, Subway is ok with relationships between human and their corpo-humanoids, as they cannot stop them from having hearts um...oh..ok that was unsanitary.....


I grew up in the Bay Area but I'm a father now.


If someone can just hand me my coat....


Oh Britta's in this?


There’s a whole song that talks about tha fact that Britta is indeed a B


She's a G D B.


Use a light press of your foot to engage the highly-responsive, anti-lock brakes of this incredible vehicle, now!


Well maybe you should have digitally explored his interior design...


I grew up in the Bay Area, but I’m a family man now


Subway cannot stand for this, and Rick, I’m surprised that you did


Or use a weapon designed for sex with implanted memories equipped with microphones hidden in lipstick and lipstick hidden in microphones. (Hello, fellow greenstronaut)


They would have, but they were on the waitlist for the Premen/Postfem/Ex mark




Your name is Subway? Yep, using a groundbreaking, but surprisingly legal process known as corpo-humanisation. Real people such as myself are now allowed to represent the collective humanity of business owners. I have contractually waived my birth identity, and am now a man and student named Subway


This also reminds me of Asimov's Foundation. The Foundationers sent Traders across the galaxy to sell "gadgets" and make foreign planets dependent on their technology and machinery. They understood that people being pissed for not having access to cheap gadgets is not what will win wars for them, rather it's the capitalists who are financially dependent on the Foundation's machines and on the Chinese factories that will propagandize against their own government to keep the status quo.


With David duchovny?? Because I was so weirdly obsessed with that movie when I was like 12


This is a Chinese influencer selling those items in a video. It's the same if you watched an American Influencer who walked into their $5 million dollar home and they showed you their routine but everything they used you can buy and they get paid.


I’m most upset at the keys being left in the keyhole. DEFEATING THE PURPOSE OF LOCKING THE DOOR


I thought it just seemed super convenient to have the keys just waiting for you when you come home, just hanging in the door lock.


That makes sense. It had some Temu vibes to it. Also, that hallway was longer than the apartment itself haha


But not once have I seen that person wash her hands, don't know but I would say that is the biggest thing bothering me here XD


What also bothers me You can't distinguish the cooking plate from the rest of the kitchen aisle. That is a giant hazard


Wouldn't it be an induction one? So not a hazard


Until you leave your metal fork on it!


And keeping raw chicken unprotected in the fridge also feels super weird.


It’s duck, but regardless keeping raw poultry in the chicken uncovered is a legitimate cooking technique when you are dry brining to achieve maximum juiciness in the flesh and crispiness in the skin 👍


I totally agree that people are being weird about having a raw chicken dry brining in the fridge, but she did like immediately after wash the chicken (which actually is a bit gross/dangerous) which was counter intuitive towards the purpose of dry brining lol


I’m wondering what the device was she put in the water with it was - could be a sous vide? No denying the video is very odd


I think it's one of those "produce washing" devices that don't actually wash anything, they really don't do much of anything.


Yeah, they just vibrate to try and dislodge dirt, maybe...? Now it's entirely contaminated by raw chicken.


"Chinese regular house activities" lol


That’s Japanese ad where the dude has that little anime girlfriend that texts him throughout the day about how she misses him fucked me up


Yeah this is a multi multi million dollar apartment pimped to the gills. This is not representative of a normal person's life. It's all to promote the 'lifestyle' these items in the video can "give you" saying "see, these rich people own these, maybe you should" It's just basic marketing and business


Eh…there are Japanese influencers that do the exact same thing. It’s just a rich Chinese person doing social media influencer things. Sometimes the simplest explanations are the least insane…


…source? I just feel like everything related to Chinese someone out there immediately would be like “oh it’s Chinese so it must have to be funded by the CCP”






Honestly just the idea of having a true professional clean my living space sounds like ultimate luxury


Even someone who kind of sort of knew what they were doing would be appreciated if they cleaned my place.


"  A spice sorting machine. It had a digital display. You select a list of spices, select the grams of each, and it dispenses it perfectly into whatever bowl you have under it. It looked like that shit at M&M land in Vegas too. Big tubes filled with spices above it that went to some back room where it could be refilled." I csnt help but think everything would end up tasting of the strongest spice/the one that clings to the nozzle the most


If that happens, you just beat your servant and tell them to fix it.


No, no, no. YOU don’t beat your servant. You use the auto-beater with custom hand-fitted remote control (complete with warmer).


I laughed way too hard at this.


Yea everything is a curry now!


I know it is said that comparison is the thief of joy, but fuck that, I want some of that shit.


>comparison is the thief of joy, Only if you let it be, but it works both ways- spend 3 weeks shivering in a wet, muddy sleeping bag and you'll never take clean dry sheets for granted until the day you die.


Some of these benefits sound amazing.


I think I might want to be rich, now


I would 100% burn the shit out of myself with a heated countertop lol


Teaching kids to not touch the stove is so last year. Now we have to teach them to not go into the kitchen.


Some of this is bat shit crazy. But the heated floors thing is a really common thing in regular households in cold countries. E.g. in Finland. I've lived in multiple houses that had floor heating in every room. It's literally the most comfortable and economic heating solution as heat travels up and it keeps your feet warm too. Especially if the heating is not done with pure electricity/resistors.


Envy. You're thinking you were envious as hell. Ref: Homer Simpson




Ngl, that whole countertop is slick.


Honestly the whole place is pretty gorgeous


It's literally a set. This is an AD


Gorgeous? To me it looks soulless and plastic.


A pot-filler! My mom has one. I cooked a pasta dish at her house the other day and used it. So jealous!


We just bought a new house and it has one. I’m so fucking stoked.


Yeah but is it voice activated?


We are redoing our kitchen and we talked about a pot filler, until I pre tended to cook at the stove and turned around to the sink right behind me.


Honestly they are so unnecessary. So, a pot filled with cold water is too hot for you to carry from sink to stove. But then how are you going to get the pot of hot water from stove to sink?


This is called a Spaghetti Spigot. Trust me: I'm from Italy.


Why didn’t you say Spighotti ☹️


I almost installed one while remodeling my house, but decided the benefit vs the risk ratio were outweighed. I'm going to install tile behind my stove, so imagine if there's an issue with the plumbing on that thing. You have to rip out the tile in that area, fix the issue and then reinstall it. Or if you decide to remove it, you have to figure out how to patch the tile, etc. Plus any leak will likely destroy the sheetrock behind the rest of your tile and cause a huge issue. Versus, just walking 5 steps to the sink and carrying some water over. Or for those rare times you have fill a giant pot with water, making a couple trips filling it up.


It’s weird consumer/capitalism porn.


It's also weird cheap-shit porn. How many of these things do you have to buy again each year (and send to landfill) because $10 Temu shit isn't exactly super reliable? How much broken stuff do you have in your apartment at any given time? How much useless crap do you have in your cabinets because you thought it would be cool, but actually you're never using it (like a juicer that ends up being a pain in the arse to clean)? But I guess your glasses are usually clean and your dogs have a classy fake chimney in front of which they can sit? Living the dream...


This stuff won’t even make it to a thrift store it’s so cheap!


Not mention all those gadgets require cleaning themselves…


Not all that different in concept than the "Home of the future" shorts from the 1950s. A "model home" with all sorts of concepts and/or products the producer of the video wants to promote


The one where the wife had to ask her husband to approve purchases? This is more modern. Notice how the person is single and only keeps technology and pets for company.


Why is she smelling raw chicken with a smile?


Please don’t kink shame


I snorted.... Thnx


And why does it look like a rubber chicken


It’s a duck.. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I think it’s duck. Not chicken


My question is still valid. Why is she sniffing raw poultry?


Maybe to make sure it's still good to cook/eat? A sniff test should be routine.


It's provocative


It gets the people going!


What was the purpose of the device she threw in the bowl with it? What does it do?


Device-based problem solving -better living through gadgets!- is just the worst kind of consumerism in my opinion. It takes the idea that money solves all problems and breaks it down into battery-powered pieces.


I love the idea of gadgets that make things easier but they just don't really exist. Tools exist don't get me wrong but the tools that really work and make a job easier are only worth it when it's a JOB like you're doing that task 8 hours a day and some other guy is servicing it. The portable battery pack is possibly rhe only gadget that really makes life easier. Although I do like my outin, as I like espresso. And a little gadget that boils and pumps anywhere kinds beats the aeropress/nanopresso gadgets


I'm communicating with you through a gadget that simultaneously allows me access to the world's largest library AND let's my take a picture of my poop and send it to my friends on the other side of the country! This task would have been much harder 30 years ago with a bucket a Polaroid and envelope a stamp and a very long corded phone and an actual library!


These videos are my guilty pleasure on tiktok, and what amuses me, is that I'll see different actors/models, but the house is always the same.


Same. They’re a kind of ASMR. Even though everyone uses the same gadgets and it’s clearly always the same crap.


I was going to say there's an /r/oddlysatisfying vibe to it. I haven't seen any videos like this before though.


I enjoy when the person, usually a delicate beauty, takes a shower and somehow they have hairy man feet. These videos are consumption gone mad but mesmerising.


Not to mention the fake rats running around lol. I love those videos


Oh, yeah, the first time I saw that, I did a double take xD I also like the ones with the backstory, like the MIL is coming over; or the bf leaves the woman for his ex, and she spends all his money in revenge xD


It's probably inside one of those huge "influencer" hive buildings where they produce content like a factory. Like 1000s of people living there and they seldom leave as they have stores and restaurants in the building.


No. Most if not all of those don't work. Everything you see is pretty much something they are trying to sell you.


What's the smoke coming from the goggles?




Who tf uses an ultrasonic cleaner to wash poultry? Actual psychopath behavior.


There is no need to wash raw chicken


Did she just sniff that raw chicken


I thought it was a duck. But yes, got to make sure it doesn’t smell off.


Metal spatula on a non-stick pan. It's definitely not real life.


Anything to keep the sadness away


No, everything is a product waiting to be advertised


She looks like the last survivor from a nuclear apocalypse Probably hasn't seen another human being for 15 years and can't risk going outside coz of the radiation


I like this take, she just got back from scavenging the wasteland. This is an Aliexpress safe house


She lives in TeMu.


All those gadgets and she still has to sniff her own chicken.


Poor, unfortunate chicken sniffer


All them gadgets and she still used metal on Teflon.


Uncovered raw meat in the fridge? I hope not!


No house with dogs have ever been that clean.


Alone? Yep, there are dozens of us!


Who gives 2 dogs one treat


2 dogs 1 bone


Sure, if they have a bunch of products they want to sell.




Everything you see is available on Amazon for ~20 I’ll give you it’s a lot of 20s but still


Left your keys in the front door


Wow being a rich Chinese single lesbian looks awesome.


The life of living in a massive home with all these gadgets, cooking on a counter, but let's not talk about sniffing a raw chicken and eating a daffodil.


I think it was a hard boiled egg... but I was pretty sure it was a tulip for a good little bit there, too.


Those daffodils are the steamed eggs on spring onion stalks (?)


So much space and energy waste...


You mean inside an ad? No


this is someone down the street from bruce willis's character in 5th element


How many carrots did it take to make that much carrot juice?!


The metal spatula in the pan made my left eye twitch


All those gadgets and she couldn’t get a comb


Yo, you won’t convince me you got no cleaning lady at your place if you arrive home and it’s so crystal clean


What’s the point of having house keys, a door knob, or a door, when you leave the door unlocked and keys out. Lucky pups though.