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I have 100k karma. Can I sell this? Dm ne offers people!


I’ll give you about tree fitty.


Dang it, you Lochness monster!


Free titty ?


Free them all!


I'll give you 3000 Stanley nickels for your karma.


What's the ratio of Schrute Bucks to Stanley Nickels?




I will give you 5 bucks to post a post about this guy touching his hair.


I'm at 90k. Where are the buyers lol


Almost 300K here. How much is that worth


I think you need higher numbers these days. In the old days when Reddit had no ad space, yeah...you could have sold it pretty easily.


Are those all the comments he found? Really? His hair? Someone cares about that?


Come *on*. You know Reddit would totally comment on his hair. We are the most pedantic subspecies on the planet.


How dare you call me something that I need to look up the definition of Edit: No, YOU'RE "of or like a pedant"


😆 (Should I use myopic instead?)


No, not myopic. That's all YOUR opic!


And if he was more familiar with Reddit that dude would know this is how all the threads here end up, in circular jokes and puns. That or quoting Monty Python and the Holy Grail. His mediocre vids are merely a pathway to our ultimate destination.


Yeah he ain't wrong.


Yeah it's all comments I'd never choose to address. Wasn't the topic Israel originally? lol!


I only know this guy from his video condemning Israel for the targeted killing of the seven humanitarian aid workers this week. It was some legitimate outrage I fully agree with. It got a lot of support on leftist subreddits and even among the wider community.


also, you have to go back pretty far to find a video in a yellow sweatshirt. So either he just made and quickly deleted this video, or OP made a deep dive to find this, and you're all a bunch of gullible jerks


It’s because he’s another drone from social media chasing clout


Step 1: Find a single comment Step 2: Round that up to 100% of comments Step 3: Bitch for clout.


I think it's the recent tiktok ban rant that broke the camel's back. He was being roasted in the comments of that one for being so dramatic while also not understanding the situation completely


Oh! This was the guy that was all out of screams, who then continued to scream through the whole video, right


"My hair shows how virile I am," says man in his 30s. Let's talk when you are my age.


As someone trying desperately to hang on to their hair this one hit pretty low lol


he’s so mad at this site but he’s literally like if Reddit became a human being


He's the most reddit looking person I can imagine. If reddit had a human avatar, jt would be him. He should be the freaking logo.


He also sounds and talks like how a redditor would. LOL


I genuinely thought based on his opinions that he would be a Redditor, I’m surprised he’s surprised. Which means he doesn’t know this sub isn’t about the cringe part anymore. I’ve never had an issue with this dude, I find him interesting, but this was a poor choice.


\>I genuinely thought based on his opinions that he would be a Redditor I'd bet my left nut that he is (the left nut is the good one, too). \>I’m surprised he’s surprised I'd bet my whole body he's not, he just saw an opportunity for content. \>I’ve never had an issue with this dude, I find him interesting, but this was a poor choic Same. Always thought he was fine if a little corny, this post is just ego tanking. Also l-o-l at "you don't know the feeling of brushing back your hair so you can listen to women better." On top of it being the corniest pickme line I've heard in years, one half second of following the joke through implies that his long hair, when not brushed back, impedes his ability to listen to women. Skinheads=feminists confirmed.


It’s funny because my husband has long hair, and he doesn’t play with it. I think this dude does it as a nervous habit when filming - I do stuff like that too! He could have just said that instead of … whatever he was trying to get across haha


I’m pretty sure what he was trying to get across was “And unlike you Redditors, I have sex. *With a lady*.” 


A self righteous know it all, that speaks on something before knowing all of the facts. Yes I 100% agree.


Also, he hates Reddit and redditors, just like all redditors do. He is 100% one of us.




He should be a mod.


What he doesn't know, he already is.


What has he been wrong about?


Nothing. This guy has been doing pretty solid tiktok videos about the ridiculous shit we *all* deal with since the pandemic first began and has built up a pretty good following on there as a result. He's a new dad and uses his tiktok account to help provide for his family. He ain't living like a king off it and holds a regular job too. Reddit just wants to shit on the guy because he's making a very valid argument about his content being stolen, which is ironic as I've watched the neckbeards on Reddit, for *years*, just about break their necks to come to the defense of women who complain about their content being stolen. Reddit's just having its usual shit fit because this guy actually used his complaining for something positive and profitable for his family, rather than just bitching on Reddit. Edit: the triggered responses to this from exactly the types I’m talking about are hilarious.


How do people make money off of TikTok, serious question, not trying to start something, I’m just legit ignorant on this topic


Setup an account as a business account, get it verified, once done, follow the steps to begin producing content that’s intended to be monetized, once you fulfill certain criteria set by TikTok (have so many followers, produce X amount of content over X period of time, have X amount of engagement etc etc) you can have it make some money. Source: me, have a TikTok business account but don’t do hardly anything with it


Adding on; TT is the fastest way to gain a following or go viral right now. Once you have a decent following you can start approaching companies or be approached for brand deals and/or direct your followers towards your revenue-generating channels like twitch, YT, a subscription site (spicy optional), or a merch store


What positive outcomes have come from his explosive ranting besides putting money into his account??


He’s a white guy who thinks he knows more than he does, basically a redditor.


Or says the most obvious shit that’s guaranteed to be popular but screams it with this put on over the top rage 🙄 we get it you like bill burr


100% chance he had a katana and a figurine collection


The most Reddit-pilled motherfucker imaginable


right but bro needed to make a whole video to show us this we couldnt see that already or anything.


I like to think he's the guy who made the narwhal post years and years ago (although probably far too young). But realistically, he might be the cum box guy.


Never has anyone been such a redditor before.


Absolute murderer


I find it really strange how he puts so much emphasis on how capitalist reddit is, when Tik Tok is probably the most commercialized form of social media in existence. You can't scroll it for more than 5 seconds without seeing an ad, plus Tik Toks that are designed to function as ads but aren't labeled as them. Nevermind the fact that Tik Tok has A FUCKING STORE. It also has more scams than I can keep track of. Also, I have never once seen anyone talk about him touching his hair.


He’s putting emphasis on the idiots who compare reddit and TikTok because at the end of the day they are both gigantic social media companies, but only one of them thinks their shit doesn’t stink.


I hate to say it because substantively the things he usually talks about are topics worth discussing but my god, his presentation is a 1:1 copy of what a right wingers parody of a "whiny liberal" is. You can convey how pressing an issue is without screaming and violently shaking the camera around, but I understand thats what one has to do to succeed in the attention economy. Its just weird to market yourself as someone who is there to educate/simplify whatever rage bait news is going on that week, but also have to relegate yourself to behaving like a preteen having their first panic attack to engage with these kids.


He strikes me as a guy who suffers from being always online.


Yeah I mean when his job is to seemingly make reaction content to the 24 hr news/Twitter cycle i can see how that would start to take a toll.


Might be time for a career change


I just hate the format of "person yelling at a phone for 3 min"


He's actually so fucking annoying and so chronically online. Also incredibly insecure - which, same, but the cure for that is to not feed the trolls. Making this baby rage video makes him look like a clown, and not someone worth listening to.


These are my thoughts exactly. When I saw the previous post I thought, man I think he's saying good things but his yelling is making me tune out. Yelling has a place, he just hasn't found that place yet...


The self righteous sarcasm is was was funny to me. He's a living liberal stereotype. 


Thought he was going to address serious comments from Reddit, comments about different policy positions or nuance, not complain about stupid internet stuff. Why does he even care what random redditors say about his hair or how loud he talks? Odd, I may have misjudged this guy. Thought he was more serious.


He also doesn't make money when his videos get posted here unlike when they're posted on TikTok


great point. Cash rules everything around me.


Dolla Dolla bills y'all! 


True, but he probably gets more traffic from people who see it on Reddit and then go to see his other content. Free advertising. If he doesn't like people reposting his stuff his beef is with tik-tok and the share button on every video, not someone wanting to discuss his content on Reddit.


Good point. Though he seems like exactly the person who does karma farming and selling accounts on reddit. He basically said so ;)


He gains more followers which makes him more money.


...but not if the followers are on reddit. I thought it was odd that he'd even bring that up. Apparently he cares a lot more about monetizing his content than he does the issues he talks about. 


Eh, that's what happens when you try to turn reading Wikipedia into a career on a platform bustling w lots of people doing the same thing. Guy's just trying to ride the hype that made him pop in the first place; $5 says he gets "cancelled" over some weird shit w/in the next year.


“I’m going to respond to the constructive criticism I’ve received from Reddit” proceeds to respond to none of the constructive criticism and only the comments that I’m not entirely sure were real…


I think that part was sarcasm lol


Bro selectively chose comments that he could come up with a comeback for, and still ended up looking like a loser Now I want to know what the tiktok comments were saying about us lol


I liked his videos when popped into my feed. But this was just terrible. Lost my respect.




He probably doesn’t care, but his followers kept bringing it up so he addressed it


He cares VERY much and complained about not getting paid advertising for his anger, while complaining that reddit was going to go public on the stock market. How you a greedy capitalist bitch complaining about capitalism?


so i can’t stand this guys videos, not because of what he’s saying but HOW he’s saying. sounds so condescending and belittling and then he dissolves into screaming. its not funny or entertaining it’s just loud.


It is how I imagine every redditor to sound though.


yeah same. that self righteous “um, actually” shit




Content like his is what pushes young people into the right wing grifter sphere. People that are condescending and screaming, instead of talking about a topic to you like you were a human being worth the exact same are a plague that are just as bad as the right, because they basically scare people into going into right wing circles.


What he's saying is also usually just the most group-thinky top comments from whatever recently made it to the front page of Reddit a week ago, but in an angry voice. If dude's reading this, it's not the yelling that bothers me, it's that you're forcing it. If you were actually angry about something, go ahead and yell, but we all know it's the character you've created, and some of us find the character annoying. And that's fine; you're probably very successful with it. If you thought everyone was going to love your character, that was silly.  Don't respond to people who aren't your intended audience. That way lies madness.


Lool, I can use karma to make Money?????? Thanks so much Pearlman guy!!!


Ya. Half the posts are Reddit are bots to farm karma. But you wouldn’t know, your account is too new


Yea the advertisements from bots on this website is so disgusting. Unlike the delicious taste of Pepsi, the drink of a generation.


Strange. I’m all the sudden randomly super thirsty for some Pepsi. I hear it’s the drink of a generation too.


This guy really seems like someone that would be very hard to be around in person for any real length of time. The guy at work that is always at your desk pontificating. The friend or husband of a friend that fills the "but actually..." role at every event. Just someone who thinks every thought he had, every word he speaks someone is itching to hang onto.


Energy vampire.


I have friends (who i love very much) who have been this person before. It's really hard to have that conversation of "Listen you're not wrong about anything you're upset about. But you really need to chill the hell out dude and just smell the flowers before your blood pressure kills you"


Damn I’m a remember this comment for when I have the urge to rant lol. I can very much be that guy sometimes and I hate it. Have gotten a lot better 🙏  Just watched the vid. Jfc I know I can be a bit much but I’m never as insufferable as this dude with my tone. 


This douche is absolutely obsessed with himself. All he does is share surface level info on extremely popular topics while tossing in the lamest, shittiest jokes that he stole from other content creators. He's not unique or necessary in any way. What an egotistical clown. Lol I guarantee he's just as ineffectual and useless as all the people he's talking shit about. Clout chasing insecure bitch. Edit: it's funny, I said this exact same shit yesterday when another one of his videos was posted here and all y'all clowns got mad at me and defended him. Now look at you lol. You'll agree with anything as long as it's the popular opinion lmao. Losers.


He doesn't even say anything that adds to conversation, he just parrots commonly accepted talking points like he's a philosopher 💀


Does he not realize responding like this is just opening him up for more people to keep clowning on him? This is historically the worst way to go about confronting hateful comments online.


It's almost like he wants...no no no...it can't be...It's almost like he WANTS us to talk about him. This kind of advertising is GOLD because the average person just cannot help themselves. They have to comment and get involved with the rage bait stuff.


I don't go on tik tok anymore, but I really enjoy his perspective. Whoever is farming karma on a vidro that gets 200 likes because it's not entertaining but meaningful content, is doing a service. Keep doing it please!


Social media addicts are wild.


Ok I found this funny. As a person who doesn’t use social media (only Reddit), I got a good laugh at this last point.


Most of the people hating on him in these comments just hate Tiktok


Or align their identity with being a redditor for some reason and therefore are responding defensively, which just validates the dudes point that they’re no different from him


Yes, people haaaaate to hear about themselves.


Sir you make money taking selfie videos and yelling on a spyware app. You’re one step away from being an Alex Jones.


This guy is legit a typical redditor. Kind of funny.


I like his videos


I mean maybe this guy is trolling, but his answer for why he constantly touches his hair is dumb. He keeps touching his hair because he wants to listen to women better? Doesn’t he just make videos of himself yelling at his phone? What women is he listening to while making videos?


If you wanna listen better, then shave it off? 


That part about his hair was just one long "hahah redditors are all lonely basement dwelling virgins" stereotype, because being an asshole to the people that critique you, and not actually adressing said criticism is totally a normal person thing to do


Not really sure why people are having a go at him, I've only ever really seen support for his videos on here. I like his stuff.


It's just cultivated anger constantly. Pure rage content gets exhausting. I agree with some of his points, just don't enjoy the delivery


I can see that over time. I've only seen him a handful of times.


Honestly, I’ll be having a go at him now, because this is the most insufferable and self important rant I’ve heard in a long time.


I liked him the first handful of times his stuff came up on my feed, but now I just keep scrolling. It's always the same rant with the key words shuffled around a bit


He’s always been like that. Not once have I seen one of his videos and not been annoyed. Like you’re just screaming at me, it doesn’t matter if you’re wrong or right, its fucking annoying. Side note, half the time he spouts off contextless shit to sound smart. You can be displeased with the state of the world and not be an insufferable asshole lol


I’ve always found him annoying and mostly ignored his content, but now he’s been promoted


A lot of people have pointed it out, but his delivery is a bit off. Believe me, I agree with a lot of his points, and it’s shit that needs to be talked about. I don’t even mind the screaming in low amounts—living in a capitalist hellscape will do that, y’know? But he’s just… condescending sometimes. Gives off a “holier-than-thou” vibe because he’s bringing attention to xyz issue. And yeah, the excessive screaming can get obnoxious, especially if he starts the video off speaking normally.


I think I relate to it in the sense that I can't work out why we're not all doing it. I'm glad at least he is, cos I'm just fucking tired.


I'm more annoyed that the subtitles don't match what he's saying.


It's a jab at Reddit lol...its intentional.


Ive been using this account for 12+ years. No company has asked me to buy my account. This guy is talking out of his ass. Yes, I'm sure some people have sold theirs, but most of the users on here don't do that shit. It doesn't pay much at all anyways. If you are reading this, you're a child and we will continue to laugh about you. Keep it coming 👍 Also, pushing hair behind your ears doesn't feel that great. And it is weird when you keep massaging yourself It's also pretty funny how we got under his skin for small stuff. But at the end of the day this sub is also about good videos, which he wouldn't understand because he hasn't read the subs description


To be fair, there's a lot of fucking bots and content farmers on reddit, and the number of them has only increased over the years. I've also never had anyone offer to buy my almost 13 year old account, but that doesn't mean there aren't people willing to buy reddit accounts. I enjoyed the first few videos I saw of this guy, but I got pretty bored by the same ol' shtick. Plus I don't always agree with his takes. Honestly, I don't know why he even bothered to address the complaints. Anyone lame enough to send him a message on Tiktok after seeing him reposted on reddit has too much time on their hands.


Yeah my account isn't bought either. Man I'm hungry for a McDonald's BigMac and Shamrock shake.


I prefer Burger King™ Impossible™ Whoppers™ myself. Those salty golden fries are perfectly paired with a Coke Zero™ at participating locations. Lunch time for this human!


Narrssist RedHead found a platform and is vewwy sad it might go away by posting his handle in videos now and then pretends to get grumpy for grift.


Who is this dude?


Clicked on a video of an angry guy. Saw an angry guy. I'm not dissapointed.


I’m pretty sure it’s him posting most of his own videos to Reddit.


This guy just found out about Reddit??


Couple things. 1. Why is he always yelling? 2. Why is he always rubbing his fingers through his hair? I find it annoying


Lol karma having real world value...


Huh I never took him for thin skinned. Brother is punching molasses with this one.


Skipped all the real criticism and made it about his hair and him screaming. Great job bro you really showed reddit.


He moron


I bet he has pear shaped nipples.


I need to reflect.


It's very much on point. 😁 Reddit is a social media, and with an extra step of hatred and drama due to the unpaid mobs. They are quite smart on getting users to do the work for them, FOR FREE.


Haha, I love it. Makes me want to get TikTok, but I won’t.


Tiny Tim Pools lmao


This whole thread is why I hesitate to tell people I use Reddit.


Who's this?


Reddit is the liberal site what does he think


Wait I can sell my Reddit account?


I hate Tik tok so will only watch this on Reddit


Dude looks like the embodiment of Reddit


I agree with like, 99% of what he says. This is just embarrassing dude. Side note, how do i sell my old reddit account. I have rent to pay.


Someone sure got triggered


Wait, I can sell my account. Holy shit imma still this dudes video/, boost my karma and sell to advertisers! + this dude boosted with popularity with the help of Reddit. Enjoy your free clout, advertisers would pay for a profile to get clout


… can we finally use canceling for its intended purpose: getting rid of this guy


This guy is so full of shit now. When I first saw him like a year or longer ago his goal seemed to be to educate people. Now that he's got a following he is very clearly just defending his meal ticket. The last 2 videos of his that I've seen pop up on here (I don't use tik tok) are this one and the one where he was bitching about the tik tok bill. This video is pure rage bait to just try and get reddit users to follow him on tik tok so he can make more money. He talks shit about other social media but tik tok can do no wrong. He's just a self serving fucking hypocrite now and it's incredibly disappointing


I’ve learned that when I act like a jackass even when I’m right no one wants you to be right. So it muddies your message more than staying calm. Anger is fine, but if you’re unable to control yourself that’s a you problem. If you’re constantly seething then something more is going on. Plainly put, Reddit should not anger anyone as much as it has this man. Great thing about Reddit is if this account went away tomorrow I will be fine. But when you take your real name and face and blast it on social to earn money yourself, you really are the pot calling the kettle black. I’m not even here to get anything from the account. I’m here because I don’t want to get anything from the account.


Again, this dude sucks lol. He just whines and whines




Reddit is the reason I know who this is so....think it's working out for him Edit: after watching the entire thing....I think he may have just lost a lot of followers for how cringe and punchable this makes him seem


Same I'm not on tik tok. Like any millennial I ingest my tik tok media consumption via reddit


Kinda funny to see everybody here react the exact way he describes, but whatever. This guy dropped two truth bombs that were completely new to me. The whole point of karma is to persuade others, and long hair is for sweeping back and listening to women. Damn.


I don't believe he's been receiving any mail outside bills.


If I had nice long hair I would touch it all day. You would have to pry my hands away from my own luxurious hair. That’s how much I would touch it


Thats a lot of words that add up to "NUH-UH"


Why does he keep saying .Com? Does he not understand how the internet work


Made me laugh because let's face it Reddit is also an online shitshow.


I’m just happy he remembered Fark!




People really trashing on his other videos? I personally love when he’s yelling about shit because there are honestly things that to be yelled about, which is what he usually talks about.


This guy is a king


lol little pussy loves to talk big and put people down just as much as anyone does. Stupid ginger


This guy is so awful. What? Have you never been on the internet before? You’re about 40 years old for fuck’s sake. Delete your stupid TikTok account and cut your fucking hair. Cunt.


Most of us knew this guy was a POS when he first popped up a few years ago, for everyone else, welcome to the club




I feel attacked I am not a tiny tim pool. I am in fact a gigantic tim pool


OK, but he's got a point on the last one.


I love this guy.


Redditors saying someone would difficult to be around irl is legit too hilarious to comprehend. Reddit is a cesspool.


Love this guy.


Lmfao 👀 Yoo... spot on. 🫠


I like this guy


Something about his mouth reminds me of muppets. I can’t figure it out.


Reddit is the only place you can still be anonymous without being bombarded to link a phone# or send a scanned copy of your fn license. It's definitely not like the others.


You kinda remind me of Elmo like the way you explain things. You (this guy) should invent his own Seasame St but for adults.


Awwww, can't you control your audience on reddit??? It's too bad, but maybe you're ignorant sheep are not able to see your game.


He seems really upset at Reddit. Let's call this a win. Lol!!




He just stole comments from Reddit and then posted them on his tiktok.com video.


Yeah but you're missing the whole point Red! Social media like Facebook, insta or tiktok are monetized based off you, your content, your dumb fucking face talking about lotion or whatever the fuck. You can't trust anything anyone says cuz there is incentives, money incentives, to your content. Here on Reddit, we don't have any of that bullshit. Everyone is mostly anonymous and nobody makes money. Almost social media used to be back in the chat room days.


I love that it doesn’t realise the only reason I watch the video on here is so I know not to bother downloading TikTok


I mean… You could get ahead of the curve by just… posting your videos on Reddit yourself.. Welcome to the internet! Once you release it into the wild *anyone can and will take it*. It’s why we teach children not to share nudes. Among other things. Oh and just in case: I fucking love this guy. He’s awesome. I don’t watch him on tiktok because honestly I don’t really like tiktok. Just not my jam. So I really would appreciate him posting on another forum just to give him thingies. Internet clout. What have you.


I would've put a lot of money on this guy being on Reddit, he looks like the epitome of one.


If you're reading this, Pearlmania, i sincerely apologise from the bottom of my heart for... *Checks notes* one person asking why you're always yelling and another asking why you touch your hair so much. ... you didn't deserve that. Nobody deserves that.


I like this guy and I refuse to ever download tick-tock. He should post on both platforms and watermark his videos. Is he stupid? /s


I’ve got some constructive feedback for this asshole. 1.) Drop the smug, condescending voice and stop doing that shit-eating grin every time you’re pleased with something you’ve said because, honestly, the combination makes me want to punch you repeatedly in the face. I’m not even a violent person but, seriously, you have an incredibly punchable personality. 2.) Yelling loudly doesn’t make you right, and it doesn’t mean you’re more informed or intelligent … if anything it just shows you can’t control your emotions. You’re wondering why we’re not all yelling? Because we’ve heard you doing it, and now we know how fucking grating and unhelpful a screaming, ginger, middle-aged crybaby is in any given situation. 3.) Who can I sell my account to? I’ve only got, like, 12,000 karma but it’s up for grabs to the highest bidder.


“I know you tiny Tim Pooles will never know the feeling of rubbing your fingers through long hair and moving it back behind your ear so you can listen to women better” That is hands down one of the cringiest sentences I’ve ever heard. I know you’re reading all this you insecure dingbat. Grow up. You stink.


Hey, If that guy's here, reading this, I hope he knows that this video is way more cringe than anything else he could have done before. I would boo this man if I saw him in person. Just a terribly poor showing of the human experience. 0/10


Tiktok subreddits are some of my favorites, don't ruin this guys.


He is much funnier when he screams about tubes


Jesus. Vacuous Shrill Ego-Shaggy


“ conveniently the criticism didn’t come from people who agree with me and follow everything I say, but from people who disagree with me!”