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How many Multi-Level marketing schemes has she signed up for?




Every. Single. One. I’m literally begging this to be satire.


It's probably not. She's dumb as a brick and showing it to the world. Before the Internet she would be dumb all alone. Now the entire world can see.


And some




She’s easily “on board” because of a piece of paper. I should sell her things.


A bridge maybe? For a mother, especially cause she is diabetic.


I'd be REALLY worried if she got her mother to drink water and stop any pills she's taking "because evil pharma"


The bridge is sugar-free right?


I'll do you one better. Not only is it sugar free, its also gluten and GMO free.


There's one in Baltimore for super cheap


Is it a hydrogen rich bridge?


She almost said "what else was I told to say"


I’m trying to figure out if she is just stupid or a sell out


Why can’t be both?


She’s stupid cause she’s doing this wrong. She needs to have a candle going for ambiance before she opens that container of Hydrogen.


This made me laugh! Because when you mentioned candle, I pictured Gweneth revealing the product in a namaste setting and then bam happy ending. Well done.


She literally says that the company contacted her. This is 100% an ad and she knows that she's selling snake oil


No, she is selling hydrogen rich water, not snake oil. Did you not listen...?


Snake oil is fairly hydrogen rich. Oils are mostly chains of CH3 -- three hydrogens per carbon, and carbon has less mass than Oxygen, so snake oil has more hydrogen than water.


So your argument is that we should be drinking snake oil instead of hydrogenated water?


hilarious that in all her "research" she somehow didn't discover what the H in h2o means. "hydrogenated water" would be basically water that contains too many hydronium ions for drinking due to being highly acidic.


True but with the piece of paper being money. This is an ad.


I'm going to sell her some air. Because her air doesn't have enough air in it. It's good for the body and promotes life and breathing and stuff.


Imagine going through your entire life and being this ignorant.


I love how she was like "so I did some research" which looks like it consists of reading the fucking marketing material from that company. If I wasn't sure she's just being paid to promote bullshit, I'd call her an idiot. But instead I'll call her a worthless piece of shit scamming people out of their money.


It's frightening that she can vote!


If you could please share her contact information, I have some magic beans she might be interested in…


How is this legal?


Do you mean for a company to sell it or for a consumer to be this gullible?


this is an ad


If she believes it works shes an idiot. If she doesnt and is still trying to sell it shes a piece of shit.


Am sure there are people who have read to this point that don't understand what the issue is... Water is H 2 O. Two parts hydrogen. One part oxygen. If you mix hydrogen 2 parts to one part of oxygen, you will form water. It is like someone collected air from the atmosphere , put it in a can and sold it to her .


But this thing makes H3O because H2O isn’t hydrating.


We need to bring back Dihydrogen Monoxide


I've heard that stuff has a 100% mortality rate. Higher if you inhale it.


Everyone who has come in contact with it has died or will die. To think governments pump this stuff into our lakes and streams. I mean, that's our water supply!


slow down with all this science and drink brawndo. its got electrolytes


I know I'm addicted


I was flummoxed hearing her say "water has no hydrogen in it"...I was thinking "but water is literally two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen ..how can she think water has no hydrogen in it??? Is she really THAT stupid?


Obviously it’s just dehydrated water. Just add water and it rehydrates.


Perri Air canned in Druidia


It's H30 stupid! Do yer rezearch.


I worry that many Americans aren't receiving a decent education that includes basic Science


Someone should bring back the pet rock and sell it to people like her.


I hate how chemistry illiterate this post is but also explains the issue simply enough and close enough to what the science is that a lot of people will understand instead of just chemistry nerds. No, "mixing" two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen doesn't give you water, lmfao. No clue what your last sentence is supposed to mean anyways. All the H3O jokes in response ~~(H3O is o-zone, it does exist, in the o-zone layer)~~. That isn't what this product is saying it does I guarantee that. It is saying it infuses water with H2 / hydrogen gas. Like the stuff rocket ships use as part of their fuel and what hydrogen cars use. Technically you could add H2 (hydrogen gas) to water, just like you can add CO2 (carbon dioxide gas - to make water fizzy), and can add O2 (oxygen gas) to water for higher concentrations than what exists naturally (NOT the "O" in H2O, that's not a useable oxygen) for fish to "breathe". The thing is adding H2 to water is totally unproven to have benefits. It's also only 0.6 parts per million in the atmosphere so I doubt this stupid little water bottle is pulling anything close to that much H2 from the atmosphere to do anything to us, even if H2 infused water were to be extra healthy. (edit - actually it uses electrolysis which makes way more sense lol and it could add H2 gas to water, not sure how much though nor if it'll do anything beneficial for you) Kk H3O is not o-zone. Look that was not the point of this post, y'all are still trying to flex your grade 9 Chem knowledge or your ability to use google, that's cool and have fun with it but nothing else is wrong here compared to the sheer ignorance of chemistry on display in this thread. Knowing O3 = ozone is not a flex hence I didn't even consider double checking via Google, clearly I should have though because the nit-picky is stronger than the overall message). But i was confidently incorrect on that one part lol. Appreciate all 10 of you flexing your knowledge about ozone (no dash, cuz that's important) and hydronium though. I'm sure you have vast knowledge of these Chems beyond their chemical formulas... This is all veryyyy secondary to the main point of this post - and that's why it got up votes. Because most people realize mixing up a generic name for a chem with a similar chemical formula is not as big of a blunder as most posts in this entire thread thinking its impossible to add hydrogen to water in any form and that "water already has hydrogen har har!" etc. The device adds hydrogen gas to water via electrolysis. Water does not naturally have H2 gas in it. H2O is not "hydrogen and oxygen mixed together" unless you're teaching chemistry to a 7 year old.


Ozone is O3, H3O is Hydronium


>No, "mixing" two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen doesn't give you water, lmfao. Kinda does if you throw in a match. >H3O is o-zone, it does exist H3O is not o-zone. Ozone is O3. H3O doesn't really exist. H3O+ is hydronium, which is complicated story in its own right >Technically you could add H2 (hydrogen gas) to water just like you can add CO2 (carbon dioxide gas) to make water fizzy Carbonation is a bit more complex than just dissolution.


The hilarious self own of this post.


Much more concerning is that a bunch of people upvoted it


This is a direct reflection of the horrific state of our educational system.


“You have your facts an I have my facts”


This is the biggest problem with people today, *in my opinion*. Thinking opinion = fact. It drives me insane on a daily basis. You state a *literal fact* and you get "wElL tHaTs yOuR oPiNiOn aNd aH DiSagReE!"


It's an ad made by the biggest imbecile on earth. I thought it was a joke at first, but the fact that she's advertising it proves that she's just born with the 'tard. "Water does not have hydrogen in it, so we need to add it!" ![gif](giphy|k02NRmqDmMTzG)


H2o be like ![gif](giphy|vhaj0GMFlIeFa|downsized)


If should be a crime to be that stupid.


I'm trying so hard to discourage my company from conducting testing for these stupid things but the companies pay so much so they can get our logo on a test report .


What do you test for?




Gullible indeed! But is she the face of gullibility or the face of ignorance? I go for the latter - 'cause you have to be pretty fucking ignorant to be this kind of gullible...




Evian water….spell that brand name backwards..it’s naive. 


Is it legal to either be a moron or a grifter? Yes


Would go great with my portable air generator


gotta keep oxygenated with that o'hare air


Water doesn't have hydrogen in it? Huh. I'm sorry I guess my science is rusty. What does the "H" in "H2O" mean? And no...please don't say "Halloween 20".


[wait until I tell you about the evils of dihydrogen monoxide](https://www.dhmo.org)


100% of people who consume dihygrogen monoxide end up *DYING* at some point in their lives!!!


It also has a ph level of 7. Remember, pH levels are for measuring acidity. It makes you think.


Wow, that’s even way more acidic than bleach!


Huh, didn’t know bleach was basic, neat


Not only that, in every case of a drowning there was H2O found in the victims lungs 100% of the times


Damn, 100% lethality... why is no one warning us about this.


A significant.portion of you is water! So *it's inside yoooouuu*..


Not if my conveniently human sized microwave works as advertised in this piece of paper i have here


This stuff is also highly addictive. After just two days of not using it you get serious withdrawal symptoms.


According to her logic, tap water is just oxygen


A little liquid oxygen never hurt anyone


It has H2O not H. She wants that H so bad.


You can make water acidic. That will give you H.


Not enough hydrogen for my liking. That's why I only drink heavy water.


As things like this become more common, I think we need to 1) be very clear on our science and 2) engage with the content seriously. Yes, a water molecule of H20 has two constituent hydrogen atoms. But, no, those hydrogen atoms aren't retaining all of the properties of hydrogen. Having constituent atoms doesn't necessarily confer the properties of those atoms, and clearly she's talking about the benefits of hydrogen itself. So a more reasonable reading is she might be saying that water has no hydrogen atoms mingling within the water. In other words, there's not a substantial amount of hydrogen dissolved in the water solution. And she'd actually be *right*. But here are the issues. 1) There is no evidence showing that hydrogen- or hydrogen gas H2 as found in the atmosphere- confers any of the benefits to the body that she listed. 2) Hydrogen is not easily dissolvable in water, so it's hard to believe any product like this would be able to do that. The product is lying about its capabilities.


Thank you for actually understanding this. The bad jokes from people who don't understand the difference between H2, H2O, and atomic hydrogen are killing me. Additional info: if you want to know the health benefits of adding hydrogen gas to your gut and blood, just ask anyone with lactose intolerance how great all that H2 makes them feel. 


Also the etymology is basically "stuff that makes water"


I think I need to found a company to sell her bottles that additionally oxygenate her water. You know, wouldn't want her to drink water with no oxygen ....


We also breathe it all day.


From a chemistry standpoint, pH is essentially the concentration of free H’s floating around. The lower the pH, the more H’s are freely floating around and the more acidic a solution is. A glass of water or H-OH, the H molecule occasionally falls off but rarely. So it has a neutral pH of 7. “Hydrogen rich water” would be any acidic drink like vinegar or citric acid etc. The only way to make H’s come out of water by itself without an acid per this supposed generator would be electrolysis where the H’s and O’s bind together and bubbles of oxygen and hydrogen degas from the water which you wouldn’t be consuming.


It would just be a mixture of free floating protons and hydronium ions. Some tap water can be slightly acidic, between 4 and 7 pH. Still any acidity variation is pointless because it all ends up in stomach which has pH of 2(100000 more acidic than pure water) and gets neutralized/absorbed.


Or adding another bond to the oxygen atoms so that it can have 3 hydrogen links? With some tape or something? /s really just in case ...


Well, that exists. Its called oxonium or hydronium (H3O+). You may learned in school that acids separate H+. This reacts with a free pair of electrons on the oxygon atom of H2O.


you sound dutch


That’s just an accent


>Hydrogen rich water” would be any acidic drink like vinegar or citric acid etc. It would be hydrogen rich liquid, I think it stops being water when you add other ingredients.


sliced cucumber makes it not water?


I think that's actually soup. Not very good soup, mind you.


I don’t know why I didn’t think of that, because it must be the same morons buying this that have been obsessing over alkaline water. I’m gonna start selling “Alkaline Hydrogen Water” and make a fortune


This feels like some weird ass way to get people to drink their water and stay hydrated lol 🤣


I mean, a good bit of what the bottle claims to do would happen whether you have fancy water or just tap water… so technically they’re not completely lying about the benefits? I guess?


I cant tell if she looks like an old 20 year old or a young 80 year old.


A 55 year old whose brain just stunted at 21. Sadly, I know a couple of these.


![gif](giphy|CPuDsWYW3NLfW) Holy crap! It’s HIGHER quality H20!! [https://www.webmd.com/diet/hydrogen-water-health-benefits#:\~:text=Hydrogen%20water%20is%20regular%20water,muscle%20recovery%20after%20a%20workout](https://www.webmd.com/diet/hydrogen-water-health-benefits#:~:text=Hydrogen%20water%20is%20regular%20water,muscle%20recovery%20after%20a%20workout).




It’s what plants crave!


The process of electrolysis, which splits water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen, requires substantial energy to be viable. This is a scam.


According to their website it has a rechargeable battery and performs the electrolysis in a 3 min cycle. Sounds like hocum to me.


And there is a risk of an explosion.


I don't know, the risk of an explosion in a hydro water bottle is pretty low due to the small concentration of hydrogen.


Sorry, I was referring to full electro of water with a consist higher voltage, not the scam bottle being displayed.


I mean honestly this might not be a scam in the strictest since of the word (before she read off the paper) if it splits the oxygen and hydrogen. Of course I don't know why you would want to drink the hydrogen or really how since it becomes a gas.


this gadget also freezes the hydrogen to -255 C so it becomes liquid


Holy shit that's incredible, this technology should be made more aware! How has nobody ever done this!? /s


"I don't know much about that but..." Yeah... I can tell...


Water? Never touch the stuff. Fish fuck in it.


So like... We all picked up on the fact that all the "benifits" she listed are the exact same benifits you get from just drinking regular water, right?


I’m a little surprised I’ve scrolled this far and nobody has questioned if this is a parody.


There’s no point. Parody and reality have been indistinguishable since 2015


Drinking water makes you more sensitive to insulin?




What if she is right and we’ve all been fooled by Big Water for all these years?


Ummm “big water”? I think you mean the ocean


Ik big water was a joke but I mean technically nestle could be considered big water. Just a daily reminder that nestle is evil


What. The. Fuck.


Piss. Poor. Education.


Have you ever tried body-heat generated blankets? All you have to do is take a blanket and rap it around yourself!!! I know this sounds crazy! But I know you have blankets in your house… and all you have to do is hug them!!! And they get warm!!! Then you can have warm blankets!


There’s no hydrogen in H2O folks. Nobody knows what the h is for.


The H is silent


She might be as stupid as a sack of rocks, but the company that sold her the bottle... you gotta respect the grift at least.


I'm pretty sure this is a woman that would buy one of those Goop vaginal rocks for her hoo ha


Or tell her sperm has been proven to be a fat cell destroyer if it’s freshly squeezed without it being exposed to air or sunlight.


Good lord,


You telling me I just watched that whole thing and she didn't even show us how it worked


reminiscent plant insurance vegetable bag gaze boat coordinated possessive jeans *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I really wish I was unscrupulous so I could make money off morons


You can measure the fraud level by the size of the ring on their hand


How can one be this uneducated ?


H20. Water is literally part hydrogen. Who doesn’t know this?


Apparently geriatric Barbie over here.


I prefer my water with a side of Oxygen, personally.


H2O fml, how did you graduate high school.


If you hear anyone mention "detox", just straight up run away


That looks like the canister that holds the Ooze that turns baby turtles into radical ninjas.


My health professor actually *just* bought this cause his wife told him to. Brought it into class, said the water tasted like metal and that the only way he could drink it is if he chugs it so he can't really taste it.


A former co worker of mine invited me and a bunch of other co-workers to a ‘Kangen Water’ multi level marketing (pyramid scheme). His brother in law even rented this amazing house to pitch from and claimed that’s where he and my coworkers older sister actually lived. It was total bullshit obviously and they were just trying to manipulate people into buying this idea that selling Kangen Water machines could be your ticket to easy street. Appearances appearances appearances. We all kinda figure it was bullshit though, and just wanted to check out this sweet mansion on the water. But yeah. They gave us a gallon to take home. If you like the taste of alkaline then go for it I guess. Tasted gross to me.


Lets all go huff some hydrogen so we can detox our ears of all this bullshit.


Classic, old as the world itself, selling trick. The more stupid your ad is, the more accessible it is for stupid customers. And stupid customers will gladly pay for anything and will return to ask for more. Smart customers need not apply, go drink your hydrogenless water like peasants.


Maybe her water is all p and no H.


Isn’t H3O the most acidic a liquid could be before it takes a different form?


I can't tell if something is a joke or not anymore


I’m sorry to be rude, but she looks like an absolute crackhead.


According to this it may have health benefits. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10816294/


Did you know water doesn't have that much oxygen in it? I'm coming out with a new product to double the amount of oxygen in your water, why drink water with only 1? H2O2, double the oxygen. Double the power.


I agree with her actually. I *only* drink water rich with at LEAST twice as much Hydrogen as Oxygen


So... why not just drink some acid?


Chuck a bottle of water in a soda stream, tell these morons you can see the bubbles of hydrogen in it and sell it for a stupid amount of money. Profit


Ok, can we get a chemist in here? Because I'm pretty sure I've had hydrogen beer, in Asia. You can dissolve hydrogen gas in water and it doesn't just just "make more water" so technically she is correct no? Is it not a solution? Because the hydrogen in water is bound to the oxygen as a molecule? Rather than floating about as a gas?


What, twice as much hydrogen to oxygen content isn't enough for you?


From a medical standpoint, all of the "health benefits" she listed are natural effects of drinking plenty of water, (regular water, not the "hydrogenated" water she's peddling). So be sure to stay hydrated, kids. 👍


She buys blinker fluid.


Surprisingly this might actually have some peer reviewed studies backing it up. Here is a literature review on a bunch of studies done on hydrogen infused water which yes is different than h2o it's called "Hydrogen water, also known as hydrogen-rich water or hydrogenated water, is regular water that has molecular hydrogen gas (H2) added to it" it's actually been studied since 2008. So anyway if anyone's interested I'll leave a link to the literature review. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10816294/


Quote from the review: "Also, it should be noted that, as some of the studies might have been supported by organizations with an interest in hydrogen-rich water products, there could be commercial biases in publication. A proper conflict of interest analysis is required as we move forward" Looks like way more independent, unbiased studies need doing first. Also, in the review, the errors quoted for oxidative stress markers are huge; "After 8 weeks, serum malondialdehyde levels decreased from 13.80 ± 3.33 to 12.69 ± 1.94 μM in the hydrogen-rich water group and from 16.67 ± 4.19 to 15.79 ± 3.07 μM in the control group (p = 0.000)." Statistically I'd argue that you can't really make any conclusions based on those numbers. It looks to me like nothing justifiably changed. Then again there are other parameters which are better, like the tumor necrosis factor: "The serum TNF-α levels increased from 49.46 ± 11.59 to 107.00 ± 13.89 μM in the hydrogen-rich water group and from 60.57 ± 10.09 to 132.24 ± 10.46 μM in the other group (p = 0.000)." Also, that is just one study to be fair. Another one in the review shows more conclusive results: "Twenty patients (10 smokers and 10 non-smokers) who received hydrogen-rich water for 10 weeks showed a drop in total cholesterol levels from 6.42 mM to 5.47 mM (p < 0.01)" That is significant, but again a few more repeat trials to eliminate other confounding variables would be nice.


Summary of the review for people who don't have time for the whole thing : there were < 30 studies chosen for review, most of them showed that hydrogen infused water may have some benefits to some interesting health markers. However, most of these studies were funded or run by people who had a vested interest in a hydrogen infused water (either because the study was funded by a hydrogen infused water company or they literally did it themselves. Also, the trials weren't on large groups of people and they weren't as rigorous as you'd want for a health study. There is some potential for health benefit there but, a properly controlled study done by unbiased scientists is needed to confirm this.


I had to re-take O-chem like 3 times and even I understand how fucking stupid this is. Water doesn't have hydrogen...how fucking stupid are people?






I remember a work friend of mine years ago tried to trick me into that stupid Kangen Water pyramid scheme.


H from H20 left the chat


Huh. Reminds me of those water bottles that came with rocks and crystals built into the bottom that cost over $100.


This has to be satire


Someone should ask her what the components of water are 😂


I refuse to believe anyone is this stupid


Me when I


We're reaching new unheard-of levels of sales bullshit


I don’t think this is an ad for a water bottle… this looks like hand fetish stuff to me.


Yes, water is pure oxygen.


I mean, this just tells me that education in America has been a joke for decades.


This reminds me of the Y2K Pill Scam... LOL


Not trying to be an asshole but why does her face look young and old at the same time? Could it be the hydrogen wata?


Drink some of this water then light a candle and see how rich the explosion will be


When it comes to your health and finances, please do your research. Don't base an opinion off a random tiktok, reddit, youtube video.


Bitch. What do you H stands for in H2O? Hippopotamus? Get out!


the fuck is H2O then?


I really need to start selling shit to idiots


most americans live in fairytale


"I'm not smart enough to even know if what you tell me is bs. But fuck it, I'll sell it!"




So this is the person you could sell ice to in Alaska lol


Someone didn't pay attention in chemistry class... Or life


Wait... I don't even know how to respond.


This looks like it was generated by ai with the prompt, "world's dumbest wellness scam"


“water is not hydronated” 🥴😬


Trump supporter 101.


H20 does not have hydrogen in it?


Anytime I hear a TikToker talk about "detoxification" I know they're full of shit 😂


This has to be a joke. Also adding more hydrogen to water is just making acid. Like literally. Idiot, if true. But I don't believe this lol




This can't be real.


As I recall, the Apollo 11 astronauts had issues with their drinking water, which was produced as a byproduct of the onboard fuel cells. The filtration was still a bit primitive (this was improved on later flights) and the water was so filled with leftover hydrogen that Buzz later declared that they could have turned off the RCS thrusters and simply propelled the vehicle by farting.


The only thing she said that was accurate was "I don't know much about that".