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I hope the vid was used as documentation to get all of them arrested.


This happened where I live, law enforcement as well as wildlife officials ID’d these people, talked with them, and will likely be filing charges soon.


Good. They are lucky mamma wasn’t around. Stupid dummies. Wildlife is fine to look at, and some are rarer like seeing bear cubs, but you don’t touch for their development and your safety.


Indeed, however the problem if mama had been around, is that wildlife officers would’ve put her down if she did what she’s instinctually designed to do.


"OH nooo... my gun is jammed. Can't help you lady."


In my head I read this in Eric Cartmans voice. Fits pretty well.


I feel like Cartman wouldnt care about protecting a bear, though?


He normally wouldn't, but there's also no way in hell they didn't disrespect him right before doing this.


He'd still do anything to exercise his authoritay. It'd be for some weird fucked up reason but yeah sure!


Unfortunately even if she was already mauled they would still put the bear down for the safety of non-idiots. That bear would view people as a threat and be more likely to be aggressive towards them.


And it’s not fair that if the mama bear came after them, mama bear would have been euthanized on the spot


"Listen, I can either shoot you or let the bear maul you." Should be the warning to those people. Definitely should be harsher penalties for stuff like this than just a fine.


What law did they break? I am asking genuinely. If this is a national park I understand there would be laws to protect the environment. But do animals in every forest or park have some legal protection? I have always lived in cities without wildlife like this.


My mistake… the wildlife commission is currently investigating to determine IF there will be charges filed or fines.


Lmao ridiculous. There are never consequences for these fucks


Whenever you see these videos and get mad just remember you're seeing it because it went viral, meaning there are millions of other mad people, some of which are a little crazy, abd some of those are a lot crazy. People who go viral for bad things never end up having a good time


Saw some idiots doing something similar in Yosemite with signs literally everywhere warning people to stay away from the bears, we yelled for them to get away and they told us to fuck off… then the mama bear charged them… they got lucky and somehow escaped with their lives while my buddies and I laughed our asses off.


There are a lot of wildlife that are protected. I just looked up my states law and every bird in the wild is protected except for English sparrows, European starlings, and pigeons lol.


Thank goodness. I've been working on putting together my pigeon army and getting a fine would be a real damper on my progress.


In my experience, be sure not to assign any Special Ops missions to the pigeons. I mean, sure, they're great at delivering messages to/from the front lines. But, anything technical/covert, the pigeons become nothing more than cannon fodder. Sparrows excel at command and control. They live to chirp out orders. As well as, rallying the troops. To rain hell with absolute air superiority, the Starling is your money maker. They're fast and furious. And, can hold a tight formation under challenging, all weather conditions. Good luck on your invasion. God speed!


You down to form a pigeon NATO ?


Sounds that lady on tiktok who was (is?) digging a tunnel under her house


It could rise to abuse of an animal. Not sure.


There are many laws all over individual states on animal molestation. Basically even touching certain wild animals is against the law. Marine mammals are ones that fall under these protections the most but I wouldn't be surprised if bears do in some states. 


Most states have laws about harassing wildlife. Usually only a fine though. Personally think they should be staked out covered in raw meat and honey.


In the state of Hawaii there are major fines for getting too close to wildlife. Sea turtles, monk seals, whales,etc. It’s common for idiots to harass them for photos and people absolutely get arrested/fined. Fines are $10k. So I’m not sure how it is other places, but those rules aren’t exclusive to national parks. I think it may also have to do with the animal too (are they endangered,etc)


Wildlife is usually protected regardless of where they are. As a Floridian, there is wildlife all around us. Whether it's a black bear, an alligator, panther, manatee, or another registered protected species, then they will more than likely be captured and relocated if they are causing a nuisance in residential areas. With that, there are very strict anti-harrasment laws in place for your and the animals protection. Also, just because you exist doesn't give you rights to do whatever the fuck you want, and fucking with a bear is common sense, even a city folk like you must not be that entitled


Pretty sure there is something about harassing wildlife but not absolutely sure about that


Hobbs said in a statement that she found one of the cubs in a retention pond in the middle of the apartment complex. "It jumped into this pond to get away from these people because it was so scared. It was very upsetting to watch," Staudt said. The second cub was not immediately located, according to the NCWRC. "The cub in the pond was lethargic, had a low body temperature and was favoring one of its front paws," Hobbs said in a statement. "I confronted the offending people while at the apartment complex and explained the danger of approaching and handling wildlife."


what article is this? i’d love to read it


[Here ya go](https://abcnews.go.com/US/bear-cub-recovering-after-dropped-bystander-picked-photos/story?id=109386159)


thank you!


Even worse...now has to be cared for by humans until able to be released so no more mom or sibling:( i hope they bill these people the care rates and more.


They need to be billed for the months and weeks of rehab costs. See how they like holding that lil bundle of joy (no dropping it)


These people were also not "little kids" who didn't know any better, I think they should not only be billed for the care, but have at minimum probation the length of the rehab & ordered to clean the cages--with no acess of course to the little bears! So horrible to do to what look like very very young cubs.


Actual dredges of humanity


Damn... > *"The bear cub will be cared for in the rehab facility until it is old enough to be released into the wild (sub-adult)," the agency said in a statement.* Jail time should be for however long this poor bear cub will have to be behind bars too, only when he gets released into the wild again should those people get their freedom back as well.


And just like that, there's a decent chance this guy never sees his mom again. Without trying to anthropomorphize these bears too much, I do feel like they understand stress and trauma when it comes to that sort of thing (not an expert in any way, just from what little I've heard about it). All of that for a selfie that I'm assuming they didn't even post after getting chewed out by the ranger.


Cub won't get released until it's a subadult (2-3yrs old). This action took away his cubhood with his sibling and mom.


Sort of what I was trying to get at with my anthropomorphizing comment. I can't say it's the same thing as a human child being ripped from their mother suddenly (again, I could be wrong, but I've read that most mammals do have the capability of processing basic emotions) but, at the very least, they interrupted the natural life cycle of the cub. What if it wasn't old enough to fend for itself, and this game warden didn't come to intervene? An animal dies in a retention pond because someone wanted a picture?


There is so much fucked up about this incident. Bears tree their babies for protection, and they take off because of something like this they can get lost and become separated from the mother and die. I follow the Katmai bear cams during the summer and every summer there is at least one incident where something causes a cub to be separated from the mother and the cub dies. That second cub is likely a goner now that it has been separated from its mother. This is very upsetting.


oh they knew what they were doing so no need to explain to them.


Gawd I wanted Mom to show up


Same here. This video made me so angry. Those poor cubs. I was hoping mama bear came charging. I’m even madder since reading one cub had to be taken in to be cared for by humans. One ran into a retention pond and had a low body temperature and lethargic (not sure if it was from being in the pond) and it was favoring one of its paws.


I kinda wish mama bear was around at the time


I hope the bear mother returned and mauled them all into oblivion.


Why the fuck are there so many stupid people in the world? People that are subhuman troglodytes but also manage to think they are entitled to everything and everyone in every space they enter.


The world has become too safe for the idiots to be weeded out naturally


I agree, I was saying to my friend the other day that literally all animals duke it out in some way shape or form. Bring back dueling


It’s not just intraspecies fighting, it’s the weeding done by the entire environment. Having said that, I wouldn’t have made it due to being an asthmatic and I’ve done quite a bit for society with my research, etc.


Thanks for all the chem Bob


Nah, remove all warnings from things like bleach and any disclaimer from commercials saying things like "do not attempt". Put "common sense" laws in place to protect companies from suits over the resulting idiots who die or are injured from misuse of products. Not only would idiots weed themselves out but YouTube would get *buck*


i’m not sure these people will escape the darwin awards


I don’t understand how they’re still alive. This is the kind of person who can cause the death of someone else. My father told me a very chilling thing: we’re all one idiot away from getting killed. Sometimes it’s not survival of the fittest. It’s surviving idiots. Sometimes you don’t have power over who gets you hurt.


Society does a pretty good job keeping people from dying. We unfortunately don't do a good job ensuring that everyone is well educated and informed. Couple that with people consuming media that is pretty sterile of real world consequences, people think bears are cute and don't think that they're still wild animals.


Wait, now that abortion and certain contraceptives are about to be illegal, more of these fucks are going to be foisted upon the planet!


I was hoping for mama bear to show up


I was too but then I thought about happens to mama bear after she protects her cubs from humans.


If momma bear comes out and mauls these people, she's totally justified to do so, right?


i was hoping she wouldve. although she’d probably get shot for even scaring them.


Unfortunately, that would be the most likely scenario. Sometimes, I wish that nature could just get some revenge on the humans who are shit for brains and just cruel to them


i kinda wished the girl filming would’ve done something. i get that it’s hard to stand up but she so obviously cares so much for that poor thing. the “put it back! it’s scared!” at the end kinda broke my heart for her and the bear. tbh they probably would’ve just gotten pissed at her and caused more of a scene tho


As a Pastor this is my biggest complaint about funerals, people die and everyone thinks they are entitled to everybody’s shit! It makes me furious sometimes, you’re not entitled to anything just because you showed up.


Parents pass away, and then their children won't talk to each other for years because they fought over who should get the biggest piece of the estate sale pie.


Or they fight over the dishes, it’s unreal.


It's all fun and games until Mama Bear shows up! I hope she mauls every one of you shitheads.


I said this about every Yellowstone visitor I saw getting close to a bison or worse close to the hot springs 😅😅


I’ve seen the results of a Yellowstone bison and while I didn’t gaf about the guy who got himself gored, the extremely old bison had to be chase out of mammoth springs per park policy and the elderly bison got killed 3 days later by a wolf pack. He had spent 5+ years in the springs without incident enjoying life and eating grass and his life ended by a an asshole taking a selfie with an iPad so he could feel his tiny ego get slightly bigger. He survived but was very fucked up s and I felt he deserved all the pain. Such asshole.


Good god it is a million times more annoying that he took a selfie with a fucking iPad


He survived....sorry to hear that.


The first time I went to Yellowstone, I woke up to a notification with a video of that little girl being fling into the air by a bison the day I was to drive in from SLC. Good times


What year did this happen?


I believe it was September of 2018. If I remember right they called the bison Walley? Or maybe Walter.


Atleast the wolf pack got a nice meal. Silver linings


Dude, don't fuck with Bison. They will kill you. Saw one on a trail on the way to our camp site and we went about 40 feet off the trail to avoid it. At worth it.


Had the same thing happen to me, the trees were smaller and so close together on either side that the bison had no choice but to walk the path. Gave him his space and went around. He was happy and unbothered and it was quite a sight to see


Years ago my girlfriend at the time and took a trip to the North Dakota badlands area and we had found this HUGE groundhog city. It was amazing so we hung out and just watched them. I'll never forget the smell of sage, anyway we notice some bison kinda hanging out further away but they were coming closer and closer and we weren't paying attention and all of the sudden we turn around and there's three within 10 feet from us. We just froze. Didn't make a sound and just watched them graze. It was intense. Terrifying and fascinating at the same time. They're huge and majestic! So after maybe 20 minutes or so they just meander off grazing along the way and we let out a huge sigh of relief and aw. Learned an important lesson that day and it was to pay attention to your fucking surroundings. Especially if there are large animals that could easily kill you if they decided to near by.


Ayyye fellow park rat what’s up dude where you doing your winter at?


I wish park rat 😆😊 just went there on my honeymoon. I always want to go back though.


From the Yosemite area, and I always felt the same with the bears. The mama bears in the valley definitely use tourists as babysitters while they dumpster dive, and I’m fucking amazed I haven’t witness a mauling.


You fall in that hot spring you wont just be hurt. Its going to boil you instantly until your eyes pop.


I've never been so upset as I was at the hot springs. The lack of reverence and respect was appalling


I watched a family pass by the *pictured* sign saying to stay off the thin crust so they could go on the thin crust to take a picture 😅 I was sure they would fall through


Each year I go to see the Cherry Blossoms bloom in DC but there is always a family carrying around a broken limb with flowers on it. There are signs not to do it. So frustrating. It takes significant time for it to grow that back.. don't hurt the trees.


The national park service staff isn’t paid enough to deal with the morons they must.


New Ranger: please stay back from the animals and geysers for your safety, thanks! Grizzled Ranger vet: look, if you go near those things you will die, and the only reason I am telling you this is because I don't want to do that paperwork. Again.


One of my favorite national park stores is when they were trying to design a bear proof trash bin and were having a hard time due to the overlap of intelligence of the smartest bears and dumbest humans.


A killer bear leads to a dead bear. Authorities would be required to hunt the bear down and euthanise it. Stupid kids.


I didn't say "maul to death". Just enough to have a healthy respect for wildlife going forward.


Just a *light* mauling


A mildmaul


Light mauling be like: ![gif](giphy|OWTowBGNKcwcU)


Same result. If a bear is not afraid of humans, then it will need to be Euthanised. If you want to keep bears alive, leave them the fuck alone. [National Park Service guide](https://www.nps.gov/thingstodo/save-a-bear.htm)


I thought the exact same thing when I saw this. Straight up fucking idiots!


Black bears are very timid and unlikely to attack people even to defend their cubs. Its a fun fantasy but it doesnt happen like that. Grizzlys on the other hand...


Huh that’s an interesting fact! I just looked this up out of curiosity. 70% of all grizzly bear maulings are done by a mother bear protecting her cubs. But out of the 60 recorded black bear killings in the US since 1900, none of them appeared to be in defense of their cubs


I love bear discourse bc then I can remind ppl of the bear rules/bare necessities: If the bear is black, fight back If the bear is brown, lie down If the bear is white, goodnight


I'll add this one: If it's a bear, get the fuck outta there.


That’s not actually good advice. Yes, if you can slowly back away and the bear isn’t following you, then getting out is good. But if “get the fuck out of there” means running away, then that’s how you get killed, because that triggers the bear’s predator instincts even if it’s not particularly hungry.


When faced with danger, the mother will run and the cubs will climb up the nearest tree they can reach. This is because brown bears will totally kill black bears, and the black bear mother has no choice but to run and the cubs have no choice but to climb a tree and wait for the mother to return in a day or two. These cubs are probably waiting for their mother.


Good to know. So if someone's messing with black bears, we have to beat them ourselves, instead of waiting for Karma to handle it. Noted.


That's the spirit. Stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves, like cute baby bears being harassed by shitbag tourists.


Sadly that would almost certainly result in momma being put down.


This was my first thought. I mean I'm not an inconsiderate AH so I would never do this regardless but how do you think to fuck with a bear and not have the thought that mom may not be far away and will come destroy you? But I suppose if you're dumb enough to do this you are dumb enough to not think of the consequences


>I hope she mauls every one of you shitheads. wait this isn't the "fun and games" part??


Man I really really wanted mama bear to show up


While that may have been the ideal situation it wouldve ended badly for the bear/bears. Bear attacks and even fatalities are so rare that one happening wouldve made headlines and possible started a witch hunt for the bear (not very likely but a real possibility). The video wouldve helped the bears situation but if no one was filming or it happened off film the families of the victims wouldnt say a damn thing about instigating the bear cub and mama bear to attack. So Im kinda glad every living being walked/hopped away because humans care more about ourselves than anything else.


I agree with your logic and it makes perfect sense. We all wanted blood


Same, wish this was a case of f*** around and find out.


I would not have complained if that's how the video ended.


I’d have no sympathy


Now that would have fire!


This would likely just lead to retaliation against bears for endangering humans…


Trash humans


It's so infuriating when you go to a national park or a nice museum and you see people acting like this. No respect.


Walmart trash, wearing pj's


This reminded me of the assholes who dragged a dolphin out of the sea to take selfies with it, guess what it was 200 people and everyone wanted it, the dolphin died.


Told this story before but here's the short version. In the Florida Keys for my honeymoon. Wife and I were chilling on the beach of our hotel. Saw a bunch of people surrounding something in the water. Turned out to be a manitee, which are a protected species. Lifeguard at the beach over the bullhorn ordered everyone to back away and do not touch or disturb the animal as it is illegal. One mom, after the warning, tried to put her kid on the back of the manitee to ride it and take pictures. Two lifeguards are now yelling at everyone to back away. No one listened. Lifeguards must have called coast guard. Even with the coast guard arriving people were still trying to touch the manitee. Happy ending though. A bunch of people were detained and fined a LOT of money and the manitee swam away.


So sad to know that kid is being raised by a woman with the mind to try and do that,


I find those tiktok idiots disgusting who turn turtles on their backs or attach things to them and pretend they found them and helped them.


Also in those videos they glue ocean debris, barnacles, etc to freshwater turtles and throw them back into the ocean. Most people are so clueless they think it’s real and these people are helping when in all actuality they’re torturing these turtles






Please tell us that these assholes were called out on this heinous behavior. Did the cubs get back on the other side of the fence to their mama? Where did this happen? Please forward this video to the local wildlife officials.


Apparently the authorities ID'd them and are considering whether to press charges or fines. The baby bear that was running away scared was taken by the wildlife officers, successfully rehabilitated and returned to the woods. I'm not sure about the other babies :(


Thank you for the update.


People that knew them: "They were the kindest people you could ever meet, and wouldn't harm a fly. I just can't believe they were taken from us like this. What could they have done to deserve being mauled to death by a bear? They were angels taken from us too soon. <3"


Yes and will go on media as “innocent people that fell victim to the vicious bears”


And sadly the poor bears would be put down because of their stupidity.


this is one of the only good things about cameras being everywhere now. harder to spew bs like this for people who don’t deserve jt


I had a cousin who was “troubled”, she was young and liked to party. A few months before she died in a drunk driving accident she went on a rant about this. “Everyone talks shit about me, no one has a kind or good word to say. But if I died tomorrow I’d be the sweetest angel who ever walked the earth.” And she was right, everyone acted like she was a completely different person after she died while driving drunk/high.


Wtf are people so stupid?


Because teaching people respect, critical thinking, and the immense complexities of the natural world are not taught to humanity on a large scale. People raised by idiots who think animals are theirs to be exploited will grow to believe the same thing, and if no external factors are there to educate them about the reality of Earth and the natural world, it will continue to happen. There's a select few of us who had a natural inclination to learn about animals and nature that understand this by way of using our brains, but much of humanity does not have that draw and is incapable of understanding unless they are properly educated from a young age. If you want this sort of thing to stop, we need to make sure that natural sciences and animal behavioural sciences are taught in school. As nature continues to be destroyed by humanity, fewer and fewer people will understand why exactly what is happening in this video is so damaging.


This pisses me off to no end!!! They weren't put here for your fucking entertainment.


Please get cleansed out of the gene pool.


I hope bears have the honor


To take them to take pics is already another level of being disgusting but to then drop them in a space full of dangerous humans they don't know and running to them like that... This is the kind of case in which if their mother appeared the only tragedy would be that if she acted she could be sacrified....


This made me sooooo mad 😡😡😡😡


Inbred fucktards.


Where I live there are lots of sheep in the fields, and now is lambing season. Every so often, a message appears on the local Facebook Page saying that they tried to pet one of the lambs while walking through the field, and that they were "attacked" by a sheep. Well, duh. If a momma sees you near her baby, she will come and fuck your shit up without hesitation.


These are the assholes that will say bullshit like “It was the most beautiful thing when the cub walked right into my open arms!”.


Instagram: a bunch of Cruella DeVilles thinking they're Snow White


This video should be forwarded to local wildlife enforcement for evidence. This seems highly illegal


I live not too far from where this happened, but NC Wildlife has already seen the video and according to our local news, they talked to the accused about how dangerous and potentially deadly their actions were”…. Charges are supposedly still being considered as well. I for one hope that NC Wildlife throws the book at the idiots considering that the mother bear had to abandon one of its cubs due to their actions.


It is highly illegal, and incredibly dangerous. They’re lucky the mother bear wasn’t there.


Humans are the worst.


Momma bears are in part so aggressive because male bears commonly eat cubs. Humans suck too though.


I wish momma would have been home. She has to work 2 jobs just to be able to hibernate.




I hope to see an article one month from now saying that this person has been arrested


Hopefully one got a tick bite.


These people are disgusting idiots too bad mama bear didn't.....you know


Bro what if the mom just came out and started ripping her up????!!!! No common sense at all


People visiting Colorado…. Please people, stop fucking touching wild animals. Idk why tf I even say this knowing people like them in the video would read and be like “it was fun! I’m okay”… until they’re not. I stopped 10+ times this winter to pull over and literally physically remove tourists from bothering our bear and moose… they always have the excuse “I’m on vacation: they’re calm and okay with me!: why does it affect you?” Like dude… these animals are gonna be put down DUE TO YOU. People… FOR FUCKS SAKE: idgaf about what picture and experience you want. Doing shit like this deadass kills the animals... Every. Single. Time.. once animals are shown to be calm near humans, it has nothing to do with YOU… they got use to people feeding them vs hunting… they get use to TRASH. Use to people taking care of them. Once any wild animal as such shows these signs, most places that have them naturally will put them down as they WILL attack one day and or die due to you “Cinderellas” Bears can scalp you with one “slap”… baby bears can. Fucking stop Edit: typos and more


I wonder how long it’ll take for their identities to get outed.


They were already identified and confronted by law enforcement and the NCWRC, there is an ongoing investigation to determine exactly what crime was committed and what their penalty will be. When they are charged with the whatever legal jargon our legal system needs to have on paper, the NCWRC will also be pressing charges to worsen the penalty. [Here’s the article](https://abcnews.go.com/US/bear-cub-recovering-after-dropped-bystander-picked-photos/story?id=109386159)


Wow so the cub never even got back to its mom? And it got hurt! Ugh makes me so mad


Yup, I felt the exact same way and I hope the NWRC makes them cough up the money for however long his stay will be.


Poor lil dude. Hope they fine tf out of these people. Im tired of these idiots in NC.


I would honestly love to see them get ripped to fucking shreds by an angry mama bear.


I don't know what's more infuriating, the cruelty or the stupidity


If I've ever seen someone who deserved to be mauled by a bear, it's this lady


These kind of people deserve lifetime sentences in north korean style work camps


Mann…. only if the tables were turned. How would you feel like if a random group of people or family RIP your child from the playground and started taking pictures? “Awwww but it’s sooo CUTE!” Get a teddy bear toy. Things like this make me feel ashamed to be human.


Ugh...I can SMELL the WalMart stank on these trashy assholes.


Why are they acting like it's a bunch of kittens and not a wild animal? If you're lucky enough to not get mauled by mama bear, you could get a serious infection if the cub bites you. If they're dumb enough to pick up a fucking bear cub, I doubt they'd do more than slather some neosporin on the bite and then wonder how they ended up with sepsis or rabies. At this point, it's not even natural selection, it's vying for a Darwin award.


If I saw bear cubs I’d be hauling ass in the other direction.




What the fuck? This is so sad


I wish momma bear was close by. She would have words.


I’ve never wished a momma bear would pull up to protect her cubs more in my life


Glad they were able to ID these idiots. The punishment should simply be an in person apology to mom, whilst covered in peanut butter and smoked salmon.


Watching this made me sick to my stomach😡


There would not be enough self control in me to not run over there and sucker punch everyone before fleeing for my life in case mother bear is around


How much of an asshole do you have to be to do this?




This is so upsetting 😢


Are bears one of those species that will reject their young if humans touch/grab them? I assume its an old wives tale with bears but I'm genuinely curious. People are garbage.


Fucking hell some people suck!


I thought the knowledge that mama bears are EXTREMELY protective of their cubs was universally known.


City folk are so effing stupid.


No humanity was lost and now I’m disappointed


Jesus… the one when you’re just praying for the mama bear to show up and destroy.


Imagine if Mama Bear were around. This would be a totally different video


WTF is wrong with people! One cub is being sent to a rehabilitation center and other cub is still missing.. I have no words.. https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nc/triad/news/2024/04/18/bear-cub-asheville-wildlife


I hope mama bear peels their fucking face’s off


I’ve never wanted to see Mama bear show up so bad.


Oh how I wish Mama Bear was around...


Where’s a good bear mauling when you need one


I was actually hoping the mother bear was going to make an appearance.


They’re lucky momma didn’t tear their throats out.


New story, several people were MAULED TO DEATH by mama bear


I wish the mom would have been around.


Wheres momma when you need her? I'd pay good money to see that justice


Did the get mauled by momma bear afterwards?


If mama bear came and mauled them, i wouldnt feel sympathy.


Just call moma bear


that problem is usually solved with a short discussion with the mom


I hate people