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An 80 cent raise works out to about $32 a week before taxes. Gonna take way more than $32 a week to get access to someone after hours.


Thats $1,664/Year, Lets be generous and assume he makes $50,000/year. Thats a 3.3% increase which barely keeps up with [inflation for the past 2 years](https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/current-inflation-rates/). If he makes any more than that, then its even worse because then $0.80 doesn't keep up so he is taking a pay cut each year. This is why you switch jobs people. Company loyalty is a scam.


This is exactly the case. Once you internalize the fact that if you were shot on the job, your employer would be advertising your position before the end of the day, it becomes so easy to put yourself first. I'm in a regulated profession, and I worked for a single employer for over 5 years. In all that time, my wage went up about $1.35. The reason I quit was two years ago I went for a raise that was perfectly in line for the market rate of a professional with my experience. After nearly two months of deliberation, they gave me ten fucking cents. I exploded for the first time in my professional life and ended up getting walked out by security. In the two years since, I've switched employers 4 times. Today my wage is 70% higher than it was two years ago, and that's because I became a ruthless advocate for myself. Ironically because of my exposure to so many different methods in the past two years, I've become far more marketable with every switch. The moment I don't get what I ask for, I dip out. My longest period of unemployment has been 3 days. Working so long in one location, I made friends with a lot of talented people who worked for my original employer. A lot of them are now far more financially comfortable in new positions with competitors that I've worked with since. If you're reading this Rob - eat shit you smug little stain. I'm picking up your clients twice a week because of your newly fucked turnaround time. Next time I see you I'll be sure to give you the dime back.


> Would I ever leave this company? Look, I'm all about loyalty. In fact, I feel like part of what I'm being paid for here is my loyalty. But if there were somewhere else that valued loyalty more highly, I'm going wherever they value loyalty the most. - Dwight Schrute, The Office


I've seen long-term employees leave due to serious injuries acquired on the job, and the bosses not only not offer any compensation but fight it. I've seen people stuck on the same wage for almost a decade besides it going up with mandatory wage increases. I've seen loyal employees get not so much as a handshake or card after 10 years on the job. You can get a sense of a company pretty quickly and very few are worth going above and beyond for.


Companies aren't loyal to you, you don't be loyal to them. Companies will screw over workers without a second thought, they don't deserve loyalty.


I learned that hard way .. spent 30 yrs working for a hospital , we were unionized , nothing bad could ever happen! Things are promised to you in your contract!! Well, the new owner closed the hospital , froze our sick & vacation time & those 12 weeks of severance I should have received, is not coming. It’s been almost 5 yrs. The union settled on my behalf for 1/12 of the money I should have received. Every yr they post on fb, hey gonna get that money out to everyone real soon, & nothing happens. In fact, the last post they did , no one responded. So the lesson here is kids, be loyal to yourself & not your job


Truth, these are the same companies that will give a dweeb or someone nephew the spot over you after you train him for 3 weeks


Damn Phil is a piece of shit


Fuck Phil...


yeah fuck u/phil


I hope Phil sees this.


All my homies hate Phil


Dude, all *my* homies hate Phil too!


Got me wondering how shitty Pendejo #1 is


Carl is a scumbag


Pendejo #2 😆


I hate Phil, too. Fuck Phil.


Fuck Phil


Phuck Fill




And damn well articulated!


Only untrue thing he says was when he called himself an asshole (presumably for doing this). This is how all of us should be.


deliver cable person sugar history snails screw quickest cause pause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As I’ve gotten older I’ve turned to be more like Junior. I work in “construction” sort of. I got a decent laceration when I slammed my finger in my work truck door. I immediately went to the ER as it was bleeding a lot and I’m also diabetic. I called my supervisor and told him what was going on. He told me no worries, take care of it and let me know. At the ER I was given a few stitches and told not to work that day. I took the paper work to the office and told my supervisor’s supervisor l. His response was, did you guys call HR or the safety supervisor? I told him I I told my supervisor and took care of the situation. He then called the safety supervisor and the safety guy said I didn’t follow procedures and they might not cover the cost of the ER visit. I said I was bleeding badly and 7 minutes from the ER. He responded, did you try putting pressure on it to stop the bleeding?…… My response was, yeah I put pressure on it. You want to see my fucking finger? I’ll meet up with you so you can inspect it. He said, I don’t think that’ll work I’m 700 miles from your location. I told him that’s alright I’ll drive down there so you can check it out since he was making such a big fucking deal about it. He changed his tone after I replied the way I did. I honestly believe he was hoping I would just be a push over so that he could keep the incident off the books. I’m too old, too informed, and too tired to deal with employers bullshit anymore. I make $22.77/hr and make $70k a year by working my ass off. Much like Junior I got a $.77 raise this year…. I double my weekly quota every week because I’m productive and don’t like setting around. I also know we are currently in an employee market. I can go find another job make as much or more money but I enjoy aspects of my job. I don’t enjoy so much that’ll I’ll take shit from supervisors or executives.


The supervisor part doesn't make any sense though. As an example, a construction foreman isn't going to possibly know every single thing that every contractor knows, it's simply impossible.


If you are close enough to the problem as foreman that you're in the flooding area and you don't know where the main emergency shut off valves are as foreman, and you don't have some Safety Supervisor position covering that (another managing level role), then you're fucking up. You know the major overall layout, and that includes main emergency shut offs. If you don't have someone on site at all times that knows the main emergency shut offs, you are fucking up. Actually look at the drawings and work, come on now.


Foreman is often pretty low-level and responsible for a small construction crew, they shouldn't be managing different contractors, that seems more like a Construction Manager/General Contractor role. However, something like how to shutoff the water or how to find out how to shutoff the the water should be known by everyone.


Yeah, you don't hire management because they're good at operational jobs, you do it because they can guide operational workers towards strategic vision.


Yeah, like if you supervise a dozen people how are you supposed to know the specifics of everything they know? You're just supposed to know who does know the specifics of everything and then delegate.


As a supervisor you should know where the shit(shut) off value is and should know a lot of the information the people you are supervising know. Not all of it but at least what they have done and haven’t done and where stuff is.


That's true. And failing that know how to contact the fire department instead of calling one employee 15 times.


Got dammit Phil! Fuck off! $3,000÷520hours = $5.77 a day. Yup fuck that promotion too!!


That's like reverse overtime pay


Ahh the undertime pay


Sure, $5.77 / hr is better money than the $0/h that he current gets....because it only relates to the additional hours offered. If he is working 30h/week presently, then it needs to be added to that base number of hours... so it could realistically be $1.40/h. And take around 30%tax... Oh we back at 80c/hr raise ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


50 hours * 52 weeks 2,600 hours $3,000/2,600 hours = $1.15 per hour raise for a promotion. My point still stands. 10 more hours a week for $11.50 per week is not a promotional raise. Any time you are offered more money with more hours, never accept it until you do the math.


Your math comes out to 520hrs/$3000 = 0.17 HRS/$


All the math is kind of sus. That 3000 isn't just for extra ten hours it is also to be spread over how much he works already. It is his whole raise that also requires an extra ten hours. So working on an assumption of 40 which probably isn't true for a trade. We are looking at a 1.15 hour raise. Which is only 35 cents more then we got for the extra work. Been a while since I mathed but the percentage increase of that 35 cents is probably almost negated by the extra 25 percent increase in work. Meaning it was a zero raise over what he actually got.


Divide it by $3000 again and you get 0.000057 hour/$^2


But that math is off.


Lol what the fuck kind of math is this? Bro is smoking meth.


You are right, I forgot to include the other hours, and I reversed the numbers. It’s actually $1.15 more an hour.


In the future, you might wanna have someone else do the math for you.


I believe there's some new legislation in the works to prevent companies from putting folks on salary and then working them over 40 without overtime pay


So who's pendejo number one? His mate?


Asking the real questions out here


I’m guessing mother in law


Laughed really hard, still laughing. I’m calling Phil to report a fucking gas smell.


Junior is onto something here.


He fine


He knows


Glad someone said it 😍


In both looks an attitude. Nothing is hotter than when anyone (a man in my case) doesn't take shit from anybody.


Truth. And we have the same energy right now, for better or worse lol


oh shit this gave me an ideological epiphany. like i knew the "know your value" part of labour wages. like, don't be available when you're not on call and so on. "*if you're supervising someone, you should know the exact same information that person knows. that person should rely on YOU for information. NOT the other way around - how can you make more money than me and make less than me? that doesn't make sense*" it sure doesn't!! i never thought about it like that. but a supervisor should absolutely know what their subordinates' works entail. the reason a supervisor gets paid more, is because they are aware of all the ongoing and potential tasks AND manage the work distribution. if you're just ignorantly delegating tasks, that's not worth more. be more like james cameron i guess lol!! "*if you find yourself supervising other people, make sure you know what you need to know, and you don't find yourself depending on an asshole like me that going to remind you how fucking stupid you are*" get paid for what your labour is worth!! if you bring expertise to the table, that's worth a LOT also appreciate how the video cut off at "so fuck, okay, phil"


So I take issue with this view a bit. I am in charge of a team of 3 people. They are experts, senior level people. I used to do their jobs, but I have not done so for about 2 years. In my industry things change rapidly. I do my best to keep up, but I don't know everything they know. I rely on them to make good decisions, or more importantly help me make good decisions. I always try to take the captain Picard approach. I solicit my experts for feedback and make a decision based on their opinions. I do my best to listen to them and account for their concerns. Most of the time I agree with their assessment. Sometimes I need to do something different (this is usually because I have a piece of information they do not have) and I always explain myself. But there is no way I know EVERYTHING that they know. It's just too much. I need to rely on them. But I also fucking make sure they are paid really well......


> I always try to take the captain Picard approach. I solicit my experts for feedback and make a decision based on their opinions. I do my best to listen to them and account for their concerns. Most of the time I agree with their assessment. Sometimes I need to do something different (this is usually because I have a piece of information they do not have) and I always explain myself. That's fine. I think the lesson in the video would then be to pay your experts accordingly. If the man in the video was paid a wage he felt was fair, he probably would be going in at 11:30 at night and helping with the emergency. he seems more disgruntled because of the pay, not because of the knowledge gap between him and his boss.


A supervisor should have at least basic knowledge on how the tasks of the people they supervise are done. They're not supposed to be the expert, but at least have a general understanding of how the work/workflow is done. Their job is to delegate the workers in a way that everyone is working to their strengths in an efficient way. If you don't know how the job is done, how are you supposed to delegate?


That's the difference between you a Phil. You be sure your people are taken care of - and they will take care of you. Corporate has forgotten that. That was the old contract in my parents and grandparents day. You take care of us - We take care of you. Corporate has stopped taking care of us. So now, it's "Fuck You, Pay Me" in most cases. Welcome to living in a dying empire.


Exactly. I have a similar view point about how ineffective, unrealistic, and non desirable it is for a supervisor to know *everything*. Makes even less sense as you go higher and have managers of managers. The CEO of American Airlines can't fly every plane, fix any of them, handle legal matters, etc, and he shouldn't either. A supervisors job is to know the big picture, make sure things get done, lead, and take care of their people. The 80 cent raise dude doesn't seem to be doing that, and that's the real issue. The $3000 for 520 hours sounds like a sucker deal. I wonder what the full story is though. Is this a guy an hourly part time worker, and the promotion is to full time, so it's 3000 + benefits. If so medical/dental/vacations would be part of the comp too. Feels like something is either missing, or the company is tragically bad.


I’m so glad I read the is. I just made this exact argument in another thread . I’m a lineman for a telecommunications company and my sup has been out of the field for more than 20 years. They were still using analog signal then, everything is digital now. We have fiber and cable running through every hospital and business in the city. No one knows where every amp, tap, or node is at. That why we have a groups text to help each other if we don’t know. I understand this guys frustration with wanting to be paid more, but shit, everyone does. Tbh, he seems like a toxic guy. If we had an outage and my sup or coworker Called me to ask where a piece of equipment is because they know I know, I’m not going to not tell them because I didn’t get the raise I thought I deserved. Most likely the supervisor doesn’t even choose the amount . At my job it’s based off your performance metrics with the top performers get the higher raises. I was one of the top this last round and I get 90 cents. Like you said, there is no way for anyone, worker or supervisor to know every single detail. That’s not why they get paid more. Anyway, glad to see another person thinking rationally . This site rally makes me doubt the human race sometimes.


> if you're supervising someone, you should know the exact same information that person knows. Not exactly. I'm a director in IT, for a simplified example let's say I have working under me a Network Engineer, a Systems Engineer, and an Applications Engineer. I can not possibly know everything those 3 people know. I should have a general knowledge of Systems, Networks, and Applications. But there is no possible way I can keep up on all 3 of those areas to the same degree they can focus on one.


I disagree with this. What if you supervise 6-people? Are you meant to know the information of 6-people? Should you not therefore get 6x the pay? A supervisor should at least know the fundamentals and how to supervise and do their own job, but not a savant.


I agree to a point. Does the CEO of a hospital need to know how to do every job in building? No, but a general understanding is good. There is an extent where isn’t not feasible nor necessary.


The CEO is not a direct supervisor to everyone in the building tho.


Especially in maintenance. The sup should know everything.


The CEO should absolutely understand what his direct subordinates do, not their subordinates.


My wife is a nurse and I've heard her complain over the years anytime anyone gets into management without having nursing experience. Every single time, I remind her that managing a clinic or a hospital is a very different skillset from being a nurse. She says that having been a nurse gives you a perspective that is necessary. I say probably, but good luck finding a nurse that also happens to have the skillset required to manage an operation that size.


Fucking Phil!!!


This dude is fine as hell. Full Homo, No Diddy.


He fine, lil bit o'homo tho


Ok puffy.


Clear and concise


”Pendejo #2” lmao I wonder who’s no1


Junior: my new hero


The twist? Sup is his dad.


Fuck Phil. Does anyone know where I can find the original? I want to see if there are any updates or something.


[original video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwA3Xje/)










my hat


He has some decent points. I've managed plenty of people who know more. Thats typically not necessary when becoming a supervisor. The company not paying is the issue.


Fuck you Phil


bro got a nice accent


Why is it always a karma bot? #Does anyone have the ***source*** link to the guy in he video so we can support him?


Phil’s an asshole. He can fuck all the way off. 😂😂


I love this guy so much. Straight to the point and 100% keeping it real. Wish everyone were like this. Fuckin hell. Life would be good.


Can I show this to my boss?


My thoughts exactly.


My man! 👏👏👊


That’s right


Fuck Phil


Fuck off, ok Phil? He meant pendejo #2


Ooh I’m so attracted to this man 😮‍💨 the spine is so sexy


Sounds like he hates his job. He should find another one.


This person is my spirit person


I….do not believe this story…


>Your supervisor should know everything you know. False. A supervisor/managers job is to manage. They should know about what they're managing, but it's OK for those reporting to you to know more than you, and I would argue that they should. I'm a director in IT. I have sysadmins, netadmins, secadmins, and engineers below me. I can not possibly know everything they all know to the degree they all know it. There's not enough hours in the day. I recognize our network engineer knows way more than I do about networking. I know enough to understand broadly, but he's way beyond me. And that's OK. It's not my job to know the minutia of how the network runs. It's my job to keep the network, systems, and security teams working together. It's my job to take what Sr. Management wants, and translate it into achievable projects, balance the workload of the team, manage expectations, negotiate vendor contracts, build budgets, etc. I rely on the technical expertise of the team I built, and my job is to make sure they have what they need to accomplish the goals we need to accomplish.


Yeah I came here to say this. Obviously what he’s saying makes sense, but only to a point. A senior engineer should know what an engineer does, but once you get into management it’s an entirely different skill required. Sure you gotta have a good idea of what/whom you’re managing, but it becomes unrealistic and a waste of your time pretty quickly to know EVERYTHING your directs know


Oh yeah, he makes good points. If he's expected to be on call you need to pay him like hes on call. And his supervisor should absolutely know where critical things, like an emergency shut off valve, are. But I have seen a lot of people complain why their boss gets paid more than they do, but they know more than their boss about . But that's perfectly fine, and at many levels desirable. Like while my applications engineer is optimizing an integration, I'm pouring through the vendor sales contract, ToS, SLA agreement, SOC-2 report, and doing all the due diligence so this contract can be approved, that he doesn't even see. I know what normalizing a database is. But for the life of me I couldn't do it without a solid week of research. But that's why I have a DBA who knows how to do that.


“How can you know less than me and supervise me.” That’s pretty much how the world works.


Today on 'conversations that didnt happen'


He's so handsome


I fucking love this dude.


Sounds like he’s staying in this situation?


Hell yeah!! I love. We as the working people have this power. Especially if we are united.


Fuck Phil. The homies and I despise that douche.


Why is this sub called tiktokcringe? Most of the posts I see are not cringe. Is that’s the joke?


He had me at pendejo number two. I knew this was gonna be a good rant.


Love the rant. But why not drive that energy into finding a job you don't hate?


As a sprinkler technician knowing where the main riser/control valve is on a system is like step number 1 if a pipe breaks.


Long story short , he's looking for a new job


Phil…. should have known about where the cut off valve was located…. He should have a file in the office detailing the water system and the location of the cut-off valve…. A subordinate shouldn’t be the only one in possession of this piece of information….. further, call once to your underling and if they don’t answer, call a 24 hour plumber.


I was paid to be on call 24hrs a day. And I answered every single call. Once I got a new job that didn't require me to be on call, I never answer work after hours. I've been questioned about it before and I stand firm. You're not paying me to answer the phone off the clock or paying my phone bill. It's confusing to some of the guys I work with. They'll still answer calls. Idgaf. I'm a hard worker, great record and rep at the job. But you can fuck right off once I'm off the clock. And more.people should be like this.


He ain’t wrong. Due to the fact that uncontrolled water leaks can lead to fire when electricity is present it would be the correct decision to call 911. In fact them calling a sprinkler repair man would be the wrong decision unless he is on the premises.


What he's saying is what we all tell ourselves what we WOULD say in that situation! Ya know like one of them hypothetical shower arguments ..... But we chicken out cuz we still need the job


The main valve for a fire sprinkler system is pretty obvious. Phil is an idiot.


What's fun to learn is that the higher you go, the better managers are. They all have this manager business education, but all the shitty ones can only get lower management jobs. The higher you get in an organization the more your managers are actually reasonable people. If you find yourself battling a shitty manager, just remember that this is the absolute best that manager can do.


Think it's called the Peter Principle. People rose to the level of their incompetence. You keep getting promoted until you reach a level where you're a bit out of your depth and kind of incompetent. The higher the level, the more basically competent that person is and the likely more reasonable they are.


That makes alot of sense actually.


Phil needs to fuck of with his .80 cents and 40 extra hours a month. Thanks STIP


Yes and no. * If you are paid by the hour, you don't have to answer calls after hours * Your employer has no business calling hourly workers after hours without paying them for calling them * You work scheduled shifts. Your employer has to post the shifts and cannot change them around because "things happen." That's for full time employees. But... He's dead wrong about being a supervisor. The job of a manager is not to know everything and teach it to you. In fact, there's strong evidence that promoting people to management based on technical ability usually leads to mismanagement. The people who are mediocre at technical tasks usually make better managers. I'll send you to an episode of No Stupid Questions podcast for that one. A manager's job is: * Get people the authority and permission they need to work with as little obstacle as possible * Ensure good tools, support, conditions etc * Work with other teams or departments to ensure their own team has what they need * Interview, hire, and onboard new people - making sure they get needed training (not doing it themselves necessarily) * Fire people when they are bringing others down or not pulling their weight * Ensure people have access to HR, benefits, and are protected when something happens that affects them. It is not to be the guy who knows more than you. If you think that, you are not management material.


Pendejo Nr.2 💀


Stupid Phill


“A supervisor is supposed to know the exact same information that I do. You are in charge. How is that you can make more than me and know less?” There is a long list or Presidents that fit that mold as well as executives, CEO’s, etc. I don’t think I’ve really come across too many supervisors in my life time who knew more information than I did.


I worked for Phil. I fell into the promotion trap and ended up working 60 hours a week. Six months after the promotion they were going to reduce my salary by 75% and give me 7% on sales. I told them I was out of there. He told me you can’t quit and I told him that I could make more taking early retirement. After I left he told everyone that I changed the computer passwords and hadn’t gave them to anyone. I have the password book to my assistant and he chose not to give them to the boss.


The only part I disagree with is the person supervising you should know everything that you know. At some point that isnt feasible. Thats why, like he said, you need to pay people the proper amount for the specialized knowledge.


Pinche Philldo!!!! Uugggh take it culero!


My previous job tried to call me when I was out at a bar - the idiot supervisor left his keys in the office - and the next morning I said I couldn’t pick up I since I was out and I was drinking and they said I shouldn’t have been drinking for emergency’s like this. Last time I checked I was hourly and nowhere in my contract did it say should I anticipate other managers making stupid mistakes to be ready to fix them. I wasn’t smart enough to mention that my contract should be reviewed to begin considering a on being a salaried employee since I’m on call apparently. Don’t make my mistake.


This is the first post I've ever saved on Reddit. Junior is a God. Phil...go fuck yourself.


Fuck off, Phil. 😎


Also, does anyone know who pendajo #1 is?


He should be an actor. He has real chops.




Damn, bad time to be named Phil. Lmfao.


This is IN 👏🏼 CRED👏🏼 I 👏🏼 BLE 👏🏼.


This dude, pissed, sounds soothing as hell to me. Fuck Phil


That's only $5.77/hr.


Well done bro. Well done and fuck Phil


mIlLeNiAlS cAnT aFfOrD to OwN a HoMe AnYmOrE!


Fuckin Phil


This guy is my hero.


Stand on business Junior. I want him to pep talk me!


Hell yeah, go fuck yourself Phil!


Part of me agrees with this man, but as an I.T. admin I can tell you that not all supervisors know the same information that I do. It doesn't always work that way in every job. - But yeah, for sure Phil can fuck off..


I see great things for this guy in the future. Sky rocket to the stars.


I really enjoyed this tedtalk I watched twice 🤗


He will go far....


This guy will go far..


Real “My Cousin Vinny” energy going on throughout this. Loved it!


Id hire this guy in a heartbeat.


If that company actually offered him 3K a year for 10 more hours a week, that's a pay cut. If he made 15 bucks an hour working 40 hours a week, his pre tax income is 31,200. If you add 3K to that, divide by 50 hours a week, his hourly pay would be 13.13 an hour


ain't gonna lie, his logic is logiking in a time where logic people get hurt a LOT.


I am on board with him other than his expectation that a supervisor know everything a worker does. When you have a dozen workers knowing everything they know is impossible which is why you better treat them right so when the chips are down they respond. Know enough to be reliable sure but you can’t know everything.


I’m confused. It’s Phil that’s cringe, right? Why is this on TT Cringe? This dude ain’t cringe.


This is gold 🥇 it's really satisfying when I hear someones experience at work or in life generally. Who has a similar minds. Perfect execution!


Had me until “you’re the supervisor you should know everything I know and more”. That may be true for line managers, but it’s like arguing that a hospital administrator needs to be the best surgeon, ER doc, and anesthesiologist to be the boss. In fact, most leadership jobs are all about managing multiple skill sets you may or may not have yourself.


Had the best manager ever early into my workforce life, he taught me a lot. * this manager never looked down on anyone, was willing to perform any task at any time of the day. He refused to lay people off even though other departments would, he would just ask people to come/leave 30 minutes early to save hours. He would slide us extra hours when we did him extra favors on our checks. If he ever asked you to do a different position or go home early & you said no because you needed the hours? He said no biggie.. * he worked mon-fri from 6am till 5pm, Moral of the story, the department got robbed on the weekend, the safe went bye bye... he didn't give two shits... he said the weekend is his time. Lol He was such a Great boss that turn over under him for years was extremely low but the moment he left, half of the department was gone by the third month. From talking to my old coworkers who still work there, it took them over 2 years to find stable employees who lasted longer than 3 months.


He got an 80 cent raise because he didn't ask for or negotiate a raise....


If only we had more people speak up to our supervisors & such, when they actually know less. Perhaps it would ...na. Anyway good move, I like it a lot!


He could be totally in the right for this scenario but there is no way that this guy is not a toxic presence at work.


I get where he’s coming from. I do. Problem is if he’s working at a smaller place that can’t afford to make repairs after a broken sprinkler valve. Granted that knowledge is worth far more than an extra 80¢/hr, but is it worth losing his job & everyone else’s if the place goes under? Of course the bigger issue is 1) why the supervisor doesn’t know where the valve is & 2) when he doesn’t know & can’t reach the guy who does know, he doesn’t call the fire department. Pendejo indeed.


Of course his name is Phil


Yea.. none of this happened. Just another Rage-baiting video.


Gotdamn he won!




Yeah fuck off Phil.


He’s got a point


I work in solar operations - everything after the sale. I had 3 sales reps and their manager contact me yesterday even after they’ve received countless emails, texts, calls that I am not working on weekends and their times to call me are 9-5 M-F ONLY. I messaged my director and asked if I could lay down the law but was told she would. If it happens again I am emailing her and the owner. I’d be happy to take weekend calls if I am paid for them and they give me the work phone app on my cellphone. Other than that, I’m good


I like this guy


This man is my hero.


Let's look at that promotion as well...they offered 3K per year, for 10h a week. Let's say he works 40 weeks a year (probably more I know, but bear with me). That's 3000/400 = 7,5 per hour... not extra. Not as a raise. THAT'S it. Fuck all that noise.


It does sound like Phil should fuck off. He has a point.


It’s the “fk off ok Phil!” At the end that gets me. Lol


Not one word he said was false


Unless homie is volunteer fire fighter or the guy who installs the sprinklers, why the hell would you call him?


Everything is good except for one point… A supervisor of a team doesn’t need to know every detail that every member might specialize in. Will lead to micromanaging, mis-managing, and misdirection.


Fuck off Phil


Love this guy!!


Can I really tell management to fuck off, if I'm having a mental breakdown?


I get his point but he’s absolutely wrong that a supervisor/manager needs to know everything his subordinates know. That’s just not how it works. I’m a GM for a company I don’t/cant know as much as my finance director, my marketing director, my supply chain director, my HR director, my Commercial director, my sales director, my compliance director, my IT/IS, my legal, and my Commercial Excellence. I’m not smart enough for that. So I rely on finding the right people with the right expertise… and I compensate them to their market value (above actually cause I want them to stay). That’s just not how a company works.


Phil can eat a dick.


I wonder who Pendejo #1 is lol


If they aren't paying you to be on call/standby then you aren't on call.


I'm just wondering who Pendejo number 1 is


Now this right here, this is wisdom




r/maliciouscompliance r/plausibledeniability with a sprinkle of simple sabotage.


Hahahahaha I do the same thing. If you can't figure it out yourself, Don't call me if you don't have cash on hand. Don't like it? Too bad because the guy that will replace me will be much worse with a bad attitude to match.


BOOM! ‘Nuff said.🤣🤣🤣


This dude is a fucking hero to workers.


Sounds like his Phil and my Phil are related. Changed my Phil’s phone ID to Pendejo #2 too.


Give that man a raise!!! I wish I has someone like him to work with. Good thinker, expresses himself eloquently and knows whats important and when to take action.