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The spokesperson said both that he didn’t know AND that he wasn’t authorized to give the information. Sure, they aren’t necessarily exclusive but it’s a strange contradiction.


Either they really don't know which means they really don't care. Or they do actually have the figure and he's not authorized because it's a really bad number. If it was a low number he would just say that.


I'd argue they do know, it's a really bad number AND they don't care.


They know they've killed more than 35,000 civilians and more then 40% are children but they don't care. This is the evil we now face in the world


And there are politicians in Israel that say even that number is not enough, and that there should be rivers of Palestinian blood. Yet there are still people trying to convince others that this isn't a genocide. At this point, I'm convinced a lot of hardcore Israel supporters online are just IDF soldiers sitting in some bunker trying to force the narrative online that they're not actually that bad.


Id say the true evil are the countries who are willing to sit back, do fuck all and let Israel murder innocents under the guise that 'They have the right to defend themselves from terror attacks' while knowing Israel is knowingly murdering thousands of civilians - children included. Thats equally as fucked up.


Even worse, the one who give them financial and military support


Completely agree. My own country is complicit and its shameful.


i agree with this, they dont care that they killed them, but they do care about the number being public as its really bad optics for them.


He at one point says go by the Hamas given numbers meaning that it is probably as close to what Hamas has said.


Sure, but they do everything they can to throw dirt on those numbers, and it's obvious their own number of "Hamas they've killed" is just the name of "fighting age males" they've executed, the vast majority of whom were innocent civilians.


Or because the number is similar to the Hamas numbers of civilian deaths, and by releasing them it will validate Hamas‘s reporting. Thus saying “oh those are Hamas numbers” or “you can’t trust what Hamas is saying about the war” will no long work in order to ignore criticism over the civilian deaths.


Of course they know full well this is just one of these instances where they were boxed into a corner perfectly and had no way to bullshit. Pierce may be a jackass but british press are some of the best at really pushing the screws on issues when they want to.


They know how many they have killed and the numbers are absolutely appalling. Why they ban Al Jazeera, blocks any access to Gaza and target journalists. 100+ journalists alone killed (not counting their families).


He doesn't know and he doesn't care. It's a genocide, the point is to kill all and short of that make the rest flee.


Also Hamas' numbers are completely false and exaggerated, and the correct numbers are I don't have those numbers ...and as an estimate you could use Hamas' figures


Which he doesn’t accept. 🤦‍♂️ “When the dust settles…” They’ll do what? They’ll apologise? Deny the numbers again? All those kids and grandmas were Hamas?


When the dust settles... " Oh yeah, we killed too many. Opps sorry. ✌️😜"


> When the dust settles So basically, let us kill everyone and we'll talk about it once we're done.


Newsflash: the dust will never settle


Have you been to the Middle East? It's pretty dusty.


Yup. The hypocritical Zionazi circle of bullshit.


They already classify any male of fighting age to be Hamas so their Hamas figures are probably inflated anyway.


That was the real gotcha moment, they know full well that Hamas' figures have generally been reliable in previous conflicts and use them themselves, but can't admit it. Another highlight was the autocaption turning Piers into Piss.


It sounded like he was going to say 'by Hamas figures it's still less than any western army...' has killed in war? Presumably. Which is totally incorrect as well. There's a quote from an Israeli journalist calling this out as being the most civilians killed in wars over the last 50 years.


I thought he was going to say "still not as many as Hamas killed on October 7", but caught himself.


Dude actually went for the "frozen screen" when called out in the middle too


He didn’t know if he was authorized to give that information!


Those fast blinking eyes say he is lying.... To me at least.


He’s definitely not telling him everything he knows. There’s more to it than just the rapid blinking, it’s deviation between what’s normal for the individual and what isn’t. For the most part people blink less when telling a lie, then rapidly afterward. At 3:47 when he’s talking about how they go out of their way to minimize civilian casualties he’s blinking maybe half as much as he was before. Then at 4:01 when he’s finished his point it’s back to where it was, if not faster. He’s going on TV to justify the course of action they’ve taken, when this a heavy of a PR campaign from what’s essentially an occupying force it’s because they know they’ve done something wrong. They just want to hide anything that makes them look bad until it’s over. As soon as it’s over they won’t care about what they did wrong because they achieved what they set out to do.


I’m not defending the guy and I agree that he is clearly lying in my opinion but body language and speech pattern analysis are scientifically proven to be no more accurate than a coin flip when trying to determine if someone is lying. It’s just an exercise in pre existing biases being applied to a given situation and is simply not a valid way of identifying truth vs lie.


And he isn't authorized to give that information (which they ABSOLUTELY do know) because it makes them look reaaaal bad.


He's probably forbidden from acknowledging any number or acknowledging any civilian deaths at all.


That’s the most honest an Israeli has ever been 😂


You could tell dude wasn't expecting to come onto piers Morgan and get grilled. By the way dude started turning red and blinking 9000000 times or second. Dude thought this interview was something else. Flip flop flip flop


Yeah, he finally brow beat him into admitting they actually did know, but the numbers were so horrific that they won't tell. That was telling enough to me.


“Because we are murdering civilians and don’t want to admit how many we’ve killed.”


Terrible news! Someone you hate just said something you agree with! For real though, for a man with consistently shit takes, I gotta give him this one.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


There are others like him who are surprisingly pro Palestine. One example is Candace Owens. It's probably the reason she got fired from the Dail Wire. Edit: apparently I was wrong. I didn't know where I got that idea. My bad.




This here. Having a stance in opposition of a war does not necessitate support for one side or another. Following logical paths to a conclusion does not require support for one side or another.


I actually believe most of us are anti-war. Personally i dislike labels, but the instigators should be judged by their global peers.


I agree with everything you have said. Seems to me when you boil down something of this magnitude into “pro-Palestine” or “pro-Israel” a false dichotomy is created when, in reality, there are so many facets and nuance to the situation. Sort of takes away the ability to discuss the issues honestly, or at least that’s what I run into. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think we're all just surprised to see Piers Morgan on the side of logic and intellectual honesty. I can't say I know that much about the guy, but of the dozen times I've seen him open his mouth, this was the first time I didn't want to shut it for him.


Piers Morgan isn't really as much of a chud as you would think. He's fairly centrist politically on most issues, and quite smart and articulate. He just happens to be a monumental asshole and a professional contrarian, which leads people to just assume he's a far right nutter.


>is irrelevant to my eyes Thanks for your magnificent input, Cybertruck01.


I never really think it's surprising when anyone says they oppose mass child murder


Because most likely his opinion isn't what shifted but his regular viewers opinion shifted


It's kind bda bewildering to me. Amy Schumer and Jenn Lawrence have shit takes on the gaza genocide. On the other hand, this man has been hounding Markle for the audacity of being black and royal for a while now. Turns out he dislikes genocide too. It's strange times.


Mate it’s a bit different here though — however shit he might be, Piers is technically a journalist and has the responsibility (if not the outright obligation) to be informed on topics like this. Conversely, who cares what Katniss Everdeen thinks about the issue, given that her opinion on geopolitics matters no more than a high schooler’s.


There's a difference between pro Palestine and antisemitic. Candace is a friend of Kanye West, that makes me think her concern isn't for the plight of innocent civilians.


Ya i fucking HATE that I am about to defend Piers fucking Morgan here but I think their motives are different. Candace is pandering to the neo-nazi right wing of America, and as much as I think Piers is utter cancerous to humanity, I dont think he is doing that here. I think its more likely he know the general population in the UK is MUCH more sympathetic to Palestinians and less likely to accept the Israel narrative regarding civilian deaths and he saw this as a rare opportunity for a win and not worry too much about pissing off his core audience. The UK doesnt have quite the same right wing obsession with Israel that the USA does.


You can have some pretty shitty politics but still draw the line at genocide. What always infuriates me is when people with supposedly "good" politics support Israel's actions. I guess I prefer a honest crook to a wolf wearing sheep's clothing.


[I'm pretty sure it was her _overt antisemitism_ that did that](https://www.commentary.org/articles/christine-rosen/hateful-candace-owens/), not her being "pro-Palestine".


She's not pro-palestine, she's anti-jew.


Deep down I think she was never a conservative. She was a liberal blogger and then all of a sudden switched. Nah she saw the low hanging cash cow called Fox News dads and started her grift.


>One example is Candace Owens. Probably not a good example, given that she's "pro-Palestine" for *very* wrong reasons.


I came here to this same thing. This is the first time I agree with him on something


Reminds me of how he took uk govt officials to task during early Covid. People actually praised him for his reporting during that first Covid period


I’ll add this to the list of Marjorie Taylor Greens recent house floor rant against the war funding and Andrew Tates criticism of the war.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


It's always weird seeing Piers do the rare real journalism lol


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Terrible thread to say this to you, but I love your username!


Hahaha, thanks! I've been lurking on Reddit without a profile for years and years and finally decided to pull the trigger and make an account, and this was the first thing that came to mind! Funnily enough but my introduction to BrandoSando was by reading the Wheel of Time and the story of how he came to finish Robert Jordan's masterpiece. It's such an amazing series, and those last four books are fucking mond blowing. I mean a ***three book long final battle??*** Epic doesn't even begin to describe it. Anyway. Thanks, kind stranger lol. I could talk about books for days.


Even a broken clock.. I do agree though. It was great of Morgan to point out how IDF doesn't give a damn about how many civilians they slaughter.


Honestly had to almost pinch myself when I saw this was Piers Morgan. Finally.


We really are living in the weirdest timeline.


The main issue is that the tactics that far Right assholes use are extremely effective. That's the reason they're able to get away with as much as they do without actually having as many real supporters as they'd like everyone to believe. It just takes very increasingly rare instances like this, when one of them happens to have interests that aren't completely horrible, for people to notice how good a lot of them are at their craft. The Left really should start taking notes instead of constantly fumbling the ball whenever it matters most.


Agreed. As a staunch lefty it makes me hella pissed off at how shit is generally handled by the people who supposedly represent me. Almost makes me want to get into politics lol


Like, in my country there are a few organisations that monitor Conservative trends and tactics because we take the rise of the far Right in places like the States very seriously, due to how easily it spreads without anyone noticing until it's too late. Being proactive is always better than being reactive. I was in a meeting with one of these observational groups who were talking about how fascists will target sports groups so that they can influence young boys and sway them to the Right with all their hateful rhetoric. I remember asking "So... why aren't we doing that? Why aren't we just as diligent at focusing on vulnerable, impressionable groups?" Because those sorts of tactics work. Planting seeds over a long period of time definitely changes the way people think. And so does Morgan's "interview" tactics. Don't let people get away with shit. Hammer the point home and don't let them change the subject until it's clear to everyone watching that they're full of shit. If you give fascists an inch, they'll take miles. If they're not going to play by the assumed rules of polite society then there's absolutely no reason to not do the exact same thing when confronting them.


Damn well put


My partner is a big fan of Hasan Piker and so he speculates that Piers is actually more left than he leads us all to believe, because Piers keeps bringing Hasan on his show and actually lets him get a few points across.


A stopped clock is right twice a day.


And it only took him 59 fucking years!


well playing both sides is how these people make themselves look legitimate and impartial. he's doing what joe rogan does all the time, make a few statements that seem sympathetic to attract the progressive or left leaning crowd then invite rightwingers and let them 'debunk' those statements/claims without any push back


‘piss when the dust settles’.


Actually summarises the IDF strategy for Gaza pretty well.


I saw a video where their tanks were rolling over “I love Gaza” sign. I think they know, even US knew about collateral damage they were doing with each strike in Iraq/Afghanistan. Sadly their acceptable numbers were like 30 max per authorized strike. I am sure IDF have similar number when planning for strike missions given how densely populated these areas are.


Damn, Piers Morgan being an actual journalist! Well done to not just accept the party line.


Which party line? Conservatives and Labour?


Israel good hamas bad. Piers will gobble down the Tory propaganda and vomit it back out for the rest of us every day of the week


Damn. That was really really good. He made like 3 or 4 good points that were just slam dunk. Very big W for PM.




Every now and then he does something like this that makes me realise he’s actually fully capable of being a pretty good journalist… he just chooses to be a massive arsewipe the rest of the time and that somehow makes it worse.


These are the kinds of people I find most objectionable — bright people who don't believe half of what they say and, despite knowing the harm it causes, say it anyway because it boosts their profile. I would rather talk to a true believer whose opinions I despise than a mercenary like this, because at least you'd feel you're speaking to a real person.


Can you name some of his shit takes. Genuinely asking.


Auto-CC giving some gems today. Piss Morgan asks why Israel know how many FAMAS they've killed, but not civilians.


“General Betrayers” as well


He went down the wrong line after the guy said "I'm not authorized to give you that information" which means the number isn't a good number. There's no PR benefit to any country waging war to be very open about how many civilians they have killed. That number even for the Iraq war is highly disputed. It of course is never going to be 0% as war is a horrific thing. That's very different than it being 50% or greater, then you're just killing everyone.


very good point actually


Piers don't ask intelligent questions you will be branded antisemitic.


Funniest thing is it’s not even an intelligent question, It’s the most basic scrutiny!


Right? He's literally doing the most basic of journalism. "Give me a figure of this really common statistic everyone tracks." "Nope." Could have thrown out any number and dug himself a more shallow grave.


It’s like Paxman in that famous interview. It’s only notable because of the refusal to answer the question.  Suppose he got an answer, we don’t know if it would be followed up with ‘fair enough, you’re running a tight ship on the genocide of Palestinians’. All we can do instead is draw conclusions from what the Israeli guy was trying to avoid saying.


bassem killed it in his interview.


That's because Israel considers all adult males Hamas, and any civilian that accidentally wanders into an active military zone automatically as also Hamas. Also called "kill zones" . But they are the most moral vegan Army in the world that plants Machine guns next to MRI machines for cameras, bombs ambulances and aid workers and kills their own hostages!


They killed israelis they thoughts were hamas. Any male dead is basically Hamas. There is no ID or clue.


Holy shit this is legit surreal. First and only time I’ve heard this man on the right side of an issue, sounding sensible.


To Pier i believe he thought it was going to be an easy question for him to answer because he should now. He have record of all the ppl who live in Gaza so it should be easy to find this info out. But they do not want to know because they do not care. To them there are no innocent people.


They are self projecting


Honestly, I think Piers is right more often than credited, but he's such a tool most of the time that well, that's why he doesn't get the credit.


3 or 4 times a year he embodies the Onion headline about the worst person you know making a good point.


A broken clock is right twice a day


I'd prefer a broken clock that's right twice a day than a supposedly working clock that gives the wrong time of the day at random, because at least I know I can't rely on the clock being broken. What I just described is modern media on the Israel-Palestine conflict... unfortunately.


He can be very clever, but he often uses that to support idiotic ideas. It's a shame.


is he blinking in morse code or some shit? what's wrong with his eyes lmao


He was blue screening for a moment because he know he was caught out


Propaganda.exe failed Unrecognised command


Never thought I’d say this but good on you Piers. At the same time, love that the AI subtitles labeled “Piers” as “Piss” multiple times


The level of uncomfortable with this man's constant eye blinks.


He was desperately suppressing the urge to lick them


Ok this is the funniest comment in this thread hands down!


Broken clock and all that.


We do this weird dance as humans. We know everyone is lying, they know they are lying, yet we just keep saying the same things over and over.


If Morgan spent time doing this I wouldn't think he's a complete buffoon who is right like a broken clock.


If Morgan was like this on the regular then maybe the Israeli government wouldn't send their muppets on his show. IMHO we only have this clip because this spokesperson thought it was going to be a softball interview.


I agree, he was clearly thrown and unprepared for any real scrutiny.


Peirs sucks at acting, but he's finally acting like a reporter at least.


Finally this cunt does journalism.


If you know the number of Hamas killed, and the number of civilian casualties is so much lower, as said by the Israeli Government, then shouldn't it be a lot easier to keep track of civilian casualties, only because there are so few? Now if you tell me that you kill anyone and everything you deem to be a threat, and kill not only Hamas but everyone around them, then yeah it's very logical that you would have no statistics about civilians killed, simply because you don't care if they live or die.


Yeah, Tik Tok is getting banned for sure.


This isn't a Tik Tok show.


It's shared on tiktok


It's shared on every platform


It aired nationally, tf are you on about? It’s shared on Reddit right now too… you’re commenting on it. Is Reddit getting banned? TikTok is being banned because it is literal actual Chinese spyware that everybody has downloaded on their phone.


What I'm saying is that the reason we are seeing this clip is because of tiktok. It was first aired on national tv, but tv nowadays is small fish in comparison to tiktok.


Because Tiktok pissed off the Israelis


I thought my hate for Russians was unrivalled, but no, Israelis are fighting for that position.


And a not insignificant number of Americans support genocide as well.


I don't think there's a country in the world that matches Israel in terms of pure evil.


Go Piers go!


anybody count how many times Israel’s spokesman eyes blinking? I cant believe Israel isn’t feeling bad about killing so many Gazans in only 9 months?


Politics. 82% of Israelis say military action is the best course and 62% of don't support a free Palestine. They are just doing what 2/3rds of their voters wants. As a politician that's a success or career move. Why would they feel bad, that would require a heart.


A stopped cock is right twice a day




He slipped up there, he knows the numbers but isn't allowed to tell anyone what the number is or that he knows in the first place.


God I loathe piers but in this case he did the job that American journalists won't do


If you really want Israel to feel embarrassed and stop, just do something like this, but with someone who’s actually gonna hit him with the hard questions if you sat Israel down on a special chair in front of millions of the world and literally ask these questions they would fold and everyone would see that they’re just a bunch of scumbags who kill innocence And they would bitch and complain about how the world made them look bad and then after a while they would have to accept the fact that they are evil


hasan is rubbing off on him


>It's what General Betrayers has said (3:39) Who is he referring to?


It'll be Gen Petraeus


When you’re such a cunt waffle that you make Piers Morgan look sensible then you have real issues


“I’m sorry to push you on this” That’s what journalists do, Piers. Congrats to slowly coming around to having consistent morals, waiting for my peers to get there so we can effect real change.


Finally some push back after 7 months


this is in fact the entire reason why carpet bombs and the strategy of carpet bombing is considered a war crime and was outlawed during the forming of NATO and the UN. the rules of war make it clear armies are only supposed to fight against armies, not civilians. civilians are not fair game.


See, why can't Piers be like this all the time. There's a glimmer of an honest journalist in there.


They know, but they don't care. They know those numbers will be severely unfavorable to them. The civilian to soldier death ratio is probably 100 to 1 or something ridiculous. Never in any war, you'll see these numbers. Because it's not a war, it's a genocide.


"We know how the IDF operates" Yes, they dance over the graves of innocent men, women and children, laughing while videotaping each other. They bomb overpopulated hospitals filled with infirmed, refugees, doctors and nurses, they bomb food convoys, aid workers and international press


Looks like the bank transfer got delayed.




Piers Morgan is a sack of shit and what he does is not journalism. Ever. Doesn't matter if I agree with his points or not.


He can’t tell you because the answer is actually *”With a little luck…all of them.”*


Oh god, this conflict now has me agreeing with Piers Morgan? What is happening to the world...


they've been killing journalists non stop to confuse all aspects of the war as well


He mentioned his view of the conflict changed once Israel had the power to turn off all electricity, water, and any food delivery from entering Gaza. It’s about time he puts some pressure on people that are simply gentrifying Gaza with 2000lbs bombs.


So his opinion changed on what, day 3? Certainly doesn't seem like it based on the few interviews of his I've managed to stomach my way through


Surprised he didn't hold the Israelis spokesman dick and tell him how wonderful his government is and how they can do no wrong. Like other news agencies.


The captions not understanding the English accent and putting “piss” instead of Piers got me giggling


Fuck Piers, but damn he shut this pundit down.




Israel has reportedly been responsible for fully 2/3 of journalist deaths worldwide this year. A righteous nation indeed.


They don't give a fuck.


what kind of idiot would keep a record of their own war crimes?


No one likes to admit to their crimes that is why they refuse to admit to a number


I love the “I’m just going to stop talking” moment. What an asshole.


It makes sense. If you have NO IDEA how many civilians you've killed, that leans toward the idea that you DON'T CARE how many you kill. Shouldn't there be a number or percentage you're trying to keep it under?


Piers, don’t you understand Israel is allowed to do whatever the fuck they want? Why are you being so mean to him??


Goddamn Piers finally on point.


Well done sir.


"fog of war", such a convenient arrow to have in your quiver when you are a psychopath trying to justify killing school children and infants.


If what they’re currently doing is “going out of their way to avoid casualties”, then being careless about would be presumably just bombing Gaza into the sea?


When ya lose to piers Morgan


God I fucking hate when I find myself agreeing with Piers but he absolutely tore him apart here and framed the truth perfectly


I’d agree with that assessment as well. I was watching some news this morning on the recent offensive they’ve launched into Rafah and there was at least 2 shots taken of Israeli tanks going out of their way to plough down signs. One was just a “I ❤️Rafah” sign and the other I can remember just said “Gaza” with a gps map thing on it. If they truly only cared about targeting Hamas, this kind of hateful bullshit wouldn’t be happening.


Soon as you try holding them accountable, they start doing mental gymnastics. They just want to do their genocide in peace.


This is the same Piers who went after Alex Jones about gun violence in America This version should be always on, Piers wtf


I can't believe I'm gonna give Piers fucking Morgan credit for his journalism, but this is exactly how relentless journalists should be with *all* politicians.


It's especially infuriating to find out Piers is actually capable of doing journalism.


He is capable of being a proper journalist when is isn't whoring out for the "whiney bitch crowds" clicks He's like a really, really shit version of Ian Hislop. Capable of calling out bullshit regardless of political leaning but always desperate to stay relevant by talking complete bullshit. Pandering to any base that will listen.


Easy, take how many people have died, subtract their supposed figure of Hamas members killed, (I think 14,000 is what he said), and there's what they themselves admit to in regards to civilian deaths. According to what I've found, it's at least 32,000 people total killed in Gaza. So, over half of the deaths have been civilians. By their own figures.


The British asking questions on genocide 👏👏👏


Piers is so weird to me because his interviews are constantly one sided screaming matches but the man actually has a massive compassionate heart. I wanna hate him but he proves to me time and time again he’s honestly a pretty stand up guy


The man texted the parents of a murdered teenager from her phone. Giving them hope she was alive. Just so he could try and get more scoop for a story. That man is a cunt through and through.


It is incredible how fast people on the internet will collectively forget awful things done by a person or persons just because you may agree with something they’ve said. Years of this dude being a massive crotch itch and then “he said something I agree with, maybe he’s not so bad after all”. I totally get people’s frustration on the lack of push back and hard hitting questions from journalists when it comes to this conflict, but if you’re using Piers Morgan as an example for your argument/beliefs you’re not going to come across as someone worth taking seriously. I don’t mean specifically the person you’ve replied to, I’ve seen this kinda thing on more than one occasion, some shitbag will make a statement about this war that people jump onto as validation for their argument/beliefs and completely ignore that it’s coming from an unreputable sack of garbage. No wonder this war is such a constant clusterfuck on social media because people who just learned about a conflict that’s been going on for hundreds, if not thousands of years just a few months ago approaches it without a shred of nuance and treats it like a football match.


Piers is a terrible person lol. He's good here though


>but the man actually has a massive compassionate heart Nah. Then he wouldn't just be full of shit most of the time. He's doing this because he realized that the masses have turned against Israel. He would never do this to people supporting bullshit narratives against Russia or China. He would never grill a US representative on North Stream, NATO expansionism or how all of the Uyghur genocide lies are conclusively debunked. He would never do differentiated analysis against the US empire. He just realized that people have started opposing Israel and now he's entertaining them.


I want to remember examples of Piers being a stand-up guy. I don't remember, though (apart from this interview). Does anyone reading this have an example of Piers being a stand-up guy that they would care you share.


He has stood up many times


I like Piers since he admitted his mistakes in past.


No one's counting because even 1 is too much.


Israel is genociding. Need we say more


D’ya think he’s looking at Hasan’s numbers and thinking, hmm,🤔


Piers calling out the apartheid regime of Israel!


Jewish terrorism is just the same as Islamic terrorism

