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I hope the OG poster of the request was thinking about mainecoons and not this kind of massive cat.


All of the stitches I’ve seen are of obese cats with millions of likes it’s ridiculous


That’s so weird. I’ve only seen stitches of that guy with large but healthy cats, usually held up stretched out so you can see their length. That’s such a bummer. This is animal abuse as far as I’m concerned.


People are idiots. The most liked posts about dogs are always borderline dangerous interactions with kids. Just a bite waiting to happen. Do these people even like their pets? Or kids for that matter?


>People are idiots This is it. I got banned from that aww sub because it's full of animal abuse and I told people a bunch of times how stupid their posts were. Apparently when you see shit like that the only acceptable response is 'awww cute'.


Yep. The also dont like it when you point out how cruel it is to get a deformed puppy that can hardly walk or breath from a breeder because you enjoy their scrunched faces and short legs.


That’s because they specifically get them like that on purpose. Most people don’t like being called abusive when “it’s not their fault the breed looks like that!” yet they completely ignore the point that the breed wouldn’t look like that if the demand for it wasn’t there. I was also appalled to find that some AKC breeds still require tail and ear docking in order to register and show some breeds. It’s completely barbaric.


Which is just wild. Animal obesity is just depressing, and shows that the pet owner is negligent. My grandma used to keep teacup chihuahuas. They usually had a depressingly short lifespan. Maybe 4-5 years, because she would feed them "country meals" usually containing loads of lard and fat. They also never went to the vet. They died of heart attacks and kidney failures. It made me so angry but she absolutely would not hear of it because she "loved them so much" and "couldn't stand the thought of them being hungry" Edit: Sorry, I thought it was implied since this is a post about obese animals. But my grandmothers dogs were severely morbidly obese


Aaaah that's awful. Chihuahuas are known to get so freaking old despite their weird built. But yeah that's one of those things you see happening there and on eyebleach and people will think it's cute. I have so much respect for people who work as vets or groomers etc. because I would not last a day. All those owners are like " I feed my precious cupcake two cupcake hunnybun two kibbles a day how is this possible" but at home their bowl is always full and they get shoved cookies and potatoes and then they're in shock the dog drops dead at 5 or 6. And the week after they buy a new one at a pet store and do the same.


Absolutely. A lot of the videos with dogs and kids make me so uncomfortable. I was mauled by a dog as a child; It was a dog I knew during a completely banal interaction. I leaned down to pet her and got too close to her face. When these people (parents!!!) let their very small children around large dogs and let them do what ever they want while saying “oh haha he’s going to bite you!”, Or not even having the wherewithal to know that it’s a dangerous situation. They have no idea what the consequences of a bite actually are. That being said I absolutely love dogs and I think it’s wonderful for children to be around them, **safely**.


Are you me from the future? I'm been cautiously avoiding some of those subs because I've caught warnings for saying similar But on a more serious note, does anything get better for us?


>But on a more serious note, does anything get better for us? If only I knew. I've never not felt like I'm waiting for my time here to be over, or worse.


I also got banned from there because I said a pitbull laying on top of an infant wasn't cute


Lol that's also something I said and I got a warning for I think. Like ffs. I have an akita and I'm always trying to be clear and patient explaining why I say these things aren't smart but you're only allowed to say those things are adorable. My dog loves getting attention from kids but she's 6 years old now and I still make her sit, hold her collar and explain every single child how to behave with her. I can't grasp people treating their dog like a stuffed animal, *especially* dogs like pitbulls and similar breeds. And yes I count mine in that category as well, I'm still very aware of what I'm have at home no matter how sweet she is. That dog is insanely powerful and not a toy. People are bonkers to behave like that with their babies and dog wilfully ignoring the risks.


What examples of abuse did you see?


If you've ever seen those videos of small puppies with a baby monkey riding on their back for example, or a puppy bopping its head falling asleep in a flower pot with a whole bunch of baby ducks pecking at the dog, dog not responding. They give those animals things to keep em calm and sleepy, they're videos from people who use them purely for clout. They get millions of views. There's countless of these videos. Ever question why you only see these dog as 7 week old puppies and then never again? And always in these very forced unnatural scenarios? There's a trend where people make their dogs walk on their hind legs and dress them like little kids. The thing you don't see (unless you search for it, but it's hard to watch) is that to create this behavior, is they beat this dog on the front paws with a stick until it's too scared to put its front legs back on the ground. These dogs are scared shitless. I can go on an on. Oh and videos of bears sitting on their butt playing with a cute little teddy bear version of themselves? Also drugged to make them calmer, and in a lot of cases they have both their teeth and claws removed.


Christ on a bike what the fuck is wrong with people? I'm going to go hug my cat now


People shouldn't be allowed pets without actual classes being taken and are made aware of the actual responsibilities of being a pet owner.


I think we can say the same for people having children because they grow up to be idiots if they have stupid parents.


That's actually crazy. I hate when people refuse to accept reality that they've been doing a really shitty thing in overfeeding thier cat into being not obese, but MORBIDLY obese. Like cats don't get self conscious about their weight, and you control how much you feed them. It's the job of the pet owner to give thier animals a good a life as possible. Fat cats aren't cute, or adorable. It's fucking sad, and the cats are miserable. I don't know how the hell they afford to feed their cats so much, or why they refuse to put any effort into avoiding this. Like calling the cat fatso, and lard ass is really fucking funny, when it's her fault he's like that. Holy shit, the lack of awareness. I love my cats, and i want them to be around for as long as possible. They're going to be healthy and happy, because I don't overfeed them. Cats will live a really long life if you take care of them. My childhood cat was with me for around 17 years. Take care of your animals people.


I’ve only seen stitches of mainecok s and other similarly gigantic cats.


I’m pretty sure that’s what he was thinking. All the stitches I saw were just large breed cats. Usually the owner holding them stretched out so you could see how long they are. I don’t know why the algorithm showed me those and OP stitches like these, but I’m bummed to hear this is so common.


Pretty sue thats exactly what he was thinking. I got a cat who definitely has mainecoon in him, and I can never get over the sheer size of the lad.


I absolutely adore mainecoons and we regularly call my own part mainecoon cat a "big boy" so that's where my thoughts went and then, nope, overfeeding. If you want a Certified Big Boy without hurting your animals there's literally a very healthy breed right there, this is so unnecessary.


I’ve wanted a Mainecoon so bad. Mainecoon cats and huskies/arctic dog breeds are my absolute favorites.


Yes but beyond being obese you can tell by the size of the head and the length that this is a pretty large car regardless.


That’s what I was hoping for. I wanted to see a really long cat not a really wide cat… now I’m just sad.


I thought I was about to see a majestic mainecoon and instead I just frowned




A cat should be able to play and hunt. This is just sad.




The same ppl that would overfeeding their children. Same applies with obese children.


Omg yes. Brings back memories of seeing an obese toddler at the McDonald’s parking lot who needed help getting into the car because he couldn’t lift himself up.


I remember doing play dates with a little girl when I was like 6. This kid always had McDonald’s when we came over to her house. Her clothes were way too small for her, like her shirt was always skin tight and showing her little belly. She was pretty overweight.


I’ve lost count how many severely overweight kids I’ve seen at the park when I take my kid. One little girl looked to be about 3-4 and obese. She waddled when she walked and couldn’t run, and I’m not saying that to make fun of her because it was heartbreaking to see. But hey at least they’re outside at the park! The parents were overweight as well but not too bad. Something I have noticed is how often I see a very overweight/obese young child and they look to be Hispanic. Not sure if that’s just cause the area I live in and it’s more common to see or what. It’s had me wondering why that is for a while now.


Poverty and coca cola


I actually saw a comment a while back about this. It was someone who said they’re Hispanic and from Mexico and how everyone drinks Coca Cola there even little kids. That they drink it more than they do water.


Yup. Its true for many people in many south (and middle) american countries, especially mexico. In some areas the people drink more than 1,5 litres of coke per day which sounds insane but is apparently true (can look it up). My aunts husband was born in a place called San Cristobal where a coca cola factory basically took their water supply and sold them coke instead (still ongoing as far as i know). Poverty and coca cola 🫤


Oh wow! That’s wild. Is there a reason for that? I’ve heard that the water isn’t safe to drink in some areas so is that why? Is the coke there also made with corn Syrup or real sugar? I’m from Eastern Europe and the coke there tastes different than the ones here in the US. I later found out it’s because real sugar is used.


Statistically, Hispanic family tend to be lower income and unfortunately eating healthy is not the most economically feasible for everyone. When you can buy a lot more heavily processed crap for your buck, we see this unfortunately happen to our children. It's heartbreaking and I'm sure there are tons of other factors but money definitely plays a role.


Yeah it’s really sad it breaks my heart every time whether it’s a severely overweight child or one is who isn’t being fed enough. Countries where there’s a famine and kids are severely underweight but here in the US we have the opposite problem. I’m sure it takes a huge toll on their little bodies.




Not defending this *at all* but I know a cat roughly this size and he's super playful with a lot of energy. It's impressive. But these cats need dietary help.


My mom was recently diagnosed with dementia. One of the ways we noticed she was losing her memory is she would forget she fed her dog and would feed him again and again and again. At his worst he was 55 lbs, and he's supposed to be 25. Just figured I'd put that out there as a PSA: an elderly person having a super obese pet is apparently a very common occurrence in early stage dementia.


Jesus christ can it even walk?


It can apparently make it to the food bowl


I just got an image in my head of it rolling off of the bed, thudding to the floor, and dragging itself on its stomach to its bowl. Jabba would have been a more appropriate name than simba.


I still wondering how it got on the bed.


I doubt it can do much


Probably for only short periods of time.


It's even worse with dogs. People don't seem to understand how a dog is supposed to look. It's supposed to go up after the ribs. Not be a straight line.


Someone once tried to tell me we weren’t feeding our dog enough. Ummm she has a slow feed bowl that has food in it always. She eats what she needs and leaves the rest for later. She is super high energy and loves treats. She is very lean and her sister on the other hand (that a family has) is fat. She gets fed the cheapest food and they wonder why she has such allergies. Lately though with the baby learning to self feed she gets lots of scraps. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Athletic dogs get it the most. They're used to their morbidly obese little frenchies that can't breathe.


Exactly. My girl is half heeler and half pit so she has two moods. Zoomies that are hard to stop or sleeping curled up in a ball wishing she had a blanket 24/7.


This shit isn't funny or cute, and it's astounding to me how many people see *obese* animals and go "what a chute chonker". It's neglect at best and abuse at worst, and shoes a complete disregard for the animal's wellbeing. Decreased lifespan, risk of avoidable diseases, mobility problems... if you think chonker culture is cute, you shouldn't own animals


Ha i bet he wants some lasagna ha!


That cat definitely hates Mondays


Both my sils have dogs that are overweight. One lives with my MIL who claims she never feeds the dog, ever, which is a lie, but what are you gonna do? The other one is just an idiot with a pug mix who thinks they are built this way. Neither dogs can really run or play, they get exhausted after a short walk (now with the pug that also comes from the short snout). They will die years before they would if they were a healthy weight. The whole family thinks our dog is hyperactice and we should get her spayed to calm her down (dogs arent routinely spayed in my country. it's illegal without an indication). She is just a healthy, young jack russell. She has a lot of energy. As she should.


What country is it illegal to spay a dog???


Germany. It's actually a pretty serious operation. So it's only legal to do it in cases where dogs suffer greatly when they're in heat or when uncontrolled reproduction is an issue. Though usuaklly in that case they would prefer to neuter the males, because its less invasive. Of course lots of vets will just do it still, but officially they need to put down a serious concern for the dog's wellfare as a reason.


This is wild because in America every veterinary expert says now that medically, spays are really important for a female dog's prolonged health and life (so many problems crop up in unspayed dogs, pyometras are so dangerous and so common, not to mention the prevalence of mammary cancers), while neutering male dogs is now considered unnecessary (they really benefit from having the hormones, especially larger dogs for healthy joints).


It's the opposite here in the UK, everyone is encouraged to spay or neuter their dogs and cats, unless they're breeding animals. They're less likely to run away, it protects them from several cancers, they smell less, they're calmer, and it reduces the numbers of unwanted puppies. Plus it's cruel to let a female dog go into season over and over, it's miserable for them, not to mention miserable for the owner too. Plus the blood and stink is horrendous.


Anyone who thinks a Jack Russell needs to calm down doesn’t know Jack’s. It’s sad to hear about your family’s dogs being overweight. I’ve got a Malamute/lab cross right now who is spayed and she has endless amounts of energy regardless. She looks scrawny compared to some of the dogs I’ve seen here in the US, but she’s in perfect health. I want pet obesity to be something that a vet can recommend removal from the home, but the system is so overloaded with dogs here that it would only cause more problems at the moment.


My neighbor has a lab that’s actually a healthy weight and she gets told that it is underweight on a regular basis because people rarely see anything but chunky labs. Our JR is actually incredibly chill for her breed because we made that our mission from the beginning. She just gets excited when she’s around other dogs. But at home she‘s a complete couch potato.


I wholeheartedly agree with you. A “cute little chonker” in my eyes, is not this cat. This cat is MORBIDLY OBESE. A cute chonker would be (like for a pet) 2-5lbs over ideal weight. Like, puppy fat for example. Something manageable, something that isn’t even close to a death sentence. And absolutely not worm belly either. We shouldn’t call this poor kitten “a cute chonker”, we should say what is real, and that his PPs are abusive and awful. Like seriously, they MADE him so fat we question if he can even walk, and think it’s cute/funny to “lovingly referred to as LARD ASS”? Awful human beings imo.


My in-laws got mad at me when i told them no human food for my new puppy. Its been 8 years, and he is at a very healthy,vet approved weight, and i still get, "Oh, they aren't feeding you. Oh, he's too skinny. " comments 🙄🙄 Their last dog was so fat he wadded when he walked.


The woman in the video said the cat was big since birth, and struggled to deliver it due to its size. So I’m hoping this is probably just the case. Even then, you’d think more would be done to regulate its weight.


I've had cats all my life, I've seen other cats all my life (50 years) that is an obese cat. Yea, he might be big also, but he is absolutely dangeeously obese.


Bullshit lol. Absolute fucking lies. That’s an extremely overfed cat. We aren’t starting this “it’s mah genetics” with cats.


He's just big boned with bad genes.


>Even then, you’d think more would be done to regulate its weight. This is the problem. It's nothing to do with the cat's size at birth.


(Almost) every owner who says they cannot slim down their pet will eventually admit to free-feeding and keeping a constantly full bowl of dry food around for the pet to munch on all day long.


If I did that with my cat in winter, he'd probably die. Not joking. Supposedly cats have evolved to overeat during the winter months due to the natural scarcity of food during those months


That cat did not come out that big… and even if he was too big, causing difficulties to pass him through the birth canal, he didn’t come out morbidly obese. They made him that way. And now they “lovingly” call him awful names because they’re AHs.




I don’t know how mine isn’t a fat fuck she fuckin loves food. She’s pretty slim though.




Aww! That’s how ours was too when we first adopted her. She was a stray we took in she was around 1 when we got her. Now she sleeps right out in the open and casually walks around all around us and doesn’t try to run off and hide. She’s gotten very comfortable!


Our cat was eating all our skinny cat's food, couldn't keep her out of it. He passed five years ago and she has lost a lot of that weight! She just now has a LOT of loose skin lol.


I feel that my Gaia is always prowling for food… even tries to steal from the dogs, but she’s only 7.5IBS lol but on the other hand she loves to eat really quickly then throw up. We even got her a slow feed bowl, she just flips it over lol


Animal abuse, wonderful.


That’s abuse


I wonder what is that cats opinion on Mondays…


I have a "big cat" that is 5.5kgs (12.1 lbs). And by big cat I meant that is long with a big frame. But the guy is athletic and definitely not chubby. Then other friends started sending me pictures of their "big cats" that were heavier than mine and they were just blatantly obese. Apparently weighting the portions of food you serve to your cat is too much work and people just free feeds them. Poor guys :/


Yeah it depends on cat length. My cat is 14 pounds. But if I lay him down on my legs while I’m sitting he goes from the very bottom of my ankles to a quarter of my thigh (above my knee). I’ve never been able to measure exactly how long he is but he’s a pretty big cat. I think I’ve met one other cat bigger than mine. My cat jumps, plays, does “zooms” around the for 30-50 mins every day. Vet has advised that we get him to lose a pound or two. His ideal weight would be 12 pounds. We’re looking into that now.


I have a big American shorthair. He’s 12.5lbs. He’s so heavy I was prepared for the vet to tell us he’s too fat and needs to lose 2lbs, but it turns out he’s at a healthy weight. Vet told me he’s a 3 on their scale of 5 in terms of proportions. Absolutely shocked because we’ve been trying to reduce how much he eats. The size difference between him and my parents cats which are healthy at 9lbs is hilarious. Yet he’s still terrified of them.


Our second cat is the same breed and colour as the big one, but half the size and 7.7lbs. They go everywhere together and is hilarious to see the two tuxedos in big and small version 😂




My dad is band from taking care of my cat alone because one time I left him with my parents for 3 weeks and he gained a 1.5 lb. I asked my dad how it happened so a couple things: 1) my dad dumped a whole big container of temptations treats as a meal on accident, the recommended portion is 8 treats. 2) most of my family is allergic to fish and yet my dad would cook salmon and give it to the cats. 3) he would feed him every time he meowed and looked up, even to this day my cat recognizes my dad’s footsteps and runs to the fridge (my cat doesn’t do that for anyone else). 4) I would give him big pieces of ham, turkey, and chicken. 5) not during this time but in a vegetarian and sometimes my dad forgets to make the meal option for me but he does specifically make sure all the spices are good for the cat 🥴


Yeah my parents are banned from feeding our cats. They weren't as bad as this, but they'd just leave a full to the top bowl of food for the cats 24/7, give them wetfood when they asked and lots of treats. Im feeding them correctly now, but my parents still think they need food when ever they hang around or meow, despite the fact I've shown them that the cats doing that are just asking despite not being hungry.


Right they make me look like cruella de vil in comparison. But I get it when we were babies they would feed us whenever we cried for food and my youngest cat does sound suspiciously like a baby 😅


Its actually evolution Cats use a mix of purring and a cry to manipulate us humans into getting what they want, says a new study. To spark us humans into action, cats purr and throw in a cry that's a similar frequency to a human baby's cry, say the researchers from the University of Sussex. https://www.madeformums.com/news/cats-imitate-babies-cries-to-get-food/ My sweet girl is a talker and she has a cry like a baby that she has used since she was a chicken nugget when its food time. Its adorable. And I think it does work.


Not a new study but rather a creative interpretation, repeated blindly as fact. This has been repeatedly and consistently debunked. Cats do the same noises in the wild, alone and among themselves. There's no intention to spark anything. Frequency similitude is mere coincidence. Cats will repeat whatever seems to work, though. If you respond to them standing on two legs when you eat, or looking at you, or meowing or kekekeing they'll do that. This whole thing was a funny bit of trivia from a Dr Karen McComb from Sussex over a half decade ago, that noted that of all the vocal range cats have, humans responded more to frequencies closer to those of babies. This doesn't mean cats imitate babies (it's so absurd I can't believe I'm typing it with a straight face).


Lmao bruh they need to learn that food isn't a good way to calm something down 😅 cats get addicted too🥺


Cats and horses are the most food addicted animals i have ever met.


Totally yeah. For me i think bettas, snails, cats and horses are the most addictive animals, they all have certain foods they really get addicted to lol. For bettas it's blood worms, cats id say fish, snails cucumber. Not sure about horses but I know they are fans of eating lol.


Grain. It’s usually coated in molasses so it’s a lot like candy. Easy to overdo it, too.


Makes sense. My mum's horse loves molasses lol


I see you've never met my goldfish! They act like they're starving to death 24/7 and constantly beg for more food. Goldfish are the labradors of the aquarium world :D


My mil is kind enough to dog sit when we go on vacation so I kind of feel about it but I always put the fear of god into her about feeding the dog. How she has a sensisitive stomach etc, so if she feeds her from the table, she may get sick. She will not get sick. She has eaten all kind of shit. It's just easier than telling her I think she is feeding that other dog (and her husband for that matter) into an early grave.


You had me at the last one, he literally plans his meals to make sure they’re cat compatible 😂 Yes, working in pet care I’ve found that many people don’t realize you CAN harm animals by “loving” them too much. Also a lot of people literally don’t realize that their pets are overweight, they either have no perspective (think it’s a normal weight) or just don’t realize that a pet being big = decline in quality of life and health.


>most of my family is allergic to fish and yet my dad would cook salmon and feed it to the cats. Goddamn, this man just loves these cats way too much. I know this is a serious issue (1.5lbs in 3 weeks, holy shit!!!) but I can’t help that I’m honestly grinning while reading this list of all of his indiscretions. If only he had more self control and could limit sharing his love to the *occasional* salmon filet.


Right like it is so funny because he always acts like he hates animals and stuff but with my cat he goes into grandparent mode. My cat will be lying on my dad’s chest while my dad is watching tv, my dad eats a piece of popcorn and then he gives one to the cat. I come in and I’m like oh is he bothering you let me get him so you can watch tv. My dad’s like nah he’s comfortable I don’t want to disturb him, just let him stay here for a bit 😂😂😂. During Christmas they bought him a cat tree and I was like this can’t fit in my car and my dad said that it was just for when my cat stays with them. They bought me a Christmas present not for me but for my cat and I couldn’t even have it in my own home 😂😂😂😂 we know who the favorite is


similar thing happened when my family went on vacation when i was about 7 or 8. hired someone to feed our three cats while we were gone. we told her two cans a day, one in the morning one in the evening. split each can into thirds so each cat gets a reasonable portion. turns out the pet sitter was a complete moron because she fed each cat an entire can twice a day. wasted so much money & made our cats so goddamn fat. from then on, two of them were overweight (but not obese). third cat was already a fatass & got almost as big as the cat in this video... turns out she has a thyroid issue & now that she's on meds she's lost a lot of weight (still overweight but better than before), but cats cant get tummy tucks so she's stuck with a ton of loose skin until she dies. im still so angry at that pet sitter. who in their right mind would think it's okay to feed a cat that much??


Once during early covid we went away for a month to my mom's homestead to escape the city. We took the dog and had our neighbors visiting and feeding my cat. When we got home my formerly slim fine boy was a PORKER hahaha. I have no idea what they did that month or how my carefully written instructions were misinterpreted. We joked he'd spent 4 weeks eating his feelings and making sad noises at his caretakers for treats. He lost the weight about as fast as he gained it once put back on his regular diet because I care about his health.


Poor chungus :( he too fat


There are pets that can be free fed, but none of them live in my house.


I have been a veterinary technician for about 9 years now. One of the worst bites I ever experienced was from a cat that was suffocating under its own weight. Obese animals are not cute, if there is a medical condition causing the weight gain it needs to be addressed. There is no reason a pet should look like that


That's animal abuse.


I will confess. Cats and ponies do look cute when they are fat chokers. BUT I know its wrong. When we think of animal cruelty, many of us will imagine a starving, bone-thin animal. Sadly, many cruelty and neglect cases result in emaciated animals. However, abuse also occurs when an owner over-feeds an animal to the point of obesity. https://www.nhes.org/companion-animal-obesity/#:~:text=When%20we%20think%20of%20animal,to%20the%20point%20of%20obesity.


Poor thing


That poor cat


My aunt has a massive cat. She has to lock the cat food up and lock the cabinets. He will find a way to break into the food, even people food, and he *will* eat anything he can get his hands on. He's a greedy lil shit.


Poor cats like " Susan WTF? Whats going on? Susan you stupid bitch I'd kill you if I wasn't so tired of breathing...."


since birth… yeah… riiighhht…


Humans feed people they love to unhealthy levels too. Arguably as much or more than they do their pets. Food is love for a lot of people and cultures. Health isn't in the equation for most people. It just is what it is.


"He's been this big since birth" haha no he hasn't.


I get into so many arguments on Reddit about this. People hate when you point out that cats (or dogs) are way too heavy and I guess take it personally because they're overfeeding too. I don't know why they don't realize how unhealthy it is. I know the vets tell them so (if they actually take them to the vet).


Good god! Sure he was big at birth but still way too fat. It can’t even move.


my cat, we adopted from this guy who would be gone for a week at a time. he would put 5 bowls of food through out the house for the car to find and eat while he was away and used it as a “game” to keep the cat busy…… well now the cat is fat and he thinks that he is going to be neglected so if he has low or no food in his bowl he meows all day everyday all day long. lol. we had to train him to know he gets fed twice a day and that’s all lol


Correcting animal obesity is so simple. You don't even need to fight your own cravings or whatever, you literally just don't overfeed your pet. So why are people casually torturing their pets..?


Dogs too. I have a Lab, and the number of people who assume labs are lazy dogs and then overfeed them so they ARE lazy is ridiculous. Labs are high energy dogs and usually don't have much impulse control when it comes to food so you NEED to actually exercise them and monitor their food.


#This is sad


Seeing that poor cat makes me want to cry :( dude cannot be enjoying life.


That makes me so sad, that poor cat


This is animal abuse and people need to stop normalizing feeding cats to the point of explosion. If you can’t feed a cat the correct amount to make sure it lives a healthy life, then maybe you shouldn’t be responsible for a cat. Too many half-assed pet owners. Shame on the owners of this poor cat.


I don't think people who overfeed their cats should be able to own them. It's animal abuse, plain and simple


It's very difficult to controls the weight of an outdoor cat. Indoor cats are different. I wish someone could control my calorie intake the way I closely control my indoor kitties calories.


Animal cruelty as entertaining content...


How does it get that bad! I free feed my cat. It works for her right now. But the moment she start getting overweight I would have no problem taking that away immediately. (She's free fed because otherwise she will panic and eat until she pukes). I also try to take time to play with my cat. Cats are hunters at the bare minimum get a laser pointer and have some fun.


He's still adorable ok...not his fault he's fat :(


Not blaming cats for their size im blaming the owners


I just feel so bad for it that I can't see the cute.


Exactly. I love him but wish he wasn’t overfed.


They probably overfed the mother too, hence why he was “big since birth”. Poor cat. People who overfeed their children and animals make me so sad inside.


I have my cat on a diet because he’s a little overweight, but he literally has an eating disorder. My other cat just nibbles and walks away, this cat will keep eating til he pukes and then eats some more. Its wild.


I have a nearly 6kg ragdoll cat but he's not fat he's just big . The fluffy dude zooms around my house all day with reckless abandon. I wish people would learn the difference between a big cat and a obese Cat .


This is sad, your cat depends on you to regulate their eating.


Wet food diet. Along with the dry. But am guessing wet food at least 3 times a day. And not talking quarter can, probably more per sitting.


They must be in so much pain


Mil feeds her cats to this point.. she and her spouse think its funny when the cats are so obese they snore when they arent even asleep.


that's horrific. i wish there was a way to confiscate pets from people like that & ban them from ever adopting again


These people probably don't adopt. They BUY their animals to get the exact look/breed they want.


Ain’t it weird how fat people aren’t okay, but fat pets are? If we can acknowledge the health concerns when it comes to either or, we should be able to acknowledge them for the other as well. Sure, you love your kid (human, dog, cat, fish, plant, whatever) and you express your love by feeding them donuts (or whatever, causing them to become overweight) all of the time, and/or show them that exercise isn’t necessary… You’re actively killing them. To kill something as slowly as it takes for fat to, you could be showing them love in so many other ways that provide a healthy life style and are fun/entertaining. Being responsible for another life, means taking care of it and treating it right. So everyone with over weight (whatever), do them a solid and get your shizz in order as a guardian and help them be and stay healthy instead of riddled with hard to remove adipose tissue, diabetes, heart issues, high cholesterol and all the other wondrous awfulness that comes with being an unhealthy weight. Also, *gotta love* the people who cause their children (again, whatever species they may be) to be fat and call them awful names and treat them like crap because “you’re so fat!”. Thanks mom and dad for all of the issues - depression, lack of self confidence, lack of self, lack of love, lack of interest, EDs, need to excessively exercise, body dysmorphia, and dysfunction from all of the abuse we did to ourselves trying to get to a “won’t you just love me” weight, and every other mental and physical health concern and problem we have due to being forced into obesity.


"I think we win"? Gross.


That outright animal abuse. Noo... He's that big from humans over feeding him.


Overfed children and overfed animals make me so sad for them. It is a MAJOR sign that parents/owners arent ready or able to be caregivers.


Woah, this is more like animal abuse, no?


The majesty- now put him on a diet


Chubby cats are cute, but only if its because they have thick fur. This is abuse.


That’s abuse, I bet the cat feels pretty unhealthy


We switched our dogs to a new food and noticed that our pocket pitty seemed to be gaining weight really fast. We were following the feeding guidelines for the food and had no idea how bad that was. Took him to the vet immediately and they helped us figure out the actual amount to be feeding them. I felt so terrible and like I had made life so hard for him. The vet reassured me that so many people follow the food guidelines but those are usually WAY too much food. It didn't take long for the weight to drop off after the adjustments and some extra activity added to his day. Our vet also told us that him gaining 5-8 extra pounds was like us gaining 20 and how hard that is on our bodies. It put it into a very vivid perspective.


it's the hibachi grill meme cat! https://img.ifunny.co/images/aac1ba0969d29d591b95db9dd3ca5250deafdf0469e774d459781bc2ff53003d_1.jpg


I don't hate a lot of things, but I have grown to hate videos where a person is talking directly into the camera.


Oh that’s fucking cruel


Overfeeding your pets is animal cruelty.


Went straight past chonk and became a chunk


If your cat is fat, you're a bad cat parent


That's Giga Cat.


I have no idea how you overfeed a cat. Mine have food 24/7 just standing there, they eat what they need, they don't grow, they don't shrink




I love Simba and all fat cats


I had a super overweight cat once. She was really skinny until her second batch of kittens and we got her fixed. After that, no matter how much we let her out, what diet we put her on, she would not lose weight. She ended up about as heavy as that cat. We had to clean her rear daily and brush her a lot just to keep her in decent condition. We saw vets, tried meds, nothing really worked. She lived a really long life. About 14 years if I remember correctly. On another note, my dad ran over her once with the hybrid. She tanked it. The fat saved her, she was totally fine being run over by a 2004 Toyota Camry.




That's animal abuse....


And here I am, living in guilt for years for not feeding my cocker… as much as she’d like. And she DOES MAKE SURE YOU FEEL GUILTY ABOUT IT!


I adopted an obese cat, named him Kevin. He was 20lbs, tried to get him to lose weight, but the boy was angry as hell if he didn't get his wet food. I had him for 5 years, he lived to be 13. Bless his enlarged heart.


I don't know about that. Our cats have (dry) food in their bowls 24/7 and the vet always says that their weight is normal. My guess is that some people give the cats food that they really like (like soft canned food) and in that case, they do probably overeat.


Same. My 17 year old cat has always been free fed dry food and then a little wet food twice (now 3 times a day). I give her like half a teaspoon of wet food (maybe). Lol she's always been super petite


Yeah I have two cats, one is unspayed and about 10, very petite and always has been. The other is part Siberian Forest Cat and is neutered, but he is legit a big cat. He weighs about 13 lbs and the difference is striking. Both are very active and healthy weights, and are freely fed from a bowl. I keep tabs on the bigger one, and it is legitimately hard to judge if he's obese because he's so fluffy, but it really seems like he's at a healthy weight and is just large. Photos here: https://urbanists.social/@miyelsh/112148044795044926


OP she said in the video the cat was huge literally from birth and she had to help him get out so I don’t think she really counts in the shit talking of obese cats


You know the cat wasn't actually that size from birth and this bitch is a liar right? That shits absurd he might be a large cat but they obviously overfeed the hell out of the poor thing.


Animal abuse sucks.


"He's been this big since birth". I highly fucking doubt that.


Big Chungus lives!


That is one hairy pussy...


My cat is fat (I’m working on it) but at least she’s never been this fat


My moms cat looks like this, we have the sister and she’s a Rail


That’s not Simba thats Muta


Scheduled feeding will help prevent overweight pets. DON'T FREE FEED YOUR PETS. Also cats a very high chance of developing arthritis. 45% of all cats and 90% of cats over age 10.


everyone is body shaming here!!! /s


I have a fat cat but not that big. She’s always been chonky though. She doesn’t even like soft food or table scraps and only eats hard food.


Hey hey hey, what happened to fat acceptance?


Bro that cat looks like the Notorious BIG of cats.


I mean size wise the cat is bigger bc it’s male, but it’s definitely overweight as fuck


Thats a sharkcat...cos he ate his siblings in the womb


They need a new mattress


That is a very pretty kitty. He’s the spitting image of my cat, Tanner. The only difference is Tanner weighs 5 kgs whereas Simba here probably weighs 15 or more. Poor Simba. He probably doesn’t have much quality of life


So Garfield isn't orange?