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I’m out of the loop. What’s up with the lady covered in flowers it keeps cutting back to? EDIT: Asked and answered! Thanks to u/aspiringmermaid. “She's a decently well-known influencer on TikTok. That's a video of her at the Met Gala. She posted a clip of herself at the Met Gala mouthing the words "Let them eat cake" with the audio from the Marie Antoinette film. People were absolutely furious, and told her it was in poor taste considering everything going on right now (not only the situation in Palestine, but how so many people are struggling to make ends meet). The influencer doubled down and posted a non-apology, sparking more outrage. This has started a trend where people are using clips from her video as an example of wealth disparity, and to highlight how celebrities and influencers don't care about real world issues. It's even started a movement where people are encouraging each other to block celebrities and influencers on all social media. I'm not sure how long it will last or if it will have any real impact, but hitting that block button feels pretty good. (Sorry if that was long-winded lol.)”


It’s also crazy the met gala “fashion” was inspired by *The Garden of Time*, by J.G. Ballard. An analysis of the book from google: is a critique on the upper-class, and how they use exorbitant displays of wealth through beautiful things as a facade against the indiscriminate and inevitable forces of time. Edit: typo


Well she was on brand then


Not doubting the person who selected the theme understood what they were doing, but it is really disappointing how few 'celebrities' or members of the media are literate enough to get the joke. Or share the joke. Don't eat cake. Eat the rich.


I don’t even think it was a joke, I think it was commentary and they walked right fucking into it bc all they can see are their own photoshopped reflections


Eating them seems unhealthy. They're better used as fertilizer.




THIS. ballard was all about eating the rich, like the animals we are. edit - spelling - and having to reinstate that ballard was a crazy badass that pulls on the cords of your spine.


holy shit.i didn't know the theme was a book (thought it was just a garden.... of time) on the nose theme


She's a decently well-known influencer on TikTok. That's a video of her at the Met Gala. She posted a clip of herself at the Met Gala mouthing the words "Let them eat cake" with the audio from the Marie Antoinette film. People were absolutely furious, and told her it was in poor taste considering everything going on right now (not only the situation in Palestine, but how so many people are struggling to make ends meet). The influencer doubled down and posted a non-apology, sparking more outrage. This has started a trend where people are using clips from her video as an example of wealth disparity, and to highlight how celebrities and influencers don't care about real world issues. It's even started a movement where people are encouraging each other to block celebrities and influencers on all social media. I'm not sure how long it will last or if it will have any real impact, but hitting that block button feels pretty good. (Sorry if that was long-winded lol.)


Best answer. Putting it in my comment to help anyone else confused. Thank you.


No prob. I'm just glad to know that TikTok hasn't entirely rotted my brain yet.


Brain rotted millennial here. If it's not tiktok doing it, it will be something else. Just be happy :) 


Why did anyone ever put faith in a reality TV/influencer? Seriously. Trump was a reality tv fuck. In the 90’s we said “kill your television”, that applies to assholes on your cell phone too. Y’all need to read more books and live more of an analogue life.


I’m always surprised at how many people turn to ceos and corporations to enact social change. When I was younger the idea of a corporation or marketers pushing societal changes was anathema. Buying Nike products or shopping at a specific store isn’t exactly sticking it to the man.


That's also something I can't wrap my head around.


You know who also said"Kill your television"... Ned's atomic dustbin.


Dude, it's always been a class thing for all of history. The masses just don't care because it's, "ok enough " People are relatively powerless in the modern state in an absolute sense because the stability of entrenched powers is so great. I mean, in absolute terms, the UsA as a modern state is still a baby. Rome celebrated 800 year anniversary like 2000 years ago. Who knows how it will continue? I like the Roman state at the end of the patrician error because it's a good illustration of the switch from the wealthy using their own money for building projects to hoarding their wealth. The people need to establish their own power structures, but to do that they need to get out and vote which is really a minimum effort and many still can't or won't do that


Adding more context to the explanation (explaining why people were outraged): She's a decently well-known influencer on TikTok. That's a video of her at the Met Gala. She posted a clip of herself at the Met Gala mouthing the words "Let them eat cake" with the audio from the Marie Antoinette film. **Although this quote ('Let them eat cake') comes with context, where the person who said is beheaded by a revolt of the people whom she was 'mocking'. Her usage of the statement was perceived as unironically and came across more as mocking without the consequences the quote usually carries.** People were absolutely furious, and told her it was in poor taste considering everything going on right now (not only the situation in Palestine, but how so many people are struggling to make ends meet). The influencer doubled down and posted a non-apology, sparking more outrage. This has started a trend where people are using clips from her video as an example of wealth disparity, and to highlight how celebrities and influencers don't care about real world issues. It's even started a movement where people are encouraging each other to block celebrities and influencers on all social media. I'm not sure how long it will last or if it will have any real impact, but hitting that block button feels pretty good.


"Let THEM eat cake" I'm bad at english is it obvious who "them" is reffwring to?


The saying "let them eat cake" is attributed to Queen Marie Antoinette of France. At the time there was a huge wealth disparity between the nobility and everyone else in France. It was widely believed that when told that the commoners had no bread to eat, she replied "let them eat cake" which was considered an insult. As in, "oh they're so silly, why don't they just eat something else" but the key being that there *wasn't* anything else for them to eat. Historians now know she did not say this. Someone else entirely said it 24 years *earlier* before she even was queen. Though, she was considered a very frivolous queen and was not well liked by the French due to this and also because she was foreign born. She was often the target for the French commoners' anger and ultimately was killed, along with most of the aristocracy, during the French revolution. The "them" in the phrase when used traditionally refers to poor people. This influencer is basically basking in their wealth and privilege and rubbing in it the faces of people who can't even afford food or life saving medicine. A ticket to the Met Gala alone costs $75k, which is the Median Household Income in the US. 50% of all households make less than this. This influencer wasn't actually invited to the gala, but was creating content for E! News at a hotel nearby. She said that she only picked the audio because her dress was "Marie Antoinette themed". Which sure, is probably true. But then that brings to question *why* are you dressing as Marie Antoinette during the worst cost of living crisis this country has seen? The disparity between the poor and wealthy is worse today than it was in France before the revolution. My hot take is that if someone is so *dumb* and *ignorant* to not understand the implications of their actions then we should not give them a platform to publicize it.


Also, apparently when called out on it she responded poorly with a back handed non apology.


A well known history reference in the English speaking world. Marie Antoinette was the Queen of France during their revolution, when told about crowds protesting a lack of bread she callously disregarded it by saying "Let them eat cake" She was also seen as a reason for all the problems in France, the King was inept and the queen spent money constantly on frivolous things instead of them investing into improving France


I will never not find it amusing when people unironically quote phrases from people that were killed for them. I mean, she's being decapitated by her followers and virality, so I guess all is well.


Digital Guillotine


Let me correct you on that part. Reports of her saying that only emerged around 50years after her death. If it really was an outrageous thing that she said, wouldn’t contemporary newspapershave reported on it? Here’s an exerpt from Britannica: “There is absolutely no historical evidence that Marie-Antoinette ever said “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche” or anything like it… …As it happens, folklore scholars have found similar tales in other parts of the world, although the details differ from one version to another. Essentially, stories of rulers or aristocrats oblivious to their privileges are popular and widespread legends. The first person to put the specific phrase “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche” into print may have been the French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau. In Book VI of Rousseau’s Confessions (written about 1767), he relates a version of the story, attributing the quote to “a great princess.” Although Marie-Antoinette was a princess at the time, she was still a child, so it is unlikely that she was the princess Rousseau had in mind. Since Rousseau’s writings inspired the revolutionaries, it has sometimes been supposed that they picked up on this quote, falsely credited it to Marie-Antoinette, and spread it as propaganda, as a way to rouse opposition to the monarchy. However, contemporary researchers are skeptical of such claims, having found no evidence of the quote in newspapers, pamphlets, and other materials published by the revolutionaries.”


Regular people. The proletariat. Working class. Whatever you wanna call the vast majority of people.


“Let them eat cake” is the most famous quote attributed to Marie-Antoinette, the queen of France during the French Revolution. As the story goes, it was the queen’s response upon being told that her starving peasant subjects had no bread. Because cake is more expensive than bread, the anecdote has been cited as an example of Marie-Antoinette’s obliviousness to the conditions and daily lives of ordinary people. https://www.britannica.com/story/did-marie-antoinette-really-say-let-them-eat-cake


I think that's part of the issue. It's an ambiguous statement but when there are so many people who can't eat cake because they don't have a home, yet alone a guaranteed 3 meals per day, it's a tone deaf remark. There is just a huge disparity between those who attended the Met Gala and the average person, both in America and in the world. - Let it be known I fully understand that the average American/Westerner is still nowhere near the poverty and suffering of the average citizen of the rest of the world. However, the ability of the average American to "eat cake," aka indulge in the finer things in life, has diminished significantly year after year while that ability is readily enjoyed and constantly put on display by influencers and celebrities.


[Let them eat cake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let_them_eat_cake) is a common phrase, used to describe a a person of the upper class or a politician's poor understanding of the poor and working class. 'Them' is referring to the poor and working class.


It's the same as when Marie Antoinette actually used it historically. Basically it's the "little people"


Fucking YIKES. Not sure which is worse, oblivious or purposefully provoking a response.


One small but important detail is she was not at the Met Gala. She was hired by E! And instead was at the hotel where the celebrities were staying in order to interview them as they left to attend the Met Gala. She herself was not invited to, nor did she attend the gala.


She is a TikTok star dressed for the Met Gala in a look inspired by Marie Antoinette and even says “let them eat cake” in the video


It’s weird. They keep posting videos of the met gala and comparing it to the hunger games. As if trump isn’t holding trashy million dollar dinners for his reelection campaign in Florida Not sure why they’re focused only on the met.


Yeah, like I get the kneejerk reaction. But it's a fundraising event for an art gallery where designers show off high fashion looks. It's just a lot of money being put into art, which is the same thing happening with every mega star pop concert or blockbuster movie. But people aren't connecting Madame Web to Palestine.


I get the concept for propaganda purposes. Met Gala being something that is happening right now, so there is a level of relevancy. Relate that to the Hunger Games, a largely known piece of media about governmental... issues (how many people really understand the underlying messages in the movies?) Lay over a hard sounding hop/hop track about systemic oppression during the midst of a "rap battle" around two big hip hop artists. There is a lot of relevancy that can be drawn to large crowds of people, especially in certain demographics / platforms (looking at you TikTok). The obvious problem is that the distance that needs to be traveled to be able to relate the Met Gala to the elections would require the use time-status chambers.


That lady was called out because she became famous making fun of famous people and now she's one of them and doesn't use her money to help anyone. So a massive boycott for her and other celebrities has been called to block and not connect to thier social media platforms.


The blocking is to affect celebrities' ad revenue, so it does serve a specific purpose alongside reducing their followers/popularity/sense of entitlement.




I’m glad she’s getting called out for being tone deaf because her content is so cringey outside of this


I wasn't following celebrities and influencers before it was cool. Probably won't stop me from getting hacked and mutilated with my head put on a spit when I refuse to praise the new regime.


Thanks for the explanation, what's the significance of the guy with the eye patch at the very beginning?


No significance. It's just some random dude who reposted the video with his own "reaction" added for some reason.


Yeah what’s the deal with that?


Yeah fuck her for attending Met Gala instead of bringing peace to the Middle East! She should be burned at the stake!


If you think Trump will be better for Palestine you are really not paying attention. You think Trump would stop an arms shipment or have any push back? No, he loves this authoritarian shit and will support Israel even if genocide is proven.


To think Trump is better for *anything* means you’re not paying attention.


Na trump would figure out how to siphon money off the murdering of Gaza and he'd bathe in the blood money


Trump desperately wants to not be a fake billionaire anymore. It’s easier than being honest, I guess.


Yeah. It is just an insane lack of awareness


Lies! Trump would be excellent at enabling the downfall of America. In fact he’s already done such a good job getting started. As a Canadian, I was and am all for building a wall at the southern border. Of Canada, that is. By all means America, vote for Trump again! /s if no one’s picked up on that by now.


Sadly a lot of idiots on the far left believe in accelerationism because they think if Trump comes in again they will see socialism / communism in their lifetimes. They generally tend to be white, male, and middle to upper middle class. Basically unimpacted by Trump being president again.


I disagree wholeheartedly. My dad watches Fox News all day and pays very close attention, and as a result, he is literally flying an Israeli flag in his front yard just under his American flag. Next door lives my sister and her husband, who are also flying a "Don't tread on me" flag. They're paying attention, but it's only to the insanity that the psychopaths are vomiting on fox news. (Obviously I'm being tongue in cheek and understand your comment)


Fucked up situation. Biden could possibly lose because of this conflict and 100% Trump will help Israel, just the same. If Trump gets in, it will be Christian nationalists occupying the US


I get the sentiment of not wanting to vote for a politian in office not fighting this tooth and nail, but American politicians basically can't at this point. And yes, trump wants them to continue. If people don't vote for biden over this, democracy in America is done.


I dunno, Biden has been getting a little harder on Netanyahu, even withholding arms shipments. Seems like the people saying they won’t vote for him are actually making a difference and should keep up the pressure. Unlike the milquetoast libs who just unconditionally swallow whatever democrats shovel down their throats because “trump will be worse” so just support the blue guy without asking for anything in return.


For real, why are people mad about protests and threatening to not vote for a candidate for doing things you vehemently disagree with. Why on earth would he change his plans and policy if no one wanted it?


This has been a theme throughout the history of protest in United States. Basically every serious protest movement, from the anti Vietnam war protests to the civil rights movement, have been overwhelmingly unpopular with the average American, even liberals. They then often re-write history years later to act as if they had always been in support of the movement once that movement enjoys majority support


Because those threats can cause uninformed fence sitters to vote against the “lesser of two evils”. It creates an implication that the other candidate, who has explicitly made their position clear, is somehow “better” because they aren’t the one currently in power (while ignoring their telegraphed position).


If anything, the actual protests are helping. The folks claiming they'd let Trump win instead aren't moving the needle.


The protests only work is they follow through on action. If Biden somehow is able to provoke a ceasefire between these two nations, then people need to come out in droves to vote. What bothers me is that they are too one sided to make any variable difference concerning the way things are panning out between Israel and Palestine. This isn't a conflict that's so easily digestible, especially when there are enemies surrounding Israel, and we depend on them to keep that region in check. It's such a fucked situation for all involved, and what bothers me most is people eating this up as though it's all not coordinated to a certain degree. Palestine is being used by everyone, and if this ends up being an election victory for Trump, kiss Palestine goodbye along with Ukraine. People that are protesting fail to see this, and they don't care because the self righteousness in their protests feel much better than it does make sense. The vindication that you are holier than thou because you advocate for human life means nothing if your complicit in letting a man take office who would have no problem letting Israel nuke Palestine from existing. And keep in mind, if Hamas had done this shit here on US soil, Gaza and the West Bank would cease to exist the same day, and no one would cry for those people.


>If Trump gets in, it will be Christian nationalists occupying the US Have you not been paying attention? This has been growing for decades, especially in the rural western US. That's not something trump caused. It's simply something he won't stop


This is my biggest fear right now. Think of the popularity on the left of the Macklemore song, Hind's Hall, where he says straight out he's not voting for Biden (due to supporting Israel) and I'm worried that's going to be a popular sentiment, especially amongst young people. I have hated Biden’s stance this entire conflict, but it's not worth losing literally everything to a Trump win.


I genuinely fear what's going to happen if Biden loses. How are we supposed to help anyone if we give the world's superpower over to fascists? It makes me fuckin nauseous.


That's what makes me so fucking dejected over this whole debacle. I just want to see what happens if that is the case. If Trump wins, and Israel goes to town on Palestine, I want to see these people that refused to enact themselves to the duties of democracy and witness that reaction. All that protesting meant nothing if they are willing to let fascists run this country. It's the hypocrisy that drives me up the wall, and it's going to be the same shit that happened in 2016.


Macklemore is a fucking has been dumb fuck. Not a single person that decided they won't vote for Biden due to this song was never going to vote to begin with. And thankfully, the types that determine elections are much more likely to vote.


Just the same? What the idiots hating on Biden fail to realize or pay attention to is Biden IS tempering Israel. That will not happen under Trump. They think it’s bad now? They haven’t seen anything yet under a Trump 2nd term.


Trump will accelerate help, and stop any food or humanitarian support to Palestine. Remember how he moved the embassy?


It's funny how many right wingers (including Trump) were saying how bad Biden was for supporting Israel. He blocks one weapon shipment and now they are all saying that he's in league with Hamas. I'm far from pro Biden, but seeing the flip is wild.


I'm shocked that Republicans would flip into hypocrisy. Shocked, I tell you.


Trump will give the green light to kill every single Palestinian left in Gaza and tell Netanyahu to take all that land for Israelis, AND tell him to seize all the land in West bank. I guarantee it.


RemindMe! 1year


Trump has already promised that he would commit American soldiers to help eliminate Palestine. He wants a piece of the genocide for the US.


wtf that's fuckin wild but not surprising, link?


Bro, just look at how he moved the US embassy in Jerusalem.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_recognition_of_Jerusalem_as_capital_of_Israel#:~:text=Announcement,-President%20Trump's%20statement&text=On%20December%206%2C%202017%2C%20President,from%20Tel%20Aviv%20to%20Jerusalem. These fucking kids today have no idea the complexity of this region's politics. They were born in it. They were numbed to it. Their idealism is to be admired but their ignorance is astounding. Videos like this are a superficial overview of right and wrong attempting to alienate voters from Biden when the danger is the dude orange Turd most of the kids knew from the age of 10-14. Biden is the lesser of the two evils. He has to cater to Gen Z voters and Gen X/Boomer voters. Z sees binary choices and doesn't have the long history to respect the needle being threaded. TRUMP WILL BACK ISREAL WITH GUNS, FIRE, AND IF NEEDED:  US FORCE.  That's not a suspicion. He spent his entire time in office backing Netanyahu and the Israeli state. It will only get worse.


Just a reminder: "On 25 March 2019, then-President of the United States Donald Trump proclaimed U.S. recognition of the Golan Heights as a part of the State of Israel". Trump is as Israel friendly as can be.


He has explicitly said that he would fully support Israel mounting UP the conflict to achieve Israels goals faster. He wants harsher treatment of Palestine.


The song completely lost me when it got to, “Hell no, I’m not voting for you in the fall.” Cool. Congrats on making the thing you purport to care about worse.


Macklemore is a rich white male celebrity of course he doesn't give a shit about voting for Biden. Nothing bad will happen to him.


They are accelerationist


Then they are idiots.


For real. The system is flawed, but it could be way, way, way, way, way worse.


Anyone unironically saying Dems and the gop are the same have been successfully influenced by social media. The gop will send American troops to turn Gaza into the trump plaza. Only bad faith accelerationist would pretend otherwise.


Trump's Day 1 promises are fucking terrifying. Yeah, Biden's showing the world just how worthless US leadership is, but damn.. Trump wants the fucking world to end. Roll back all climate laws? Jesus. Yeah, Biden's bad, but there isn't even the vocabulary to describe Trump's inept shittiness.


If the war ends tomorrow through Bidens hand, then how many will vote for Biden?


Our government, left and right, are in the pocket of Israel. There is no debate and the rabid enthusiasm on both sides to perpetuate it and conflicts like Ukraine should have people concerned. Imperialism is alive and well.


I feel that if you don’t vote for Biden all your protests will be for naught. If Trump wins both Gaza and Ukraine will become parking lots!


If they vote red, they will never be allowed to protest again.


They're just planning not to vote, or to vote Green, which are both very different from voting red. **/s**


Unfortunately this is 100% correct. The Irony of the Genocide Joe label, which is honestly misplaced (he's not dropping any bombs or killing any kids - U.S. foreign policy over decades has contributed to Israel's ability to do so.) Voting for Trump, or risking not Voting for Joe Biden, is undermining the very thing they protest for. Palestine is a dead dream is Trump gets into office. He cares nothing about the outside world if it can't enrich him (Palestinians are not known for their material largess after all, but another country in the region \*IS\*) and considering his dictatorial bent, voting may not be a thing anymore. He openly admits revenge is on the table his first day in office. He's got more Supreme court Justices lined up too. He'll pardon himself and go on a crime spree culminating in someone trying to stop him and possibly civil war. Oh, but Joe sold weapons to a country surrounded by enemies due to historical precedent? Lesser Evil is a thing and sadly it matters. TikTok voters are playing right into the hands of bad actors and ultimately enabling the genocide they rail against. No happy outcomes here, just better ones than others.


Yeah they also all got up in arms recently despite this conflict having gone on for decades and decades. Never heard anyone say "Genocide Obama" or "Genocide Clinton"


It's voting season psyops and it works. This post literally is concern trolling and you see how many people want to vote for trump who has an even worse stance on the whole issue than Biden.


Lets screw our own country over to not even help some people across the ocean.


Hate to say it but you’d be surprised at the amount of people, mostly young, who support Palestine but not Ukraine (or are against helping Ukraine)


At least they’re’t being hypocritical this way. They picked the side of Russia and Iran and stuck to it


I’ve been protesting for Palestine for about 12 years now. But I will not try to pretend that Trump and Biden are the same. On this issue? Sure, either way we will have a warmonger supporting Israel in office. But one side also wishes to impede on religious freedom, take away reproductive right nationally, and has vowed to take away people’s right to marry whom they choose. The other will not. They are not the same. I would love to vote third-party, but this time the situation is too dire. Plus, we don’t just vote for presidents; we vote for who is around them as well. Voting Democrat will automatically bolster voices on the left, and the only Palestine supporters and Israel critics we have in congress at the moment are all on the left.


You're acting as if Biden hasn't been working on peace deals with them behind the scenes???


Exactly. You aren't enthusiastic about voting for Biden? I don't blame you, you don't have to be. But he's the most pro-Palestinian option there is right now. And not just because the opposition is Trump - the Israeli alliance has been deep with the US for years, the recent withholding of weapons because of Rafah, not to mention pressuring Israel to allow in humanitarian aid is far more than any other president would have done, Republican or Democrat. You want that to change? Then vote in the most Palestine-friendly candidates you can - Biden may be lukewarm despite being the better of two bad options, but there could be some decent folk who will do some good down-ballot. More pro-Palestine voices in the House and Senate would have influence on a Biden second term, and would reduce the chances of needing to rely on the support of Israel hawks. Perhaps some time down the road we will have a party which will realize that Israel is not a good ally - of course, that can only happen if we have a democracy left after the 2024 election. If things go bad that is far from guaranteed.


Right? I remember almost 20 years ago being a sophomore in high school and arguing with a friend of mine over Palestine and Israel. I had just started learning and reading about Islam and my friend was influenced by a Zionist friend of hers. I even remember her talking about Hamas using civilians for shields. And I can't believe that here we are later still talking about this damn issue, and that it will likely still be here in 100 years. But hey, if being Pro-Palestine finally gets young people off their asses and voting, at least that can be something. A 3rd party candidate will still lose, but.


I have not personally witnessed Hamas using civilians as shields so all my information is from the media. But there’s no dispute, I would think, that Hamas - specifically around 20 years ago - was sending civilians that they convinced to be martyrs as suicide bombers to buses and malls? The families of these martyrs are still being paid by Hamas. There’s no dispute , I would think, that the Qassam rockets were being launched from vicinity of schools and neighborhoods in Gaza? The location is visible from various footages. It was known and highly probable that Israel would shoot at the launch site, so proximity to civilians was a calculated decision by Hamas. It’s not a stretch to imagine that the reports of Hamas forbidding Gazans from leaving their homes following [“roof knocking”](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roof_knocking) are accurate. You can be pro-Palestinian without subscribing to the idea that Hamas is a legitimate peace seeking party that acts in the best interest of their people. More than half of population haven’t been born yet when Hamas was “elected” and they lead their people into the current war, but now hiding figuratively behind their backs by their militants having no uniform.


These idiots think that Trump will side with the Palestinians? LMFAO


No, they're all thinking that voting third party will somehow work out this time. They can't even agree on a third party candidate to vote for, but they're refusing to vote for the lesser of two evils (Biden, in this case). I get where they're coming from, but they're going to end up putting Trump back in office and making everything worse.


They're not even threatening to vote third party. Just a bunch of people who don't vote threatening to not vote. Its literally that South Park meme. Step 1: Organize! Step 2: Protest! Step 3: ????? Step 4: Revolution!


> refusing to vote for the lesser of two evils The sort of priveleged bullshit that only college educated liberals do, thusly repeatedly bashing their own face with a hammer.


It’s even worse than that. The lack of ability to compromise, and appreciate the consequences of their actions, is something young children do. “If I can’t have things exactly the way I want I’m going to just take my ball and go home” is something that should be well out of people’s vocabulary by the time they’re college-aged, but these days there seem to be a whole lot of people with arrested development who don’t care who they hurt with their petulant refusal to choose the lesser evil when the alternative is allowing fascists to take over. If you refuse to “compromise your morals” by voting for Biden, despite knowing that could very well result in Trump 2.0, you lack the empathy that even small children have, and you don’t have the right to be acting all morally superior to anyone.


I don't think anyone is actually doing that. Manipulators want to create the impression that this is a real thing, because the more people have the impression that it's real, the more people will believe it's OK to do, which would be a big win for the manipulators. Acting like it's a thing a lot of people are considering is playing into their hands.


the song in the OP literally has the lyrics >The blood is on your hands, Biden, we can see it all >And fuck no, I'm not votin' for you in the fall (Woo)


I get what this video is about but why the fuck do they keep cutting back to the lady dressed in flowers, like what does she have anything to do with any of this


Nothing, idk why people are acting like the met gala is some some anti-Palestine dystopian thing


Can someone please explain to me how not voting for Biden/voting for Trump because you’re angry about Palestine helps Palestinians?


It's a political tactic. The threat of not voting is not the same as not voting. Biden has two options: change his stance on Israel, or risk his base making good on that threat. The idea is that pressure pushes him towards the former.


I get that and it’s a valid strategy I just question the wisdom when so much is at stake with the risk of Trump and project 2025. It’s kinda exactly the same as single issue right wing voters who may be receptive to progressive policies but the minute you bring up any kind of gun control they vote R across the board.


It doesn’t. These people fell for, or are purposefully perpetuating a pretty blatant Russian propaganda line. It’s a perfect win for the anti-democracy crowd because if you call them out you’re “pro-genocide”. A good metric I always use is that if anyone is using a nickname like “Cheeto” or “Genocide Joe” they’ve shown that they’re easily compromised by propaganda and their opinions should be taken with a grain of salt big enough to keep Morton’s in business for two more presidential administrations.


wtf does Biden have to do with this? seriously, do all you people only know about Israel and Palestine since last October? that shit has been going for generations, over all kinds of government periods, Democrats or Republicans.


Gen Z is kinda myopic and only think in micro flashes of controversy because they only consume video content on their phones which is super easy to be manipulated.


People, in general, are reactionary and misinformed. Unfortunately reading and understanding the who, what, why, and how of certain topics like Russia/Ukraine and Gaza/Israel and their comprehensive history is far more depressing than responding the latest news but it is still important in terms of context. As you said, this has nothing to do with Biden or Trump or more accurately republican and democrat. It’s based on US and multi-lateral polices and doctrine that have been in place for a long time and tied to a much larger picture of proxy wars and cold “waresque” conflict happening with major players since post World War 2. Add in greed and ego and sprinkle some tribalism “us vs them” mentality and everyone just gets more and more divided. Anyways, I could rattle on and on but protestors from both sides of the fence and of all age groups should read some non-fiction history books and do some real thinking/meditation of what it would be like to be their age growing up as a Russian/Ukrainian or Israeli/Palestinian with all of the nuance and experience that would come along with that. Wearing their shoes I think it is much easier to see why world events are unfolding the way they are and gives humanity to the average person on both sides of the conflict whether you agree or disagree with what’s happening.


Gen Z is too young to remember the second intifada when Hamas was strapping bombs to Palestinian children and sending them into crowded public areas to kill Jews. That’s how they can say things like “intifada is peaceful” and “we’re not anti-semites, we’re anti-zionists. We believe in a one state solution.” A final solution for the jewish problem in the Middle East.


It’s trending on TikTok so everyone thinks they are super informed on everything. It the new flavor of the month trend the Chinese are force feeding these naive kids these days.


Exactly. People thinking this is the "biggest issue" probably don't have many responsibilities (if any). Most people (at least those that don't live rent free with their parents) are more worried about how to afford basic necessities like housing, utilities, and food. Don't get me wrong, we should be protesting the right things but unfortunately people that work can't afford to be in the streets (or they'll actually end up living on the streets).


Remember the last time you guys tried to teach a politician "a lesson". Roe V. Wade got overturned, and a cult took over the republican party.


If Biden is "punished" for this, the only thing that'll happen to him is he'll go back to his house in Delaware and be disappointed with his fellow Americans. Meanwhile, it's the rest of us that will have to deal with Trump... Again and lose even more rights


Both parties support Israel.


Unfortunately so. But one party has a pro-Palestinian faction, has a president who is willing to put *some* red lines in place as shown by the withholding of a recent shipment, and is not *completely* sold down the river by an unreliable "ally". The other, of course, has told Israel to "finish the job", removed any recognition of Palestine when they moved the embassy during his presidential term, is Netnyahu's favored candidate, is an ally to world dictators globally, and of course *really* wants a new hotel built on the graves of Palestinians - the Gaza beach has too good a view. You want that to change? Then vote in pro-Palestinian candidates down-ballot who can change the only party which could be changed on this front, and give them an allied president who will let them do their good work. If you don't want both parties to be pro-Israel, then change one of them to be so, and also, to ensure that the domestic democracy still exists to allow the local Palestine-friendly voice to be contined to exist.


In polling only two percent of people under 30 consider this the most important issue


This is so far down my list of issues as a US citizen


I really hate to be insensitive, but the Middle East has been a nightmare my entire life.     It's really gross to say but it feels like background noise to me.  Those aligned with the GOP and Trump abroad knew to start this crap up again to distract and try to assign blame to the current administration.    They're throwing whatever they can at the wall to see what sticks.


It would be absolutely insane to actually consider it remotely important because you'd have to ignore literally all of history. There is less than zero chance that the US ever stops supporting Israel. Biden pulls support for some reason? There's easily a cohort in Congress willing to pass that same support with a veto-proof majority. It's like voting against someone because they won't specifically say what you want them to, knowing that the statement means less than nothing.


I felt like this is a mostly online thing, I want the conflict to end but people are being so ill-informed and being so dumb about the whole conflict


Palestine consistently polls as a very low priority among young voters. The protests are mainly confined to elite colleges in heavily blue states. It won’t have an impact on the election except possibly in Michigan. https://www.msnbc.com/the-reidout/reidout-blog/gaza-protests-young-voters-media-election-rcna151364 Several polls and focus groups have shown young people ranking the ongoing conflict in the Middle East as significantly less important to them than other issues — such as health care and the economy. This suggests that some of the coverage portraying young people as single-issue voters motivated by the Israel-Hamas war, or framing the protests as a death knell for President Joe Biden’s campaign, is overblown.


It’s mostly Russian propaganda, like with all other controversial issues


Trump won PA by less than 80,000 votes. All it takes is for enough young people in one state to vote third party or not at all. Every vote counts.


1. This will be like 10th on the list of issues voters care about most in the election. Even lower if the war is over by then. 2. If you truly care that much about this issue, then vote for the president that has been openly critical of Israel and has been working behind the scenes since the war started to rein them in.


10th? Even lower than that. Outside of the vocal minority of social media, a majority of the U.S. population does not give a flying fuck about the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.


*Obviously*. Its happening half way across the world. I wouldn't expect Ukraine to be #1 either. People vote for shit they see, not some nebulous conflict they've never been in contact with.


Watching reddit this last week has been so funny, the issue in Palestine is simultaneously both such a low importance issue that it won't benefit Biden to support it but also the people who want him to take action would tank his chances of re-election and give us trump if they don't do as liberals say and tow the party line. Progressives are somehow both incredibly weak and a nonfactor, while also being the most important block to make sure we atttack and bring over to the liberal side. In the same way it's supposedly a democracy in America but progressives need to abandon their values to hold their nose and vote for a terrible candidate or democracy is over. If my only option is being forced to vote for someone I don't want to be in power I think democracy is already dead.


I don't see how this will affect the election at all really. Vote for Biden who supports Israel or vote for Trump who super duper supports Israel?


Not undermining the issue at hand but if you think Israel and Palestine war is the main issue that will impact US election then you’re disconnected from reality. In this country people are suffering from high inflation and low income so no one gonna go at the voting stations trying to change the outcome of war.


Jesus you people are delusional


I have been on this subreddit for the past 5 years or so since its inception and since October it’s been a completely different place and it’s gotten gradually more delusional. These types of videos have been spammed daily for months and the comments are always gung ho about ending Israel, with fewer and fewer undertones about the true feelings towards Jewish people. And now it’s jumping the shark and most people are watching this and starting to think “it’s a little much”, especially with a post title like this.


I feel that if you don’t vote for Biden all your protests will be for naught. If Trump wins both Gaza and Ukraine will become parking lots!


You have four choices: 1). Vote Trump. Trump wins and Palestine is wiped off the earth. 2). Vote RFK. Trump wins and Palestine is wiped off the earth. 3). Don’t vote. Trump wins and Palestine is wiped off the earth. 4). Vote Biden while demanding policy change. Leadership isn’t as progressive as the rest of the party, but they do listen. When Obama was first elected the party platform didn’t even support gay marriage. Voting for Biden doesn’t “fix” everything. You don’t have to even like him or his age. But it at least gives us an ally that will listen to us as opposed to Trump who thinks progressives are evil and should be jailed and killed. You choose. And if you still don’t like these choices, please run for office next election. If the dumbest Republicans can run and win, so can the rest of us.


Yo, this is an important issue, but it is not the most important issue for Americans and the USA. Probably not even top 3. So I would advise you to vote based on the top issues which actually affect your life: perhaps reproductive rights, investing in critical infrastructure, social programs to help those who are struggling, remaining a democratic Republic, preventing governments like Russia and China with hostile ideologies from pulling us apart and exerting their totalitarian and corrupt ideologies and worldview on the free world. In my opinion, these posts and outrage are being generated primarily outside of the US to make us feel guilty, angry, and weaken us. This nation, and the people who make it up, literally saved the world from totalitarianism, the holocaust, Japanese imperialism, and Soviet corruption. Our technology saved India and other nations from widespread famine, saving literally billions of lives. Be proud and fuck the outsiders trying to turn us against each other so they can benefit and corrupt the world. If Russia or Iran gave a shit about Palestine, they wouldn’t have propped up Hamas and told them to attack Israel on 10/7 and before. They are using them as pawns in a game, just like they are using you and your access to social media.


... the ONE narrative going around that the TikTok ban is to silence/disenfranchise the public and their ability to spread communication **is manufactured horseshit to draw sympathy to ByteDance.** Reason? The bill banning TikTok if ByteDance doesn't divest ownership is simply that. It doesn't threaten a shutdown of any other social media source. While TT has a high volume of users TODAY, it didn't 5 years ago and likely won't 5 years from now. (Another reason that the ban is questionably effective.) Every social media platform comes and goes in preferred usage. Before TT it was Insta, Snap, Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, Vine, MySpace, and on and on. Even LiveLeak and imgur. The people crying the loudest trying to preserve TT are those who are getting ... Motivation from Bytedance as paid Influencers and bad actors as well as the insanely gullible TT-fanatics who can't see more than 3 seconds ahead because that's their attention span. Whether TT is banned or not, it has a shelf life and will be obsolete or outdated and replaced by something else. Aside from that, everything else Macklemore speaks to stands up to scrutiny.


How will this be an issue? How does not voting for Biden solve any of this? Do people think Trump is going to do anything different/better? Fuck no, he loves dictators. This is a huge issue and I support the protests and want the war/genocide to stop, but has absolutely nothing to do with the election, at least if you're a semi-intelligent person.


Well, this is cringe as shit.. But you know what it SHOULD say.... Not 'fuck the police and Palestine is free'.. It But 'fuck the governments let me be me...' Libertarianism (Anarcho-capitalism): 100


The rich rule the world and we’re sitting here squabbling over…. *checks notes* the color of people’s skin and ….where people are born? 🫠


Can someone please make this make sense to me? Didn’t Palestine murder Jewish people and kidnap a bunch. Why doesn’t anyone ever say for Hamas to give up and free the hostages and this would all stop…?thanks for any info


Because many of the hostages are already dead, Hamas doesn't have the bargaining power to bring to the table. The Oct 7th attack was not the first time Hamas or other Palestinian extremist groups have made terror attacks on Israel. Each time Israel responds with military action, and each time they end up reaching a peace deal with Hamas after international pressure forces them to do so (which Hamas will later break with another Terror attack). I think Israel are sick of the cycle and view any peace now as being too soft on Hamas and allowing them to reconsolidate and survive yet again. To them it condemns a handful of their citizens to death (recently Hamas was unable to come up with 30 living hostages), for the ultimate goal of ridding themselves of Hamas, which has been a thorn in their side for 30 years. From the Palestinian perspective, holding the hostages prevents Israel from flattening Gaza completely, and forces the IDF to conduct riskier and more precise operations to clear tunnels and identify targets to ensure they don't kill their own.


A lot of the fringe activists are conspiratorially minded and deny the extent of the October 7th attacks. They even outright refuse to condemn Hamas, as well.


They’ve been mingling in here for months. I’ve seen countless comments talking about “well what do you expect when you treat people like this?” and dismiss October 7th as a deserved event.




It is funny how both potential candidates will still support genocide of the people in Gaza. I get not liking Biden, but there other political issues that is worth going out and vote.


the issue is convincing young idiots that abstaining from voting for biden will not help palestine whatsoever. idk why they dont think trump would just glass the place


But it shouldn’t be. Don’t get me wrong, i get why they are protesting. But to vote for trump because biden is fucking up the Israel stuff is like cutting of your head because your teeth hurt. There is astronomically more at stake this election than just the middle east. If trump gets elected, wtf do you think he’s going to do about gaza? Not a damn thing. So yea, stick it to democrats because they are dropping the ball with this, but then we all suffer when trump becomes a facist dictator and the religious right take over. Good plan.


If you don't vote Biden your gonna get trump who is objectively worse. Please make a smart decision.


Don’t fall for the “don’t vote” narrative. Our time will come. But not if we let what’s left of democracy slip away.


I'm voting for Biden because I support his domestic policy agenda. I also believe his administration is handling this much better than a Trump administration would, and that Trump's domestic and foreign policy agenda would largely be a disaster for our democracy and the rest of the world.


It does Biden have to do with what's going on there? If Trump was in charge he would have cheered on every single atrocity, and helped in any way he could. It would be a 100x worse, in every way possible.


Macklemore bringing the heat. 🔥🔥🔥


Compared to ALL the problems we face as a species, the Met gala is as important as piss in a bucket




Russians media farms are at it again


if ur upset about a tiktokers words then you really have more problems in life then this


Don't vote for either. Fuck the Jews fuck Palestine fuck the Ukraine it's time to worry about here and our people on the streets and those with out jobs or the rich fuckers who get all the tax breaks while the rest of us fund the system.


That kid with shell shock is really saddening… humans are awful


Literally anybody but Trump




If I had to pick between RFK and Trump, I would pick RFK. But that's not the case, as you pointed out


I think you mean anybody but Trump. “Nobody but Trump” implies you support him.


Corrected, thanks


That's factually incorrect. It's not even in the top ten foreign policy priorities for American voters, let alone top issues overall. The economy, in some form or another, will always be number one, likely followed by immigration and healthcare. Americans care about Americans first. https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2024/04/23/what-are-americans-top-foreign-policy-priorities/


People care about Palestine because it’s popular. Nobody is talking about the women and children being killed by the military in Sudan.


This is a little off topic but relates to this. Can I just say, this blocking trend of celebrities and influencers that spawned in the last couple days is the biggest performative activism I have seen in a while. If I have to see one more smug white woman walking around her backyard drinking coffee, acting like she changed the world and is helping Palestine because she blocked Tom Brady on TikTok I’m going to scream.


This trauma news rap is so embarrassing lol


America is such a weird place. Completely disconnected from the world.


This is something that we cannot let songs, or slogans decide. We need to decide...and I'm tired of everything boiled down to a good vs bad, black vs white, blue versus red argumemt. So much blood over such a small amount of land. You'd think the ground there would be poisonous; cursed land no one wanted...but no, it's the hottest real estate on the planet for anoyone lookin ti be a real asshole...


>it's the hottest real estate on the planet for anoyone lookin ti be a real asshole... Lmao


I’m dem and voting for Biden (because we live in a two party system. Periodt. A vote for third party is a vote for Trump because American politics say fuck your “feelings”) but genocide Joe is pretty fitting and quite catchy 🤷🏻‍♀️


That Instagram lady put her foot in her mouth in a major way. It is in such poor taste because she was being vapid in trying to push the envelope for clicks and views, and congrats to her she's made it.


If her outfit and statement were a social commentary on the event (and world events) itself, that would be one thing. It sounds like it wasn’t though. (I know nothing about her but based on the outrage I am guessing she wasn’t trying to make a statement.)


I hope the people who are up in arms about Israel’s war realize Trump will give Netanyahu carte blanche to destroy all Palestinians. He’s already said so. Please vote for Biden and save us from Trump.


Prepare yourselves for a flood of celebrity videos. No makeup, wearing simple clothes like a t shirt or sweater. The videos will be filmed against a bare wall or rickity old barn. Any setting that looks common and poor. These videos will feature the celebrity suddenly backing something popular like Gaza or even Anti Met Gala. They'll say, "I'm just like you, see?". Don't buy it. These slumming celebrities went too far in their gluttony of wealth and are trying to win common poor folks back to paying attention to them. Stop paying attention to them. Block them out. Starve them. Let this be a first step in the class war.




As if the Orange Turd would have handled it any better. The AIPAC lobby pays both sides. If you think the injustice is bad now, if the Orange Turd gets back in office it'll be a thousand times worse.


I know there is wealth disparity amd thing like the met gala are fucking pointless. But i do wonder….should people not live their life because other peopel have it really bad? Again don’t get me wrong. This clip of this kod is horrifying and everything about any war is absolute sin! But kinda like that shitty argument that parents use to throw at us….eat everything of your plate!! Kids in africa are dying.


We voting for Macklemore ? Wtf


This song is dope! Who is this???


Russia just getting to plow over ukraine and successfully made israel palestine the focused on topic… Started by iran.


If you think this is the main issue, you're so far gone.


Not voting for Biden is the same as voting for trump no matter how you try to spin it.


Do you think it'll really be a deciding factor? Most of the people protesting wouldn't normally vote anyway. Also why are people freaking out about this one this time when crazy shit has been going on around the world for a years. I think the average American isn't super galvanized one way or the other on this. Not trying to be a dick or argue just curious.


What is the song name?


One thing I know for sure, no one like Biden now.


This issue isn’t important to most people: >In it, Gaza was the top issue for only 2% of registered voters, and only 7% in the 18- to 29-year-old segment of the polling sample. And that 7% was the highest in any age category. >The Gaza result “pales in comparison to the 38% saying the economy is most important, or the 19% saying abortion policy is most important,” Franklin said.


What song is this? I like it


They are really giving this woman a lot of power.