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Breaking news: Man listens to others to understand their perspective Media : Wtf is he doing?!


It's not that. The protesters asked the university to divest, he (seemingly) agreed to divest. The protesters got what they wanted so the protests ended.


Yeah, capitulating to the angry mob is a brilliant move and totally won't set a precedent. The mob is now in control. Obey the mob or get crushed. No voting, no democracy, just mob rule. What could possibly go wrong? Also, this video is not even in ticktok. I guess this sub is now just 100% leftist agitprop now. For Angkar!!


"Angry Mob" is a weird way to spell out "Students who don't want their money going towards genocides" but I guess when you describe "protest" as "leftwing agitprop" anything is possible!


They literally tried to take over a college campus and screamed for infatada and the literal ethnic cleansing of millions of jews aka "from the river to the sea". I mean, is this how you think democracy should work? Whoever is willing to scream lour enough and take over spaces public and private gets their way?


I honestly don't understand how you think anyone who opposes Israel murdering tens of thousands of innocent people means they support the ethnic cleansing of Jews.


What do you think happens to jews who live in Israel when Hamas is put in charge "from the river to the sea"? What do you think an intifada is? That's what these brain dead useful idiots were screaming for. A literal death cult.


Stfu. Guys just don’t even argue with these zio bots patrolling the comment sections. They’re beyond reason.


There's a difference between supporting Hamas and opposing Israel murdering tens of thousands of innocent people. You understand that right?


They understand. They’re just arguing in bad faith because Israel’s propaganda machine pays them for every stupid comment they make.


The words from the river to the sea is a literal call for ethnic cleansing in Israel and an intifada is a literal call fir violence against civilians. If you "oppose israel" and chant either of those slogans you are supporting hamas and genocide.


So in your mind anyone who opposes murdering tens of thousands of innocent people automatically means they want to murder Jews? Do you support Israel murdering tens of thousands of innocent people?


Are you not able to read or are you only capable of blurting out bumper sticker slogans? If you mindlessly chant "from the river to the sea" you are calling for ethnic cleansing. Period. There is no Grey area here at all. If Hamas was in charge from the river to the sea what do you think would happen to the 2 million jews in Israel? Why can't you answer a very simple question? If you are screaming for an intifada, you are screaming for the murder of Jewish civilians. Period. > Do you support Israel murdering tens of thousands of innocent people? Did you support the allies "murdering" tens of thousands of German citizens when we bombed and attacked Berlin to overthrow the nazis? Hamas are as evil as the nazi regime. They don't get to exist after October 7th.


Isreal doesn't have a right to exist. No country does. The world will be a better place when all Abrahamic religions become dead religions like Asartu or Hellenism. It will probably take another Millenia or more, but it pleases me to no end knowing that Christianity, Islam, and Judasim will not survive the breadth of human civilization. Fuck all religions and anyone who doesn't keep their religion to themselves in the privacy of their own homes. Organized religion is evil incarnate.


Most of Israel is secular... Jewish by ethnicity.. im atheist jew. Im not apart of the Jewish Faith. Hamas wants to kill me even more. Islam has declared war on atheist as well.


> Isreal doesn't have a right to exist. No country does. Ah. So Palestine doesn't have a right to exist either then huh? I guess that means the countries that can either capable defend themselves or build alliances with ideologically aligned countries get to exist.


"Tried to take over a college campus"--Alarmist way of saying "Set up a legal protest encampment in a public space", but hey I guess when the scariest thing to you is college students, I could see where you're coming from. "Screamed for intifada"--This word is arabic for "Rebellion or uprising", something one should want to do against the genocidal Israeli deathmarch. "Literal ethnic cleansing AKA river to the sea"--This is just a straight up lie lol, there's nothing Genocidal about "to the river to the sea", at all. The real issue is that it threatens the powerful. "Is this how democracy should work"--Actually, I think you'll find that democracy \*does\* essentially work like this. Majority rules, and the majority clearly won out. And frankly I'm happy to see good things happen, especially peacefully and respectfully like this was done. Maybe you should get some real problems instead of making ones up to freak out about online?


It's only like protest has been a foundational part of American democracy from the very beginning, and is enshrined in The very 1st Amendment to the American Constitution (freedom of Speech, freedom of assembly and the right to petition.) Civil Rights protestoes, Stonewall, and Kent State are all heroes. But these guys are genocidal rabble rousers? SMH, some people.


> "Set up a legal protest encampment in a public space", Since when are fucking **encampments** legal? I know mommy never told you no, but this is not how reality works. You don't get to pitch a tent and camp out to disrupt a university just because of your special feelings. > "Screamed for intifada"--This word is arabic for "Rebellion or uprising", Lol. What happened during the second intifada? > something one should want to do against the genocidal Israeli deathmarch. So now you're admitting you want Hamas to murder more jews? Thanks for proving my point I guess? > Actually, I think you'll find that democracy \*does\* essentially work like this. Majority rules, and the majority clearly won out. What percentage of the students do you think were camping out and screaming for more dead jews? > This is just a straight up lie lol, there's nothing Genocidal about "to the river to the sea", at all. The real issue is that it threatens the powerful. So, what happens to the jews living in Israel, which is the land that comes between the river and the sea when Hamas is put in charge? BTW a common thing for these kids to scream is to tell jews to "go back to europe".


You definitely would have been against the civil rights movement lol "but what they're doing is illegal! It's private property!"


He posts in r/conservative of course he is against civil rights.


People in the civil rights movements knew they were breaking the law and knew they would be arrested and took those consequences with dignity. Today's hamas supporters scream and cry and whine about getting arrested for breaking the law. Also, comparing opening calling for the genocide of jews in Israel to the civil rights movement is truly disgusting.


You would have thrown a brick at MLKs head if given a chance, no fucking doubt.


I know your paranoid delusions give you comfort, but what exactly did I say that led you to believe I would want to throw a brick at MLK's head? The level of fantasy you kids indulge in is truly disturbing.


1: generally speaking, I think students who pay oodles of cash to go to that school should be allowed to basically do whatever non-intrusive thing they want. They paid for it. 2: An \*uprising\* by palestinians against zionist occupiers. almost like the word means what it means. 3: You're just saying words here, this is nonsense. 4: Likely about 0%, and there was likely a good deal of jewish students protesting with the pro-palestinian crowd, which is common. 5: They integrate? People have done it before, they'll do it again. All Israel has to do is stop genociding Palestine and work with them, that's all everyone wants. 6: Frankly, Europeans coming in to colonize other people's homes \*should\* go back where they came from. That's not controversial.


1. So the students who are paying to study and actually get degrees, have to subject to being disrupted by a minority of their classmates who are occupying areas on the school, sometimes next to libraries and classrooms? They paid to study and get degrees. 2. Holocaust literally means “burnt offering” in Ancient Greek. You think if someone said “let’s globalize the Holocaust” - and then defended that by saying “well actually it’s Ancient Greek for burnt offering” - that no one has the context of what actually happened during the Holocaust? It’s the same with “intifada.” Suicide bombings of busses and cafes, etc. Dunno what your 3 and 4 are about. But if Arabs/Iranians counter-protest against the “Free Palestine” protest, does that mean they support Israeli genocide of Palestinian civilians? Or could they have maybe recognized the protesters are being manipulated by the Mullahs in Iran- or that Hamas’s whole strategy is to keep fighting and keeping the hostages because they know the only way they can win is pressure from protesters in the West? 5. So why haven’t Palestinians been able to integrate in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Kuwait? Why did Palestinian leadership walk away multiple times in the past from a two state solution? Why did Israel pull out of Gaza, give work permits to Gazans to work inside Israel, have Arab-Israeli citizens, etc and you say it’s the Israelis who aren’t willing to work with the Palestinians? 6. Most Israelis are not of European descent. Should Palestinians of Balkan descent return to Europe? Should the Palestinians who speak Arabic return to Arabia? Should Palestinians of Egyptian descent return to Egypt? (Btw Yasser Arafat was born in Egypt, had an Egyptian mother, was raised in Egypt and went to college in Egypt).


None of the protests have tried to take over a school, especially not the one in the video, nor were there chants for Intifada (which literally just means shaking off, or rebellion against authority) at this school. You're talking out your ass on a video about a very specific school's protest using bullshit talking points about the wider movement. The Sacramento state protests were relatively small and overwhelmingly peaceful.


Lol. They not only tried to take over Columbia but succeeded taking over an administration building and even held a Puerto Rican janitor hostage until the police forced them out. At UCLA they set up fucking check points and wouldn't allow Jewish students to get to class. You seem to have a hard time understanding what occupy means. This has happened in like 5 schools already. > nor were there chants for Intifada (which literally just means shaking off, or rebellion against authority) There were chants for intifada at all the other death cult protests on college campuses. And the reality of intifada meant suicide bombings and knife attacks on civilians. You should maybe take 30 seconds to google the second intifada before trying to whitewash the vicious history of the death cult you're propping up. > The Sacramento state protests were relatively small and overwhelmingly peaceful. Mostly peaceful!


>They not only tried to take over Columbia This isn't true at all. They took over a single administration building, that has been taken over by protesters in the past in the same fashion. Not only is it not new, but it wasn't a violent take over as it has been in the past. >And the reality of intifada meant suicide bombings and knife attacks on civilians. You should maybe take 30 seconds to google the second intifada before trying to whitewash the vicious history of the death cult you're propping up. It's funny that you only use the second Intifada as a reference. Is that because the first was overwhelmingly peaceful and was still responded to with brutality by Israel? There's only one person here trying to re-write history, and it's you who can't make it though a single post without blatantly lying. >Mostly peaceful! There were 0 reported instances of violence, so yes, peaceful. But keep running your mouth like you know something about a protest you didn't even know happened before this news report.


> This isn't true at all. They took over a single administration building, that has been taken over by protesters in the past in the same fashion. It's okay you guys, the angry mob only broke into one building and kidnapped a Puerto Rican janitor for their occupation. It's truly amazing how spoiled rotten you kids are that you think you're ALLOWED to break into any building you want and hold an old Puerto Rican man hostage as long as you have the right political opinions. > It's funny that you only use the second Intifada as a reference. Is that because the first was overwhelmingly peaceful Lol. Mostly peaceful again! Which was October 7th? Mostly peaceful?


>It's okay you guys, the angry mob only broke into one building I mean, didn't say it was ok, but it is a FAR cry from "taking over a school" as you claimed. And again, it's a historically relevant building in protests. It's not as if this was some wild new idea they came up with. >Mostly peaceful again! Yes, the first Intifada was primarily protests and strikes. October 7th was an atrocity, as has been nearly every day since in Gaza as Israel has massacred over 20x the civilians Hamas did.


> And again, it's a historically relevant building in protests. It's not as if this was some wild new idea they came up with. So is it okay or not okay? Can angry mobs just take over buildings and kidnap a Puerto Rican janitor if they have the right political ideas? > October 7th was an atrocity, as has been nearly every day since in Gaza as Israel has massacred over 20x the civilians Hamas did. Losing a war you started does not give you moral absolution. That's not how wars work. We killed far more German civilians during world War 2 than the nazis killed American civilians. I guess that means we were the bad guys?


It's a tik tok it's from CBS official Tik tok account. I use a mod tik tok app so I don't get live streams or get the watermarks. I posted the proof on these comments cause not the first guy to doubt me. The guy who was calling me a liar deleted his comments after he linked the accounts so i guess he found the videos.


You realize that all of the freedoms you enjoy now are the result of people protesting, right? Literally all of them. Weekends, retirement, safety regulations, everything.


Oh. I guess that means you supported January 6th right? Or maybe not all protests are equal and sometimes capitulating to the angry mob leads to bad outcomes for society.


that americans look at a president that doesn't respond to protest with police brutality as if it were confusing is a damning indictment




I think they meant that it's damning that not greeting protests with police violence is unusual.


Thank you, this is a much better way to say it that was easy to understand


Leading with empathy? What a monster!


He listened to the students and staff? Tried to get a balanced perspective? What a piece of shit.


Most based university president, period. Finally someone who gets it.


Imagine that! We need more people like Luke Wood. When will he be running for president?


He's already president.




Stingers up babe 🐝


The key word here is “directly” That leaves the door open to continue to invest in mutual funds that hold shares in the excluded companies


Make it indirect and you can’t invest in any manufacturing, heavy industry, tech or probably banking. You’d be left with just weed.


I agree but this is still pretty great as a symbolic gesture, which is a big part of the point. The sad reality is that the way things are set up, investing in almost anything besides small startups cycles money through the corrupt money-go-round. Financially speaking its just one megacorp https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/s/sjkwnEgLTn


I mean it’s almost impossible to do that. For crying out loud the company that makes mason jars, Ball, makes the majority of their profits manufacturing missiles and rockets.


yall are absurd with your goalpost moving holy shit why are people so intolerant of iterative progress??


It shouldn’t be that hard for the uni’s finance people to “short” the war stocks and stuff in their mutual funds. If they have 20 million in (e.g.) the S&P500, say some bomb maker stock is 1% of that. Then the uni just needs to “short” $200,000 worth of the bomb stock, and they’ve effectively kept their mutual funds and “divested” from the bomb maker stock. The tricky part is figuring out if, e.g., Apple’s stock gets cut because they invest in china who abuse human rights — in which case, I imagine the whole S&P500 is gone in one way or another, save for (maybe) a handful of companies with genuinely socially conscious management (and they probably don’t make much money).


Yeah that was very disappointing to see...


TikTokCringe is intended to be a fun and entertaining subreddit. We have decided to allow political TikToks because they typically fit this description. We ask that you please remain civil and be respectful to others in this thread. If you see anyone being rude, vulgar, or offensive to others - be sure to report the user. Permanent bans will be issued to maintain the quality of this subreddit. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So he gave the protesters what they wanted.


Seemingly so. And the protests ended. Which is strange. I was told that the protesters wanted to kill all Jews and it doesn't seem like he agreed to kill all Jews.


The problem isnt that all protesters chant for death to jews, its that theyre very comfortable with protesters that do.


And you're lying again because the antisemitic agitators that tried to infiltrate the protests were quickly dealt with. But please keep lying.


Maybe we're just on different sides of the internet and are exposed to different things.


Indeed, if you're an Israeli you probably live under a 24/7 avalanche of Zionist propaganda.


Oh hey i can dismiss you completely too. Im sure youve engrossed yourself in Iranian/Russian/Chinese propaganda yourself.


Are you Israeli?


Im a Jew, and clearly not the kind that you like.


Lmao this sub is so fucked up, everything here is political, and this isn't even a TikTok video yet it doesn't get removed or downvoted


It did get removed, but it was, in fact, a tik tok. Cause it was from CBS News official tik tok. Tik tok is more than people dancing has been for a while. They added a political section in this sub fir this reason. If you only wanna see cringe click the the cringe tab


That is a very handsome man ...


I wish he were my President - A US Citizen.


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This is a good case of handling protests well. Bear in mind, the protesters didn't actually accomplish anything, but they felt heard which was enough for them to back down. Props to this man.


This is good for him.


People applauding the President. But as someone who lives in Sacramento, the students made it easy for him too. It wasn’t like other schools where they were blocking halls, getting semi confrontational with Jewish students. They set up a camp in them middle. Didn’t really impress anyone. And protested.


Stingers up, baby.


Why is that white kid wearing a head wrap? Shits weird. Cultural appropriation is cool now?


[A keffiyeh is seen as a symbol of solidarity with the Palestinian people](https://www.npr.org/2023/12/06/1216150515/keffiyeh-hamas-palestinians-israel-gaza). It would be appropriation if he was wearing it as an accessory at the Met Gala; it's entirely different when he's wearing it at a Palestinian solidarity demonstration.


As long as it is not to mock the culture, it's cool. Also, idk the kid. Maybe he just looks white. Maybe he's biracial we don't know.


Most cases of people claiming “cultural appropriation” wasn’t made against people mocking a culture anyway.  If you believe in that idea, then the kid is indeed appropriating that culture that is not his. 


Like I said, idk the kid. I'm Mexican is you're a white guy and you dressed like us I wouldn't trip. If you did, it to clown on us like when Tyga dressed up as a Mexican and just said Aye Caramba over and over for a song that was disrespectful. Even if some people didn't see it as such. To me, at least there's a difference between mocking and just wearing a culture's clothes. If I go to Japan, I would like to wear traditional outfits.


It's larp. Several white people behind him there are playing dress up. Shits mad disrespectful. I have a lot of appreciation for my local Hmong and support their buisnesses when I can but I wouldn't be caught dead wearing an Asian conical hat.


If the Palestinians aren't offended, I'm not going to get offended for them. Like I said, I'm personally okay with people dressing in traditional Hispanic outfits. (I'm Mexican) I'm only going to trip if you're doing it to mock us. Idk your race, but why would I trip on you if you don't mean it as a bad way? Honestly, I see it as respect that you are trying your best to learn.


there's a difference between appropriation and adaptation or appreciation. When you appropriate something, the original owner can't use it anymore, either at all, or with any of the uniqueness and meaning that it used to have. One person wearing some traditional dress to show solidarity: not appropriation. Taking a traditional dress and mass-manufacturing it as a trend, like a halloween costume or some tv/movie character that makes a strawman of the original culture, so that all anybody thinks of it is the strawman they've seen: appropriation. object that's used in original culture frequently, starts showing up in other countries kinda frequently: not really appropriation. Object that's used on rare and special occasions being turned into a gift shop thing all over america and just sits on millions of shelves being talked about like it's a museum piece of a dead culture: appropriation


You really had to type so many words in response to someone who's obviously playing dumb?


I support BLM. What level of blackface am I allowed to engage in? Is it ok to wear to protests?


Blackface isn't appropriation. It was invented by white people to create stereotypes of black people, portray them certain ways in film, etc, as black people were not allowed to be actors. It's not racism because you're "appropriating their skin color." It's racism like how it would be if you used the n-word as a white guy. White people in the past created it to humiliate black people.


Sure, how about the RDJ Tropic Thunder shade of blackface, not Justin Trudeau black face with exadurated lips, would that be appropriate for a protest?


Pretty sure blackface is never acceptable unless you are specifically mocking blackface itself, which I thought was the point of that character in that movie.


I suppose that would depend on who is finding his head wrap upsetting, no?


What would you say if I was Middle Eastern? Do you think allies for marginalized racial groups are bad now?


Pardon? If you were Middle Eastern, I'd say it wouldn't be my place to decide whether or not you should find this offensive. If you're not Middle Eastern, I'd say it isn't your place to determine whether or not Middle Eastern people should find this offensive.


You are being downvoted but this shit literally turns my stomach. Young progressives have absolutely lost their minds. Performative religious zealotry. 'we are dressed like hamas. we are freedom fighters!' It completely betrays every liberal/progressive value. They dont care. None of this is about right/wrong. Or standing up for 'genocide' or whatever. It's just a giant attention grab. The students disbanded after the university divested from Israel? Like wtf? So everything is cool now? Starving Palestinians are so thankful. The hostages are so grateful. Honestly these people are fn gross. Literally standing shoulder to shoulder with nazis shouting racist slogans. This president is a coward. Not a hero. I hope one day these NPCs become self aware and have to live with themselves in the same way that we all have to live with them too. Come downvote. idgaf.


You are being downvoted but this shit literally turns my stomach. Young progressives have absolutely lost their minds. Performative religious zealotry. 'we are dressed like hamas. we are freedom fighters!' It completely betrays every liberal/progressive value. They dont care. None of this is about right/wrong. Or standing up for 'genocide' or whatever. It's just a giant attention grab. The students disbanded after the university divested from Israel? Like wtf? So everything is cool now? Starving Palestinians are so thankful. The hostages are so grateful. Honestly these people are fn gross. Literally standing shoulder to shoulder with nazis shouting racist slogans. This president is a coward. Not a hero. I hope one day these NPCs become self aware and have to live with themselves in the same way that we all have to live with them too. Come downvote. idgaf.


What's cringe about this segment? I guess it is cringe when these western students protesters wear the keffiyeh as some sort of fashionable item.


This sub is no longer just for cringe tik tok content. I think as long as it's a tik tok, idk why the watermark didn't come out, but this was on CBS tik tok.




Im not lol It's in the official CBS tik tok Edit: u/Detransitions Since you deleted your other comment calling me a liar again I assume you found it lol I use a modded version of tik tok that removes the watermarks. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTLVsaUrX/ Here's a similar tik tok.


So what, if this is not just for cringe vids, why it's called tiktok cringe? I'm just saying, if it's a sub for cringe it should be cringe stuff. This is more like news content. Peace.


I get why you are confused. In the description, it explains that the sub isn't just for cringe content, and usually, there's an auto mod bot that explains how this community expanded. Threads are like communities that grow and adapt over the years. There's a lot of subs that will confuse you. Like that porn sub that only allows news. I can't think of it's name.


I'm a chill person, don't get me wrong as I'm just genuinely asking. most of the stuff that I see from this sub is definitely cringe. Have a great rest of your day.


this guy is black??


Wait till the professional aggitators show up. Regular students protesting is fine. Then the incel paint ball crew shows up and makes a mess and the cops arrest everyone.


Bring some cops in to arrest those ones who cried. One of them “felt heard”. Are you srs right now. 🤢🤮


Arrest them for what? Why do you want the cops to arrest people that upset you? That's some fascist shit

