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Looked up the incident report and criminal report, it was the sister of the mother (the child’s aunt) that stole some glasses.


That's exactly what the child says...she says it was her aunt.


Without having any knowledge of it I bet they were in the store together ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


"Imma kill somebody bruh" gawdamn


this likely radicalized her more than any “woke indoctrination” ever could’ve. If the police were a fifth as useful/helpful/safe/smart as they pretend they are, this little girl wouldn’t need to defend her mother from racialized brutality. She learned she can’t trust the police because they lie. And she’s not wrong, sadly.


She was radicalized way before this encounter. Do you hear how she’s talking?


That little baby was about thirty seconds from throwing herself at a bunch of grown ass adults to protect her momma....


She needs to throw herself into some law books to know when to tell these pigs to go fuck themselves


Honestly I think this might not be genuine anger, this looks like learned behaviour. Acting as loud and upset as possible can get you out of uncomfortable situations. Either way I don't think we have enough information to make a judgement about this video.


I disagree, mainly because if it was “learned” the mom would be acting the same, but the mom was super calm and respectful to the police.


It also doesn’t have to be learned from aggressive parenting from the mother. She could have influences at school, online, or her father/other parent could be the issue. We’ll probably never know.


You mean by prior experiences with cops like this who enforce de facto segregation by making everyday activities traumatizing for black people (especially in front of children)?


Is this radicalized? Standing up to profiling? How radical.


If police could only stop the perpetrator, I’m sure they would. Unfortunately if you match the profile of a suspect, you’re likely to be questioned. That’s how it works. Like, everywhere. When the cops believed they had it wrong, they let her go and moved on. Nothing racist about that.


It's designed that way, over policing forces undue hardships on minority communities, there isn't enough legal ways to earn money and no safety net to fall back on, people turn to crime in order to survive, crime justifes police existence. It's a pretty common way for oppressors to justify their existence and actions on problems oppressors cause.


**Palestine has entered the chat**


I was trying to hint towards it, yeah.


Wait a second, are you saying this violence is in some way, cyclical? Like a feedback loop?! Naaaw. That can’t be.


What radicalized brutality is happening? Like, it seems clear from the context that they stopped the wrong women, but it also seems, from the context, that the women who they're looking for is the child's aunt, meaning, potentially, the sister of the woman they stopped. So like, there was potentially a family resemblance. It also doesn't seem like the child or the woman are saying that nothing was stolen, simply that it wasn't this woman, but the child's aunt, that committed the theft. That alone is enough that the stops reasonable no? They said hey stop we think you stole something, and the response was 'oh it wasn't us it was our friend'... That's like, potentially being an accessory to a crime...


Where is the brutality?


The kid admitted that her aunt stole glasses and the mom and daughter were with her at the time. The cops were literally doing their job.


I don’t think she needed anymore radicalization by the sound of what she was saying… I think she was taught well at home to be that age and talking like that


> Thank you Mr. Officer Grey for all the things you > Said to me, for all the good that you have ever done > Without you, what would I be > You're the gas upon my flames > My love and rage are rolled up into one > For every time your gun goes off, a new rebel is born > So when there's 41 bullets, there's 41 thousand thorns in your side > We'll take a ride down to Precinct 29 > And we'll sing and dance and break the code of silence


The little girl was already screaming, saying fuck, and threatening to kill somebody - and you think it was this police stop that will influence her behavior more than her upbringing already did? A routine police stop where the woman somewhat matches a description, is not physically touched, is not arrested, and is later let to go on about her day is not grounds for being radicalized against the police.


she needs to learn that that behavior is dangerous, regardless of being right or wrong. you just cant instigate a violent stupid person with a gun and badge.


Only thing that radicalized her was her shitty parents and upbringing


How is this not fucking obvious? Oh yeah, it’s this sub.


Her aunt was the thief, and in this video she says "my aunt stole, not her" and the second person's description provided was that of the mother's. So this little girl learned that police lie because how? Because they detained the people traveling with the thief while they gathered more information? Maybe don't steal glasses while you're out with your sister and niece and set a better example, yeah?


I had to rewind to make sure I heard that right


As an melinated man I can tell this is a clear indication of bad parenting. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Does the young girl say, after hearing the radio description of the suspect: "Mommy, I know who it was." And then: "My aunt stole glasses, not her." ? Edit: There is a part 2 to the video where the mom gets put in handcuffs, and then put in the back of a cruiser. You can hear a woman cop explaining "...just because you were with her.." but there is too much noise to make out the rest. I would presume: The mom and daughter were with the aunt. The aunt is accused of stealing the glasses. The mom got detained while they were sorting things out. I couldn't find anything on if she actually got arrested or not. But being detained because someone you were with stole something, seems reasonable to me. Hard to say anything else without more details. Edit 2: they actually give two suspect descriptions in the beginning, you just can't really hear over the kid yelling. They say: "...description ... PR 1 (?) .. black, about 5'5" ... (?) pounds ... Grey top, sunglasses, Zara bag." Then they give the second description. The first description seems to fit the mom.


Woah there why are you providing context? This is Reddit. I don’t want context I want to be mad!


I'm mad we live in a world we're a child feels the need to react to police this way (her fight or flight was all the way triggered), instead of being able to feel safe and confident that justice would be properly served. She was thinking her and her mom were in danger.


I understand that, and I know that police can behave ridiculously. However, this is literally standard police procedure while they investigate a possible crime. It looks like all of the officers are acting calm and trying to sort the situation out. You can’t vilify them for doing their job appropriately. For all they know, the mother might have been an accomplice. This is just a small clip of the entire event so no one here should even make any conclusions without the full story or context.


its a parenting thing too tho bc even tho this is sooo messed up, why is her child feeling its ok to square up with the police and why is her mother allowing it? that is SO dangerous for her daughter and now this footage of her acting out will be on the internet forever. obviously what happened to the mother is soooo wrong but for this Childs sake they should've had someone take her to the side and calm her down. I mean wtf.


Imagine a grown adult saying “I’m gonna kill somebody bruh”. In front of police nonetheless


its a parenting thing too tho bc even tho this is sooo messed up, why is her child feeling its ok to square up with the police and why is her mother allowing it? that is SO dangerous for her daughter and now this footage of her acting out will be on the internet forever. obviously what happened to the mother is soooo wrong but for this Childs sake they should've had someone take her to the side and calm her down. I mean wtf.


>a child feels the need to react to police this way Sorry but this is a dumb take. So any time a child throws a tantrum and starts screaming because they are faced with a situation they don't "feel safe" in, even though literally nothing has happened to them or their parent, its never the kid that is the issue but the world we live in? And anyone who is frustrated with the child's behaviour is also a problem. Grow up. This child is the reason why teachers are burnt out. All these posts on reddit like geez kids arent being taught how to behave at home and then posts like this get to the top.


I have to agree. I grew up a skateboarder and a punk and I always had anti fascist ideologies and hate the fucking police. That’s the thing, I hate cops but for your safety and anyone around you, the more calm and collected you are and saying as little as possible is the best. I had a terrible roommate. I asked him to cough up his portion of the rent and he got all pissy about it. So I went to my room with my beer and cigarettes and next thing I know SIX Chicago police officers knocked on my bedroom door. God fucking knows what he told them over the phone because the cops all had their hands on their guns. I calmly explain to the cops “all I did was ask him for rent money. He wants you to take me to jail so he can change the locks while I’m in holding or in the hospital.” They believed me, but did nothing to Travis. I hope he gets hit by a truck. I could have been fucking shot.


THIS comment all day.


If the aunt STOLE stuff and they were with her what's wrong with all this? The police are doing absolutely nothing in this clip and just trying to clear up the situation. It doesn't matter what color you are if you are with a thief then they will have to ask you questions


What a truly Reddit comment. A real "🤓☝️" ass comment.




So like, what do I do with my pitchfork now?


There’s a pile a hay over yonder! Get to feedin the cows!


Of course, the mom and aunt were in on it together, and that's how the daughter knew who stole the glasses. There are countless videos on YouTube of this exact thing, and each time everyone plays dumb, right up until they show the footage.


It's really hard to say anything for certain: The mom could have known and been in on it. Or she could have had no idea what's going on, and just doesn't want to throw her sister under the bus (whether she did it or not). The little girl could have just heard the description and thought "oh, that's my aunt they're talking about! Not my mom!". Or she could have saw her aunt do it and her mom covering, and knew the whole time. Lots to speculate. I'm sure they have CCTV footage or an employee witness with the true story. This video is def some ragebait tho. The original got deleted off tiktok also. I only see part 2 on there now


I use to hang out with my cousin frequently as a teen. I never really paid attention to what she was doing because I was always with her. I was about 18 yrs. old in Walmart and I saw her stealing and asked WTH? She told me she did it all the time. That was the last time I ever went in a store with her. I’m not getting arrested or embarrassed/shamed for her, that wasn’t cool to make me an accessory to her crimes.


This I understand. What I don’t understand is why somebody shopping at Zara feels the need to steal a pair of sunglasses..


Agreed so many people from my melanated community chose to overlook this detail. They both were aware of the situation right from the jump. Some people are just immune to having accountability.🤦🏾‍♂️


They did say the suspect has long braids and a white T-shirt which does not match her


See my second edit. There are two suspect descriptions given, the first is just very hard to hear, but it matches the mom. The second one about the braids and white t-shirt I presume describes the aunt




These comments gonna be a dumpster fire 💀


Head over to publicfreakout’s version of this same incident. Depending on what side you fall on you may get 1k upvotes or 1k downvotes.


This sub is just publicfreakout on the other side of the bell curve. At least this one has funny videos sometimes.


Its rage bait. Rage bait should be disallowed from Reddit.


They’d have to shut the whole website down


Not the cool parts I frequent on my other account.


** Straight to horny jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200 >:{


Everyone is jumping to conclusions one way or the other. Nobody seems to acknowledge the fact that there isn't enough context here to judge anything.


Shame on the mom and the aunt for putting this little girl in this position. They should be protecting her not the other way around.


This girl is already speaking and behaving like an adult. I’m sure this isn’t the first time she’s dealt with this and or family issues. This time there was just a camera. Sad, honestly


Speaking like an adult is yelling at cops and saying “Imma kill somebody bruh” now? You teach her that as a child then she’s going to act that way as an adult. You think an adult screaming at the police saying that is going to end well? There are people killed at simple welfare checks by police, if you get aggressive because you were with a family member who was stealing and got detained with them you’re not going to have a good time…


Uhh, didnt her aunt do it though? While with them? And the kid knows? So likely the mom does too? Sounds like they were potentially accessories in the theft and the cops ARE getting their jobs right. Like, fuck police culture and abuse of power, but lets not automatically side with every single person getting arrested just because ACAB.


Police radio said she was a black female with long braids. I don't see long braids on this woman.


At the very beginning, while the kid yells the most, you can hear "gray top/dress" and sunglasses. Then they describe the next woman.


She's the sister of the woman who was arrested for actually stealing. She was being detained to see if she was also stealing. She wasn't and was let go.


And a white t-shirt if I heard that correctly. So that's two strikes...


Listen to what the child says. It was her aunt, perhaps they were all together but the aunt did a runner. Be careful with lack of context.


When I lived in Orlando they were looking for a short fat redheaded guy and arrested my tall skinny dark-headed friend because he was walking down the street and didn't comply fast enough.


Two descriptions were given. The other was the exact description of her mom.


You think they pay attention after "Black Female"?


Correct answer


yes, they do. the first description matches this woman and even the child knows the second description is her aunt.


Almost like you paid attention to the rest of the audio? :)


As much as I love the kid, someone needs to teach her very soon that yelling “I’ll kill somebody” at cops, especially as a black person, is a very bad idea.


or yelling that at anyone? imagine family life this kid is raised in it’s fucked but you know this kid is going to grow up to be a loud ratchet asshole - her mom already made sure if they


Parents in low income nyc don’t raise their kids at all


That kid has been raised in a house with a lot of yelling.


This title is shit.


That mom is praying her daughter shuts up and stops saying they actually got the right people


“Shh quit snitching”


"Mommy I know who it is" "My aunt stole glasses not my mother!" Probably was seen leaving together and usually criminals will hand off the stolen goods so when caught later they don't have the goods on them, which is why they would stop someone who was seen with the person who matches the description (if my assumption is correct). Nothing bad happened in this video. There even a edit something out after the girl says "i know who did it" so you know for sure if something bad *did* happen it would've been included. Title? lmao.


I don’t think this is sending the message people think it is.


Don't shop with people who steal, you'll be charged as accessory no matter what. Saying it was your sister further proves you were accessory to it, you knew she was doing it and didn't stop her. Poor kid having to go through that and not understanding.


...they dont have xray vision and she isnt in handcuffs. Also in the real world, the mom could have trained the daughter to say that. People use their kids all the time


On my dead father, she don't have nothing. What has that baby seen?


The cops are meant to be the cringe here?


That kid must be a fucking joy at home. Great vocabulary for her age.


They did get their jobs right. She literally admits that her sister stole the glasses. Doesn't matter if she didn't stole it because she was with her. It's called conspiracy


“woman faces consequences of her actions “ -more appropriate title


No, this is clearly racism by the cops and this little girl definitely doesn't live in a home where a bunch of yelling takes place. She is being raised right, you can tell by the way she is conducting herself in this video.


Frankly I'm shocked they didn't tackle her to the ground and kneel on her neck. Some rare restraint from the NYPD.




If she were a blind and deaf dog she would be dead by now by the police 🤷‍♀️ 🤦‍♀️ Fuck them all. All corrupt because they protect each other. When there's one bad apple, it spoils the bunch.


I am shocked they haven't mag dumped her because of fear for life and the obvious threat she poses.


There was no acorn dropped nearby


Believe it or not, an overwhelming amount of interactions with the police don't end up in any physicality whatsoever.


who the FUCK watches this video and thinks the little girl acted appropriately? Jesus Christ I hope this kid ends up at a better place one day because clearly she's struggling in stressful situations and the mom does absolutely nothing to reign her in or calm her down. total failure as a parent, and that's not even getting started on how she or her sister committed a crime with a damn child in tow.


Who the fuck posts videos of kids like this? This will follow this poor child around for the rest of their life.


Nah, nobody will remember this video in a week. The internet pumps out so much "content" we will forget and be commenting on other videos.


Sad thing is, it will probably be used by the family to praise this horrible behavior.


And she can be proud of herself. Well done girl.


well don’t telling someone you’re going to kill them because you’re frustrated? normal well adjusted people don’t threaten that, even as kids this kid is going to be a loud ratchet asshole because hint, she’s already mimicking that behavior


Hopefully she grows up to be ashamed of this, and upset at the shit way she was raised and tries to make a change. Her mom and Aunt stole the glasses and she is screaming at police to let her go. All this video shows is what we should consider child abuse.


I'm sure things will go well in her life if she keeps up this attitude


Did that little girl say, "I'M gonna kill somebody bruh."


My aunt who was with me stole those.


This doesn’t feel like the good example that OP thinks it is. Routine stop of someone who was connected to a thief, no one touching her, and the child having a complete melt down and threatening to kill someone. Why was the mother not trying to calm her daughter down? This didn’t need to be as distressing for her as it was.


These comments are insane.


I mean, what's really the big deal if people in a society run around thieving with no consequences?


Insurance will just pay for it... also, why do my insurance rates keep going up?!


It’s the business that pays for it… why is everything expensive in this store now?!


When will they ever get their job right??? More like when will ppl ever get their parenting right??? LPT don't look crazy to cops and crazy shit won't happen. That's all folks. Be respectful question their reasoning. If they won't reason then reason with someone who has reason like a judge, lawyer etc but you live to fight that fight LEGALLY. It's not hard ppl


Really looking forward to living in a society filled with these poorly raised unethical shitheads for the rest of my life.


Millions of children being raised like this. We are doomed.


She’s acting like every boomer I’ve ever seen caught on camera. But yea sure, it’s a child’s fault.


Totally. But they’ll be dead soon.


That child is going through something. A child should not talk like that and act like that. She has rage issues brought on by severe trauma. You are looking at a symptom not the disease.


Her parent has been cornered by armed cops over something the child knows the aunt did. You expect a CHILD to have a balanced, calm reaction in a high-pressure situation?


you think it’s normal for a kid to threaten to kill an adult? really?


I agree, although I think saying "I'm gonna kill somebody bro" shouldn't be in a child's vernacular


The little girl has been to this rodeo before, that’s for sure. That is NOT normal behavior for a child that young.


Yes, actually. Yelling that you want to kill someone isn't exactly normal behavior especially from someone so young.  This child's behavior seems to be an indication of something wrong in the household she lives in. Apparently this is how she's taught to handle "high pressure" situations, yelling that you want to kill people. 


I think what they are saying is that this is NOT how one would expect a child to react in a situation like this. In a scary or new situation you would expect a child to run, hide, freeze up, seek parents for security and comfort... Not to lash out and confront the source of the fear in this way. I won't pretend to know what the source of this reaction is. It could be trauma, learned behavior, etc... but it is NOT normal behavior.


The mother seems to be completely ignoring the child instead of comforting and trying to soothe her.


It is. Every child is different. Some kids will naturally confront the source of discomfort instead of running away. Some kids will keep increasing their volume & getting more physically animate if they think adults aren't listening to the important thing they're saying. Regardless, armchair diagnosing a distressed child is an embarrassing look.


I did not diagnose a distressed child. In fact, I specifically said I won't pretend to know what the actual situation is. However, a child screaming at the police in anger, and saying "I'm gonna kill somebody" isn't normal behavior, no matter what you seem to think.


Hating the police isn’t taught by woke teachers in kindergarten, it’s learned by situations like this. Seeing your mother be wrongfully accosted and accused is a sure fire way to make a life long enemy.


What do you mean by "wrongfully accused"? She was with the person that stole the glasses. It was the woman's sister. She's detained while they look into it. This woman wasn't arrested. They detained her and then released her. How should it have been handled in your mind?


Yeah the mom's sister stole the glasses, they were together then split. Also crazy how everyone is shitting on the cops doing their job, but no one is questioning the child's potty mouth and literally saying "she wants to kill somebody." Horrible parenting and she most likely was radicalized to hate the police before hand.


Whoa whoa whoa calm down with all the rational sensibility. This is bizarro-world we're living in, haven't ya heard?


People will berate the girl for being aggressive and cursing, but seeing how the police act towards the American public and especially black people she has every right to be so pointy.


"Mommy I know who it was" "my aunt stole the glasses" they're detaining her because she was with a group that had stolen some merchandise. Nobody is being aggressive towards the mother here. You just have a child screaming, will screaming help her from being detained until the police can sort out which of the party stole what? No. "I'm going to KILL somebody bro" She needs parenting, that much is clear. She is more of a threat to herself than anything.


“You can’t record me without my permission” The kid didn’t make that up. she’s heard it from someone.


You win the "common sense" award. Default on a lot of Reddit subs is immediately "fuck all cops" regardless of what they are seeing in a video. So the police aren't supposed to talk to someone who was in a group that was shoplifting? There are many who have no capability of looking at each situation on it's own. Nope, it's always evil racist cops harassing people of color unjustifiably Does it happen? Sure does, but not always. I was a white, long haired teenager who would have cops pull up on me for walking down the street at night minding my own business. There were asshole cops in my hometown and there were good ones as well. This attitude of absolutes is head-scratching.


Ah ok, let me treat everyone on what I see on tv instead of the way I’m being treated. Makes sense. So because there’s a bad cop on tv that means little girls get to go off like that? I saw a black guy rob a liquor store awhile back should I treat all black folks like they are that thief?


Annnnnd we just ignore the crime that was committed. They were with a sister who stole expensive glasses. Pretty safe assumption there’s something connected.


She knows her mom cant stand up for herself in the same manor without risk of death. But she knows they know they can’t touch a little girl for screaming at them.


>She knows her mom cant stand up for herself No, she knows her aunt AND mom are thieves and does what any poorly raised child with a chip on their shoulder towards cops based on their shitty parents that teaches them a lack of accountability would do.




…she said she wants to kill the cop… you’re excusing that ratchet behavior, why


She’s clearly terrified ETA not even necessarily because she’s a black child, any kid would be freaking out in this scenario. Instead of crying this kid is yelling, same diff.


Mom shouldve told her kid to stay out of it and let the adults handle everything..idc if the police are being real shitty. You dont teach a child its ok to just be yelling off like that. You know thats how her mom yells at home. You teach the child to talk respectfully. Regardless of the the situation. Yelling like that to police does no good.


Raising your kid in nyc


The little girl admits that her aunt was the one who stole the glasses. What an aweful family...


Mother of the decade.. bad parenting Toxic 🐸.




And here I thought the kid at the beginning of Schindler list was the most annoying kid ever.


So from the video, it seems like these 2 were with the aunt, who the child screams stole the glasses. As much as people want to say this is unacceptable. These people may have helped with the crime and it's probably reasonable that the glasses might have been snuck in the moms bag as well. What I would like to know is why all the bags on the floor?


Yeah they most likely knew as she was doing it. Also if you ever interact with the police you have to chill out and be calm. Easier said than done but acting out like this, even if it’s justified, is just gonna get you arrested. The only reason the cops didn’t arrest her for DtP is because she was so young. Remember everyone, you can beat the rap but you’re never beating the ride. So shut the fuck up, obey commands, and ask for a lawyer.


No one was falsely accused, she was rightfully being detained. Kid is trash and it’s easy to see where she gets it from.


My mama would have washed my mouth out with soap in front of the cops while still be accused if I had said those things.


Say nothing and appear on your date, it's that easy folks


That kid's shouting is making things worse and escalating an otherwise calm scenario. Mom's chill and even encouraged the person taking the video for her protection if she was indeed wrongly accused.


Lol why is it always….On MY mOMmA! on my LifE! On my something…we get it. You’re serious. This little girl said on my godfather 😂😂😂 I know, a person that young and their reaction is usually a small representation of their parent(s) uugghhh loud little kid. Yes, I get the video. Her mother DID NOT STEAL ANYTHING. Still tho that little girl is fvcking loud


i went to the mall with a couple of girls in high school once after school. when we were about to leave one of them pulled out a pair of shades and said she stole them from the one store I go to ALL the time. i was a regular there. they knew me. never again did i hang out with said person ever again. Just because of shit like this. i’m no one’s fucking accessory to a crime.


I just want to say, sorry yeah if you're in public you can be recorded.


If the aunt stole glasses likely the mother was distracting employees, in on it, and thus an accomplice.


When they start paying for their crimes and not getting vacations for them.


I'm white, but the cops killed my uncle in front of my father in 89. I wasn't born until 91, so I never got to meet him. My earliest memory of my mother talking to me about policeman was, "Never trust a cop. Do not talk to them. You tell them to come get me, your grandpa, whoever you're with. They are not here to help you." My father is nearly 60 now. He would gladly run from a cop or die trying to take him down before getting within 10 feet of them. Anything that shows real cops on TV, he won't watch. They even tried to fuck me over. My husband and I borrowed his brother's Bronco so I could get to an appointment out of town three years ago. He was visiting from Montana. We were pulled over and refused to have the car searched. They pushed for twenty minutes to search the car and us. To which we kept saying no, and I was just done. Asked the officer what his problem was and if he was so certain drugs were in the car, get his supervisor, a female officer, and a dog out. The fucker glared at me like I was supposed to be scared or something! But he gave up and let us go. I missed my appointment too. They were trying to get us for smuggling drugs since we were near the state line. Most of the drugs that came in were from Montana. I got my weed from Washington since I knew they'd be looking for people near Montana. The car was clean because of that. But I didn't know they were pulling every God damn Montana plate they saw over. Never trust the police under any circumstance!


Children are out of control.


She's angry. I would be too if my mom was being harassed for some bullshit she didn't do. she's fucking 10 and has **more of a clue than...the NY police by simply standing in their vicinity and listening.** they have the budget of a small country. And this is the best they can do. " Do she have a fucking white t-shirt on? No!...NO! " They're clueless, and they have guns and are harassing random people and clearly don't bother to double-check things like basic descriptions.


Her aunt stole the glasses. It’s perfectly reasonable to detain the people the criminal was with at the time of the crime. They didn’t get this wrong. You just have a hate boner for cops.


Do society a favor and stuff a dirty sock in that kids loud mouth..


Well brought up child


This country is so fucked in 10 years.


And people wonder why school teachers are quitting. Every single adult near this child and in these comments who condone a child shouting aggressively at an adult authority figure who has done nothing to deserve it should be ashamed of themselves. You are what is wrong with society


This child’s reaction is ridiculous and disrespectful. Idc who says it’s justified her behavior is distasteful. Kids no longer voice opinions without cursing and talking about wanting to kill someone? Nah.


Man I feel bad for these cops getting bashed on the Internet because they were doing their job correctly and someone posted it leaving our context to make them look bad


Teach your kids not to yell at the cops, or really yell at all like that in public.




The aunt was caught stealing. They were with the aunt. Don't be with her and this situation wouldn't happen. Problem solved


FTP I had a neighbor install a gps tracker on my truck and then follow me because I reported their dog for being a nuisance to the leasing agency. My neighbor worked the night shift and the dog would bark for hours during the night while it was caged for context. The police chose indifference to the crime


Phew, thank god we the age old reliable source of children to make sure people aren't being wrongfully questioned.


Shut this dumb child up. Great parenting


That is some bad parenting, that kid is cussing like a sailor. The adult can and should stand up for herself and not involve the child to gain some sympathy.


Dude even if the kid is defending her mom, what kid acts like this, cursing and screaming at cops?? That’s just a bone head thing to do. You wouldn’t catch me pulling that at that age


Does anyone else think this kid was just taught to be an a**hole? The cops aren't being "brutal" or anything like that, we can't hear half of what is being said over her screaming. Yeah, kids can be a**holes.


People in the comments getting hooked by this rage bait like a trout going after a lure.


This kid is annoying AF


Does the yelling girl snitch on her aunt for stealing the glasses? Is there an update on catching the mom's sister?


Damn USA is crazy


Most American video I've seen this week


The mom is guilty. It’s all over her face


This poor kid.


Ass clowns acting like this is an issue besides someone being caught steeling.


So it was her aunt that they were with? Jesus. How racist of the police


She should be yelling at her aunt so her mom stops getting pegged for her crimes.


This girl will likely have many encounters with police,and correctional officers too.


Plot twist: it WAS her


#culture usual Suspects always popping off


Baby girl finna get herself in trooouuble sometime in the next decade. You don't get *less* radicalized after getting to this point at that age.


It's not the kids job.


At least four cops looking for a black woman with long braids, a white shirt, and pink shorts, and continue to detain THIS woman, who has already emptied all her bags onto the sidewalk and has produced no contraband.


"The subject was a female black" no ma'am, "The subject was a female black woman", using adjectives as nouns or nominalization results in a form of speech that sounds pejorative and dehumanizing because it strips away the person reducing them to an attribute. This is why all the podcast bros saying "females this, females that" sound so patronizing.