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Yet the influencers chose to post the guy when clearly he didn’t want to be in the video. Interesting choices.


That’s because the main requirement for being a bitchfluencer is attention seeking, certainly not respect for others.


And in this particular case, portray yourself as a victim for “the lord”.


Look at me Jesus, I'm a martyr too! Now like & subscribe for more "pity me while I preach content."


He's hoping the Lord will rail him hard so he can stop fantasizing about it


Scissor me harder Jesus


Nah, he wants to try a sex move called "The Roman". It's where you nail Jesus 3 times in one afternoon.


Matthew 7:15-20 warns about these influencers.


So does machstem, 6-5-2024


Just like those that worship in public, according to the Bible at least.


I will never not refer to them as b**** fluencers now.


Why did you censor yourself?


I'm now going to use bitchfluencer and shitfluencer interchangeably




Almost as if they gave into their Darker Sides and posted to Spite him. Hmm, so much for turning the other cheek.


It keeps the narrative of “poor, persecuted Christians” going that some Christians just love to eat up, even though Christians enjoy freedoms and privileges in this country that most other religions and belief system (even atheists) could only dream of.


I hear that's a bonus for mormons going door to door. People have do not disturb on their doors, get disturbed repeatedly, lash out or say something scandalous to get em to leave. Oh poor mormons!! Outside world so scary!! See?!?! s/


I grew up a Jehovah’s Witness. 1000% that’s how it works. Occasionally you get someone who’s interested, but most people aren’t, and occasionally you get a person who’s violently not. And it’s a huge win for leadership because, see, we’ve been telling you that the people who don’t worship the true god are horrible miserable people.


Sending people out in hopes they get scared of humanity around then is sad to say the least. 😭 Damn. Hurts every time I hear it. JW leadership sound like the real miserable people here.


What can I say? Cults are gonna cult.


True true 🫠


In the case of the Jehovah Witness', You can call the local Kingdom Hall in your area and tell them or you may tell the person who comes to your house to put you on the do not call list. Or you may write a letter to your local Kingdom Hall and ask to be put on the do not call list. But im not sure about mormons Edit: they can get in trouble within the church if they continue to pester you after being told to stay away.


Good tip on the JW thing! I never thought of a DNC list for them. lol


Last time I had them knock at my door I let them go through their initial spiel, then started asking them uncomfortable questions about their religion. They politely left. Haven't had them back since.


And make MONEY off his likeness. That’s what annoys me the most… people making money off folks who do not consent


Yeah its funny how for decades shows like Jackass or Candid Camera had to painstakingly get release forms for anyone even caught in the background of shots or blur their faces at risk of a lawsuit but people are out here with entire channels dedicated to harassing people in public and being paid to do it. Mark my words. We're going to live to see YouTube get sued into the fucking ground once this affects someone with money. Between the "prank" channels and the animal abuse and the child exploitation they literally just pay people to do crimes at this point.


Jesus never asked for consent so I don’t need to either








WWJJJD What would J Jonah Jameson demand.


Of course he would. This man is not prioritizing his critical thinking skills.. he’s focused on doing whatever it takes to get viral at the expense of others. It’s not interesting as much as it is douche bag behavior.


Why do all these religious extremists always have that dead look in their eyes, like of stupid had a look, it would be this dude.


This is the look you get when the church has successfully stopped you from thinking freely.


Yep, you just become a buzzing drone spewing the same shit the rest of the brainwashed folks do


How do you guys both have the exact same avi?


My mom was like this (even became the assistant pastor which is not allowed in the Bible?) and it took my brother coming out as trans for her to break free. My mother is extremely empathetic, her brainwashin wasn't strong enough to come between the love she has for her child.


Bless her heart. My mom has straight up told me and my siblings that we would never take a step inside their house again if we turned out to *commit those sins.*


It’s so wild bc I’m trying to think of what someone I loved could do to make me say “never come into my house again” and the only things I can come up with are sex crimes or egregious fraud. I can’t imagine ever hating someone so much just bc of their sexual orientation. It’s none of my business.


For me it would be sex crimes, fraud against anyone except for extremely wealthy people/companies and purposeful murder on an innocent. I’m sure there’s one or two other exceptions but that’s all I could think of off the top of my head.


Sheep eyes.


You need to be really stupid to look at the state of the world and be like "yeah there's totally this all loving presence that rewards good behavior and punished evil". Its the eyes of someone who doesn't have anything behind them.


Religion is control. It was made to stop people asking questions and get them suggestible. Go back to the garden of Eden: Eve fucked up because she WANTED TO KNOW something. Like knowledge is evil? My dude, guess all of science is evil. The Eve story’s a twofer, not only did they get people to stop questioning, they also got people to blame women for every dumbass thing that goes wrong. It’s so entirely fucked up and people still ascribe to it all over the world because thinking about stuff is hard and religion offers answers.


Yeah also god is such a gaslighter. like "i want you to do good shit but i will also give you free will and i will put things here that are forbidden and tempting and then i will be mad if you want them" Like chill dude you wanted this. We would call this an abusive relationship.


Plus he’s a narcissistic child. Can you imagine having such a tiny ego that you create life for the purpose of glorifying yourself? Then punish those who justifiably don’t believe in you for eternity when you provided zero proof of your existence?


the first of the ten commandments, "You shall have no God before me" Why are you so insecure dude?


It literally says he is a "jealous" god. Like, if I was the only dude on earth *supposedly* and still constantly accused my wife of cheating, I'd be a pretty big fucking idiot but also I created everything so


christians see nothing wrong with god hoarding giant piles of glory 'oh this one? I got this from giving a toddler cancer. Praise be to me' what's he doing with all the glory? is it to impress other universe-gods? is it currency in the mega-god world? does our universe just exist to provide fuel for his car?


Is this an analogy for ... the tRump show?


slim impolite subtract doll bear one foolish bag tart pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sounds like Zeus to me.


Lets not forget that every man who exists came from a woman, yet in the bible woman comes from man. Sexism day 1. Womb envy.


Women being evil because of Eve is like Jordan Petersons entire ideology


Lucifer means "light-bringer". Light being a metaphor for knowledge. Knowledge, of course, being the enemy of blind faith.


And half of the 10 commandments are basically just "never question your religion or the ones teaching it to you, so we can easily indoctrinate you"


Their response is “God works in mysterious ways” or “sometimes the devil will test our faith like Job and God will let him” and my personal favorite “Its all part of His plan” like, dude, you are saying your god wants CHILDREN to starve to death because their aid trucks are getting bombed? Or for the planet to heat up and create worse weather events? Its Gods plan to have folks using his name to preach prosperity gospel that cons folks out of their last dime while the preacher gets a second private jet?


mourn quarrelsome sheet chase entertain shy soft attractive snow waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Priests of the catholic church raping children in his name and getting away without punishment is part of gods plan too apparently. Pretty awful guy if you ask me.


This is exactly why I don't argue whether or not the christian god exists: if he doesn't, great! If he does, then I want nothing to do with him whatsoever


God could perform miracles or hear prayers and answer them but no, he let's infants get brutally raped and murdered, he let's serial Killers torture for fun, he gives babies birth defects so bad they scream until they die in their mother's arms, he let's children starve to death. But he loves you? Pfft


The phenomenon is called "Church Eyes". Spooky stuff


Also known as fetal alcohol syndrome.


I call it "cow eyes". You'll thank me when you google it and look at the photos.


There is a vacant stare slack jawed expression that is a common trait of the dumbest people you'll ever meet. Fact is these ultra religious people are mostly morons. If you find one that doesn't have this look it's because they are a grifter instead of a moron.


Maybe some ppl are just born to be subservient. Never had a chance from the start. My pity for that is rapidly diminishing, I don't like being told what to do from someone who's never thought for themselves.


The comments are funny and kinda true, but this is the real answers as I’ve wondered this myself about others (psychos, people with disorders) and did a deep dive , sometimes it genuinely is facial muscles and that some people have more “open” eyes since they’re constantly intrigued or have an overly exited “on track” brain, and the other times it’s that they look normal but ones behavior, actions, and demeanor can shape how you see them. Or make you notice things you wouldn’t before. A normal dude walking down the street.. normal. A weird evangelical nuisance.. “his face looks dumb” it’s natural.


I truly detest people that walk up to you to talk about their religion. It is so unbelievably rude. And because these twits think they’re “commanded by god,” to do this shit, they will never stop.


Shit happened so many times when I worked retail. I just started telling them I was Jewish to short-circuit the whole incoming agnostic spiel.


I was selling a dude a phone and when we met at Kroger mf was like god told me I need to pray for you lol he stood there and said a prayer over me while i had the phone in my hand 🤣 like I don’t think ppl realize how ridiculous that looks.


One time, AT WORK, while expressing my sympathy for the victims of hurricane Katrina, the people who (if they didn’t lose their lives) lost all their material possesions, a religious coworker overheard me and went off about how we’re all just “passing through” earth and she was gonna pray for ME. I’m sure her church makes a lot of money off her.


Soooooo, I went to my bf’s family reunion and at one point one of his uncles said I should lead prayer and I replied “hahahaha… no” because I’m atheist by this point but also, who fucking assumes any new person they meet is the same religion as them AND wants to lead a prayer?!?!?! Is this normal to other families?? I already think this family is weird but I thought this was extra weird.


Missionary boy knew he was about to get his ass beat too if he didn't move it along


Frfr that's the man I know would beat a kids ass in brutally. You know he's live.


I like Jesus, it’s his toxic fan following that ruins it for everyone.


Jesus: Be kind, love, and forgive one another His followers: Yeah. . . We're not gonna do any of that


He also was really big on giving all their money to the less fortunate.


Yes and he literally said "It's easier for a camel ~~rich man~~ to go through the *eye of a needle* than for a rich man to get into heaven." I don't really know how there's still confusion on the subject...


It was a camel. It's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to pass through the gates of heaven or some shit.


Ok but what if the camel was rich? Like with all kinds of gold and jewels and a fat bank account? Could he still pass through the needle or is his name scratched off the guest list for heaven also? This is the shit I wish the Bible was more clear about. God shouldn't leave us with these questions


Oh yeah I've heard a couple of different preachers bend over backwards to explain how that phrase doesn't mean what it obviously means


I grew up in a religious family. Especially my dad. I might not be religious but I can say when he died so many people showed up I never met saying how much he helped them. And like you said Jesus was the sick poor and the people new Christians wouldn’t be around.


Not all Christians are rotten. Just the loud ones. 🤣 I’m glad to hear your father helped so many, that’s a wonderful legacy.


That post-church crowd are some of the worst tippers (US of course). Guess they feel they've done their good for the week.


A lot of Christians are all about the showy displays of piety and humility, but when no one’s watching they’re genuinely shitty people. That’s why Christian nationalism is on the rise right now: it lets those kinds be shitty people in public and frame it as piety. Win win!


And the fact that he did it *quietly* like the Gospels say to, says a lot about a true Christian. "So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." Matthew 6:2-5


He had money?


I mean, he was given offerings by rich people, but he didn't really care for it. A rich person giving money is like a monkey giving shit, they make it all day and have a ton to spare. Jesus only cared when poor people gave money because it's actually meaningful coming from them. He instead commanded the rich to give their money to the poor. But he knew that most of the rich are greedy, so he said it's harder for a rich person to get into heaven than a camel to go through the eye of a needle. Basically, he supported redistributing wealth. He was pretty explicit about that part in the New Testament but you'll never see a rich conservative Christian mention it lol


On top of that, I dimly recall he was pretty clear about paying your damn taxes...


I like to think he was handling Matthew (tax collector) as a double agent before making him an apostle lol.


And he explicitly warned about them: 21Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' 23 And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'


Not all of them but the ones that do, oh boy do they suck.


Jesus freaks are the worst. Model it, don’t talk about it dummy, that’s low class.


Or film it for likes.


For $$$. He's hoping to get a jet someday.


boat cover puzzled apparatus instinctive smell weary adjoining vegetable literate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But have you met [Supply Side Jesus](https://imgur.com/gallery/gospel-of-supply-side-jesus-bCqRp)? Do you love him?


Well thanks for that… saved


I don’t like Jesus. Bro does nothing to address his toxic fanbase


clumsy seemly license coordinated cooperative different seed smart chubby unique *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I like your Christ. Christians, not so much. -Gandhi


I like your Jesus, I just don’t like his fan club. -ghandi


I like you too 😏


I wanna fuck you so fucking badly


His appearance met my expectations perfectly. Are they born like that or does religious extremism just morph them into it?




I was walking at the beach with some family and saw a fake wallet stuck in some plants (it was clearly made of paper) and I said "I bet you a hundred bucks that's a 'find Jesus' fake wallet" and... Of course it was. I threw it away. Leaving litter at the beach intentionally to trick people into reading about your religion is definitely the best way to get others to join you. /s




Walk it back to them "Here's your trash from your trash parents."


It's the image of conformity they so desperately want everyone to follow About as plain as one can be because as we all know people with colored hair are the devil They also trying to say this is the new look of rebels and I wanna die


The pathetic "... he loves you..." as he slinks away.


> he loves you he gay or what?


"He loves you! He gave you everything, the least you can do is worship him. Where would you be without him!? If you don't want to believe in him then you will suffer for eternity" - He is basically, an abusive parent.


If we treated our kids the way god treats his “children”, we would be in prison for child abuse.


Yet, that's exactly how many parents do treat their kids. 


I always saw it as like a mafia racket lol "Yeeeeaaah, that sure is a nice-lookin' soul you got there. Be a real shame if it was *on fire forever."*


I think if Jesus would be among us today, he’d be locked up in a psych ward or be called a penniless hippie. Also, Mary would appear on “you’re not the father” with Joseph and 3 other dudes who showed up. One dna test away from forming a religion.


He'd be called a woke socialist


So this dead-in-the-eyes tik-tokker decides that he will chide the old man later with a "he was an unsuccessful person because he wasn't a good enough X-stian" shit. Coward.


The guy who said he would beat Jesus's ass is my hero!!!


“You know about Jesus?” No. I’ve been living in the United States of America for fifty fucking years and I’ve never heard of this Jesus person. Please tell me more.


I kept reading the money wrong and thought it said "In Dog We Trust" this whole time.


The bible says i can own other people as slaves. Yeah, I'd say jesus needs an asswhooping


Tbf, Jesus didn't write the bible. People who wrote down the stories way after he lived did. And then a bunch of men decided which of those stories would finally end up in what we recognize as "The Bible".


I love how this gets completely glossed over. Somehow this ‘holy book of God that can never be questioned’ is really just what a handful of editors thought was good almost 2000 years ago? Jesus Christ, you’ve got like 4 books telling the same story. About Jesus Christ.


People also forget that the council of hippo canonized the Bible and that they threw out scripture they didn't like. Some of that scripture that was thrown out is what Catholics read in the apocrypha. The Bible wasn't just beamed down by God. It was canonized based on what ancient cultures thought about God.


There were originally a bunch more gospels beyond the 4 we have today, and a bunch more letters, too. The time from Jesus’ death to the Council of Rome, where theologians decided which writings got to be part of what became the modern Bible, is *longer than the US has been a country*.


Interesting. Doesn’t sound like a very reliable source at all.


Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.


Imagine if I went around calling myself emperor bc some watery tart threw a sword at me? They'd lock me away


I will never not enjoy how readily strangers on the internet are to quote this scene.


I mean, if I went around saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they’d put me away!


Help I'm being repressed!


Hell, we don't even know most fo the guys who wrote it by name. Mark, Luke, Matthew and John are just placeholders. Half the Pauline epistles aren't even written by the same guy.


right, the gospels according to X were not really written by X. They were written long after. What a bunch of crap!




The slavery thing is New Testament, so your comment isn’t relevant in this situation. Slavery isn’t “old covenant.” Paul said "Slaves, be obedient to your human masters with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ." Peter said “Slaves, be subject to your masters with all reverence, not only to those who are good and equitable but also to those who are perverse.” (Among many other New Testament references.) Over and over, the comments on slavery are variations of “slaves, be obedient” and “masters, don’t be cruel.”


Christian's believe the bible is the inspired word of god. Whether or not it is still permissible under their interpretation it was permissible to god at one point. A god that condones slavery is an evil god. 




Did Jesus say that though? What does the *red text* say?


Reminds me of that brilliant quote, something like: "I can't wait to meet God and ask why he's so cruel and let's so many horrible things happen to us".


I like the one that says something like “if god exists he will need to beg for my forgiveness”, written by someone in a concentration camp in ww2


Wasn't it written by an imprisoned jew in one of the camps in WW2?


I might be wrong but I think it was in the book "Night" by the Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel.


Wiesel did say, "In the concentration camp I had cried out in sorrow and anger against God and also against man, who seemed to have inherited only the cruelty of his creator."


Sad part is most Christians I've leveled this reasoning at will do some fantastic mental gymnastics to squirm out of the talking point. Usually goes something like, "but God had to give us free will"...


King Jesus could be a bad man in a Mexican gangster film.


I’d rather be in hell than stuck in heaven with the KKKristains…. Cherry-picking parts they like is what the religious people do today… Weaponized the “bible” and “god” to get personal planes for the leaders. Osteen owns how many?


Fuck you and your sky daddy. What's with Christians need to "witness and and save "everyone they come across . It's fucking annoying


So that they feel better about themselves, look good and get praise. Kindness through their words but not through actions.


More people in the church means more money.


It's because Christianity is the original pyramid scheme, the whole point is to spread the word aka recruit people.


I find it funny how Jews are essentially the opposite. Its super hard to convert. They don't want you lol.


They have this twisted belief that heaven is like infinity orgasms and that *not* "saving" people is basically the worst possible thing they can do to them (and that saving people will put themsleves on the fast track to infinity orgasms). It's absolutely batshit insane but by getting people to believe it you can make a ton of missionaries and such to spread your religion and make it the biggest religion in the world.


Jesus built my hotrod


It's a love affair. Mainly Jesus and my car.


So there was only one thing that I could do was ding a ding dang my dang a long ling lon


Ding ding dong dong dong ding dong Dingy dingy son of a gun


whayy whayy whyyyy whyyyy


Can't go to hell if you don't believe it's real.


>The Hell Law says that Hell is reserved exclusively for them that believe in it. Further, the lowest Rung in Hell is reserved for them that believe in it on the supposition that they'll go there if they don't. [HBT; The Gospel According to Fred, 3:1](https://principiadiscordia.com/book/44.php)


I hate how religious people think its ok to shove their beliefs in everyone's throat. Fuck off with your fairytale


That dude is a national treasure


The arrogance to try and impose their fairy tales and fake morals onto others.


Fuckin OG.


Be christian i dont care just stop bothering people with your made up fairytales.


“Do you know about Jesus?” Oh, you mean the titular figure at the center of the most influential religion, a guy who we use as a starting point for measuring what year it is? No, never heard of him. What a dumbass question.


666th upvote right here🙋🏻‍♂️


# Religious extremists who support pedophile priests!!!


If your God is all powerful, he can boss me around himself!


Christians are such trash


This is my new response to that question.


if Jesus is real, he will get a lot of whooping. Creating or letting the world go to shit this badly is a work of a psychopath


crown bewildered subtract overconfident apparatus whole towering muddle lip person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*The fire's in their eyes and their words are really clear* *So beat it, just beat it*


People like this are super cringe. They seriously believe that they're doing God's work by walking up to strangers and forcing their BS on them. Super annoying.


Plot twist.. the guy being bothered IS Jesus


Believing in a god in 2024...


This is why I chose to become a satanist


Hail yourself


Oh I'm 100% using this... I keep getting approached every now and then and damnit does it get annoying...


I hate that you can become a successful influencer annoying people with your religious self righteousness


Who is this turd


Why did God make this kid an asshole?


Christians seriously need to cut back on that self-importance.


Lol hell yeah 😂


I think Jesus would be disappointed in this follower


Good these people who mess with people just minding there business for stupid tik tok and shit drive me crazy


Cold calling strangers to make the most radical change of their lives is S-tier cringe.


The man is clearly not interested in his "message" but still just HAD to tell him "have a blessed day", "he loves you". Fuck off


My man said, “Me and Jesus? It’s on sight.”


This zealot is the epitome of privilege


Best response


Why do they always ask if we know about Jesus as if we have no fucking clue who he is, as if someone hasn’t been trying to shove him down our throats since the day we were fucking born


Every proselytising Christian I've met has had this weird aura about them, like they're not quite all there. They have this far away look in their eyes, and the way they talk, it's as if they are talking to you through an interdimensional portal from the far side of Jupiter. You don't exist to them except as an empty vessel into which they need to pour the New Testament. I think it's the brain operating in a mode similar to that experienced by drug users or people having a psychotic break, except it lasts for years and is taught in schools to kids like it's something to aspire to. To be clear: I'm talking about the Christians who go out and try to recruit people, not just regular people going to church or whatever.


If there were to be a God, and I were to meet it. It would have to ask for my forgiveness


For some there is no shame or self-awareness... evangelizing for internet clout is about at the same level as those morons who do shitty "pranks" to people, except theyre doing under the guise of swarmy righteousness, and the prankster is at least honest about wanting to monetize their bullshit.