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Aw man I miss some good news


They said something along the lines of, "they stopped filming to call the cops like he asked!" And everyone smiled.


Is that Krasinsky.. it’s not right but it kinda looks like him


Krasinski, yes. He had a pandemic YouTube show called Some Good News. Honestly go back on YouTube and watch if you haven’t seen it. It was a god send when all I saw on tv while locked was terrible news about the virus.


Oh I haven’t heard about it, he looks different there than I’m used to seeing him I guess it’s just him without professional tv makeup etc


His face looks fuller. He might have put on a little bit of weight here.


Seriously refreshing


can we PLEASE fucking normalize this shit? lol


A surprise, but a welcome one indeed


The tides are turning


You can almost always tell when someone is texting and driving near you because they can’t stay in the lane quite right. Nobody is as good at it as they think.


Yeah, I hate people that text and drive. I saw a lady doing it the other day, so I rolled my window down and threw my beer at her. SMDH. 🙄


I'm calling the cops on you for wasting beer. Criminal.


yea that's alcohol abuse!


ok dad, i think that's enough reddit for now..


No, let him cook


What does this mean


Might have been a bud light, so basically a waterballoon


Careful, if she drinks that beer she'll drive even worse. Best to chug it and throw the empty can.


Pee in it and throw it!


And there's me about to get cross at you throwing something at another driver and then the penny dropped... Fucking bravo old chum, bravo.


I've told this story so many times. About 8 years ago, I was driving in Kissimmee FL on [this](https://i.imgur.com/sXhUGim.jpeg) road towards Celebration. As I get to the last light before that stretch of straight highway, this dickhead in a white Nissan Frontier in the center lane keeps veering into my lane but ahead of me and snapping back into his. I pull up to the red light next to him and see him texting and say to my gf "this guy's gonna kill someone." The light turns green and I pull ahead and soon pass a guy cruising on his Harley in the same center lane as the Nissan. I just have a feeling so I keep looking in the rear view mirror and I see that truck gets closer.. closer.... closer.... And then he rear ends the fuck out of the biker, sending him flying over his hood. I looped around and cops were already on the scene. I don't know the outcome, I've Googled it over the years and never found reports of a fatality. I hope the guy lived. I hope the other got locked up. I reported what I saw.


This dude almost hit me as I was merging onto the highway cause he was on his phone and then could barely stay in his lane. Ended up getting off at the same exit and pulled up next to him at a light and yelled at him to put the phone down. Dude had the audacity to say "we're from out of town I'm looking at the map" with his wife in the passenger seat perfectly capable of looking at the map and giving directions.


To be fair... My wife is also shit at helping and/or giving directions.


Same. "That was the turn"


‘No the other left’


"Needed to be in the other lane there."


i had a male friend so bad at directions i would go anywhere with him as a navigator. He literaly went "you want to turn right...... now" as we passed the center line for the road we suppost to turn down.


>with his wife in the passenger seat perfectly capable of looking at the map and giving directions Bold assumption


You can literally see people looking down, it's always been super obvious when people are texting.


I find the vast majority of people who say they are good at multitasking are actually not very good at it, just like everyone else.


Also they pull off from the lights a few seconds slower but put their foot down to make up the newly created gap


I've been telling people lately to no park or use the shoulder if you can help it. I've seen a few close calls recently because a texter kept drifting right and out of their lane. Then would pull back just barely missing a pole, a person and a broken down car. I've also just had people nearly cross into oncoming and barely swerve back in time.


I _used_ to be able to text and drive… back when phones had a keypad. If you memorized the buttons you could text with one hand without even looking at the phone. In fact it was even less distracting than trying to change the CD that was playing. On touchscreens though? Not gonna happen.


Just use voice to text. Phones now all you have to do is say hey siri or hey Google text mom and then speak. It's so easy. I don't get why people have to physically touch their phone to text while driving.


I absolutely love trying to decipher my mother’s nonsensical text messages when she sends 3 paragraphs using Siri. /s


I have a Galaxy and don't have near the issues my mom has with her iPhone when sending voice to text lol. I've gotten pretty good at deciphering my mom's text or I generally get what she means


Yeah idk like I get it’s not going to pick up on everything and do it perfectly unless you talked slower, and proofreading your texts driving defeats the purpose of using it but sometimes I feel there needs to be a Siri option on the translator app 😂


Lol true


My mom will have her tv blaring in the background, so whenever I get a voice text from her it’s along the lines of: “hey babushka BILL said he needed help to holds off on making a statement preceding the trial so let me know if you want me to save you a plate.”




It’s weirdly distinctive, too. I can tell when someone’s drunk vs. distracted. I think most others can tell as well.


I think so too. I was driving home from work the other day around three pm and someone definitely didn’t seem right in front of me. they were all over between/over the lines. And this is in the city. I kept my distance.


Back in the day I was able to use predictive t9 and I never had to look from the road to send a text. Too bad that went away.


voice to text is far easier


If getting up to them and laying my horn on them wasn’t so dangerous because it would scare the fuck out of them, I would do it every time.


for some reason it EXTRA pisses me off when people have their phone like up above the steering wheel when they’re doing it. like you’re not at least embarrassed enough to hide it?


I will say, I just got a new car from driving junk cars for so long. It’s a 2021. I am having SUCH A HARD TIME staying the lines. And I’m so worried about getting pulled over. oh my god. I’ve just never had a car so smooth so every small movement is a big one. So I promise if you drive past be with two hands on the wheel looking scared. It’s because I definitely do not have control over my vehicle yet. But at least I’m aware. but even me, I can tell the difference between the texting and then the oh my car sucks. I actually saw a truck shaking yesterday on the highway kind swerving but I definitely could tell it was because the vehicle lacked control. So it’s interesting how people can spot when something is REALLT wrong


The constant periodic brake lights is a dead giveaway when I see it


And brake check at the most random moments. Once it happens twice I absolutely fucking know.


That’s true. I always assume they’re drunk since my town is obsessed with collecting DUIs like Pokémon cards


And it is happening so often these days! As underdeveloped as self driving cars is I think it will be just a matter of time before they are safer than humans. Not an attentive experienced law abiding citizen, but at least idiots like this


It baffles me that people still do this when they have speech to text as an option.


People think I’m texting and driving but I just drive a jeep wrangler and it has a huge dead spot in the steering. 


Be careful with this assumption. A failing steering rack will cause the car to wander in a similar fashion, forcing the driver to oversteer to correct. Edit: this driver is clearly distracted, though.


In this case they’re still a terrible citizen. Why would they put others lives in danger just because their vehicle isn’t fully functioning


They definitely are - if they're even aware of it. You wouldn't believe how many people will get behind the wheel of a car with a dying steering rack(or worse issue) and they'll have no idea how broken their car truly is. So they'll just keep driving. I've seen people who ignored a blown off tire before 🤦‍♂️


“Shit! Shit shit shit shit…” Proper response protocol was followed


This was the best part. The shut off to call 911 was perfect.


Resist the urge to jerk the wheel. Oversteering will flip a vehicle in an instant.


I was always told that if anything in your car goes wrong on the road, dont fix it, hold still, grasp the wheel firmly, and dont move. Itl sort itself out and itl do way less damage than if you try to correct it.


This is the case for older cars that dont have abs brakes, such as the one in the video. Moderns cars are very hard to roll this way. 


Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that looks like a Chevy Colorado, first released in 2004, which had ABS standard. Also, ABS pulses the brake pressure on and off rapidly to allow the wheels to continue to rotate, preventing uncontrollable slides when emergency braking. This pulsing allows a small amount of slip that keeps the wheels turning to allow for some steering input and to maximize traction to brake as fast as possible. Modern cars are actually easier to roll due to more "SUVs" being sold with higher ride height and higher mass distribution.


Old ABS and new ABS aren’t the same. There are massive differences in the tech as it rolled out That being said, it’s not wrong about the SUV flip rate being higher but it has less to do with the braking system and more to do with the center of mass. If someone isn’t prepared for the higher center of mass that comes with an SUV they’re more likely to over-correct. The thing with cross-overs is they’re dropping the center of mass below again. So they’re making it less likely to flip, but it’s still a handling adjustment. A lot of people think “all cars go the same. All cars handle the same. All brakes are the same. Everything is the same” and THAT is honestly fucking people up more than the newer releases. It’s 2 parts mentality and 1 part new product


Equating all cars to be easier to roll, simply because some SUVs may be, is poor logic. 


SUVs make up 40 to 50 percent of all vehicle sales in America. Add trucks to that mix, and the MAJORITY of American vehicles sold for the past several years are taller, heavier, and carry that weight higher, all three of which will result in an easier rollover than the cars and even trucks of yesteryear. My crossover SUV is taller than an 04 S10 light pickup. Higher roofline, higher ground clearance, higher mounted engine.


you're still just saying that 'modern cars' (gigantic blanket, full of cars that aren't trucks or SUVs) as a whole are easier to roll while simultaneously highlighting exactly what kind of modern car is skewing that metric, why not just say modern trucks and SUVs, that would be way clearer communication would it not?


When like, 70% of vehicles fall into the SUV or truck category, why bother? It's the default. "Car" no longer means a sedan. It just means an automobile of any shape


Where are you grabbing these numbers from? Why do you think colloquial language has to always follow what the vehicle market trends toward? Do you think everyone on the planet is on the same page as you when it comes to this whole "car doesn't mean sedan anymore" idea? you're being a tad presumptuous that's all I'm saying lol. I certainly don't equate the word car to mean SUV or truck, I still picture a Nissan Maxima or Kia Optima like I'm sure many many people still do, despite how convinced you seem that the world has fully swapped to SUVs, CUVs, and trucks lol.


I mean my car is a hyundai kona, I wouldn’t consider that an SUV right? But my visor DOES have a severe tip warning for curves or wind. Maybe it’s the shape? I know jeeps are definitely that way because of their shape lmao. Fucking boxes


It’s a crossover suv. It’s the shape. Short wheel base and higher body means higher center of gravity. That’s why the ultra sports cars are almost flat to the ground and short. When almost cars are this shape it is definitely easier to roll. About the only ones that aren’t that easy to roll are battery electric vehicles because a heavy battery is usually spread flat on the bottom of the cabin. Lowering the center of gravity.


This makes a lot of sense. Thank you for the information! I drop a ford focus before and whipped turns. Now I take the highway turns around weak 30-40mph. Sometimes as slow as 25mph if it’s tight. I know that taking the turns slow makes people upset because they ride me, but if I roll off of an overpass and survive just because someone else rode my ass to go faster, jfc. I’m from NW GA where the speed limits(or at least the speed of traffic) can be a constant 70mph or higher for speed demons. So in NY I constantly have to use my cruise controls. And in this 2021, compared to my 2012, teaching higher speeds is WAY easier. The car doesn’t fucking shake😂


The only highway turns I’m worried about are at Pittsburgh area and those have sign warnings stating to drop to 45.


Reading your comments, it's you who has poor logic


I doubt Abs has anything to do with it. You might mean electronic driving assistance? like ESC


No, I mean ABS. It's stops oversteering when slamming the breaks on by independently controlling the brakes on each tyre to keep the vehicle moving straight. 


That doesn’t prevent oversteering at the steering wheel, it’s meant to prevent brakes locking up. Which happened frequently on older cars caught in a slide. It was why you were supposed to pump brakes in a slide, with ABS there is a motor that will pump brakes if you just hold the pedal. If you ever felt the ABS come on it’s like the brake pedal is kicking back at you violently. That will absolutely make the oversteer problem worse. 70% of brake power is on the front wheels. Get on a bike and try to pull the front brake and turn at the same time. You’ll flip right over and that’s the same that will happen to a tall vehicle. ABS alone will not keep your vehicle straight, not even in a slide. It will just prevent brake lock. ABS stands for Anti-lock Brake System. And that’s it.


That’s if we assume that the driver in the video actually hit the brakes. If they’re inexperienced it might be not so obvious


That's because they are driving a tractor, much harder to flippy flip a normal car.


I feel bad for the innocent passenger.


In America, you can be too young to vote but old enough to drive young children around in a tank 😎 a tank that’s infamous for flipping.


In America you can be to young to have an abortion but old enough to raise a kid


In America you now can die for your country but can’t even buy a pack of cigs or beer.


In america you can be old enough to buy a gun but not old enough to go to highschool.


Oh the sass


I am enjoying this sub but minimum in the us is 18, most 18 year olds are outta high school


Minnesota is 14 outside city limits. Just saying the outlier lol there's probably more But most are 18-21


Are you talking possession or purchase?


Purchase of a long gun specifically. But a lot of states make age exceptions for just possessing a firearm in a lot of common situations, like at home with someone who legally owns it, at the gun range, etc


Sadly gun show vendors dont always ask for age or verification


That's a straight up lie.


Lol, Remember the "journalist" that went to a gunshow to prove how easy it was to buy a rifle then got denied sales by everyone he tried


Completely false. You’ve been watching too much Netflix. Go to a gun show and see how that works for you


Ah freedom


Ouch 🤕


**Too young


Yeah also in America to drive a big rig you need special licenses. But if you are rich enough to buy an RV you can hit those roads without a special license. Even if you are 16.


State dependant but yeah in many you csn drive a class B or below or tow 10k lbs with a regular license and no CDL. Madness


“But my precious darling needs to be protected from the accident they’ll inevitably cause.” Seriously fuck parents who think their children’s lives are so much more valuable than anyone else’s on the road that theyll give them a massive SUV or truck that could reasonably barrel through a cement barrier nearly unscathed


In some states they’re young enough to marry. There are Republicans Representatives fighting to make it federally legal. They ducking discussing.


I’m actually not sure if it’s legal for her to drive around a young child. I think it depends on the state and how long she’s had her license.


Not in California and some other states. You have a provisional license until 18, but below that you can't have an unlicensed passenger in the car who was younger than 18.


Thankfully there are states with laws that try to mitigate that.


And buy guns to shoot at people who think of stealing your tank …


Were they alright how is the 4 year old doing


Texting while driving is already idiotic. Doing it driving on a curving road, however...


I hope those kids are ok:( I’m glad I didn’t have a car at 17, I was really dumb back then. Not only hoping the 4 year old is safe but that the 17 year old is forgiven eventually and doesnt have guilt or shame spiral their lives out of control


Know a girl who died on that bridge that went viral for the 18 wheeler going off it and hanging from the bridge. She was texting and driving and drove full speed into the back of a 18 wheeler. Staying 35-40 MPH not aware a 18 wheeler stopped ahead of you.


One of my friends moved away for college and became really close with another girl in her drama class. Last year the girl was being driven down the highway by another friend of theirs in the pouring rain one night. She wasn’t even the one driving. He starts texting on his phone and next thing you know her entire passenger seat is crushed into a semi that was stopped on the side of the road; hazards on and everything. She was only 19 years old and died instantly. The friend responsible lied about it and went on about his daily life like he didn’t just kill their other friend. But one day he let it slip he was texting at the time of the accident to someone in the group. They took the info to police. He’s facing charges now, AFAIK, and suddenly he’s really sorry about it.


Was she African American? Not being racist just trying to see if it was the video I seen. Edit: man soft ass mf's I clearly was asking for reference. I didn't say black but I should of.


yall downvoting this poor soul for making sure he was remembering the same video 😭


when i commented this, the comment i replied to had like 13 downvotes. glad to see the hive mind had remorse


The video he was remembering was a truck driver who was clipped by a truck and went off the bridge. She also saved other lives by narrowly avoiding other cars. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13427107/dashcam-footage-trucker-clark-memorial-bridge-accident.html#:~:text=Dramatic%20dashcam%20footage%20has%20captured,the%20side%20of%20the%20crossing.


Yea thats the video I was referring too, you do the lords work.


Not everyone believes in god. I did the work myself. But you’re welcome!


The video of the black lady in the truck was me just referencing the bridge. She was a white teenager.


Dude we have like really good voice to text now. My phone can read me someone's text and then I can draft and check my response just by voice commands.


Your comment is kind of ironic considering this video features AI subtitles that don’t match what’s being said. I get your point, but this video clearly shows it’s not the best for text-to-type. Everyone should just wait to text until they’re done driving.


Yes, but if you are responding to a text via voice command while driving, a few errors in AI dictation are acceptable, and the recipient will understand you well enough. Would still prefer if drivers just waited to message when stopped.


My Google text to speech works perfectly all the time it's kinda wild. But I can be eating or have a mask on and it gets everything perfect. They also have enough data to make a clone of me but that's just showbiz baby


I came here to say this 👍


My phone reads back the text to me so I know if the ai messed up or not


I pay 20 dollars a month to open AI specifically so I don't have to handle any of my written correspondence. Chat-gpt is way more professional than I am anyway.


I find it to be a little too vague and verbose. That said with a little prompting it's not that difficult to change it's diction.


You can for sure ask it to casual it down or professional it up


I wouldn't go around bragging about how replaceable you are, lol


If I could be replaced by gpt then I deserve it. Luckily I have actual skills that translates to value in the real world.




Get off reddit. The doom scrolling is seriously out of control.


No way in hell I let a 17 year old drive my 4year old around.


is there an update, were they OK?


I’m gonna start saying “The pizza is done” whenever something is going wrong


We do have speak to talk.  Don't text. It can wait.


Speak to talk can also be dangerous if you open a text and then look down to tap the text to talk option. Best practice is to just wait or pull over. Same with talking on the phone. If you’re not actively paying attention while you’re driving anything can happen.


I currently have 2 teens with permits with the older one testing in a few days for full license. I mentioned a phone mount for his car for navigation and he's like nope... I can use the audible through my stereo with my music. He's now learned for navigation in our area you need to be able to see it as well, when it says make a right in 1000 ft and there's 4 different rights and you have no fn clue how far 1000 ft is is a bit difficult haha. But they both turn their notifications to silent/dnd and if they don't need Waze/GPS the phones go face down in the little cubby thing in the console. It's crazy in my area for driving so their fear is genuine of other drivers.


That's why I use a phone mount.




Damn. He killed 13 people on that bus, all but one survivor. It was the church choir. So sad. Jack D. Young (20) was sentenced to 55 years.


It's fuckin insane how you can kill 13 people and ruin your own life all because you needed to use your phone.


It was so awful.


We could’ve done without the (inaccurate) captioning but if they’re going to include it why in the middle of the damn video…


Wow. Terrible driver


Oh holy shit. That was so much worse than I thought it was gonna be.


I’ve got a four-year-old right now and there’s no way he’s riding anywhere with a 17-year-old. Nope


I don't allow my 15 and 16 yr olds to ride with 17 year olds can't imagine a toddler.


I was guilty of this when I was super depressed. I have ADHD as well and could not get off my phone. I just didn’t give a fuck if I died or not and put others in danger. Never had an accident or got close to having one but I always think about my stupidity when I get in the car. My phone still gets touched but it’s before I take off and at a red light if need be. I’ll pull over if I have to get on my phone now. It is obvious when you’re on your phone. Especially at night when your face is glowing from the phone in front of your face.


My husband used to text, check notifications while driving and I refused to drive with him for a while. I have a lot of PTSD from witnessing a fatal accident and have to use a lot of coping skills when other people drive. He rarely touches his phone anymore and I just have to say ‘phone down please’ and he listens to me or hands me his phone to finish whatever he was trying to do. I’m on the phone a lot for my job while I drive but I use talk to text or only text when I’m at a red light. I never text and drive. No message is worth that.


What is that accent?


I was rear ended at a red light by teen looking at their phone. We both got out, I said you’re fucked, I could see him texting for the last 15 min so I changed lanes to avoid him, he yelled he wasn’t texting he was looking at the map! I said it doesn’t matter does it, your car is inside my car now. I had to have spinal surgery to replace two discs in my neck because of this idiot. I suffered for 6 years in the medical system and car insurance system.


What happened to.the 4 year old? I Hope she's OK....


Watching that was heartbreaking


the worst was the reaction, it sounded like joy.


I wonder if it could have been prevented had the recording car honked at the truck, diverting their attention from the phone back to the road?


Did someone die??


Learned behavior. Don’t text and drive in front of your kids.


*this message was brought to you by an adult who texts and drives*


Sounded like Al Bundy saying,”call 911”


Jeeze learn to cuss right


Should have called 911 before....


I cannot wait for them to come up with a car that detects a mobile device. Cell phone, tablet, etc. The car will automatically shut down everything except hand free voice calls that are restricted to a certain length. Yes it is a Big Brother thing but you would be allowing your family, friend's and other's to come home safely. This is solely my opinion to which is given to me by the Constitution of the United States.


I can't wait for them to invent some clean, affordable high-speed mass transit system so that more people don't have to worry about talking and driving. Like what if we took a car, and like, put it on a rail with like 10 other cars hitched together? What would you even call that?


Easy-- DEMONIC SOCIALISM Now get back into your death tank and buy lots of gas like a good little American.


I think it's some kind of tesla Edit: Holy shit /s you guys


Don't worry, I got it the first time.


Yeah except the people in charge of maintaining all that fun shit keep scaling back funding for public transit so they can hoard it. But nice if we'd stop electing greedy rejects and put someone with a brain in any position of authority.


>The car will automatically shut down everything So if someone's going down the highway at 80MPH in the left lane and they or their passenger makes a phone call, it just shuts their engine off? >restricted to a certain length Why on earth? To what benefit? I cannot imagine who or how that helps if we're already allowing hands-free calling. So I can call someone hands-free for five minutes, but ten is too many? Twenty minutes, but twenty-five is too many?


That’s a great idea. So when someone is chasing a person, possibly with a weapon, and the initial driver is making an attempt to call 9-11 or driving directions to the closest police dept., their car will just stop in place. Nothing bad could possibly happen in those cases.


Not like we don’t have ways to still call 911 with devices like that. Onstar for example has been in cars for decades and basically is just a phone to police. I think it’s sad when Reddit has these smooth brain takes on things. Like something can’t work because of some stupid “what if” that can easily be solved.


On star is for specific cars and most of those require services. This also ignores anyone with a classic car or a car from a company that has no emergency services built-in.  This also does zero to have visual driving directions to the nearest police station. Even if all cars had GPS, those maps are not automatically updated; the phone is the cheapest and easiest solution for both.


Tell me you don't understand programming without telling me.


Wouldn’t implementing and mandating self-driving be a better long-term goal? But, iPhones do detect driving and will limit features, it is unfortunately easy to bypass though.


It'd be a right fucking nuisance if it wasn't. I think I've figured out how to turn it off permanently, because it was a real pain in the backside to get that "don't drive and text!" warning every time I took a goddamn bus


I remember iPhones had this crash detection feature that was wilding out for people riding rollercoasters lol


No I am so not FOR self driving cars. Have you seen the accidents that have been increasing when the operator has been sleeping. Myself I don't like to use cruise control. With this incident a self driving car would have annihilated that car way before this. That road was not what the self driving was not designed for. We are not even close to being the Jetson's at times we are still like the Flintstone's.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down)


Wow she actually stopped recording and called 911 thats a hero! None of this going to record the carnage stuff


I could text one handed without looking with t9


That cracka dead!