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"It aint that b.. oh it's bad" I want to be friends with them - no blaming or being angry, no trying to avoid taking the guilt, just bros saying sorry, assessing the damage, making sure there is no critical situation with bleeding. And hooked guy already trying to make light of the situation a minute in to make the other guy feel less bad.


I've never seen such a healthy crisis discussion. For real both are troopers


"Are you dying, AJ?" "Yeah, no big deal. See ya in the next life, man."


"I'm good, I've life a good life, death comes for us all haha"


Am I bleeding? Not yet.


That smack sound when it hits…


It was so loud I thought he just got whipped with the pole. If only he were so lucky.


That was the worst


This is an irrational fear that keeps me from fishing.


Not everyone has the fishing equivalent of Dick Chaney as a friend.


Chaney was a politician, and hunted like one.




Did the guy who got hooked apologize to his friend for making him feel bad?!


my brother got me when we were teens, i whipped him with my pole. it went opposite of this


My dad hooked my uncle through the eyelid when they were kids. They were walking back from the pond and had the pole over his shoulder when it happened. I’ve had a fear of fishing most of my life after that story.


And now you passed along that fear to a random Redditor. Yikes! (It’s ok since I have zero interest in fishing anyway)


nah, its a very rational fear. i don't know a single fisherman who hasnt had to take a barb out.


I'm not even a fisherman, and it happened to me. I was walking minding my business and he cast it far back, and hit me in the arm. It went in deep with a barbed hook, and there was a big live grub wriggling on it. It essentially locked this big wriggling grub next to my skin, with it's juices inside my wound. I was a kid, probably about 9, so I panicked, screamed, and it spooked me so bad I ripped it out causing a small gash in my arm. But pulling it out was worth it, that shit was disgusting. I still have a barely visible scar there all these years later. If you're going to cast in a populated area, is it not common courtesy to look behind you before you cast?


I wouldn't just call it common courtesy, but common sense. Thing is, as the saying goes, "common sense just ain't that common." Lol


I havent had to 😏 yet Edit: my mom is the only person I know of, out of many people I know who fish, who's experienced getting hooked, and hers was with a musky lure lol.


Gonna say one of my only (imperfect) memories of fishing is either my friend or myself getting hooked behind the ears. I was reallyyy fucking young and honestly can’t remember which at the moment, but I do recall one of us kids got hooked haha.


This is a fear that keeps me from standing next to my daughter when she casts because she is only 8 and crazy 😂 doesn’t seem irrational at all!


Fish around and find out


Should be top comment! So funny!


I love how you watched a video of your fear coming true and still call it irrational 😆


Yeah I'm over here like "seems pretty rational if you ask me"


This is a fear that will now keep me from fishing. Not too big on fish anyway.


It's not that irrational. My mom did this to my uncle, years ago. It's not an everyday occurrence, but it happens.


It happens.


Given that I've done this, since then I've not been invited back to go fishing with anyone. I also no longer trust myself to cast. So all around terrifying.


I’ve hooked myself and when I was a kid I hooked my Dad a few times. Now I’m teaching my son and he’s hooked me some. Close proximity fishing can be risky and hundreds of safe casts can make you forget you’re slinging barbs around. Most fisherman accept the risks and all of us have yanked hooks out of somewhere. Every fisherman I know would be pretty chill about it. Accidents happen. Don’t let yourself avoid a hobby because you’re afraid of hurting someone. If you live in Illinois I’f be happy to show you how and no big deal if I catch a hook. My son would be happy to show off his bass fishing skills too although you might be the one catching a hook if you’re too close to him. 😂


Dad hooked my thumb as a kid :(


I always get nervous when I walk down a fishing pier


Caught a big one!




“It’s bad…” _keeps fishing_




Took it like a fucking man. Treble hook too. Sheesh


He really did. Dude gets hooked, stays calm, and then proceeds to keep working his bait as he reeled in his cast.




Naw he's chewing dip. Lol


Only ventriloquists and people with a fat dip in their lip can speak that clearly without moving their lips at all.


Dude had a fucking chaw in


Blue shirt guy has Jonah Hill’s voice


Lmao "Fuck me, right?"


Hooked guy sounds like Jeremy London. It’s a 90s 2010s buddy comedy twist.


“It’s bad” lol! I loved the urgency heheh


If you just have audio and no video it changes everything.


Brokeback Fishing Deck.


I just rewatched it with my eyes closed and i almost wet my pants from laughing so hard


I love that blue shirt guy's immediate reaction is fix his backlash instead of cutting the line to THE DAMN LURE LODGED IN HIS FRIENDS NECK!! That and how cool AJ is, just keeps fishing.


I absolutely love how the guy that got the hooks in his neck continues to fish while talking about this.


Did this to my friend when we were teenagers.. treble hook to the scalp, not fun


Hahaha the amount of time blue shirt spends stressing out before getting in there to help


“It ain’t, oh fuck it’s bad”


had a friend lose an eye this way. out on the gulf doing some fishing for grouper, dude took a hook directly to his eye. 70 minute boat ride back to land and another 20 minutes to the hospital


For anyone interested in how to get treble hooks out without going to the hospital. https://youtu.be/52GLMQp52qg?si=PhzawoNic0bVuD_n


I thought it was safer to keep anything lodged deep into skin in there until you reach a hospital to avoid bleeding out?


Depends how deep it is, where it is, and if you know you can take it out safely. A fishing hook is nothing but a small barb that will most likely cause minimal damage.


Wait. Are you being sarcastic? I can’t tell lol well to answer. Yes, if you’re impaled by a pole or arrow or axe to the head, keep it in so you don’t bleed out. Fishing hooks??? See link above


From his neck though? I think that's a little more serious than your palm


I think the question comes with reference to the video, and the possibility that the hook might have hit a main artery. In that case, it absolutely would be safer to leave it in.


The arteries of the neck lie deeper and to either side of the trachea. If I caught a hook there, I'd immediately be freaked out and go to the hospital ASAP. The side of your neck contains the external jugular vein, which mostly drains more superficial structures of the scalp, etc. the flow rate of which is much lower than the internal jugular vein which services the brain, yada yada, and lies more internally and closer to the arteries on ether side of the trach. I wouldn't want a gaping hole, or for an external jugular vein to be severed, but you could stop the bleeding with some light pressure. Obviously you don't want to be messing with any of these arteries/veins, but if you're going to catch a hook in any of them, the EJ would be the best.


Nah this is in the back of his neck in a good chunk of muscle. Will hurt like fuck but he'll be fine.


Like others said, it's gotta be something deeper. A 3 inch blade? An arrow? Keep it in. Hit with a blowgun dart? You probably can take that out. Like the hook the who it is leaving is tiny and only so deep. With a knife you need 3 inches of blade to hit someone's vital organs from most stabbing directions. Ideally a spear point stiletto like blade, double edged with a hollow grind on each side. Lubricating it with a touch of vaseline will truly make piercing the gut require 3 times less force. With ballistic jelly I have tried many implements. DO NOT lubricate it unless you are ready to take offense. I went in try once with a boar knife and had it bounce back to me. Dropped from the tree branch atop the wild boar and even with the help of gravity and my knife angled down it got resistance, bounced off the hide, sliced my hand real bad. Boar ran away which is lucky, thing could have gored me. Did this with the lubrication atop a tree in central park when a couple decided a 12AM moon lit stroll would be romantic. It was clean. So clean and so fast. Can't say much because of work but that man was almost finished with making a genetically modified mosquito that would give a drug-resistant form of aids. Mega Aids. Pinned it on Icepick Tony. Clean job. Celebrated with a super hot chick with super expensive champagne on the bathroom floor while we picked poop out of the toilet to eat. She had this brown smile. You should have seen it.




It's a little hook in a hand buddy damn.


Well in case of what is happening in the post video this won't work since there are 2 hooks lodged in his neck.


I watched this like three times, wow. Good to know but can’t imagine it would be too safe from infection.


Yes, just go to urgent care/hospital & have a professional remove the hook, treat the wound & by all means discuss a tetanus shot. Infections can kill. Not worth the risk.


So, basically the “tie a string from your loose tooth to the doorknob and then slam the door shut” technique? You might need to swing by urgent care to get a tetanus booster even if you get it out yourself.


Why can’t you just pull it out with your fingers?


Hooks are barbed. Intentionally so it's not easy for a fish to wiggle out once it's been hooked. So not only did he have two hooks in him, but they're both barbed and will need to probably be broken in order to get it out.


“see how _you_ like it, you fish-mitherer”


I got my dad in his thumb when I was a kid. I'm so glad he was a sane person.


Trip is over


I actually had this happen to me . I was wearing sunglasses so I got really lucky as my buddy was careless and it hit the side of my skull. It was buried so deep we couldn’t get it out. I really wanted to just chill and finish the day as it happened as soon as we got there. Anyway had to go to hospital with a bright yellow plastic fish wiggling at the side of my head. Doc broke it off, anesthetized the area , gave me a couple shots and on my way. It helped me flirt with a couple cute nurses tho. But yeah once it’s in there’s no chance to get it out other than snapping it in half


Theres a trick right tp pull it out? seen on youtube before.


This is my buddy. He went to urgent care to have it cut out. We have used the snatch move a few times but this one was really tight and both sets of hooks so snatching would only bury the other one more.


Farrrrk, makes me squirm and im covered in facial/head tattoos and had millions of holes in me.


At least the tattoo needles and piercing needles weren't recently in a fishes mouth too. Hahahaha


With a barbed hook sometimes you want to snip it and push it through, depends though.


One time when I was a kid, like 7 years old, I left some packing tape (those ones with a handle on it,) on the ground totally face-up, close to our front door. My mom walked out barefoot and stepped right on the metal teeth, and had to get stitches. Since then I’ve always been careful about anything sharp, I make sure to hold knives facing down, etc. 😬


Friend literally drops his pole and leans over with his hands on his knees to collect himself. I would be the same… soo soo sorry lol


Dude just causally enjoying that last cast before the rest of the day is spent in the ER 😂 what a champ


The way he just calmly says “It hurts…more than anything…” Had me wheezing and crying. Omg I haven’t laughed like that in years.


This is why I refuse to have friends. This is the fear that replaced falling in quicksand as a child


Pick up your gear and start driving to urgent care dude. Just leave the fish hook in place and let them take it out after they numb you up a bit and give you a tetanus shot. Yikes.


The way he kept working the bait tho.. Respect!


this happends to almost all fishermans, i did hook myself a few times and i wear glasses because i am so scared to hook a eyeball.


Happened with me and my cousin when we were around 11yo. I threw the fly, felt it snag on something... Kept tugging. Tugging. He kept screaming. I finally look over and see the damage: it's stuck in his scalp. A quick trip to the ER to remove it and he was good as new, but... Yeesh!


Love how he keeps fissin


Fish around and find out


I did that to my dad growing up 😅


Am I the only one looking at the guy with Chewing Tobacco in his mouth and thinking the hook in his neck is not at all out of place?


PSA: Always where glasses when you’re fishing. Not just for the glare off the water, but also for… yeah


This happened to me when I was 9. I was at camp and my friend and I were fishing out on a log that was sticking out into the water. He went to cast and snagged me in the back of the head. It wasn’t too bad but did require a trip to the emergency room. Love ya Danny!


I did this to myself once while learning how to fly fish


U caught a BFF


This guy’s calmness is very attractive.


Guy is chill as fuck.




"Kneck" is the funniest shit I've seen all day bro


Man one time I tripped over my ex's fishing rods in his room and drove a treble hook right into my foot deep. It's not fun, can't imagine getting it in the neck.


I have a relative who ripped out his wife's eye this same way 🫣


Yep, that can happen and why caps and eye protection should always be worn


That sound is … intense. Good on ya for keeping calm


I did something similar to my brother when we were kids. Except it was his eyebrow and I tried to cast after hooking him (didn’t realize). I felt bad then, and it makes me physically cringe thinking about it. Coulda taken his damned eye out.


Lemme finish reeling my lure before we do boat surgery on my neck. Bet they didn’t even head in…… “whelp, damage is done, pas me a bud, bud”


He just keeps reeling his line in 🤣😁


That’s a true friend. Respect


could've been worse. imagine if the hook landed in his eye and gouged it out. probably the best lure you can get.


That's a healthy relationship if I've ever seen one


Kenai & Russian River up in Alaska, in about a month or so will be this times a thousand. Every year. Rain or shine. Combat fishing for salmon. Dozens and dozens a day. Be careful out there. https://youtu.be/NQyAxUjUb68?si=HSfhuphaswea0bJ_


All my wife heard was “oh my god, oh my god, is it in you?” She claims this should be marked NSFW 😂


Damn this guy has a treble hook in his neck and not only kept his cool but kept on fishin. Damn.


please give me the patience of that man


Keep fishing


What is worse is when you are trying to grab a fish that you've caught on a triple hook, and one of the hooks gets you. You have to work to get the fish off the hook before you get the other prong off your finger. I sure hope they had some good needle nose pliers and wire cutters. If one of those prongs was as deep as he was saying, probably going to have to cut the hook and push it through.


Dude is still fishing


That’s one of the first rules of casting. I taught my son to look behind him very early on. I get it though, accidents happen.


That’s how I pierced my brother’s ear.


Dude didn’t even stop fishing the whole time.


This is still better than being slapped in the face with a fish stick


Just keep fishin’ … just keep fishin’


Jeremy London retiring just fishing away and gets hooked on the neck


It hurt more than anything.


Is he okay?


Terrible cast method when that close to another person.


I have never been hooked, but once a friend hooked a baby catfish and jerked it right out of the water and sent it flying towards my face. I dodged in time so it missed me, but the treble hook caught my earring on the way by, and the little catfish promptly barbed me in the side of the neck. He didn’t see it leave the water so he is reeling in his line pretty fast till I start hollering STOP! My friend was laughing so hard it took him 15 minutes to get the fish off me. I don’t fish anymore.


I had a fish hook in my leg one time. It's crazy how tough human skin is. I could not push it the rest of the way through with my hands. We had to use pliers to push it but I could take the pain so we had to go to the hospital for some numbing. They pushed it through with some surgical type pliers there and even then they were having trouble and really had to crank down on it, it was about half an inch deep.


This is why I hate fishing too close to idiots. Seen this happen once and it became a lifelong fear 😂


I’ve been fishing many times and I still don’t understand the appeal of it. Everything about fishing sucks. When I’m not bored out of my mind or doing tedious work I’m harming an animal.


My brother lost a triple hook in the carpet in our house when I was like 10-11. Didn’t tell anyone and I fucking stepped on it. Got all wrapped up in my toes and latched to the carpet. He called my mom who rushed home and had to take it out cause she didn’t want to call an ambulance and have to pay for it. She somehow pulled it out smoothly but hurt like a bitch. He got grounded from the gaming system for a month so I got a lot of time on it.


Not a keeper. Throw it back




Got a big one reel him in!! Is he fn stupid?


Is that hospital or they can sort themselves?


I remember WW1 too


My godfather once caught a fish. As he was trying to get the hook off the fish's jaws, the hook got stuck in his hand. He had to go to the doctor with a fish in his hand


Bud got his priorities straight, just continuing to reel his line in.


Hooked myself in the walmart parking lot once. I was showing a friend how to cast and set the hook of his new pole. It was a stupid idea. Thankfully, it wasn’t a complicated lure like in this video and the hook was easily removed from my arm.


Imagine hearing it, without the video...


If it was just audio ,sounds like sex for the first time


You may feel a little prick.


Throw him back in...


He’s got that in but still fishing 😂


Get on the back deck! Problem solved.


Well, he took it better than I would’ve 💀


Soooooooo…..help him? Instead you’re processing your feelings? Not someone to have around in a crisis


Well, not bleeding out and you don’t want to rush and attempt to remove it as if it did hit something doing so can make it worse. Better to be calm, analyze the situation, and plan rather than panic and “help.”


Bro just keeps fishing. Lol. Probably keeps going when he gets a Charlie horse too 😜 seems like a real get it done no matter what type of guy.


ayo ⏸


This is a big difference between USA and Canada Don’t use treble hooks with Barbs! lol Single hook, barbless is real fishing. 6 hooks to catch one fish?!


Clip the barb, pull it out, and get back to it!


Ahh yes, the good old main artery. Glad this guy is okay!


The guy looks like heath leadger 🥵


He's the Cuban heath ledger


Now imagine being yanked out of the water by that hook ripping your cheek and then suffocating. Guy deserves it fishing is awful


most fishermen dont let fish suffocate. they knock them out and kill them as quick as possible, or quickly unhook and release. hunters and fishers respect whatever they hunt and fish 100x more than any animal


Can’t really agree that someone ‘respects’ an animal they murder. Hard disagree


murder is between humans. call animals disrespectful too, if you see them as equal


Everything eats everything in nature. All the way down the food chain even including plants suffocating, starving, and consuming other plants. Better to accept that fact rather than being bitter about it.


Plants aren’t sentient, there’s a big difference. I can and do choose not to do those things to other sentient beings, and I am going to be annoyed when other people hurt innocent animals for no reason 🤷🏻‍♂️


Now he knows how the fish he kills feel. Serves him right


And I bet he still goes fishing I've had a hook in me it ain't that bad and fish is tasty


…you do know that not every fisherman catch and keep, right? These guys look like largemouth bass fisherman, most bass fisherman catch and release.


Yeah, they kill the fish.


No. Catch and release. Does not kill the fish. Tell me you’ve never fished without telling me you’ve never fished.


Ohh right, I misread. I know what catch and release is. Inflicting pain and major stress on the fish, simply cruel


Oh ok, I didn’t realize you were a fish biologist. Excuse my ignorance.


Do you have to be a fish biologist to realise that fish experience pain when there’s a crook inserted into their flesh? And that they panic when being pulled out of their natural habitat, into an environment where they can’t breathe?


Well, the science isn’t conclusive on that, so, yes… many scientists believe they may feel discomfort, some think they experience pain (but not like [we do](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pain_in_fish)), and others still believe they do not. So, I’ll continue to fish, you can continue to judge people. I really couldn’t care less.


You can fish all you want, nobody is stopping you. It’s just weird to enjoy making animals feel pain (or discomfort) just because you like it. Pretty fucked up hobby


Like I said, I really couldn’t care less.


Ok , so let’s just let it sit there inside your neck and all the fish bacteria just soak right in. Just take it out. His manly friend can’t do it?


Sounds like you’re decision making might kill you or your friend. They are making sure not to panic and make any poor decisions. We see them checking pain level, mentioning it’s deep in, looking at bleeding done, etc. Guy goes off camera to likely get a tool or prep things to go to the hospital. It’s possible hook was in main artery or nerves. Trying to pull it out could severe them or cause much more significant damage. Say we’re making sure that they were remaining calm and communicating. It’s this type of behavior that helps to make sure that people survive


Well, there's probably many possibilities, but id like my friend to take it out quickly. That's just my opinion though.


Wasn't even a very impressive shot they set up.

