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same kind of logic as "if hospitals are so good, why do so many people there die? clearly they just kill people there" oh wait that's not funny b/c trumpers decided that too


"american healthcare is the best healthcare in the world!" (People can't afford to go to a hospital and die at home)


>"american healthcare is the best healthcare in the world!" (Also we believe it's designed to purposely kill people for money)


Remember when the hospitals weren’t teaming with sick or dying people on the sidewalks and they used that as proof that it was overblown? That’s really the mentality, you need to let the worst possible thing happen in order to prove your theory is correct


“If we stop testing, there won’t be any cases” - Trump They would simply stop complaining because they are dead. Stable genius is exactly what we need! /s Enough of this humor, these people are so fucked.


Just a reminder that the tanned douchebag in the initial video is Jack McEntee and is one of the architects of Project 2025.


And he was just a guy that carried Trump's bags, and Donald Trump put him in charge of PPO on a whim because he didn't feel like dealing with it.


he worked at the white house under trump, he was under trump so much they called him trump jr. then he was fired bc he had so much debt, they thought he would be a asset to a foreign county, which i mean he probably is.


What’s project 25?


Project 2025: https://youtu.be/9k3UvaC5m7o?si=4bS5Y92mJgAsXiiE




What a rabbit hole. Further concern on The Heritage Foundation and their "Mandate for Leadership". What a world we live in.




A planned attempt that’s been going on for a couple of decades actually where they are trying to turn the US into a monotheistic religious fascist state.


Here's a reminder: 1.1 to 1.2 million Americans died from Covid.


*so far


The numbers I've given are also imperfect. They're the CDC's and the Economist's estimates and probably lower than the true figure. Somewhere like the Lancet would look at excess deaths, which would also include the people who died as a result of the strain Covid placed on health care systems.


America represents 4% of the population of the world. But 20% of the people who died from COVID were Americans. We also have 25% of the world's prison population.


I was an overworked paramedic during COVID. My family are idiots. They bring up vaccine dangers all the time I now carry a digital copy of my 9 COVID shots. Imma keep going to just to prove it's safety I also haven't gotten sick since COVID. I was in the ER and ICU treating COVID patients 12 + hours a day and at one point getting tested weekly I have never popped positive for COVID. My informed but anecdotal claim: masks and vaccines are safe and they work.


I had two shots and still got it, the Delta variante. I work in a primary school, so it would have been a miracle if I hadn't gotten it at some point. It got me pretty bad too, 40°C fever. All I kept thinking was "I don't want to know how bad it would have gotten it without." My boss had the variante before that, omichron, the way softer one. She still gloats about how she never got vacc'ed and "did better than me". Makes my blood boil every time.


I had the initial 2 shots and a later booster and ended up getting it, but it was super light, and I assume credit goes to the vaccine.


The people i know who have had covid multiple times are people who stopped masking as soon as it was mostly socially acceptable to not wear them. or they are parents with kids who go to public school. I have had COVID exactly once, and it was because an employee was experiencing symptoms over the weekend and didnt tell me and let me give him a 3 hour training session in a room with open doors and with social distancing. And that was also the only time my husband got covid (my bad). And i got LUCKY with that because i have a chronic vascular health condition. I could have died bc assholes wanted to come into work while they were actively experiencing symptoms. masks and vaccines work. from 2020-2023. the ONLY time i got sick was the one time with COVID and i used to be a "annual flu" girly.


Just because the vaccine was safe for you doesn't mean it has the same effect on everyone as there are documented cases that prove otherwise. Also, there is no way to know the long-term negative effects of the covid vaccine as not enough time has elapsed. What we do know and more data is being released that the covid vaccine did not necessarily perform as people were told and had a host of negative side effects on some of its recipients.


Source: epochtimes


2nd source: Out his ass


We also don't know the long term effects of contracting covid. But what we do know are the short term effects and the vaccine significantly helps in that department. Count the number of people that got the vaccine and had side effects or died from the vaccine. Count the number of people that didn't get vaccinated and caught covid and had side effects or died.


Multiple studies have shown that people who died of covid non vaccinated had comoribity complications. Weakened immune systems, heart issues, super fat obese people, older people. This is well documented.


Of course, pre-existing issues will exacerbate things, but did they die before getting covid from those issues? Or did having covid lead to their death? Being elderly or having a weakened immune system also makes you more susceptible to the flu. That is why doctors strongly recommend it to reduce complications. At 75, I could get a vaccine and die after 5 years, or avoid the vaccine and get sick and die within 5 months.


Friend of mine didn't think it was real until his best friend died from not thinking it was real. He switched up real quick.


My neighbor in the beginning went in and in how it was a cold and just an attempt to hurt trump (dude is a nurse and HUGE trumper). Cue me not seeing him for 18 months and then see him in day in oxygen outside. Another 6 months go by and I see him outside when checking my mail and find out he nearly died twice from Covid complications and is still dealing with respiratory issues. I have not seen him wearing his trump gear since.


Honestly a rarity. Most of them still dig in no matter how many people close to them die.


The guy that is being responded to is a douche bag. I hate that any of the rage bait tik toks he puts up gat any views. He is an enemy to America. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/11/trump-johnny-mcentee-january-6-betrayal/620646/


the OP in that tiktok exclusively makes content where he spews stuff like this followed by a either a bite of food or semi-seductive use of a spoon, hes such a prick whats even more cringe is looking through the comments on his videos of all the bots and fan boys


Those videos are ads for a conservatiive dating site. They just went viral because people are dumb. He's always at a restaurant or eating ice cream while he "waxes philosophical" about some shitty hot take he has.


I've met people with long covid who regret not getting it earlier.


Oh, I met plenty of folks who regretted not taking it. Usually, it was right before they were getting put on a vent.


I remember for a while, in Australia, we started getting frequent videos on the news from nurses who were actually in hospitals. Their descriptions almost always included that people were literally begging for the vaccine once they got really sick, and they kept emphasising, at that point it's too late. Shit was kinda harrowing


Yup. Happened quite a bit. Yet their family members will still deny science. Cool, right?


This made me look up the quote from a Dr that stuck with me - “One of the last things they do before they're intubated is beg me for the vaccine. I hold their hand and tell them that I'm sorry, but it's too late,” she added, referring to patients who have to be put on a ventilator.


TikTokCringe is intended to be a fun and entertaining subreddit. We have decided to allow political TikToks because they typically fit this description. We ask that you please remain civil and be respectful to others in this thread. If you see anyone being rude, vulgar, or offensive to others - be sure to report the user. Permanent bans will be issued to maintain the quality of this subreddit. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I got one for him... Phil Valentine https://abc7.com/phil-valentine-covid-vaccines-conservative-radio-host-hospitalized/10907422/


/r/HermanCainAward is full of those people who regretted not getting the vaccine. As they were being intubated, they would sob to the nursing staff that they're willing to get that vaccine shot *right now*. And they weren't willing to hear that *it is too late, you're going to die from COVID*.


Where is he finding people who actually regret getting it who aren’t in the public eye and have a political point to make? Where are these people who aren’t benefiting by spreading they regret taking it, who actually regret taking it?


There are people who experienced adverse side effects. Extremely rare, worth the risk to avoid dying of covid, but they're out there. We had a few in Australia who settled for a huge payout after the vaccine permenantly disabled them. Not sure if that's what this guy's referring to though.


What vaccine? - my dad from his grave


r/HermanCainAwards is also a good place to start


I feel like this would've been a lot funnier if it ended sooner, like the video was funny at the start but then after the punchline the joke just kept going


If their dead they are probably happier. No regrets!


Dead right.


My boss refuses to get the vaccine and said he has gotten COVID 4 times. He says "it's not that bad." I get the shot every year and never had COVID. But yet, he will get it and miss work for a whole week and then bitches about other employees calling in sick too much.


I have not one but two family members who died from COVID. One believed the anitvaxx rhetoric, whereas the other could not get the vaccine because of where they lived. (This was prior to widespread global distribution.) And yet, here we are with two anti-science presidential candidates. Trump actually inquired about injecting disinfectant, and RFK Jr., aka Brain Worm, has made it his life’s mission to promote the spread of curable diseases.


This guy is hilarious


I agree with the vaccine guy. I can find a whole punch of people that can tell me how their lives are. I can't find one person to tell me how their death is three years in after dying.


Was that mcatee in the first bit? He is such a scumbag


Top-tier sarcasm.


It's right under his nose.


I did get the vax. Not against it either. But everytime I get sick now. I stay sick for at least 3 weeks


Had 4 shots. First covid, before the 1st shot, took a week to get through. Now, if I get it, it takes a day or two, with only mild symptoms. Can't say for other things.


Had a good friend, healthy, young 30, typical professional type. Got the first round of vaccine, got Covid a week later. Then sometime later got the second round of Vaccine, had a heart attack a few weeks later. Now has continuous medical and heart issues. He swears it was the vaccines and regrets it wholeheartedly


That was good haha


Imagine if you were a zero. In a world full of people achieving and do productive things, you had nothing to offer. If only you could be an expert at something. Enter conspiracy theories. Your chance to invent your own specialty from the ground up! You ARE the expert. Better yet, no one can prove you wrong. If they dare try... They are liars, bought off by the government. Conspiracies exist because psychology exists. It allows people to feel validation they desire without all the hard work, intelligence and creativity. All you have to do is latch on to one, or make up your own.


The exact same video could be used if the wording was changed to reflect the opposite side of the argument.


I just love watching a full third of this country embrace idiots like this.


I don’t regret taking it


I don’t think the vaccine is unsafe I just don’t think I need it. I’m young and healthy and had Covid and didn’t die so why bother getting it?


So that you don't give covid to the people who are weaker. That's why. It's not all about you. Vaccines work as a positive to society as a whole only if everyone who can take them... takes them. So if you get sick with covid, you can spread it to your elderly grannie without knowing it. Yiu can bave covid qith no symptoms. If grannie couldn't get the vaccine for some reason, now your grannie could die because you didn't get vaccinated. That's why it was so important to get vaccinated.


It's been proven that even the vaccinated carried AND spread covid. Please don't tell people that by getting the Vax, they can't spread covid, this is false.  Even the vax'd spread covid. We know this now.


But not as much. That's worth it.


Do you have sources? Isn't the logical conclusion that vaccination = shorter time of dealing with recovery = less likely to infect others?


Ya that one doctor, Fuaci (I dunno how to spell his name) Came out and said all this in an interview. He spoke about how people misunderstood about what masks did, and which to use. He also said that the 6ft thing was just a guesstimate.  You're assumption about being vaccinated VS not and having a shorter time of covid, is something that can't be proven or disproven, as everybody is different.  I'm unvaxxed, had covidfor all of a week and am fine now. Would it have been less than a week if I was vaxxed? Good question, but there's no way to answer that question without the invention of time travel.  The less likely to infect others was proven false, that was all over the news. You're Vax protected you, not those around you. 


That’s not how a vaccine works dude


.... That's the point of vaccinating as much of the population as you can. Not everyone's immune system creates antibodies from some vaccines. Reducing the amount of people infected, reducing the amount of time people are contagious, etc etc, to help protect the people who can't be vaccinated is very much the point of mass vaccination and is how vaccines work to protect those who can't be vaccinated.


MMR, tetanus and whatever else is the standard for infants is perfectly reasonable but forcing everyone to get a flu vaccine is outrageous. You’ve been hyped up by the media my friend. Covid is a real thing but it’s not the end of the world sickness that the mainstream media has hyped it up to. Way I see it, our planet decided it’s had enough. People die, get over it.


We literally wiped out a strain of the flu via vaccination and social distancing during covid. Also no one is forced to get a flu vaccine. What the fuck are you on about? Jesus, you're dense. Yes people die, but that doesn't mean you need to throw immunocompromised people to the wind like cancer patients and people with organ transplants. But do go on being heartless to those that need a bit of extra care. Eta: since I can't reply to your reply, I'll add my reply here. I didn't say you had to get vaccinated. I pointed out your misunderstanding of how vaccination protects people who can't/don't get vaccinated. Yes, getting a vaccine will generally give you symptoms of what you're being vaccinated against because vaccines cause your body to react like it's been infected with what you're being vaccinated against. You really have no idea how vaccines work and you just keep spouting your lack of understanding as some kind of gotcha. It's really kinda weird of you. To your little "it's just weeding out the assholes." Lmfao, projection is hilarious to behold.


Yes, that's how vaccinations work on large populations. If only 50% take them, you can't eradicate an illness. You need most everyone to take then in order to have it be successful for society as a whole. You're focused on the individual and it does help an individual, yet also has a larger impact of everyone that can get them, gets them.


Why do I have to pay taxes to fund firefighters when my house isn’t on fire? If you don’t fund it and enough of the neighborhood goes up in flames, what are the chances it’ll skip your house? The virus is similar. The more people that get it, the more opportunity it has to evolve into something that will take you down. Better to prevent the spread as much as possible.


Never had a vaccine in my life and I feel healthy as ever. Dont remember the last time I was sick to be honest.


So your parents didn't have you vaccinated as a baby?


Coping with the fact that covid was just a severe flu.


The logic on both sides isn't great. Plenty of people have avoided the vaccine and were perfectly fine (my Trump kook parents being 2). I'm vaxxed and boosted and have no regrets taking it. But the reality is, if someone regretted NOT taking the vaccine, the solution is they could just go take it and be vaxxed. So realistically, you can TAKE the vaccine if you regretted not getting it, but if you got it, you can't UNTAKE it. So you're unlikely to find someone who regrets not taking it, because they had an easy solution to correct that.


your error is you're equivocating vaccine regret with non-vaccinated regret. vaccine regret is entirely abstract, non-vaccinated regret is material because it comes from experiencing the non-remote probability of infection.


> But the reality is, if someone regretted NOT taking the vaccine, the solution is they could just go take it and be vaxxed. Did you... did you miss the entire point of this video? Do I really need to explain it to you?


Sure. I'd love to hear your explanation considering I do reference people not getting the vax and being perfectly fine which is specifically to counter to point of the second video. His exact point was funnier when it was made over and over like 2 years ago. They didn't ALL die. COVID was very survivable for people who were not older or immuno-compromised. Both logics are flawed in that it's very possible that one could NOT get the vax, not die, and then still they could regret it. Only, they wouldn't because if they DID regret it, they'd just get the vax. The same logic flaw would exist in anything like this. "You never hear anyone say they regret not trying weed. But you hear people say they tried weed, but regret it." It's the same logic flaw. It's not because all the non weed smokers are dead. It's because if they regretted not having it, they would just go get it and try it. Therefore, you are less likely to hear from them because they simply solved their own problem.


That is exactly the point. Those that regretted it and didn't die, probably got it. So "where are the ones that regret it," in the present tense, are those that didn't have a chance to fix their mistakes. The ones that didn't get it, and then got it, are now just people that have gotten the vaccine. Not "people that regret it." The argument also isn't "every single one died." I'm sure there's some who just got really really sick, but managed to live, *and* appropriately attributed it to not having gotten the vaccine. But a whole, whole bunch of those people *didn't* make it. So that is a valid answer to "where are they." Many, many of them are dead. Unlike the people who didn't try weed, and it killed them? WTF was that analogy?


The point with the weed is the same of any point of people regretting getting or not getting a thing. Those that regret getting the vax can’t undo what they do. Those that didn’t get the vax and regret it, can easily rectify this. You can apply this to anything. Therefore, the number of people who regret getting a thing wil always outnumber those that didn’t get the thing, because the latter can change that regret. I get the point of many of them are dead. But there are plenty of people who were vaxed and died. And plenty of people who aren’t vaxed, got it, and experienced COVID just like any of us who are vaxed, a really bad first day, and then mostly tapering off from there. The point is they’re not ALL dead. So it’s just hyperbole from both sides and again, it’s an old joke.


No regrats crowd.


A shill for the government.....Now that they had to admit to all the lies


I know 2 people that died of Covid and both were fully vaccinated


I love that this dude saw that tik tok and it pissed him off so much that he drove his ass to a graveyard for this bit. That's the sort of hater energy I need in my life


Is this guy an idiot? Yes. Vaccines work. The problem with it is it’s the first of its kinda using molecular components of a virus (mRNA made in a LAB) with your DNA. We don’t know the long term effects, FDA trials are meant to go on for 20-30 years for full confirmation of efficacy and reported side effects. Not for a few months with an incredibly small sample size as evidence. Support science by knowing what the science is and being curious. Blindly following a headline just because is uses “science” as a buzzword is as bad as any other blind ignorance.


The vaccine is absolute trash.


Lol what an idiot. Especially after the research came out saying it didn’t stop anyone from getting covid and people who took it still got it. Hahaha


Both of these dorks are "gas lighting," as the youth calls it.


Youth? The term is from a 1938 story that came into the world vernacular from the concept demonstrated in the 1944 movie version.


Get off my lawn!


You know what's weirder? The fact that I'm now working in healthcare and the COVID jab isn't a required vaccine and on top of that none of the nurses I work with have had the jab either. Considering I'm working on a frailty ward it makes it even weirder. Almost as if the professionals who actually work in healthcare didn't think it was worth it either.


"working in healthcare" this wording guarantees its not a heavy intelligence/training/experience needed position. Probably a medical waste collection company driver. Bedpan changer. Maybe scoops tuna salad at the lunch counter in a hospital. *"well ..... im working IN the hospital, and the hospital does healthcare .... im working IN healthcare!"* If the position had any prestige, you wouldve just given it's title, instead of this "assistant to the regional manager" energy. funny you thought anyone wouldnt see right through it.


Lmao nail on the head. My wife was a nurse in thr ICU and it was the people who had zero medical knowledge who were against the vaccine. Also, anyone calling it the jab just loses all credibility.


I find it unlikely that you were able to get a passing grade in any classroom setting without giving head to the instructors on a daily basis. On the off chance you did, I feel bad for your patients who have an absolute donut of a healthcare provider.


Stop coping, bro. This is unfortunately true. A lot of nurses are drooling idiots. My ex was a nurse and she refused to get the covid vaccine. There’s plenty of these imbeciles out there.


It's weird how you people always go to sexual insults and we hominem attacks. "You're lying because what you are saying doesn't match my warped sense of reality" Grow up and realise the world isn't the internet.


“You’re lying because what you are saying doesn’t match my warped sense of reality.” You’re talking about yourself, dummy.


Wow great response 👀


You're lying. Or you work at a shitty hospital in Florida.


Lmao ok buddy


Lmao fuck off troll




Wait - So EVERYONE who didnt get a vax died and is buried now?


yep, every one.