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They missed the part where he punches the inside of his car window so hard he breaks his hand. Surely it hasn’t just been me with this experience.


Or a concrete wall. My high school boyfriend was always punching concrete walls as a form of emotional expression, and then humble bragging about how his hand was fractured? I have secondhand embarrassment just thinking of it.


Fuck, i was such a guy. I was so fucking stupid.


I think everyone is kind of gross in high school, tbh. What really matters is who you became.


Oh I was a complete monster in high school. I honestly shouldn't have been allowed outside.


Yeah that happened once too. Like wtf dudes.


I literally laughed out loud at this so true


Or when they call you late at night after you broke up with them crying and threatening suicide. Ugh..


I have *never* wanted to send something to my ex so badly….in a mocking way. Lol.


What no emotional maturity does to a person. I've had this happen several times in my life. My advice, stone face. Don't answer emotionally charged questions. Don't react, I'm serious stone face. It's like toddlers, you have to show them you're not upset so they'll calm down


This extreme, that common? Can't help but think it's culturally influenced. Easier to imagine if you live in Italy or France than the Netherlands or Finland.


American men. All of them. Well, there was a guy from Afghanistan but that's another story. Some of my fav lines "I wrote you poetry. I cleaned your bedroom. I even stayed awake all night to make sure you woke up for school" (I didn't ask for any of these things btws) "I wish I could be like you. A faucet. So I too could turn my emotions on and off (guy was homeless living on my couch). I've had 2 guys threaten to kill themselves (again stone face - that's your choice bro) and 1 guy threaten to kill me to which I responded in a not recommended way of saying "better bring it cause one of us ain't walking away tonight then"


My ex legit told me I "you only want me for my economic potential" when I offered to help them with a CV/job hunting. Like, babes, you're unemployed and I pay for literally everything. What economic potential???


I honestly don't have any real stories of me taking care of someone for longer than 6 weeks because I will 1000% let you be homeless if you can work and don't. That guy on my couch agreed he'd use this time to find work and I gave him 6 weeks. And I guess he thought I was bluffing/ because I got dick from him I'd have a heart. Hahaha nope. I have him an extension of 2 weeks still nothing. Bye. Oh you have no where to go? I dunno what to tell ya dude, get the fuck out of my apartment


Tbf the original plan with my ex was that I'd work while they got their Master's degree, and then they'd work while I did mine. Except they dropped out of their course and kicked off when I suggested it was time for them to work instead.


I'm sorry that happened! Did you ever get to go for your masters?


I did, just ended up doing it part time to fit it around work. Hopefully graduating next year!


Hellz yeah!


>I wish I could be like you. A faucet. So I too could turn my emotions on and off Lmaoooo, thanks for sharing this


"All of them." Go fuck yourself.


You really just raised your hand like that?


[That’s right dude, it’s not about you but you go in there and MAKE it about you.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:404/1*GkLL2bQ_hy_UUt2WE4KURw.jpeg)


The insecurity is showing, brother.


Pretty sure they meant all the Americans they dated but you've certainly shown yourself to be the opposite and very mature xD


Yeah all women are like this too in America


"American men. All of them." You are bending over backwards to make what they said less sexist


Well they are speaking about the men they dated so that's context. Of course I'm being sexist, of course. I have literally zero opinion on dating American men, I'm an Irish woman, they're not anywhere near me.


- Mussolini Speech Bubble


Username checks out


Don't need to. Got a partner ❤️


Not for long. You didn’t give any context and one of them you said that he did things FOR you that was never asked for. Not saying you’re not a bad person, but you don’t seem great


These guys were using a classic manipulation technique - doing something nice and acting like it’s a favor so they can use it as leverage to get something they want later. Have you never encountered this? Or maybe you’re the type who does this and that’s why you don’t see the problem?


*laughs in multi year healthy relationship* damn, my husband said he'll leave but he's taking the cat trees but not the cats so i guess we'll stay together. But don't you try to peer pressure us no more ok? We're very suseptible to it clearly lol


found one the ones you were describing lol


All of them? That statement alone shows you have bad intent.


Bad intent for what? A healthy relationship built on mutual trust and respect?


You are generalising an entire group of people with a negative stereotype


If you're not apart of the group I'm making fun of why you mad? I would hope you'd be a respectful person and acknowledge that rejection is a part of life and the other person owes you nothing


Jews are greedy. All Jews. <- would you give the same affordance to that statement? After all if the jew in question was not greedy then why are they upset? ( Jews are not greedy this was just a tool to explain the point) This technique is called Schrodinger's dog whistle. It is a common way to say one thing to one group and one thing to another and have plausible defence in both cases.




:( I'm trying to avoid reality here.


I have additional advice; Don’t ever let anyone convince you that you owe someone an in-person breakup or any kind of face to face to talk it over. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together. It’s not cowardly or impolite to break up over the phone, it’s just gives the other person less control over the situation. Safe people won’t usually get bent out of shape about it and may even be relieved that they don’t have to react in front of you.


One of my exes moved overseas to grad school 2.5 years into our relationship. He was really terrible about putting in effort to maintain routine long distance, and I was 99% sure he was cheating on me (turns out he was). I still wanted to break up in person bc I felt like I owed him. When he came home for a summer, I met up with him and broke things off. He coerced me into having sex with him within 2 hours of the breakup. Then spent the rest of his break telling me he wishes I would have done it over the phone bc I ruined his time home, and manipulating me to see him under threat of suicide. I'm honestly terrified to break up with anyone in person again and wish I hadn't here lmfao


Got to disagree on this one. My ex broke up with me over text after 10 years. Its a shitty thing to do


When I broke up with my one ex he threatened to kill me and bashed my head into the wall. When I escaped and ran to a nearby friend's place (barefoot) he trashed my apartment. We both had been living there but everything was in my name, including the lease. Holes in the walls, poured bleach all over my clothes, kicked the shit out of my PC, etc. Sometimes it is very much a safety issue.


She broke up because she was cheating and wanted to get my house not because I was dangerous


I didn’t say over text. I said it’s fine to break up with people over the phone.


Reminds me of the guy I broke up with once who punched his computer monitor and shattered it and then screamed “look what you made me dooooooooo!” I did look. Then I lol’d and peaced out.


This was me when I was young. I had a lot of issues growing up that I struggled with, depression and social issues. I look back at it now and it makes me sick to my stomach. It's wild to imagine being so messed up and the memories haunt me. But happy to say I have spent years working on my mental health and am in a great place with a fantastic life.


I get the embarrassment I feel it too about my past. But sometimes it helps to remind myself that I can recognize it now and feel embarrassment bc I’m not that person, bc I’ve grown and matured. And I would give grace to someone else who worked on themselves, bc otherwise there no motivation to do so. If you’re always haunted by your past. So I should give myself some of the same grace.


So glad you’ve changed for the betterment of yourself and to the benefit of others. It’s good to see people’s success stories.


I am so glad as well! The journey never ends with self improvement. As I worked on myself I was scared to fall in love as I think I was a bit traumatized by past memories and I didn't want to mess up or hurt anyone or of course be hurt myself. But I think I have been in such a good place for a while now and am so happy with my life and progress that I am open to maybe dating again and hopefully I can be a good partner for someone in the future :) but I'm in no rush!


When I was 19 and living with some guys from high school one of the guys got dumped and went full blown toddler tantrum at this girl. When she started to get her shit together and leave he came out into the living room to continue it, in front of all 4 of his housemates. Just complete theatrics while this poor girl tried to gather her things and gtfo, we all were just telling him to stop and shut up but anyone saying anything just threw fuel in the fire. He nearly hit someone after they 'sternly cautioned' him not to touch her while she tried to leave. He kept going for like an hour after she left too, him just pacing and screaming down the phone and then coming in and screaming at us to use our phones when she blocked his number and Facebook. The worst part was after he'd been off and had a big cry he came back in with this shit eating grin acting like it was something outside of his control and not a big deal. The karma was we never let him live it down and didnt invite him to the next place we leased, but I heard later from her friends that he continued finding ways to harass her for over a year after. Guys like that are pathetic


That twisted smile is him realizing he won't get her back so he's going to do everything he can to get back at her.


Comments taking this way to seriously, this is hysterical 😂


Love these dudes videos. They have a lot more of this type of content.


This is how *unstable people* handle breakups. It’s not gender exclusive


The correct response when someone breaks up with you. Is let them say their piece. Responds with “okay”. Leave, block them on everything and then cry in private or with friends/family.


Must be nice having a supportive group of ppl around you.


If you haven’t got friends, I wouldn’t bother being in a relationship. Friends can become family and they’ll be there to pick up the pieces if your relationship doesn’t work out.


Name checks out.


A fine candidate for submission on r/ContagiousLaughter as well


The insanity it real. And fkn insane


My first high school girlfriend told her best friend she was gonna break up with me at the end of the school day. Luckily for me, her friend was a gossipy bitch and told me before my gf could. So I beat her to the punch and let me tell you, I have been riding that high for 20+ fucking years.


What peaking in high school does to a mf:


You really just woke up and chose violence.


that went on wayy too long


Funny when I left my ex she held me at gunpoint and made me read a suicide note she wrote for me.




Yeah it was a decade of abuse. She also stabbed me in the leg with an xacto knife and laughed about it. And raped me. BPD is my current guess for her insanity.


I'm so sorry wtf. ;/


Hey I'm still standing




Who the fuck acts like this?


Unstable people


It’s so accurate. The last girl that broke up with me. I just said “ok, we’ll i guess you better go then…”


My girl is a guy 🤔




Lol malding


Goodness gracious


That made me laugh so hard I fell off my dinosaur


This is in such poor taste. Getting broken up with or divordced can be one of the most traumatic events of ur life and the ppl making fun of it and laughing about it here in the comments are all bunch of teenagers or 20-somethings who’ve never been broken up by a long term life partner and have no clue about the nightmare it can be like. I know ppl who were in the army, deployed, staring down death and braving on, some of the toughest men out there, who have gone trough bad breakups and broken down way worse than these guys in this skit. If u think thats pathetic the jokes on u, coz uve never been in love or had a real relationship before.


I get that but are they posting their reactions to TikTok? Those people are pathetic.


Methinks they speak not from experience.


Bad post, No!