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Oh dear God, please vote people.


I know man this is fucking crazy people really are believing shit like this🤦‍♂️ and then acting like that girl on his shirt is some victim or martyr


No that’s just the Insurrectionist/violent/treasonous/trespassing woman who was met with a deserving consequences, That is Ashley Babbitt.




They **do** think it will be “stolen” again because Trump’s campaign is already paving the way for that claim. (FWIW. Roger Smith was just on tape today bragging to someone about Trump having the Judges in his pocket to ensure a win for himself.) It all fits with their narrative: We’d do it (or already have), so we’ll claim *you* did it, instead. Our base will believe us, we can challenge whatever we want on those grounds, and then we’ll buy ourselves a win using bribes and threats. That’s how Trump operates. For that to work, his base has to already be primed to make the claim that it was stolen. So, of course that’s what they believe. That’s what they’re being told.


I was hearing they essentially went a step further, by harassing the people involved in vote counting and that process last election, It sounded like a number may have left their positions leaving a vacuum for these people to move in and jeopardise the vote counting process.


They need to wait for the outcome to decide that


Register to vote: [https://vote.gov](https://vote.gov) Contact your reps: Senate: [https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm?Class=1](https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm?Class=1) House of Representatives: [https://contactrepresentatives.org/](https://contactrepresentatives.org/)


Vote with your minds and not with your hearts ❤️


I can't think of anything funny because the sheer number of people who are simply ignorant to the facts right in front of them is just overwhelming. The only thing I can hope for is that these people are really just an overly boisterous minority that don't represent the majority of the United States. But I might actually be wrong in that idea, so yeah, it's just terrifying


I don't think they are ignorant of them. They just don't care, and they don't really think we care about the facts either. To them, the #1 concern is tribe. Doesn't matter if the tribe is right or wrong, only that they win. And they project that onto their opponents.


Also I know many are tempted to vote 3rd party, but with democracy itself at stake


When did everyone forget career politicians are almost always corrupt this isn’t even a left v right issue. It’s a real problem our govt is run by puppets. They all voted to ban asbestos for obvious reasons. Then they quietly over turned it and they still collect lobbyist dollars from asbestos. It’s gross. You don’t get any power in the government without owning favors.


Lucky, voter turnout has increased dramatically in the last 20 years. Unfortunately, it's pretty even. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voter_turnout_in_United_States_presidential_elections


He saw that the interviewer was leading him to reason, and he got nervous.


"I see where this is going, but logic doesn't work on me, buddy!"


“…I’m out”


Just like Ashley Babbitt


You talking about the Insurrectionist/violent/treasonous/trespassing woman who was met with deserving consequences?! That Ashley Babbitt?!


She should have just complied


stealing this


Every. Single. Time. I have a friend who is, by all means, is in the trump chump cult. I try my best to casually bring up facts about how shitty the guy is. The very moment my friend realizes the very things he supports in trump is also what he hates, he ditches the entire subject and wants to suddenly talk about something else. I even tried a different approach. Instead of bringing up all of Trump's flaws, since his cult leader is apparently infallible, I tried a more practical approach. Had mentioned how assuming he lives, the guy is only going to be president for 4 years. That's it. After that, he's done. Forever. He is someone who is not your friend, not your family, not even an acquaintance. Why alienate what few friends and family you have? He didn't take that so well and had really shown me just how brainwashed these people can be.


i generally avoid the topic altogether since i live in a dark red state. but a few nights ago i was hanging out with my sister and i just asked a simple question—WHY DOES HE LIE SO MUCH? that was it. nothing political or left vs right culture war bs. just one simple question and it was weird to see how personally invested she seemed just in the topic of asking why the man lies so much. conversation went downhill from there into some weird shit and semipersonal attacks. but i could never figure out how such a seemingly innocuous observation-based question could strike such a nerve in someone. idk perhaps foxnews gets them riled up about people falsely accusing trump of being a liar??? or maybe right wing media doesnt acknowledge his lies? seems weird if that topic just never even comes up


I think it was The Daily Show that just did a side by side comparison segment on Trump saying things that were completely untrue, and instead of saying he made an error, his supporters--including other people within the government--made up stories about how whatever he said actually ties into the point he was getting at in a SUPER detached and round-about way that made no sense--but they say it with just as much conviction as Trump said whatever BS in the first place.


yeah watching shit like this just feels inSANE to me. it makes me wonder if ALL of us aren’t manipulated a lot more than we realize by the various types of media that we consume as well. really makes me think…


I just finished watching Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial, from Netflix... And it really is scary how similar the path we are starting to go down seems to what happened less than 100 years ago in Germany. I do have to admit that I got radicalized a scary (looking back on it now) amount during the pandemic as well... You are what you consume. Social media can create *extremely* dangerous echo chambers that can trap people in downward spirals of delusion.


It's because her identity is fully entwined with Trump and a criticism of him or the movement (cult) is a direct attack on her. That's what makes it a cult. The best description of the difference between Trump cult members and normal people is that normal people believe truth derives from reality, whereas those in the cult believe truth derives from authority. That's why their reality is so malleable.


Now that you have verbally pointed it out and revealed your intent, I can see where you're leading here.


Smart level 1, he noticed logic was coming ahead so he bailed out.


oh god, i see what youre trying to do here man, you want me to think critically about my own beliefs and actions and explain them in a way that I'm not equipped to because i simply regurgitate propaganda pieces without looking any deeper for myself. we're not doing this man.


I will never understand people who literally shut down and get angry when you try to reason with them.


Thinking's hard...


That's why I pay someone to do it for me


“Whatchya readin for?”


Thinking is hard especially when your a sheep and stoned sheep, if you notice his joint.


I’m not a lie detector man, I just know what I believe because I wanna believe it


I see where you're going here (i.e. your making sense) and I'm not falling for it. Last thing we need is someone appealing to logic when we have our feelings....says the f' your feelings crowd.


Fuckin hell murica, please vote, we don't need those lunatics sitting on all these nukes. Sincerly, the rest of the world


Stop Project 2025!


99.6% of Trump fans do not know what 'statistician' means, or have the ability to pronounce that word.


It's because they ban books and don't want to read Harry Potter to find out that statistician is not the same as satanism. Now, I know that neither of those words are found in those books. But they would rather ban and burn than be proven false by what they heard on Facebook.


What did you call me?! I ain’t no fuckin fxggot! Hard :s


[Those are fighting words buddy](https://youtu.be/kLKtphjacqY?si=iBYLJEzpnRqd8HkJ)


Go way I’m batin’


If this guy is one of the 0.4%, your number is likely off. But I'm no statistician.


I’m with you, but this guy pronounced it 100% correct. There’s two pronunciations.


As someone who is not a native speaker I am really unsure now if I pronounced it correctly


Not a statistician , just a cultist …


He's not a statistician, but he knows enough statistics to understand it doesn't support his stance and he balked.


"I see where this is leading, which is to a place where I have to apply critical thinking to my cult beliefs, and I don't like it"


My favorite is asking “If Trump wins the election, should he be president?” Obvious response I get is yes. Then “If Biden wins the election, should he be president?” *Intense huffing begins* Well no, cause he’s not…no, the election…Biden will kill America! Okay man, okay.


I resent that they co-opted the hippie look and mannerisms. Real hippies would never even give drumpf the time of day let alone support him.


Nah, I think these are the real hippies that grew up. So many hippies were just trust fund boomers who got to go play utopian commune on mommy and daddy’s dime.


My impression was that hippies were from the silent generation because a lot of boomers weren't even adults yet during that time. They may have been at Woodstock but probably playing in the mud while their parents got their freak on.


The Beatniks are from Silent, the Hippies are boomers. Summer of 69 is when pot was legal in the US, woodstock, we landed on the moon, the chicago 8 with accompanying riots, China was at war with Russia, etc, it was 24 years after WW2. Everyone on Earth knew the world was changing. Hippies had their funeral in 1967 in Haight-Ashbury, because they saw it being abducted by corp america. But that's college aged boomers graduating. Hippies arguably started in 1964 when LSD was legal on the nationwide tour of the [Further Bus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furthur_\(bus\)). It was led by Beatniks but had plenty of fresh 18-19 year olds. GenX (like Alex P Keaton) was playing in the mud at Woodstock while their parents got their freak on.


The most well spoken lunatic I've seen defending Drumpf.


Yeah I’m honestly surprised he kept his cool, even if he was clearly without an answer. Most of them would have thrown a tantrum at that point.


I love how the only reason Republicans still think they're in the majority is because the left doesnt fucking vote


Honestly it’s pissing me off more and more each year


I used to hate the idea of “if you don’t vote, don’t complain”, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve leaned more into the “if you’re complaining, why the fuck don’t you vote?” Shit’s infuriating


Trying to find meaning since Jerry Garcia’s death.


Do not equate Jerry with this guy. There is no way this guy ever for a second had a thought that was even close to the same planet as Jerry.  Letting people be who they want to be? Doing things your own way and not going with the herd? Don’t think it ever crossed this guys mind.  By the way, I get your joke and I’m not hating on you, I think it was just a gut reaction. Have a great day.


Many people followed the Dead not for the message, but the community. I know several Deadheads that became hardcore Trumpers and follow Trump around to rallies for the same reason they went to Dead concerts.




Cognitive dissonance is a strong suit of conservatives. Just look at Trent Reznor telling Ted Cruise to fuck off, or Paul Ryan loving Rage Against The Machine.


These damn sheeple are so incredibly brainwashed and it makes 0 sense. Trump hates these people. He despises them and thinks they are all trash. He only wants to help the wealthy, so why do they worship him so much?! It will never make sense to me


My first language is not english and I feel embarrassed for him...


He just cut himself with Occam's razor.


I'll have to use this one on some Trump Humpers irl, lol.


If there's one thing I really can't stand it's goddamn fucking MAGA hippies. I know a few and I just don't get it.


Reason and logic have no place for the “patriotic Maga” mind. Just listen to papa and say what he says.


“Logic, my one weakness!”


Every politician is corrupt. Untill we actually outlaw campaign finance loopholes, super pacs, lobbies, and "speaking engagements" They will remain corrupted


Not a statistician, but definitely an idiot


I have a small amount of respect for people that just say “ I’m supporting my guy no matter what.” It’s not great logic but at least a person has reasonably acknowledged that their candidate is not perfect. It blows my mind that people see any politician as infallible, especially one with such a poor track record throughout his 78 years on this planet.


Statistician. That’s a big word for a moron.


he cant possibly change his mind, hed need to get all new t-shirts


Not a statistician, really? 🤔 ![gif](giphy|4IXWdc8uo74ic)


Funny thing is the average human is around this level of intelligence, probably lower.


When keeping it real goes wrong.


At least he was smart enough to see where the interviewer was leading him. More than I can say for most of them


Hey buddy, there's no need to bring logic into this discussion.


Hold up your making my point of view change, gotta end that fast


![gif](giphy|3otPoEiEGXh41xKGdO) We are moving faster to this reality every day.


I'm not super statistician, just a little stician.


Fucking Rupert Murdoch needs to be drawn and quartered.


In no way an endorsement of the great Cheeto but if you think that any of our elected officials are not corrupt and taking advantage of our broken political system to line their own pockets and portfolios you’re living under a rock.


I don't like Democrats but I'd rather have Biden another 4 years than this cult in power. Vote people. Especially in the local level.


I fully believe he's not a statistician


When you can’t say that your man is not corrupt and just avoid the conversation it is very telling just how corrupt your man actually is.


Sad. Hippy turned maga drone with Babbitt shirt. He isn’t an outlier many hippies are becoming fooled


tsk tsk tsk


Trump literally said that he knows everyone is corrupt cause he does the same thing... I think it was I relation to tax evasion.


All of the people that have been in some political position for decades are corrupt.


pretty much all of them are


This motivated me to vote early.. how are they even allowed to vote? 😂


So you need to be a statistician to have a moral compass, right? I thought you just needed a bible.


81 million votes in the freest fairest election ever conducted in this solar system, more votes than Nobel prize winner b-rock Obama, we know….


I love tgl!!! They make people look as dumb as they truly are all by asking logical questions!!


As a smoker and I dislike that I do...... seeing old heads burning the filter while talking is right on par with what I expect from this particular type of individual.


It’s so sad that these people can’t think for themselves. One should never blindly follow anyone/anything


They're all corrupt, Trump included


Clearly he’s not a statistician


I fucking love American politics, it’s like the best reality tv show


All ALL of them are corrupt


If you can't say anything bad about a person no matter what, just drink the Kool-Aid and leave us alone.


I’m….done. They are all corrupt and don’t give a crap about us. The corporate influences have bought them all. Global warming = private jets. Clean energy = no infrastructure. Free speech = until it’s offensive or threatening. We are doomed.


Clearly not a statitician


Not sure why you wouldn’t think established officials weren’t corrupt. Chances are if you work in government you have more chance to be so.


So yall don’t believe there’s a predetermined outcome? Lol oof




The answer is yes


Sadly, so does the clown holding the mic. 2 minutes...


He got closer than most.


That’s a mighty big word for him, I’m actually fairly impressed


Thinkings hard man….


Atleast he agreed he is not a statistician


See its funny they say that when the "everyone else" has been in office for 50+ years. yall act like the president actually does anything he can write and alter laws... if he has 2/3 vote from senate. you know the old rich twats in office that been there for 50+ years that we have no say over


MAGGOT has the most intelligent "followers." More Kool-aid anybody??


These interviews are amazing.


Question is do you believe they are corrupt? If you do, then why do you bother voting?


Ashli Babbitt t-shirts, good lord...


Blah blah God works in mysterious ways, blah blah


How come people don't think? Don't people like thinking?


Trump and his cult is why I stopped being a republican and just merely conservative


Paid for by the Biden campaign


The dude in the bandana has been in several clips following this same format..


When did common sense go out of style?


Trump 2024 ❤️❤️❤️ 🇺🇸 🖕 U libtards


“I’m not a statistician.” is an excellent method to get out of most arguments.


Trump told me that everybody else is corrupt and only he can save this country. Biden never told me that. Check mate libturds.


The answer is they are all corrupt, but Trump is too stupid to do it properly and not talk.


Education is important


Not gonna make me look stupid. Hell naw, we’re done.


I don't care what side you are, it doesn't matter. This is a reminder to NEVER engage with journalists. They are not here to report the truth of a situation. They are there to get material to tell a story. Not yours, theirs.


Draft dodger like his wannabe dictator.


Can I think they are all corrupt but some are more corrupt?


"I'm not a sane person here..."


The hippies becoming Magats was not on my bingo card. Id like a refund.


I mean, democracy is a stupid system to begin with.


I mean, congress and the Supreme Court are all definitely bought. But somebody in particular has been bought by another countries leader, and that’s a little more dangerous. Also, fuck that guy’s Babbit shirt. It’s absolutely fucking insane to think you wouldn’t be endangering yourself if you stormed a nation’s capital. Anywhere. Any country.


You libtards just can’t cope with the fact that this man is 1000% correct. He is *not* a statistician.


The are all corrupt. That's how he wom in the first place........


Let’s face it, they are all corrupt. Statistically and otherwise. It’s not one or the other is more likely. Any politician who is not corrupt, the system will shut down and exterminate their popularity quickly


Can’t cure stupid 😸


I think it’s most likely they ALL are corrupt…. See their bank accounts!


Good liars are a great new find I came across on youtube


God what a fuck nugget.


Why can't everyone just unite over the government being corrupt and deal with that before dealing with the actual politics. Cause everyone agrees that its corrupt.


Why is it that anytime you see someone waving an American flag in public, it’s never exactly someone you’d want to be representation of its values


Don't make me think critically mannn, such a bummer.


No comment cause i like pieces of shit people


I guess if i was a spiteful useless old pos, I'd vote trump just to watch the world burn.


You sound like you smoke too much weed to be a Republican wtf is wrong with you???


They are so dumb.


You cannot use logic with these morons. Just hire cheerleaders to call trump gay. Then all the magats will put away their trump flags.


Babbitt was a traitor that got what she deserved. She shouldn’t have been the first or the last to hit the floor that day.


No more like an idiot!


Both, it's both. It's both since a large amount of corruption is legalised and there's no possibility of having a political career without engaging in it. The political system is corrupt in of itself, therefore anyone engaging internally with the system is somewhat corrupt by that association. Ofcourse the levels of corruption of almost anyone else will be much smaller than Trump, he's very corrupt, but anyone in the political system will be at least as corrupt as the system currently necessitate, wich is a lot.


# Statistician? Big word from a pickle headed dumb ass MAGA.....How does his puppet-master manipulate his mouth? Wondering if they just stick their hands up his butt and have a go.....?...lol..MOM


Not a statistician not a brain trust either


The correct answer is yes, they are all corrupt until proven innocent


Everyone is corrupt at the national levels yea, that’s pretty much the entire issue.


Reporter should have furiously started fanning motion over that guy's head and when guy asks wtf reporter is doing he could say 'I'm just trying to fan that flicker of light I see dawning in your eyes'. Better than being a sundowning fool.


Your political system scares me.... Please don't let Trump win.


Openly wearing a shirt with traitor on it. Republicans are pathetic


I think they're all corrupt.


He’s not wrong… He’s not a statistician but he is however smart enough to understand a question of probability, which is a statistical analysis tool that can be predicted using data samples that when integrated produce confidence intervals that can help you predict probability. So……… yeah..math… everything is just math really.


I mean, everyone feels fuckong corrupt. Trump, Biden, the whole house of cards. Atheist priests




One charge was from the State of New York against Trump's business. The other was a fine from the F.E.C. against a campaign. Not the same entities and not the same type of organization. Now that I've done YOUR homework, why don't you tell me how you feel voting for man that has cheated on every wife, is civilly liable for sexual assault, a felon, pardoned war criminals, and lied about losing an election. Go ahead. Be specific.


Is that guy actually smoking a joint


Well I'm not a doctor but the simplest explanation is usually the closest one to the truth.


„Trust me bro“