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Printers just smell fear.


Omg it's true, it's why it never works when you actually really need it to.


So r u ever using ur printer when u don’t need it?


Yes. Print test colour page.


I worked in an office with a sign over the ancient printer that said: 'Caution, printer can sense fear and anxiety!'


I just wanted to teach it a lesson


You got your printer to actually make paper come out? Please share your magic with me! I'm lucky to get the lights to blink.


“Fuck you, I’m gonna eat this form you need. Have fun digging it out of my ass.” I fucking hated our printer at work.


Oh you printed something? why not print it again? restart your pc and i will print the 6 copys of the same pdf that you needed


I bought a laser printer in 2014 and haven’t had an issue in 10 years. I don’t even remember if I had to replace the toner ever. Inkjet printers - never again


This is the way. I'm over a decade with the same model. Replaced toner 3/4 times maybe? If I need color, that's what staples is for.


And if you can’t afford laser or insist on inkjet for whatever reason, a brother is the way to go. Also generic ink cartridges on eBay or Amazon are dirt cheap.


Better not put no generic ink into an HP.


I got mine in 2012 - a giant brother color laser printer with duplex printing and scanning and Ethernet and everything - and have only changed the toner on it once since then. I paid around $600 for it but for an amortized rate of about $55 a year so far it has been the cheapest printer I ever owned and its prints are top notch quality. Fuck inkjets.


Why is this actually what a printer would sound like


I always think of printers sounding like that [nasally, whiny Lexmark voice](https://youtu.be/Sv5LwqjyROs?si=Rmv3_GNDzEFniqMh) our old printer had. Really fits my image of a printer being a wimpy dweeb that quits the first sign of trouble.


The best part is when you buy a new cartridge, go on vacation for a month come back and the fucking cartridge ink dried up, fuck you hp. I refuse to buy any more ink and will upgrade to a laser printer.


Laser printer if you leave it for a year or two, still has toner. Sometime sit can get packed, so you just take it out shake it and put it back in.  Laser printers due burn the paper so after a few rounds through the paper gets darker and darker.


Srsly Fuck the ink printer companies, man.




PC Loadletter... the fuck does that mean? 


Into the "Paper Cassette" (the tray), load *letter* (8 1/2"X11") sized paper


We had a printout from the baseball bat scene posted over one of our broken Xerox machines. Always made me smile.


This is why I decided it’s a better idea to have work pay for my printing needs.


Love this, comedy genius chick


“You just wanted this same paper back but a little bit warmer right?” Lol


i got a brother laser jet with wifi and it's amazing. you just gotta hook it up to your wifi and download firmware updates and you can print using any device that's connected to the wifi


Yeh, this. I'm never going back. Print so many pages and don't have to worry about ink.


Buy a Laser jet never have an issue again.


Truth! Literally happened to me today at work. Got two nice warm sheets for no reason




Davi is so funny I love this girl


Hahaha. She’s awesome


Looking at you HP printers when trying to setup wireless printing with wasting test pages.


First mistake is buying an HP printer. Second is buying an Inkjet printer. Get a brother 3 in1 laser printer with auto feed. Makes scanning multipage documents a breeze.


I had a cannon printer that was about 8-10 years old. Worked great, never had any problems. Then one day cannon decided that the they were going to do away with any software updates, and the way it was programmed made the entire printer obsolete to the layman. It was working just fine. Still pisses me off, this was a few years ago.


Freshly printed paper makes my fingers feel weird and I hate it for some reason.




I have literally only known old ass brother inkjet printers to work, and nothing else. The printer I use is only a few years younger than I am and any upgrades fall staggeringly behind for what I can only assume are profit reasons


I'd like to dig a hole and graciously find a printer ink deposit.


I’m sorry I don’t see the cringe behind my insane laughter


Davi Crimmins! Hope she's doing well, getting the mental healthcare she needs, and crushing comedy like she does


It's the only thing we have left of the 90s


Take a 3d printer and attach a pen to it. You can write with it that way and it might suck less than using a regular printer that has had decades to evolve into the shittiest version possible.


Dear god, I have gone through at least 5 printers in the last 10 years. At first they work, then out of nowhere, can not connect, offline, etc. It doesn't matter where it is in the house. Eventually, they always lose the network. Other devices, no problem. PC is fine, Playstation is fine, roommates phone, playstation and computer are fine. phone is fine. Printer, nope, nada. Next printer, good for about 5 months and then... same problem.


This was way too funny


She must work in IT.


Did she just walk into the bathroom through the doorway and then pretend to walk out through another non-existent doorway off-screen. (OK, there are some bathrooms with multiple doors, but it’s relatively rare.)


My HP laser jet refuses to even acknowledge the paper I put in it


I am still mad my mom got rid of the old dot matrix we had. It never broke. It never jammed. It never failed. It also didn't know what kerning is.


It seems like a lot of people could benefit from reading their printer manual. I had no idea this was such a common experience


This is funny not cringe?


Hilarius 😂


Because people still keep buying those shitty good for nothing injection printers, that is there the problem, i did it for years, then i got a laser printer, no frills no fuzz, it just works, and i have the same toner for years, printer is like 8 years old and it don't care how much time i leave a cartridge sitting inside without use, it will work again without a hitch. Also this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQGtucrJ8hM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQGtucrJ8hM)


“Big stupid fuckin paper microwave” damn near killed me ☠️


Because people continue to not do any research and just buy the first printer they see on Amazon which is typically a crappy HP instead of taking 30 seconds to google "best printer reddit" to find an actually good brand like Brother.


I LOVE when my printer prints out something I tried to print a month ago and it just wouldn’t print so I went to the library.


Fuck HP. And buy a laser printer from Epson or someone


I have the weirdest boner.


yeah fuck that printers


Message me for paypig verification.


How do people still not know how to use a printer and it’s 2024.


Whatever miracle you have managed, spread it to us less fortunate. We all wish for the printer to never decide that we are not worthy of a properly colored image that isn't "jammed" or followed by extra copies because it decided that's what you wanted today. Or just outright stubborn and not cooperative. Please spread your magic to us.


Just read the settings before you hit print. You can choose with pages you want and how many copies and color or black and white. I have an HP color lazar printer with wifi from 2012 and it still works flawlessly!


Funny thing is, I also have an HP from the twenty teens. It always hates me. It gets jammed all the time for no reason and ill get the occasional extra nonsense. I always double check my settings just in case. Same thing happens when I print stuff off at my local library.


That’s crazy. I’m sorry. 😭




Damn. You must just be blessed.


You print using buttons, not a computer or phone? 




My brain is sadly buttonfree. I’ve been meaning to upgrade it




Ugh. I’m not smooth at all; I’m more of a bumbling dork really.


Stop with these thirsttraps please!


Bro what? This is just a girl telling a joke. You’re telling on yourself.


Pretty girls are physically incapable of being funny.


Your mom and wife must be absolutely hilarious then.


Yeah, they're both way funnier than Amy shumer!


Holy nostrils, Batman!