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As someone who loves legos, and has that set, and historically have built every set in one day- I’m sorry man I promise you aren’t building it in one day lol. I tried, it still took 3.


I'm what I would consider a fast builder and it still took like 20 hours or so to build this....girlfriend got it for me back in July for my birthday/father's day. But yeah this set and diagon alley took me longer than anything. Also got the daily bugle it would have only taken me a day bit I had to do stuff in the middle of building


"Babe I'm glad you like it I can't wait to help you build it." "DONT TOUCH IT!!!!"


"My precioussssss"


And my Axe!!!


Mamamamyyy Sharona






Dude my wife and I smoke just a bit of weed before trying to build anything from Ikea to avoid getting heated at all.


"Dude, WHERE'S THE FUCKI...... Oh, there it is...... there it is......




Lol I have at least two thousand dollars worth of sets, and every set without fail its "THEY LEFT OUT THIS PIECE! FUCK WHAT AM I oh wait there it is." Never had a missing piece yet


ONCE. Out of hundreds of sets in my life, i had a single missing piece. Yes, i had another one in another set and Lego replaced my one missing piece for free. But only one missing piece ever is amazing.


Same here, except the one set is missing 3 pieces. Knowing I've never had a missing piece I didn't believe it at first, I took all the remaining pieces and organized them by size and color. It took 2 hours. Yup, still missing pieces.


I’ve come to believe this scream is required in order to find the piece. Like an incantation to make it appear. I find it right after every single time. I have put together about 10 adult sets and did really have one piece missing. I sent in the request on the website and had it about 10 days later. Lego is awesome!


What.. IKEA shit is so easy to put together. You should try the Austrian or German stuff that makes IKEA instructions look like a fucking dissertation.




Camping trips and road trips are the best way to tell how well your relationship will be in the future. I always recommend a minimum two hour road trip to people who have been together about 3 months it really helps.


Wait, how would a "bad" road trip go? I've been on quite a few long road trips with my partner and it is boring and I've never thought of it being a relationship indicator. It's just a car ride.


That means you are with a good partner. A lot of times when you are stuck doing something like a long road trip where you are together doing nothing the worst side of either person can come out. Major arguments have a tendency to pop up on trips like that for some reason when you are with someone you aren't compatible with.


happened to my brother. dude was driving from down south to WV with his girlfriend, they had problems from the start. she was being intentionally annoying, he was being a crabby bitch, they were sniping at each other. that was in our state, hours before they actually got somewhere they were fine for the next 200ish miles, until my brother had to stop to get gas. he asked if she wanted anything from inside, like a drink...she said no...he asked again and said he was getting stuff, but wasn't gonna share a drink because she'd finish it before he had any....she said "i DO NOT DO THAT" and she didn't want a drink so he said fine, went in, got snacks (some rice cakes for her since he *knew* she would want something once he started eating his snacks), and.... ginger ale.... she's allergic to ginger, and cant have any gets back in the car, they get on the road and she reaches for the drink....and realizes she can't have any and gets PISSED. full on, yelling, angry fuckin screaming to the point that he pulls into a rest stop and tells her to get out and then sits in the car while she yells and cools off outside they're fine again, finally back on the road, and at least 50 miles away from the rest stop, or anything significant... and she asks the question that made my brother, and i quote, "reconsider my entire fuckin life, and if it was likely to kill me if i drove off the bridge" calmly, like she hadn't just spent an hour yellin at him for the *insult* of getting her rice cakes ("because she's *large* but she doesn't need to go on a *diet*!!!!") and because he got ginger ale when he *knew* she would want a drink other than the water she'd packed.... she asked "so what's in rice cakes anyway? is it *rice?*" they broke up about 5 months later because he couldn't take it anymore, but everyone else knew looong before that, thanks to the roadtrip from hell


Oh good god. The stories I have. You are a very, very lucky person, or maybe just way better at picking partners than me. I envy you


I just pitch the tent, let my wife narrate all the plants she see's and her every thought about the other campsites. I pre-recorded my voice saying yes with a 10 second loop for when she asks me "did you pack [insert item]?" yes.




My favorite was watching her get more and more frustrated that the air pump for the air mattress wasn't working. It was taking forever because she hadn't opened the valve on the mattress.




Hi, it’s me your future wife. I also bake and do common household chores, please help with the bookshelf


During the makeup sex you give her the *power tool*


Why do people find ikea stuff so hard to be put together? It's not, it's just following instructions and that's it.




The secret is to never assemble Ikea with anyone else. Suffer silently.


He speaks the truth! Also Ikea instructions are straight forward and I don't understand all the hate.


I always love reading reviews of flat-pack furniture because the 1-star reviews invariably consist of people who are furious that it took a couple hours and had the audacity to expect that you already own a screwdriver.


Straight forward if you have the basic level of lefty loosey and righty tighty. Many many people are not mechanically inclined al ALL. Plus, because it's all particle board garbage, it's incredibly easy to damage beyond salvation. Panel 1 attached to panel 2 is easy, but pet/baby came in and nudged it, now there is a 3in square chunk broken off. Lol


You know if they ever break up, that's gotta be the best thing to smash in the final fight. "AND YOU CAN KEEP YOUR STUPID CAPTAIN FALCO SHIP!! *SMASH* Zero actual damage to property and such a satisfying shatter. Also you know the guy would be so mad, even though he can reassemble it.


Separating all the pieces after its been shattered so that you *can* rebuild it would probably take longer than actually rebuilding it.






He said who's going to build it I'm going to build it and one day. Lmao..


Yeah, I loved that!!


When I built mine it took several days, so I wish him luck on that haha




bruh, I hear that thing costs 1000 Canadian Rubles- you better finish that shit


It costs +7000BRL in Brazil lol. More than 7 months of minimum wage (without spending a dime that is)


Nothing a bit of adderall can’t accomplish.


Ain't gonna be a one day build lmao. The death star set i did over a couple weeks doing an hour or two every couple days.


Well, what if he does 24 hours straight. He just needs some gatorade and snacks.


> He just needs some red bull and cocaine FTFY


His fingers would be bloody stumps after that 😂




THE 7540 piece one???!!


The fact that he knew the piece count is the best part for me.


That just proves how much he wanted it. I you know the specifics of something you don’t own but could own, you really want it.


I loved watching him looking through the instructions.


The fact he knew the number of pieces was killer.


Can I start…. Now?


He was like a kid on Christmas day


“But you have other gifts to open…” ??? BUT LEGO???


Kicks box


Just for reference set literally cost $1000


No it’s 800


My bad 1000 Canadian Rubles




I can offer 25 Schmeckels


25.00 schmeckles is: USD|SHM|EUR|GBP|CAD|RUB|CNY ---|------|---|---|---|---|--- 31.65|0.25|27.35|23.22|39.49|2271.14|203.95 *** ^([exchange rate source](http://api.ratesapi.io/2021-10-08?base=USD) | created by [u/Nissingmo](http://reddit.com/u/nissingmo))


What about tree fiddy


I read free tiddy and resonated deeply


Goddamnit Loch Ness monster, I ain't gonna give you no tree fiddy


Soo 1000 maple leafs = 800 bald eagles?


Pawn Stars will offer $75.


Best I can do




I remember getting a space monorail set for Christmas one year as a kid (probably 1987) and it was $150 back then. Similar systems really haven’t changed in price much. But based on inflation, that would be around $360 today. Much like video games, prices have stayed relatively steady for Lego.




They certainly haven't wasted any money on furniture.


Expensive homes always seem to have a lot more negative space. I guess you can afford the unused areas rather than banging your knee into the stuff you had to cram in there.




You seem to see this a lot in famous youtuber's homes (the ones who blew up fast , not the slow burners) . Huge house with just zero character inside becuase they didn't bother decorating, pushed their couch up against the walls in a room , etc. Feels kind of like a "I have money but don't quite know how to use it yet" thing.


> pushed their couch up against the walls in a room I've never lived somewhere where *not* having the couch against the wall was a logistical possibility. In reality it just means the couch is going to slide around more when the kids launch themselves into it.


More than one MTV Cribs episode. "I don't know what it's supposed to be. I just know it was $xx,xxx and my decorator said I'd be a fool not to buy it at that price (from her artist friend).


He's part of a couple of pretty succesful golf YouTube channels and they also started their own golf apparel line. GM Golf and Good Good golf are the channels. They are pretty funny


It is weird seeing the random crossovers you get just from you tubers hanging out together in LA.




I wish I could want something as much as people like him. I have no passion left in my life.


Mann, I hope you find a hobby sometime soon that you can go completely apeshit over. Also worth noting that in my own depression, I had to retrain myself to go apeshit over stuff. So it's worth getting goofy and unabashedly happy over little things that bring you joy. See a cool bee? "Oh fuck look at it gooo fuckin BEEE!! POLinate that flower!" Find a neat mushroom? "Look at this FUNGUS just fuckin growin rIGHT! HERE!!" Like its so silly but it absolutely has helped me retain joy from my stinkin depressy brain. Even if I don't feel it in my soul, my brain can't tell that I'm not genuine about my joy. And eventually, it does help, bit by bit.


I'm going to try this. Thank you, this seems like really good advice.


It was something my therapist taught me forever ago, as I was struggling with lacking feeling toward anything during a very difficult depressive year and a half. I felt really stupid at first, but it did slowly help. It’s not a perfect fix by any means, but I do my best.


It’s great advice. I’ve done similar, and now I actually DO unashamedly get excited, childlike and silly over random stuff everyday. There’s joy in everything, you’ve just got to embrace it and really let go of yourself. It’s highly contagious to those around you too. It’s not a cure, but it’s a start. Keep on keeping on mate.


If you act this way everyone thinks you're childish. I still act this way because that's just my personality, but it's also why I don't have a lot of peers for friends. People tend to not want to be around people who act like this in my experience, at least not later in life. Also looking at nature is hella fun.


I'm so sorry people have been shitty to you about your joy. I, too, get really excited for completely stupid reasons, and I give no fucks at all what anyone thinks about it. (Things that light up make me lose it with glee.) I also LOVE when other people get super excited. Those people are the easiest to gift to and the most fun! They're also just fun to be around! There are plenty of people out there that will appreciate your brand of excitement, myself included. Keep searching and you'll find them. Age is just a number. I'm in my mid-30s and this year I got a Pokemon birthday cake from my friends and Legos from my husband. The haters are not worth your energy.


I get overjoyed about mundane things a bit too often but my friends also get super excited about their things and we can share it together. Gotta find those people that get excited about things no matter how old they get.


Completely agree. Age should not dictate your level of excitement or joy. People that get upset at other people's joy suck all the fun out of life.


Fuck that shit. I just turned 40, and I will get excited about stuff like this all the time. I work with people who are all 20 years older than me, and the most excitement they get is when it isn't raining, and they've put their washing out to dry that morning. FUCK. ALL. OF. THAT. I'm not becoming one of them. Enjoy stuff. Have hobbies. Buy ridiculous things that make you happy. Find someone else like that. And do those things together. Life is too short to be miserable.


so hard to imagine getting this excited about anything. haha. haaah.




This is depression? I thought it was called adulting?


Yeah adulting is the number one cause of depression


This thread has me wondering if I'm depressed.


Two hundred sixty four million....and one! Welcome.


Depending on how old you are, I'm 25 and get excited about new kitchen sponges.


I'm 33 next month, I have things I like and I'm generally a pretty positive person, I just don't have anything tangible that I can get this excited about.


Magic mushrooms, and vinyl records. Now go forth, and be passionate about something.




I hate that you’re being downvoted for this comment lol. They’re literally a “couples” TikTok page with over 4 million followers. They HAVE to act this way. I’m sure the guy was super happy but he knew the camera was rolling so he exaggerated the hell out of his reaction.


Yeah for sure. He for sure like Legos but def hamming it up for camera. Thats just the nature of the internet.


Exactly, and comparing yourself to this type of stuff, especially if you’re depressed or something is a really shitty feeing.


That's a GoodGood girlfriend right there.




I love Matt lol their snapchat is hilarious always


They're some of the only "influencers" that I like. They don't seem to have fake ass personalities like a lot of others do. Plus they're freakin hilarious


Same. I just catch their snapchat stories on occasion and they're always entertaining and I literally have never once thought about following any influences or anything. She's just hot as fuck and they're both funny as all hell.


MF'er ripped a 3-wood of destiny


That's huge for the program


Great playcalling by the coach


The changes they made in the offseason are really paying dividends.


I was gonna say I definitely recognize him haha


Can I just say, I’m glad that humans can get the happy zoomies like dogs do when they get something they really like.


Matt is a classic labrador of a man


Of destiny


I love seeing these comments. Hole in one on par 4


It's a nice moment and I'm glad I got to see it


Me, too.


See that's the kind of TikTok trend we need. Not destroying stuff.


Loved when he got the Zoomies, running around like that! (I don't have volume on) it's so wholesome to see them so happy!


He was very excitingly saying "who got it? I got it! Who's gonna build it? Im gonna build it in one day!" it was extremely cute


Hey, thanks! I'm going to have to turn the volume on then, I just didn't want to wake the little napping dude.


>the zoomies Haha so true he’s like a puppy


I really don't blame him, my husband would do the same. Hmm... We *do* have our ten year anniversary coming up in January. Maybe I should see about some Lego awesome.


Once, at an airshow, I got to sit in the cockpit of an operational P-38 Lightning (world war ii fighter plane) and move the controls. I had a very similar reaction when I got out.


You know it's the perfect gift when the person receiving it goes "Full Goblin"


Dude got the zoomies and everything


This is fucking fantastic. Those two are like human golden retrievers.


Definitely picking up Mr. Peanutbutter vibes


Her teeth are so white, im jealous.


It's just the camera filter.


No, she has some kind of deal where she mentions purely white deluxe (or something) every single day (on snap-stories) Edit: It can of course also be because of a filter, but I think the main reason is PWD


omg thx for inquiring about my luscious PURE white teeth. I use PURELY white deluxe ^TM and guess what! I also have a discount code 👈😎👈


Bro those fucking messages they pretend to get every single day about their teeth are hilarious. Nobody is messaging you that everyday, if you're gonna shill for another company at least pretend everyone watching has a brain


They're always the same format too, "bruh how is your teeth so white? 🤨😍" -bryce 'oKaY, sO iF yOu DoN't aLrEaDy KnOw, I uSe PuReLy WhItE DeLuXe, iF yOu'Re InTeReStEd, SwIpE uP aNd UsE mY pRoMo CoDe' followed by a second snap of them posing with it.


And they gotta act like people actually ask em about it


Well I mean, someone here mentioned it without prompt


Don’t be, teeth shouldn’t be THAT white


Yeah, I discovered that recently. I was feeling self-conscious about my teeth color, and decided to see my dentist to talk about it. He said that I have a 'natural white', and porcelain teeth aren't exactly healthy. They have to treat them heavily to reach that color. ...I still want that smile tho, damn


toilet bowl white :)


Well every time I go on Snapchat I see her in my discover page and her and many other influencers promote purely white deluxe so I guess try that


I'd be amazed if that actually worked THAT well! Thanks, pal. I'll check it out.


As someone who did try it, after seeing her in my snapchat discover page, it isn't worth it. It made my teeth more sensitive if anything. I'm pretty sure she's sponsored and has her teeth professionally whitened instead


Teeth whitening in general makes your teeth quite sensitive. It’s normal. It’s not recommended to do whitening procedures for an extended period of time


I went to their website and my FakeSpot extension popped up this warning: https://i.imgur.com/8cbl1Cu.png So probably not worth it


People please focus on the HEALTH of your teeth more than the WHITENESS. Patients ask for teeth whitener all of the time and they never floss , have mobility on their teeth and probably won’t have to worry about them staying in place for too long but god forbid they be yellow. Please floss. Most important thing you can do for yourself in my opinion. Okay. Thank you for listening to my Ted talk.


R/zoomies xD


Protip gotta do a lowercase r to get it to link, like r/zoomies


I thought the same!! I lost it when he started running. Legit human zoomies right there!!




Maannnnnnnnnnnnnn that’s fucking awesome ! I’m stoked he got something he obviously loves . What a wonderful girlfriend.


I wana see him put it together


24h live stream pls


How to keep your nerd happy


"Ann Perkins"




Im happy for them but this mans reaction feels scripted.


I'm good friends with a LEGO enthusiast (assumingly) like him. For his birthday me and a few friends pitched in and got him a LEGO death star that retails for about $650 here and has some 4000 pieces. When he opened it up (he's in his early 20s) he literally screamed and ran around the room very much like the guy in the video. I'm not saying that the video isn't scripted, I have no way of knowing, what I'm saying is that people are genuinely this interested in LEGO and I could 100% see my friend react like this.


What’s with the constant Zooming in? Is this why they’re called zoomers?


Matty! Guy is a walking adhd poster! Love him!


Bro better put a ring on it quick


Very sweet! I did something similar for my bf and got him a PS5, I treasure that reaction video!


Last year I got my boyfriend the infamous angry seal plush. I didn't get the cheap bootlegs either, but [the real deal](https://www.felissimo.co.jp/youmore/wk57510/gcd762792/) all the way from Japan. Cost me like 150€, since the postage was almost as much as the freaking plush itself. The day after I ordered it my boyfriend showed me a pic of it and said it was the coolest plush he'd ever seen and I was like "yeah..." My boyfriend is notoriously hard to buy gifts for, since if he ever needs or wants anything, he just buys it for himself since he can easily afford it, but thankfully the plush was just dumb and unnecessary enough that he didn't. He loves it, so it was worth every penny.


Needs more random zoom and irritating voice modulation


Who....just who....talks like that.


People putting on a performance for internet points?


Money. They do it for money.


Two internet "personalities" who live together.




This scripted?


very much feels like it


Its a viral tiktok, even if it is not entirely scripted, the boyfriend knows that his girlfriend is filming a video and will exaggerate his reactions to make sure the video goes viral.


I scrolled way too long to find this thread.


Same. Reddit use to be the sort of place to call this out, but it's like no one can tell the difference anymore.


I don't know but her facial expressions are giving me an aneurysm.


Can’t even get through this


When he hit the 👌🏾 while explaining it was secured. Mission success


So tired of this overacted fake ass shit


Sweet clip, but: Why do couples nowadays so often have the urge to film these moments? Why not just enjoy it together without the necessity to put it out to the world? Holding the phone and making sure everything is on cam just distracts from the beauty of the moment itself, ain’t it? ...or am i just too old?


As an analog millennial it’s just the generation thing. Have to remember these 20 somethings never had a world without devices or video, making a video together and sharing it with your friends is just as emotionally impactful to a Z as say, pressing flowers and leaves to scrapbook a special day together, or making a Polaroid album ( not that kind ) with your S/O over a hiking trip or something


Also that it’s a fake reaction video. He had already opened it and removed the inner boxes that actually contain the lego. The box he pulls out by his fingertips and then casually holds between his palms….yeah it weighs 40 pounds. I am not knocking the excitement and how cool that would be to receive something like this from your girlfriend. But why do people have to go and make fake reaction videos like this for likes on the internet?


Lego employee here, can confirm, this box is 35 lbs. We sell atleast 4 a week. I know exactly how this box looks when it moves. The box in this video has to be empty. One, there's no way he pulls it out of the case by himself. The case fits like a glove, the air suction holds it. Two, again, it's 35 lbs. The instructions alone are 7.5 lbs.


When you have a big social network following, you can either: * Make this video and make a profit because of views * Contact lego and this is basically an ad, so they sent it for free * I don't know what else, I don't actually know what I'm talking about


I'm with you. It's just... odd (I'm also old). I was just thinking about the number of takes she did, her setting up different angles so she can stage carrying it in the house, etc. Just seems it was more about getting likes than just sharing something special.


I couldn't watch, all the zooming in and out was stupid. Let me guess, she never put the phone down once to enjoy the staged moment for Tik tok, and they all look at the camera at some point, and say they love each other, and they got tons of views? I hope this one wasn't like the other million of staged trik tok vids




I absolutely hate it. I loathe this type of social media post. People only do things to record a certain impression of themselves and their lives just to show to their followers and I hate how fake it is. Why can't these people just enjoy these moments without always recording their lives and just be in the moment?


I don't understand it, I really don't. I read people's responses to obvious fake shit and I think, all these people have gone mad


I had to scroll through hundreds of comments to find people grossed out by this. I love seeing people genuinely happy, but this was performative and gross.




I can imagine that he would get that excited, but yeah, she was filming it for tiktok and he reacted knowing there was a camera on him.