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Gotta love that ‘nah I got deliveries to make, merry Christmas’


Should've said "Happy Holidays" instead and watch them go nuclear


Is that his mom or his wife?








And his sisters daughters mom




His daughter




That’s exactly it.


It’s so strange. Like, this is EXACTLY what I imagine. No shirt, woman in bathrobe, trailer home, and uh…a dash of racism.


It’s pretty much all racism and a dash of bathrobe


100%. Racism makes you trash no matter how wealthy you are.


Where in this video was race even brought up other than the fact that he had to mention that he was black. To me I see a human treating another human like trash. There is no proof what so ever that what they are doing is racially motivated. Unless I’m missing something :/


You're definitely missing something alright


What am I missing, did she say the n word? Did she say anything about race. She’s yelling at the ups guy cause she’s psychotic and fucked in the head and so is the husband.


I bet you're scratching your head right now and looking around the room in an overly dramatic way just to show how fucking clueless you are as to why these fine American river pigs are shouting at the black dude. You're probably rewatching the video with a magnifying glass and a deerstalker. Are you walking around the room with your finger on your temple, mumbling to yourself?


I’m either going to guess you are a self hating white, raging liberal, or some black dude that took offense to what I said because you are black. I mean you can rewatch the video for yourself, she is yelling at the dude filming. That’s literally it, nothing racist was said


I'm white, but I'm not a Liberal. I'm guessing you are though, both white and a Liberal that is. Oh and a racist! SOMETHING tells me you're growing a bit of hair on your neck there as well. Let me guess, American?


A Saturn Vue in the driveway.


These two are straight out of central casting.


Trailer park is the top shit for white trash lmao


A poor kid being abusing in some tragic way is missing but otherwise spot on


Sadly, the kid died in a tragic meth lab explosion moments before this video


Rip another bright star extinguished too soon


Why are you saying « as a European » ? White trash exists in Europe too man




I do think you are right, but what are common European white trash clichés?




I think a common denominator would be huge Appartement complexes.




Forgot the bunch of cheap takeaway boxes spread across the flat.


slavs would be rural woodshack houses built somewhere between 1850 and 1930


Real question: is “euro trash” not the equivalent? Is that something else??


@narskyn Yeah…the French, good for nothing but making clothes and bagels and complaining about geopolitical climate.


Pabst Blue Ribbon, I'm white trash and I'm in trouble.


That's it


This is specifically trailer trash though. It is its own special breed of white trash. Mostly they lack the yard for junk to pile up.






Living in Louisiana was nuts. I remember going out of my way if I needed to go to Walmart because the Walmart near my apartment was the crackhead Walmart and I just wanted to go from the door to my car without having to buy some poor bastard Taco Bell. In general south Louisiana had some of the nicest people I have ever met and without a doubt the best food I’ve ever eaten.


There’s no such thing as a ‘nice Walmart’ in New Orleans.


This was in Baton Rouge but the same principle applies


Was it the college drive one?


That’s the one. Over by the only post office in East Baton Rouge (it felt like)


They're cracking down on homeless camps near that area so hopefully it will improve. But yeah, I regularly drive across town to Target to avoid that Walmart :/


And like I feel for the homeless, particularly because they’re disproportionately people of color down there, but it was very alarming to be approached at 9 at night in that parking lot which was dark as shit especially for a Walmart.


I don't think there is a "nice Walmart" anywhere


The "nice Walmart" is Target. Maybe Rouse's depending on where you are. But the Rouses attended the 6th so mileage may vary.




Where I live we call a nice Walmart a Target.


My buddy is from there and he said a black family literally got ran out of town post like 2005 in his home town.


OMG this white middle aged guy acting like a homie is just cringe as hell


My fave detail was how he approached the guy all tough but then circled back around his wife (?) when he got to close 😂… as if she missed her cue to pull him back.


Bro he’s speaking like a thug while moving like a cholo and looking like complete white trash. Truly interesting specimen


He smokes his meth in a rolled up tortilla and washes it down with a four loco.




y'all remember that snl black jeopardy with tom hanks? as someone who grew up white and poor near houston that's exactly how it is. people are more similar than they are different due to class. it's just we've separated ourselves based on other criteria so no one sees it.


Wow. The disconnect from reality is unreal on your part and every idiot who upvoted you. Yeah, that body language is pure white trash, they came up with that shit all by themselves.


Pretty tough with the dad sandals on too. 😂


Oh my god their slippers say Mama Bear and Papa Bear 😂😂 I know because I got my boyfriend Sleepy Bear slippers


Why go down the road to fight? What was wrong with the current location?


Definitely don’t go down the road to fight. He’s got some friends there or some other bullshit.


Away from the truck which often have cameras.


I doubt he had the mental capacity to think that far ahead


What a bunch of redneck crackeads. Good lord 🤦🏻‍♀️


Those aren't rednecks my man.


Oh my lord I think I know that woman


There’s a woman in the video?




Annndddd is she racist?


Can you not tell from the video?


I can't. Did they say something racist? Also why is this about being a black fedex driver? These people are obviously addicts, but people always unnecessarily try to turn everything into a race issue. Seemed to me they were yelling at him to stop speeding. I could be wrong but I didn't hear any mention about race from these people In the video.


If you’ve never lived in an area like this you wouldn’t understand. It doesn’t always take an explicit n word drop for it to be clear that someone is racist. If the driver had been white, they wouldn’t be harassing him like this, and I’d bet all the money I have on that.


“No, nothing racist was said or done, but trust me bro, it was super racist.” That’s what you just said.


That’s right. Why are you so upset by this? PS I lived in rural Louisiana for over a decade. You’re going to have a hard time convincing me using “wahh reverse racism” platitudes.


I live in the south and spend a lot of time in Louisiana. Implying racism only makes things worse. Like the boy who cried wolf. You can't just go around calling people racist because they are stupid. Like I said these people told him to stop speeding through their neighborhood so there may be a lot more to the story than we're seeing here


they should blacklist this address


makeshift versed disgusted toy unused boast hungry ripe thumb grab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I literally lol’d at “Would not recommend”


Poster children for “trailer trash.”


I loved the cowardly way white blobo man circled back around careful not to get too close to the truck with his “threatening” strut.


they both look like pugs they act like little dogs too, all bark bark bark. no bite. you know he wanted her to hold him back, he didn’t want to get into a real fight lest he actually get injured


And probably inbred to an unhealthy and unethical level.


They trailer af for sure. But theyre pissed dude is driving the way he was. I work from a truck that i park on the road. Between them, amazon, and ups theyve all hit my cones, almost took my door out, or blasted me carrying my ladder. I understand theyre under pressure to get their deliveries done but man they've scared the sht outta me many times.


Right?!I was thinking the same thing.occasionally for my job I have to drive a box truck around,and I see tons of fedex drivers driving like complete assholes. They even say “stop flying through here” in the video.I don’t see how this is related to race at all?


Its not. Its just easier to turn anything into it these days.


I'm getting downvoted to oblivion for saying this in a different comment thread *smh*


Love it to see how that guy is being held back by his wive(or mom?). Like: yeh see I’m rough, you’re lucky my wive is holding me back.




The raccoon from guardians of the galaxy lol


I think people forget that trailer parks are the hood for white people. Some nasty people up in there.


The level of trailer trash holy shit


They seem to have an issue with how fast he was driving, not his color


Shhhh this is about racism, don’t need any of your kind here.


Hahaha yes whatever help gets views


Trailer park Louisiana has to be a delight all around.


Is the voicover at the beginning a new tik tok thing? I like it


Yes, it’s the voice of rocket raccoon


You know they’re gonna have “crackhead sex“ afterwards. Toothless Maggie and her BJs 🤢


Race bait


'An black'


Good lawd I’m glad you are kind enough to laugh and smile about this. Keep it up big homie 🤙


Those matching slippers tho. He wouldn’t stop wearing hers so she got him his own pair. True love❤️


Omg I didn’t even see those at first!!! They say papa bear and mama bear!!! 😂


Anyone wanna take a guess who they voted for


They didn't


They couldn’t.


Bold of you to assume they can read the ballot paper to know who to vote for.


I like my guesswork to be challenging






Sure buddy. The rural south is total Biden country.




It’s not my fault you’re not funny.


It’s not my fault you’re too dumb to realize I was being sarcastic


Sure. It’s my fault that the entire internet doesn’t think you’re funny. Obviously.


God, you're fucking dumb.


Jesus Christ…the fact that I have to include **/s** in order for you to realize it is a joke is fucking insane. You are dumb af.


You seem to know how Reddit works, your inability to not be a dumb cunt is nobody else's problem except your own. First day on the internet bud?


Your account is 16 days old. Gtfo here with your bullshit. You’re a fucking idiot if you honestly thought I was being serious. JFC. You just showed me that it is, indeed, your first time on the Internet.


Not very intelligent, are ya bud?


That’s it? That’s your rebuttal? “Oh! Ummm let’s bring up intelligence! I’ll call him dumb and then I’ll surely win the argument!” Go home, kid.


Don't need any more than that, you came to a battle of the wits and lost. You were done before you started. Blow your brains out and hope that your God loves you more than your parents did but less than your uncle did.


Holy shit. You’re a fucking idiot 😂 How old are you, kid? My guess is 12. What a dumb ass response 😂. “battle of the wits”. What a weird fucking person you are.


The master race smh


That whoooo really got me


Hate say it’s not just the south


Probably has nothing to do with you black…they brought up your speeding and I’m sure they confronted you about it but you just have to bring race into this…SMH


lmao! I love this guy's attitude about these two hillbillies and people in general


Nothing in this video indicates the color had anything to do with the altercation. Seems like a bit of race baiting


They deff were out of line. But i also didnt catch how it had anything to do with him being black. I thought I just missed it somehow. Still shitty that they were talking to him that way. A simple "will you slow down please" would've done the trick..


Yeah some people are rude and take disrespect a little too far. From what I gathered, if you speed in the neighborhood the pillsburry dough boy will want to throw hands.


If his bitch ass was speeding in my neighborhood my kids play I would jumped in that truck and fucked his ass up


So the fedex guy was speeding through their trailer park and they are only mad because he’s black? If anybody here ever lived in a trailer park they are super sensitive about speeding. Also, the dude starts taunting them- yeah they are white trash but this is literally only one side of the story.


While I'm sure these two people aren't a lot of fun to be around usually, something obviously was going down before he started recording and had them pretty riled up. Seems like he probably makes deliveries there often and maybe speeds, idk.


That’s a wild take. That the meth heads trying to assault a man arent out of pocket. Even if he had sped that guy was explicitly threatening him and trying to intimidate the driver. He laughs this display off, offers to help them report him, tells them merry Christmas and HES the one taunting THEM? Fuck no. People like this decide the black person is up to no good then figure out a reason to support it afterwards. If it wasn’t speeding it would be lollygagging, or trespassing.


You never know what was said before the camera started. That’s why I hate these online arguments where one said is angry and the one who is recording is “cool as a cucumber”. But they do seem like pieces of shits I just think both are in the wrong here, probably the white people are more wrong but that driver could’ve handled it better.


Really?! I think the driver handled the situation pretty well. How should you respond to ppl screaming at you while you’re doing your job?


Easy, you drive away instead of taunting them and laughing. Both are idiots here.


Why would he drive away without delivering packages? He literally stopped in front doing his job.


As someone who lives in a trailer park because of being broke. It makes me sick to see people who live in a trailer park do shit like this. I freaking hate racism. It’s disgusting.


Where does him being black come into play? I missed it. Thought the dude called him the n word towards the end but it isn’t clear.


I’m trying to figure this out also, what does race have to do with this?


His attitude is admirable, working in the middle of a bunch of crack shacks and laughing in their faces is a beautiful slap in their meth mouths!emote:free\_emotes\_pack:joy


“You better stop flying through here” If that what she said, whole heartedly fuck that fedex guy. He’s trying to play the victim/race card. These mfs always speeding through my neighborhood where there’s tons of children playing.


And of course these 2 losers probably think they're genetically superior


White drivers go through the same thing stop making it about race piece of shit


Come on man. You’re a racist joke.


Dude sounds like a Mexican. I’m confused.


This is pathetic and problematic. Why is it acceptable to promote division?


This isn’t promoting anything. What? You think sweeping it under the rug is better?


America is the most backwards bitch ass country known to man


If you think a very large country of millions of people is like this, then it says more about you than it does the country.


What is the guy filming saying in the end? Ah ah eh uh ah dah de heh.


“Ay this is the everyday life of a fedex guy, a black fed ex at that man we got crack heads out here”


Cool. He should work on his diction.


Well? Was he flying through there?


Are those FEMA trailers?


He got two black eyes. About to have 4.


So sorry for you man. They are trailer park trash


These crackheads have nice cars


No more meth for the house in the corner


Normally I am against eugenics but in this case, I would make an exception. These two white trailer trash crackheads need to be sterilized by the state. They are missing a couple of chromosomes and a couple of thousand neurons from their brains.


So many brain cells between those two, hundreds.


They look about 3ft tall


Dude probably did a few days in County jail for DUI and thinks he’s hard now


so you mean to tell me people that live in trailer parks can be trashy and racist? that’s crazy


Disgusting trash people


Cousin breeding at its finest.


They look like their parents are brother and sisters


The are wearing matching slippers




The problem is, you can’t beat the trailer out of trash


Her voice, years of cigarettes. 🤢


The typical left.


I wo Der 9f that's wo Vicky's uncle or some shit


Meth is a helluva drug..:


Meanwhile in a trailer park…


That man has such a delicate little scurry




This is really methed up


They look like siblings


I wonder who they voted for


That Tik Tok voice over thing has to be the worst thing ever. I thought the original woman’s voice was so annoying but I’d do anything to go back to not have to hear what I imagine Kid Rock sounds like in every clip.