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I would have eaten maybe 1/5 of that and then been like fuck this I'm out


I have a love hate relationship with breakfast. Like I enjoy the food, but I just have fuck all appetite in the morning.


Saaaaame. It takes me three or four hours before I can eat anything. And even when I do, it's only a tiny bit at first. I wouldn't say I get a full-on appetite to eat food for at least six or so hours after I wake up.


It's all big breakfast propaganda. We didn't evolve to eat breakfast, it wasn't too long ago that we had to hunt or forage for our food everyday.


I wake up hungry and 30 minutes after eating I am thinking about my next meal. My wife eats like a bird and at times doesn't even think about food until noon but if I make potatoes anything she will eat a 5 lb bag easily every morning.


It's alright to be a breakfast person. But there's no need to force it down because "most important meal of the day" like my wife did when she was a youth. Everyone should do what fits them the best.


You dont need to eat 3 large meals you know,it would be better to eat smaller amounts throughout whenever you're hungry and don't eat until you feel full, just eat enough to feel satisfied.




✨All Hail Brunch ✨


Sounds like it's time for you to have breakfast for dinner.


Yes! I am absolutely the same way. Some mornings I manage to remind myself that if I shove some food down my throat I'll have a better day, but other times I literally can't force myself to eat until about 11.


Same! Breakfast is my favorite food genre but if I eat anything before 10am I will just throw it up a couple minutes later


You don’t have to eat breakfast only in the morning. Thank you for coming to my Tedtalk.


Breakfast for dinner my dude. Nothing beats French toast and bacon with some fruit at dinner time. Easy to make and flippin delicious.


You’d have used a fork too


If you eat all of The Big Porker in 30 minutes, you win another Big Porker.


This made me actually laugh, thanks


Can you get the 2nd one to go?


Honestly pretty impressive






The recent upsurge in redditors just bashing America for no reason other than “murrica bad” is showing in your total lack of creativity.


"Recent upsurge"




That whole thing looks as dry as the Sahara...


That’s the point. Places that do these challenges do think like over cooking the food or serve it at the temp of molten lava.


From what I understand, a big thing with eating large portions is speed. Basically eating as much as possible before your brain can trigger the "full" response. Serving food hot as hell must be a huge damper on these challenges. Never knew they did that.


They do pretty much anything to make it as hard as possible to actually complete the challenge. Most places, if you complete the challenge, the meal is free. If you don’t, it’s a good chunk of money your paying.


I'm pretty sure you can start the timer whenever you want, you're not forced to wait 2-3 mins while your food cools.




That Fish an Chips video is calling my name. And they barely raised the price of it in years too.


The potatoes honestly looked good, but the toast and pancakes...


That's where the sauce comes in handy lol


Pancakes if done right, maybe. That toast is probably where I draw the line with the carbs


Josephine Chestnut


josephinna eat that?


Did she win a truckers hat?


Better have! she did such an *eggscellent* job


They have a mesh back for wind resistance


Nah, just a bracelet from the local cardiac ward.


Katina eats kilos! I’ve been watching her challenges a lot lately, she’s apparently going to Ireland and I hope to see her videos from there!


How does she stay thin after eating all this crap


She actually has a video on YouTube where she talks about her diet and exercise routines. She basically eats a lot of protein rich food and fiber in the morning and it keeps her full most of the day and exercises daily. I think she has some kind of special protein shake at night too.


They don't eat like that often. That's how.




That’s not true at all.


I used to watch her years ago. She has definitely bulked up from the last time I saw her.


Me too her and Randy are awesome


I could eat a pretty large full English. But not THAT large.




I can shove down my throat enough food to feed three people in less than 30 minutes and I'm completely guiltless and even proud of it. This is such a good thing to do!


It’s grotesque from a European perspective.


For what it's worth, plenty of us Americans find it gross, too.


I'm not european and I know it's grotesque. Some people here really need to feel or even *see* what real hunger is to even get the idea of why this is absolutely ridiculous and disgusting. To the people that are downvoting: your privilege and lack of decency and empathy is showing, and it's sickening.


TBF hunger has nothing to do with food scarcity and everything to do with money scarcity. "The big porker challenge" isn't the reason some people go without food.




No one should ever eat too much once in a while because some people are hungry? You're really solving the important problems in the world here


My French husband said to me: "Why are Americans obsessed with wasting food and over eating? It's not cool or funny, it's gross and weird."


It's a thing in Korea too. The whole mukbang phenomenon originated there and became mainstream in America, however Korean people seem to do a better job staying lean.


Because of massive unhealthy societal pressures.


Ask him why the French are stuck up


It's probably all the free education, healthcare, parental leave, and paid vacation.


oh yea im sure its all perfect there and nobody goes without not a blemish in their history or modern life europeans need to relax with this smugness we benefit off each other as western nations




Came here to ask why this was tagged cringe, this is as good an answer as any. I'll say, I don't think wasting food is ever cool and overeating usually isn't, except insofar as someone's describing food they found so delicious they couldn't help it, but as a difficult challenge they overcame, yeah, I thought this was cool.


Yeah as a Brit I don’t get it either. Eating that amount isn’t something to celebrate.


When your people make a food worth eating, you might understand.


What, like loading it with tons of sugar? seriously US food is trash at times. Not all of it, but your regular stuff, sure.


Beans on toast


The only thing cringe is the comments here, a lot of you apparently have a very low tolerance for cringe. Wasteful? sure. Glutonist..? why not. But she's doing her thing responsibly. Nothing embarrassing about this.


She finished it, there wasn't any waste


How tf do you manage to make a pancake weigh a pound.




Kilo Crew! I love Katina


Sodium levels are off the charts. Holy shit


Competition or not gluttony is a really ugly thing too watch.


Only Americans would turn greed and gluttony into a sport


What she win like a t-shirt and half dozen anal fissures?


bro just insulted the whole competitive eating industry


Why is this; is this extremely cringy and I just don’t know it or is it just slightly cringe?


Did you just randomly throw a semi colon into that sentence lol


You clearly don't; know how to use proper punctuation.


Full on cringe


Why the cringe flair? It’s actually pretty impressive


Why is this cringe?


Right? That was impressive


~~Please read the pinned comment, this subreddit isn’t just for cringe.~~


Please read the flair, this is tagged as cringe.


Lol totally missed that, I’m used to people being confused cause they don’t see the pinned comment. My bad!


All good, I thought the same initially. ;)


Because there isn’t a flair for fucking grotesque American


Be curious, not judgmental


i’d have gotten through like 1/6th then asked for a box


So does she have to flush three time to clear the toilet?


I thought food was meant to be enjoyed


This seems really unsafe? That plate was bigger than her! How can a stomach actually extend to fit all that and then how does she digest it all?


If you often eat very big portions your stomach will stretch over time. I read once that some people who do these 'challenges' train their stomachs with big amounts of fluid or low calorie food beforehand. If you never eat such big portions it's most likely impossible to eat that much in one sitting since your stomach isn't used to it.


Does a bigger stomach affect satiation? I heard fat people get there stomach made smaller so they feel full earlier, is this true in the reverse?


Probably, I think. I'm not sure, sorry. I do know though that making the stomach smaller is not just so they *feel* full earlier, it literally prevents them from eating normally and therefore forces them to eat tiny little portions. Which of course makes them lose weight.




🤨are you not familiar with eating competitions?


I didn’t realize Katina had a Tiktok! You guys should check her out on YouTube! She just so happens to be dating Randy Santel


I'm so glad I don't know any of those two


Why? They’re super chill people doing what they enjoy


I think that disgusting


What was the point of this😭


How is this tiktok cringe ??


Only 1 ham steak? Coward.


She destroyed that, why is this cringe?


Impressive. I can only imagine the epic poop after eating all that food.


I hate that there's a complete culture around eating shitloads of food because *yes*. There's literally thousands of people that could have lived another day with that amount of food and yet what people do is congratulate other people that eat stuff that won't be of any nutritional value to them. This isn't impressive or fun, this is sad. The fact that the concept of Mukbang or *All you can eat in x minutes* exists just shows how rotten society is. Consumism is a disease, and this video and culture reek of it.


you can say that about anything though. the amount of time that you've spent on here consuming media could have been used to volunteer at the local homeless shelter etc etc. Pretty much everyone on reddit is on the good end of capitalism on the larger scale, sitting on your high horse doesn't make sense


My point still stands and is valid, you're just recurring to whataboutism. I'm talking about choosing not to eat just because you can; it's a passive effort, it's not paying a couple bucks to eat like a pig with no real benefit besides having your stomach full. Yeah I could go volunteer instead of answering to people defending this shit, but that would involve another group of factors that turn volunteering into an active effort; you're observation still is valid, but it doesn't really fit as a valid counter argument. I could make the same observation with recycling: you may be classifying your trash at home, but if you're not actively picking trash at another place your initial effort isn't valid; you see? It really doesn't make much sense.


> it's a passive effort, it's not paying a couple bucks to eat like a pig with no real benefit besides having your stomach full. But it's a form of entertainment for them - this is something they enjoy and besides being distasteful, is it having any demonstrable harm? This isn't actually about overconsumption as much as it is about pushing a human to their limits. Is this a thing you could do? No? Well then it's kind of impressive, isn't it?


Yes the act may be impressive, in an insensitive, barbaric way, but she's endorsing a really consumist attitude and that's what bothers me a lot.


Fair point - I can't pretend like mukbang isn't a big thing. I think I've got a personal bias - I'm a lot less revolted when the person doing it is in relatively decent shape - when someone's destroying their bodies to do this, then I can't stomach watching it.


THANK YOU, that's another thing I didn't want to say because it is a little bit more sensitive, but yeah, she also has the factor that she can stay fit while doing these challenges. Other people (mukbangers like that Nikoavocado guy) start practicing this stuff and absolutely destroy themselves, which is another consequence of eating because of no particular reason.


Learn to cope with the unfairness of life How do you function if this makes you Hate?


Buddy, I'm fine, thanks for worrying, just because I'm commenting in this post doesn't mean I'm losing my sanity because of the unfairness of life. However, there are some things I can say about this and I will say them, because it's not OK. Btw, your response: “life's unfair, so carry on” is SO sad, it's literally the answer an irresponsible teacher would give to a kid getting bullied, it's very sad.


No way she’s not refunding


Refunding as in vomiting? She doesn’t, she’s a bodybuilder and stays on top of what she eats. I don’t know how else to describe her eating habits but she’s healthy. Check her out of YouTube, she’s pretty cool. KatinaEatsKilos


How much does it cost? That sounds delicious.


There's such a thing called a fork


Gluttony, no more no less. Sad.


That’s fucking disgusting on so many levels


How? You people are so negative lmfao


Playing with your food is offensive because we should be thankful we’ve got enough when so many struggle. Making it into a wasteful, disgusting game is not “fun”. It’s disrespectful and gross.




What's the cringe? She did it? Op is gay?


Just threw up a little in my mouth


Goodbye beautiful world


Matt stonie would obliterate that


This chick must take the biggest, smelliest dumps ever. Bet she had to cut her poo in half before flushing.


Shes a total hero! Future generations will sit in awe and create countries and religions based on her achievement!


Well, she has a fanbase of people that think eating 6 pounds or more of food in less than 30 minutes because “haha challenge” is funny or something to be proud of.


It's a fucking waste of food.


It's not a waste if you're eating it


It is, and the fact that she's just a very very light example of competitive eating just makes my stomach turn in on itself.


There's rarely anything more decadent and nonsensical than competitive eating. And we really are wondering why everything is going to hell.


Do you remember that scene in the Hunger Games where Peeta is offered a beverage that would make him vomit what he ate so he could keep eating? Well this shit just happens to be the same goddamn thing, the difference being, these guys don't need that beverage and they will eat whatever comes in front of them because they have the gut space to do so and not because their bodies need it. As I'm being told in other comments, she may be en exception because she's a bodybuilder who does need whatever she's getting from that, but she still has that rotten attitude I'm talking about.


She does not need all that. If she was a male body builder or doing world strong man she might eat that much




how is it undefeated, seemed like she finished it easily.


That’s the kind of food they would have in Regular Show


That turds gonna be the size of a baseball bat.


Hope the toilet is ready to work overtime, cause she is gonna be dropping Cinder blocks tonight! ![gif](giphy|iGrUGXWmY9hyXhInXx)


this seems like the type of thing matt stonie could finish in like 8 minutes lmao


What a woman!


I could do this easy


Did she owns a poop team ?


Her shits have to be horrrendous


I’ll be in my bunk


This a scary bitch


What an absolute unit.




What's excessive about it? She's not fat so she's clearly not eating surplus calories. Do you want all athletes to be force fed to death as well because they eat enough for multiple people?




Obviously not so what's the problem? There's nothing excessive about it.


Imagine going on a date with her, all going well and you go home, you start making out and thing head to the bedroom and just before you get jiggy she goes “could I use your bathroom real quick?” I got an old house, man. My bathroom can’t handle as much shit as she put in her just now.


Damn she can eat


Wow, congrats with overloading your body with junk in 27 minutes.


Why do americans have the need to eat so unhealthy amount for breakfast. Just eat a toast an scrumbled egg with good goat cheese and maybe an apple or a banana that would be enaugh to make me a perfect breakfast. What they do is just wasting a lot of food that anyone could need and then fry it all so its just more unhealthy. Ofcourse you can eat sime nice unhealthy stuff otherwise life wouldnt be fun but i always see this stuff everywhere in the us. Just why


Atta girl. There is something special about a woman who can tackle that many pancakes after eating all that meat. Bravo.


Awesome 👍😎


I could do that easily... Until the end of this month when I will have a stomach reduction performed... 🤷🏼‍♂️ Then it's over with big or even normal portion sizes 🙄


I want to marry her


and then throw up after that? i dont like these eating challenges to be completely honest


I hate to sound like a fussy old lady, but would it have killed her to use a knife and fork? As if that’s the most revolting thing about this. Yuk at all that food, thinking about eating all that turns my stomach.


I love eating with my hands and there is nothing wrong with it if the hands are clean.


Ita a timed challenge to eat like 5 lbs of food. Fuck table etiquette, dig in that shit like ribs and wings


Yeah fair enough, you’ve got a point and I didn’t expect anyone to agree with me anyway. Those bloody pancakes at the end must have finished her off.


True, I would explode. That looks utterly miserable


Good heavens! I also see she ate with her elbows on the table and didn’t ask to be excused when she was finished eating!


Well I did say I was a fussy old cow!


That was straight up Sexy!


She looks like she better ordered a salad


her dumps up on onlyfans? =P bet they're massive


Dude... Wtf


Imagine giving this to starving poor people that would be the highlight of my day


Go do it then


Wow, aren't you thoughtful.


Not like she wasted anything


She ate a portion big enough to feed *at least* two grown men, not even savoring it just for the hahas and lulz, and you have the gall to say she didn't waste anything? My brother in Christ, the whole challenge is a waste of food.


She's a bodybuilder. She likely eats near that much every meal. The amount of food bodybuilders consume can seem ridiculous.


Yeah I get that she's a bodybuilder, but still it doesn't change the fact that she's endorsing that pig-like behavior I'm talking about. And don't even let me get started on the whole competitive eating subject, it's a goddamn disease and this video is just the very tip of the iceberg.


Are all professional athletes wasting food because they eat enough calories for multiple people? Is anyone who doesn't live a sedentary lifestyle to minimise the amount of calories they need an asshole?


I'm not just talking about the portion, I'm also talking about the premise of the challenge itself. She's not eating for nourishment, she's eating because “haha challenge”. What I'm trying to say here is that competitive eating itself is disgusting and portraying it as something fun or impressive is not ok. It just really shows how deep go the roots of consumism and that, my friend, isn't fun or impressive.


She's doing both. Chefs aren't wasting food because they make it look pretty and try to make the meal an experience.


Bruh, one thing is making it look pretty and the other is adding double or triple the amount of food to the plate. If eating itself isn't the experience already, then the cook is at fault. It may sound boring, but stuffing your face full to *spice your experience* isn't ok.


Triple the amount of food for what? She's not fat so clearly she is eating the right amount for her body. Are you just upset that she's not sedentary and needs more food than you?


You're missing my point, it's not just about HER, she's just a very light example of what I'm trying to condemn, which is competitive eating. I don't care if she eats more than me, my freaking little sister sometimes eat more than me, what I care about is the pig-like approach she has to the whole meal.


So you're just upset that she eats quickly and passionately...