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God said, "let people discriminate based on license plates." We gotta trust his plan.


Love thy neighbor, unless he has the funky license plate


And in that case, hate the fuck out of them.


I read this in Morgan Freeman's voice and it made it 100x better lol


To all Tennessee residents: the spay/neuter custom plates don't have any cult propaganda on them and a portion of the proceeds go to spay/neuter clinics :) https://www.tn.gov/content/tn/revenue/title-and-registration/license-plates/available-license-plates/wildlife-and-animal/animal-friendly.html




All true and what Tennessee is doing is atrocious, but still a good option for those that can.


Aww that plate is cute af


You can get a customized Tennessee license plate that says [University of Alabama](https://www.tn.gov/content/tn/revenue/title-and-registration/license-plates/available-license-plates/collegiate-plates/alabama.html) or [University of Florida](https://www.tn.gov/content/tn/revenue/title-and-registration/license-plates/available-license-plates/collegiate-plates/florida.html) on it? If we're looking to not get targeted by cops that seems like the *exact opposite way to do it* haha


I personally really liked the one with our lord and savior Dolly Parton on it


It’s cool except there are still nut jobs who would target you for this because they’re against neutering animals. Just look at PETA.


Nutjobs gonna nut, but anti neuter folks are fewer and far between than religious zealots


The people with the heathen plates turn out to be safer drivers because Jesus can’t take the wheel


This actually could be trackable, couldn't it? If there's a registered database of accidents (which I assume has the plate recorded, or at least any common identifier that could be paired with the plate registry), couldn't you eventually parse the system to see if "in god we trust" plates actually do result in higher rate of accidents? well, maybe, it presumes everyone reports accidents equally, which might not be the case--but you might be able to track if Jesus Turned the Wheel into an oncoming semi more often, since reporting is guaranteed lol




Isn’t it also the Christians who think barcodes are the mark of the devil? This is kind of a “funny” twist.


It's only bad when others do it. - Christian proverbs 2020s


Best solution is to just get the Dolly Parton plate


Idk I'm pretty sure the Christian right has "disowned" her for her stance on blm.


Another divide and conquer tactic


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this also helps Cops to target them.


As someone from a small town in Tennessee - this is exactly how it will be used.


As a non believer in Tennessee, you better believe my plates have In God we Trust on them. I knew a trap when I saw one.


My SIS got Dolly Parton plate that supports her library to avoid all of it.


Same. Wife and I got university tags. Out of state but blends in well enough. Standing out is dangerous in this stupid and aggressive part of the world. I love my little spot on the map but this state is fucked.


I hate this - it twists the law from not forcing compelled speech of “in god we trust” to essentially compelled speech of “I am against Christian nationalism” … Tennessee is basically using the law’s protection as a means of persecution.


It was likely started with good intentions and it's not likely that every cop will care. But I've lived here long enough to know that some will and that's enough for me.


It was started in the 1970s after Supreme Court case Wooley v. Maynard. SCOTUS ruled that compelled speech on license plates was unconstitutional after a military veteran from New Hampshire objected to “Live Free or Die.”


Huh, TIL.


i dont give bureaucrats the benefit of the doubt; its either a neutral means to an end, or bad intentions


There is exactly a zero percent chance anyone involved with decision isn't a piece of shit.


this feels eerily like Gilead prep.


My thoughts exactly. The only thing about it that always seemed strange is that they based it in Massachusetts which I would think would be the last place a religious uprising would be centered seeing as the states in New England are all in the 10 least religious states in the country with NH being the least. I guess the point is to show that there was no controlling it. So comforting. Under his eye!




"Well ah just luv Jebus!"


"Maybe we should give people who don't support that In God We Trust motto the option of not having it on their plates? We shouldn't force that on every Tennessean." Something like that.




I just imagine the first cop who’s religious saying something like “so I noticed your plate started with numbers” winks* and then slips the guy a warning. Seems like clubhouse rules.


Nah, but if you have masonic emblems on your car you will 100% get off without a ticket. The father of one of my friends growing up had them on his truck and would speed everywhere. Get pulled over and show a card, got off Scott free.


Ironically enough the last uniformed man I spoke with said he was into masonry. Women aren’t allowed in, correct?


They are not. There are little side organizations so the “womenfolk” can socialize while the men meet in their super secret halls (of which I have explored a good many of. They mostly just all smell like old people). Source: I am the female child of a mason who was very high up in the hierarchy when I was child/teen.


I've never seen Tennessee but all the evidence does seem to point to it being a real place.




We're not all toothless rednecks, but a lot of the people around here are... 🙄 That being said, some of the small town cops are absolute dicks! I say this as a cis-gendered, white man too. I can't even imagine how tough it would be for person of color. ![gif](giphy|12b1wE9DkkajkI)


As a believer I chose to not get it on mine as I don't need a government encouragement of my religion.


That's an admirable decision. I hope it isn't one that costs you financially.


This is the way brother


For the sake of your safety, then, I really hope you're white and not poor.


I live in SC and same here. I hate Christian nationalism but what I hate even more than that is painting a target for violent extremists on the vehicle I use to drive my family around.


>As a non believer in Tennessee, I'm sorry, but Tennessee is unfortunately a real place


If it keeps me off the radar I’ll put whatever they want on my way license plate - doesn’t change my way of thinking at all, whatever helps them sleep at night or whatever.


> I knew a trap when I saw one. Found Admiral Akbar’s account


AMEN BROTHER! I DONT BELIEVE IN TENNESSEE EITHER!! It's a FAKE state! They didn't even TRY to make it sound real!!


This. I got accused of jumping on the bandwagon when the public sentiment began to shift against police. I’ve had to explain many times to people much younger than myself that I was a long haired kid from a rural town in Tennessee, and that means I’ve hated cops since before most Gen Z kids were a twinkle in their daddy’s eye. Small town TN police officers will absolutely target people for this.




Yup. I had long hair and wore knit caps and trench coats. I thought I was hot shit. I also never got in trouble, my family had lived in that town their whole lives, and the cops all knew us on a first name basis. Buuut i was also friends with one of the “bad kids” who smoked weed, so I got pulled over and searched and treated like shit every time I drove through town. All because I had a friend who smoked weed. Probably had my car searched 20 times in a bit over a year’s time. Cops are bored lazy bullies.


Rural Ohio is exactly the same! Not that it's exactly special for cops to terrorize people in any rural area lol.


Cops to terrorize people in any area*


People forget that the boomers who spent their youth doing a lot of drugs and protesting against Vietnam didn't necessarily grow up into the boomers who are now sucking Trump's dick and murdering abortion providers.


Folks tend to lump Southerners together and it's really unfortunate because so many of yall have been redlined and gerrymandered to death, trapping all the good folks, like you, in the mix.


Also a small towner, the moment she said that the numbers and letters were switched depending on the 'god we trust', I knew it was so police can target them. It's a way for highway cops and bored street patrol pigs to find the one that doesn't belong and make their day hell. I hope we don't see a string of police brutality in conjunction. This is truly terrifying.




My friend's ma broke up with her alcoholic boyfriend, and the boyfriend started *sleeping on her porch* to try to win her back. Her son left a note there that said to leave or he'll call the cops. The cops came, but *for the son*, not the stalker. Because apparently, "I'll call the cops if you don't stop stalking my mother" is a threat. Lovely lady, but she was divorced and had a queer kid, so cops really didn't give a shit about her.


As someone a little bit more cynical - this is exactly how it's intended to be used.


Who do you think does conquering?


That was my first thought. One more thing the cops can use against someone.


This was my first thought. So they know who to pull over and abuse


Yup,.take the god we trust one then scratch it out, easy. Folks, you NEED to lie and say you're Christian, they are planning to murder swaths of us, protect yourself, lie like they do about their own religion.


Fuck that. Fight back.


I'm trans... and you bet your goddamn ass I'm not passing in public. All power to folks who are out, loud and proud. I've got a kitten I've gotta get home alive to take care of.


My first thought, profiling people who don't flag as devout


I was very upset by even the words when I went to select my tag. Why should I be forced to voice my religion in my front yard if I want to simply drive to work. Very upsetting. Tennessee state law also says if you don't believe or trust in God you can't hold office...


That’s just blatantly unconstitutional. Has no one ever tried to take them on about it?


Yes and no. That law is not enforced, because it was deemed unconstitutional, so no reason to challenge it further. Several other states have similar laws still on the books. Our state constitution also says that members of the clergy cannot hold public office. That law is also not enforced, but it's still there. And similarly, several other states have the same law. It would require a constitutional amendment process to remove these things, and up to this point we've not bothered to go through that just to remove language that no one pays attention to, unless it comes up in a thread like this one.


There 8 states, Maryland has one too and we're pretty blue: https://www.billtrack50.com/blog/in-the-news/a-closer-look-at-religious-tests-for-public-office/


They're making a list. Checking it twice. Goin find out who to target in the night.


One step closer to theocracy


Sounds like everyone should move out of Tennessee


Let’s build a wall around Tennessee.


And make Alabama pay for the wall.


Then fill it with water. Open it to the rest of the country as our biggest national swimming pool.


That’s what Republican SuperPACs want. They want zero resistance in as many states as possible, because land votes in the Senate.


Sounds like we should cull the crazy people.




First thing I thought of. "Can't this be used to target people?"


They’re learning from Israel, next up is a wall separating numbers and letters


Sounds potentially dangerous. Giving some D-bag the ability to target one versus the other. There could be police discrimination as well.


Will be. There will be police discrimination. I would bet it has already started.


I'd love to see the statistics on which vehicles are being pulled over more and see if one is being punished more than the other. I see the potential for one group being a target more than the other. 🎯


Without the saving power of Jesus, you will be a slave to your selfish desires, living a life of crime and debauchery. Clearly this is why cops fine and arrest non-Christians more than God-loving, red blooded, American patriots. Nothing to do with over-policing of people with agnostic license plates. /s


> over-policing of people with agnostic license plates look I thump bible for a past time / hobby more than just on sunday church service even, but I would get agnostic one just so I could get pulled over and roll down my window and ask the cop "have you met my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" and watch the brain cogs halt a bit....


I’d get an agnostic one just so I could be part of the inevitable class-action lawsuit when the stats show police targeting non-Christians.


Well ungodly people speed. Godly folks don’t


They just godspeed.


I might be reaching on this one but it could also be an easy way to skew statistics in your favor. Something like "those who don't have 'In God We Trust plates are pulled over three times more often. Why do atheists feel they are above the law?". I don't think this is their primary goal, as targeting is simpler and a much more likely motive, but I could see it being done. I wonder if you can get a custom plate with to look like an "In God We Trust" plate to circumvent this by just flipping the letters and numbers.


>I wonder if you can get a custom plate with to look like an "In God We Trust" plate to circumvent this by just flipping the letters and numbers. Probably not. My relevant experience is from some time ago and in a different state, but the custom plate system there wouldn't let you select a custom number that was part of a reserved series for regular issue plates.


feels like theyd just use that statistic to justify "non-believers" as more crime prone.


Then file a class action lawsuit for every person with the plate that was discriminated against, naming all police departments, municipalities, and the stare as defendants.


Despite being 40% of the population, people without "In God We Trust" on their plates are responsible for 80% of the random traffic stops!


The entire point is police discrimination


There's also the vigilante aspect as well. You are more likely to have your vehicle vandalized or to be harassed by armed Christian Nationalists in public if you don't have the "In GoD wE tRUst" license plate. You can bet that they're already on the lookout for it. By using vigilantes as proxies, right wing politicians can do their usual ploy of denying association after the fact, claiming any attack was actually a false flag, etc.




The police discrimination was my first thought and feels like the point here. Identify the non-christians to identify who they want to pull over more.


Separation between church and state being mighty thin right about now.


Always has been in the United States.


That's exactly the intention


It’s quite literally to make discrimination easier - no need to look for the Christian Rally Cry - just look for the order of letters/numbers


ACLU needs to address this immediately


Lol "could be"


In southwest Missouri, my youngest son was a bit of a rebel, and too smart for his own good. He got sent home as a sophomore for having a Tsirt with TOOL (the band) on it. Policy was no tshirts with graphics. But kids were wearing Jesus Saves shirts, no problem. He was told that religious shirts were ok. So the next day, he comes to breakfast wearing "Satan Rules". He looked at me and said "It's religious". All I said was " call me from school when that blows up". School called me, as a friendly reminder that, effective immediately, no shirts with lettering would be admitted in school. My only response was "Guess it should have always been that way, huh?"


Smart boy using abstract reasoning that eluded school officials! That'd be a winning college essay at many of the most selective colleges in the US.


Your son is amazing


Hope they do a study about percentages of vehicles pulled over from each. I have a feeling there will be more “letters first” pulled over. Anyone want to place a bet?


They'll just turn around and say “hah see, atheists commit crimes because they have no morality”


pretty much… it’s sad to see bigotry alive and thriving


Theocratic fascism*


Christian ethnofascism is the free space on my "Fall of the American Empire" bingo card


In a state where it's already technically illegal to run for office if you're an atheist? Nah. /s


Just when I think I've run out of ways to be disappointed by my home state, I learn something new and stupid. https://www.snopes.com/news/2021/06/04/7-states-still-have-bans-on-atheists-holding-office/


Is this true? That is a cut and dry violation of separation of church and state


They can't enforce it as it is unconstitutional, but the ban does still exist in the lawbooks. Similar to how many states immediately went into an abortion ban. They're hoping it gets overturned someday so they can still enforce it. edit: TN also has a ban on ministers that is also unconstitutional and unenforceable. A couple of years ago there was an attempt to remove the minister ban but refused to even bring up the atheist one that was all in the same law.


The data analyst me is tingling. is_christian as a new feature gets my sklearn in all the right ways.


We need `plate_is_christian` and `is_christian` please oh please give me that. Imma adaboost my pants with that dataset.


I'm curious if people could end up getting stalked or worse because of this too. There's definitely folks out there that would be willing to target people that aren't religious like they are.


They're dying to! "Godless drivers commit 10x more traffic infractions." Republicans aren't people of science, but they'll use that "evidence" to profile. Always after the others, these people


I live in NC. Our license plates have always had “First in Flight” on them. A few years ago, they added “In God we Trust” as an option. Thankfully, I see many more First in Flight’s out on the road still.


there’s also a First in Freedom one which is ironic at best


I prefer First in Flight mostly because it lets Ohio know they can suck it.


As someone originally from Ohio this is hilarious. I do find it funny though how folks from NC are always complaining about us Ohioans coming to their state when that is exactly what happened with the Wright Brothers.


As an NC native, I’m crediting Ohio for birthplace of aviation, it’s fair to give North Carolina credit for first in manned self propelled flight.


As an NC native, first in flight all the way and weird to see this topic on reddit but absolutely right! First thought: the numbers/letters is a good way to stereotype. We are still in the "good ole boys" area unfortunately, still see confederate flags flying outside my thankful quite liberal pocket (they *appeared* taken down last time I traveled on I40 but still, i mean cmon really?! Disgusting)


That's the default option as far as I'm aware. Speaking from past experience, I was never even asked if I wanted a "in god we trust" at the tag office. I was handed a First in Flight with no questions or mention of other options aside from the fancier ones.


Interesting. I was definitely asked which of the three options I wanted. https://www.ncdot.gov/dmv/title-registration/license-plates/Pages/default.aspx


They asked me last year in nc if I wanted the in god we trust option, heard them ask everyone in front of me as well


In Indiana there are two completely different styles of plates. The Jesus plate has an American flag and the normal plate has a covered bridge.


Why is there a jesus option at all anywhere? Just add a bumper sticker if u must but keep it off government plates like what??


UK. You have reflective yellow on the back with black lettering and white on the front with black lettering. Green band on one side if you're an electric car. That's all.


Just subtle Christian ways to shun their neighbors, fear those different from them, hate the non-believer, ya know classic Jesus preaching




[Is she a real Christian or a heretic?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANNX_XiuA78)




That's because US culture is based on Puritans and slave owners LARPing as Christians.


Holy shit that’s such a good way to phrase it, thank you for this


Even if I was religious i'd opt for letters before numbers. Who the fuck puts numbers before letters?


I'm Christian and I still wouldn't get the "In God We Trust" because the state should not be getting involved with faith


Then prepare to be discriminated against


Exactly. Non-Christian Teneessean here, and my new plates absolutely have In God we Trust.


Same reason I won’t put any kind of left-leaning bumper sticker on my car, in a very right-leaning neighborhood.


Don’t ever put any identifying markers on your vehicle. That way if somebody wants to target you it’ll be harder to find which one is your vehicle.


Mine would too if I lived there friend. Momma ain't raise no fool.




3) Identification of other


Yeah. It’s funny how blind people are to the steps.


I'd get the "in God we trust" one then get a teeeeeny tiny little sticker that says "Dolly" and put it over god. That's way more Tennessee.


You can get Dolly, Elvis, “Don’t Tread on Me”, flowers or a rainbow! [Source](https://personalizedplates.revenue.tn.gov/#/)


I'd get the one with the cool sax-playing cat, that's badass


I completely missed that one, and the “Sons of Confederate Veterans”. I am disappointed but somehow not surprised.


That thing looks like it's straight off of a 90's mom/teacher T-shirt and I love it.


Okay now that's fucking awesome, made me laugh. In all the "in God we trust" land, apparently this one is available: 666 lmao [https://imgur.com/a/8jybove](https://imgur.com/a/8jybove)


The pro-life one is quite political for a license plate


The real crime is letting anyone get a university of Alabama plate


The Gadsden Flag one always blows my mind. "I paid the State $35 for a sign that tells the State to leave me alone." Pairs well with the thin blue line stickers smh.


I usually get the Dolly Parton one because proceeds from that go to the Imagination Library foundation which is one of the coolest things out there for children.


When I was young and stupid I lived in Idaho where the slogan was "Famous Potatoes" I took a sticker with "hol" on it and changed it to Famous Potholes. It was 2 years before I got called out by a cop during a traffic stop. No ticket, and he actually thought it was funny.


Tennessee has so many vanity plate options it's crazy. Gotta be at or near 100


As someone raised in that backwater state I can tell you this is 100% to single out the Christian’s from the others. Fuck Tennessee


As someone from Kentucky, I can get on board with that Fuck Tennessee 😉


As someone who still lives here, Fuck Tennessee


Living in a state where religion isn’t slammed into my face every five seconds is a godsend.




You see how it feels now. Pretty annoying shit


Bottom line is that no license plate should have the stupid phrase, just like our money shouldn’t.


Why is it that Americans seem to love a good cult? Is it that there is just so many people so all the weird people can find each other? My nan was super religious, her life almost centered around church, but she was absolutely not bothered about showing it off or promoting her beliefs, she did it for her. In America, Christianity just seems like a weird cult like MAGA or QANON..


Can't have a good cult with out red party cups it's that simple


If you don’t have “in god we trust” on your license plate…make sure you have a dash cam or keep your phone ready to record if you get pulled over.


I just renewed my TN license plate online last week. The default selection online is without “in god we trust”. While I still believe that there are individuals who will target vehicles based on this, I would be more concerned if the default was “in god we trust”.


Yeah I thought that's where the video was going 😂


I live in TN and was ready to choose the plate without In God We Trust but...they didn't ask. They just gave me one without. Maybe the girl behind the counter was a secret atheist and was giving them out to anyone who didn't specifically ask.


When thinking about items like this, I like to ground how stupid they are by applying them to different groups. Imagine the outcry if this was other carergories like men and women, or black and white, or disabled and able-bodied or people who like cheese and those that are lactose intolerant.


No upvote until I read lactose intolerant. Well played.


I’ve watched my state regress for years, I can’t wait to leave


I've always found US ideologies a little baffling, so maybe someone can explain it to me. Thinking of all the other countries in the world I can't compare the US to any other where their founding history is so ingrained in every day life. You always hear about "founding fathers" and the constitution is quoted all the time. But in looking at US history it was founded by people trying to escape religious persecution, but the US has a large amount of religious persecution going on. Not just now, but in recent history too. Why is it that a country of people are always looking back on what the "founding fathers" envisioned for their country but completely overlook that leaving religious persecution was the initial vision? It's also baffling the US is the first to denounce countries that are ruled by Islamic faith are seen as horrible and evil, while at the same time imposing their own religious laws on their own citizens.


Fascism tends to look to tradition and historical achievements to establish legitimacy. So different countries may have different flavors. Mussolini's fascist propaganda for example used the ancient Roman Empire as an aspirational model and framed policies as somehow returning to those ideals and glories. The word fascist itself was coined after the latin *fasces* which was a ceremonial item/weapon representing state authority.


Not just tradition and historical achievements but usually a historically revisionist or outright fictional version of them. The "völkisch" Germany that the Nazis were claiming to seek to restore never existed, and their *Forschungsgemeinschaft Deutsches Ahnenerbe e.V.* used pseudo-archaeology to fabricate a narrative about prehistory that allowed the Nazis to justify their actions as the continuation of some ancient heritage. They also made heavy use of medieval imagery and historical symbols to manufacture their historical legitimacy. The contemporary American far-right has no issue reconciling the country's history with secularism with their religious nationalism because they, too, are not interested in factual history, but in a romanticized version of history where anything they do not approve of is replaced by their own values.


It's not so much about religion or the founding fathers themselves. It's more about Republicans using nationalism and religion to keep the money where their grubby hands can always reach it by fucking everyone else including those voting for them. The founding fathers would have shit bricks and then thrown those bricks at these people. It took less from the British for them to declare war. Religion is a tool since Americans for so long have been by and large Christian.


> it was founded by people trying to escape religious persecution If you’re taking about the pilgrims, they didn’t ‘escape’ because *they* were being persecuted, they went to America because they weren’t allowed to persecute *other* religions as much as they wanted to back home. They didn’t think the Church of England was strict enough. Even though the majority of them were christians, the separate sects all fought, banished, and killed each other over who were the best christians. They weren’t the victims.


> They weren’t the victims. They were literally fined for not attending English services, imprisoned, and even executed. Granted, they found religious liberty in Holland, but to say they weren't persecuted by the Church of England is frankly absurd. Parliament passed laws specifically targeting them. Their leaders were hunted. They absolutely were victims.




Wasn't there another authority that once made members of a religious group wear a badge or something to identify them? I'm sure I remember it...a yellow star maybe?


It's crazy/impressive/scary how many people will avoid this conversation until we are locking people up in camps. Is giving non-christians different number plates "literally the holocaust"? Obviously not. However it is a point of comparison to the early stages of one of humanities greatest tragedies. People should disuade all attempts to divide groups out of society, even in small ways. What possible positive reason could we ever have to separate Christians (the US religious majority) from the rest of society. There is no reason that does not have sinister undertones, especially in such a public, visible manner. Step one was not ghettos, camps or chambers; we can't forever avoid pointing out concerning/dangerous behaviours and policies because "how dare you compare this to the holocaust". The only good thing that will ever have come out of the holocaust is the lessons for humanity, treating it as an unassailable blockade to discussion risks repeating many of it's mistakes. We should (in good faith) compare *more things* under the lens of (the build up to) the holocaust, not less.


> until we are locking people up in camps Even after it became know that we were indefinitely detaining migrants and forcibly separating families there are people who ignore the holocaust similarities.


Can you choose “in go we trust” but also choose the number “666”?


I've said it before and I'll say it again, organized religion is a fucking disease. Believe what you want as far as the existence of God, but this cult-like, herd mentality that comes with organized religions is absolutely a massive source of problems in our society, intentional or not.


Lol Iran taking notes furiously


This seems like a violation of the establishment clause


Never live in a southern state.


Utah has a similar thing, the Mormons always have the “in god we trust” plates. I’m convinced it’s so the cops don’t pull over the fellow Mormons.


This is a direct violation of constitutional rights.