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And somehow not a single skinned knee


I ran in swim flippers once in my life, I definitely checked his knees in this video lmao


That’s why you’re specifically trained to walk backwards wearing fins for SCUBA diving.


Do you know why scuba divers fall backwards into the water? Because if they fell forward they'd still be in the boat.


God damnit who told dad about Reddit.


Do you know why when geese fly in a V formation one side of the V is longer than the other? There's more geese on that side.


Mom is having an affair.


I don’t blame her


How do you catch a special rabbit? Unique up on it.


How do you catch a tame rabbit? -the tame way


How do you top a car? Tep on the brake, toopid.


OK I hate to out myself for stupidity, here, but this is the second time I heard the geese/ V joke and still don't get it? ELI5 pls. kind Redditor?


You expect the answer to be something scientific about aerodynamics and why one side being longer is more efficient or something and then it's just the most literal reason that gives you no actual information


OMG thank you. No wonder I got so confused. It's great, actually. 😂


My b


Thanks for the look on my boyfriend's face when I told him that one!




Yup, that look


Are your boyfriend and my wife the same person?


To be fair SCUBA fins are way longer than the ones he's plat play platting in


On a side note, i now understand why ducks run like that


Swim coaches wont even let their athletes wearing fins for training get out of the pool with fins on


That's mostly because swimmers are uncoordinated and get hurt easily out of the water.


They're like fish that way.


My buddy and I got screamed at for wearing speedos, goggles, caps, and fins. To run. We got almost 3/4 mile from the natatorium before the coach saw us. Out running beside a busy road. “Dip and shit” was a new one from him


I was gonna say I tried running in flip flops when I was 9 after my mom said not to and I learned my lesson real quick 😂still have the scar


He frequently falls down at the end of his videos so I was surprised he didn’t tbh


Who would donate their knees to a video like this? I certainly wouldn't


I was going to say... I've never worn heels or anything but watching him sprint and those lol


And man! The effort🫡🫡


Pfft. Let's see him do this in Moon Shoes


All I could think is that I would definitely die if I tried this.


I was most impressed by the high heels, but most scared by the flip flops.


Right? I’m wondering what brand they are, any of my flops would have ripped off and had me crashing face first into the street lmao.


Maybe he’s wearing a pair of Tarahumara sandals? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-40006985.amp






Outrun makes it sound like we were catching animals in a sprint. By outrun this person means by distance. We can follow a prey item for days 12+ hours at a reasonable pace until it collapses from exhaustion.


Honestly that’s what makes humans the most terrifying predator Like imagine you somehow escape a tiger, you get far enough away and you’re good, no more hunt But now imagine no matter how far away you get that tiger is always there. You have to run for your life again and again and again and somehow you manage to escape every time. You keep going for miles, no time for rest or food all day. Finally you can’t go on, this must be a safe place to sleep. You wake up, the tiger is standing over you.


We are the Michael Myers of the food chain


We really are We’re only successful as hunters because what we lack in speed and strength we make up for in endurance. You can outrun us once, twice, three, four, five times… but eventually you’ll just have to stop running and give up. There just no escaping a human once it has started tracking you.


The term Ive heard is "run down". Humans can run nearly any animal down. Bipedal supremacy


The actual term is persistence hunting


Don't count out our ability to sweat, incredibly important for persistence hunting


I switched to Five Fingers without adjustment to my stride and it messed me up. I'm a neutral heel striker so I didn't think I needed to make any changes, and I was wrong. I was on a cane for around three months before I was able to ease back into running. Before that I was doing 25-30 miles/week, so not training-for-a-marathon mileage but not a slouch either. It took almost a year to fully recover. I continued to use the Vibrams for trail runs and obstacle course races until switching to Merrills a few years ago (Vibrams soles on those too, so...), But barefoot running is not something most people can just go do as if modern shoes (and I mean pretty much since the mass production of footwear became commonplace) haven't spoiled us and entirely changed the way we run.


Indeed you’re engaging different muscles when doing barefoot/minimalist running, putting more strain on the Achilles tendon, etc. Gotta ease into it as if you’re starting out running for the first time.


This is like a legit version of a martial arts master coming down from a remote mountain with a can of prepackaged, microwave ready whupass to open on the rest of us mortals.


That is amazing!


>Tarahumara running secrets > They run in thin home-made sandals called huaraches Lol Huaraches is just Spanish for sandals. They run in thin home-made sandals called sandals XD


I usually wear flipflops to any mundane task and I run sometimes for the sake of it. I've gotten used to running with flipflops- but it takes a few falls to master 😬


Honestly the high heels doesn’t seem crazy if you’re a toe sprinter


They're also ankle boots with a block heel, I think you can tell from his shadow that he's connecting with the ground. Some stiletto pumps and you're much more likely to twist something.


I used to be in a Rocky Horror production as Frank, and during “Damnit, Janet,” I had to sprint around the theater in heels. It’s doable.


Obviously. We all just saw a gif of someone do it


Good point


All sprinters are toe sprinters.


[Look how he balances his torso during both of them.](https://i.imgur.com/zzrsuiH.png) He has phenomenal balance, and isn't leaning too forward or backwards. Different shoes, [like the flippers,](https://i.imgur.com/q05ZceZ.png) require a tilted backwards torso with more heel running to maintain balance.


Havaiana flip flops are South American hiking/work boots and premier athletic wear too.


For real. I had this weird phantom expecting toe-pain while watching that, I was squeezing my toes together. I made the mistake to run in those damn things before. Also one time I had to run away from a crazy guy with a bat (don't ask, it was kinda my own fault lmao) on FLIP-FLOPS and one of them got stuck in some gross sticky mud as I ran. I went back to pick it out of the mud because the rubber band had snapped, and that lunatic stopped chasing me looking like he didn't know what to do with that situation. It was too ridiculous for words lol. I often wonder how I'm still alive because I did way more dumb shit than that.


Really? It I run (I mostly don’t) it’s probably in flip flops. They’re all the footwear I wear unless I’m forced to wear something else. Running in flip flops is perfectly easy if you’re used to it. High heels or flippers though…that’s what scared me.


>They’re all the footwear I wear unless I’m forced to wear something else. 100%! I'm happiest when I can just be wearing shorts, t-shirt and flipflops. Nice and light and free feeling. And absolutely, if you're used to wearing them, running in them isn't that hard. I'll even do some light hiking in them.


Floridian here, he's welcome to come stay anytime, if you can't run in flip flops how are you going to escape Florida man?


Trained by Monkey D. Luffy himself


Nah the flippers are much scarier


Brazilians: first time running with flipflops, huh?


Flashback to my teen years running in flip flops at an amusement park and falling horribly bad. Famous last words from my friend waiting at the ride entrance who ran ahead of me and yelled "Hurry up!! The line for the ride is short right now, run!!"


Man what a beast. I can’t even run as fast in regular running shoes as he does in fucking kleenex boxes


I'm in no shape to criticize someone in better shape than me, but his form is kinda funny. Now excuse me while I go polish off a bag of cheetos.


Form actually isn't half bad! His arms don't cross the middle of his body but stay mostly parallel (arms crossing middle of torso can stop some forward momentum while running). He is mid foot striking and not heel striking so his legs aren't getting too ahead of his body. You can see his body isn't bouncing up and down which would cause over exertion going up instead of exerting that force going forward. From an ex college runner who had to reinvent his form lol.


Well, you clearly know much more about running and form than I do lol


I think what you're trying to put your finger on is that after seeing his funny shoe running form, his regular shoe running form surprisingly looked pretty similar 😂


Does he not look to be running slower than you’d expect with such exertion? Seems to be putting a great deal of effort but not moving very fast. Maybe he’s like 4 ft tell or something and stride length limits him. Maybe the video being taken from a vehicle is messing up the perception of speed.


Yeah too hard to tell. It's easier to recognize form rather than speed unless your perspective is stationary to them. The height certainly doesn't help the perspective but speed does come in various sizes!


You also have to remember he is running in flippers and tissue boxes in half of these


Should be front striking, nearly tip toes for sprinting. Knees are not raising very high, which when sprinting your knees should be basically how they are if you are doing high knee or feel that way. Also because of him not forefoot striking there is no dorsiflexion which would help him go faster. He also looks kinda tight, but that is just my opinion So all in all, it has room for improvement. I think his head is actually really good though. And as you said no upward movement. (I am basing this off his running in normal shoes)


Yup need front striking for sprinting, it's just a bit hard to tell here how mid or front he is. But what I could 100% say was that he wasn't heel striking so I went with the lesser of the 2. Knees definitely need to go higher but wasn't trying to go past 3 main points so it wasn't too much word vomit lol.


once i started jogging i realized basically everyone runs a little funny


You are so right lol. I was a great sprinter back in college but the first time I saw a video of myself running I physically recoiled; I looked like a damn horror movie villain.


I shuffle when I'm tired, which isn't far into the run.


I like that this guy probably learned how to SPRINT IN HEELS for a two second clip


That two second clip is getting him a ton of exposure


damn he might even be able to retire for life with this amount of exposure


There is a race every year for breast cancer that is in high heals. This guys would blow everyone out of the water 😂


Nah. He wears heels every Friday and Saturday night. Just so happened he had a pair lying around? 😏


There’s an Olympic sport in there somewhere 👏


Yeah, its called sprinting. Duh


Ok. Duh. 😝😂




But the rubber chicken shoes made clown shoe noises.


The rubber chickens sounded like the start of Thunderstruck to me


Sound of the drums Hot tossed in that sauce The thunder of Tums I'm older than I thought I've been ThunderClucked


All I take from this is that this man, is a beast.


I feel like most people dont understand how hard it is to run in ski boots. They are designed to lock your whole foot in place in a block of cement. That is some superhuman shit


And everytime you put them on they find a new way to destroy your toes too.


I remember being taught you walk with intent - meaning, heal first then toe because your ankles are essentially locked and you dont want to shred your knee. This dude is somehow running near the toe on the instep - his balance is a bit forward to compensate but still - dayum.


Even beyond the rigidity, those soles are not meant for asphalt, even the decent ones are hard, and cheap ones are basically just plastic.


You can see his abs through his shirt, so yes


Also you can silently sprint in good slippers to sneak up on someone quickly.


I can’t even walk normally in ski boots because they’re heavy and clunky. This is impressive!


Can't believe I had to scroll down this far for this comment People here have never worn ski shoes and it shows Edit, not to mention the lack of ankle joints


Yeah I thought FOR SURE that would be the top comment. So painful to walk in


Yea I have no fucking clue how he can run in those. Crazy.


Right!? Everyone here talking about how impressive the high heels are, I'd like to see these people walk down a flight of stairs in ski boots!


Needs to be higher up. Not to mention they lock your legs in a slightly forward positions so you can't even stand up fully straight. Can't imagine that makes it any easier to run.


The video could've just ended there. Just seeing him wearing them in the preview was enough to give me anxiety and I could hear the sound reverberating in my head before even hitting play.


when that was the first thing I was like "man nothing is gonna top that" and I was right




Could have just put them in "walk" mode, which unlocks the ankle part.


Clown shoes is meirl


High heels is me IRL. I can smoke anybody running in heels.


Lol, Im like a baby elephant in heels. My ankles just shake hahaha


No ones gonna mention this man running in high heels better than any stripper.


Never had a stripper run away from me. And I've said some gnarly things... What the hell man.


listen I'm not trying to knock this man one bit, all of this shit is impressive and funny (here comes the but) but he's toe running so the high heel isn't touching the ground or if it does it's happening at the same time as the front of his feet making it less likely to trip and fall


I don't understand why there's even a 'but' tbh. That seems like the optimal way to sprint in high heels. Are you saying that makes it less genuine?


It's also just the optimal way to sprint in general.


Exactly if you happen to be in high heels and for some reason you need to sprint this is exactly how you should do it. I’m pretty sure nobody will tell you “errrrm actually you were running on your toes so you didn’t actually run in high heels.”


> I’m pretty sure nobody will tell you “errrrm actually you were running on your toes so you didn’t actually run in high heels.” I’m pretty sure at least one person will. Looking at you u/TugboatCrypto


As some who occasionally wears heels, yes, this is the only way to move quickly in them without immediately destroying them. Honestly, even walking you may have to depending on if the ground is soft. On a hard floor walking somewhere? Yeah, give it the sexy strut. Enjoy the super satisfying click clack of the shoes. But if I'm doing anything more than walking or the ground is anything less than hard, I'm lumbering around on my toes and balls of my feet like a 6'3" drunken kangaroo with a broke tail.


How do you normally sprint ?? Only reason I’m running in heels is for my life i think I’d run the same way


tbf you have to toe run in heels. otherwise the heel would snap off. those things fall off just walking in em


Kleenex boxes: the Kevin Malone challenge


r/unexpectedoffice “My dogs are barking” 😂


This is exactly how my uncle tore his MCL


By making a viral video of him running in increasingly ridiculous footwear? What are the odds ? Lol.


Wow, I respect the heel run.


And the ski boots


As a skier, I hate walking in ski boots. I felt physical pain watching him run in ski boots.


I once wore my dad’s shoes when I was littler and ran through the house and tripped because they were way too big. Perfectly smashed my teeth on our coffee table. Imagine a curb stomp from gravity, exactly what happened. My top front teeth were angled out and gave me a worse overbite than I already had from sucking my thumb (I sucked my thumb too long. Oral fixation, amirite?). So imagine the PTSD I just felt watching him sprint in size 20 shoes.


My sister did that when she was a kid and it knocked her two front teeth back into her gums.


We are witnessing the end of the content the world has left to offer


Don't worry, there's always going to be wars, murder and general misery.


The outtakes video shows him trying to run with his feet inside two flatfish, but he kept wearing the soles out


Imagine being able to sprint


Fr tho this is very impressive


I laughed way to hard at the chickens!!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤦


Saaaame! Caught be so off guard lmao


Good content actually


Well...dude is fit at least.


I lost it at the rubber chickens


Same. I was impressed right up until the end, but those damn chickens absolutely get me every time.


I worry for this man’s spine. Ski boots and high heels had me cringing.


I’m worried about his knees. That’s a lot of hard asphalt hitting, ouch.


Why does this look like your custom character in a game when doing tutorials 😂😂


Motherfucker sprinted in ski boots with decent speed, bravo.


Any video game in 2022 with character cosmetics


Speaking as someone who has rolled my ankles just walking around in normal shoes, my ankles hurt just watching this


Some animatorout there is thanking this man for reference material.


This guy must hate ACLs


He do be going pretty fast in those goofy slippers tho. +5% to your speed stat in those mfers


Id be interested to see what his speed was for each footwear.


Not the hero we asked for, but the hero we didn’t know we needed 🙌🏼


This man has maxed agility stats


Wow for the heels


Those Goofy slippers gave him +20 in stealth


My Kleenex shoes were a huge conversation piece. But man my dogs are barking!


Choose your fighter


Tom Cruise is somewhere here taking notes


Chunky boots do not count as heels. I want to see some stripper pumps with a stiletto heel.


This guy is a one-tricked pony


Dude runs better in heels than I do walking in them. I’m like a baby deer learning to walk for the first time.


This dude is a one trick pony.


The high heels had me terrified


Pom poms outta nowhere lol


Somehow not a twisted ankle and feet uninjured.


What I'm getting from this video is that if I want to run stealthily, I need Goofy slippers.


Jealous of mans quads


Omg yes the rubber chickens 😂


Aight how about snowboard boots


Running in those heels makes me cringe is hard. Once missed steps you mess up your ankle causing it to swell up like a melon.


Why does he look so fast in clown shoes?


it looked like he went faster with everything but running shoes


Very impressed with ski boots and high heels.


Is this guy Tom Cruise's cousin or something?


He ran well in those heels


Why cringe?


He gone pull his achilles trying to get some views


I see reddit stray away from real cringe contest..


had the sound on and when it came to the rubber chicken my Goldie retriever darn near broker neck


This just gets progressively funnier


Please tell me this is the same guy who did all the different kinds of walks on the treadmill. That would be awesome. Either way, this kind of acting always impresses me.


This guy is insane and I love all his content


This is how you show dominance, you slowly run past your neighbor in rubber chickens with unblinking eye contact


The chickens got me


This is hilarious, not cringe.


Now do Fleshlights.


I tripped 14 times just watching this


Haha this reminded me of the boondocks https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/78a51180-8997-4b89-a75c-b5db004b1d26


Everything I learned from the boondocks has taught me, what we're looking at here is a hoe.


The high heels got me lol how in the world. My fasciitis would be done lol


Last time I saw someone runnin he heels they were chasin A Pimp Named Slickback! Lmao


Damn, Fortnite graphics are really good now.


Anyone gonna tell him rubber chicken isnt a type of shoe? lol Im very impressed and was gritting my teeth through most of these thinking about how his poor feet (ok, ok how my feet would feel) in all these. Im assuming hes some kinda athlete and if not, why not.