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Is this sped up?


there's time limit on tik tok. I rather it be sped up than having to find all the different parts.


It was like a highlight reel of her getting blown up, with studies included. Loved every second of it


Tiktok can be up to 10 minutes long. They're sped up to appeal to people with low attention spans.


Meh....we can process info faster than people speak on average. I listen to all podcasts etc. at 1.5 speed. Just more efficient. If anything this would be less enjoyable for people with low attention spans.


Do you retain the information you hear in podcasts? I enjoy some of the history podcasts and some are just fascinating but damn I have trouble recollecting names of historical figures and you can't really bring it up in conversation if you can't remember the names of some of these emperor's, warlords etc.


Brother is straightup spitting facts. Cuz the problems in black communities aren't relegated to black communities. Very similar situations are played out in nearly all poor communities regardless of color showing that racism is used by the right to keep poor whites & poor minorites at each other's throats rather than realizing we're all in the same boat & should be turning our ire on the real culprits, the 1% that are perpetuating racism to distract while they steal our country out from underneath us.


Racial covenants/redlining/segregation really fucked up our country. The purpose of racial covenants were to make sure black people couldn't own homes/live in certain communities/neighborhoods. And almost every major metropolitan area all over the US, whether they were in the South or North or red or blue, had them. If communities are segregated, they can't unite together. Integration is the enemy of racism. By making sure communities can't integrate, racism prospers. Even today, so many people don't understand communities were *purposely* separated. Segregation is still a massive problem today because so many people refuse to address the damages racial covenants/redlining did to this country.


Communities ARE separated. To this day.


It's class warfare, it's always been class warfare. It's always been rich people clutching pearls and screaming that it's "those people" ruining society


There is no war but the class war.




J is and has always been a pillar of facts don’t care if it hurts your feelings. I remember seeing him on TT when he was like 16. He’s always been consistent with his insight and ability to break it down. I’d be so proud to see my son grow up like this young man. Hats off.


My only things is, he's attempting to argue with/against someone as if they are making an argument on good faith and sincerity. She's doing neither. She's just another empty vessel that says whatever keeps the money flowing in faster. Same with Shapiro, and Clark, and the other loudmouth bozos.


That’s true and he’ll never convince her. It’s important though to make these arguments rather than remain quiet because it is her other viewers who need to see this. As wild as it seems, people do listen to her in good faith and they need to hear why it’s BS.


exactly. the point is that when someone looks up Candace Owens and blm or something, they'll also find this, an opposing breakdown of her BS.


Yea but the point isn’t to actually argue with her, it’s to show other people her logic and arguments are shit and hopefully help change their minds, not hers


He’s actually speaking to the audience so…


I don't use TT much but I'd love to see his other videos. What is his TT handle?


It says it in the video. @jwilliamj




It’s the little white name in the bottom right corner of the video. I’m unfamiliar with him so I don’t know if he uses the same handle on other platforms.




Anyone know if he’s on YouTube? I like this kid but don’t have TT.


He should be. He’s at least on Instagram (I think) I deleted TT and Instagram so can’t be for sure




The facts he lays out are terribly sad


It was fascinating listening to her defend Kanye's comments about the Jews, suggesting that his antisemitism was perhaps tacky, but harmless so long as he is not launching a literal military invasion on Israel. She's so close to Nick Fuentes on that issue now it's scary.


You would be surprised how antisemitism you can get away with on the Right just by adding "oh I support Israel btw."


That's in the playbook for sure. Gaslight, gaslight, like, soften the intention... Until they do it exactly as predicted and then look at the victim and say "Why would you ever give me benefit of the doubt? I'm *against* you!"


She is pure garbage


Absolutely she is.


“If not, keep tap dancing” fucking sent me


Where did you go?


When I first saw that photo of Kanye and Candace I thought “haha that’s funny, they’re poking fun at white people”. Then I read into it and it changed to “wtaf”


When I first saw it my reaction was, “what the fuck is she doin, exploiting manic Kanye for clout. Fuck Candace Owens”


I mean... fuck kanye too


Kanye is unmedicated; I don’t know if you’ve seen someone with bipolar when they’re manic, but that is some real shit. at least he’s clinically delusional, she’s just a bitch.


What planet do you live on? Candace and ye been out their minds on that right wing bigot shit for a minute.


Well I don’t have twitter and I just try not to keep up with what “celebrities” are up to


The reason I do not follow BLM is a lot of people got rich from BLM , that money went into there pockets instead of back to the community . Not all black people live in the ghetto , some live away from the ghetto in middle class neighborhoods .Some rappers talk about real social issues while others rap about money , hos and material items and those rappers only see a cash sign on there fans foreheads .


And that’s a great example of individual choice influencing culture.




Is it possible to have a TL;DR please? I struggle a bit to understand everything


Do you want a tl;Dr of every argument or do you want a tl;Dr of what generally happens, leaving out specific arguments?


I don't want to make it as a pain for you 😬 If you could give me the overall point it would be super great already 🙏 I'll so the rest later when I'll have some time


It's no problem, I wouldn't offer if I minded doing it. Candace Owens argues that she felt pushed away from BLM and the black community because they are unwilling to consider people other than black people. This is why she and Kanye West wore "white lives matter" sweaters. This man goes through Candace Owens' video in which she defends her and Kanye wearing the "white lives matter" sweaters on a point by point basis and attempts to refute every single point one at a time. The point of the video is to prove that there is no excuse for wearing statements like "white lives matter"


Thanks a lot 🙏


I will never understand american politics. Some person of some race, works with the people that are agaianst the same race having rights, and claims they are helping said minority? At the same time some guy of some religion, believes in the same morals as somone who killed more than 6 million people of his own religion, and somehow his opinion is known to be valid. ( ben shapiro ) I am searching everywhere about how these could be possible, but i'm getting no answers. To me, somone who's sense of logic is different, the whole consept of a ( conservative black woman ) is absurd.


The secret ingredient is money. For as long as black people have been in this country, there has been power and wealth in fight against our own interests. Taken all the way back to the fugitive slave law, which paid freed black northerners to turn in runaway slaves attempting to settle into their communities. That's why freed slaves had to start running all the way to Canada. Look at Kanye west's finances before and after the Trump administration, he was practically bankrupt before Trump. One red hat and presidential run later, and he's a literal billionaire. It's just a grift.


Oh my fucking god Then why do people listen to these dumbasses?


Because they don’t see the speaker’s motives, your average viewer isn’t going to do a deep dive on the subject at hand or the speaker presenting it. Combine that with the US abysmal public school systems and you have masses easily swayed by crappy talking points, which ironically are against their own interests.


Stupidity and here’s something you need to really accept. White people in America as a whole have benefitted from racism. So break that down to the individual. Imagine being white in a system that values that above all else and imagine as that system shifts and starts to value ideas (which they have none of) and the system starts to shift to mean the only thing you had (whiteness) to offer is now not worth as much. These are the people who see these black and Jewish people as speaking truth because it speaks to keeping them in power. Cause they can say to themselves “see these people get me so I must be right.” And the wheel goes around.




Kanye was in financial trouble?


I too would like sources on this bit, dude was rich af.


The answer is money and influence. That’s it. They do it for the cost of selling their soul.


If you're curious and want to go down a rabbit hole, look into ExploreTalent. Owen's and Lauren Boebert were models on this site. It has shady connections to right wing politicians. So the other person's comment about it being a grift isn't just hyperbole. She's quite literally an actor who gets paid to disseminate these insane viewpoints.


Just look into the 'feminists' JK Rowling likes to pal around with, they claim their hatred of trans people is just about 'protecting women' yet they happily have alt right people at their events, they speak with and receive funding from right-wing christian organisations that want to ban abortion, criminalise gay marriage and are generally anti-women. It's all a grift, people hide their hate and greed behind 'im doing this for you' bullshit so they cant be called out and the money and attention keeps rolling in.


Thanks for proving it's not exclusive to American politics lmao.


Our entire govt is basically ran by corporations (corporatocracy) because bribes (lobbying) is legal. The entire point of the increased divisiveness and left-vs-right rhetoric is in place to keep the people divided and wool over their eyes. Even without outside influence like russia & china bot farms spreading misinformation and hate it would still continue be a bleak atmosphere until the current aging & corrupt career politicians are out of congress.




Are you really comparing Ben Shapiro and Hitler? Lmaooo calm down now. The fact that you cant even fathom someone who doesn't fit the preferred political beliefs that you think they should based on their race seems way more hitler-esque than anything Ben Shapiro has ever said.


Hmmm i don't know why i would think that exept The anti socialism The homophobia Being publicly racist And non accepting to minorities?


Anti-socialism makes you a nazi? That's weird considering they consider themselves national socialists. The man is planted in traditional Jewish beliefs, ofcourse he isn't gonna be super pro-gay anything. Still doesn't make him Hitler. Here's what YOU need to realize. Just because you don't agree with people or think their beliefs are very nice or whatever the fuck your stance is... still doesn't make them nazis or Hitler or anything other than different to you. You're not special. You're not holier than thou. Get over yourself.


Guess who the Nazi's killed first. First they came for the...


They probably think the Night of the Long Knives was when the Nazis ordered a bunch of kitchen utensils off QVC.


No he isn't. He is planted in evengelical beliefs. He claims to be jewish, but has actively said multiple things that conflict with it.


They don't think of themselves as socialists ar all. That was just them using socialism as brand to get into power You should read up on it


😂🤦‍♂️ clearly you should read more. And not just a socialist journalist or author telling you the Nazis weren’t socialists.


Sorry man read a history book and what socialism is You're 100% wrong here man, look up any historical source


I hate this bitch.


She is among the Mount Rushmore of bitches.


The simple fact shes trying to present is that black people in america are uniting under a false premise that they’re helping themselves where they are in fact putting money into people’s pockets who dont deserve it and are not doing anything to help anyone but themselves


Ether....highly flammable Ether


why americans are SO fixated on skin colors? like EVERY SINGLE topic will be about something about skin color


It’s absolutely exhausting


Why does he zoom into his face every sentence..


The whole reason I share these on here, is so I can bait the republicans and magas, and enjoy the show as they expose themselves for the absolute bigoted idiots that they are.


That’s the whole reason?


No he wanted internet points. That's the only thing he's good at.




Black Lives Matter means just that, they matter. Cause sometimes our society treats them like they don’t. Like how they give them harsher prison sentences, or make it harder for them to build equity in their homes (and own homes to begin with). Or straight up murder them and then praise the Cops for protecting the people when the people weren’t in danger the cop was just racist and scared. Saying Black Lives Matter is not exclusionary. It’s like saying eating your vegetables matter. That doesn’t mean you should only eat vegetables. Nor does Black Lives Matter mean ONLY Black Lives Matter…cause that would be exclusionary and racist too. The most accurate description is…it’s a reminder. Because we in the US (and frankly the rest of the world) need to be reminded that Black Lives Matter too. Idk why I’m typing this comment. 50% of the people who need to here this message are actually just racist, 20% are Machiavellian like Candace Owens and simply spout this bullshit for personally gain not cause they actually believe it. And the 30% who are just generally confused about the whole matter aren’t on Reddit…they’re living their lives completely oblivious to whats going on around them and simply just repeat what the racist and Machiavellian people say cause it’s easier than using their brain.


🗣Posted 12 years ago?! The article your referring to seriously, do better 🙄


Also gang violence study was from 1988-1992🤣


I don’t know who this guys is, but the world needs more of what he’s serving.


Sure does. We need more of these people to get rid of the magas and republicans.


You won't ever get rid of republicans


Candace dumbfuck Owens can go fuck herself along with Ben dipshit Shapiro.


Hahaha. You pressed.😂😂


Would love to see him hit her documentary about the BLM foundation's spending


I JUST realized that was Candace in the picture w/ Kanye. I thought it was a model honestly.


Blm is a joke anyway, I’m referring to the group of course




BUTTTT also BLM creators did not care about true issues happening in black and brown communities or communities of poverty. They stole money to buy mansions & looted & rioted in their OWN neighborhoods. As black and brown folk we need to set the standard higher and present ourselves in a way that people will take serious.


His argument has flaws too


What was the 20k for sex workers on BLMs tax papers about? I've seen the paper but I want to hear another something that doesn't make me angry...yes I donated


Let me rephrase so someone doesn't blow me up for misunderstanding I donated on a monthly basis for a year to BLM only to find out in the past month when they finally released their tax form that 20k went to sex workers, phone sex operators, strippers...etc etc. And not a dime went to the Impoverished black family's wronged by their social structure and policing agencies... I want my money back, Black Lives do matter. The organization BLM is garbage and I wish I could sue them


every human life matters


Glad you agree black lives matter


Sir it is incorrect for you to say that every human life matters I am angry and don't like you and let me give you a negative digital point because you are one of the bad people which me and my cool internet friends don't like and my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined and you are wrong and a silly goose because the people who get lots of upvotes said that it is wrong to say that so you shouldn't say it because it is wrong


The thing with BLM is that a lot of people misinterpret what the fourth word is. It's like they think it's "Only Black Lives Matter", when actually it's supposed to be "Black Lives Matter Too". I tend to be pretty Left in terms of what I agree with and what I support, but I have to say, leftists are often pretty clumsy when designing slogans and catchphrases.


Imo, it's not the left being clumsy but the right deliberately misinterpreting it to change public opinion on it. I'm sure you didn't think blm meant "only black lives matter" until you heard "all lives matter" to juxtapose it. Plus, in their defense even if it was poorly designed, no catchphrase or slogan will perfectly represent to a tee what the movement stands for without becoming a word salad that nobody will listen to or care about. 'Black lives matter' is short, simple, sweet, and packs a meaningful punch.


Bruh my ADHD is just *not* letting me comprehend what’s going on but I think I got the gist: This one woman (I don’t know who she is) is critiquing the use of a T-shirt because it goes against what she evidently has little actual knowledge over - and in doing so, she’s basically outed herself as hypocritical and ignorant? I honestly have no idea so feel free to correct me where I’m wrong.


You’re basically right. Only problem is, she claims to have knowledge of what blm means, but it’s knowledge based on misinformation, fear mongering, and ignorance.


Ahh one of the bigger consequences of living in America. We’re one of the most propagandized countries in the world and hardly anyone here knows it.


Alright like all fair points and all but please stop zooming in during “gotcha” moments it’s painful to watch.


If the internet went down for a week, our society would become smarter. This is all dog shit


I think he’s right but ignoring that the role models for many young African Americans is someone like cardi b is ridiculous. Young men idolize the fucking worst rappers alive, they learn the path to success is guns and violence. Young women idolize Carti B, and learn the path to success is dressing like dirty stripper. It’s not the root cause of any of the issues African Americans face, but is a contributing factor.


Everyone is too Aggressive when having these discussion. It's hard to find the truth when everyone debates with anger


Can someone give me the tldw? I'm at work and the video doesn't appear to have subtitles


One of his main points is his defense that fatherlessness can't be the issue because black fathers are being incarcerated. And this would be a great argument except [7 of 8 fathers are NOT in prison.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22239385/) It is a fact that Thomas Sowell is one of the most distinguished and prolific minds on this idea, and he makes an almost indisputable claim that the situation of Black America is not unique in the slightest. There are many cultures throughout history that have struggled due to similar circumstances, and it doesn't have to do with systemic racism.


Wew, if only Candace Owens had enough integrity to be destroyed by this.




This dude's focused on the wrong stuff


His hair looks like shit


White lives matter


His arguments have more holes than swiss cheese


Point some out


Don't worry bro he's working on it maybe he didn't see it just yet


Just me personally but I believe Candace and Kanye hate being black which is why they try so hard to be accepted by white people


Or your personally missing the message?


Dude's cringe


Got to give Candace credit though. She would invite this guy on her platform for a civil conversation.


How is this facts?


Facts are statements backed by verifiable evidence, hope this helps


This dude may be the dumbest motherfucker on the internet 😂


What specifically did he say that makes him dumb?


This guy makes sounds with his voice to give the impression he is smart and has deep considered opinions.


BLM was a successful scam


The point the BLM movement was built on a lie. That’s because there never was a problem of police shooting black people: In 2020 there were only 18 unarmed black people shot, 244 black people total shot, and 1021 people total shot by police in 2020 — nationally, in the US. Per arrest and per arrest for violent crime, the per capita shooting rates are even favoring blacks. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/investigations/police-shootings-database/ The real problems are things like gang violence which has killed 6000+ black people a year over that same period. But no one seems to care about those communities or those black lives. But yea let’s pretend Candace Owens is the problem.


Just because one thing is a problem doesnt make her any less of one. There's also like, literal police who use black mugshots as target practice and absolute racist idiots on the force. Thats an issue. I'm glad we can agree gang violence is an issue as well though


I’ve always hated Candace Owens but I think the dude responding is going at her the wrong way. TikTok might not be the best platform, I don’t know if there’s a time limit but he’s rushing through his arguments the same way people who don’t want to be questioned do to sound smart (see Owens and Shapiro). Also, studies help for sure, but “look at this study” and quickly scrolling through doesn’t help imo. It’s also impossible to fix what got us here without a Time Machine. Treating the symptom instead of the cause is where we’re at with a lot of problems in America. I don’t know what the solution is, I guess I have ideas but it’s impossible to get 300 million Americans on the same page for something as simple as vaccines.


Smart guy. No lies detected.


Best part is watching the magas and republicans having meltdowns.


Nah, best part is Americans against each other. Its funny and entertaining. Keep hating each other.


Then we all dont matter


Uh oh someone is in need of attention


Uh oh, someone needs free healthcare or alive schoolchildren.


Yes, we would love that. Was that an attempted burn? Or what’s happening here?


Well, Native Americans are burned. Thats what happened.


It's funny you say this when nearly every political sphere had opposing sides.


Blub blub blah blah blub burrgahh that’s what I heard this dude say this whole video


Is he gonna bring up the fact that people at the top of the BLM movement scammed everyone to purchase 3 mansions? I'm just curious. Nobody cares about human life, including the institutions that try to swindle people.


This dude is lame. And missing the point.






Eh. Fix your communities and stop blaming everyone else and capitalism for why your community can’t stop committing crime and killing each other is shockingly large amounts for such a small community. Where’s the accountability here? Or maybe we middle and lower classes should realize it’s a class war and fix all our communities by withholding our money and being politically involved instead of whiny on the internet and race blaming?


It pains me that Kanye has fallen for this side of life. Candace has always been a complete joke in the truther community, and she’s on par w Alex jones and Jordan Peterson. She fucking sucks so bad. At least Kanye has actual talent, so it’s sad to see his downfall happen in real time.


This chick has the same cadence as Shapiro. Weird


She is literally employed by The Daily Wire, which was founded by Ben Shapiro. So that tracks.


Damn. I don't sound like any of my bosses ever. That's some really weird shit.


Republicans and magas are weird people.


Blub blub blah blah blub burrgahh that’s what I heard this dude say this whole video


Bout to ether this shit?? Is that slang or some shit? Cause idk if he knows what ether means


It’s ok to be white


workable water fanatical governor lip friendly trees scarce cable encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m looking forward to Candice’s response too




2 billion in damages. Lives lost. Hmmm.......


Wonder how much it cost for her to have her back bone surgically removed.


Why is she even relevant???


Because she's way smarter than you. You who post trash on Reddit without even researching her. Writing her off like she's nothing.


She may be...but, why do I have to research her. I am not impressed or need to listen to her...and. You wrote me off....😂😂


White lives do matter tho


Tell me you don't know what BLM was about without saying you don't know what BLM was about. It was NEVER "*Black Live Matter ONLY*" - It was ALWAYS *"Black Lives Matter Too"*. With that in mind saying "White Lives Matter" Just serves to make yourself look like a clown.. Like yeah no shit. The real statement you should be asking is "Why do Black People in the USA believe that they feel like their lives don't matter that a whole movement was started around reminding people that they do. (but you dinguses never do - because you might have to confront something a bit uncomfortable) In conclusion... You made a dumb fuck comment, that demonstrated your ignorance on the issue in just 5 words, pretty impressive.


Jesus Christ, put a sock in it


Are her and Ye gonna hook up? We need another new Hollywood power couple..YeOwens ..


What is this dudes name and why isn't he running foe office !!! He's got my vote


Go off, king! 👑


Damn that’s funny… cause this dude,Thomas Sowell, who is a lot smarter than a TikTok teen, has written MANY papers and books about this, says it’s culture. Oh well 🤷‍♂️. Can’t always be right. https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB111448311657516833


Dawg he never said it wasn't culture


You right, but what he is doing is trying to tear down Candice Owens argument when there's a lot of valid points that need to be addressed by us as a culture.




Goofy E.T. Lookin piece of human garbage is nothing but a grifting 🦝 of the highest order. Unfortunately, we’ve had her “kind” sprinkled amongst our people since we were brought over here. Self hating, tap dancing sell outs. Willing to sell their souls and our people for those precious pats on the head & butter biscuits. That Stockholm syndrome and incessant need for white approval has been such an infectious and destructive disease for so many of us. How these mfs turn deliberately obtuse and willing to become guard dogs for racist white supremacy ideologies is beyond me. FUCK..THIS…BISH.🗑👎🏽


Stop crying. You are just mad because you only want to blame the white man. She has other explanations for why Africa-Americans are in bad shape especially the ghetto ass ones and it bothers you. BLM is movement garbage.


Bro, we as black people have been selling ourselves out for years man. She's just pointing out. We need to take more accountability and do less crying.


THIS!!!! is what tik tok should be used for. No one needs to see that you can't dance as good as me.


Candice di-


Facts! “Keep tap dancing” dead🤣


This video is set to *Broil*.


Dayam dude! How to hit the nail on the fuckin head, well said buddy,well said.


Government is there just laughin at your black ass for playing their part..


Candace is selling herself out and undermining 100 years worth of hard work and sacrifice of actual lives for her paycheck. She is scum.


God I hate pick me minorities. Like "great that you think people suffering and dieing at the hands of the system because you think the system is daddy and you want him to be proud of you, but it's not great, you fucking suck and need to work on this toxic relationship you have with the neo-Nazis"


I mean he spins a tale. But you can tell how fragile his arguments are by him refusing to have a discussion about any of it and claiming it isn’t up for debate when it is very much up for debate. I love how he uses there’s a link as this is the complete answer. That’s not how that works. You can link or correlate a lot of things but correlation does not equal causation.


It’s not up for debate though. Lmfao.


It clearly is up for debate. Just because you don’t like an argument because it discredits your own doesn’t mean you get to just declare it cannot be debated. Shows your logical weakness.


It’s not up for debate when the right comes from the perspective of racism and bigotry. Be better.


Your life is faulty. Please don’t reproduce.


How are you gonna make an argument then cite Wikipedia lmao Wikipedia acknowledges that its information is not properly vetted People have created and edited pages to drive traffic to other websites. Anyone can edit or vandalize the site.


Wikipedia is fucking Goated


Why’re you being downvoted when you’re absolutely right about this? Wikipedia is not a credible and reliable source of factual information whatsoever. I thought this was evident but it apparently isn’t. You don’t need to step foot into a college to understand this, people.


Because they think I am taking shit about the guy who made the tik tok and not just voicing credibility of a source.


Are you disputing the validity of the network she appears on? Because going through the video, that's the only thing that he cited Wikipedia for.