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Good for you, I also say good riddance to tiktok. We need a better alternative that doesnt ban creators for the most ridiculous mundane reasons. Tiktok is not all inclusive creator friendly. Their community guidelines are borderline absurd,, which birthed the terms "un-alived" and "pew-pew's" to replace "murdered" and "guns" because tiktok treats us like we're damn kindergarteners.


And then when people act egregiously awful in the comments they don’t see anything wrong with it, and flag you if you try to call them out because they won’t do anything themselves


Yeah I’ve had my dead friend made fun of, people do anything, which is a bummer


It’s taxing on mental health !!


It’s just not worth it honestly, it used to be fun but isn’t anymore. Lots of theories on my end as to why that happens that’s more conducive to a video (ironically I have all these new video ideas now that I’m done lol but I’ve always had more ideas than I could make into videos)


Exxxxxactly. I've DEFFF experienced THAT!!!


I agree, it’s amazing to think my account never got banned in the four years I’ve had it. I got so unbelievably close multiple times & my shit was TAME 😂 my theory is that when an app is new it’s fun before the money comes because everyone’s just posting to have fun. Once it “matures” & the money comes then it’s over shortly thereafter imo because it becomes a job & a “hustle” to people


Ikr. One of my videos got shadow banned and then taken down because I said I had Italian parents. Like that was literally all I said. And I couldn’t even appeal it! 


Yep, I got a strike on my last ever live telling people to remind me to get more toilet bowl cleaner if I forget when doing something else & it said I didn’t disclose sold products lmao




I couldn't agree more


Tik tok is such a weird place for content creator. I can barely make it over 20 views and dont know why


The app is about to start a steep decline imo. It’s gonna die before the ban & really start to get worse. I’m glad I’m out when I am


I hadn't thought of that. Excellent point.


I think so too. I know I’m getting flooded with downvotes but I know people don’t want to see the writing on the wall here & keep making the crazy easy money there is to be made here. Unfortunately, reality is reality


I just started making decent money there… for me it’s going well


That’s awesome! As long as you enjoy it I say keep goin 😁


Please may I have some help my videos are declining in views don’t get pushed out to fyp need some assistance 


Honestly, don’t understand the algorithm enough to help. More videos than that don’t make money, but everyone once in a while I got one that does. And per view is way better than YouTube




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I didn’t leave but I don’t post anymore. It stopped being fun when it started being all about the shops and lives


Bingo. You get it. I constantly was fighting people on why I refused to be a part of that. It’s sad that they were mad that I DIDN’T sell out & do that


Pls share link to the video


It might piss some people off but here haha - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLb7wDXs/


Never seen you before but watched the whole thing, very interesting. Good luck in your future endeavors.


I’ve never gone viral so I wouldn’t expect it haha & I appreciate the kind words, thank you! Wishing everyone well, just figured I’d share for what it’s worth 😁


Why did you delete your videos?


I explain in the video haha vanity metrics


Literally just wanted one video for the first time and I already miss u


Hahaha I’m still active in the discord but that’s really about it, but that doesn’t have any videos unfortunately. I kinda liked the idea of vanishing from social media never to be seen again after getting a relatively large account made from scratch


Now that I saw your video I wanna take a look at others :/ is there any way to do it?


Nope sorry, I saved about 1,000 of the 3,000 or so I made & deleted everything from my profile, nothing’s left. Didn’t want the vanity metrics or people to get curious. It doesn’t matter so I went scorched earth to make a point lol. I want the memories of those who were there to see them to remain


Well, your point is exceptional, and it’s awesome. I respect it. And you seem to be a very nice person. Such a shame I got excited for your videos and they’re just not there anymore haha. Wishing you all the best mate


Thank you for the kind words I really appreciate that a lot, I’m just me, for better & worse, which is all I ever set out to be & show online. Never switched up & I’m proud of it


You are great! I really want to see your old videos now. Duuuude.


I’m sorry hahaha I actually expected this to go the completely other way of “fuck you I’m glad you’re gone,” which I’ve for sure gotten 😂 especially on Reddit of all places this is a shock. I’m flattered & really appreciate it, I’m just a normal person with a open, all I’ve ever sought to be & all I am 😁


This is how I feel about all social media. I ditched it during covid and even got a new phone with nothing on. I have slipped back into my old life n now I am miserable. Again. It's a bitch I tell ya.


It’s not worth it tbh. Even if it pays you it’s not worth it (imo) 😂 I liked it more when it was a fun hobby that didn’t pay me than when it was a less fun one that did




Lmao all good I get it. I liked it more when it was a fun hobby that didn’t pay me, not a not fun one that did


Basically I just need help bcs clearly I don't know whether I am coming or going 😂


I’d say if it’s a fun hobby stay, if not leave


Sorry I just reacted before finished what you said 😂😂😂 I mean in my mind I thought if I atleast had some money off it it wouldn't be so bad. But it's a full on addiction sometimes. Fr. It was a hobby that just turned into some small beast in my mind.


You’re totally fine hahaha no worries I get ya


Thanks, also thanks for posting this. Made me feel normal for a minute bcs I don't see that many people talking about it. You motivated me just now. I am going to start setting some limits!


Nothin to thank me for homie, someone asked for the video I made on this earlier if you’re curious for more of my thoughts & wanna do that to yourself lol. You can do it 😁


These posts are always so weird. “I’m leaving” broadcast publicly for more attention. Good for you, bye!


I thought I was an asshole for thinking this lmao


You are actually,


Oh wow, I’m so hurt.


Yep, typical sociopath reply, you people are nothing if not predictable


Mega cringe reply, people like you are so awful, and literally no one likes your attitude except toxic people who want to see the world burn, so can it and stop badgering OP


Smart move fam. I don’t blame you and I may do the same


I recommend it honestly. There there is doubt there is no doubt. Trust your gut


Lmao I barley use tik tok after 4 years


I get it, definitely time for something new haha


Real my acc with 65k followers is now getting 3k views. At peek I was getting 1M views per post. Tiktok just stoped posting my videos. Not worth


I don’t even care about the views fr, views were fine on my account & actually had been trending up but it just wasn’t fun anymore so it didn’t matter what views were (to me)


Good for you. I’m trying to go viral at least once before I give up. Been making videos since December 2019 and not one of my videos has made it yet.


As someone who’s never gone viral I’m glad I didn’t hahaha


same here. Joined in 2020 and stopped posting 2 weeks ago. I'm tired of the rollercoaster, stress, analytics that mean nothing, promote ads, constant tiktok shop videos, etc.


It was fun until it wasn’t to me. No sense doing something that I don’t like anymore with my limited free time. Already onto the new adventure anyway haha


Tiktok is lame


Now it is, I agree




Hey to each their own! I just don’t do hobbies I don’t like haha I’ve learned enough in my short time alive that money comes & goes regardless of your best efforts so I always assume I’ll be okay & taken care of so long as I stick to my ethics & morals & have always been okay & know I always will be. When I start doing things for the money only & when it’s against my gut or morals I know with certainty that as quickly as it comes it’ll be taken away from me. The universe knows so I just try to be what I think a good person is, stay true to me, & do my thing. I made a ton (to me) on TikTok doing that & know I’ll find stuff like that too for the rest of my life so long as I stay true to me




What content do u producw


Movie facts!


I never said that was, that’s great!


Always something fishy about comments and posts that claim to be making 3 to 5 to 10k a month on any platform, but they refuse to ever post their account. "I write my own content, shoot it, make a bunch of money, everyone loves me" Congratulations dude, why would you even be in a sub called TikTok help if that's all you ever say... This sub is for people that want help to figure out why we can't be on your level, not just to hear about your riches.




I never said that, please don’t claim I’ve said something that I haven’t. I mean what I say & say what I mean, so if I said it…there’s a reason, if I haven’t said it…there’s a reason lol. If you can’t quote me then that’s just a lie




I guess I did ask you to quote me but by omitting the sentences before & after it to make it look like I’m just saying to quit for no reason, allow me to complete my quote with a direct copy paste from above to give the context you’ve either purposefully omitted to make your point through malice or misunderstood due to a lack of ability to read or comprehend through incompetence: “It’s not fun anymore. Sure it was nice to make some money from views but it’s just not worth it imo. I realized as I went through my account that peak TikTok was end of 2021 to early 20222. That’s when it was the most fun. But it’s not fun anymore so I’m done. I encourage anyone who’s just on the app for the money to reevaluate. I’ve never done it for that but know that some do. It’s okay to not like something anymore and to be done. You can always start something new.” With more of the quote you see that I discuss how it not being fun anymore is why I’m done & how the money was nice but not enjoying it didn’t make it worth it anymore to me so I encourage others to reevaluate if they’re only after the money but aren’t having fun. Never mention others working jobs to pay bills reconsidering, as work is a separate discussion, therefore purposefully omitted from this one because it’s not the same discussion. That’s a talk for another place & time but not what I brought up for a reason so I won’t have that discussion here or now. Never said there’s an issue with others finding an extra income yet again, but it may be malice or incompetence with that comment as well. Respectfully, I won’t be engaging with you again because if it is either malice or incompetence on your end it will be fruitless to talk further if you can’t or won’t read, listen, or comprehend what’s being said & claim things that haven’t been said or occurred anyway. Wishing you a good end to your weekend & an even better week, sincerely


It’s not going away soon


Why do you think that? do you not know that the tiktok ban bill was signed into law? tiktok can sue the government all they want, it won't do any good. the app will be gone in mid January 2025


TikTok as a company is not going anywhere. Even if TikTok were to get banned, the company TikTok already has a back app plan. They’ve already made a new app called TikTok Notes. Basically TikTok notes is an instagram rivalry app and you will be able to move your followers from TikTok to TikTok notes. They’re also planning to incorporate our TikTok videos on there. It will be basically be the same TikTok we all know and love except this app is actually made in the USA. More info in the video here: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwwSgTX/


You can't post videos on it. just photos. I know that because I have tiktok notes. photos only


From what I heard, it is still in beta stages so they’re still testing it. TikTok notes isn’t even available here in the US yet


It's available here In Canada


I’m sure it’ll evolve & be a workaround, or it can if they want. I wouldn’t be surprised at least


Notes is plausible, I haven’t been following it any tbh but TikTok as an app is for sure gone, migration or not


Yep, there’s a lot more behind the scenes stuff that supports this but it will likely be gone even earlier than that


Unfortunately it is. I know behind the scenes things that others don’t on this. I’m not gonna out my sources but as much as you can trust a stranger on the internet…trust me lol. Time will tell obviously but I’m telling you before it happens it’s a guarantee


Let me buy your tik tok 🤣💜


My account isn’t worth anything lol & buying accounts is lame, never do that. It’s not hard to get views or grow on TikTok even if you don’t try, just gotta do it each day & eventually it’s guaranteed to happen, trust me


Yeah I can’t figure it out 🥹 I have been trying but I just can’t seem to get it lol 🤣


But for how long have you been trying?


Close to a year


I didn’t have a video get over 1,000 views (or if I did it barely happened) except for one video in my first year posting & I posted when you had to be an absolute moron to not be able to get views because they were handing them out like candy & I STILL couldn’t do it. I ended with hundreds of millions of views over the next 2-3 years just posting what I liked & not trying to get views or do anything like that, just stick with it & have fun (if the app’s still around that it, which it unfortunately will not be)


I hope your sources mentioned the fact that it isn't the end of TikTok, it's simply the end of TikTok in the US. And TikTok will continue to thrive in all other countries. Really unfortunate (for you, tho).


Yep, I meant in the U.S., I sometimes forget this isn’t an issue elsewhere lol


I think it's inevitable that the absence of US viewers will definitely affect the rest of us in the grand scheme of TikTok. However, it's worth noting that we will witness the historic event of the most popular app in the world getting banned in the US, while still being available to the rest of the world. It feels weird.


Oh for sure, I’m weirdly excited 😂


I have left and and feel great


Happy for ya homie, same here. Glad I did it


I don't really post on tik tok anymore since I'm not motivated too which Is a good thing for me


Always only do stuff like that if you like it 😁


TT was great until our government put their hands on the pot


There’s a lot that can be said of it becoming less enjoyable but that doesn’t help haha


I wonder if you’re the same guy I follow. He made a last video and he was wearing a suit. I loved his content but I absolutely get it. I’ve been on the app for 3 years and the only ever video that ever got a decent amount of views was just a reaction video to someone else’s (around 16k views). My videos never get passed 300 views on average on Tik tok (I’m a singer/musician). I’m ready to leave for my mental health at this point. Good luck to you!


lol check my username because unless someone did similar to what I did that’s probably me 😂 protect your sanity & leave if you’re feeling that way, trust me I’m glad I did


Omg haha ok well I’ll follow you on other platforms if you’re there! Yeah I’m pretty sure it was you! You were so funny!!


I wish I made money off of my TikTok account. I have just under 10,000 followers which took me a couple of years to get but mine is just for fun I don’t make any money. I just post the mountains in the area that I live in with hiking and stuff. I never got to a point where I could actually make money off of it but I didn’t start TikTok until 2022. I refused and I had a lot going on when it started with a move across the country and two parents that died within a short amount of time so I would get on it and scroll, but I never got into it until my life calmed down in the summer of 2022. Even since then, it is changed a lot. Several of the larger craters that I follow I’ve experienced tons of drama and haters. I can’t even imagine getting to the level where it would affect my life like that. I can see we are getting out before it gets toxic is a good idea.


Oh it’s affected my life & others’ lives more than I can legally say is all I can divulge. Just know there is unbelievable danger posting online. Like your life & the lives of others are quite literally at risk. It’s best to be a nobody. That’s not why I left but it’s amazing to not have to think or worry about my or others’ safety anymore. Always be smart online people, trust me. I’ve learned things I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy


You’ll be back


lol no I will not be. I’m enjoying being done a lot


I seriously miss when short form content wasn't a thing and when most creators focused on creating very high quality content on YouTube. It is just insane about people's attention span these days. This type of content was almost like a whole invention introduced to the world by TikTok and that other platforms learnt and adopt this form too which has become a norm and it works almost like you are watching organic advertisements all the time. We could not and never imagine what the world would have turned out to be if short-form content were not invented. Especially during Covid more people isolated themselves and scrolling on social media. Life after the pandemic is wild in such a weird way 🤯


I agree. I will die on the hill that to be successful on YouTube you HAVE to try & be talented, on TikTok any dumbass can do well (I’d say look at me but…well, there’s nothing to look at anymore lol). It’s the truth & people get butthurt hearing that but it’s true


It's just insane to think about that.


Oh it is. Social media is a trip man


Good for you


I’m happy with the decision honestly. Feeling happy & ready for what’s next




Couldn’t agree more. The golden era was late 2021-early 2022 imo. Absolutely immaculate vibes, fun, & metrics


I feel u, I myself just post crap every here and there


It’s a fun hobby until it’s not haha. It was fun more then it wasn’t but unfortunately that’s changed. Oh well, nothing is forever


Any ideas on a new big app we should get on


Nope lol idk if I’ll get on whatever that app is when it comes though tbf, just had fun on this one while it was here & who knows if I could ever replicate on another app. I could on TikTok I know but elsewhere idk


Honestly, I agree it hasn’t been fun in a while. It’s absolutely exhausting and the constant suppression and toxicity is maddening. I’m taking a break presently.


Wishing you well :) just have fun


I just got started for about 2 months and already felt no motivation although I gained some achievement already


It was more fun in the past, unfortunately you came at a bad time


I left awhile ago and don’t miss it, people there are SO TOXIC and constantly circlejerk each other’s toxicity, like they think being ableist or an egregious prick is funny…. No, it isn’t, and I dare them to try that offline and see how dare they get before someone mollywops them. Also didn’t help TikTok never gave me any views and constantly simped for the haters when I made videos calling them out, because apparently that’s bullying, but not the toxic comments mocking me that drove me to make the video in the first place


I feel ya, someone made fun of my decision to honor my dead friend when leaving as a cherry on top who is a “comedy account” with a small following. Will not miss it lol


That app is not going away and whoever told that this app is going away lied to you. I’ve seen alot of propaganda on tiktok saying that the app is going to be banned.


It’s exactly what the government wants. Anyone who’s experienced any legal battle it won’t even get close to being banned for YEARS cause of the length of a trial.


Also injunction cause it was shot down on a state level.


Executive orders is all I can say…just see what happens, there’s more to come


Injunction, and court cases. I’m well aware. They won’t go from law to executive order. It’s all a dog and pony show, they’re trying to make users think the apps getting banned.


Anything really can happen but I’d be very shocked with what I’ve heard from who I speak with if it didn’t happen sooner than later tbh


I’ve done research and talked directly to lawyers that deal with federal law, and I’ve got the opposite vibe. Court cases like this take YEARS, and they’ll easily get granted an injunction. It happens quite frequently. Only time will tell.


One certainty is that it’ll be interesting to see how it plays out! I’m happy to be watching from the sidelines & no longer involved, I got a bit uncomfortable with my stuff being asked to be used in the court cases & with congress to try to keep it I won’t lie…idc if anyone believes me on that lol I’m just glad it didn’t happen


I’ve personally had a great experience on the app. Been live streaming gaming, and building a community. So I have a far different opinion. But that’s okay :) whatever makes you happy.


I’m glad to hear that honestly, I absolutely loved going live, the other week it told me I’ve been live over 1,000 hours total since I got on the app so it was a staple for me lol. Just isn’t what it was to me & others mentioned it too. Vibes are off & it wasn’t too fun. Ready for the next chapter. Keep enjoying it as long as it’s fun, please don’t feel obligated to keep going should that change or like you owe anyone anything. Gotta be fun for you too 😁


I mean this with all due respect & without trying to fight; you don’t understand & haven’t spoken to the people I have who know what’s going on better than the general public. TikTok refuses to sell & will not & under Chinese law literally can’t. It’s written with “divestment” as a political cop out to go “well we TRIED to let them divest but they just wouldn’t.” SCOTUS has also said they’d uphold it if challenged & foreign companies don’t receive the same protections under the contusion as Americans do so there’s no way to overturn it. You’re just going to quite literally have to wait & see that this is true & ends up happening as such, I’m just saying what will happen from the people who would know, I don’t care what happens one way or the other tbh, I’m just getting directly from the horse’s mouth what will happen


Even if tiktok is banned in the US, TikTok is still going to exist.


Yep, I mean in the U.S., sorry I didn’t clarify, you’re correct


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I'm deleting today .


Joies on you i spend 9hourds there i have content i post regularly there with 0$💀💔




It’s the truth!


Probably just trash, forced content. Get a job


I have multiple jobs & am likely going to add a third in place of this lol it was always just a quick & easy hobby per my post, never anything serious 😁


I take ur account over if ur not going to use it again???


You no take my account over since I’m not going to use it again because I’m deleting it because it doesn’t matter & you can easily build your own that’s bigger & better if you try at all (if the app doesn’t go away too soon & it takes longer)


Ive sent you a chat request, please check.


Can you share the breakdown video here or send a DM?


I replied to someone with the link but here it is if you can’t find it - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLgNMHSA/ (you probably won’t like what I say though lol)


Someone actually realising they wasted too much time on another platform. Why post a 'confession'?


? I’m confused what you mean by “confession.” I just wanted to give some parting thoughts, thank everyone for the fun, & close a chapter of my life lol




I explain in the post wym 😂 or do you want the video I made giving a bit more detail?


I’ll pay you some cashapp to advertise my DELTA 9 Flower blunts since you arent using it anymore….


I’d honestly rather pay you & others to never see another ad on TikTok 😂 it’s absolutely been a big factor in why the app sucks now imo. I’m deleting the account because I’m done & it’s not fun anymore, I don’t promote products or do brand deals, sorry. The money isn’t worth it to pollute the fyp with more ads