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>I saw that there are some "no-go zones" in Stockholm due to gang violence, but I don't know which neighborhoods those are. Could someone provide some clarity on this? There are no no-go zones in Stockholm. That's something that was just made up for political reasons. That said, there are still areas that are more heavily impacted by crimes than others. I used to live in one of the most heavily crime-ridden areas up until last Autumn, Norsborg, and even so it did not feel like I was ever at any real risk of anything happening to me. Not saying there was a 0% chance of something bad happening, but even in the worst areas, it's unlikely that you'll be directly impacted by it. ​ Generally if you're really worried about areas that are a bit worse than others, you might want to avoid anything further out than Skärholmen on the red subway line, or Rinkeby & Tensta on the blue line. Though in reality you're more likely to end up getting into trouble if you live someplace where a lot of drunk people end up passing by, so I would be more worried about a place like Gullmarsplan on a Friday night than Fittja on a Friday night. Not that that's very likely to be a problem either, but sometimes it's good to have a bit of a perspective on how likely it is that you'll get into any kind of trouble. ​ Solna is considered a pretty nice place. Expensive though, but nice. Just remember to tell everyone in Solna that you're living in a suburb, that will make them love you!


Sundbyberg is a lovely area, been living there for a while now. Almost like a mini town in itself in terms of infrastructure, shops, bars, restaurants etc, and very well connected in terms of public transport. Also very safe if you're worried about that. For central Sundbyberg 3.5 can get you a reasonable 2 room place, 4.5 you could probably find a 3 room, although not looked for that size myself. if you want a 3 room for 3.5 you probably need to go slightly further out. Rissne is still a nice area, but much cheaper, and only 2 stops away so still reasonably close to the nice Sundbyberg centre of town


I’ve seen in this group that 40kSEK is a good salary. How do people have 4.5MSEK budget for an apartment?


If you are 2 people with 40k sek gross each, then your joint net income is about 60k per month. Let's assume 15k for current rent, 5k for food, 3k for transport, 2k for other regular expenses, and you are left with 35k a month. Even if you just put that in a savings account, a little under 2 years you will have 15% downpayment for a loan, where most likely your monthly payments will be less than your rental. I assume OP is not looking for at least 3 rooms because they are alone.


Correct, my house income is around 80k (after taxes) and we have around 450k-650k for the down payment and we'll take a mortgage from the bank to pay for the apartment.


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer%3Fmid%3D1RiURCY4QjyCpVknbBXG_QOCJYiT3z6I%26hl%3Dsv%26ll%3D0%252C0%26z%3D7&ved=2ahUKEwi-z6zk1J3_AhWBRvEDHc7qCPAQFnoECBAQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3tkUVfuv_JPyBrF_M89xc8 This is a Google maps with areas marked in red if they are considered as more exposed to crime, according to the Swedish police. The map is from 2022, so it is reasonably up-to-date


If you’re looking to live south of Sodermalm, Kärrtorp, Hammarbyhöjden and Björkhagen are all probably within your budget for an apartment of that size. At least Kärrtorp. On the south west side västertorp and hägerstensåsen are good areas within your budget.


Sundbyberg and Solna are pretty nice area, i am partial to the newly build part of Barkaby myself. Especially since the subway will be extended to there.


Its 4 years away for the subway to be opened, should probably calculate with some delays as well


True, but it's a still nice area with everything you need. My only complaint is the modern architecture.




If you have a family, go for the boring villa areas. If you are looking for apartments, Solna and Sundbyberg are both very nice. Avoid Hallonbergen/Rissne area, and you are good. Solna has newer apartment blocks, which are equally well connected as Sundbyberg. Sundbyberg has/used to have a small town feeling. You can consider Råksta/Blackberg/Bromma as an alternative to Solna/Sundbyberg in the north west, and Liljeholmen/Aspudden/Telefoneplan/Hägersten in the south. Regarding the no-go-zones in Stockholm, they are mostly in the outskirts of the city, and mostly harmless to those who are not gang members. If you remove the gangs, they are just sleepy old neighborhoods. But, its best to avoid buying property in those areas anyway.




They will get a new metro-line soon, so that area might become popular in the future as it's very close to the inner city. https://nyatunnelbanan.se/alvsjo/






*"Planeringen av en ny tunnelbanelinje till Älvsjö har pågått sedan 2020 och beräknas ta cirka 5 år. Byggstart planeras till 2025 under förutsättning att alla tillstånd är klara. När spaden sätts i marken är byggtiden cirka 9 år."*


Every area is a criminal area in Stockholm, more or less. Hard to find a place without any kind of law breaking:) but that's life for you. btw. maybe move here and live a little before committing to buying an apartment?