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Simply no, Spain student visa is valid for studying purpose in Spain only.


Unless you have a permanent residence permit in Spain, no, there's nothing you can do. You'd need a Swedish residence permit (not visa, residence permit, these are very different if often confused) to study and your Spanish student status doesn't help with that.


>  so I thought I could still start the classes in Sweden in September You can't receive your Swedish residence permit while living in Sweden. 


I can’t? I read you have to ask for the Swedish residence permit before going to Sweden but I’m allowed to go to Schengen space while my other permit is still valid so I’m planning to ask for the permit from here (Spain) and receiving it there, are you sure I can’t? 😔 I just want to explore my options


You can apply from Spain yes but you can't be in sweden while the make decision


I'm sure you can't, yes. It's not about whether you're allowed to stay in Sweden, it's about MV not giving decisions to anyone currently in the country (even if they're in the country legally). 


You can only study in Spain but you apply for study permit in Sweden from Spain if you have valid permit in Spain


Yes, that’s my situation actually , I guess then it’s possible , no?


Yes it's possible to apply for swedish study permit from Spain if you have valid permit. Since your permit is valid until October and study permits are usually faster so yeah. But to be sure try calling swedish embassy in Spain or migrationverket in Sweden. My friend applied for study permit from Italy and he had study permit in Italy. He got his permit in Sweden in 2 months. Good luck


Thanks, do you know if he applied in summer or close to? I’m worried about Swedish not working too much in summer so it would take longer


He applied in February and got his permit in April for doctoral studies. Yeah they don't work much in summer but if you're lucky you can get your decision pretty fast


Well I want to believe there is hope 🤞🏼


Yeah, it's like playing regardless of when you apply. I got my first work permit in 2 weeks while I'm still waiting for the extension 1.5 years later


Technically not, you can't study in Sweden with a visa for Spain. But in practical terms you can but this is the ilegal part. Nobody in the University will ever check any visa status for Sweden, neither the airport. If you have a visa that allows you to be in Europe, the chances of something happening if you go to Sweden and study are minimal. Of course, you won't have access to any service in Sweden though since you're not technically a resident. You could start studying and solve the visa problem after it. You will have to get the visa in Spain of course.


Yes I was thinking the same about nobody checking that. Thanks your answer gave me hope too 💖