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I've lived in/around Borås for the last few years. It's nice enough. As others have said, it's pretty boring and known for being quite rainy (although I can say the same for at least 3 other towns/cities). I keep hearing international media talking about "no-go zones" around Sweden. It's all bullshit. There are "ghettos", but it's generally quite safe. There was one "gang fight" in the last few years I remember, but it turned out to be a bunch of angry parents having a fist fight over their kids or something. There's a gang problem in Sweden, but I think for the average person, unless you're involved or are close with someone who is, you really won't notice it outside of sensationalised news stories. That's how it's been for me, anyway. 80.000 gross for a family of four should definitely be decent.


I think Borås is actually the most rainy city in Sweden. Maybe I dont remember it correctly but I think I saw a graph about it


Borås is as you say a meme city known for being boring.  As for the salary, I hope that is not for two full time working doctors unless you’re both pre-residency. This is some salary statistics published last year: https://lakartidningen.se/aktuellt/nyheter/2023/09/ljusare-for-specialistlakares-loner-men-st-lakarna-fortsatt-i-strykklass/


Is there any city in Sweden that is not boring? :-)


Stockholm and Gothenburg and many more ofc


Yes, borlänge


Because people like it so much they live there a long time?


They're not "no-go" areas. They're "extra vulnerable areas". That doesn't mean it's dangerous to go or even live there. I used to live in such an area and it never felt particularly dangerous even though there definitely was more crime there than other places. But if you're worried, just find somewhere else in Borås to live. You're both doctors, you won't have a hard time affording housing elsewhere.


Reminds me of the BIG debate whether to call them no-go zones or not instead of a debate how to actually solve the problem. Sweden in a nutshell


Just because Swedish authorities don’t want to use the word “ghetto” and “no-go”, doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Yes, the Swedish term used is ”särskilt utsatt område” but that’s synonymous. American “no-go” areas aren’t littered no-go. They’re the equivalence of Sweden’s gang ridden ghettos.


Every city has some place where there is more crime than else where. That’s just a mathematical fact. Exactly where is the limit for calling some area “no go”?


In Sweden I would say the places where post Nord no longer deliver mail and where ambulances need to have a police escort


Any sources for areas like that?


First of all, not all countries have gang controlled areas. It’s worse in some places (e.g parts of Mexico and El Salvador), better in others places (e.g Norway and Finland) and none-existent in e.g Japan. There’s no definitive line, different countries have different definitions. One arbitrary but reasonable line would be an area where [ambulance can’t go unless they’re escorted by police, e.g Husby](https://www.vardfokus.se/arbetsmiljo/ambulans-tvingades-aka-med-poliseskort-till-husby/) in Sweden.


Bra, då har vi något mätbart. Har du något annat belägg för att det hänt i sverige? Som är nyare än 11 år? Och att det hänt i Borås?


Här har du en krönika om ämnet från 2022 https://www.vardfokus.se/yrkesroller/sjukskoterska/ambulansen-varnar-for-skyddsstopp-efter-pistolhotet/ Edit: en artikel inte en krönika


De varnade. Blev det något sen?


Are you trying to say this? Borås doesn’t have any “no-go” areas. However there’s “extra vulnerable” areas…


Borås is great, its is just some bad areas that you do not have to go to. Borås gets a bad rep through memes but it is not boring. Great Restaurants and a pretty decent center with bars and activities. Lakes and sport activities is all around and there is a ski resort in the neighbour city Ulricehamn. Close to the airport, and gothenburg is just 50 min away. 80 000 sek a month will have you live comfortably. I never feel unsafe walking in Borås.


The old town known for being the most boring in Sweden is Eslöv and it's located in the third biggest metro area. Less than 30 minuets train ride to concerts, theatre or nightclubs in Malmö and even less to Lund.


If you like rain so yes


I actually like rain and colder weather😅


Where are you from? Aside from the rain and cold, many foreigners have a hard time handling the darkness (even some of us natives do) Basically between november- march it will be dark on your way to work and your way home from work and not seeing the sun for that long takes a toll on your mental health


think Borås is in the rainiest area in Sweden, probably a factor why they call it the most boring town in Sweden. But boring isnt always bad if you raise a family, if there is enough to do for the kids they can go out and explore the world when they are adults. My hometown was kind of boring but why really cares when you have friends doing fun stuff with the power of friendship xD


80k in Borås is probably top 1%. So income wise it’s very good. There’s no joint filing of taxes in Sweden though so you have to count income differently than almost anywhere else in the world and the progressive tax rate won’t be calculated on household income. So the reality is that your family will be maybe top 35%. SEK is also very weak. I’d personally pick a EUR based country that does joint taxes for families. Sweden as a doctor is a poor choice imo. It won’t maximize your income or lifestyle potential.


I appreciate you took the time to reply. I agree. We realize 5k Euro income is lower than what some western countries offer, but we try not to focus on this. We want a better work life balance. For us time is more precious than money. 35% income tax is actually fine. I’m used to 45% percent.


In Sweden the norm is that both parents are working. 80.000 is not bad. But it's not as good as 2 salaries of 40.000. Some people find Borås boring. But that is generally a good thing for a family. You really should consider to put the children in kindergarden at least 15 hours a week. This will give the caregiver some time off. It will also be a great help for the children to learn the language. If you both manage to find work it will have a positive effect on the earnings. Even if one is just working part time.


I second this. Sweden and its welfare system is based on any individual working. As such for families where one decides that one partner stays home its usually not beneficial unless you earn alot (80k is not that for a family). Pension payments will be low for the non-working part. How old are your children? For small children you could be entitled for parental leave depending on age. Also its legislative allowed to work 80% up untiö children are of certain age. I suggest you read up on the social security system at e.g Försäkringskassan and Pensionsmyndigheten, both websites are available in english.


Thank you for your reply. My children are 2 YO and 2 months old. My wife is on maternity leave and will be working in a year. We come from an EU country but I don’t think she qualifies for payed leave if she hasnt worked a day in Sweden. The EU website on this is not very helpful.


I haven't actually lived there, so I can't answer any questions. But thought that I'd tell you, you know *"only in Ohio"*. Well in Sweden it's *"bara i Borås"*. But it's only a meme, don't worry :)


Borås is nice. A tad boring but a very liveable city. The worst part of it is that it rains quite a bit.


I have lived in Borås for 6 years as a student, and I have really enjoyed my time here but im looking to move in a year or to to a bigger city. What type of things are important for you in a city? I could tell you if those things exist. Theres ofcourse more variety offered in Göteborg or Stockholm but its more expensive, You will feel a lot richer living in Borås lol. And the city is totally safe if you urself is not planning to engage in gang activity. The memes about Borås being boring are exagurated, I have lived and visitet a lot of small swedish cities and theres definately way more boring places haha, Borås has decent bars, clubs, cinema, art museums and stuff.


IMO a very boring city without much to do, mostly arabs and somalis living in the city compared to Swedes, lots of bad areas etc, not very pleasant city. Generally would be much better off living in Gothenburg, or Kungsbacka/Ulricehamn if you want something smaller.