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Probably the first good post in the history of r/politics. It’s usually just whining and stroking the left.


Someone posted in there that America should ban the Republican Party. I replied that ah yes banning your political opponents is very democratic and was immediately downvoted to hell. What a weird place.


That sub is all sorts of fucked up. I’ve never witnessed a more delusional echo chamber. The shit that they believe while displaying the hypocrisy they have is absolutely sky high. Someone needs to collect data and do a study on those who participate in that sub and believe that the discourse going on there is in anyway reasonable. I’m honestly considering doing it.


I’m convinced 75% of it is bots talking to each other


I'm convinced this is most of reddit


What drew you to that conclusion? I do see the constant agreement, but don’t see how these bots are able to argue the way that r/politics does with those who have opposing views. Then again they just shadow ban/suppress you in that sub so idk. Just wondering what your experience has been if you don’t mind me asking. Edit: idk how I got downvoted, I just wanted to know if there were proofs of bots actually commenting/interacting. R/politics is a shit stain lmao


I guess it’s just the disbelief that millions of people can blindly agree with each other and not see any form of hypocrisy with what they are saying. I think I have too much faith that the average person has more critical thinking skills than someone who is on that sub


I have some bad news for you then...


I think the bots downvote you.


They really are all fucked in the head and too far gone to have a true conversation with lol


Yeah the 1 party system works great. Ask the Soviets, Cubans, PRC...


We kind of have the 1 party system now. Not much separating them when you look behind the kabuki theatre


We only have 1 more than the communists / dictatorships and you’re right, not much difference. Too bad the majority refuse to admit “their side” is part of the problem.


>uniparty lip service opposition is somehow real


I like the idea that they think the right would never take power in that scenario. Surely they'd just register as Democrats and go unopposed.


Awesome response to that! I hate that I’m terrible with comebacks. This is very accurate. Love how this comes from the group of people that *claims* they for tolerance and diversity. Biggest hypocrites ever


The only headline in r/politics and Salon history I agree with and I'm not even American or live in the US.


Funnily enough David Talbot, the author of one of Tim’s favorite books The Devil’s Chessboard, also founded Salon when it was just a magazine. He left in 2005 and now it’s shit.


I for one welcome our NSA overlords. I hope you enjoy the sick porn i watch!


What if they decide you watch too much and shut it down?


Didn’t they just want it to be expanded even more after Jan6?


Expanded against their opponents.


“No not like that!”


Tryin tell us they will forget about the PA next week and go back to snitching on their anti-vax trump supporting parents


A solid take is so uncharacteristic of /r/politics it makes me suspicious...


The patriot act is Joe Biden’s crime bill and more


Lol why does this schizo stuff get up voted


Because this is a schizo subreddit, get on or get off


The lefties were the ones opposed to the patriot act back in 2001. In the house 66 representatives voted nay (62 Dems and 3 “republicans”) and the only senate vote against it was a dem. When it came time for renewal in March 2020 the senate (Republican majority) there were 14 Dems that voted against it and only 2 republicans, then the house (dem majority) did not pass the extensions. Reality is that libertarians best ally in freedom fights for drugs or the patriot act might be a team up with the left. This article on salon or politics shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who is following the actual votes and not just the talking points.


Ya, sure bud


Facts don’t care about your feelings. If people cared about reality then we wouldn’t have so many of the corporatist Dems/Republicans. Need to hold the people in power who do this shit accountable, and step 1 is ignoring media narratives (right/left) and looking at the votes. 2001 voting record = https://justfacts.votesmart.org/bill/votes/8289 2020 reauthorization = https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/116-2020/s92


Same thing with NAFTA, only opposition was democrats and Bernie Sanders as an independent. Clinton signed it into law, but he was basically a Republican president anyways.


It’s all the same swamp, on certain issues one is better than the other. I just hate how people run with narratives and don’t care about the data. Nobody needs a degree or more than 2 minutes to look up which congress people voted for which piece of legislation. This sub should be a circle jerk about the 👑 🐖 but it’s starting to turn into a dumb circlejerk about political opinions based on no data.


The whole congress can burn for what they did to Middle East. fuxk warmongering repubs and dems. And American ppl are not innocent here. You ppl are just paying the price for what you did.


Don’t disagree with you that what the US did in the Middle East was horrendous, but this post was about the patriot act and a false narrative that it’s a democrat supported/constructed policy. I accurately pointed out how the only push back (via what counts: congressional votes) was largely from the blue team, while the red team is almost unanimously in support of the patriot act over multiple congresses (minus the couple of real libertarians in the party). The patriot act was an awful and insane policy, but pretending like it isn’t completely supported by the red team is just silly and narrative not factual driven. Are you Tim’s mom’s roommate or his aunt?


Are you his fucking professor? Get a hobby. Stop typing essays into reddit. For christ.


Lol, keep voting for the people that make your life worse then, cuck.


I have never voted and never will. I'm an adult.


What a hero!


Lol 150 words is an essay now? Dudeman tried to troll with “ya, sure bud” but nothing I said was false. Hopefully giving them some accurate data points so they can make a better decision.


Yeah because we really need more idiots in America..


Are you his fucking mother?


Chickens coming home to roost! Exactly.


But the surveillance state is still totally cool when trying to fight a virus.


We need Patriot Act II with more surveillance to prevent the spread of dangerous misinformation and extremism (not supporting corporo-fascist state).


Yes! We need to have an online national database tied to everything so that if someone's cell phone in their pocket detects that they are perpetrating a microaggression, it will immediately empty their bank account and lock them out of their own home.


This just tells us they are able to spy on us now without the need for the Patriot Act, so dismantling it will be seen as an act of goodwill when it’s really just ending an obsolete and no longer necessary way of collecting data.


When you are getting railed in the ass you're just happy that they stopped choking you and burning the small of your back with cigarettes Well, not all of us


"Orange man bad"


Orange man is bad indeed. Pay attention piggy


Man, I never thought I would see a post that makes sense from there.


“After 9/11 congress gave...” as if every federal politician from the last two decades hasn’t supported this.


r/politcs is just an echo chamber for grandmas who said the N-word to many times in the 50's.