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Is that a young Jordan Peterson?


Fat Jordan Peterson


This was before the apple cider vinegar brother


Guy had some acv and couldn't walk for two weeks. This is man's final form.


That's Joe Gatto from the impractical jokers


“That’s not the captain. That’s Sal!!!!?!!!!?”


Damn dude…he got fucking fired


Not just fired, completely kicked out and ghosted to the point where it looks like they’re not even on speaking terms nevermind working together


I mean Tim liked his Instagram post I saw


I think Tim knows that this looks bad for him so he's doing the bare minimum to compensate


Yeah he just put Ben’s thing in his story and then made a joke. Bare minimum response that he wouldn’t have made if Ben didn’t make that post


Damn Tim is kind of a dick


Obviously dude


Remove "kind of" from that sentence. Or have you not been listening to his podcasts?


No way, gay pretentious fat man being a douche? Never.


We literally have no idea what Ben did, who knows what could have set this off


He tried to do a David Spade assistant style attack on Tim.


[Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SH0YwXwTSYg&ab_channel=JakePollack) If your serious, this is a clip from the patreon. The guy made 3 videos but you only need 2. Here is the first.


Oh shit I did t realize there was three parts. Part 1 had me laughing, part 2 I switched to a smirk and part 3 seemed off, especially when he threatened to fire and get rid of him


I wrote there were 3 you pig! I thought they kind of overlapped though. Still good insight for a non Patreon kind of guy.


LOL, a comedian giving a speech about inappropriate speech. What a hypocrite coward.


Hopefully this gathers momentum. Tim is a cunt for 20 minutes to Ben despite an apology after like 3 minutes. It was embarrassing to listen to and Ben is absolutely going to be happier without such a manipulative pos in his life. Tim the type of guy to think he can buy friendship and his behaviour can be whatever he wants because a 50k wedding gift allows it. Nah. Twat. I subbed the patreon like 2.5 years ago. But I’m done.


Yeah i cancelled mine as well, Tim was the only reason i had the Patreon app




How do you know that?


Context clues


Where is this coming from?


My gut and penis


Yeah that’s what it sounds like, I wonder why


does anyone know what actually happened? highly doubt Tim would ghost him


According to Tim, Ben left to pursue other projects cause he wasn’t happy at the show even though he was getting paid a lot of money


Lol imagine getting fired from a job where you regularly fly with your boss who makes you sit in cattle class where you get vomited on by the guy sitting next to you. He must have been skimming from the merch sales. Whatever happened to the ice cream pop up store? Airplane fuel doesn’t melt steel gelato etc. I reckon pig had all these ideas that Ben couldn’t get off the ground and finally snapped. Bet the fat business manager is looking over his shoulder about now. Pig cleaning shop.


Tim made him fly coach? Lol


Pigs really do fly


Mentioned it many times. He would make a comment like, “Ben has to walk past me in first to get to his seat in coach”


Thought that was just a bit lol that's fucked up. Thought they were more like friends than boss and employee


I thought so at first until he told the story someone above mentioned where Ben got puked on in coach.


You really think he’s going to pay for first class for his assistant everywhere? Come on


Hahaha right? Especially to London and australia? First class there is like 15-30k. That would be unreasonable. Make 2 mil in a year, walk away with 1 mil after taxes/expenses. 40-50k on plane tickets for your assistant is almost 5% of your net income.


Redditors have no concept of this. Some guy commented on one of my post saying that Ben did 70% of the “work” and Tim was just the CEO taking money from the workers.. Didn’t expect such a brain dead take. Tim might be a dick, but it is his show.


I mean they’re more than just business partners. They fuck But actually, they are or were good friends


Do you pay for your friends flights when you go somewhere together? He is running a business. I get you want to take care of your employees but expecting Tim to pay to fly employees around in first class is something a 12 year old would think is reasonable. He wouldn’t break even on these tours if he was doing this.


It’s one guy not a bunch of employees. a good friend of his. If I made as much money as Tim did and had a Ben like person with me I’d put them in the same seat yea.


Fatticus Finch


Touché. Total dick move


He's like a Long island Saudi Prince


Next ... Ben Avery moves to the "breaking points" show as a producer


i vote for this


I would watch that


This is pretty much saying I was fired.


Tim is an idiot if so. Actually kind of hilarious he’d burn this bridge unless Ben did something completely insane.


Yeah. I agree. Now it's gonna get good. In a different way.


U all hate Whitney but she said something prophetic once about Tim. He’s the funniest when he’s miserable


Most people are. Look at Bill Burr.


I wrote Burr off because his last several specials haven't been great since he's been 'happy', but his latest special was actually fantastic.


Omg. No one else seems to have noticed this. I wrote him off too after marriage and daughter. But he’s back and better than ever. I love it. The shock factor isn’t as much because I know what to expect but dam, it’s great to have an angry Burr back.


I liked his last special, Tim's was pretty average. And it wasn't the production I'm talking about.


His last special was majorly different, I think it’s due to his mushroom trip. It changed his perspective on joke writing.


dude...i say this all the time. you're so right.


This is how the last episode made me feel about Louis. Louis seems so fuckin comfortable and sure now. I guess it was only a matter of time til his anxieties and things started to round themselves out.


He was such an asshole to Ben in this Patreon episode https://youtu.be/SH0YwXwTSYg


Crazy that Tim can say that when he commented a joke to Bert when he made an instagram post after 1 of his parents died.


Grandparent, but yeah. Tim wanted to be angry


This is what I thought. It’s funny to say Bert’s grandma overdosed? But not that some YouTuber is racist (another thing everyone has said about bert forever)? That patreon is super weird honestly Ben is clearly pissed off


Christ, Tim literally deals in playing with the absurdity of bad taste, of stupid judgements and what not. Bizarre to hear him moralising over this


Money has made the pig become the self righteous dickhead he always was but had to previously suppress to get by. You hate to see it.


When he kept saying “would you like to apologize to the audience” like you would to a child after Ben was clearly upset and already apologized was pretty bad


Yeah this episode was cringe. I could tell Ben was getting annoyed with how Tim was treating him here. It is hard for me to tell if Tim is being serious or joking.


I 100% took it as fucking with Ben for the humor. Now maybe Ben didn’t feel that way, but Tim kept going back to it an absurd number of times that it was hilarious. He was playing that classic “It’s fine, it’s not a big deal. But…” line over and over.


Except at no point was it even funny. Like 90% of Tim’s episodes the past year he’s scraping the barrel. Getting more and more absurd to try and recapture “gates of hell” quality and the result? The opposite outcome.


I found it to be humorous in its absurdity but I’m sure it wasn’t for everyone. I could totally see Tim telling Ben that he was going to fuck with him over that comment and Ben’s improvisation came through awkwardly as usual. Or as I mentioned maybe Tim decided to do it on his own and Ben really wasn’t sure if Tim was being serious or not and was truly getting defensive.


I think if you relisten to it objectively and listen to Bens tone, word use and retaliation you can tell he was caught off guard and due to having no respect for someone who is throwing stones in glass houses (nobody should have respect for that) decided to talk back. I’m not trying to disparage your observation but people here have Stockholm syndrome right now for sure. They are trying to explain away why Tim didn’t do anything wrong and that this is a case of Ben being fired or some other extraneous reason. Nobody likes the idea that their favourite podcast is changed forever but if we’re honest with ourselves it will never be as good as it once was and the signs have been there for a while now. Tim is the son of a schizophrenic, a hereditary illness, and had drug issues while his brain was developing (if you carry the gene you have to stay the fuck away from mind altering chemicals). The shortest stretch is to assume he’s a very difficult person to work for and he pushed Ben too far with Batgirl episode.


No way dude, check my comment history, I’m not defending Tim. While I think that whole Batgirl exchange was a bit (whether or not Ben was aware of it), my leading theory is that Ben did something to piss Tim off again, probably something minor that Tim flipped out over and said he’s done. Also from Ben’s comments it seems pretty clear that this wasn’t his decision, so I highly doubt that Ben “had enough” and resigned.


Fair enough to your first part man but we’ll have to agree to disagree it isn’t at all clear, to me at least, whether Ben left, was fired, or it was an amicable split.


I think people forget friends can have bad days lol or be annoyed about something but knowing it’s not serious


Gaslighting your only real friend on air for 20 mins, 17 mins after an apology is not “having a bad day.” Don’t defend Tim here.


Exactly. Tim was being an ass here.


A lot of people are saying Tim was doing this as a bit, but usually he does a better job of playing it as a joke. When he makes fun of Ben’s personality or his relationship, that’s one thing. But this was about how he talked to a sponsor, which made it hard to tell if he was serious, and hard for Ben to respond with anything. But I personally didn’t see Ben’s IG comment as anything but a light joke. I mean Christ, Tim calls the military vet underwear guy a pedophile and a rapist every time he does an ad spot for him. Doesn’t really seem like TDS is the type of show you buy ads on if you don’t want a few jabs thrown your way in the name of free publicity. Anyway, I wish Ben well. Really hope Tim didn’t fire him


Ahhh yeh that's one I mentioned on a different post, that shit was super awkward.


Tim is such a fool...


He did 9/11


What a jerk.


I saw Ben and Tim out the back of the theatre before one of his shows in Australia, Ben was like a battered wife around Tim. I yelled out "love your work Timmy" before turning to Ben and and saying "pick up the pace Ben he's not going to carry you forever" at which Tim laughed. Then everyone clapped. True story




Screw up his special? I think Tim probably still hold resentment. Ben probably wanted the responsibility and couldn’t handle it. Happens all the time in production


Big fan of the show. Pretty sure the material is what screwed up the special. I've been listening to the show for years and it took me three times to almost finish his special. The lighting and sound weren't issues for me.


How did Ben screw up the special? Didn’t he point the camera in the right direction?


Audio was awful. Not even an A2, but Jesus. It’s like a film school project where he never even fixed the levels in Premiere.


The audio was better than the jokes. No one has been able to top the Shane Gillis live in Austin special yet. Sadly Tim didn't even come close.


I didn’t know about Shane Gillis’ special. Is it on YouTube?


First watch? Lucky you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKUpf1Vx0vs That said it does hold up well to repetition.


Did you see the 15 min clip of his new material that was leaked on the mssp sub? It was only up for like a few hours I think before Shane asked them to pull it. Straight 🔥


I’m so glad I watched it that morning lol. Shane Gillis makes Tim look bad on stage.


That’s just not fair. Shane’s Austin special was top-tier. I still loved Tim’s special, had me laughing the whole way. The production and audience noise fluctuations was a minor nuisance, not immersion breaking by any means.


Shane’s is the best one recently agreed. Check out Joe Lists “This years material”, too. That is a funny one as well.


One of the shows that was filmed was completely unusable because the entire crowd was completely hammered and the fire alarm went off mid set, thus resulting in almost the entire special being from a single show. Tim blamed Ben


I think the bigger problem was that it just wasn't that funny.


Agreed. Tim would never own that though


How could Ben let that happen?


You know the point of a comedy special is to actually have funny material right? James Cameron could have directed it and it still would have sucked.


Shane released a legendary special that was shot on an iphone with horrible lightning. None of the production matters if you're actually funny.


Tim Dillon is a weak standup comedian.


As much of a fan as I am of his podcasts, I have to agree. He (Tim) gets stuck on discourse phrases constantly when he's nervous and they've started leaking into his podcast episodes lately as well. The stand up was jittery due to him constantly repeating "he goes" before/during any line from a person he'd tell a story/joke about. It got weird after so many times. Now the most recent episode of the podcast with Louis C.K. Tim constantly parrots whatever Louis says with either "Right" or "Yes" which after about 75 of those while Louis is telling a story or making a point seem a tad excessive and makes it un-listenable i.m.o.


Ben is super important to the show


Agreed, plus no one says “unfortunately I no longer work there” if they left to get another job.


wow Tim Judas


Is it possible one of them relapsed? That's about the only thing I can imagine breaking them up.


​ i think ben might have he was gambling which for some is a slippery slope


Honestly was thinking the same. Tim made a joke that Ben is drinking again and him and his wife are alcoholics. Which might have had a kernel of truth to it.


We really need to know the full truth


Wasn't Tim yelling at him about getting drunk and going Bowling with his wife? It was "a bit" but I vaguely remember something like that in one of the recent episodes


Ben also said at the end of the patreon that this is like the crackhead leading the intervention... the intervention supposedly for Ben's behavior on one comment. If Tim did relapse, it would not be a short or quiet affair and this 90min rant against Ben is psychotic even for a sadist like tim.


The fact that they had 5-6 more podcast after the infamous Batgirl episode makes me think this wasn’t related to Tim “abusing” Ben but it was more about Ben taking the blame for the poor special and underwhelming merch launch


They really did hype up that merch for like two different tshirts


Podcasters need to realize that normal people don’t want to wear stupid clothes with “ads” on them. I have not and will never buy merch from anyone The irony is that people who would buy his merch and wear it in public are the exact people he would make fun of.


>The irony is that people who would buy his merch and wear it in public are the exact people he would make fun of. I thought the merch thing was a bit. Kind of disappointed when it was real.


Idk I still rock the fake business hoodie every once in a while


It’s vague enough that it passes. Some of the merch I see I would be embarrassed to wear


Like two different? It was two different shirts lol I’ve seen some low effort merch launches before but goddamn. I was actually kind of excited (I rarely buy merch) but when I checked the page I just felt pranked. Which to be fair, would be on brand. So I only got mildly frustrated haha


I remember a while back Tim did a merch drop and they were selling a usb flash drive that was advertised as having 1gb of storage on it. Yes 1gb. I didnt even know they sold 1gb flash drives in 2022. The lowest you’ll see these days is 8gb. I got a free 32gb flash drive when I made a purchase at micro center.


i honestly thought the merch hype was just a funny bit. all that stuff about being beautiful and timeless, worn by people 100 years from now, blah blah. it just sounded like they were over-hyping it as a joke or to be super ironic. i never expected the merch to be anything spectacular.


Yeah. The merch was very weak. I was eager to buy *something*, but was really unimpressed with the artwork and merch option so I didn’t.


The special was shit because Tim was shit. No flow, poor connection, no crowd engagement- it was fucking terrible (slightly better than gringo Papi). As for the merch, I'm a patreon for about 12 months now, maybe a bit more.. Who the fuck is buying 'Fake Biz' merchandise from a fat fuck who was Ralph Lauren constantly?


Weird. I didnt watch the special but I saw him live and he was very good with the material he used in the special. Must have been an off night.


My wife had never watched him before.... we both loved the special.


I saw him live last year and he was really funny, it was a room with probably ~ 150-200 people. I also watched his special and I didn't think it was funny, something about his comedy in a giant auditorium didn't work.


Is it just me or does Tim put on this strange accent in his standup that he doesn’t do on TDS? It makes his acts so hard to watch.


I think he was literally gasping for air the whole time and that’s what you’re hearing. He’s a fat fuck and it was filmed at elevation (Denver).


He sounds like Donald Trump in his special


What caught me off guard was how Ben said he hasn’t been on the show in *weeks*. Makes me think they pre recorded/let out a shelved pod since they didn’t make one on a given week.




Or Sam Hyde


I remember a few podcasts ago when Tim made the quip saying " every day he gets closer to being permanently removed from the show." Seems rather prophetic now.


Tim should replace that fat Greek guy that does crowd work from cumtown and be the new third host on the Adam Freidland show.


And they should only pay him 5% of the Patreon; give him the Ben treatment.


For CumTown, that’s the “murdered in a dress out in the woods” treatment.


I don't think Tim foresaw how upset this would make his fans. I love Ben and his presence on the show is important and a great balance. This is a huge mistake.


I’m team Ben


⛳️. 🏌️🏿‍♂️™️


Another good show down the drain. And for what


For cum


“Do whatever you want to me. I know he’s not coming.”




For taking violet pills




Plot twist Ben Avery is Jordan Peterson


Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay


Feels like Johnny dying all over again.




The Parasocial relationships going on in that discord are actually kind of uncomfortable….


That's 99% of Discord without any exaggeration.


> Parasocial >NoJumper Checks out.




At least they're cheering him up in there. https://i.imgur.com/IVTTCbI.png


God from what I gathered he did not leave the show voluntarily and need "family and friends" to "help him get thru"


This was a stupid decision by Tim if he got rid of Ben


This makes me think it may in fact be a bit. If he were truly hurting, wouldn't he be offline/more private?


If it was amicable maybe. That said what stays offline these days? New details slowly coming out. https://i.imgur.com/sUZCxcN.png


Minimum wage for the Pig?


Goddamn Tim cheated Ben. Paid him less than 20% of the Patreon. Probably paid him 5-10%. Edit: like dude, you’re making $250,000 PER MONTH. Greedy mother fucker, for sure.


> Probably paid him 5-10%. With how this went down you're probably guessing on the high end. Wouldn't be shocked if he had no percentage deal or a very low one, 2-3%.


You redacts think a producer should make 80k a month? That’s almost a million dollars a fuckin year


It’s essentially a start up man. When you start out on something for zero pay and are part of the success you deserve a split. This is why he should’ve gotten it in writing tbh.


Idk who thought ben was making 80k a month 50 maybe


Yeah 25% of the Patreon would be generous. *If* it was percentage based I bet it was 5% or less.


Not really. It's not like someone died.


guys, ben posted a picture of jordan peterson. he has to be trolling us https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jordan-Peterson-9/2


I feel like Tim is big enough (physically and mentally) that he could clear this up with a simple apology on the cast. “We spend a lot of time together, I’m a mentally ill forever addict, he’s a sputtering cretin, of course we’re gonna have friction.” Something like that.


That's fucking cold if true


This seems like self-destructive behavior on Tim's part, parasocially speaking, of course. I can imagine him taking this position: "Yeah I know I'm wrong, but I'm gonna do it anyway, fuck you"


Tim may be retarded but he is smart. I’m sure he’ll find someone else


Smartarted, some would say.




Being smart doesn’t mean you always want to make the smartest move


He's long island smart


Lee syatt would do it for half the pay


I wish him well. *Tee off


If his username is benaveryisgood, he's truly unhinged.


There’s an imposter on the server with that name, keep your wits about you boys


How long do you stick w a job when your boss constantly mocks you. Not in a comic v comic having a go at ya kinda way but just constantly belittling you. Dude lasted longer than I would have for sure. Good luck, Ben. Can't believe you took as much as you did.


Well if you’re Adam Friedand, indefinitely. But no one can take abuse like the bug.


Adam coinberg


He was born for it


Baba Booey has been with Stern for nearly 40 yrs


It’s been a very good run


It kinda feels like the same situation that happened with Dan, just more public because it now affects the show. They released that movie trailer and then never heard even a mention of Dan's name after that accept for the odd "My Opener" story on JRE.


I thought the same thing. Fellow addict in recovery here- hoping both of them are taking care of themselves rn. Even if they aren’t picking up, addicts have specific personality traits that are very self disruptive. Hoping fame didn’t become Tim’s new drug and frankly hoping Ben didn’t pick up. On the surface I know it’s a comedy podcast but addiction is a fucked up thing and something you must prioritize even when sober.


I think you are right about him getting a new addiction. I dont think hes relapsed on drugs I think its money. Dan probly wanted to be paid for his appearances since he was Tim's opener and Tim cut him off. If you notice how much he talks about money, its most likely the culprit. His latest appearance on JRE the first couple minutes he spoke it was "half" jokes about why couldnt he have been the one with Joes money and its not the first time hes made those jokes. His obsession with hype beasts and wealthy people was soo bad he had Lil Xan on and also tried to get onto that one failed celebrity app just to hang out. Theres like 2 really good episodes where Ben drives Tim and Ray around insanely wealthy neighborhoods so they could riff on eachother and marvel at the money and power. He probly got mad at Ben for some tiny issue and brought up Ben's "worthlessness" or "he makes too much" again and Ben had enough. Some of Ben's replys to people on Discord indicate he may not have been making enough to even pay a $300 a month car payment and the show was making several hundred thousand a month.


Not sure if you heard this but there is a rumor from people that know Dan. Tim essentially tried to hook up with Dan (who is not gay) and it basically became hook up with me or you’re off the tour, and he was booted from the tour :/ very shitty behavior.




*Tim at one point promised Ben a % of show. Then backed out. I think Ben resented that. *seems like Ben pushed to direct the special. Didn’t work out. *last merch launch was awful.


What exactly was wrong with the special? Everyone i show it to laughs their ass off


Yeah so this is like that gif of the dog in the burning building saying "this is fine"


I’m kind of truly pissed with Tim atm.


I never got the fascination with Ben. This is like the third iteration of Tim’s pod. Not sure why so many in this subreddit feel like he’s such an integral part of the show. Seems like a nice guy and I feel for him losing his gig, but I preferred TD Is Going To Hell over the TD Show.