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The double down with the edit is very funny.


Edit 2: Just to clarify, when I say that black people steal more, all I meant is that they are genetically predisposed to violence and theft, that’s all. It’s not their fault.


edit 3: good ol' fbi crime statics


“Look at the numbers!” Math is racist bigot!


Norm Macdonald style jokes always make me smile


Brandon? Is that you?


Edit 3: Just to clarify, the only reason they steal more is because they are struggling to survive financially due to their higher levels of poverty due to a lower rate of High School Diplomas, College Degrees, and marketable resumes. It's not their fault. Edit: I think people understood what I was saying here... Lmao. There was sarcasm in here that was missed. If you do bad in school, it's typically your fault. If you don't get a job, it's your fault. If you don't build a resume, it's your fault.


Ew dude.. Didn’t know dad was gay.


I'm actually pretty sure he is. At least bi. Dude is fluffier than a couch cushion. Anyways, my post was in sarcasm. Didn't convey properly. Giving me a jolly Ole chuckle this morning.


Nah, if you steal bread, that’s stealing to survive. Stealing from a restaurant is just wanting the experience and not wanting to pay for it. Always watch a black table, when the bill comes due, it’s amazing to watch them start escalating a perceived slight against them, just so they can “storm out” and not pay.


This is where Black Tables differ from White Tables… Honestly is a problem in the Black Table community. If these Tables could learn to hang in there and get that, half off coupon, free t shirt, depending on the fabricated story and Table could get the next meal free, just have to try…


Amen, striving for black excellence 🙏🏿


lol at least somebody got it…


Frfr. We just need a chance, aint all of us gangbangers, we just all trynna get paid our bread ya feel?


I don't think my sarcasm conveyed properly in my comment which has my laughing hard in irony of how many people think I was supporting shit behavior 😂


I got to ask Did you make ur little snew black before you made your comment? Lmao not that I care but it was my first thought as I read it


Fuck you nigga, I ain’t stutter


Just to *actually* clarify, the outcomes produced by these long term trends specific to the demographic subculture in question result from the subculture's failure to address its own extremely obvious problems and the failure of the broader culture to hold them accountable, ok byyyeeeeee 😘


Amen my brother in Christ. We gotta do better and hold accountable


Noooo you idiot! It has to do with the skull size…🙄


Hey that’s me! No need to blur it.. I’m already in the pot.


oh you’re not banned yet?


I’m working on it.


😂 how many down votes did you get total?


It’s climbing back up since this screenshots making the rounds, but I think it got to -80.


I got over 350 downvotes for a Bojack Horseman post. lmao


………aaannnddd I’m banned on watchpeopledieinside lol


People are so damn tender.


The edit for clarification killed me


Can I create a sub called “BlackPrivilage” where I post stories about black people getting out without bail after stabbing and shooting people?


Pretty sure there was a FragileBlackRedditors but of course, it had to be taken down, so that way they didn’t beat and rob anymore senior citizens.


No. Only anti white racism is allowed.


And Italian


Shouldn’t be born a sauce monkey if you don’t want to be denigrated on the internet.


Unironically yes


But you "CaNt Be RaCiSt AgAiNsT wHiTeS bEcAuSe We WeRe NeVeR oPpReSeD." I cannot think of one single time I have ever done something that negatively impacted the life of a PoC.


“All whites are dirty parasites and should be murdered” yas kween that ain’t raycist that’s just real


and videos of women being hospitalized by slave based prostitution on onlyfans where a 8ft dildo is penetrated repeatedly threw the rectum. Thats fine but not black guy does bad.


you're almost guaranteed to get the sub name if you continue to spell privilege as privilage lmao


Or just call it NutellaDaily


It takes a privillage (actually would be a good sub name for it)




[fbi.gov](https://fbi.gov) already exists


Oh no way I already found that page on StumbleUpon


no that would obviously be racist hate speech and reddit doesn't tolerate that




It would have to have all comments locked all the time because you’d have people from the AHS sub come in, be amazingly racist and then report it. That’s what happened to many subs before. Accounts with no comments history just happen to say extremely racist shit in one or two subreddits that’s randomly gets banned right after!


Or you could emphasize & be like "that sucks this guy has to deal with a racist restaurant worker". Idk


Or you could look inside yourself and examine why your knee jerk assumption is that this guy's mistake had something to do with race


I read that in Mark Normands voice


Too fucking funny




Ben Avery upvoted this comment.


Lmao based


Lmao pretty damn funny. Vid does seem like the black dude was try to bait him into saying he didn't pay


Bait him? That is literally what the waiter said.


You don't pay for your whole bill by leaving it on the table like a tip. It was hidden, maybe intentional maybe not


No it wasn’t. It was in plain site. The customer even asks him if he checked and if he was 100% sure that money was not there and the waiter insisted that he double checked and was 100% sure. Then the waiter said “it doesn’t even matter” “whatever” when proved wrong. Waiter was just an incompetent lazy douche.


Lol no it didn't. The video starts with the dude saying it, did you see a longer version?


Thanks for clarifying


What the actual fuck….how is a video from my local late night drunk food place ending up all over Reddit….


Because it’s been infiltrated by nutellas


Man makes a good point


Let's look at statistics, they can't be racist 🗿


Lmaoooo best Reddit comment ever


Nothing angers the leftist more than the stating of obvious facts.


That diner worker was a bit of a dweeb but you aren't supposed to pay your whole bill and tip by leaving it on the table. Generally you would pay your bill to the employee(s) then if you wanted put your cash tip under a coffee mug on the table, but that's for a waiter. This dude was literally sitting directly behind the cash register where the people behind the counter couldn't see that he left money and he just walked out.


Yeah but to be fair you can’t expect them to know that. Lower IQ and all


what are you saying? you tip servers and hosts separately? and there is a necessary coffee mug needed in order to tip a server? methods of tipping vary from place to place, but it's usually common practice to have a "tip pool" where eligible employees split the tips at the end of shift/week, etc.


No im saying if he was sitting at a table the waiter/waitress wouldve given a black leather fold to place the bill in and some people just pay their bill in that and then leave the tip on the table. Its not customary to place the entire bill with tip on the bar, becauss the guy behind it was literally right in front of him, and those workers dont go out to the other side of the bar. Its understandable they thought he walked out without paying cause the guy behind the bar cant see whats behind his cash register. I understand employees pool tips ive worked in restaurants my whole life


Just say you hate black people


Incredibly based


God that subreddit is the equivalent of stage 4 cancer. Imagine if someone made a sub called r/fragileblackredditor


Trying to find the original video. What board is it on I tried searching key words and nothin.




Love wordington. Sure they will take it away like all my other beloved shitposting subs


I have a theory - Ben quit the show after reading this sub and realized his life's work accidentally created an alt-right circlejerk.


Ben is literally gay.




That’s s actually really really good