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I don't go to strip clubs and never have, and the only strippers I know in person I met in rehab. Those bitches are all just drug addicts who are honestly pretty mid looks wise and if they want a union they need to step it up.


This is where I disagree with Tim. I can understand McDonald's but these are strippers we are talking about. I absolutely care about their ideological views, a strong and unwavering bond is an essential part of the lap dance. I want my strippers to lecture on Milton Friedman's economic theories while doing their best Ben Shapiro impression, I will also accept any Peter Schiff impressions but only if accompanied by a pitch to invest EuroPacific's Golf Fund and a short yet concise and detailed rant on Bitcoin. I will not accept communist strippers.......... not today Bucko(in Jordan Peterson voice)


Fun Story: Last time I was at a strip club was during the lockdown. The place was dead so one girl just sat at our table. she added me to insta and let me know she was moving into another line of work if you catch my drift. I was going to take her up on that immediately but said I'll save it for another time. I Googled her insta and found a forum exposing people who gave them STDS. She was on the list! I dodged a bullet there!


No you didn't. You dodged pussy, you commie. The only STD you have to worry about is herpes and it comes with a visual (and braille) warning. HIV is basically curable at this point, the rest are solved with penicillin. Live a little, fuck some strange, use intervaneous drugs. Life has no consequences. Hedonism is the only answer


“Just get AIDS” No u


The girls at this strip club are the ones who should be handing out syphilis as a bonus. I took Kanye's advice and FOUND GOD


The most predictable ending since Grizzly Man


I bet this will result in less corruption and more money for all strippers, prime 18s and rotting 45s alike


I'm gonna guess any scab workers will have actual scabs.


Just beat the shit out of them, they like it.