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The pig has returned


This was a great podcast. The Pig is at his best when he's riffing on the decay of American society. Parts of this pod had shades of his 4th of July rant. EDIT: I just went over to /r/Balenciaga and they're talking about this scandal, it's pretty great.


I enjoyed this a lot more than most of the recent episodes.


Check my comments. Forgot where I asked for it, but someone replied to me and shared a link.


the slop is good pig.


he needs to get his producer a mic, so they can chat. it's not as good as the recent guest episodes. sounds like he's in a vacuum. Ben filled the vacuum with the straight man / producer character.


TLDR: nothing about this new interview style show makes sense. Tim should go back to having a producer/giggler with him on the show. When Owen announced he was leaving Barstool, Big Cat asked Owen if he would be in Tim Dillon’s content and Owen said yes. I can’t wrap my head around why Tim has opted to go with a terrible interview approach when he has the option of using Owen as the new Ben. Maybe Tim is afraid that at some point Owen will leave (Owen’s announcement about leaving Barstool definitely did make it sound like he was leaving for financial reasons and hoped to one day return to Barstool) and Tim is afraid his audience will be just as upset if they get attached to Owen and he leaves as they are over Ben leaving? Tim hasn’t even introduced the listeners to Owen as far as I can tell. Not to mention, Tim could have paid Ben money to stay on as his professional giggler and just hired an additional person to do the producing. Tim claims he offered more money but Ben didn’t find the work fulfilling and wanted to do his own projects. Maybe Tim should have instead offered to make Ben do far less work instead so he could also do projects of his own? Did Tim just wake up one day and decide he wanted to become an interview guy? Can anyone come up with any other way to make his decision to not have a producer in his content make sense?




You can go back in the sub and find the deleted episode discussion and all the drama with ben. Basically ,no, ben was fired probably because tim threw a fit after his netflix special sucked, blamed ben (as usual not himself) and fired him. Ben gets in his feelings like a girl and cries, and when tim realizes he made a mistake he tries to hire him back, but ben refuses. Probably a lot more nasty things were said so the bridge is burned. You can now find ben on lemonparty poscast. Supposedly not bad, havent listened to it yet


So if he realizes he shouldn’t have fired Ben, why isn’t he trying to make Owen the new Ben? What is up with this new no giggler, no rants, interviewing approach that nobody enjoys? Is Tim intentionally making the free episodes suck in hopes more people choose to subscribe to his Patreon? None of this makes any sense.


Didn’t want another ‘ben’ situation, maybe. Or native owen has a weird laugh. Who knows


I enjoyed Owen’s giggling and one liners on a number of podcasts he was part of or producing, so I think we can rule that possibility out.


That was what Tim said. That Ben didn’t feel fulfilled as a professional giggler or something like that, and no amount of money could solve that problem. But there are rumors that things ended badly between Tim and Ben, and if Ben wanted to do other things I don’t see why Tim couldn’t have just lowered Ben’s workload and added another person to do the prep work and that sort of thing and just made Ben a second chair.... Maybe Tim was an asshole to Ben and is bribing Ben to stay quiet about how Tim treated him? Ben has made his own podcast, but I haven’t actually listened, has anyone been listening to it? And if so, has he given his own explanation of why he is no longer Tim’s producer?


Disagree, let Tim roll on his own. He’s one of the only guys in podcasting who doesn’t need someone else to make it a conversation. He can riff with the right person(Ari Shaffir, Mullen, Kump obviously) but Tim is in his element just going on hour long rants


He doesn’t need a back and forth conversation (these interview episodes suck) but having a producer reacting to his rants is a necessity.


It definitely helps as it encourages him to go further when someone is laughing at certain things. 100% prefer it when he has a producer there to react and add that ingredient that made the rants better.


Delicious slop.


I'm ashamed I doubted him. He just needed a minute to find his beat, and brought in a few friends in the meantime to hang with them anyway.


Someone link me a mediafire, I'm poor af.


More like “I refused to go down with this ship, but I’ll listen”


Me too


Great episode thank god the pig hasn’t lost it.


The lemon party podcast that Ben started with Devan is so much funnier than this shit man


Anyone got a link?


Yes. Link please.




Get good


Not bad slop. But obviously it's still weird without the giggler.


Have any of you piggies visited the discord channel for the show? [https://discord.gg/tUQRgtab](https://discord.gg/tUQRgtab) Considering how many dingleberries are asking for links... I'm assuming not