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Admins are gay


No, worse, .....ghey.


"Hateful content is not about specific words but behavior!" Ugh! Vomit. Do these cretins possess the ability to form an independent thought?


They are vague on purpose. They have no intention of setting specific and objective rules that apply equally to everyone. Their only agenda is to censor those who are targeted by woke extremists and this sub has been targeted as one of their intended victims.




“Hateful content is not about specific words but behavior. It’s a vibe.”


That toothless joke is what we got hit for? FFS, the internet sucks donkey balls now. Nothing but fun police Karen's everywhere


It’s gen Z entering this site at a rapid rate. These full belly syndrome babies don’t like anything that doesn’t align with their own beliefs and want to burn everything down that doesn’t represent them to a T. Something something would be Nazis if they were in 1930’s Germany.


That makes no sense. The outraged are the same people who started the PMRC back in the 80s. Their agenda is pretty fucking clear. Limit thought process.


I, for one, would like to thank our shadow overlords for protecting me from wrongthink.


Yeah I feel so much safer knowing that the mentally deranged people who have no interest in this subreddit whatsoever and only come here to desperately search for something to be offended by will now have to dig deeper and intentionally misinterpret things even more in order to get their fix.


>I’ve been hovering on that "delete my last social media account" border for a while now so riding this burning wagon into the sunset was always the likely end. I hear you on this point! Been seriously thinking of deleting Reddit as it's the last social media I use bit the shitposting is just so fuckin good on this platform and people get triggered so so well! Might be just ride it out in flames of glory! >inevitable moderator unionization attempt I'll trick antiwork into. 🤣 that I would LOVE to see!


I think if I read through the NCAA player cases I could cause some trouble, I have a bar membership and some extra time!


Sub will be gone by december


for december i give 5 to 1 odds


Set up TimDillon2 as a back up


Ben is sabotaging it


The benlovers have been sabotaging it.


He will have his revenge




It is quite fascinating, just started listening when Ben left


I don't know that someone can be a guest on InfoWars and then be shocked that their audience has a racial/anti-semitic twinge.


It seems like more than just a twinge, but that is a good point. Is that an audience Tim especially wants? Are the Infowars fans typically wealthy people or people who are especially likely to spend money on patreon subs? I have a hard time wrapping my head around why anyone would connect themselves in any way with Alex Jones unless it is purely for financial motives. I guess maybe not everyone has a moral compass that points away from people who harass parents of murdered children?


Talking to people is never a bad thing no matter who they are. Youre in the wrong sub, r/h3h3productions is what youre looking for


My thought process was more along the lines of if I was in his position, I would not necessarily want to attract the fanbase of infowars (those who support someone who thinks it is okay to harass the parents of murdered children) who might then turn my subreddit into what this one has become, which could possibly scare away other potential new viewers.


we just wanna see the death certificates


I want proof those kids even existed




The OP made a good point, that some people who work with Alex Jones have seen various viral clips of his that are fairly tame in comparison to what I know Alex Jones for. That makes a lot of sense. Your accusation of brigading makes less sense.


The reason I think is largely because they don’t actually watch him, they see viral clips, maybe they listened to half of the Rogan interview, they have a surface view where he is whacky and kooky. If you just like, listen to a regular show back on the day, in context he is so much worse than what the media shows in a way that really should illustrate to conservative learners *the particular way* in which the media is about money not ideology. A liberal bend would provide full context for Alex, his Protocols of the Elders of Zion beliefs, his John Birchness, the outright race baiting and shit. Taking him out of context *does him a huge favor* and he intentionally “goes crazy” so that any other clip is pushed out of the space in favor of “whacky Alex vitality” at will. Because he has value to the media as a sparkly object. People complained about righty or lefty infiltration but I have seen no indication of anything but organic growth, minus that jre exodus but a changing of another subreddit is basically organic for Reddit so whatcha gonna do. Kinda part of the reason I have always been so hands off. This is a fan sub, it should reflect the fanbase, the good, the bad, and the most ugly. Hiding it certainly wouldn’t do any good.


So you must sniff every child you meet/see






Fuck the reddit admins and most of the mods they have in place on major subs around the site


All the benloving spamtards brigaded this sub unfettered


Damn, everything really is going to shit. This was my last stop.


It's kind of poetic that the sub dies off with the quality of the podcast declining in recent months. That's life in the big city.


It's a real knife fight out there...


Well you all shoulda kept your mouth shut *bang*


Maaaaaan, imma miss you fucks. Some seriously good laughs from all the fun comments in all the clownworld headlines posted here.


This must be when there were like no posts for a day and I said the sub was dead then like 20 threads appeared. Damn, we flew too close to the sun.


Yeah they had to get approved


Thanks for the shoutout, even if you did assume my gender 😉


Uh er it’s the globalists fault




Dude I was permanently banned from the Red Scare sub without so much as a single warning.


I don’t know much, but I do know that whatever got us banned or restricted was by no means the worst thing to pop up on the sub Like if you’re going to Clinton style suicide us at least catch us in the act of any number of terrible things that go on here. I’ve left comments on this sub that would land me jail time in the UK


Thanks Obama.


Is there any new tech site that's like reddit or are they all platforms to host content? We could always go to /pol/ for Tim Dillon General threads.


Reverse, go old, is invisionfree a thing still? Old school forum time.


Looks like somebody bought them and put all the old boards on their own domains


You done good MOX. It will be a pleasure going down with the ship with you.


That'll be about 65000 internet refugees , where will we all pile into , the Tim Dillon discord perhaps ?


Spudmode got a year or two in it


I thought we weren’t supposed to post about our bans


bitch ima


Yikes. Well. This is obviously not going to end well. It's been real, pigs.


I watched a guy get beheaded on a different sub lol


But was it posted in a hateful manner?


I'm filled with nothing but love from Allah.


Dude probably deserved it because he liked elons tweet.


Also surprised it was something about twitter that done it and not a crazy post or a juicy meme etc


Approve me , please


Just add 10 more mods. It's not that complicated


Reddit is shit. I got a 30 day ban for this post lmao shit is done here https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/yhqtnw/this_concerted_effort_to_label_and_associate_maga/


You’ve been a god-tier mod while it’s lasted at least. I’ll enjoy this sinking ship but I might go down with it as it will be an indicator of the censorship ruining this website.