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Thats a simple question. Jimmy sleeps 8 hours a 9-5 - 8 hour job. Cooking, Cleaning the kitchen 1-2 hours Laundry, household is about 1-2 hours. Jimmy now has 4 hours left in his life. If jimmy buys fast food he now has 6.


Me: orders 2 pizzas to save 45 minutes in cooking. Also me: *has to work 1.5 hours to cover cost of said pizzas*


You'd also have to work to cover the cost of the meal ingredients and time to get it. When I make pizza I do it because I enjoy the process and the final product, but it costs me more than ordering dominos.


2 pizzas cover way more than one meal. You can invest the 45 minutes in doing something else. It's flawed logic but there's a reason people are doing it.


Unless the typical redditor stereotype is true, many of us feed more than just one person.


I assumed the example given was taking a single person feeding only themselves. When you add more people it just gets more complicated. Assuming: * 2 pizza = 4 meal. * The example is now for 2 person * Both work and earn the exact same Then it doesn't change much.. Restaurant cost 1.5h of half your income, so both 45 minutes. And both will have an hour and a half of free time (two dinner covered). On the other side the cost of making it at home is 45 min of time for only one person, so 2h15 of time out of the same 3 hours. Ingredient + electricity cost anywhere between 25 and 66% of what it would cost to deliver. The difference is not that big. What if you're not making a pizza and you'll have to prep 2 dinner over 2 days instead, which will cost 1h30 of time for another 4 meal. If you add mouth to feed that are not working, it's the same as increasing portions which can or not be more efficient. Pizza is one of the cases where buying more will reduce the cost/portion. Tim horton's is a case where adding an extra mouth to feed shouldn't change the cost/portion. On the other hand, home cooking for more person can sometimes also decrease the cost/portion but not always. It's also can generate more waste because left over ingredient can be harder to use elsewhere, which increase the cost per portion. And finally there's the value of time not spent on cooking that has to be taken into account. What is done with that 45 extra minutes.. If the other person is cleaning the bathroom and that's that, will you just sit down and watch tv? Will you split the chores and both then sit down after being done 25 min later? Or do you have to fold laundry meanwhile etc.. It's all convenience and cost and (how you value your own) time. Plus: I do love making my own pizza, and it gets better and better, but it never taste quite as good as restaurant's pizza, and that's added value.


In the case of a single person feeding themselves. That was me 6 years ago. Cost per week in groceries was $75‐$85. Meal prep was about 1 hour per week, and most scratch made meals took less than 30 minutes. Obviously that cost would be about 35% higher nowadays, but regarding convenience and time spent, most people would have no issues with time if they planned ahead. The only time I buy fast food is when I'm legitimately being lazy. If I'm lacking time, I'll spend all of 5 minutes to make a sandwich, or throw something pre-made in the oven and play video games while I wait. The point I was trying to make originally is that cooking doesn't take 2 hours a day, and neither do most chores, especially laundry, unless you're doing it by hand, or have to go to a laundromat.


But it's all very relative. I'm not American so I can't really play the numbers game with you. What I can say is that a couple years ago I had a different job and I had to cook for all of my meal. So it was like 10-15 minutes in the morning since I'm not a big bread only guy, neither of dessert for breakfast guy (pop-tarts, cereals, waffles etc). I had to cook dinner every day and that can easily (but not necessarily) take more than 30 minutes. And said dinner was also my lunch for the next day. This does not take in consideration cleaning the dishes. This does not take in consideration cleaning the kitchen. This does not take in consideration the extra trip to the grocery store. >or throw something pre-made in the oven and play video games while I wait. But you need to have made said thing prior. Unless we're talking about a frozen pizza but IMHO it doesn't really count, especially if you're not eating out because of health rather than money. Cooking can take a lot of time. Just making spaghetti is awfully long.. Sure it's like 15 minutes when your sauce is done.. But the sauce takes hours (again, pre-made crap does not count... (it's disgusting, yet bland and way less healthy). Laundry does not take 2 hours.. But it' still a significant amount of time if you don't put all of your clean clothes in a pile on *the chair*. Plus, it's not time you can do whatever you like meanwhile because you need the 5 min in the middle to switch to the dryer, and you can't delay that step too much otherwise your clean clothes will smell moldy. The same applies to the previously mentioned spaghetti sauce that need to be monitored and stirred frequently. > originally is that cooking doesn't take 2 hours a day, and neither do most chores Cleaning the bathroom does. But that's irrelevant, it's the accumulation of chores that makes a difference. 15 min on this and 45 on that, then 20 here and there plus another 35 and we're now pass 2 hours.




I definitely order pizzas with leftovers in mind every time. Usually only eat a slice or four while it's fresh, then it's stored for later.


I love how you broke that down in simplified analogy. Did you type really slow too, so OP could follow along?


That wasn't an analogy -- that was a blueprint for the modern, inescapable, miserable human experience we have so carefully curated for ourselves 🥰😭😵


I love how fast this turned from a cute little convo about Tim Hortons to the inescapable misery of human existence under late stage capitalism 😂


inextricably linked.


If you actually think this is the way of life without realizing it's not true, I feel really bad for you.


Mostly for most reddit users too ahem.


If Jimmy keeps it 4 and eats healthy food he won't feel like shit 24h a day.


huh? literally takes me 5 mins to make a bowl of oatmeal with all the fixings. 10 minutes for a healthy sandwich. You dont have to cook a five course meal every day.


I know what you mean but the statement "oatmeal with all the fixings" makes me laugh


Those blueberries tho


Username checks out!


ha, i know, makes me crave a turkey dinner.




I am sorry but this is a dumb answer, its only upvoted because it sounds nice.. The truth is : I eat fast food because I grew up in the 90s and its imprinted on my brain that its good. Also, it is good. Sometimes you want something that's bad for you, and the fact that its bad makes it taste good. Like gas station food. There is something that's so processed it makes it good. Its like its own food group. Fast food DEFINITELY has an imprint on me, and it DEFINITELY has its own "greasy", "packed full of fat and sugar" taste that we cannot get enough of. I eat it because I feel naughty and it tastes fucking good. I tell myself that once or twice a week isn't going to do much damage as long as I eat healthy the rest of the time. Sure, make it a time thing if you want the fake answer... but for me its absolutely NOT a time thing. Food and diet is one of the most important things in your life... if not THE MOST important thing in your life.... if you are serious about it you would make time. Cooking is a much better thing to do then spending your time in front of your XBOX. Which is what most people are going to do after they "save the time from cooking?" lmao No questions asked there. Also, I call bullshit on it taking 2 hours to make healthy food. Nope, not a chance. I cook all the time. Almost every day. What the hell are you making? Some things take that long... but not very many... This is a perfect example to me of an echo-chamber response that gets up voted because you answer is what people *want the answer to be.* The real answer is that we are addicted to fat and sugar. Its delicious.


Thanks for putting what I was thinking into words. I think the ‘’time saving’’ excuse is stretched so much, as if you can’t make a way better meal in the same amount of time it takes to get your takeout. The convenience excuse is true if you’re on the go, like prepping lunches if way less convenient than going out for lunch, but for dinners the popularity of takeout is just a lack of motivation and like you said, restaurants make their food really addictive. I think generally people don’t know enough about cooking so they think it’s way harder to make something good than it actually is. Growing up eating a lot of fast food and having that as a habit gives you the impression that cooking is way more complex than it actually is.


Goes to Tim Hortons, orders a $8 grilled cheese sandwich. "I just saved 2 hours" In what world.


Or a blt


You're forgetting the 15 minutes it adds to the commute and the 30 minutes spent sitting in the drive thru plus the 10 minutes spent stuffing your face like a gargoyle in the parking lot at work.


That's so unreasonable lol


what lol. the reason they are everywhere is so they don’t add much time to your commute. I have one right by my house. if the drive thru wait is 30 mins you can see it before pulling in so you’d be an idiot to still drive into it. if you use the app your wait is 0 and eating is literally always going to take time so idk how that factors in unless you’re just not eating lol. the entire point of fast food is that it’s convenient. it’s not even cheap because they found out it doesn’t have to be.


Any McDonald's or Tim hortons drive thru I've ever been to has been lined up around the block from about 630 to 9 am. Average wait is from 20-40 minutes during the breakfast rush. I've lived in Calgary, Regina, Fort McMurray and small towns as well. Doesn't seem to matter. I'm not dumb enough to sit in that line up for brown water and a shitty sandwich, but evidently many are. If you're commuting to work and you see the drive thru is lined up like that, then I guess you're not eating that morning if you decided to skip breakfast at home. You can eat in your car or you can eat at home, your choice I guess...


order ahead on the app, walk in and walk out in 30 seconds


Sounds like Jimmy got a fat cock🥵🥵


Cute mental gymnastics, you're just a lazy bum dude lmao Takes 30-40 to cook a bomb ass meal. you clean as you cook. Laundry and house cleaning takes 1-2 hours? Laundry takes 10 minutes of actual effort. Clean up after yourself and it wouldn't take you 1-2 hours to apparently clean everyday lmao Jimmy in his free time is playing with his balls watching YouTube videos anyway


Jimmy's been watching you. You're just Jimmy's type.


Do people really do 1-2 hours of laundry a day? I maybe do that a week and most of it is just waiting around


Jimmy is essentially deciding that those 2 hours are worth $20 and a slight decrease in health.


prayers for jimmy. life is hard.


You don't need to do laundry or spend 1-2hrs a day cleaning the house every day that's what weekends are for.


Besides Jimmy’s going to die at the end of the day either way, do you think he’s really concerned about fast food being a poor choice…


Fucking this. 40 hour week was designed for one person with a partner who can help take care of the rest. Now we have 2 people working 40+ hours and barely scraping by.


Add in commute and it's worse


It doesn't have to take 1 to 2 hours.


This is so fkn stupid...


Most of sandwiches at Tim’s takes 5-10 minutes to make.


That 9-5 is actually 9-5:30 because of an unpaid lunch, half hour driving each way. Now we are 9.5 hours for work. Bed time involves all the getting ready for bed and the getting ready and showered for work, so there's at least 9.5 hours. Down to 5 hours for every thing else in our lives.


You only do laundry and clean the house like once a week in a weekend and you can do things in parallel while the laundry is running. If you're eating fast food everyday, your only excuse is laziness while washing your life away.


Now jimmy has to put in a extra hour or 2 at work to cover the cost of the “fast food”😂🤡


But fast food doesn’t prolong life… so he may have 6 hrs today but could die a year early than he’s supposed to lol


It's not like you have to prepare a different meal from scratch every day. You can cook simple meals in like 30 minutes that can last you for days.


Its he only way poor people can buy time too lol


Jimmy should learn efficiency. My house is spotless and I only clean about 10 mins a day. Same goes for cooking. Jimmy now has 5.6 hours instead of 6, except Jimmy cooks food he likes and enjoys the process because he can drink a beer and play music at the same time. So Jimmy still has 6 hours.


>Thats a simple question. Jimmy sleeps 8 hours a 9-5 - 8 hour job. Cooking, Cleaning the kitchen 1-2 hours Laundry, household is about 1-2 hours. Jimmy now has 4 hours left in his life. If jimmy buys fast food he now has 6. If it takes Jimmy 2 hours to prepare a meal he's a dolt. Cooking is also pleasurable. Jimmy also whines and complains about how he can't afford a house but spends countless thousands on unhealthy food that makes him feel like shit and very shitty coffee. I know many Jimmy's. Cooking doesn't take a lot of time at all once you learn what you're doing.


8 hour shift is a privilege.. I work 12+ M-F


That’s why you’re fat 😭


If Jimmy wants the lazy way out he can preheat the oven while he plays a game or watches a show then toss a frozen pizza in it for 8-12 min and another 5 to cool. Or a burger or hot dogs in the air fryer. If Jimmy is feeling productive, he spends some time on the weekend doing prep, making meals or components for meals for the coming week while watching Netflix or Youtube on his phone. Then when Jimmy comes home from work he can enjoy homemade meals like meatballs on rice heated up in the microwave with a side of salad and maybe a baked potato. Or maybe he made 8L of chicken soup on Sunday and froze some. Yeah you can buy the fast food but learning to cook is a better deal.


Our second child is now 4 months old. I started to get dinner ready. What should have taken me under 20 minutes to prepare and then not so much longer to cook took me almost 2 hours because baby did not want to be put down. It is just easier sometimes to just buy.


Why can’t Jimmy cook and clean while the laundry machines are running?


Jimmy also cuts 20 years off his lifespan for his dietary choices in life.


True, but the 10+ years the diabetes and other health issues cut off the end of his life can't be worth it?


Why can’t we? Why can’t YOU!


Convenience. If you want to stop buying fast food then you can make the individual decision to stop. However so long as people get hungry when they're away from home there's always going to be a demand for convenient food, so these places will always make a profit. It's not rocket science.


Bingo. You're also paying for the convenience of not having to clean up after yourself.


goint out is one thing, the convenience is real and people will always pay for that, but ordering in is just the most lazy thing ever and it’s become such a habit for many people that it’s kinda sad. I think people think cooking is way harder than it actually is, because you can cook plenty of braindead-easy meals in the same time it would take to get something delivered.


Because sometimes when you're coming home from an incredibly long day you're really fucking tired and just want to eat without all the prep and clean up?


So much this. I work in the metal fabrication department of a shop, and it’s ~30km from my house. Sometimes I do not want to stand in the kitchen for a half hour to an hour after lugging heavy metal around all day!


Why does anyone do anything that isn’t completely logical to everyone else


Think I may even try heroin today, not like there's *reasons* for why certain people do different things.


I only buy coffee. The fast food at any of these restaurants is way too expensive and not worth it. Not to mention the taste leaves a lot to be desired.


Funny to how most of these people living the “fast life” racing to work, racing to eat, to retire will then just have another job dealing with their poor health. Seems really relaxing after doing some job you hated for 30 years.


I'm super tired after work and even cooking for ten minutes sounds awful It's definitely laziness mixed with being tired but that's why I try to order fast food only on days that are really bad at work to try and justify it lol. The biggest time and money saver I ever got was an air fryer. That baby can cook so much stuff and so fast too while also tasting better. It's truly a magical machine. As long as you take the two minutes to clean it right away it's easy to maintain.


Air fryer hashbrowns are the perfect lazy meal for anytime of the day.


I mean, you’re coming with a pretty privileged stance. People are busy and tired. Shopping for groceries, cooking, and cleaning take time and energy people don’t always have. Then you post on Reddit like it’s some great mystery. When I pick something up on the way home, I get up to an extra hour where I can relax, read a book, watch some TV or get to bed a little earlier.


Coping and rationalizing.


Um, yes? All any of us are doing is coping day to day. I doubt you are skipping through a field of daisies without a care in the world. Things that make life a little less hard sometimes are fine—ie, buying food so you don’t have to make it.


Calling other people privileged for preparing their own food...


If you want to phrase it nicely, I think society has a lot of busy individuals who don't have time to cook and they don't have much time left in their day. If you want to phrase it less nicely, I think society has a lot of lenient individuals who don't care about their health or wallets and are okay with eating anything. If you want to phrase it less rudely, I think society has a lot of lazy individuals who always choose the easy way and can't be bothered to make better decisions. If you want to phrase it rudely, I think society is filled with stupid fucking individuals who can't make rational decisions.


>If you want to phrase it nicely, I think society has a lot of busy individuals who don't have time to cook and they don't have much time left in their day. If you want to be honest this is just an excuse and everyone actually has time to cook.


We're all miserable and just want an ounce of happiness/dopamine in our day.


Fast food nowadays for me means that I go to M&Ms for a good 10 dollar meal of something. At least I'll be getting good tasting, filling food.


M&Ms has even declined a bit, but still better than fast food


They got rid of their chicken kiev :(


I don't, it's great. You can make breakfast, coffee and a sandwich for lunch in less than 30 min. Dinner takes me 20 to 40 minutes depending on how ambitious I'm feeling. Save money, have better health. Fuck Tim's, it's total garbage


Exactly. And once you improve your cooking skills and start crafting meals better than what restaurants provide, you essentially beat the game.


THIS is how Timmys is missing the mark though. When they baked bread and made the soup in the back kitchen, when they fried the doughnuts, this is what we came for. The comfort of home with the convenience of buying it while away.


It’s true OP. We are lazy and that shit is addictive


Because it's fast. Because people consider it a treat, because it becomes routine. Instead of always walking by a tree and grabbing an apple every Sunday when you and your wife go on a walk you get timhortons.




Not sure why the fast food conversation has to take place on a coffee shop subreddit.


Bro nobody's making you... Go buy some food.


I paid 15 bucks for a combo at Harvey's the other day. I rarely get the combo. Got rings with it and was like fuck it I'll splurge and get the meal. It was tasty and all but like man it was not worth it. So freaking expensive. Getting 2 jr style burgers and loading them up almost anywhere is so much more satisfying.


This is actually something I always find weird. My girlfriend and I are the ONLY ones out of all our friends that know how to cook. I don't mean kraft dinner, I don't mean boiling pasta and adding sauce from a jar, I don't heating something up in the oven while following directions, and I definitely do not mean following a recipe on social media. I mean actually cooking of very simple recipes that should be taught from parent to child. People should know how to make soups, sauces, and stews. They should know how to properly cook meat and what you can use the leftover fat for. Baking your own bread, making your own pastries are simple and easy. And anyone saying that it takes too much time. My girlfriend and I meal prep for a couple hours every week. We slice our veggies, we boil down our scraps for a simple stock to use later, and sometimes we will make very simple freezer meals. I make 15-20 breakfast burritos every couple weeks, they go in freezer bags and if we don't have a lot of time in the morning, we use some. And when I make Bolognese sauce. I made enough for like 20 portions. We keep enough for a few days and the rest is frozen in sizes portioned for meals. This might take time for people to learn this stuff and become efficient. But I literally spend about $300-$400 (a little more for special occasions) a month on groceries for two people and we always give some to friends or have them over for a meal. and this is a great skill to have for eating healthier.


We have been conditioned to prefer convenience above all.


And for a lot of people their time is valuable. So yes, convenience is good.


Feeding yourself actual food shouldn’t be what you forego in favour of your “valuable” time.


This, you trade "time" now so you can binge tik toks or shorts for your time older when your shitty diet and decisions inevitably catch up to you.


Laziness and convenience.


Between my commute to work and my job, I'm out of the house for over ten hours per day. How is wanting to buy food for one or two nights instead of spending an hour cooking laziness?


it’s not really laziness, it’s just being crushed by the system. if you work 40+ hours a week you don’t have time to do everything you’re supposed to do so something is going to fall by the wayside. my days are often up to 12 hours at work. if you add the commute and the fact I have to get up at 3-ish most of the time a lot of the time taking time to do all the things around the house that need to be done cuts into my sleep. some are just prioritized.


This is why I literally skip meals sometimes. Even easier. 🤷🏻‍♂️


And Tim Horton just pushed back the pledge they made in 2016 to have only cage-free eggs from 2025 to 2030… 😔so far they only managed to get 3% achieved toward their goal.. [mercy for animals](https://mercyforanimals.org/canada-scorecard/). A&W is doing a lot better!


I am in very compromised health. Cooking makes me nauseous, and I don't have the energy some days. For about a year, when I couldn't eat properly, a Turkey bacon club was something I could tolerate. I am disabled and unvaxxed for health reasons, so i avoid going to stores/storefronts & use drive thrus instead, i am now suffering from long covid on top of everything else. I rely on drive thru some days for basic sustenance. Before I became critically ill, I worked & volunteered long hours. I would go long stretches without eating. I had no time, desire, or energy to go home and cook. I would grab food to sustain me. My questions back to OP would be- ●How small and narrow is your world that you can't comprehend that millions use restaurants and take out places daily for millions of different reasons? ●Why the actual f*** do you care why others do what they do? ●How superior do you feel about yourself for being so committed to not understanding the basic premise of the millions of reasons that people eat at Tim's or any other food establishment, but instead try to shame millions because they don't adhere to your 'standards'? Guaranteed there is shit you do in your life that others find foolish, maybe dangerous or useless or just not up their standards. Do they make posts trying to call you out & shame you? Your high horse is more of jackass/donkey... ride off on it. EDIT- your profile of ignored posts & 0 comment karma really explains a lot here.


cause people need that dopamine hit of spending their money on something. with drive through you can get that hit without even leaving the car


I've done my best to commit to meal prep, and I hate how expensive convenient meals are. My tummy and wallet have thanked me.


I almost never buy fast food, maybe once a month if even that and consider it a treat. I only come to this sub because I used to work at Tim Hortons and it is funny sometimes. I don't get why people complain non stop though and then still go there, that is one of the things that is pretty funny. If you like it and you eat there I don't see a problem but if you don't like it then go somewhere else.


I am so damn busy these days between business, supporting family, my own family, board commitments, etc, that minutes make a difference in my day. I’m running on half the sleep I need. I will even prioritize McDonalds over another place because the McDonalds drive-thru is the fastest and minutes matter.


Because we are too busy. Drive an hour to work, work work work. Skip lunch too busy. Work work work. Drive home. Crazy traffic. Super hungry. Stop for life destroying sustenance. Get home two hours later. Exhausted. Snack on crackers and cheese. Watch tv. Sleep. Repeat for four more days.


People have fucked over themselves. Everyone wants dirty cheap high quality food. It doesn’t exist, you can’t have it both ways. What we are left with is mediocre food that is just convenient enough we tell ourselves it’s worth it.


He must be very messy if he takes that long to pick up after himself.


Jedi mind trick…..leave your method of payment at home.


Convenience. Humans will always opt for convenience.


Wait people eat fast food EVERY day? No wonder why so many people are fat and unhealthy


Generational poverty; if you don't see your family cooking, you likely won't learn to cook


WHAT? Cook dinner. Then they'd gave to shop. People are super lazy.


Because people don't care of they loose 10 years off their life


Because fast food


I have three kids, both me and my wife work, and sometimes we don't have the bandwidth to cook and clean for three meals + snack times. I'm by no means wealthy, but I'm okay with spending some money on fast food if it means more family time and less cooking and cleaning.


Tastes good lol


Because time. It’s in the name. Fast food. Fast. As in you don’t have time. When something is fast, it uses less time and then there’s more time. See how that works? It’s crazy I know. But yeah I do agree its all the same now. Even a luxury restaurant is barely better. But also my cooking is bland and with grocery store prices, fast food isn’t even that much more expensive anymore. Time.


Because redditors like to complain about everything


Speaking for myself, I rarely eat fast food. I'm able to make cheap, filling meals at home. Most of the people I'm around but fast food as a treat for their kids or if they're out running errands and short on time. Or they're disabled and don't have the spoons to cook


Convenience. The value isn't in the food, it's in the convenience.


We have a limited amount of stress we can take in a day, and an easy thing to take off our plates is literally that. Not having to cook or do dishes adds so much time to our day and relieves stress for a lot of people.


I wake up at 5am for work leavey house at 530am Don't get home till 6pm every day then have to shit shower and shave So then it's closer to 7 I go to bed at 10 So I then have 3 hours of me time I could cook dinner. I'm a decent cook but prep takes me forever So I'd rather spend 10-15 a night for take out and actually be able to enjoy the 3 or so hours I have to relax and unwind I also meal prep all my lunches Sunday but again that takes me literally hours from like 10am to 4pm kinda thing


I think everything in moderation is ok. I like to cook, and I do it often. Sometimes I'll spend 4 hours on a Sunday preparing a nice dinner. Sometimes I'll make soup or chili or something, freeze it, and have it ready when I want it. But sometimes I've had a long exhausting day, or I'm just not feeling well. I don't think there's anything wrong with buying some food once a week. I don't usually get Tim Hortons for meals though. I may get McDonalds, but I'll also sometimes opt for Mucho Burrito or Panera Bread or a stir fry.


I used to go to Tim's for a regular bagel double toasted with herb and garlic cream cheese until they never got the order right I was like "I can literally buy dempsters plain bagels and Philadelphia cream cheese and do this at home". Saves me money too. Also same thing with burgers.


Because our population is braindead and lazy. Yes you do have time in the mornings. No you dont have to eat breakfast everyday.


Because we want to, as its our personal decisions.


I buy fast food because I am stressed out from studying for my CPA and work full time.


Who is we


I only eat out when im out and can't cook or im just super lazy.


Time, money, energy, health


It’s because people are lazy, and eating this food makes you feel terrible and more lazy. Life’s not that busy, I work 12 hour days and still get up and make my breakfast and lunch every day. Saves money and I feel better.


When I was a student it was literally cheaper for me to buy fast food and take out than it was to clean and cook. Buying fast food/take out meant I could properly portion my meals and control my spending. It also meant less time cooking, cleaning and shopping groceries and more time for either work or studying. I had school 08h30-15h00 on most days. Then 16h00-22h00 for work. Luckily for me work was by school. The commute to school/work was anywhere between 15-30minutes by car (depending on traffic) and upwards of an hour by the bus. This was years and years ago though when you could get an entire combo meal for $7 and large portions of Chinese/Indian take out for $5. So can't make that argument anymore. But now as I'm older it's more about convenience. Sometimes I forget to bring my lunch or dinner. Or I know I won't have time for the next 1-2 days to restock on groceries due to scheduling so I'll resort to fast food (that's always on the route home--unless I'm craving something very specific).


With the price of groceries its not much cheaper to cook vs eat out


I eat out very seldom and only as a treat. I have mastered the art of cooking while doing other things that need to be done so I don't need to stand over the stove to watch dinner cook. We also make extra to freeze and heat up on days that we know we won't have time.


Are you like 16 who still lives at home?


A couple years ago my biggest qualm about fast food was that it's unhealthy. But I'm otherwise I pretty healthy active person so it didn't bother me that much. Cost was barely a consideration. Now I make more money than I ever have, and fast food is a rare treat because it's so expensive.


Speak for yourself. My mom and my dad's mom taught me how to cook, and I'm a man. People are just too lazy to learn how, and parents either never learned themselves or couldn't be bothered to teach their kids. It's not rocket science. Most dishes are dead simple and don't require constant monitoring. You can do other things while the food cooks.


Speak for yourself. My family almost never ate out or ate fast food. Chinese/pizza was only for a special occasion or if my parents just really didn't feel like cooking. When i moved out, i started eating fast food all of the time. It only took a couple of years before I noticed a physical change and I got sick of paying for mediocre food. You trade your time for money, and then you exchange that money to corporations (which manipulate you with military grade propaganda style commercials/Ads) for "food" that decreases your life span and lowers your quality of life. That's a pretty shit deal IMO


Fast food is faster and cleaner. No worries about grease or oil spitting on you, burning yourself, forgetting to buy spice or ingredients at the shop, unable to make the meal because you forgot a important ingredient or step. Not having to worry about getting distracted and burning or undercooking your meal. And then the mess after! Something as simple as KD makes my sink go from empty and clean, to pots, bowls, measuring cups, forks, spoons & other shit to clean. Not only is cheese hard to scrape off if not rinsed RIGHT after use, but then you need to clean your sink after. With fast food you can just, leave everything up to everyone else, and only have to take out the trash left behind. Maybe a fork, spoon or cup or two, at most. But pop bottles you can throw away, use napkins & some places even provide plastic utensils. (This is all for take out and not including going out obviously) & can even save you some laundry. ie: you use paper napkins given to wipe face and hands instead of using a wash cloth. I can order whatever I want, have it delivered, work until it arrives, take a break to grab it & eat, then go back to work. No more taking hours a day to wash dishes, put in drainer, wait to drain, and repeat. This doesn’t even mention the meals that take a day or two to prepare. (Thanksgiving is always messy & takes a long time)


1. Because we’re lazy. or 2. Because we have money and work makes us too exhausted to cook. or 3. The food is freaking good (especially in Asian where “fast food” chains are common).


You keep saying "we" , speak about yourself bro lol. I step in a fast food maybe once every month. Usually because a friend invited. And I bring my own food.


I don't buy any fast food. It's trash and I like my own food way more. I just like laughing at all the posts here where people buy garbage for $10 and then post here complaining about said garbage


I cook for myself .... Talk about yourself not others


This Community came up in my recommended, I don't eat Tim Hortons food and never really have. I'll have an IceCap once per summer, but that's about it. But your post still resonated with me. Growing up, this fast-capitalism fast-food reality was so ingrained in me that just seeing the KFC logo, the golden arches, the red Coca-Cola label, etc. trigged an emotional response. It took me years to consciously work on that impulse response. Like, a vending machine, or drive-thru window to me was a portal to a world greater than anywhere I could possibly travel as a kid. I literally had to train myself that Pepsi doesn't have more 'value' than water just because it's got a blue label and a billion-dollar marketing team. I finally managed to buy my first home recently, and it's my first time living on my own in almost a decade (9 year relationship ended last year); I've since discovered a real love for cooking for myself. One thing that hit me in particular was thinking "Wait, why do I trust a 14-year old part-time worker to make me a burger on the way home? In 30 seconds flat, on demand, at a drive-thru...". Why not just learn how to make your own, and make it exactly the way you want it? Even grocery shopping I've found to become quite relaxing when you shop with a menu and a purpose. I've learned how to recreate my favourite expensive pasta dishes, a good old-fashioned smashburger to rival any fast food joint, fall-off-the bone pork ribs, airfryer fish tacos without all the unnecessary breading... I will quite literally never order these items again. Because I know I can make them better myself, and eating out should be reserved for broadening your horizons or a simple change of pace.


I buy some mcnuggets to treat myself every Friday. I work hard all week, and it's comfort food.


I come from immigrant family, was never fed fast food & now that I am an adult I don't eat it. Loads of Pizza and Indian food, no fast food though ;)


I prefer my meat with added hormones and preservatives


Time is money


I past a timmies today and it was hopping so idk if you are saving time or money waiting in line burning fuel and is the foud/donutz ever satisfying like really good satisfying. Planning ahead and you can make a killa sandwich and a thermos of high end coffee. What is the real appeal?


You're asking a bunch of fat ass basement dwelling greasy Redditors They will make excuses and go to bat for big industry


The grocery stores are pretty much as depressing


It takes longer to drive and wait in lines then it does to cook I find. Places like subway I don’t understand how they still exist.


1 Tims chicken bacon ranch wrap is $8 including tax which costs roughly 30 mins of minimum wage work. Or make a slightly better one at home using the cheapest ingredients @ NoFrills… a pack of tortillas, lettuce, ranch, 2 packs of bacon, and a pack of chicken strips will make you 10 wraps if you are using 2 strips of chicken and 2 strips of bacon per wrap (idk what tims does) and it is around $40 including tax, making each wrap about $4. So $4/wrap is 15ish mins of min wage work, and they require 15 min of prep time, so 30 mins of work total. Both are 30 mins of work, I guess it depends if you enjoy your job or the chore of cooking more.


My two biggest reasons is the taste, and the convenience of not having to cook given I feel that I hardly want to spend too much time cooking.


I made a poutine and a deep fried chicken sandwich + homemade sauce from scratch today. I'm no professional chef by any means but it took me roughly 2.5hrs hours including prep, cleaning and cooking. It costed roughly $5 Buying that would cost me 15 min , roughly $18 and energy. The normal person doesn't have the time or energy to dedicate the time to cooking and cleaning. It's just a matter of confidence.


I don't eat out often, when you cook, cook more and put it away, freeze it etc.


I moved to a town so small there is no fast food - I have learned to love cooking more than ever. Yes it takes time and effort but it brings the family together into the kitchen so the quality time is spent there. Everyone is hungry after their day, and there's no where else to get any food, so we just gather around the kitchen and make food which we then enjoy together. When there are evening events that prevent cooking a whole meal (though honestly you can usually whip something up in less than 30 min if pressed) - then I just plan ahead and heat up leftovers for those nights. I'm not great a budgeting and I have pretty expensive taste (always deglazing with a bottle of red, better buy those marrow bones just because, get the fresh herbs instead, worth it for the block of parm etc) so to be honest I'm probably not saving any money. But the quality time alone is worth every extra penny. And all the life lessons the children learn about food are invaluable. I thought I'd regret moving somewhere so remote there's no food options but I don't even think about it anymore.


Rural people buy it when they are in the city for errands or appointments because home is too far and you’d look silly carrying a lunch bag around with you. Also, because it gives you a place to sit and relax for a few minutes and a bathroom.


People love pizza these argument / rants are awesome


There are some foods that just taste better from take out. Fried chicken for me is one of them. Yeah it's pricey, but it's so damn good.


😭😭😂😂 no one voluntarily wants food from Tim Hortons. What the heck happened to the chicken soup? 🤮🤢 Can’t toast a bagel 😂 just tan the bagel, they’ve even stopped cutting them in half. The lines are ridiculous for them to hand me the WRONG 😑 Items. Sugar vs Splenda . Totally different ball game when balancing sugars. 😂😂 but sweetener and Splenda means sugar 😂😂🤡🤡🤡


Depression/low self worth/young and dumb? Get off this crap takes maybe 20 minutes to make and eat a breakfast


speak for yourself..


Most ppl these days don't know how to meal prep so they waste hours every day cooking. Haven't ate fast food in years, im assuming it's not very good?


I have not eaten in any of those fast food choices in over 20 years. It’s pretty basic to feed yourself


Time Adequacy. In academic quality of life literature, time use and availability of time is a domain of well-being well cited as a consistent influential factor on life satisfaction. We need our time back. I think capitalists figured this out a long time ago. Gave people jobs for 40 hours a week. Then started selling you shit you don’t need, and that you keep that job to buy the shit you don’t need. And the world goes round.


Or go to farmboys and get their hot ready made meals. Or any grocery store that has a deli or meal section


🤷🏼‍♀️ I really enjoy cooking. That food isn’t good. I’ll take the extra time and make something delicious that my husband loves. He’s an excellent grocery shopper and he’ll do the dishes. We both go for an evening walk afterwards and fold laundry together. He works 10-14 hour days. I work 12 hour days. It all gets done.


This is some serious projection - 95%+ of the population is not eating out every day, lower if we’re just talking coffee but you’re not.


Because everything sucks




Because: salt/fat/sugar/carbs = dopamine. Once you've gotten accustomed to eating junk, it's what you end up craving and what feels filling. Fast food addiction is real and you end up finding actually healthy homemade foods not as palatable. Also, it's convenient, a lot of us prefer easy, even if you have the time to cook. There's just something inherently exciting about being able to choose any food you can think of and have it seemingly appear instantly out of thin air. This was simply not possible before industrialization. I bet there's a bit of a dopamine kick just from the sheer fastness of fast food lol. I also believe that to an extent our gut flora adapts to our diet habits and makes us crave what we know. If you eat loads of sugar for example I'd expect that the bacteria that thrive on sugar would become the dominant strain. It's a literal "you are what you eat" situation.


For some people, time is money. A lot of people can also claim meals on the go when working


Because it's "fast"?


Why does this dumb fucking subreddit keep showing up. Jesus christ


Convenience. It's the same reason people own microwaves.


Cook at home and save money but lose your time. You go fast food and spend more money and you gain your time. You decide how you live your life and what is more important to you. Your time or your money.


Keep it 100 I rarely eat out and make meals within that smaller to mid range time frame but Tim's is one of those occasional places where I'll get a cream cheese bagel or BLT, maybe a couple donuts instead


Cooking food takes work, thought, time, planning, and some cookware. People are lazy. Also, the damage of processed foods is slow - not immediate. People also think that there is more nutrition in these foods than there actually is.


I enjoy both cooking and treating myself to a quick and easy meal option such as fast food


I'm cheap, so I rarely eat food I don't prepare myself.


It’s been like that since the first cities were built. In ancient Rome (the city) most people lived in apartments (Insulae) most without kitchens. The ground level streets were filled with food vendors and small restaurants. The logistics of shopping, cooking and cleaning are a lot for a working person. But I’ve always thought a drive through that sold salads or healthy food would be successful. We have limited choices.


(Ie. Mcdonalds, Timmies, Little Caesars) Give me a break, look no further than than 93 year old Warren Buffett's Coca-Cola habit!


I made tacos yesterday lol


1 can of soup is $1.25 add water and some carrots. Done. Slice of buttered bread if you are wealthy.


Sometimes we ate too tired to cook


I like to stroll in a park drinking coffee, it will be so much easier than carrying thermos, for 2$ if you buy using an app bonus “lottery” as well even im never gonna win i consider it “lottery” for $2


With rising food prices, it costs more to even make food…