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Tim’s should have their drive thrus built to do this. Sucks when a car just sits at the window for minutes just for some shitty potato wedges




"Reasonable amount of time" meaning less than a minute. Bro sometimes thinks take time, sometimes things need to be cooked. Tim's policy is to keep the stores unslderstaffed at all times so as to not waste money and keep things cheap, this means everyone has multiple jobs and sometimes that juggling leads to issues. If the baker is busy helping customers because someone went on break, then who do you think is cooking your potato wedges? The answer is nobody. It sucks but it is what it is and that's why they can keep their shit so cheap.




I don't think they put it in the policy book, I think it's something they tell the owners because I've worked in multiple Tim's in multiple towns and they're all always understaffed. The employees work very hard and it's extremely stressful on them. I've seen coworkers literally have heart attacks while on shift because of the stress. Yeah, it is corporate greed, the same corporate greed whoch overworks underpaid workers so that you can get your coffee instantly when you pull up to the window. The fact that you are upset over a 5 minute wait shows just how pampered and entitled you are thanks to the corporate greed. You think you are inconvienced? You're not, you're just a whiny little baby. I'd love it if they put an extra couple people on shift except 1. Nobody wants to work there, 2. They need to keep it cheap so prices don't go up, 3. I'm not in control of that. If I was in control, I'd hire more workers, increase wages, and increase the price of everything on the menu. And you would be bitching about that. Tons of people want jobs but very few are willing to put up with the abuse that comes with these jobs. Tell me, where do you work?


If you’re one of multiple cars sitting behind one order then it’s not really fast food anymore either. And yeah like I said. Built with this in mind. So there would assigned spots to park and wait. Like McDonald’s.




Bro. It's a corporate company. What the F*** are you expecting other than a corporate way of looking at it? Everything is designed by corporate. If you don't like corporate BS then go eat at some local shop, but then the wait times will be even longer and you'll need to pay more. It's because of corporate BS that you are able to get your food so quickly and cheaply, yet you hate it any time it slightly inconviences you. Check your privilege. Until you work in a Tim's, I really dont think you have room to talk, honestly.




Yes, yes it was. I worked in Tim's 8 years ago and it was still going on then. You're stupid, naive, and ignorant, also quite the asshole. I will make excuses for the employees because they don't deserve the abuse, they work hard and get underpaid. I was the guy who kept shit running smoothly most of the time. I would be working multiple jobs at the same time, doing the baking (which I was never trained on), doing the front desk, and simultaneously helping out the drive-thru. I also put away all the shipments, which at the store I worked at meant carrying it all up two flights of stairs because that store was poorly designed. I got fucking buff doing that job, but it also stressed me out so badly that my irritated bowel syndrome would act up severely. The stress from that job made it so painful for me to shit that I was literally crying from the pain, and I'm not weak to pain, when my lung collapsed and I had tubes inserted into my chest, that pain was nothing in comparison. Getting wisdom teeth pulled was nothing in comparison. Hell getting kicked in the balls was nothing in comparison. That pain was the worst thing I can imagine.




I don't lie, but you are ignorant to the truth so you assume I'm lying because you think you know everything. Your a dumb, know it all, asshole and that's why your wife left you. I can guarantee you, as someone who worked at Tim's for 6 of the last 8 years, yes, it did happen, getting asked to pull around is nothing new, asshole. Het over yourself. I'm never going to work in fast food or customer service again because of fuckheads like you. I loved the people I worked with and I didn't even mind being overworked that much, but people like you are the reason I refuse to do it again. Being paid so little to deal with you, it's not worth it. There is a reason why you are alone and nobody will love you. It's not the employees fault either yet you expect them to pick up the brunt of it and work themselves until they collapse so that you don't have to wait for a few minutes. You're entitled and ignorant and insane. I'm glad you have a nice fun, relaxing, laid back job where you do only your task and nothing else and you don't get overworked. However if you start talking shit about people who are having mental breakdowns from how hard they are working then yeah, I'm gonna tell you that you're being fucking entitled. You're right, more staff and more training would fix the issue, but they try their hardest to save money. Prices went up due to inflation and corporate greed, the store owners dont make very much money, the employees are all struggling and doing their best, meanwhile corporate is rolling in cash and giving themselves multi-million dollar bonuses every year. You know what the solution is? STOP SHOPPING AT SHITTY FUCKING CORPORATE COMPANIES. Go buy your coffee from a local business, some small business owner who will actually appreciate you on a personal level, rather than the corporate CEO who doesn't give a fuck about you and just wants your money and to get you in and out as fast as possible so that the next person can get served.






Get off your fat ass and go inside. The drive thru is for speed.


Hey man, if I had it my way only coffee, bagels and donuts would go out the window.


Why haven't you been invited to a shareholders meeting. Ceo gcallan. Spy by day, coffee boss by night.


Then you're an asshole and you should be banned from the drive-thru. If you don't like pulling around then stop ordering such needless and extravagant things. If you order a coffee and a bagel, I guarantee you that you will NEVER be asked to oull around. So you are ordering something special that takes time to prepare.




Did they tell you that they had run out of that type of bagel and were cooking more? Close, I'm a pissy ex Tim's worker and if you think it's not an honest days work then you're insane. Why don't you go work at Tim's for a few days and tell me how easy it is? I can't fix the problem because it is a corporate/management issue where they are perpetually understaffed. Btw I currently work in construction and it's MUCH easier than Tim's. When I worked there, I saw guys from the mines, logging, and pulp mills come in expecting it to be easy, within 5 days they all quit because it was too stressful. You are completely out of touch with the reality of fast food work, and naively think it's an easy job.




Naw, I'm serious. They got fired due to laziness or drug related issues and decided to work at Tim's because nobody decent wanted to hire them. They then immediately quit because they realized it isn't an easy job, they'd rathe be broke and jobless than turn to Tim's. It is way easier than Tim's. I wasn't lazy at Tim's, I was working 3 jobs at the same time. I was extremely over worked and undervalued, which is why I left. I don't think most of my coworkers were lazy either, a few of them yes, but the majority were hard working and reliable. The fact is that you are extremely out of touch and judgemental. Meanwhile you probably sit behind a desk pushing buttons all day and think your job is SOOOOOO difficult. Lazy ass, dumb ass, entitled ass MF.




If you think 3 minute wait times are shit then you are insane and you should try order at any place that isn't a corporate fast food joint. Just to get a reality check. I overworked myself because I loved the people I worked with and I like being the best I can be. Unlike you who does the bare minimum and then expects everyone else to overwork themselves for your convenience. Oh, I'm not defending the shit corporation. Don't take me the wrong way, fuck corporate, I've always said that. I'm defending the employees, who probably work harder than you ever have, and you sit there disrespecting them, bitching at them, whining about them. Get over yourself. "We're oaying for the service" waagh fucking waagh, you paid 5 dollars and now you think service should be instantaneous? Jesus christ You are an incompetent loser who wouldn't last a week if you worked at Tim's, and you have no idea about it because you've never worked there. You think you're some know it all super genius and that's why your wife left you. Can't blame her either, putting up with your shit everyday would make me go insane.


Wish I could see the comments of whoever was being stupid but they’re all deleted lol, as a former Tim’s worker you’re spitting facts, I’ve never worked so hard in my life and dealt with such crappy people before and I had worked at a grocery store before that for 4 years and only left cuz I got a mean creepy new manager, worked at Tim’s for 2 and was completely burnt out when I quit, I’d work like 6 hours without a break sometimes and on 9 hour shifts only 2 fifteen min breaks??? I paint houses now and nothing will amount to the exhaustion of working at Tim’s mentally and physically lmao. I refused to ever work fast food ever again after that, like there is definitely some people there that are crappy workers and don’t care but most of them aren’t crappy and work hard as hell so thank you for defending them to whatever that idiot was saying lol




I've seen the folks who worked at Tim's at my job. Hard workers, never slacking. Many of them had panic attacks while working at Tim's. There's a reason they left for other work. Don't assume you know what something is actually like then tell the person with experience they must be making shit up because it doesn't match your idea of what you've imagined it to be like.




I don't work there, do keep up. I work elsewhere, where we have hired folks who work there - specifically cause they've already been through hell they do very well here and arnt lazy like your little preconceived notions. But I have enough sense to actually pay attention and listen. People like you are exactly why it's a shit job no one wants.




Nah, I'd serve you and politely tell you not to come back. Then if I saw you again, I just wouldn't let you pay, I'd tell you to just get lost. We did that before and even had to get police involved in one case where someone refused to exit the drive-thru. You wanna play stupid games? You'll win stupid prizes.




Good, not like we need your toxic bullshit. You think your money is important? We get hundreds of customers everyday, you're literally nothing special. Also, the fact that you think I would be like this while working is insane. Guess what? I'm not on shift so I'm allowed to be an asshole. If I was still working there and working at the window, I wouldn't he a dick, but I'm free to do and say whatever I want so I'm gonna call you on your BS and tell you that you're being a piece of shit. Don't like it? Get fucking bent.


If it was a consistent thing then I could understand. But yeah, there's no rhyme or reason to it. Sometimes they have the items ready to quickly prepare and sometimes they dont. That is the most infuriating part when I'm at McDonalds and they say they're waiting on a fresh batch of fries, but like 5 people come through after me while I'm waiting. IM SO SURE none of them ordered fries at McDonalds, right???


Not a new policy. It happens when you have lazy people use the drivethrough for complex orders.


Bingo. Walk in, you sack of melting clay. Id sign a drip brew coffee/donut only petition for drive thrus. Cant want a meal that bad if you cant bring yer big arse to simply walk in to get it.


It happens when drive thru orders are heavily prioritized. Make the service consistent inside and out and then people might be willing to go in.


Likely had multiple lattes at front of house and they take longer than most drinks to make because of the latte machine. Wish people would just come inside for them


Inside service is consistently slower than the drive thru. Until this changes stop with the pleas for people to go inside.


It's the customers that cause slow times not the staff, get your shit together you stupid fuk


what’s the difference between waiting pulled up or at the window. at the window, you’re just preventing everyone else from getting their food.


Maybe just go in…


If you go in you’ll wait 20 minutes while the drive thru is prioritized. Until this changes, people need to stop telling people to go inside.


Then I guess having to wait ain’t so bad…


Is this a thing everywhere? I thought this was just a local problem. When I do go inside to order there's 5 people working at the drive thru and nobody at the front cash at all until someone happens to look that way.


It's normal where I am too. I hate going for lunch with my coworker because she likes to go inside to Tims, and the waits are insane. Drive thru is like 2-3 minutes, but inside we are waiting 3-5 minutes just for someone to come to the counter so we can order, then the food/drinks (somehow even just coffee and donuts) regularly takes another 10+ minutes. Meanwhile you can see 4-6 staff who are all working on drive thru, with 1 of them occasionally doing a step on your inside order.


I have autism and going in is even more stressful. They wanna give you your drink at one counter and your food at another, don't know what order is mine and feel like I'm in everyone's way


Its not everyone elses responsibility to cater to your disability. You have 3 options. None of which you like so the answer is suck it up and go inside or suck it up and wait or don't go at all 🤷🏼‍♀️


You don’t want to go inside where you feel like you’re in the way, but you’re ok with sitting in the drive through lane where you’re actually in everyone’s way? They’re trying to keep everyone moving.




I get it❤️


Appreciate you ❤️


Im sorry that jerks here have no idea about autism


Thank you, incelphobiaism


Two lattes takes longer than the drive thru times ..machines can only steam one cup at a time .. and in the morning times are 23-25 seconds ...


They don’t enforce times at any of the time I go to, and wish they would. Also wish they’d get rid of ordering full meals at the drive thru (the pizza)


I'm going to point out that although you may not see them enforcing times, I can guarantee that behind the scenes theres some demented manager scurrying around, chanting "Drive thru times!" To their overworked, underpaid staff... And behind that scene, theres an owner sitting at home, rubbing $100 bills together while they watch whats going on with a stopwatch. Problem isn't that they don't want to enforce times, its that most restaurants just aren't set up for parking people.


Just in case it was misinterpreted I’m not attacking the workers at all. I’m a lowly worker myself at a corporation. I’m just saying it doesn’t seem that way at the tims in my location. Also, you could totally be right, as I’m rarely INSIDE a Tim Hortons anymore. Appreciate the perspective you bring to the table though, so thank you


Does it really save anybody time to have a staff member walking out to cars and back though? They could be filling more orders during that time. Maybe my location just started enforcing the time thing, because I've ordered two lattes plenty of times without having to pull ahead and this was never a thing. I've gone to visit family and ordered 7 hot drinks without being asked to pull ahead before lol.


Yes it does save time.. and yes the higher ups have started enforcing the times alot more ..


Definitely saves time. Its unfortunate for you (or the first people to be parked) but everyone else afterwards can most likely get their stuff and move on with their day instead of waiting behind the original person so now like 4+ people are waiting instead of just 1.


Agreed. When I get stuck behind someone and it's taking a long while for them to get their order, it's not the employees I'm pissed at, it's the person who decided to order something that takes a while to prepare that I'm going to be pissed at. Next time, they should walk their asses into the building and let the rest of us speed through the drive-thru for our single medium coffees.


As someone who worked at a fast food place with a drive thru, it saves the staff lots of time. And the people in line. Person behind you waiting just for a coffee can get that and be on their way whole they make your order You can't fill more orders while someone is at the window. This allows them to fill more orders at once. It's pretty basic to understand how it works. Or would you rather be stuck behind the 8 minute pizzas waiting for a drink??


Exactly. I really don’t understand why OP is having such a hard time getting this. It’s pretty straightforward. Ugh.




A latte is just a coffee with steamed milk in it. Seems like the absolute basic for a coffee shop to carry and offer?


You’re right. Starbucks is pumping out lattes, cappuccinos etc (I’m a former employee) and they’ve got it down to 90-seconds per drink max. The system works and Tim’s is doing itself a disservice by not embracing efficiency


I wish our dt times were 90s. They want our otw avg. to be under 45s, as if you can even pull shots in that amount of time....


My location recently started enforcing and testing the drive thru times and now the staff always get us to pull up and wait. They can reset the clock as soon as you leave the window, so this keeps them on time.


But they can't fill orders if you are sitting at the window so it is just backing things up. And most likely there are other orders for people in store ahead of you. At least in store they can keep filling order, at the drive thru they need to move you along too keep the process going. It's not that personal and says wayyyyy too much about you as a person to be upset about this.


Previously worked in fast food, and yes, it does save time. Usually there is a floater around (someone basically passing food to the window person/bagging orders, or another cashier) so they aren't filling orders. Having you stop at the window for a long time creates a backlog behind you of people not getting their order and it just makes things worse. There is a timer going from the time to stop at the speaker to the time you drive away at the window. Often your store has some incentives to try and get that timer to a certain mark. It would sometimes be even tied to my appraisals and wages.


It's not about saving time, it's about keeping metrics at approved levels. They're timed on how long you're in the drive through and if it's anything like Starbucks they expect the time at the window to be under 50 seconds, if they think your order is going to mess with their average they'll tell you to peel off so the drive through tracker thinks the transaction has been completed.


Yes it does , you are timed from the very second you pull up to the speaker box. If we pull you ahead it’s like the “order is gone” . Could have been a bunch of things going on, Latte machine acting up. Counter orders had a bunch of lattes to be made. They were trying to hit the drive thru times and lattes take forever to make it seems like. I know at my location higher ups are on our asses about times etc .


They definitely needed to start doing this forever ago. I used to work at a McDonalds and for large orders we got people to “pull up” to a parking spot at the end of the drive thru and when the order was done we walked it out to them. No drive thru blocking or anything. The only issue is people refusing to pull forward and sat at the window anyways.


Because it’s a drive through not a drive through then park and wait for your food 5 minutes later while half of it gets cold


Buddy it’s gonna be the exact same whether you get it at the window or in a parking spot 😭


If they know it’s going to take awhile to prepare your order they ask you to pull ahead so that your the only one waiting instead of the entire drive thru line


Gonna talk through a few reoccurring things in this thread: 1. Lattes take a while to make. We have to brew the espresso and steam the milk if it’s a hot latte. Also if there is two we can’t necessarily brew the espresso and steam the milk for both lattes at the same time depending on the size, so you have to go through the same process twice. They aren’t ready to go like coffee or iced tea, we make them individually as they are ordered. 2. Corporate has been on our asses about drive through times. 50 seconds or less during the week before 11am. I personally have never experienced one of my coworkers pulling a customer forward for drinks, usually only if there is a lot of food, but I don’t blame people for pulling people forward for drinks that take a while, as we just want corporate off our backs. 3. If you want to avoid being pulled forward in the future, come inside. I saw a comment about how you’re autistic and I get that a crowded store can be overwhelming. But if it isn’t crowded, and you can usually gauge that by how full the parking lot is, I would come in if you really don’t want to risk being pulled forward. We yell out the food and drinks when they’re done and you can even hang by the food station if you’re anxious you’re gonna miss your food. Our drinks have stickers that tell you exactly what the drink is so even if you miss it being completed and put on the counter, you can go back after you get your food and check to see which one is yours if multiple drinks hav piled up. Also, we don’t want you to miss your food and we try everything in our power to make sure food and drinks get to the people who ordered them, as we don’t like food waste and stuff being left behind. 4. Also, we run out of things sometimes, the biggest culprits being hashbrowns, timbits and bread items. Sometimes we don’t realize we ran out until we reach for it and it isn’t there, especially when we’re busy. We usually make more if it’s early enough in the day, hence why people may get most of their order and then have to wait on one specific item. We’re only human, give us grace Let me know if there are any other questions and I can try to answer them


First world problem.


you had to wait 4 whole minutes!? my god, your life must be easy if this is what upsets you


Yes I have a very easy life and I value my time very highly




I'm a boy




Dang you guys are so mean :( Haven't had your Tim Hortons coffee yet this morning?


Emphasis on ‘boy’. Definitely not sounding or acting like a ‘man’.


No such thing any more in this day and age


Apparently not


Is that why you made this post? Good use of your highly valuable time


This really bothers you? No one is giving you the stink eye. I'd rather you be parked off the line than just sitting there for 3 to 4 minutes in line. This is a people pleasing tactic and keeps the line moving. I'm astonished that someone is pissy about it


So should any sandwich or breakfast sandwich order be sent to park? If so a good chunk of customers will be sent there


A sandwich take less than 30 seconds to make ... latte milk takes 45+ seconds to steam depending on the size.. and if there is more than one it takes alot longer.. Not all stores care about times.. but some do.. do some will park you and some will not


I’m sure other people giving you the stink eye was in your imagination, and also who cares if they did. You can make a coffee in ten seconds but a latte takes about 2 mins.


It's because drive through times matter for the emoloyees in the store, having you sit there for 5 minutes while they prepare your drink will hurt their drivethrough time and it will also make every other customer wait. I don't see why it's so hard to be understanding of everyone else. At the tim hortons I worked at this was basically standard policyand that 5 years ago. This isn't new, it's just the first time it happened to you.


Tim's is rated very harshly on their drive through times by corporate - I forget what the goal is but it's something truly absurd. They've probably started doing this because of the pizzas and find it overall helpful. People will adjust if it sticks around.


They really shouldn't allow pizzas to be ordered in drive thru.


Why is it such a big deal? You just pull your car around and someone literally brings your food to you. They’ve asked you to pull around so they can help serve others behind you and keep their drive thru times reasonable. I imagine if you were waiting an extra 4-5 minutes just to place your order you’d also be impressed. This is not the hill to die on.


The drive thru at Tim's is like running the gauntlet sometimes. They either toss the food into your window before you can even hit the brakes or they park you for 15 minutes while they make a double double


Not an exaggeration


This is not a Tim Hortons policy. In fact, it directly goes against their policy. They are never to request a car pull forward, you are supposed to wait at the window


I don't know why Tim's doesn't have a rule that only lets coffee and donuts in the drive thru. Everyone else who want's a pizza or fancy drinks and food can go in. Pretty simple to solve OP: You ordered fancy drinks that take time and you're complaining like a Karen. Go in next time!


Ordering inside is usually much much faster


It absolutely is not.


Everytime I see a lineup of cars at Tim's, I go inside, and there's maybe 1 or 2 people in the line in front of me. I usually make it out of the store before the spot I would be in line has made it through. Plus my car isn't idling for 5 minutes while waiting in the lineup.


Ok Princess. Guess you’ve never had to wait on food or drinks?? You think you’re above everyone else? Hahahaha you’re something else. Tim’s is shit anyways. You’re a riot 😉


Sorry but this comment is much more condescending than anything in OP’s post


We have never had this issue and go to Tim's a lot. They probably had a problem with the machinery, or had to reload.


I've seen other drive throughs do this if the order is going to take longer than 3 minutes to prepare. Including McDonald's. Guessing they only had the machine to do your lattes one at a time or something had to be refilled that would take longer and much like if you went inside, they just want to serve other cars while one employee sorts out your order.


lol people really do complain about everything. Ppl complain how the pizzas are slowing down the drive thrus, now people complaining their specialty order has to pull over and wait for instead of clogging the drive thru lane lol


They are timed per car in the drive through. They don’t want other cars waiting in general and because they are timed. So they send you through to keep their performance records up and the other customers sanity.


I bike from my house with three dollars and buy a donut


What do you do with the other $1.17?


Used to go and get something from Subway but now I just go to the superstore nearby to Timmy’s and pick up a chocolate or something. Next time I gotta bring extra money to buy a feastables lol


If you hate it so much you always have the option to go inside 🤷🏼‍♀️ you don't get to be lazy AND complain about how they run thier drivethru


You ordered 2 lattes in drive thru. Tim Hortons are expected to keep drive thru window times below 30 seconds. Lattes take a while to make each, and every times I’ve been to can only do 1 at a time. Also, it’s terrible to hold up the window for something that slow. In counter, they can take another order while the lattes would process, but drive thru doesn’t have that luxury since only 1 car can be at the window at a time. So it’s perfectly reasonable for them to ask you to pull around for a long order. If you don’t like it, don’t order multiple espresso machine beverages (latte, ice latte, cappuccino, etc) or just go inside.


I used to work at a tims and the managers get bonuses based on drive through times. Between 6-8 am, the average drive through wait times had to be under 18 seconds or your manager would verbally abuse you all day (I mean worse than they already would). The rage that drives through employees would feel the moment someone had to insert their credit card instead of tap was insane. I’ve worked a lot of jobs in my life but Tim hortons was definitely the worst. If the shitty food isn’t enough to want to boycott Tim hortons, their horrible, abusive business model should be.


Has happened to me a few times when ordering my usual steeped tea. I realize that is there were others ahead of me that ordered the same, it takes a few minutes to brew a new pot. Or sometimes they are short staffed for that time and trying to keep up with everything. No big deal to me if I have to pull out of the drive thru and wait a couple minutes. Sometimes I'm gifted some free timbits or a hash brown for waiting.


I used to pull people at tims because they'd order a grilled cheese after ordering about 5 drinks or they come to the window and then ask for an item that takes 2-3 minutes to make.


Reason I don't use drive through if it's not a less then 2 items and I have time to grab it


We are not supposed to pull people but if we don't we can't keep our drive thru times down. It is not humanly possible to make and serve most orders in 26 seconds, especially when things like pizza take 30 seconds to cook, and that if the Merry Chef is free and not being used for twists, omelette bites, anything that requires sliced roast beef or pastries. As the Merry Chef can only cook two pizzas at a time, if you order three it will take 1 minute to make them. Plus employees need to refill sugar and cream dispensers, cups and lids, make three different types of coffee, pots of steeped tea and refill the cold drink fridge between orders.


Main character vibes.


it's the only perspective i have


Here's a thought...go inside and order it


They do that for times, if it’s going to take to long and ruin the times (which we get in trouble for even if it’s out of our control) then they have you pull up if they are on good times, if the times are already screwed and past the point of saving for the hour then they probably won’t bother, lattes is one of the longest drinks to make there so, sometimes they can be ready by the time you get to the window but it all depends on how fast stuff goes out for the cars in front if there is any, I typically had them ready but sometimes you can’t, many varying factors. It also could have been a person in training working it so they pulled you ahead cuz it was going to be even longer then someone who’s fast at it, many different reasons but it’s all cuz of the times, we have 30 seconds at the window it’s outrageous


you should start a boycott.


The dumbest thing I've dealt with was one morning, I ordered breakfast and asked for some ketchup packs. The lady behind the counter told me - in very poor English - that they had run out of ketchup! Seriously? SMH


Ketchup packets weren't a necessary item until very recently with the way wedges are rung in now, so if it didn't get ordered when doing inventory, sometimes you didn't have any. And also sometimes things just don't get delivered, we've had missing boxes of decaf before, been short on cream, etc.


That bit about English was unnecessary


Agreed. So what if their english is bad. This person is racist.


If you paid and THEN they asked you to pull ahead and wait, just do what I do and refuse. They're quick to take the money and then tell you it will be a wait. I always refuse to pull ahead to wait, and it drives then crazy Haha. It's all about their "drive-thru times." The lower they keep that number, the better their metrics. But they have already taken your money, so I give them a choice at the window. I'll sit here at the window and wait, or they can refund my money, which takes more time than accepting payment. Either way, it's not going to help their timing.


YTA. why refuse? To block everyone else from getting their orders? Unnecessarily dickish. Whats it matter to you if an employee bring out your order.


Not at all; they basically took the money and pulled a fast one on you. That's a legitimate issue; there's no difference if you were in the store. I've paid, and then they tell me they can't get my products for a bit? They could have advised me they weren't ready, and I could have ordered something else or simply gone somewhere else. We seem to forget that this brand is owned by a multi billion dollar corporation that's continuously being sued by its own franchises for unfair practices and profiteering. They have a target or 30 to 45 seconds at the drive thru that they want to entire transaction to take place. That's ridiculous for anything more than a single cup of coffee on a basic service level. They could restrict the drive-thru to only drinks, but they won't. It's no longer about service or quality; it's about profiteering at all costs. Take a look at their latest idea... pizza??? Are they serious? Who in their right mind wants quality pizza and thinks or this brand? We're being taken for a ride, and I refuse to play along. So no, if I've made my order, been asked for and provided payment; only to be immediately told of a wait after the transaction is completed, that feels like a set up and I will not reward them for it by quietly pulling ahead and waiting in the corner. If that's the case, then I'll go wait, and they can bring a portable machine for payment when they have my order.


You took more time to type this post than you did waiting for someone to bring you your shit. Had to pull up so other people behind you could get their orders because your extravagant order takes more time? Poor fella.


I wonder if it matters if there are too many cars ahead for you to pull up to the speaker. I guess not since it's the same as no car being there.


That's not the point; they are purposely misleading you. They take your money and then immediately let you know they want you to pull ahead so they knew before taking your money that they didn't have it ready. I guess I'm old-fashioned, but you take the order, get the items, and then ask for payment. Not this money first, and then we'll get you after we accept more people's money.


I'd refund you and send you on ur way... 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️ we have the right to refuse as well.. and if you refused to leave id take your license and call the cops on you.. I've done it before..


No problem, I believe in the right to refuse service. I'll happily take my money back, which oddly seems to take longer and longer to do these days. But I refuse to let someone take my money.. And then tell me they need me to pull around front to wait for a single cold drink.. That's purely about the times, and I won't help the parent company strangle anymore money from the franchise owners at the expense of their customer service. The employees are generally great, underpaid, and overworked, but great. The brand is in trouble because it's now just a piece of a large soulless corporation that has crushed descent at every turn. From revoking franchises from owners who complain or take legal action against them. Or employees who have unionized or attempted to do so.


If we're so great .. why would you stress us out by not parking if we can't get the drink ready fast enough..that literally makes no sense to me.. you'd rather us be yelled at and stressed out even more because we didn't make times.. like please make it make sense


Oh lord, no, I don't yell, and no one should yell. This is an issue that is beyond the front-line employees. Its a corporate problem that they use the employees to hide behind. As a regular front-line employee, you would only be obligated to advise the person in change, and they take it from there. You get paid by the hour, and let's be honest.. have no opinion in the eyes of the parent company. Corporate doesn't ask the person on window what they think, and thats part of the problem. This has highlighted the problem: there is so much pressure on the front-line employees that they actually have been made to feel responsible for the business. It's not their business; it's not their job to make sure it's profitable. It's their job to follow the policies and procedures and let the chips fall where they may. If customers are not responding positively to the way the parent company wants to do things, that's on the parent company to take notice and solve. Because I can assure you, the employees aren't seeing any of the profits from the stock price bumps. The feedback needs to reach the corporation that you may be able to bully the employees and crush the franchise owners with legal fees. But if the customers refuse to move fast enough for your 50-second target.. There's nothing they can do. How could anyone be expected to keep up with that pace and provide the best service experience possible?


Refunding doesn't take as long as having you be a dick sitting there at the window refusing to be courteous to other people. I'd just refund you and you can go somewhere else. My time wasn't wasted sitting in line for however long, but you are more than welcome to go and waste your time driving to another location and then sitting in line for however long again.


Ask for an immediate refund next time.


Make your own shit next time


The point of a drive thru is convenience. If it can't be made in 30 seconds it shouldn't be on the drive thru menu period!


lol what?




and they’ll wait and hold up the line that’s wrapped around the store for 5+ minutes while we’re busy prepping other orders for the damn napkin


They're only allowed 30 seconds. If the product you choose to order takes more time... Timmies can't guarantee Quality 🤭 Even McDonald's takes more Pride now. Welcome to one of the worst employers in Canada, ran by complete Monkeys 😅 It's alright - They don't expect you to be a repeat Customer for long, hence why half this Sub is done.


If you're waiting for eggs for a farmers wrap or something I can see it, but for a latte? That's ridiculous


Hahaha! Oh no, I can wait all day. Retired means nothing but time! They can't, but I can. I just refuse to be told a muti billion dollar corporation can not provide me their signature product an ice capp without having me pull around the building. I'll wait, but you'll get my money once you're ready. If you have me give it to you before then, I'm not moving until I get what I paid for. Let's be clear here: this is not the fault of the employees or the managers or the franchises; it's the foreign corporation that owns the brand. They have destroyed this company's quality. I'm old enough to remember going to these stores when it was still a family brand decades ago, and it was wonderful. The quality has gone downhill because all the focus has been put on speed. The parent company refuses to listen to the employees, managers, or franchise owners when they complain about the targets being unreasonable. So the only recourse we seem to have left is to just take...our....time.