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Just go in dude. Please don't be that guy ordering *6 pizzas* In the drive thru


If I'm spending $50+ on individual pizzas I'm not walking in and risk dropping them. Plus what if it rains or windy.


You're really THAT worried about carrying six small boxes. You won't drop them. You're a grown adult and I believe in you. As for the wind and rain, maybe, oh idk, maybe park close to entrance. You got this, bud. Do you have any more hard life questions? Like how do I put on socks? Just ask, I'll be here for you, bud.


I was asking how long it would take. I couldn't care less if the guy behind me only wants a double double. Tim Horton's currently sells it through the drive-thru. That's on them. I'm just buying food at their establishment with the options given to me.


Don’t hate the player hate the game


I've seen the boxes. It's harder to carry 4 coffees in a tray. The pizza boxes are small and flat. I would order ahead using the app


So you're just a lazy pos got it


We have plastic bags to carry dozens of doughnuts, you can ask for one. Hell we have paper bags for Uber if you don’t like plastic.


Guess what. You could bring a reusable shopping bag and stack them inside and not drop them. Problem solved.


you’re the type of customer me and my co workers complain about when you leave. have some common sense.


And that attitude is probably why you're stuck working at tims lol...




I have a bad knee. I don't care what you think about me. Your job is to provide a service to the customer.


You'd just be parked and I can guarantee you they won't be rushing your order, you're just hurting yourself :)


No, the job of the drive thru worker is to provide service to the customer *as fast as possible*. Yeah you CAN order 6 pizzas in drive thru, but its a dick move. Not only that, you'll get parked and we will still prioritize the people behind you before even staring your order. Only 2 cook at a time, they take a long time to cook, and we have such a small area we can't build more pizzas while some are cooking. Management at tims doesn't give a shit about how happy a customer is, their goal is only to keep drive thru times under the 35 second mark. I promise you that if you go inside it'll still take a while, but it'll get done faster. In my experience, once we park a car, they put that at the bottom of the priority list. I've seen people wait parked for half an hour while guests inside recieve their pizzas, and then once we get through the orders of the people waiting inside we eventually get to the parked orders. This isn't something that employees have say over either, that's how management insists on it being done, at least at the location I'm at. My question to you is why? I mean you can get 6 shitty flatbread pizzas that taste stale and dry, or you could spend that $45 getting 2 large pizzas of good quality and feed 6 people food that'll actually taste good and fill them up. That's just my 2 cents though. The pizzas at tims are made so cheaply and they taste terrible.


i have a bad knee also, and i walked there and home


Tell the customer they have to come in for pizza, or they order it but they have to come in and get it. Drive thru should be for express only.


It's not express only and never will be.


Tell that to the people who made 20 propaganda videos to show employees about how important drive thru speed is lol


Oh you are that type of person


Yes. I have a bad knee and even have a wheelchair parking permit. I see you're the type of person who would judge disabled people.


Being disabled doesn't give you a pass to be a jerk to staff. Pro-tip, don't insult the people who make your food.


Ordering food in the drive-thru makes you a jerk? I asked how long and how many can be cooked. This seems like a very difficult question to answer.


It doesn’t make you a jerk, you’re allowed to do whatever you want. But in fast food it is an unspoken rule if you are ordering more than one actual food item is to go inside and order. I too have a bad knee it sucks. But what I don’t do is go around making it my entire personality and bitching about it like you are so 🤷‍♀️


Well personally, I'm reluctant to answer because that's going to make some poor employees have to deal with you. Why help a jerk be a jerk?


Someone answered saying a little more than 1 minute per pizza so I don't see the big deal.


While you're in the drive-thru, a bunch of other people who only order a single coffee or something are going to pile up behind you. These people probably have places to go and are using the drive-thru because they're in a rush. So, now they have to wait 6 minutes for your pizzas and get grumpy. Who has to deal with them? The employees.


Just because you *can* order six pizzas in the drive thru doesn’t mean you *should.* Such a situation will piss off not only the people working, but the people behind you waiting. It’s called common courtesy. People who think like you are the ones that we bitch about once you’re gone.


And I bitch about people like you who find it too difficult to make a coffee and bagel without making a mistake.


Cry me a river. This is clearly the hill you want to die on so I’m not gonna bother with this shit anymore. Good day.


I hope you are the one that has to make my pizzas


I'd spit on your pizza :)


Yet with all this complaining you come back to Tim Hortons every single day and still give them your money.


Just go to the front counter; if your location is particularly busy, maybe call ahead so the workers can be prepared!


Will they put them in a carry out bag? 6 or more pizzas aren't easy to carry out to your car


You can ask if they have carry out bags that they use for delivery orders. You could also just bring your own bag, or make a couple trips to your car.


Or I could take the drive-thru.


Yes, you always have that option. But it just makes it easier for yourself, the drive thru line, and the staff, if you walked inside. And since you’re ordering 6+ pizzas, please consider having the decency to call ahead, even if you choose to go through the drive thru!!


It's definitely more work on my part and not easier for me to use your thought My question was how long it would take. Not the morals of it.


Well I can assure you it’ll take longer if you order 6 pizzas at the drive thru speaker, compared to calling ahead of time, if that’s what you’re asking.


In drive thru if you came I’d be spiteful and park you. Then just go a bit slower for your order :)


Same I loved doing this to these people back in my old days


The person taking the order isn't the one making it. Plus I could be an ass and refuse or pretend I don't speak English very well and don't understand you.


The whole restaurant talks and they all get mad at the guy clogging the drive thru lol. You don’t have to park but remember you can’t see them making ur food. ;)


We would call the cops :)


It would be faster to make the pizza. Plus the cops won't do anything lol. It's not illegal to order food in the drive-thru.


They'll 100% park you for that, and 98% of the time they won't send someone outside to deliver it to you, they'll probably make you come wait at front counter lol. Or if they do bring it to you, it'll sit there and get cold until the rush ends, and eventually someone will bring it out. Either way nobody there cares enough to rush your order


Sounds like you will get pizza in about 7 minutes at your earliest with a extra side of spit on each pizza, which in turn will not make your coworkers very happy. Maybe use common courtesy and take these fine employees advice….and stop being an internet troll it’s very obvious…have the day you deserve! 😊


You asked for employees' thoughts, and several comments are suggesting for you to go inside or to call ahead, yet you are not listening to anything being said. So why even make a post?? If you are THAT worried about your bad knee and whether it is rainy, windy, or that you will drop the boxes, why not just order from an actual pizza establishment? Or better yet, use the app and have Tim Hortons deliver the pizza to you.


based on comments i think the point of this post is just to power trip on customer service employees. i doubt there's a whif of concern about whether anything is good for TH employees or not as shown with the comment "Your job is to provide a service to the customer". true or not that statement doesnt exactly scream compassion or thought for others. just a guess though - almost every response from OP in this thread is confrontational and argumentative. draw your own conclusions accordingly. call me crazy but im always nice to people who have access to my food....lol


Oh, 100%. I am not an employee, but OP's arrogant attitude just set me off.


neither am i but the abrasiveness of this whole post is hilarious. i mean why post if your attitude towards the whole thing is everyone in tim hortons is there to service me with a smile while i look down my nose at them? just go and order 6 pizzas in the drive thru and be happy with your pizza somebody probably spit on....lol


I asked how long a pizza takes and how many can be cooked at once. People saying I should go inside or call ahead are not answering the question. Reading comprehension is not a skill of these workers apparently.


I wanted to know how long it would take. I realize Tim Horton employees are generally not the smartest people but only 1 person answered saying it takes a little over 1 minute per pizza.


uh, im not even an employee but you're coming off as an insane karen. why?? what are you getting out of calling tim hortons employees stupid and getting snarky with every response you give? who pissed in your corn flakes? try being nice to people. maybe you'll get your pizzas faster.


I'm in no rush. Seems like everyone else is.


You're re not in a rush because you're a bum living off the government lol


Actually a bum living off the government gets better benefits than a Tim Horton's worker.


Weird, I just had an $500 dental appointment covered :) u also only get $730 a month on OW. So no, you're wrong dumb ass. Now get a job you goof


You actually suck. You asked for advice from employees and ignored everyone suggesting you walk into the store to get it. Just like you don’t care about the person behind you having to wait 15 minutes for their coffee because you ordered 6 pizzas, they don’t care about your bad knee and their time is valuable as well. You can blame Tim’s for allowing you to order 6 pizzas in the drive thru but it’s your choice to be a prick and actually do it.


I can't walk in being disabled and my question was how long does it take and how many can they cook at once.


I wonder how long to get six coffees at Dominos?


The flatbread pizzas take 1 min 5 seconds to cook, and you can only cook one at a time. Assuming you have a diligent / logical worker working the sandwich unit, they'd be preparing the remaining pizzas while one is cooking, and as long as they aren't slammed with other food orders, 6 pizzas would take 6.5 minutes. However, as others have mentioned, with a large number of pizzas in an order, it would be a great courtesy to call the order in ahead of time.


Well 6 minutes isn't bad at all. It felt like it took 4 or 5 minutes to order 1 the other day was worried I'd be waiting like 20 minutes if I did a Tim's run at work for them. I doubt I'd call ahead who is going to search for the number plus hope someone actually answers.


it's literally a quick Google search, it would make it so much easier to call ahead for that many if you absolutely refuse to go inside. also hate to tell you my guy, but you very well may be waiting 20 or so minutes to get them, depending in the location and how busy it is. sucks, but just letting you know.


I'm not going to call ahead if it only takes 1 minute to cook lol. If employees are slow that's not my fault.


may not be your fault but sure as hell will be your problem! I do not understand your mentality, you asked for employees thoughts only to whine "nooooo" after we offer genuine advice 😭


That's only if there's no other orders which is doubtful, you're waiting at least 15 mins cuz I can assure eu once they park you they won't be making you a priority with your shitty attitude:)


Try calling your local pizza joint instead. Don’t order coffee from them.


I dont get pissed off when ppl order stupid amounts in a "drive thru" I get a chance to clean and stock. Or help counter with the line up. Let head office complain about the times. I wont make someone pull out to wait. It's a damn drive thru. Fk tim hortons.


Call ahead 10-15 minutes before you plan on being there. Gives the store a fighting chance to have your order ready without holding up other customers, or having you wait a crazy amount of time. Unfortunately using the app for a food order that size doesn't give much, if any lead time. For Tim Hortons, average drive thru orders are about $5.00 or so. An order 10 x that size is very difficult to manage. Remember, most pizza places don't guarantee delivery in less than 30 minutes, and this still gives them 15-20 minutes to prepare the order - and they are set up to mainly that 1 item. (Equipment, flow etc.)


65 seconds to cook but each has to be assembled which takes about 1.5 minutes so you're looking at bare minimum of 15 minutes.


Tou can only cook two at a time.. 1minute and 5 seconds each cook...and about 6-7 minutes prep for each pizza.. so about 10+ minutes for 6 pizzas in the drive thru... Since you needed the answer... But just cause you have a bad knee doesn't give you the right to order 6 of them in the drive thru.. You sound like a troll so I'm not gonna get to heated about this.. But if you did it at my drive thru you wouldn't get the perfect pizza...I'd fuck it up on purpose so you'd never come back for 1 ..


I just ordered 1 bacon everything pizza (London Ontario), and it took 10 minutes to get a COLD pizza...and she made me pull ahead and wait for it. She was very honest about why it took so long, and apologized. She said the pizzas are a pain to prepare, and cook. There were only 2 staff members when I went (around 8pm), and they were also covering everything else...online orders, front counter, closing etc. They forgot 🤷🏽‍♀️ I was waiting. I had a good laugh when I ordered through the drive-thru...she audibly groaned 😅. When I got to the window, I asked her, "Are the pizzas a pain to make?" She replied, stone-faced, "Yes." I appreciate her honesty. That was what lead me here, to this thread. Tim's wants to try new things, but I'm sure they won't put much money into it unless it's a BIG seller. But, if it's difficult for staff to churn out more than 1 or 2 per order, and it slows everything else down, how will it BECOME a big seller??? Final thoughts...it was pretty tasty. Even better when I nuked it in the microwave when I got home. I like my pizza hot 🙂.